Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2011 Danny Kunz * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package org.omnaest.utils.proxy; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.omnaest.utils.beans.BeanUtils; import org.omnaest.utils.beans.result.BeanMethodInformation; import org.omnaest.utils.proxy.handler.MethodCallCapture; import org.omnaest.utils.proxy.handler.MethodInvocationHandler; import org.omnaest.utils.structure.collection.list.ListUtils; import org.omnaest.utils.structure.element.converter.ElementConverter; /** * A {@link MethodCallCapturer} allows to create stubs for given java types which capture the calls of methods of this stub. * * @see MethodName * @see BeanProperty * @see #methodName * @see #beanProperty * @see #newInstanceOfCapturedType(Class) * @see #newInstanceOfCapturedTypeWhichIsMethodCallCapturerAware(Class) * @see #newInstanceOfTransitivlyCapturedType(Class) * @see #newInstanceOfTransitivlyCapturedTypeWhichIsMethodCallCapturerAware(Class) * @see #getMethodCallCaptureContextList() * @see #getCanonicalMethodNameToMethodCallCaptureMap() * @see MethodCallCapture * @author Omnaest */ public class MethodCallCapturer { /* ********************************************** Constants ********************************************** */ public final MethodName methodName = new MethodName(this); public final BeanProperty beanProperty = new BeanProperty(this); /* ********************************************** Variables ********************************************** */ protected final Map<Object, List<MethodCallCaptureContext>> stubToMethodCallCaptureContextListMap = Collections .synchronizedMap(new IdentityHashMap<Object, List<MethodCallCaptureContext>>()); protected Object lastActiveRootStub = null; /* ********************************************** Classes/Interfaces ********************************************** */ /** * This interface stubs are implementing when they are created by * {@link MethodCallCapturer#newInstanceOfCapturedTypeWhichIsMethodCallCapturerAware(Class)}. * * @see MethodCallCapturer */ public static interface MethodCallCapturerAware { /** * Returns the underlying {@link MethodCallCapturer} * * @return */ public MethodCallCapturer getMethodCallCapturer(); } /** * This interface stubs are always implementing when they are created by * {@link MethodCallCapturer#newInstanceOfCapturedType(Class)}. * * @author Omnaest */ public static interface TypeCaptureAware { /** * Returns the captured type * * @return */ public Class<?> getCapturedType(); } /** * {@link MethodInterceptor} for the {@link MethodCallCapturer}. * * @author Omnaest */ protected class MethodCaptureMethodInvocationHandler implements MethodInvocationHandler { /* ********************************************** Variables ********************************************** */ protected CapturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration = null; /* ********************************************** Methods ********************************************** */ public MethodCaptureMethodInvocationHandler( CapturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration) { this.capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration = capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration; } @Override public Object handle(MethodCallCapture methodCallCapture) { // Object retval = null; // final String methodName = methodCallCapture.getMethod().getName(); if (this.capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration.isMethodCallCapturerAware() && "getMethodCallCapturer".equals(methodName)) { // retval = MethodCallCapturer.this; } else if ("getCapturedType".equals(methodName)) { // retval = this.capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration.getType(); } else if ("toString".equals(methodName)) { // retval = "Capturer proxy for " + String.valueOf(this.capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration.getType()); } else { Method method = methodCallCapture.getMethod(); if (method != null) { // MethodCallCaptureContext methodCallCaptureContext = new MethodCallCaptureContext( methodCallCapture, this.capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration.getPreviousMethodCallCaptureContext()); if (this.capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration.isCreatingTransitiveStubs()) { Class<?> returnType = method.getReturnType(); if (returnType != null && Object.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType)) { // CapturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration = new CapturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration( returnType, this.capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration.getInterfaces(), this.capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration.isCreatingTransitiveStubs()); capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration .setPreviousMethodCallCaptureContext(methodCallCaptureContext); // retval = MethodCallCapturer.this .newInstanceOfCapturedType(capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration); // methodCallCaptureContext.setReturnedStub(retval); } } // MethodCallCapturer.this.addMethodCallCapture(methodCallCaptureContext); } } // return retval; } } /** * Configuration object when a {@link MethodCallCapturer} creates a new stub instance. * * @see MethodCallCapturer#newInstanceOfCapturedType(CapturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration) * @author Omnaest */ protected static class CapturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration { /* ********************************************** Variables ********************************************** */ protected Class<?> type = null; protected Class<?>[] interfaces = null; protected boolean isCreatingTransitiveStubs = false; protected MethodCallCaptureContext previousMethodCallCaptureContext = null; /* ********************************************** Methods ********************************************** */ public CapturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration(Class<?> type, Class<?>[] interfaces, boolean isCreatingTransitiveStubs) { super(); this.type = type; this.interfaces = interfaces; this.isCreatingTransitiveStubs = isCreatingTransitiveStubs; } /** * @return */ public Class<?> getType() { return this.type; } /** * @param type */ public void setType(Class<?> type) { this.type = type; } /** * @return */ public Class<?>[] getInterfaces() { return this.interfaces; } /** * @param interfaces */ public void setInterfaces(Class<?>[] interfaces) { this.interfaces = interfaces; } /** * @return */ public boolean isCreatingTransitiveStubs() { return this.isCreatingTransitiveStubs; } /** * @param isCreatingTransitiveStubs */ public void setCreatingTransitiveStubs(boolean isCreatingTransitiveStubs) { this.isCreatingTransitiveStubs = isCreatingTransitiveStubs; } /** * Returns true, if the stub implements the {@link MethodCallCapturerAware} interface. * * @return */ protected boolean isMethodCallCapturerAware() { return this.interfaces != null && ArrayUtils.contains(this.interfaces, MethodCallCapturerAware.class); } protected MethodCallCaptureContext getPreviousMethodCallCaptureContext() { return this.previousMethodCallCaptureContext; } protected void setPreviousMethodCallCaptureContext( MethodCallCaptureContext previousMethodCallCaptureContext) { this.previousMethodCallCaptureContext = previousMethodCallCaptureContext; } } /** * Container class for the absolute canonical method name when a {@link MethodCallCapture} instance has been captured. * * @see MethodCallCapturer * @author Omnaest */ public static class MethodCallCaptureContext { /* ********************************************** Variables ********************************************** */ protected MethodCallCapture methodCallCapture = null; protected MethodCallCaptureContext previousMethodCallCaptureContext = null; protected Object returnedStub = null; /* ********************************************** Methods ********************************************** */ public MethodCallCaptureContext(MethodCallCapture methodCallCapture, MethodCallCaptureContext previousMethodCallCaptureContext) { super(); this.methodCallCapture = methodCallCapture; this.previousMethodCallCaptureContext = previousMethodCallCaptureContext; } public MethodCallCapture getMethodCallCapture() { return this.methodCallCapture; } /** * Returns the canonical list of {@link MethodCallCapture}s from the given root stub as base. * * @param rootStub * @return */ public List<MethodCallCapture> determineCanonicalMethodCallCaptures(Object rootStub) { // List<MethodCallCapture> retlist = new ArrayList<MethodCallCapture>(); // if (this.previousMethodCallCaptureContext == null) { // retlist.add(this.methodCallCapture); } else if (this.getStub() == rootStub) { } else { // retlist.addAll( this.previousMethodCallCaptureContext.determineCanonicalMethodCallCaptures(rootStub)); retlist.add(this.methodCallCapture); } // return retlist; } /** * Returns the canonical method name relative to the given root stub object * * @return */ public String determineCanonicalMethodName(Object rootStub) { // String retval = null; // List<MethodCallCapture> canonicalMethodCallCaptureList = this .determineCanonicalMethodCallCaptures(rootStub); for (MethodCallCapture methodCallCapture : canonicalMethodCallCaptureList) { // String methodName = methodCallCapture.getMethodName(); // retval = retval == null ? methodName : retval + "." + methodName; } // return retval; } /** * Returns the canonical property name relative to the given root stub object * * @return */ public String determineCanonicalPropertyName(Object rootStub) { // String retval = null; // List<MethodCallCapture> canonicalMethodCallCaptureList = this .determineCanonicalMethodCallCaptures(rootStub); for (MethodCallCapture methodCallCapture : canonicalMethodCallCaptureList) { // Method method = methodCallCapture.getMethod(); if (method != null) { // BeanMethodInformation beanMethodInformation = BeanUtils.beanMethodInformation(method); if (beanMethodInformation != null) { // String referencedFieldName = beanMethodInformation.getPropertyName(); // retval = retval == null ? referencedFieldName : retval + "." + referencedFieldName; } } } // return retval; } /** * Returns the stub for which this {@link MethodCallCaptureContext} was created for one of its methods called. * * @return */ public Object getStub() { return this.methodCallCapture != null ? this.methodCallCapture.getObject() : null; } /** * Returns the stub objects which have been invoked to produce this {@link MethodCallCaptureContext}. * * @return */ public List<Object> getStubList() { // List<Object> retlist = new ArrayList<Object>(); // if (this.previousMethodCallCaptureContext != null) { retlist.addAll(this.previousMethodCallCaptureContext.getStubList()); } // retlist.add(this.getStub()); // return retlist; } /** * Gets the stub object returned by the captured method call. * * @return */ protected Object getReturnedStub() { return this.returnedStub; } protected void setReturnedStub(Object returnedStub) { this.returnedStub = returnedStub; } public MethodCallCaptureContext getPreviousMethodCallCaptureContext() { return this.previousMethodCallCaptureContext; } } /** * ReplacementResult of a replay action. * * @see MethodCallCapturer#replay(Object) * @author Omnaest */ public static class ReplayResult { /* ********************************************** Variables ********************************************** */ protected Exception exception = null; protected boolean isReplaySuccessful = false; /* ********************************************** Methods ********************************************** */ /** * Returns true if the replay action was successful without an exception been thrown. * * @return */ public boolean isReplaySuccessful() { return this.isReplaySuccessful; } /** * Returns the {@link Exception} if one was thrown during the replay. * * @return */ public Exception getException() { return this.exception; } protected void setException(Exception exception) { this.exception = exception; } protected void setReplaySuccessful(boolean isReplaySuccessful) { this.isReplaySuccessful = isReplaySuccessful; } } /* ********************************************** Methods ********************************************** */ /** * @see MethodCallCapturer */ public MethodCallCapturer() { super(); } /** * Creates a new stub instance for the given class or interface which records all method invocations to this * {@link MethodCallCapturer}. * * @see MethodCallCapturer#getMethodCallCaptureContextList() * @see MethodCallCapturer#getCanonicalMethodNameToMethodCallCaptureMap() * @see #methodNameOf(Object) */ public <E> E newInstanceOfCapturedType(Class<? extends E> clazz) { // return this.<E>newInstanceOfCapturedType(new CapturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration(clazz, null, false)); } /** * Creates a new instance like {@link #newInstanceOfCapturedType(Class)} but makes the created stub implementing the * {@link MethodCallCapturerAware} interface which allows to get the underlying {@link MethodCallCapturer} through the generated * stub. * * @see #newInstanceOfCapturedType(Class) * @param <E> * @param clazz * @return */ public <E> E newInstanceOfCapturedTypeWhichIsMethodCallCapturerAware(Class<? extends E> clazz) { // CapturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration = new CapturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration( clazz, new Class[] { MethodCallCapturerAware.class }, false); return this.<E>newInstanceOfCapturedType(capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration); } /** * Does create stubs whose objects returned by method invocations are stubs themselves. This allows to capture canonical method * names. * * @see #newInstanceOfCapturedType(Class) * @see #methodNameOf(Object) * @param <E> * @param clazz * @return */ public <E> E newInstanceOfTransitivlyCapturedType(Class<? extends E> clazz) { return this.<E>newInstanceOfCapturedType(new CapturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration(clazz, null, true)); } /** * Creates a stub which implements the {@link MethodCallCapturerAware} interface and which generates method returned objects * which are stubs, too. * * @see #newInstanceOfCapturedType(Class) * @see #newInstanceOfCapturedTypeWhichIsMethodCallCapturerAware(Class) * @see #newInstanceOfTransitivlyCapturedType(Class) * @param <E> * @param clazz * @return */ public <E> E newInstanceOfTransitivlyCapturedTypeWhichIsMethodCallCapturerAware(Class<? extends E> clazz) { // CapturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration = new CapturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration( clazz, new Class[] { MethodCallCapturerAware.class }, true); return this.<E>newInstanceOfCapturedType(capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration); } /** * @see #newInstanceOfCapturedType(Class) * @see #newInstanceOfCapturedTypeWhichIsMethodCallCapturerAware(Class) * @see #newInstanceOfTransitivlyCapturedType(Class) * @see #newInstanceOfTransitivlyCapturedTypeWhichIsMethodCallCapturerAware(Class) * @param <E> * @param capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <E> E newInstanceOfCapturedType( CapturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration) { // final MethodCaptureMethodInvocationHandler methodCaptureMethodInvocationHandler = new MethodCaptureMethodInvocationHandler( capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration); final E stubInstance = StubCreator.<E>newStubInstance( (Class<? extends E>) capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration.getType(), ArrayUtils.add(capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration.getInterfaces(), TypeCaptureAware.class), methodCaptureMethodInvocationHandler); // if (capturedTypeInstanceCreationConfiguration.getPreviousMethodCallCaptureContext() == null) { this.lastActiveRootStub = stubInstance; } // return stubInstance; } /** * Gets an available list for the given proxy object or creates a new one. * * @param stub * @return */ protected List<MethodCallCaptureContext> getOrCreateMethodCallCaptureContextListForStub(Object stub) { // List<MethodCallCaptureContext> retlist = null; // if (!this.stubToMethodCallCaptureContextListMap.containsKey(stub)) { this.stubToMethodCallCaptureContextListMap.put(stub, Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<MethodCallCaptureContext>())); } // retlist = this.stubToMethodCallCaptureContextListMap.get(stub); // return retlist; } /** * Returns a new list instance of all {@link MethodCallCaptureContext} instances. * * @return */ public List<MethodCallCaptureContext> getMethodCallCaptureContextList() { return ListUtils.mergeAll(this.stubToMethodCallCaptureContextListMap.values()); } /** * Returns a new list instance of all {@link MethodCallCaptureContext} instances for a given stub instance. * * @param stub * @return */ public List<MethodCallCaptureContext> getMethodCallCaptureContextList(Object stub) { return new ArrayList<MethodCallCaptureContext>(this.getOrCreateMethodCallCaptureContextListForStub(stub)); } /** * Returns a new list instance of all {@link MethodCallCaptureContext} instances for the last active stub instance. All * {@link MethodCallCaptureContext} instances coming before an {@link MethodCallCaptureContext} which is based on a nested call * within the previous context will be merged into the nested call {@link MethodCallCaptureContext}. * * @return */ public List<MethodCallCaptureContext> getMethodCallCaptureContextWithMergedHierarchyList() { return this.getMethodCallCaptureContextWithMergedHierarchyList(this.lastActiveRootStub); } /** * Returns a new list instance of all {@link MethodCallCaptureContext} instances for a given stub instance. All * {@link MethodCallCaptureContext} instances coming before an {@link MethodCallCaptureContext} which is based on a nested call * within the previous context will be merged into the nested call {@link MethodCallCaptureContext}. * * @param stub * @return */ public List<MethodCallCaptureContext> getMethodCallCaptureContextWithMergedHierarchyList(Object stub) { // List<MethodCallCaptureContext> retlist = this.getMethodCallCaptureContextList(stub); // this.mergeHierarchicalMethodCallCaptureContextList(retlist); // return retlist; } /** * Returns the last {@link MethodCallCaptureContext} which has been reported to this {@link MethodCallCapturer}. * * @return */ public MethodCallCaptureContext getLastMethodCallContext() { // List<MethodCallCaptureContext> methodCallCaptureContextList = this.getMethodCallCaptureContextList(); int methodCallCaptureListSize = methodCallCaptureContextList.size(); return methodCallCaptureListSize > 0 ? methodCallCaptureContextList.get(methodCallCaptureListSize - 1) : null; } /** * Resets the {@link MethodCallCapturer}. * * @return this */ public MethodCallCapturer reset() { // this.stubToMethodCallCaptureContextListMap.clear(); // return this; } /** * Clears the captured method calls for a special stub object. * * @param stub * @return this */ public MethodCallCapturer reset(Object stub) { // this.getOrCreateMethodCallCaptureContextListForStub(stub).clear(); // return this; } /** * Returns a new list of all captured canonical property names for the last active stub object in order of their invocation. * (First invocation is the first entry) * * @see #getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameList() * @return */ public List<String> getCapturedCanonicalPropertyNameList() { return this.getCapturedCanonicalPropertyNameList(this.lastActiveRootStub); } /** * Returns a new list of all captured canonical property names for a given stub object in order of their invocation. (First * invocation is the first entry) * * @see #getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameList() * @param stub * @return */ public List<String> getCapturedCanonicalPropertyNameList(final Object stub) { // List<String> canonicalPropertyNameList = null; // ElementConverter<MethodCallCaptureContext, String> elementTransformer = new ElementConverter<MethodCallCapturer.MethodCallCaptureContext, String>() { @Override public String convert(MethodCallCaptureContext methodCallCaptureContext) { return methodCallCaptureContext.determineCanonicalPropertyName(stub); } }; canonicalPropertyNameList = ListUtils.convert(this.getOrCreateMethodCallCaptureContextListForStub(stub), elementTransformer); // return canonicalPropertyNameList; } /** * Returns a new list of all captured canonical method names for a given stub object in order of their invocation. (First * invocation is the first entry) * * @see #getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameList() * @param stub * @return */ public List<String> getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameList(final Object stub) { // List<String> canonicalMethodNameList = null; // ElementConverter<MethodCallCaptureContext, String> elementTransformer = new ElementConverter<MethodCallCapturer.MethodCallCaptureContext, String>() { @Override public String convert(MethodCallCaptureContext methodCallCaptureContext) { return methodCallCaptureContext.determineCanonicalMethodName(stub); } }; canonicalMethodNameList = ListUtils.convert(this.getOrCreateMethodCallCaptureContextListForStub(stub), elementTransformer); // return canonicalMethodNameList; } /** * Returns a new list of all captured canonical method names for the last active stub object in order of their invocation. * (First invocation is the first entry) * * @see #getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameListWithMergedHierarchyCalls(Object) * @return */ public List<String> getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameList() { return this.getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameList(this.lastActiveRootStub); } /** * Returns a {@link List} of the canonical method names captured by the last active stub. * * @see #getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameListWithMergedHierarchyCalls(Object) * @return */ public List<String> getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameListWithMergedHierarchyCalls() { return this.getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameListWithMergedHierarchyCalls(this.lastActiveRootStub); } /** * Returns a {@link List} of the canonical property names captured by the last active stub. * * @see #getCapturedCanonicalPropertyNameListWithMergedHierarchyCalls(Object) * @return */ public List<String> getCapturedCanonicalPropertyNameListWithMergedHierarchyCalls() { return this.getCapturedCanonicalPropertyNameListWithMergedHierarchyCalls(this.lastActiveRootStub); } /** * Returns a {@link List} of the canonical method names captured by the given stub but with all hierarchical calls like * <code>testInterface.doTestSubInterface().doCalculateSomething()</code> which result in * <ul> * <li>testInterface</li> * <li>testInterface.fieldObject</li> * <li>testInterface.fieldObject.fieldString</li> * </ul> * merged into a single representation like: * <ul> * <li>testInterface.fieldObject.fieldString</li> * </ul> * * @see #getCapturedCanonicalPropertyNameListWithMergedHierarchyCalls() * @see #getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameListWithMergedHierarchyCalls(Object) * @param stub * @return */ public List<String> getCapturedCanonicalPropertyNameListWithMergedHierarchyCalls(Object stub) { // List<String> retlist = new ArrayList<String>(); // List<String> capturedCanonicalPropertyNameList = this.getCapturedCanonicalPropertyNameList(stub); if (capturedCanonicalPropertyNameList != null) { // this.mergeHierarchicalNameList(capturedCanonicalPropertyNameList); // retlist.addAll(capturedCanonicalPropertyNameList); } // return retlist; } /** * Returns a {@link List} of the canonical method names captured by the given stub but with all hierarchical calls like * <code>testInterface.doTestSubInterface().doCalculateSomething()</code> which result in * <ul> * <li>testInterface</li> * <li>testInterface.doTestSubInterface</li> * <li>testInterface.doTestSubInterface.doCalculateSomething</li> * </ul> * merged into a single representation like: * <ul> * <li>testInterface.doTestSubInterface.doCalculateSomething</li> * </ul> * * @see #getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameList() * @see #getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameListWithMergedHierarchyCalls() * @param stub * @return */ public List<String> getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameListWithMergedHierarchyCalls(Object stub) { // List<String> retlist = new ArrayList<String>(); // List<String> capturedCanonicalMethodNameList = this.getCapturedCanonicalMethodNameList(stub); if (capturedCanonicalMethodNameList != null) { // this.mergeHierarchicalNameList(capturedCanonicalMethodNameList); // retlist.addAll(capturedCanonicalMethodNameList); } // return retlist; } /** * Merges a list of hierarchical names. E.g. <code>testInterface.doTestSubInterface().doCalculateSomething()</code> which result * in * <ul> * <li>testInterface</li> * <li>testInterface.doTestSubInterface</li> * <li>testInterface.doTestSubInterface.doCalculateSomething</li> * </ul> * merged into a single representation like: * <ul> * <li>testInterface.doTestSubInterface.doCalculateSomething</li> * </ul> * * @param hierarchicalNameList */ protected void mergeHierarchicalNameList(List<String> hierarchicalNameList) { // List<String> hierarchicalNameListReversed = new ArrayList<String>(hierarchicalNameList); Collections.reverse(hierarchicalNameListReversed); // hierarchicalNameList.clear(); // String methodNameLast = null; for (String methodName : hierarchicalNameListReversed) { // if (methodNameLast == null || !StringUtils.startsWith(methodNameLast, methodName + ".")) { hierarchicalNameList.add(methodName); } // methodNameLast = methodName; } // Collections.reverse(hierarchicalNameList); } /** * Merges hierarchies of {@link MethodCallCaptureContext}s into the most nested {@link MethodCallCaptureContext} for each group * of {@link MethodCallCaptureContext}s * * @param hierarchicalMethodCallCaptureContextList */ protected void mergeHierarchicalMethodCallCaptureContextList( List<MethodCallCaptureContext> hierarchicalMethodCallCaptureContextList) { // List<MethodCallCaptureContext> hierarchicalMethodCallCaptureContextReversedList = new ArrayList<MethodCallCaptureContext>( hierarchicalMethodCallCaptureContextList); Collections.reverse(hierarchicalMethodCallCaptureContextReversedList); // hierarchicalMethodCallCaptureContextList.clear(); // MethodCallCaptureContext methodCallCaptureContextLast = null; for (MethodCallCaptureContext methodCallCaptureContext : hierarchicalMethodCallCaptureContextReversedList) { // MethodCallCaptureContext previousMethodCallCaptureContextFromLast = methodCallCaptureContextLast != null ? methodCallCaptureContextLast.getPreviousMethodCallCaptureContext() : null; // if (methodCallCaptureContextLast == null || !methodCallCaptureContext.equals(previousMethodCallCaptureContextFromLast)) { hierarchicalMethodCallCaptureContextList.add(methodCallCaptureContext); } // methodCallCaptureContextLast = methodCallCaptureContext; } // Collections.reverse(hierarchicalMethodCallCaptureContextList); } /** * Replays the method invocations done to the last active stub for the given object like the object would have been invoked in * the first place. * * @see #replay(Object, Object) * @param object */ public <E> ReplayResult replay(E object) { return this.replay(this.lastActiveRootStub, object); } /** * Replays the method invocations done to the given stub for the given object like the object would have been invoked in the * first place. * * @see #replay(Object) * @param stub * @param object * @return {@link ReplayResult} */ public <E> ReplayResult replay(E stub, E object) { // ReplayResult result = new ReplayResult(); // if (stub != null && object != null) { // Map<Object, Object> stubToObjectMap = new IdentityHashMap<Object, Object>(); stubToObjectMap.put(stub, object); // try { List<MethodCallCaptureContext> methodCallCaptureContextList = this .getMethodCallCaptureContextList(stub); for (MethodCallCaptureContext methodCallCaptureContext : methodCallCaptureContextList) { if (methodCallCaptureContext != null) { // MethodCallCapture methodCallCapture = methodCallCaptureContext.getMethodCallCapture(); if (methodCallCapture != null) { // Object invocationStub = methodCallCapture.getObject(); Object invocationObject = stubToObjectMap.get(invocationStub); // if (invocationObject != null) { Method method = methodCallCapture.getMethod(); Object[] args = methodCallCapture.getArguments(); if (method != null) { // Object methodInvocationResult = method.invoke(invocationObject, args); // Object returnedStub = methodCallCaptureContext.getReturnedStub(); if (returnedStub != null && methodInvocationResult != null) { stubToObjectMap.put(returnedStub, methodInvocationResult); } } } } } } // result.setReplaySuccessful(true); } catch (Exception exception) { result.setException(exception); } } // return result; } /** * Adds a {@link MethodCallCapture} instance to the report. * * @param canonicalMethodName * @param methodCallCapture * @param rootStub * @param returnedStub */ private void addMethodCallCapture(MethodCallCaptureContext methodCallCaptureContext) { // List<Object> stubList = methodCallCaptureContext.getStubList(); for (Object stub : stubList) { this.getOrCreateMethodCallCaptureContextListForStub(stub).add(methodCallCaptureContext); } // this.lastActiveRootStub = stubList.get(0); } }