Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2012 Danny Kunz
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.omnaest.utils.codec;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.omnaest.utils.assertion.Assert;
import org.omnaest.utils.codec.Codec.EncoderAndDecoder;
import org.omnaest.utils.structure.collection.list.ListUtils;


 * Encodes any character which is given to be encoded into a number with the escape character as prefix.<br>
 * <br>
 * The decoding of an encoded text will only work for <b>exactly</b> the same encoding characters and the escape character. <br>
 * <br>
 * Example:<br>
 * <pre>
 * This is a very weired and absolutely unnecessary message text.
 * </pre>
 * will be encoded in following ways: <br>
 * <pre>
 * [k]
 * This is a very weired and absolutely unnecessary message text.
 * [e, l, c, p]
 * This is a v\1ry w\1ir\1d and abso\2ut\1\2y unn\1\3\1ssary m\1ssag\1 t\1xt.
 * [m, c, i]
 * Th\3s \3s a very we\3red and absolutely unne\2essary \1essage text.
 * [j, p, l]
 * This is a very weired and abso\3ute\3y unnecessary message text.
 * [c, b, p, o, g, c, n, d]
 * This is a very weire\8 a\7\8 a\2s\4lutely u\7\7e\6essary messa\5e text.
 * [g, c, d, d, l, m, i, a, b, e, j, n, g, o, d]
 * Th\07s \07s \08 v\10ry w\10\07r\10\15 \08\12\15 \08\09s\14\05ut\10\05y u\12\12\10\02\10ss\08ry \06\10ss\08\13\10 t\10xt.
 * [m, o, n, j, b, b, p, g, p, f, j, a, k, a, g, a, b, k, m, j, a, j, o, p, m, c, m, p, p, a, m, b, d, n, h, p, a, m, p, a, i, a, f, g, c, o, f, m, k, e, e, i, m, j, k, f, a, k, i, d, n, o, b, f, k, e, d, a, j, b, n, e, f, p, b, b, a, f, e, f, b, f, e, j, b, i, d, c, h, f, h, k, c, e, a, n, l, m, o, p, a, b, d, d, p, d, d, o, g, b, b, d]
 * T\091\086s \086s \101 v\094ry w\094\086r\094\112 \101\096\112 \101\111s\108\097ut\094\097y u\096\096\094\093\094ss\101ry \098\094ss\101\109\094 t\094xt.
 * </pre>
 * @author Omnaest
class EncoderAndDecoderEscaping implements EncoderAndDecoder<String, String> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 18672532619883917L;
    private final Map<String, String> encodedCharacterToEscapeSequenceMap;
    private final Map<String, String> escapeSequenceToEncodedCharacterMap;

     * @see EncoderAndDecoderEscaping
     * @param escapeCharacter
     * @param encodedCharacters
    EncoderAndDecoderEscaping(String escapeCharacter, String[] encodedCharacters) {

        Assert.isNotNull(escapeCharacter, "escapeCharacter must not be null");
        Assert.isNotNull(encodedCharacters, "encodedCharacters must not be null");
        Assert.isFalse(Pattern.matches(".*[0-9].*", Arrays.deepToString(encodedCharacters)),
                "encodedCharacters must not contain any number");

        final Map<String, String> encodedCharacterToEscapeSequenceMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
            final String format = "%0" + ((int) Math.ceil(Math.log10(encodedCharacters.length + 1))) + "d";
            int counter = 0;
            for (String encodedCharacter : ArrayUtils.addAll(new String[] { escapeCharacter }, encodedCharacters)) {
                final String escapeSequence = escapeCharacter + String.format(format, counter);
                encodedCharacterToEscapeSequenceMap.put(encodedCharacter, escapeSequence);
        this.encodedCharacterToEscapeSequenceMap = ImmutableMap
                .<String, String>copyOf(encodedCharacterToEscapeSequenceMap);
        this.escapeSequenceToEncodedCharacterMap = ImmutableMap
                .<String, String>copyOf(MapUtils.invertedBidirectionalMap(encodedCharacterToEscapeSequenceMap));

    public String encode(String source) {
        String retval = source;
            if (retval != null) {
                for (String encodedCharacter : this.encodedCharacterToEscapeSequenceMap.keySet()) {
                    final String escapeSequence = this.encodedCharacterToEscapeSequenceMap.get(encodedCharacter);
                    retval = retval.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(encodedCharacter),
        return retval;

    public String decode(String source) {
        String retval = source;
            if (retval != null) {
                for (String escapeSequence : ListUtils.reverse(this.escapeSequenceToEncodedCharacterMap.keySet())) {
                    final String encodedCharacter = this.escapeSequenceToEncodedCharacterMap.get(escapeSequence);
                    retval = retval.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(escapeSequence),
        return retval;
