Java tutorial
/** * <a href=""> * OpenOLAT - Online Learning and Training</a><br> * <p> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br> * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br> * You may obtain a copy of the License at the * <a href="">Apache homepage</a> * <p> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, <br> * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br> * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br> * limitations under the License. * <p> * Initial code contributed and copyrighted by<br> * 12.10.2011 by frentix GmbH, * <p> */ package org.olat.modules.vitero.manager; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.activation.FileDataSource; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import; import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.ConnectTimeoutException; import org.olat.basesecurity.Authentication; import org.olat.basesecurity.BaseSecurity; import org.olat.core.commons.persistence.DB; import; import; import; import; import org.olat.core.manager.BasicManager; import org.olat.core.util.StringHelper; import org.olat.core.util.WebappHelper; import org.olat.core.util.xml.XStreamHelper; import; import org.olat.modules.vitero.ViteroModule; import org.olat.modules.vitero.model.CheckUserInfo; import org.olat.modules.vitero.model.ErrorCode; import org.olat.modules.vitero.model.GetUserInfo; import org.olat.modules.vitero.model.GroupRole; import org.olat.modules.vitero.model.ViteroBooking; import org.olat.modules.vitero.model.ViteroGroup; import org.olat.modules.vitero.model.ViteroGroupRoles; import org.olat.modules.vitero.model.ViteroStatus; import org.olat.modules.vitero.model.ViteroUser; import; import; import org.olat.user.DisplayPortraitManager; import org.olat.user.UserDataDeletable; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.Text; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; import; import de.vitero.ViteroSecurityHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.vitero.schema.licence.GetBookableRoomsForGroupResponse; import de.vitero.schema.licence.GetBookableRoomsForGroupResponse.Rooms; import de.vitero.schema.licence.GetModulesForCustomerRequest; import de.vitero.schema.licence.Grouprequesttype; import de.vitero.schema.licence.Licence; import de.vitero.schema.licence.LicenceService; import de.vitero.schema.licence.Modulestype; import de.vitero.schema.licence.Modulestype.Modules; import de.vitero.schema.licence.Modulestype.Modules.Module; import de.vitero.schema.mtom.CompleteAvatarWrapper; import de.vitero.schema.mtom.Mtom; import de.vitero.schema.mtom.MtomService; import de.vitero.schema.sessioncode.Codetype; import de.vitero.schema.sessioncode.CreatePersonalBookingSessionCodeRequest; import de.vitero.schema.sessioncode.CreateVmsSessionCodeRequest; import de.vitero.schema.sessioncode.SessionCode; import de.vitero.schema.sessioncode.SessionCodeService; import de.vitero.schema.user.Completeusertype; import de.vitero.schema.user.CreateUserRequest; import de.vitero.schema.user.GetUserListByCustomerRequest; import de.vitero.schema.user.GetUserListByGroupRequest; import de.vitero.schema.user.Newusertype; import de.vitero.schema.user.UpdateUserRequest; import de.vitero.schema.user.UserService; import de.vitero.schema.user.Userid; import de.vitero.schema.user.Userlist; import de.vitero.schema.user.Usertype; /** * * Description:<br> * Implementation of the Virtual Classroom for the Vitero Booking System * * <P> * Initial Date: 26 sept. 2011 <br> * @author srosse,, */ @Service public class ViteroManager extends BasicManager implements UserDataDeletable { private static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmm"); private static final String VMS_PROVIDER = "VMS"; private static final String VMS_CATEGORY = "vitero-category"; private static final String VMS_CATEGORY_ZOMBIE = "vitero-category-zombie"; @Autowired private ViteroModule viteroModule; @Autowired private PropertyManager propertyManager; @Autowired private BaseSecurity securityManager; @Autowired private DB dbInstance; private XStream xStream; public ViteroManager() { //make Spring happy } @PostConstruct public void init() { xStream = XStreamHelper.createXStreamInstance(); xStream.alias("vBooking", ViteroBooking.class); xStream.omitField(ViteroBooking.class, "property"); } public void setViteroModule(ViteroModule module) { this.viteroModule = module; } public List<ViteroBooking> getBookingByDate(Date start, Date end) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { Booking bookingWs = getBookingWebService(); GetBookingListByDateRequest dateRequest = new GetBookingListByDateRequest(); dateRequest.setStart(format(start)); dateRequest.setEnd(format(end)); dateRequest.setTimezone(viteroModule.getTimeZoneId()); dateRequest.setCustomerid(viteroModule.getCustomerId()); Bookinglist bookingList = bookingWs.getBookingListByDate(dateRequest); List<Booking_Type> bookings = bookingList.getBooking(); return convert(bookings); } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { default: logAxisError("Cannot get the list of bookings by date.", f); } return Collections.emptyList(); } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } return Collections.emptyList(); } } public boolean canGoBooking(ViteroBooking booking) { Date now = new Date(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(booking.getStart()); cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -booking.getStartBuffer()); Date start = cal.getTime(); cal.setTime(booking.getEnd()); cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, booking.getEndBuffer()); Date end = cal.getTime(); if (start.before(now) && end.after(now)) { return true; } return false; } public String getURLToBooking(Identity identity, ViteroBooking booking) throws VmsNotAvailableException { String sessionCode = createPersonalBookingSessionCode(identity, booking); String url = getStartPoint(sessionCode); return url; } public String getURLToGroup(Identity identity, ViteroBooking booking) throws VmsNotAvailableException { String sessionCode = createVMSSessionCode(identity); if (sessionCode == null) { return null; } else { String url = getGroupURL(sessionCode, booking.getGroupId()); return url; } } /** * Create a session code with a one hour expiration date * @param identity * @param booking * @return */ protected String createVMSSessionCode(Identity identity) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { GetUserInfo userInfo = getVmsUserId(identity, true); int userId = userInfo.getUserId(); //update user information if (!userInfo.isCreated()) { try { updateVmsUser(identity, userId); storePortrait(identity, userId); } catch (Exception e) { logError("Cannot update user on vitero system:" + identity.getName(), e); } } CreateVmsSessionCodeRequest.Sessioncode code = new CreateVmsSessionCodeRequest.Sessioncode(); code.setUserid(userId); code.setTimezone(viteroModule.getTimeZoneId()); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(new Date()); cal.add(Calendar.HOUR, 1); code.setExpirationdate(format(cal.getTime())); CreateVmsSessionCodeRequest codeRequest = new CreateVmsSessionCodeRequest(); codeRequest.setSessioncode(code); Codetype myCode = getSessionCodeWebService().createVmsSessionCode(codeRequest); return myCode.getCode(); } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { case userDoesntExist: logError("User does not exist.", f); break; case userNotAssignedToGroup: logError("User not assigned to group.", f); break; case invalidAttribut: logError("Invalid attribute.", f); break; case invalidTimezone: logError("Invalid time zone.", f); break; case bookingDoesntExist: case bookingDoesntExistPrime: logError("Booking does not exist.", f); break; default: logAxisError("Cannot create session code.", f); } return null; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot create session code.", e); return null; } } /** * Create a session code with a one hour expiration date * @param identity * @param booking * @return */ protected String createPersonalBookingSessionCode(Identity identity, ViteroBooking booking) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { GetUserInfo userInfo = getVmsUserId(identity, true); int userId = userInfo.getUserId(); //update user information if (!userInfo.isCreated()) { try { updateVmsUser(identity, userId); storePortrait(identity, userId); } catch (Exception e) { logError("Cannot update user on vitero system:" + identity.getName(), e); } } CreatePersonalBookingSessionCodeRequest.Sessioncode code = new CreatePersonalBookingSessionCodeRequest.Sessioncode(); code.setBookingid(booking.getBookingId()); code.setUserid(userId); code.setTimezone(viteroModule.getTimeZoneId()); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(new Date()); cal.add(Calendar.HOUR, 1); code.setExpirationdate(format(cal.getTime())); CreatePersonalBookingSessionCodeRequest codeRequest = new CreatePersonalBookingSessionCodeRequest(); codeRequest.setSessioncode(code); Codetype myCode = getSessionCodeWebService().createPersonalBookingSessionCode(codeRequest); return myCode.getCode(); } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { case userDoesntExist: logError("User does not exist.", f); break; case userNotAssignedToGroup: logError("User not assigned to group.", f); break; case invalidAttribut: logError("Invalid attribute.", f); break; case invalidTimezone: logError("Invalid time zone.", f); break; case bookingDoesntExist: case bookingDoesntExistPrime: logError("Booking does not exist.", f); break; default: logAxisError("Cannot create session code.", f); } return null; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot create session code.", e); return null; } } public ViteroGroupRoles getGroupRoles(int id) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { Group groupWs = getGroupWebService(); Groupid groupId = new Groupid(); groupId.setGroupid(id); Group_Type group = groupWs.getGroup(groupId); Completegrouptype groupType = group.getGroup(); List<Completegrouptype.Participant> participants = groupType.getParticipant(); int numOfParticipants = participants == null ? 0 : participants.size(); ViteroGroupRoles groupRoles = new ViteroGroupRoles(); if (numOfParticipants > 0) { Map<Integer, String> idToEmails = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); List<Usertype> vmsUsers = getVmsUsersByGroup(id); if (vmsUsers != null) { for (Usertype vmsUser : vmsUsers) { Integer userId = new Integer(vmsUser.getId()); String email = vmsUser.getEmail(); groupRoles.getEmailsOfParticipants().add(email); idToEmails.put(userId, email); } } for (int i = 0; i < numOfParticipants; i++) { Completegrouptype.Participant participant = participants.get(i); Integer userId = new Integer(participant.getUserid()); String email = idToEmails.get(userId); if (email != null) { GroupRole role = GroupRole.valueOf(participant.getRole()); groupRoles.getEmailsToRole().put(email, role); } } } return groupRoles; } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { default: logAxisError("Cannot get group roles", f); } return null; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } return null; } } public boolean isUserOf(ViteroBooking booking, Identity identity) throws VmsNotAvailableException { boolean member = false; GetUserInfo userInfo = getVmsUserId(identity, false); int userId = userInfo.getUserId(); if (userId > 0) { List<Usertype> users = getVmsUsersByGroup(booking.getGroupId()); if (users != null) { for (Usertype user : users) { if (userId == user.getId()) { member = true; } } } } return member; } public List<ViteroUser> getUsersOf(ViteroBooking booking) throws VmsNotAvailableException { return convertUsertype(getVmsUsersByGroup(booking.getGroupId())); } public List<Usertype> getCustomersUsers() throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { GetUserListByCustomerRequest listRequest = new GetUserListByCustomerRequest(); listRequest.setCustomerid(viteroModule.getCustomerId()); Userlist userList = getUserWebService().getUserListByCustomer(listRequest); List<Usertype> userTypes = userList.getUser(); return userTypes; } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { default: logAxisError("Cannot get the list of users of customer: " + viteroModule.getCustomerId(), f); } return null; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot get the list of users of customer: " + viteroModule.getCustomerId(), e); return null; } } protected List<Usertype> getVmsUsersByGroup(int groupId) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { GetUserListByGroupRequest listRequest = new GetUserListByGroupRequest(); listRequest.setGroupid(groupId); Userlist userList = getUserWebService().getUserListByGroup(listRequest); List<Usertype> userTypes = userList.getUser(); return userTypes; } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { default: logAxisError("Cannot get the list of users in group: " + groupId, f); } return null; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot get the list of users in group: " + groupId, e); return null; } } protected GetUserInfo getVmsUserId(Identity identity, boolean create) throws VmsNotAvailableException { int userId; boolean created = false; closeDBSessionSafely(); Authentication authentication = securityManager.findAuthentication(identity, VMS_PROVIDER); if (authentication == null) { if (create) { created = true; userId = createVmsUser(identity); if (userId > 0) { securityManager.createAndPersistAuthentication(identity, VMS_PROVIDER, Integer.toString(userId), null, null); } } else { userId = -1; } } else { userId = Integer.parseInt(authentication.getAuthusername()); } closeDBSessionSafely(); return new GetUserInfo(created, userId); } private void closeDBSessionSafely() { try { dbInstance.commitAndCloseSession(); } catch (Exception e) { logError("Close safely for VMS", e); } } protected boolean updateVmsUser(Identity identity, int vmsUserId) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { UpdateUserRequest updateRequest = new UpdateUserRequest(); Completeusertype user = new Completeusertype(); user.setId(vmsUserId); //mandatory User olatUser = identity.getUser(); user.setUsername("olat." + WebappHelper.getInstanceId() + "." + identity.getName()); user.setSurname(olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.LASTNAME, null)); user.setFirstname(olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.FIRSTNAME, null)); user.setEmail(olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.EMAIL, null)); //optional String language = identity.getUser().getPreferences().getLanguage(); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(language) && language.startsWith("de")) { user.setLocale("de"); } else { user.setLocale("en"); } user.setPcstate("NOT_TESTED"); user.setTimezone(viteroModule.getTimeZoneId()); String street = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.STREET, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(street)) { user.setStreet(street); } String zip = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.ZIPCODE, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(zip)) { user.setZip(zip); } String city = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.CITY, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(city)) { user.setCity(city); } String country = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.COUNTRY, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(country)) { user.setCountry(country); } String mobile = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.TELMOBILE, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(mobile)) { user.setMobile(mobile); } String phonePrivate = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.TELPRIVATE, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(phonePrivate)) { user.setPhone(phonePrivate); } String phoneOffice = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.TELOFFICE, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(phoneOffice)) { user.setPhone(phoneOffice); } String institution = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.INSTITUTIONALNAME, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(institution)) { user.setCompany(institution); } updateRequest.setUser(user); getUserWebService().updateUser(updateRequest); return true; } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { default: logAxisError("Cannot create vms user.", f); } return true; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot create vms user.", e); return true; } } private final int createVmsUser(Identity identity) throws VmsNotAvailableException { String username = null; try { CreateUserRequest createRequest = new CreateUserRequest(); Newusertype user = new Newusertype(); //mandatory User olatUser = identity.getUser(); username = "olat." + WebappHelper.getInstanceId() + "." + identity.getName(); user.setUsername(username); user.setSurname(olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.LASTNAME, null)); user.setFirstname(olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.FIRSTNAME, null)); user.setEmail(olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.EMAIL, null)); user.setPassword("changeme"); int customerId = viteroModule.getCustomerId(); user.getCustomeridlist().add(new Integer(customerId)); //optional String language = identity.getUser().getPreferences().getLanguage(); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(language) && language.startsWith("de")) { user.setLocale("de"); } else { user.setLocale("en"); } user.setPcstate("NOT_TESTED"); user.setTimezone(viteroModule.getTimeZoneId()); String street = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.STREET, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(street)) { user.setStreet(street); } String zip = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.ZIPCODE, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(zip)) { user.setZip(zip); } String city = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.CITY, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(city)) { user.setCity(city); } String country = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.COUNTRY, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(country)) { user.setCountry(country); } String mobile = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.TELMOBILE, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(mobile)) { user.setMobile(mobile); } String phonePrivate = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.TELPRIVATE, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(phonePrivate)) { user.setPhone(phonePrivate); } String phoneOffice = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.TELOFFICE, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(phoneOffice)) { user.setPhone(phoneOffice); } String institution = olatUser.getProperty(UserConstants.INSTITUTIONALNAME, null); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(institution)) { user.setCompany(institution); } /* user.setTitle(""); */ user.setTechnicalnote("Generated by OpenOLAT"); createRequest.setUser(user); Userid userId = getUserWebService().createUser(createRequest); storePortrait(identity, userId.getUserid()); return userId.getUserid(); } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { default: logAxisError("Cannot create vms user.", f); } return -1; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot create vms user.", e); return -1; } } protected boolean storePortrait(Identity identity, int userId) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { File portrait = DisplayPortraitManager.getInstance().getBigPortrait(identity.getName()); if (portrait != null && portrait.exists()) { Mtom mtomWs = getMtomWebService(); CompleteAvatarWrapper avatar = new CompleteAvatarWrapper(); avatar.setType(BigInteger.ZERO); avatar.setUserid(BigInteger.valueOf(userId)); avatar.setFilename(portrait.getName()); DataHandler portraitHandler = new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(portrait)); avatar.setFile(portraitHandler); mtomWs.storeAvatar(avatar); return true; } return false; } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { default: logAxisError("Cannot store the portrait of " + userId, f); } return false; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot store the portrait of " + userId, e); return false; } } @Override public void deleteUserData(Identity identity, String newDeletedUserName) { if (!viteroModule.isDeleteVmsUserOnUserDelete()) return; try { GetUserInfo userInfo = getVmsUserId(identity, false); int userId = userInfo.getUserId(); if (userId > 0) { deleteVmsUser(userId); } } catch (VmsNotAvailableException e) { logError("Cannot delete a vms user after a OLAT user deletion.", e); } } protected void deleteVmsUser(int userId) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { Userid userIdType = new Userid(); userIdType.setUserid(userId); getUserWebService().deleteUser(userIdType); } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { default: logAxisError("Cannot delete vms user: " + userId, f); } } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot delete vms user: " + userId, e); } } public List<Integer> getLicencedRoomSizes() throws VmsNotAvailableException { List<Integer> roomSizes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); try { GetModulesForCustomerRequest licenceRequest = new GetModulesForCustomerRequest(); licenceRequest.setCustomerid(viteroModule.getCustomerId()); Modulestype modules = getLicenceWebService().getModulesForCustomer(licenceRequest); Modules modulesType = modules.getModules(); for (Module module : modulesType.getModule()) { if ("ROOM".equals(module.getType())) { Integer roomSize = module.getRoomsize(); if (!roomSizes.contains(roomSize)) { roomSizes.add(roomSize); } } } } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { case invalidAttribut: logError("ids <=0 or invalid attributs", f); break; default: logAxisError("Cannot get licence for customer: " + viteroModule.getCustomerId(), f); } } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot get licence for customer: " + viteroModule.getCustomerId(), e); } return roomSizes; } public List<Integer> getLicenceForAvailableRooms(Date begin, Date end) throws VmsNotAvailableException { List<Integer> roomSizes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); try { Grouprequesttype groupRequest = new Grouprequesttype(); groupRequest.setStart(format(begin)); groupRequest.setEnd(format(end)); GetBookableRoomsForGroupResponse response = getLicenceWebService() .getBookableRoomsForGroup(groupRequest); Rooms rooms = response.getRooms(); for (Integer roomSize : rooms.getRoomsize()) { if (!roomSizes.contains(roomSize)) { roomSizes.add(roomSize); } } } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { default: logAxisError("Cannot get licence for available room by dates.", f); } } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot get licence for available room by dates.", e); } return roomSizes; } public int createGroup(String groupName) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { CreateGroupRequest createRequest = new CreateGroupRequest(); Groupnamecustomerid groupInfos = new Groupnamecustomerid(); groupInfos.setGroupname(groupName + "_OLAT_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "")); groupInfos.setCustomerid(viteroModule.getCustomerId()); createRequest.setGroup(groupInfos); Groupid groupId = getGroupWebService().createGroup(createRequest); return groupId.getGroupid(); } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { default: logAxisError("Cannot create a group", f); } return -1; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot create a group.", e); return -1; } } public ViteroGroup getGroup(int id) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { Groupid groupId = new Groupid(); groupId.setGroupid(id); Group_Type group = getGroupWebService().getGroup(groupId); Completegrouptype groupType = group.getGroup(); return convert(groupType); } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { default: logAxisError("Cannot create a group", f); } return null; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot create a group.", e); return null; } } public boolean deleteGroup(ViteroBooking vBooking) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { Groupid groupId = new Groupid(); groupId.setGroupid(vBooking.getGroupId()); getGroupWebService().deleteGroup(groupId); return true; } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { case groupDoesntExist: logError("Group doesn't exist!", f); break; case invalidAttribut: logError("Group id <= 0!", f); default: logAxisError("Cannot delete group: " + vBooking.getGroupId(), f); } return false; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot delete group: " + vBooking.getGroupId(), e); return false; } } public boolean addToRoom(ViteroBooking booking, Identity identity, GroupRole role) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { GetUserInfo userInfo = getVmsUserId(identity, true); int userId = userInfo.getUserId(); if (userId < 0) { return false; } if (!userInfo.isCreated()) { //update user information try { updateVmsUser(identity, userId); //storePortrait(identity, userId); } catch (Exception e) { logError("Cannot update user on vitero system:" + identity.getName(), e); } } Group groupWs = getGroupWebService(); Groupiduserid groupuserId = new Groupiduserid(); groupuserId.setGroupid(booking.getGroupId()); groupuserId.setUserid(userId); groupWs.addUserToGroup(groupuserId); if (role != null) { groupWs = getGroupWebService(); ChangeGroupRoleRequest roleRequest = new ChangeGroupRoleRequest(); roleRequest.setGroupid(booking.getGroupId()); roleRequest.setUserid(userId); roleRequest.setRole(role.getVmsValue()); groupWs.changeGroupRole(roleRequest); } return true; } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { case userDoesntExist: logError("The user doesn ?t exist!", f); break; case userNotAttachedToCustomer: logError("The user is not attached to the customer (to which this group belongs)", f); break; case groupDoesntExist: logError("The group doesn ?t exist", f); break; case invalidAttribut: logError("An id <= 0", f); break; default: logAxisError("Cannot add an user to a group", f); } return false; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot add an user to a group", e); return false; } } public boolean removeFromRoom(ViteroBooking booking, Identity identity) throws VmsNotAvailableException { GetUserInfo userInfo = getVmsUserId(identity, true); int userId = userInfo.getUserId(); if (userId < 0) { return true;//nothing to remove } return removeFromRoom(booking, userId); } public boolean removeFromRoom(ViteroBooking booking, int userId) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { Groupiduserid groupuserId = new Groupiduserid(); groupuserId.setGroupid(booking.getGroupId()); groupuserId.setUserid(userId); getGroupWebService().removeUserFromGroup(groupuserId); return true; } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { case userDoesntExist: logError("The user doesn ?t exist!", f); break; case groupDoesntExist: logError("The group doesn ?t exist", f); break; case invalidAttribut: logError("An id <= 0", f); break; default: logAxisError("Cannot remove an user from a group", f); } return false; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot remove an user from a group", e); return false; } } public ViteroBooking createBooking(String resourceName) throws VmsNotAvailableException { ViteroBooking booking = new ViteroBooking(); booking.setBookingId(-1); booking.setGroupId(-1); booking.setResourceName(resourceName); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); int minute = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); if (minute < 10) { cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 15); } else if (minute < 25) { cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 30); } else if (minute < 40) { cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 45); } else { cal.add(Calendar.HOUR, 1); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); } cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); booking.setStart(cal.getTime()); booking.setStartBuffer(15); cal.add(Calendar.HOUR, 1); booking.setEnd(cal.getTime()); booking.setEndBuffer(15); List<Integer> roomSizes = getLicencedRoomSizes(); if (!roomSizes.isEmpty()) { booking.setRoomSize(roomSizes.get(0)); } return booking; } public ViteroStatus createBooking(BusinessGroup group, OLATResourceable ores, String subIdentifier, ViteroBooking vBooking) throws VmsNotAvailableException { Bookingtype booking = getBookingById(vBooking.getBookingId()); if (booking != null) { logInfo("Booking already exists: " + vBooking.getBookingId()); return new ViteroStatus(); } try { //a group per meeting String groupName = vBooking.getGroupName(); int groupId = createGroup(groupName); if (groupId < 0) { return new ViteroStatus(ErrorCode.unkown); } vBooking.setGroupId(groupId); //create the meeting with the new group Booking bookingWs = getBookingWebService(); CreateBookingRequest createRequest = new CreateBookingRequest(); Newbookingtype newBooking = new Newbookingtype(); //mandatory newBooking.setStart(format(vBooking.getStart())); newBooking.setEnd(format(vBooking.getEnd())); newBooking.setStartbuffer(vBooking.getStartBuffer()); newBooking.setEndbuffer(vBooking.getEndBuffer()); newBooking.setGroupid(groupId); newBooking.setRoomsize(vBooking.getRoomSize()); //optional /* newBooking.setIgnorefaults(false); newBooking.setCafe(false); newBooking.setCapture(false); //phone BookingServiceStub.Phonetype phone = new BookingServiceStub.Phonetype(); phone.setDialout(false); phone.setPhoneconference(false); phone.setShowdialogue(false); newBooking.setPhone(phone); newBooking.setPcstateokrequired(false); newBooking.setRepetitionpattern("once"); newBooking.setRepetitionenddate(""); */ newBooking.setTimezone(viteroModule.getTimeZoneId()); createRequest.setBooking(newBooking); CreateBookingResponse response = bookingWs.createBooking(createRequest); Boolean bookingCollision = response.isBookingcollision(); Boolean moduleCollision = response.isModulecollision(); int bookingId = response.getBookingid(); if (bookingCollision != null && bookingCollision.booleanValue()) { return new ViteroStatus(ErrorCode.bookingCollision); } else if (moduleCollision != null && moduleCollision.booleanValue()) { return new ViteroStatus(ErrorCode.moduleCollision); } vBooking.setBookingId(bookingId); getOrCreateProperty(group, ores, subIdentifier, vBooking); return new ViteroStatus(); } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { case invalidTimezone: logError("Invalid time zone!", f); break; case bookingCollision: logError("Booking collision!", f); break; case moduleCollision: logError("Invalid module selection!", f); break; case bookingInPast: logError("Booking in the past!", f); break; case licenseExpired: logError("License/customer expired!", f); break; default: logAxisError("Cannot create a booking.", f); } return new ViteroStatus(code); } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot create a booking.", e); return new ViteroStatus(ErrorCode.remoteException); } } /** * There is not update on vms. We can only update some OLAT specific options. * @param group * @param ores * @param vBooking * @return * @throws VmsNotAvailableException */ public ViteroBooking updateBooking(BusinessGroup group, OLATResourceable ores, String subIdentifier, ViteroBooking vBooking) throws VmsNotAvailableException { Bookingtype bookingType = getBookingById(vBooking.getBookingId()); if (bookingType == null) { logInfo("Booking doesn't exist: " + vBooking.getBookingId()); return null; } Booking_Type booking = bookingType.getBooking(); //set the vms values update(vBooking, booking); //update the property updateProperty(group, ores, subIdentifier, vBooking); return vBooking; } public boolean deleteBooking(ViteroBooking vBooking) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { DeleteBookingRequest deleteRequest = new DeleteBookingRequest(); deleteRequest.setBookingid(vBooking.getBookingId()); DeleteBookingResponse response = getBookingWebService().deleteBooking(deleteRequest); BigInteger state = response.getDeletestate(); deleteGroup(vBooking); deleteProperty(vBooking); return state != null; } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { case bookingDoesntExist: case bookingDoesntExistPrime: { deleteGroup(vBooking); deleteProperty(vBooking); return true;//ok, vms deleted, group deleted... } default: { logAxisError("Cannot delete a booking.", f); } } return false; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot delete a booking.", e); return false; } } public void deleteAll(BusinessGroup group, OLATResourceable ores, String subIdentifier) { try { List<Property> properties = propertyManager.listProperties(null, group, ores, VMS_CATEGORY, null); for (Property property : properties) { String bookingStr = property.getTextValue(); ViteroBooking booking = deserializeViteroBooking(bookingStr); deleteBooking(booking); } } catch (VmsNotAvailableException e) { logError("", e); markAsZombie(group, ores, subIdentifier); } } private final void markAsZombie(BusinessGroup group, OLATResourceable ores, String subIdentifier) { List<Property> properties = propertyManager.listProperties(null, group, ores, VMS_CATEGORY, null); for (Property property : properties) { String propIdentifier = property.getStringValue(); if ((subIdentifier == null && propIdentifier == null) || (subIdentifier != null && subIdentifier.equals(propIdentifier))) { property.setName(VMS_CATEGORY_ZOMBIE); propertyManager.updateProperty(property); } } } public void slayZombies() { List<Property> properties = propertyManager.listProperties(null, null, null, VMS_CATEGORY_ZOMBIE, null); for (Property property : properties) { try { String bookingStr = property.getTextValue(); ViteroBooking booking = deserializeViteroBooking(bookingStr); deleteBooking(booking); } catch (VmsNotAvailableException e) { //try later logDebug("Cannot clean-up vitero room, vms not available"); } catch (Exception e) { logError("", e); } } } public List<ViteroBooking> getBookingInFutures(Identity identity) throws VmsNotAvailableException { GetUserInfo userInfo = getVmsUserId(identity, false); int userId = userInfo.getUserId(); if (userId > 0) { List<Booking_Type> bookings = getBookingInFutureByUserId(userId); return convert(bookings); } return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Return the * @param group The group (optional) * @param ores The OLAT resourceable (of the course) (optional) * @return */ public List<ViteroBooking> getBookings(BusinessGroup group, OLATResourceable ores, String subIdentifier) throws VmsNotAvailableException { List<Property> properties = propertyManager.listProperties(null, group, ores, VMS_CATEGORY, null); List<ViteroBooking> bookings = new ArrayList<ViteroBooking>(); for (Property property : properties) { String propIdentifier = property.getStringValue(); if ((propIdentifier == null || subIdentifier == null) || (subIdentifier != null && (propIdentifier == null || subIdentifier.equals(propIdentifier)))) { String bookingStr = property.getTextValue(); ViteroBooking booking = deserializeViteroBooking(bookingStr); Bookingtype bookingType = getBookingById(booking.getBookingId()); if (bookingType != null) { Booking_Type vmsBooking = bookingType.getBooking(); booking.setProperty(property); update(booking, vmsBooking); bookings.add(booking); } } } return bookings; } protected List<Booking_Type> getBookingInFutureByUserId(int userId) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { GetBookingListByUserInFutureRequest request = new GetBookingListByUserInFutureRequest(); request.setUserid(userId); request.setTimezone(viteroModule.getTimeZoneId()); Bookinglist bookingList = getBookingWebService().getBookingListByUserInFuture(request); return bookingList.getBooking(); } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { case userDoesntExist: logError("The user does not exist!", f); break; case invalidAttribut: logError("ids <= 0!", f); break; case invalidTimezone: logError("Invalid time zone!", f); break; default: logAxisError("Cannot get booking in future for user: " + userId, f); } return null; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot get booking in future for custom: " + userId, e); return null; } } protected Bookingtype getBookingById(int id) throws VmsNotAvailableException { if (id < 0) return null; try { Bookingid bookingId = new Bookingid(); bookingId.setBookingid(id); Bookingtype booking = getBookingWebService().getBookingById(bookingId); return booking; } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { case invalidAttribut: logError("ids <= 0", f); break; case bookingDoesntExist: logError("The booking does not exist", f); break; default: logAxisError("Cannot get booking by id: " + id, f); } return null; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logError("Cannot get booking by id: " + id, e); return null; } } public CheckUserInfo checkUsers() throws VmsNotAvailableException { final String[] authProviders = new String[] { VMS_PROVIDER }; final String prefix = getVmsUsernamePrefix(); int authenticationCreated = 0; int authenticationDeleted = 0; //check if vms user with an openolat login exists on vms server //without the need authentication object in openolat. List<Usertype> users = getCustomersUsers(); if (users != null && users.size() > 0) { for (Usertype user : users) { String vmsUsername = user.getUsername(); if (vmsUsername.startsWith(prefix)) { String olatUsername = vmsUsername.substring(prefix.length(), vmsUsername.length()); List<Identity> identities = securityManager.getIdentitiesByPowerSearch(olatUsername, null, false, null, null, authProviders, null, null, null, null, null); if (identities.isEmpty()) { Identity identity = securityManager.findIdentityByName(olatUsername); if (identity != null) { authenticationCreated++; securityManager.createAndPersistAuthentication(identity, VMS_PROVIDER, Integer.toString(user.getId()), null, null); logInfo("Recreate VMS authentication for: " + identity.getName()); } } } } } //check if all openolat users with a vms authentication have an user //on the vms server List<Identity> identities = securityManager.getIdentitiesByPowerSearch(null, null, false, null, null, authProviders, null, null, null, null, null); for (Identity identity : identities) { Authentication authentication = securityManager.findAuthentication(identity, VMS_PROVIDER); String vmsUserId = authentication.getAuthusername(); boolean foundIt = false; for (Usertype user : users) { if (vmsUserId.equals(Integer.toString(user.getId()))) { foundIt = true; } } if (!foundIt) { securityManager.deleteAuthentication(authentication); authenticationDeleted++; } } CheckUserInfo infos = new CheckUserInfo(); infos.setAuthenticationCreated(authenticationCreated); infos.setAuthenticationDeleted(authenticationDeleted); return infos; } private String getVmsUsernamePrefix() { return "olat." + WebappHelper.getInstanceId() + "."; } public boolean checkConnection() { try { return checkConnection(viteroModule.getVmsURI().toString(), viteroModule.getAdminLogin(), viteroModule.getAdminPassword(), viteroModule.getCustomerId()); } catch (VmsNotAvailableException e) { return false; } } public boolean checkConnection(final String url, final String login, final String password, final int customerId) throws VmsNotAvailableException { try { LicenceService ss = new LicenceService(); ss.setHandlerResolver(new HandlerResolver() { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public List<Handler> getHandlerChain(PortInfo portInfo) { List<Handler> handlerList = new ArrayList<Handler>(); handlerList.add(new ViteroSecurityHandler(login, password)); return handlerList; } }); Licence port = ss.getLicenceSoap11(); String endPoint = UriBuilder.fromUri(url).path("services").path("LicenseService").build().toString(); ((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endPoint); GetModulesForCustomerRequest request = new GetModulesForCustomerRequest(); request.setCustomerid(customerId); Modulestype modulesType = port.getModulesForCustomer(request); return modulesType != null; } catch (SOAPFaultException f) { ErrorCode code = handleAxisFault(f); switch (code) { case unsufficientRights: logError("Unsufficient rights", f); break; default: logAxisError("Cannot check connection", f); } return false; } catch (WebServiceException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(); } logWarn("Error checking connection", e); return false; } } //Utilities private final ErrorCode handleAxisFault(final SOAPFaultException f) throws VmsNotAvailableException { if (f.getFault() != null) { String errorCode = extractErrorCode(f.getFault()); if (StringHelper.isLong(errorCode)) { int code = Integer.parseInt(errorCode); return ErrorCode.find(code); } return ErrorCode.unkown; } else if (f.getCause() instanceof ConnectTimeoutException) { throw new VmsNotAvailableException(f); } return ErrorCode.unkown; } private String extractErrorCode(SOAPElement element) { if (element == null) return null; for (Iterator<?> it = element.getChildElements(); it.hasNext();) { Object childElement =; if (childElement instanceof SOAPElement) { SOAPElement soapElement = (SOAPElement) childElement; String nodeName = soapElement.getNodeName(); if ("errorCode".equals(nodeName)) { return extractText(soapElement); } else { extractErrorCode(soapElement); } } } return null; } private String extractText(SOAPElement errorCodeEl) { for (Node node = errorCodeEl.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) { if (node instanceof Text && StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(node.getNodeValue())) { return node.getNodeValue(); } } return null; } private void logAxisError(String message, SOAPFaultException f) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(message)) { sb.append(message); } if (f.getMessage() != null) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(" -> "); sb.append(f.getMessage().toString()); } if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(f.getMessage())) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(" -> "); sb.append(f.getMessage()); } logError(sb.toString(), f); } private final List<ViteroBooking> convert(List<Booking_Type> bookings) { List<ViteroBooking> viteroBookings = new ArrayList<ViteroBooking>(); if (bookings != null && bookings.size() > 0) { for (Booking_Type b : bookings) { viteroBookings.add(convert(b)); } } return viteroBookings; } private final ViteroBooking convert(Booking_Type booking) { ViteroBooking vb = new ViteroBooking(); return update(vb, booking); } private final ViteroBooking update(ViteroBooking vb, Booking_Type booking) { vb.setBookingId(booking.getBookingid()); vb.setGroupId(booking.getGroupid()); vb.setRoomSize(booking.getRoomsize()); vb.setStart(parse(booking.getStart())); vb.setStartBuffer(booking.getStartbuffer()); vb.setEnd(parse(booking.getEnd())); vb.setEndBuffer(booking.getEndbuffer()); return vb; } private final ViteroGroup convert(Completegrouptype groupType) { ViteroGroup vg = new ViteroGroup(); vg.setGroupId(groupType.getId()); vg.setName(groupType.getName()); int numOfParticipants = groupType.getParticipant() == null ? 0 : groupType.getParticipant().size(); vg.setNumOfParticipants(numOfParticipants); return vg; } private final List<ViteroUser> convertUsertype(List<Usertype> userTypes) { List<ViteroUser> vUsers = new ArrayList<ViteroUser>(); if (userTypes != null) { for (Usertype userType : userTypes) { vUsers.add(convert(userType)); } } return vUsers; } private final ViteroUser convert(Usertype userType) { ViteroUser vu = new ViteroUser(); vu.setUserId(userType.getId()); vu.setFirstName(userType.getFirstname()); vu.setLastName(userType.getSurname()); vu.setEmail(userType.getEmail()); return vu; } //Properties private final Property getProperty(BusinessGroup group, OLATResourceable courseResource, ViteroBooking booking) { String propertyName = Integer.toString(booking.getBookingId()); return propertyManager.findProperty(null, group, courseResource, VMS_CATEGORY, propertyName); } private final Property getOrCreateProperty(BusinessGroup group, OLATResourceable courseResource, String subIdentifier, ViteroBooking booking) { Property property = getProperty(group, courseResource, booking); if (property == null) { property = createProperty(group, courseResource, subIdentifier, booking); propertyManager.saveProperty(property); } return property; } private final Property updateProperty(BusinessGroup group, OLATResourceable courseResource, String subIdentifier, ViteroBooking booking) { Property property = getProperty(group, courseResource, booking); if (property == null) { property = createProperty(group, courseResource, subIdentifier, booking); propertyManager.saveProperty(property); } else { String serialized = serializeViteroBooking(booking); property.setTextValue(serialized); propertyManager.updateProperty(property); } return property; } private final Property createProperty(final BusinessGroup group, final OLATResourceable courseResource, String subIdentifier, ViteroBooking booking) { String serialized = serializeViteroBooking(booking); String bookingId = Integer.toString(booking.getBookingId()); Long groupId = new Long(booking.getGroupId()); return propertyManager.createPropertyInstance(null, group, courseResource, VMS_CATEGORY, bookingId, null, groupId, subIdentifier, serialized); } private final void deleteProperty(ViteroBooking vBooking) { String bookingId = Integer.toString(vBooking.getBookingId()); propertyManager.deleteProperties(null, null, null, VMS_CATEGORY, bookingId); } private final String serializeViteroBooking(ViteroBooking booking) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); xStream.marshal(booking, new CompactWriter(writer)); writer.flush(); return writer.toString(); } private final ViteroBooking deserializeViteroBooking(String booking) { return (ViteroBooking) xStream.fromXML(booking); } //Factories for service stubs private final Booking getBookingWebService() { BookingService ss = new BookingService(); ss.setHandlerResolver(new VmsSecurityHandlerResolver()); Booking port = ss.getBookingSoap11(); String endPoint = getVmsEndPoint("BookingService"); ((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endPoint); return port; } private final Licence getLicenceWebService() { LicenceService ss = new LicenceService(); ss.setHandlerResolver(new VmsSecurityHandlerResolver()); Licence port = ss.getLicenceSoap11(); String endPoint = getVmsEndPoint("LicenceService"); ((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endPoint); return port; } private final Group getGroupWebService() { GroupService ss = new GroupService(); ss.setHandlerResolver(new VmsSecurityHandlerResolver()); Group port = ss.getGroupSoap11(); String endPoint = getVmsEndPoint("GroupService"); ((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endPoint); return port; } private final de.vitero.schema.user.User getUserWebService() { UserService ss = new UserService(); ss.setHandlerResolver(new VmsSecurityHandlerResolver()); de.vitero.schema.user.User port = ss.getUserSoap11(); String endPoint = getVmsEndPoint("UserService"); ((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endPoint); return port; } private final Mtom getMtomWebService() { MtomService ss = new MtomService(); ss.setHandlerResolver(new VmsSecurityHandlerResolver()); Mtom port = ss.getMtomSoap11(); String endPoint = getVmsEndPoint("MtomService"); ((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endPoint); return port; } private final SessionCode getSessionCodeWebService() { SessionCodeService ss = new SessionCodeService(); ss.setHandlerResolver(new VmsSecurityHandlerResolver()); SessionCode port = ss.getSessionCodeSoap11(); String endPoint = getVmsEndPoint("SessionCodeService"); ((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, endPoint); return port; } private final String getVmsEndPoint(String service) { UriBuilder builder = UriBuilder.fromUri(viteroModule.getVmsURI()); builder.path("services").path(service); return; } private final String getStartPoint(String sessionCode) { UriBuilder builder = UriBuilder.fromUri(viteroModule.getVmsURI()); builder.path("start.htm"); if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(sessionCode)) { builder.queryParam("sessionCode", sessionCode); } return; } private final String getGroupURL(String sessionCode, int groupId) { UriBuilder builder = UriBuilder.fromUri(viteroModule.getVmsURI()); builder.path("/user/cms/groupfolder.htm"); builder.queryParam("code", sessionCode); builder.queryParam("fl", "1"); builder.queryParam("groupId", Integer.toString(groupId)); return; } private final synchronized String format(Date date) { return dateFormat.format(date); } private final synchronized Date parse(String dateString) { try { return dateFormat.parse(dateString); } catch (ParseException e) { logError("Cannot parse a date: " + dateString, e); return null; } } private final class VmsSecurityHandlerResolver implements HandlerResolver { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public List<Handler> getHandlerChain(PortInfo portInfo) { List<Handler> handlerList = new ArrayList<Handler>(); handlerList .add(new ViteroSecurityHandler(viteroModule.getAdminLogin(), viteroModule.getAdminPassword())); return handlerList; } } }