Java tutorial
/** * ******** * Copyright 2010-2012 Olanto Foundation Geneva * * This file is part of myCAT. * * myCAT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * * myCAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with myCAT. If not, see <>. * ********* */ package org.olanto.TranslationText.client; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.BaseEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Events; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Listener; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.button.Button; import*; import; import; import; import; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * panneau du concordancier */ public class BitextWidget extends Composite { private VerticalPanel mainWidget = new VerticalPanel(); private HorizontalPanel hS = new HorizontalPanel(); private HorizontalPanel hT = new HorizontalPanel(); public Grid textAreaGrid = new Grid(2, 3); private Button NextHitS = new Button(GuiMessageConst.TA_BTN_NXT); private Button PreviousHitS = new Button(GuiMessageConst.TA_BTN_PVS); private Button AlignS = new Button(GuiMessageConst.TA_BTN_ALGN); private Button schS = new Button(GuiMessageConst.TA_BTN_SRCH); private Button orgnS = new Button(GuiMessageConst.TA_BTN_OGN); private Button AlignT = new Button(GuiMessageConst.TA_BTN_ALGN); private Button schT = new Button(GuiMessageConst.TA_BTN_SRCH); private Button orgnT = new Button(GuiMessageConst.TA_BTN_OGN); public Button save = new Button(GuiMessageConst.TA_BTN_SAVE); private Button NextHitT = new Button(GuiMessageConst.TA_BTN_NXT); private Button PreviousHitT = new Button(GuiMessageConst.TA_BTN_PVS); public TextArea sourceTextArea = new TextArea(); private TextArea targetTextArea = new TextArea(); private Label msg; public int indexHS = 0; private int indexS = 0; private int indexT = 0; // indexes de la dernire occurence du mot recherch dans le contenu du codument private int curIndS = 0; private int curIndT = 0; private TranslateServiceAsync rpcS; // Matrices (nombre de lignes, position du top, correction, position en pixel) private int[][] resultS; private int[][] resultT; private int[][] PositionsS; private int[][] PositionsT; public ArrayList<String> words; private GwtIntMap Map; private GwtAlignBiText Align; private PopupPanel pp = new PopupPanel(false); private PopupPanel pSch = new PopupPanel(false); private TextBox SchArea = new TextBox(); private Button SchBtn = new Button(GuiMessageConst.TA_BTN_SEARCH); private Button CclBtn = new Button(GuiMessageConst.TA_BTN_CCL); private String contentS = ""; private String contentT = ""; private int height = 0; private int height1 = 0; private int pixS = GuiConstant.TA_LINE_HEIGHT; private int pposS = 0; private int pposT = 0; private boolean SchS = true; public int queryLength = 0; public String search = "", langsrc = "", langtgt = ""; private static String features = "menubar=no, location=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=no"; private Utility Utility = new Utility(); private static final int H_Unit = 30; private static final int CHAR_W = GuiConstant.CHARACTER_WIDTH; private static final int PP_H_MIN = GuiConstant.PP_H_MIN; private static final int PP_H_MAX = GuiConstant.PP_H_MAX; private int pos = 0; private float magicS, magicT; private boolean remSpace = false; public BitextWidget(Label msg) { rpcS = RpcInit.initRpc(); this.msg = msg; SetHeader(); } private void SetHeader() { initWidget(mainWidget); mainWidget.setHorizontalAlignment(VerticalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); mainWidget.add(textAreaGrid); textAreaGrid.setStyleName("headerNav"); hS.add(PreviousHitS); hS.add(NextHitS); hS.add(AlignS); hS.add(schS); hT.add(PreviousHitT); hT.add(NextHitT); hT.add(AlignT); hT.add(schT); if (GuiConstant.ORIGINAL_ON) { hS.add(orgnS); hT.add(orgnT); } if (GuiConstant.SAVE_ON) { hS.add(save); } hS.setVisible(true); hT.setVisible(true); textAreaGrid.setWidget(0, 0, hS); textAreaGrid.setWidget(0, 2, hT); textAreaGrid.setWidget(1, 0, sourceTextArea); textAreaGrid.setWidget(1, 2, targetTextArea); setbuttonstyle(NextHitS, NextHitS.getText().length() * CHAR_W, H_Unit); setbuttonstyle(PreviousHitS, PreviousHitS.getText().length() * CHAR_W, H_Unit); setbuttonstyle(AlignS, AlignS.getText().length() * CHAR_W, H_Unit); setbuttonstyle(schS, schS.getText().length() * CHAR_W, H_Unit); setbuttonstyle(orgnS, orgnS.getText().length() * CHAR_W, H_Unit); setbuttonstyle(save, save.getText().length() * CHAR_W, H_Unit); setbuttonstyle(NextHitT, NextHitT.getText().length() * CHAR_W, H_Unit); setbuttonstyle(PreviousHitT, PreviousHitT.getText().length() * CHAR_W, H_Unit); setbuttonstyle(AlignT, AlignT.getText().length() * CHAR_W, H_Unit); setbuttonstyle(schT, schT.getText().length() * CHAR_W, H_Unit); setbuttonstyle(orgnT, orgnT.getText().length() * CHAR_W, H_Unit); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); sourceTextArea.setVisible(true); sourceTextArea.setEnabled(true); sourceTextArea.setReadOnly(true); sourceTextArea.setStyleName("gwt-Textarea"); sourceTextArea.getElement().setAttribute("spellCheck", "false"); sourceTextArea.setCharacterWidth(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_WIDTH); sourceTextArea.setVisibleLines(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT); sourceTextArea.setHeight("" + pixS * MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT + "px"); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setVisible(true); targetTextArea.setEnabled(true); targetTextArea.setReadOnly(true); targetTextArea.setStyleName("gwt-Textarea"); targetTextArea.getElement().setAttribute("spellCheck", "false"); targetTextArea.setCharacterWidth(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_WIDTH); targetTextArea.setVisibleLines(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT); targetTextArea.setHeight("" + pixS * MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT + "px"); pp.setAnimationEnabled(true); pp.setAutoHideEnabled(true); pp.setStyleName("focusPanel"); pp.add(new HTML(" ")); ClickHandler hidepanT = new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { pp.hide(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } }; pp.sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK); pp.addHandler(hidepanT, ClickEvent.getType()); pSch.setAnimationEnabled(true); pSch.setAutoHideEnabled(true); pSch.setStyleName("searchPanel"); VerticalPanel vpSch = new VerticalPanel(); HorizontalPanel hpSch = new HorizontalPanel(); vpSch.setWidth("400px"); hpSch.setWidth("400px"); vpSch.add(SchArea); vpSch.setCellHorizontalAlignment(SchArea, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); vpSch.add(hpSch); hpSch.add(SchBtn); hpSch.setCellHorizontalAlignment(SchBtn, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); hpSch.add(CclBtn); hpSch.setCellHorizontalAlignment(SchBtn, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); pSch.add(vpSch); setbuttonstyle(SchBtn, SchBtn.getText().length() * CHAR_W, H_Unit); setbuttonstyle(CclBtn, CclBtn.getText().length() * CHAR_W, H_Unit); SchArea.setWidth("400px"); SchArea.setStyleName("gwt-srch-text"); } public void DrawEffects() { if (GuiConstant.ORIGINAL_ON) { hS.add(orgnS); hT.add(orgnT); } if (GuiConstant.SAVE_ON) { hS.add(save); } hS.setVisible(true); hT.setVisible(true); } public void setbuttonstyle(Button b, int w, int h) { b.setStyleName("x-btn-click"); b.setPixelSize(w, h); } /** * on return, draw the data to screen */ public void testserver(String greeting) { rpcS.myMethod(greeting, new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert(GuiMessageConst.MSG_1); } @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { Window.alert(result); } }); } public void reset() { pp.hide(); pos = 0; curIndS = 0; curIndT = 0; sourceTextArea.setText(""); targetTextArea.setText(""); PositionsS = null; PositionsT = null; words = null; // to reset the search tokens PreviousHitS.removeAllListeners(); NextHitS.removeAllListeners(); AlignS.removeAllListeners(); schS.removeAllListeners(); orgnS.removeAllListeners(); save.removeAllListeners(); PreviousHitT.removeAllListeners(); NextHitT.removeAllListeners(); AlignT.removeAllListeners(); schT.removeAllListeners(); orgnT.removeAllListeners(); CclBtn.removeAllListeners(); SchBtn.removeAllListeners(); sourceTextArea.setCharacterWidth(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_WIDTH); sourceTextArea.setVisibleLines(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT); targetTextArea.setCharacterWidth(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_WIDTH); targetTextArea.setVisibleLines(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT); } public void setVariables() { sourceTextArea.setCharacterWidth(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_WIDTH); sourceTextArea.setVisibleLines(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT); targetTextArea.setCharacterWidth(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_WIDTH); targetTextArea.setVisibleLines(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT); targetTextArea.setEnabled(true); PreviousHitT.enable(); NextHitT.enable(); AlignT.enable(); schT.enable(); orgnT.enable(); AlignS.enable(); sourceTextArea.setText(Align.source.content); targetTextArea.setText(; // Matrice (nombre de lignes, position du top, correction, position en pixel) resultS = Align.source.positions; resultT =; if (((GuiConstant.EXACT_FLG) || (GuiConstant.EXACT_CLOSE)) || (GuiConstant.EXACT_CLOSE)) { contentS = Align.source.content; contentT =; } else { contentS = Align.source.content.toLowerCase(); contentT =; } // check for the case of having the overall in case sensitive and the inside without case sensitive height1 = targetTextArea.getElement().getScrollHeight(); height = sourceTextArea.getElement().getScrollHeight(); pposS = sourceTextArea.getOffsetWidth() - pixS; pposT = targetTextArea.getOffsetWidth() - pixS; float scrollines = (float) ((float) height) / pixS; int totlinesS = (resultS[resultS.length - 1][3] + resultS[resultS.length - 1][0]); magicS = (float) ((float) (scrollines - totlinesS) / scrollines) + 1f; float scrollines1 = (float) ((float) height1) / pixS; int totlinesT = (resultT[resultT.length - 1][3] + resultT[resultT.length - 1][0]); magicT = (float) ((float) (scrollines1 - totlinesT) / scrollines1) + 1f; } public void showpanel(boolean source, int hight, int index) { if (hight < PP_H_MIN) { hight = PP_H_MIN; } if (hight > PP_H_MAX) { hight = PP_H_MAX; } int lineNum, restOfLines; if (source) { restOfLines = (resultS[resultS.length - 1][3] - resultS[index][3]); if (resultS[index][3] < (sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)) { lineNum = resultS[index][3]; } else { if (restOfLines > (sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)) { lineNum = (sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2 - 2); } else { if (restOfLines > 0) { lineNum = sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() - restOfLines - 2; } else { lineNum = sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() - (sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 4) - 2; } } } if (langsrc.contains("AR")) { pp.setPopupPosition(sourceTextArea.getAbsoluteLeft() + pixS, (int) (lineNum * pixS) + sourceTextArea.getAbsoluteTop()); } else { pp.setPopupPosition(sourceTextArea.getAbsoluteLeft() - 2, (int) (lineNum * pixS) + sourceTextArea.getAbsoluteTop()); } if (((lineNum + hight) * pixS) < sourceTextArea.getOffsetHeight()) { pp.setPixelSize(pposS, (int) pixS * hight); } else { pp.setPixelSize(pposS, sourceTextArea.getOffsetHeight() - (int) (pixS * lineNum)); }; } else { restOfLines = (resultT[resultT.length - 1][3] - resultT[index][3]); if (resultT[index][3] < (targetTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)) { lineNum = resultT[index][3]; } else { if (restOfLines > (targetTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)) { lineNum = (targetTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2 - 2); } else { if (restOfLines > 0) { lineNum = targetTextArea.getVisibleLines() - restOfLines - 2; } else { lineNum = targetTextArea.getVisibleLines() - (targetTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 4) - 2; } } } // Window.alert("restOfLines = " + restOfLines // + "\nlineNum = " + lineNum // + "\nsourceTextArea.getAbsoluteTop() = " + targetTextArea.getAbsoluteTop() // + "\nPixT = " + pixS // + "\n(lineNum * pixS) + targetTextArea.getAbsoluteTop() = " + ((lineNum * pixS) + targetTextArea.getAbsoluteTop())); if (langtgt.contains("AR")) { pp.setPopupPosition(targetTextArea.getAbsoluteLeft() + pixS, (int) (lineNum * pixS) + targetTextArea.getAbsoluteTop()); } else { pp.setPopupPosition(targetTextArea.getAbsoluteLeft() - 2, (int) (lineNum * pixS) + targetTextArea.getAbsoluteTop()); } if (((lineNum + hight) * pixS) < targetTextArea.getOffsetHeight()) { pp.setPixelSize(pposT, (int) pixS * hight); } else { pp.setPixelSize(pposT, targetTextArea.getOffsetHeight() - (int) (pixS * lineNum)); }; } } public void setNetScapePos(int idxS, int idxT, int h) { int lin = resultS[idxS][3] - h + resultS[idxS][0] / 2; int lin1 = resultT[idxT][3] - h + resultT[idxT][0] / 2; lin = (lin > 0) ? lin : 0; lin1 = (lin1 > 0) ? lin1 : 0; float frtop1 = lin1 * pixS * magicT; float frtop = lin * pixS * magicS; int posf = (frtop > height) ? height : (int) frtop; int posf1 = (frtop1 > height1) ? height1 : (int) frtop1; sourceTextArea.getElement().setScrollTop(posf); targetTextArea.getElement().setScrollTop(posf1); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); if (GuiConstant.DEBUG_ON) { Window.alert("-------- Source Area--------" + "\nNumber of lines to remove (h/2)= " + h + "\nNumber of previous lines = " + resultS[idxS][3] + "\nLineNum = " + idxS + "\nPixel height practical = " + height + "\nLine numbers practical = " + (height / pixS) + "\nLine numbers theoretical = " + (resultS[resultS.length - 1][3] + resultS[resultS.length - 1][0]) + "\nLine numbers in current after wrap (theoretical) = " + resultS[idxS][0] + "\nPixel scroll " + frtop + "\n-------- Target Area--------" + "\nNumber of previous lines = " + resultT[idxT][3] + "\nLineNum = " + idxT + "\nLine numbers in current after wrap (theoretical) = " + resultT[idxT][0] + "\nPixel height practical = " + height1 + "\nPixel scroll " + frtop1); } } public void setNetScapePosT(int idxS, int idxT, int h) { int lin = resultS[idxS][3] - h + resultS[idxS][0] / 2; int lin1 = resultT[idxT][3] - h + resultT[idxT][0] / 2; lin = (lin > 0) ? lin : 0; lin1 = (lin1 > 0) ? lin1 : 0; float frtop1 = lin1 * pixS * magicT; float frtop = lin * pixS * magicS; int posf = (frtop > height) ? height : (int) frtop; int posf1 = (frtop1 > height1) ? height1 : (int) frtop1; targetTextArea.getElement().setScrollTop(posf1); sourceTextArea.getElement().setScrollTop(posf); targetTextArea.setFocus(true); } public void nextHitS() { pp.hide(); if ((PositionsS.length - 1 == 0)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == 0) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_37 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == (PositionsS.length - 1)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } if (curIndS < PositionsS.length) { indexS = PositionsS[curIndS][0]; indexT = Map.from[indexS]; showpanel(false, resultT[indexT][0] + 1, indexT); if ((Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 7.0")) || (Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 8.0"))) { pos = PositionsS[curIndS][1] + resultS[indexS][1] + indexS; int idx = resultS[indexS][2] + indexS; int idxt = resultT[indexT][2] + indexT; sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(idxt); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(idx); } else { setNetScapePos(indexS, indexT, (sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)); pos = PositionsS[curIndS][1] + resultS[indexS][1]; } sourceTextArea.setSelectionRange(pos, PositionsS[curIndS][2]); } sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } public void previousHitS() { pp.hide(); if ((PositionsS.length - 1 == 0)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == (PositionsS.length - 1)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == 0) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_37 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } if (curIndS >= 0) { indexS = PositionsS[curIndS][0]; indexT = Map.from[indexS]; showpanel(false, resultT[indexT][0] + 1, indexT); if ((Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 7.0")) || (Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 8.0"))) { pos = PositionsS[curIndS][1] + resultS[indexS][1] + indexS; int idx = resultS[indexS][2] + indexS; int idxt = resultT[indexT][2] + indexT; sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(idxt); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(idx); } else { setNetScapePos(indexS, indexT, (sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)); pos = PositionsS[curIndS][1] + resultS[indexS][1]; } sourceTextArea.setSelectionRange(pos, PositionsS[curIndS][2]); } sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } public void nextHitT() { pp.hide(); if (curIndT == 0) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_37 + " / " + PositionsT.length); } if (curIndT == (PositionsT.length - 1)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsT.length); } if ((PositionsT.length - 1 == 0)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsT.length); } if (curIndT < PositionsT.length) { indexT = PositionsT[curIndT][0]; indexS =[indexT]; showpanel(true, resultS[indexS][0] + 1, indexS); if ((Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 7.0")) || (Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 8.0"))) { pos = PositionsT[curIndT][1] + resultT[indexT][1] + indexT; int idx = resultS[indexS][2] + indexS; int idxt = resultT[indexT][2] + indexT; sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(0); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(idx); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(idxt); } else { setNetScapePosT(indexS, indexT, (targetTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)); pos = PositionsT[curIndT][1] + resultT[indexT][1]; } targetTextArea.setSelectionRange(pos, PositionsT[curIndT][2]); } targetTextArea.setFocus(true); } public void previousHitT() { pp.hide(); if ((PositionsS.length - 1 == 0)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndT == (PositionsS.length - 1)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndT == 0) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_37 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } if (curIndT >= 0) { indexT = PositionsS[curIndT][0]; indexS =[indexT]; showpanel(true, resultS[indexS][0] + 1, indexS); if ((Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 7.0")) || (Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 8.0"))) { pos = PositionsS[curIndT][1] + resultT[indexT][1] + indexT; int idx = resultS[indexS][2] + indexS; int idxt = resultT[indexT][2] + indexT; sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(0); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(idx); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(idxt); } else { setNetScapePosT(indexS, indexT, (targetTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)); pos = PositionsS[curIndT][1] + resultT[indexT][1]; } targetTextArea.setSelectionRange(pos, PositionsS[curIndT][2]); } targetTextArea.setFocus(true); } public void ClearHitsEvents() { curIndS = 0; curIndT = 0; PositionsS = null; PreviousHitS.removeAllListeners(); NextHitS.removeAllListeners(); PreviousHitT.removeAllListeners(); NextHitT.removeAllListeners(); } public void AddHitsEventsS() { // Handler of the going to the next line in the source text NextHitS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndS < PositionsS.length - 1) { curIndS++; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); nextHitS(); } else { nextHitS(); } } }); // Handler of the going to the previous line in the source text PreviousHitS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndS > 0) { curIndS--; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); previousHitS(); } else { previousHitS(); } } }); } public void AddHitsEventsSAO() { // Handler of the going to the next line in the source text NextHitS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndS < PositionsS.length - 1) { curIndS++; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); nextHitS(); } else { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); nextHitS(); } } }); // Handler of the going to the previous line in the source text PreviousHitS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndS > 0) { curIndS--; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); previousHitS(); } else { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); previousHitS(); } } }); } public void AddHitsEventsT() { // Handler of the going to the next line in the source text NextHitT.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndT < PositionsT.length - 1) { curIndT++; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndT) + " / " + PositionsT.length); nextHitT(); } else { nextHitT(); } } }); // Handler of the going to the previous line in the source text PreviousHitT.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndT > 0) { curIndT--; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndT) + " / " + PositionsT.length); previousHitT(); } else { previousHitT(); } } }); } public void AddHitsEventsTAO() { // Handler of the going to the next line in the source text NextHitT.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndT < PositionsT.length - 1) { curIndT++; setMessage("info", words.get(PositionsT[curIndT][3]) + " : " + GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + PositionsT[curIndT][4] + " / " + PositionsT[curIndT][5] + " --- (/ " + PositionsT.length + ")"); nextHitT(); } else { setMessage("info", words.get(PositionsT[curIndT][3]) + " : " + GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + PositionsT[curIndT][4] + " / " + PositionsT[curIndT][5] + " --- (/ " + PositionsT.length + ")"); nextHitT(); } } }); // Handler of the going to the previous line in the source text PreviousHitT.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndT > 0) { curIndT--; setMessage("info", words.get(PositionsT[curIndT][3]) + " : " + GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + PositionsT[curIndT][4] + " / " + PositionsT[curIndT][5] + " --- (/ " + PositionsT.length + ")"); previousHitT(); } else { setMessage("info", words.get(PositionsT[curIndT][3]) + " : " + GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + PositionsT[curIndT][4] + " / " + PositionsT[curIndT][5] + " --- (/ " + PositionsT.length + ")"); previousHitT(); } } }); } public void AddOtherEvents() { // Handler of the going to align the line in the source text AlignS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { pp.hide(); int posi = sourceTextArea.getCursorPos(); int len = sourceTextArea.getSelectedText().length(); indexS = Utility.getInd(posi, resultS); // Window.alert("Got index source: " + indexS); indexT = Map.from[indexS]; // Window.alert("Got index target: " + indexT); showpanel(false, resultT[indexT][0] + 1, indexT); if ((Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 7.0")) || (Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 8.0"))) { int idx = resultS[indexS][2]; int idxt = resultT[indexT][2]; sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(0); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(idx); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(idxt); } else { setNetScapePos(indexS, indexT, (sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)); } if (len > 1) { sourceTextArea.setSelectionRange(posi, len); } else { sourceTextArea.setSelectionRange(posi, 1); } sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } }); // Handler of the going to align the line in the target text AlignT.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { pp.hide(); int posi = targetTextArea.getCursorPos(); int len = targetTextArea.getSelectedText().length(); indexT = Utility.getInd(posi, resultT); indexS =[indexT]; showpanel(true, resultS[indexS][0] + 1, indexS); if ((Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 7.0")) || (Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 8.0"))) { int idx = resultS[indexS][2]; int idxt = resultT[indexT][2]; sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(0); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(idx); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(idxt); } else { setNetScapePosT(indexS, indexT, (targetTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)); } if (len > 1) { targetTextArea.setSelectionRange(posi, len); } else { targetTextArea.setSelectionRange(posi, 1); } targetTextArea.setFocus(true); } }); schS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_7); SchS = true; SchArea.setText(""); pSch.setPopupPosition(sourceTextArea.getAbsoluteLeft() + sourceTextArea.getOffsetWidth() / 8, sourceTextArea.getAbsoluteTop());; SchArea.setFocus(true); SchBtn.removeAllListeners(); SchBtn.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { ClearHitsEvents(); words = null; search = Utility.replaceAll2(SchArea.getText().trim()); queryLength = search.length(); if ((search.contains(" AND ")) || (search.contains(" OR "))) { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); getPositionsSAO(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } else if (search.contains(" NEAR ")) { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsNearSCR(contentS, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsNearS(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } } else if ((search.contains("*"))) { rpcS.getExpandTerms(Utility.processWildCard(search), new AsyncCallback<String[]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_3); } @Override public void onSuccess(String[] result) { words = Utility.getWildCardQueryWords(result, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); getPositionsSAO(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } }); } else { if (search.startsWith("\"")) { words = Utility.getexactWords(search); } else { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); } if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsSCR(contentS, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsS(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } } } }); } }); save.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_35); MyCatDownload.downloadZipFromServlet(Align.source.uri, msg); } }); orgnS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { rpcS.getOriginalUrl(Align.source.uri, new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_4); } @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { // Window.alert("request : " + result);, "Original", features); } }); } }); orgnT.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { rpcS.getOriginalUrl(, new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_5); } @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { // Window.alert("request : " + result);, "Original", features); } }); } }); CclBtn.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { pSch.hide(); } }); schT.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_6); SchS = false; SchArea.setText(""); pSch.setPopupPosition(targetTextArea.getAbsoluteLeft() + targetTextArea.getOffsetWidth() / 8, targetTextArea.getAbsoluteTop());; SchArea.setFocus(true); SchBtn.removeAllListeners(); SchBtn.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { ClearHitsEvents(); words = null; search = Utility.replaceAll2(SchArea.getText().trim()); queryLength = search.length(); if ((search.contains(" AND ")) || (search.contains(" OR "))) { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); getPositionsTAO(resultT, contentT, words, queryLength); } else if (search.contains(" NEAR ")) { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsNearTCR(contentT, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsNearT(resultT, contentT, words, queryLength); } } else if ((search.contains("*"))) { rpcS.getExpandTerms(Utility.processWildCard(search), new AsyncCallback<String[]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_3); } @Override public void onSuccess(String[] result) { words = Utility.getWildCardQueryWords(result, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); getPositionsTAO(resultT, contentT, words, queryLength); } }); } else { if (search.startsWith("\"")) { words = Utility.getexactWords(search); } else { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); } if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsTCR(contentT, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsT(resultT, contentT, words, queryLength); } } } }); } }); SchArea.addKeyPressHandler(new KeyPressHandler() { @Override public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) { if (event.getNativeEvent().getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) { if (SchS) { ClearHitsEvents(); words = null; search = Utility.replaceAll2(SchArea.getText().trim()); queryLength = search.length(); if ((search.contains(" AND ")) || (search.contains(" OR "))) { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); getPositionsSAO(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } else if (search.contains(" NEAR ")) { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsNearSCR(contentS, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsNearS(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } } else if ((search.contains("*"))) { rpcS.getExpandTerms(Utility.processWildCard(search), new AsyncCallback<String[]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_3); } @Override public void onSuccess(String[] result) { words = Utility.getWildCardQueryWords(result, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); getPositionsSAO(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } }); } else { if (search.startsWith("\"")) { words = Utility.getexactWords(search); } else { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); } if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsSCR(contentS, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsS(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } } } else { ClearHitsEvents(); words = null; search = Utility.replaceAll2(SchArea.getText().trim()); queryLength = search.length(); if ((search.contains(" AND ")) || (search.contains(" OR "))) { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); getPositionsTAO(resultT, contentT, words, queryLength); } else if (search.contains(" NEAR ")) { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsNearTCR(contentT, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsNearT(resultT, contentT, words, queryLength); } } else if ((search.contains("*"))) { rpcS.getExpandTerms(Utility.processWildCard(search), new AsyncCallback<String[]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_3); } @Override public void onSuccess(String[] result) { words = Utility.getWildCardQueryWords(result, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); getPositionsTAO(resultT, contentT, words, queryLength); } }); } else { if (search.startsWith("\"")) { words = Utility.getexactWords(search); } else { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); } if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsTCR(contentT, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsT(resultT, contentT, words, queryLength); } } } } } }); } public void setVariablesMono() { sourceTextArea.setCharacterWidth(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_WIDTH); sourceTextArea.setVisibleLines(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT); sourceTextArea.setText(Align.source.content); targetTextArea.setEnabled(false); PreviousHitT.disable(); NextHitT.disable(); AlignT.disable(); schT.disable(); orgnT.disable(); AlignS.disable(); // Matrice (nombre de lignes, position du top, correction, position en pixel) resultS = Align.source.positions; if ((GuiConstant.EXACT_FLG) || (GuiConstant.EXACT_CLOSE)) { contentS = Align.source.content; } else { contentS = Align.source.content.toLowerCase(); } height = sourceTextArea.getElement().getScrollHeight(); pposS = sourceTextArea.getOffsetWidth() - (int) pixS; float scrollines = (float) ((float) height) / pixS; int totlinesS = (resultS[resultS.length - 1][3] + resultS[resultS.length - 1][0]); magicS = (float) ((float) (scrollines - totlinesS) / scrollines) + 1f; } public void setNetScapePosMono(int idxS, int h) { int lin = resultS[idxS][3] - h + resultS[idxS][0] / 2; float frtop = lin * pixS; int posf = (frtop > height) ? height : (int) frtop; sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); sourceTextArea.getElement().setScrollTop(posf); } public void nextHitMono() { pp.hide(); if ((PositionsS.length - 1 == 0)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == 0) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_37 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == (PositionsS.length - 1)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } if (curIndS < PositionsS.length) { indexS = PositionsS[curIndS][0]; if ((Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 7.0")) || (Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 8.0"))) { pos = PositionsS[curIndS][1] + resultS[indexS][1] + indexS; int idx = resultS[indexS][2] + indexS; sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(idx); } else { setNetScapePosMono(indexS, (sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)); pos = PositionsS[curIndS][1] + resultS[indexS][1]; } sourceTextArea.setSelectionRange(pos, PositionsS[curIndS][2]); } sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } public void previousHitMono() { pp.hide(); if ((PositionsS.length - 1 == 0)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == (PositionsS.length - 1)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == 0) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_37 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } if (curIndS >= 0) { indexS = PositionsS[curIndS][0]; if ((Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 7.0")) || (Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 8.0"))) { pos = PositionsS[curIndS][1] + resultS[indexS][1] + indexS; int idx = resultS[indexS][2] + indexS; sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(idx); } else { setNetScapePosMono(indexS, (sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)); pos = PositionsS[curIndS][1] + resultS[indexS][1]; } sourceTextArea.setSelectionRange(pos, PositionsS[curIndS][2]); } sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } public void AddHitsEventsMono() { // Handler of the going to the next line in the source text NextHitS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndS < PositionsS.length - 1) { curIndS++; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); nextHitMono(); } else { nextHitMono(); } } }); // Handler of the going to the previous line in the source text PreviousHitS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndS > 0) { curIndS--; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); previousHitMono(); } else { previousHitMono(); } } }); } public void AddHitsEventsMonoAO() { // Handler of the going to the next line in the source text NextHitS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndS < PositionsS.length - 1) { curIndS++; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); nextHitMono(); } else { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); nextHitMono(); } } }); // Handler of the going to the previous line in the source text PreviousHitS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndS > 0) { curIndS--; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); previousHitMono(); } else { previousHitMono(); } } }); } public void AddOtherEventsMono() { // Handler of the going to align the line in the source text schS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_7); pSch.setPopupPosition(sourceTextArea.getAbsoluteLeft() + sourceTextArea.getOffsetWidth() / 8, sourceTextArea.getAbsoluteTop());; SchArea.setFocus(true); SchBtn.removeAllListeners(); SchBtn.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { ClearHitsEvents(); words = null; search = Utility.replaceAll2(SchArea.getText().trim()); queryLength = search.length(); if ((search.contains(" AND ")) || (search.contains(" OR "))) { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); getPositionsMonoAO(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } else if (search.contains(" NEAR ")) { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsNearMonoCR(contentS, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsNearMono(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } } else if ((search.contains("*"))) { rpcS.getExpandTerms(Utility.processWildCard(search), new AsyncCallback<String[]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_3); } @Override public void onSuccess(String[] result) { words = Utility.getWildCardQueryWords(result, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); getPositionsMonoAO(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } }); } else { if (search.startsWith("\"")) { words = Utility.getexactWords(search); } else { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); } if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsMonoCR(contentS, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsMono(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } } } }); } }); save.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_35); MyCatDownload.downloadZipFromServlet(Align.source.uri, msg); } }); orgnS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { rpcS.getOriginalUrl(Align.source.uri, new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_4); } @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { // Window.alert("request : " + result);, "Original", features); } }); } }); CclBtn.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { pSch.hide(); } }); SchArea.addKeyPressHandler(new KeyPressHandler() { @Override public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) { if (event.getNativeEvent().getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) { ClearHitsEvents(); words = null; search = Utility.replaceAll2(SchArea.getText().trim()); queryLength = search.length(); if ((search.contains(" AND ")) || (search.contains(" OR "))) { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); getPositionsMonoAO(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } else if (search.contains(" NEAR ")) { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsNearMonoCR(contentS, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsNearMono(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } } else if ((search.contains("*"))) { rpcS.getExpandTerms(Utility.processWildCard(search), new AsyncCallback<String[]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_3); } @Override public void onSuccess(String[] result) { words = Utility.getWildCardQueryWords(result, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); getPositionsMonoAO(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } }); } else { if (search.startsWith("\"")) { words = Utility.getexactWords(search); } else { words = Utility.getQueryWords(search, MainEntryPoint.stopWords); } if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsMonoCR(contentS, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsMono(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } } } } }); } public void getTextContent(String file, String langS, String langT, String Query) { langtgt = langT; langsrc = langS; // Window.alert("getting the content of the file: "+file); if (langT.contains("AR")) { targetTextArea.setDirection(Direction.RTL); } else { targetTextArea.setDirection(Direction.LTR); } if (langS.contains("AR")) { sourceTextArea.setDirection(Direction.RTL); } else { sourceTextArea.setDirection(Direction.LTR); } if ((GuiConstant.REMOVE_AGLUTINATED_SPACE) && (GuiConstant.AGLUTINATED_LANG_LIST.contains(langT))) { remSpace = true; } else { remSpace = false; } // Window.alert("" + remSpace); // remote procedure call to the server to get the content of the text areas rpcS.getContent(file, langS, langT, Query, sourceTextArea.getCharacterWidth(), sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines(), remSpace, new AsyncCallback<GwtAlignBiText>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_56); } @Override public void onSuccess(GwtAlignBiText result) { Align = result; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_9 + Align.source.uri); if (("** ERROR")) || ( == null)) { SetMonoTextBehaviour(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { SetBiTextBehaviour(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } } }); } public void SetBiTextBehaviour() { Map =; ClearHitsEvents(); setVariables(); AddOtherEvents(); curIndS = 0; curIndT = 0; PositionsS = null; PositionsT = null; if ((MainEntryPoint.QUERY.contains(" AND ")) || (MainEntryPoint.QUERY.contains(" OR ")) || (MainEntryPoint.QUERY.contains("*"))) { if (GuiConstant.MULTI_WILD_CARD_FLG) { // Window.alert("Looking for close: " + words.get(0) + " " + words.get(1)); getPositionsWildCardExpr(contentS, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsSAO(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } } else if (MainEntryPoint.QUERY.contains(" NEAR ")) { if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsNearSCR(contentS, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsNearS(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } } else if (GuiConstant.EXACT_CLOSE) { // Window.alert("Looking for close: " + words.get(0) + " " + words.get(1)); getPositionsClose(contentS, words); } else { if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsSCR(contentS, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsS(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } } } public void SetMonoTextBehaviour() { ClearHitsEvents(); setVariablesMono(); AddOtherEventsMono(); curIndS = 0; PositionsS = null; if ((MainEntryPoint.QUERY.contains(" AND ")) || (MainEntryPoint.QUERY.contains(" OR ")) || (MainEntryPoint.QUERY.contains("*"))) { if (GuiConstant.MULTI_WILD_CARD_FLG) { // Window.alert("Looking for close: " + words.get(0) + " " + words.get(1)); getPositionsWildCardExprMono(contentS, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsMonoAO(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } } else if (MainEntryPoint.QUERY.contains(" NEAR ")) { if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsNearMonoCR(contentS, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsNearMono(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } } else if (GuiConstant.EXACT_CLOSE) { // Window.alert("Lookinf for close: " + words.get(0) + " " + words.get(1)); getPositionsCloseMono(contentS, words); } else { if (GuiConstant.TA_HILITE_OVER_CR) { getPositionsMonoCR(contentS, words, queryLength); } else { getPositionsMono(resultS, contentS, words, queryLength); } } } public void getPositionsS(int[][] posit, String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getQueryWordsPos(posit, content, Query, queryLn, GuiConstant.EXACT_FLG, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsS = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsS(); nextHitS(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsT(int[][] posit, String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getQueryWordsPos(posit, content, Query, queryLn, GuiConstant.EXACT_FLG, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsT = result; if (PositionsT[0][0] > -1) { pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsT(); nextHitT(); targetTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsSAO(int[][] posit, String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getQueryWordsPosAO(posit, content, Query, queryLn, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsS = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsSAO(); setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); nextHitS(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsTAO(int[][] posit, String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getQueryWordsPosAO(posit, content, Query, queryLn, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsT = result; if (PositionsT[0][0] > -1) { pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsTAO(); setMessage("info", words.get(PositionsT[curIndT][3]) + " : " + GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + PositionsT[curIndT][4] + " / " + PositionsT[curIndT][5] + " --- (/ " + PositionsT.length + ")"); nextHitT(); targetTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsMono(int[][] posit, String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { // Window.alert("gestMono PositionsS"); if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getQueryWordsPos(posit, content, Query, queryLn, GuiConstant.EXACT_FLG, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsS = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsMono(); nextHitMono(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsMonoAO(int[][] posit, String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getQueryWordsPosAO(posit, content, Query, queryLn, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsS = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsMonoAO(); setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); nextHitMono(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsSCR(String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getRefWordsPos(content, Query, queryLn, GuiConstant.REF_FACTOR, GuiConstant.REF_MIN_LN, GuiConstant.EXACT_FLG, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsS = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { if (words.size() > GuiConstant.MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsSCR(); nextHitSCR(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsTCR(String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getRefWordsPos(content, Query, queryLn, GuiConstant.REF_FACTOR, GuiConstant.REF_MIN_LN, GuiConstant.EXACT_FLG, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsT = result; if (PositionsT[0][0] > -1) { if (words.size() > GuiConstant.MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsTCR(); nextHitTCR(); targetTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsNearSCR(String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getHitPosNearCR(content, Query, queryLn, GuiConstant.REF_FACTOR, GuiConstant.NEAR_DISTANCE, GuiConstant.TA_NEAR_AVG_TERM_CHAR, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsS = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { if (words.size() > GuiConstant.MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsSCR(); nextHitSCR(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsClose(String content, ArrayList<String> Query) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getHitPosExactClose(content, Query, GuiConstant.REF_FACTOR, GuiConstant.NEAR_DISTANCE, GuiConstant.TA_NEAR_AVG_TERM_CHAR, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsS = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { if (words.size() > GuiConstant.MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsSCR(); nextHitSCR(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsWildCardExpr(String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getHitPosWildCardExpr(content, Query, GuiConstant.REF_FACTOR, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsS = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { if (words.size() > GuiConstant.MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsSCR(); nextHitSCR(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsNearS(int[][] posit, String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getHitPosNear(posit, content, Query, queryLn, GuiConstant.REF_FACTOR, GuiConstant.NEAR_DISTANCE, GuiConstant.TA_NEAR_AVG_TERM_CHAR, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsS = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { if (words.size() > GuiConstant.MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsS(); nextHitS(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsNearTCR(String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getHitPosNearCR(content, Query, queryLn, GuiConstant.REF_FACTOR, GuiConstant.NEAR_DISTANCE, GuiConstant.TA_NEAR_AVG_TERM_CHAR, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsT = result; if (PositionsT[0][0] > -1) { if (words.size() > GuiConstant.MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsTCR(); nextHitTCR(); targetTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsNearT(int[][] posit, String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getHitPosNear(posit, content, Query, queryLn, GuiConstant.REF_FACTOR, GuiConstant.NEAR_DISTANCE, GuiConstant.TA_NEAR_AVG_TERM_CHAR, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsT = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { if (words.size() > GuiConstant.MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsT(); nextHitT(); targetTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsCloseMono(String content, ArrayList<String> Query) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getHitPosExactClose(content, Query, GuiConstant.REF_FACTOR, GuiConstant.NEAR_DISTANCE, GuiConstant.TA_NEAR_AVG_TERM_CHAR, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsS = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { if (words.size() > GuiConstant.MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsMonoCR(); nextHitMonoCR(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsWildCardExprMono(String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getHitPosWildCardExpr(content, Query, GuiConstant.REF_FACTOR, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsS = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { if (words.size() > GuiConstant.MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsMonoCR(); nextHitMonoCR(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsNearMonoCR(String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getHitPosNearCR(content, Query, queryLn, GuiConstant.REF_FACTOR, GuiConstant.NEAR_DISTANCE, GuiConstant.TA_NEAR_AVG_TERM_CHAR, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsS = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { if (words.size() > GuiConstant.MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsMonoCR(); nextHitMonoCR(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsNearMono(int[][] posit, String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getHitPosNear(posit, content, Query, queryLn, GuiConstant.REF_FACTOR, GuiConstant.NEAR_DISTANCE, GuiConstant.TA_NEAR_AVG_TERM_CHAR, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsS = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { if (words.size() > GuiConstant.MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsMono(); nextHitMono(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void getPositionsMonoCR(String content, ArrayList<String> Query, int queryLn) { if ((!Query.isEmpty()) && !(Query == null)) { rpcS.getRefWordsPos(content, Query, queryLn, GuiConstant.REF_FACTOR, GuiConstant.REF_MIN_LN, GuiConstant.EXACT_FLG, new AsyncCallback<int[][]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_10); } @Override public void onSuccess(int[][] result) { ClearHitsEvents(); PositionsS = result; if (PositionsS[0][0] > -1) { if (words.size() > GuiConstant.MAX_SEARCH_SIZE) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } pSch.hide(); AddHitsEventsMonoCR(); nextHitMonoCR(); sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } else { setMessage("error", GuiMessageConst.MSG_33); } } }); } } public void AddHitsEventsMonoCR() { // Handler of the going to the next line in the source text NextHitS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndS < PositionsS.length - 1) { curIndS++; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); nextHitMonoCR(); } else { nextHitMonoCR(); } } }); // Handler of the going to the previous line in the source text PreviousHitS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndS > 0) { curIndS--; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); previousHitMonoCR(); } else { previousHitMonoCR(); } } }); } public void AddHitsEventsSCR() { // Handler of the going to the next line in the source text NextHitS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndS < PositionsS.length - 1) { curIndS++; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); nextHitSCR(); } else { nextHitSCR(); } } }); // Handler of the going to the previous line in the source text PreviousHitS.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndS > 0) { curIndS--; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndS) + " / " + PositionsS.length); previousHitSCR(); } else { previousHitSCR(); } } }); } public void AddHitsEventsTCR() { // Handler of the going to the next line in the source text NextHitT.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndT < PositionsT.length - 1) { curIndT++; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndT) + " / " + PositionsT.length); nextHitTCR(); } else { nextHitTCR(); } } }); // Handler of the going to the previous line in the source text PreviousHitT.addListener(Events.OnClick, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { if (curIndT > 0) { curIndT--; setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_36 + (1 + curIndT) + " / " + PositionsT.length); previousHitTCR(); } else { previousHitTCR(); } } }); } public void nextHitMonoCR() { if ((PositionsS.length - 1 == 0)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == 0) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_37 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == (PositionsS.length - 1)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } if (words.size() > 1000) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } if (curIndS < PositionsS.length) { pos = PositionsS[curIndS][0]; indexS = Utility.getInd(pos, resultS); if ((Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 7.0")) || (Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 8.0"))) { if (pos > 0) { pos += indexS; } indexS = Utility.getInd(pos, resultS); int idx = resultS[indexS][2]; sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(idx); } else { setNetScapePosMono(indexS, (sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)); } sourceTextArea.setSelectionRange(pos, PositionsS[curIndS][1]); } sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } public void previousHitMonoCR() { if ((PositionsS.length - 1 == 0)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == (PositionsS.length - 1)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == 0) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_37 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } if (curIndS >= 0) { pos = PositionsS[curIndS][0]; indexS = Utility.getInd(pos, resultS); if ((Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 7.0")) || (Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 8.0"))) { if (pos > 0) { pos += indexS; } indexS = Utility.getInd(pos, resultS); int idx = resultS[indexS][2]; sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(idx); } else { setNetScapePosMono(indexS, (sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)); } sourceTextArea.setSelectionRange(pos, PositionsS[curIndS][1]); } sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } public void nextHitTCR() { pp.hide(); if ((PositionsT.length - 1 == 0)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsT.length); } else if (curIndT == 0) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_37 + " / " + PositionsT.length); } else if (curIndT == (PositionsT.length - 1)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsT.length); } if (words.size() > 1000) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } if (curIndT < PositionsT.length) { pos = PositionsT[curIndT][0]; indexT = Utility.getInd(pos, resultT); indexS =[indexT]; int idxlast =[Utility.getInd(pos + queryLength / 4, resultT)]; showpanel(true, Utility.getln(indexS, idxlast, resultS), indexS); if ((Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 7.0")) || (Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 8.0"))) { if (pos > 0) { pos += indexT; } indexT = Utility.getInd(pos, resultT); indexS =[indexT]; int idx = resultS[indexS][2]; int idxt = resultT[indexT][2]; sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(0); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(idx); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(idxt); } else { setNetScapePosT(indexS, indexT, (targetTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)); } targetTextArea.setSelectionRange(pos, PositionsT[curIndT][1]); } targetTextArea.setFocus(true); } public void previousHitTCR() { pp.hide(); if ((PositionsT.length - 1 == 0)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsT.length); } else if (curIndT == (PositionsT.length - 1)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsT.length); } else if (curIndT == 0) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_37 + " / " + PositionsT.length); } if (curIndT >= 0) { pos = PositionsT[curIndT][0]; indexT = Utility.getInd(pos, resultT); indexS =[indexT]; int idxlast =[Utility.getInd(pos + queryLength / 4, resultT)]; showpanel(true, Utility.getln(indexS, idxlast, resultS), indexS); if ((Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 7.0")) || (Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 8.0"))) { if (pos > 0) { pos += indexT; } indexT = Utility.getInd(pos, resultT); indexS =[indexT]; int idx = resultS[indexS][2]; int idxt = resultT[indexT][2]; sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(0); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(idx); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(idxt); } else { setNetScapePosT(indexS, indexT, (targetTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)); } targetTextArea.setSelectionRange(pos, PositionsT[curIndS][1]); } targetTextArea.setFocus(true); } public void nextHitSCR() { pp.hide(); if ((PositionsS.length - 1 == 0)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == 0) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_37 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == (PositionsS.length - 1)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } if (words.size() > 1000) { setMessage("warning", GuiMessageConst.MSG_34); } if (curIndS < PositionsS.length) { pos = PositionsS[curIndS][0]; indexS = Utility.getInd(pos, resultS); indexT = Map.from[indexS]; int idxlast = Map.from[Utility.getInd(pos + queryLength / 4, resultS)]; showpanel(false, Utility.getln(indexT, idxlast, resultT), indexT); if ((Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 7.0")) || (Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 8.0"))) { if (pos > 0) { pos += indexS; } indexS = Utility.getInd(pos, resultS); indexT = Map.from[indexS]; int idx = resultS[indexS][2]; int idxt = resultT[indexT][2]; sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(idxt); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(idx); } else { setNetScapePos(indexS, indexT, (sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)); } sourceTextArea.setSelectionRange(pos, PositionsS[curIndS][1]); } sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } public void previousHitSCR() { pp.hide(); if ((PositionsS.length - 1 == 0)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == (PositionsS.length - 1)) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_38 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } else if (curIndS == 0) { setMessage("info", GuiMessageConst.MSG_37 + " / " + PositionsS.length); } if (curIndS >= 0) { pos = PositionsS[curIndS][0]; indexS = Utility.getInd(pos, resultS); indexT = Map.from[indexS]; int idxlast = Map.from[Utility.getInd(pos + queryLength / 4, resultS)]; showpanel(false, Utility.getln(indexT, idxlast, resultT), indexT); if ((Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 7.0")) || (Window.Navigator.getUserAgent().contains("MSIE 8.0"))) { if (pos > 0) { pos += indexS; } indexS = Utility.getInd(pos, resultS); indexT = Map.from[indexS]; int idx = resultS[indexS][2]; int idxt = resultT[indexT][2]; sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(0); targetTextArea.setCursorPos(idxt); sourceTextArea.setCursorPos(idx); } else { setNetScapePos(indexS, indexT, (sourceTextArea.getVisibleLines() / 2)); } sourceTextArea.setSelectionRange(pos, PositionsS[curIndS][1]); } sourceTextArea.setFocus(true); } public void setMessage(String type, String message) { msg.setStyleName("gwt-TA-" + type.toLowerCase()); msg.setText(message); } public void updateSize() { sourceTextArea.setCharacterWidth(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_WIDTH); sourceTextArea.setVisibleLines(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT); targetTextArea.setCharacterWidth(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_WIDTH); targetTextArea.setVisibleLines(MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT); sourceTextArea.setHeight("" + pixS * MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT + "px"); targetTextArea.setHeight("" + pixS * MainEntryPoint.IMeasures.TA_TEXTAREA_HEIGHT + "px"); } }