Java tutorial
/* * Unless explicitly acquired and licensed from Licensor under another license, the contents of * this file are subject to the Reciprocal Public License ("RPL") Version 1.5, or subsequent * versions as allowed by the RPL, and You may not copy or use this file in either source code * or executable form, except in compliance with the terms and conditions of the RPL * * All software distributed under the RPL is provided strictly on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT * WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND LICENSOR HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the RPL for specific language * governing rights and limitations under the RPL. * * * * Copyright 2012-2015 Open Justice Broker Consortium */ package org.ojbc.util.fedquery.processor; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.camel.Exchange; import org.apache.camel.Processor; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Client; import org.ojbc.util.camel.helper.OJBUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * This processor is used by the Splitter to prepare the message for processing * * It will set the following headers: * webServiceEndpointToCall. This indicates what web service endpoint to call * Exchange.DESTINATION_OVERRIDE_URL. This indicates the address of the endpoint to call. * * It also preserves the WS Addressing message ID and replyTo values. * * Prior to calling the adapter, it will updated the source systems node to include the adapter that is being called. * */ public class PrepareFederatedQueryMessage implements Processor { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PrepareFederatedQueryMessage.class); private ExchangeDestinationLookupStrategy exchangeDestinationLookupStrategy; public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { //Get System Name from the split exchange Element systemNameElement = (Element) exchange.getIn().getBody(); String systemName = systemNameElement.getTextContent(); log.debug("System name in prepare ref for Splitter: " + systemName); //Provide the system name that we are calling as a convenience to ExchangeDestinationLookupStrategy exchange.getIn().setHeader("systemNameURI", systemName); //Remove system names from message //Retrieve original request message that is a Camel Header Document requestMessage = (Document) exchange.getIn().getHeader("requestMessageBody"); //Set body to request message with only source system name of adapter being called. Document requestMessageWithSystemNameForAdapter = removeSystemNamesNotIntendedForAdapter(requestMessage, systemName); exchange.getIn().setBody(requestMessageWithSystemNameForAdapter); //Set Header to call web service using recipient list in camel route String endpointName = exchangeDestinationLookupStrategy.getCXFEndpointName(exchange); exchange.getIn().setHeader("webServiceEndpointToCall", endpointName); //Set the Destination Override URL map entry so we can set the adapter address String cxfEndpointAddress = exchangeDestinationLookupStrategy.getCXFEndpointAddress(exchange); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(cxfEndpointAddress)) { log.debug("Setting CXF endpoint address to: " + cxfEndpointAddress); exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.DESTINATION_OVERRIDE_URL, cxfEndpointAddress); } //Get message ID Map<String, Object> requestContext = prepareWSAddressingParamters(exchange); log.debug("Federated Query ID: " + exchange.getIn().getHeader("federatedQueryRequestGUID")); //Set WS-Addressing message properties header exchange.getIn().setHeader(Client.REQUEST_CONTEXT, requestContext); //Remove obsolete headers to create clean exchange, the first argument '*' removes all headers, and the arguments that follows are headers that are preserved exchange.getIn().removeHeaders("*", "federatedQueryRequestGUID", "operationName", "operationNamespace", "tokenID", "webServiceEndpointToCall", Client.REQUEST_CONTEXT, Exchange.DESTINATION_OVERRIDE_URL); } private Map<String, Object> prepareWSAddressingParamters(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { String requestID = (String) exchange.getIn().getHeader("federatedQueryRequestGUID"); //Create a new map with WS Addressing message properties that we want to override //We want to preserve the Message ID as well HashMap<String, String> wsAddressingMessageProperties = new HashMap<String, String>(); wsAddressingMessageProperties.put("MessageID", requestID); String replyTo = (String) exchange.getIn().getHeader("WSAddressingReplyTo"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(replyTo)) { log.debug("WS Addressing Reply To Camel Header: " + replyTo); wsAddressingMessageProperties.put("ReplyTo", replyTo); } //Call method to create proper request context map Map<String, Object> requestContext = OJBUtils.setWSAddressingProperties(wsAddressingMessageProperties); return requestContext; } Document removeSystemNamesNotIntendedForAdapter(Document requestMessage, String endpointUriValue) { //We need to clone the node because the recipient list message is mutable Document clonedRequestDocument = (Document) requestMessage.cloneNode(true); NodeList sourceSystems = clonedRequestDocument.getElementsByTagName("SourceSystemNameText"); Set<Node> targetElementsToRemove = new HashSet<Node>(); //Loop through the source systems and remove any source systems that don't match the system we are calling //We can't remove them from the live list so we put them in a set and remove later // for (int s = 0; s < sourceSystems.getLength(); s++) { Node sourceSystemNode = sourceSystems.item(s); if (sourceSystemNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { String currentSourceSystemNode = sourceSystemNode.getTextContent(); if (!currentSourceSystemNode.equals(endpointUriValue)) { targetElementsToRemove.add(sourceSystemNode); } } } for (Node e : targetElementsToRemove) { e.getParentNode().removeChild(e); } //Set the message body of the modified message return clonedRequestDocument; } public ExchangeDestinationLookupStrategy getExchangeDestinationLookupStrategy() { return exchangeDestinationLookupStrategy; } public void setExchangeDestinationLookupStrategy( ExchangeDestinationLookupStrategy exchangeDestinationLookupStrategy) { this.exchangeDestinationLookupStrategy = exchangeDestinationLookupStrategy; } }