Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2012 The Regents of the University of California * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package org.ohmage.service; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import nu.xom.Builder; import nu.xom.Document; import nu.xom.Element; import nu.xom.Nodes; import nu.xom.ParsingException; import nu.xom.ValidityException; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.ohmage.annotator.Annotator.ErrorCode; import org.ohmage.domain.campaign.Campaign; import org.ohmage.domain.campaign.SurveyResponse; import org.ohmage.exception.DataAccessException; import org.ohmage.exception.DomainException; import org.ohmage.exception.ServiceException; import org.ohmage.query.ICampaignImageQueries; import org.ohmage.query.ICampaignQueries; import org.ohmage.query.IImageQueries; /** * This class contains the services that pertain to campaigns. * * @author John Jenkins * @author Joshua Selsky */ public class CampaignServices { private static CampaignServices instance; private ICampaignQueries campaignQueries; private ICampaignImageQueries campaignImageQueries; private IImageQueries imageQueries; /** * Default constructor. Privately instantiated via dependency injection * (reflection). * * @throws IllegalStateException if an instance of this class already * exists * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if iCampaignQueries is null */ private CampaignServices(ICampaignQueries iCampaignQueries, ICampaignImageQueries iCampaignImageQueries, IImageQueries iImageQueries) { if (instance != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("An instance of this class already exists."); } if (iCampaignQueries == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("An instance of ICampaignQueries is required."); } if (iCampaignImageQueries == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("An instance of ICampaignImageQueries is a required argument."); } if (iImageQueries == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("An instance of IImageQueries is a required argument."); } campaignQueries = iCampaignQueries; campaignImageQueries = iCampaignImageQueries; imageQueries = iImageQueries; instance = this; } /** * @return Returns the singleton instance of this class. */ public static CampaignServices instance() { return instance; } /** * Creates a new campaign. * * @param campaignId The new campaign's unique identifier. * * @param name The new campaign's name. * * @param xml The new campaign's XML. * * @param description The new campaign's description. * * @param runningState The new campaign's initial running state. * * @param privacyState The new campaign's initial privacy state. * * @param classIds A List of class identifiers for classes that are going * to be initially associated with the campaign. * * @param creatorUsername The username of the user that will be set as the * author. * * @throws ServiceException Thrown if there is an error. */ public void createCampaign(final Campaign campaign, final Collection<String> classIds, final String creatorUsername) throws ServiceException { try { campaignQueries.createCampaign(campaign, classIds, creatorUsername); } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Checks if a campaign already exists or not based on the 'shouldExist' * flag. * * @param campaignId The unique identifier of a campaign whose existence is * being checked. * * @param shouldExist Whether or not the campaign should already exist. * * @throws ServiceException Thrown if there is an error, if the campaign * exists and it shouldn't, or if the campaign * doesn't exist and it should. */ public void checkCampaignExistence(final String campaignId, final boolean shouldExist) throws ServiceException { try { if (campaignQueries.getCampaignExists(campaignId)) { if (!shouldExist) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.CAMPAIGN_INVALID_XML, "The campaign already exists."); } } else { if (shouldExist) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.CAMPAIGN_INVALID_ID, "The campaign does not exist."); } } } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Checks if the existence of every campaign in a List of campaign IDs * matches the parameterized 'shouldExist'. * * @param campaignIds A List of campaign IDs to check. * * @param shouldExist Whether or not every campaign in the List should * exist or not. * * @throws ServiceException Thrown if any of the campaigns exist and they * shouldn't or if any of the campaigns don't * exist and they should. */ public void checkCampaignsExistence(final Collection<String> campaignIds, final boolean shouldExist) throws ServiceException { for (String campaignId : campaignIds) { checkCampaignExistence(campaignId, shouldExist); } } /** * Retrieves the XML for a campaign. * * @param campaignId The campaign's unique identifier. * * @return Returns the XML for the campaign. If the campaign doens't exist, * null is returned. * * @throws ServiceException Thrown if there is an error. */ public String getCampaignXml(final String campaignId) throws ServiceException { try { return campaignQueries.getXml(campaignId); } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Retrieves the name of a campaign. * * @param campaignId The unique identifier for the campaign. * * @return Returns the name of the campaign. If the campaign doesn't exist * null is returned. * * @throws ServiceException Thrown if there is an error. */ public String getCampaignName(final String campaignId) throws ServiceException { try { return campaignQueries.getName(campaignId); } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Ensures that the prompt ID exists in the campaign XML of the campaign. * * @param campaignId The unique identifier for the campaign whose XML is * being checked. * * @param promptId A prompt ID that is unique to the campaign's XML and is * being checked for existance. * * @throws ServiceException Throws a * {@value org.ohmage.annotator.ErrorCodes#CAMPAIGN_NOT_FOUND} * if the campaign doesn't exist or a * {@value org.ohmage.annotator.ErrorCodes##CAMPAIGN_UNKNOWN_PROMPT_ID} * if the prompt ID doesn't exist in the * campaign's XML. Also, thrown if there is an * error. */ public void ensurePromptExistsInCampaign(final String campaignId, final String promptId) throws ServiceException { // Get the XML. String xml; try { xml = campaignQueries.getXml(campaignId); } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } if (xml == null) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.CAMPAIGN_INVALID_ID, "There is no such campaign with the campaign ID: " + campaignId); } // Now use XOM to retrieve a Document and a root node for further processing. XOM is used because it has a // very simple XPath API Builder builder = new Builder(); Document document; try { document = StringReader(xml)); } catch (IOException e) { // The XML should already have been validated, so this should // never happen. throw new ServiceException("Unable to read XML.", e); } catch (ValidityException e) { // The XML should already have been validated, so this should // never happen. throw new ServiceException("Invalid XML.", e); } catch (ParsingException e) { // The XML should already have been validated, so this should // never happen. throw new ServiceException("XML cannot be parsed.", e); } // Find all the prompt IDs with the parameterized promptId. Element root = document.getRootElement(); Nodes nodes = root.query("/campaign/surveys/survey/contentList/prompt[id='" + promptId + "']"); if (nodes.size() == 0) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.SURVEY_INVALID_PROMPT_ID, "The following prompt ID is not part of the campaign's XML: " + promptId); } } /** * Verifies that the campaign is running. * * @param campaignId The campaign's unique identifier. * * @throws ServiceException Thrown if the campaign is not running or if * there is an error. */ public void verifyCampaignIsRunning(final String campaignId) throws ServiceException { try { if (!Campaign.RunningState.RUNNING.equals(campaignQueries.getCampaignRunningState(campaignId))) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.CAMPAIGN_INVALID_RUNNING_STATE, "The campaign is not running."); } } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Verifies that the given timestamp is the same as the campaign's creation * timestamp. * * @param campaignId The campaign's unique identifier. * * @param creationTimestamp The expected campaign creation timestamp. * * @throws ServiceException Thrown if the expected and actual campaign * creation timestamps are not the same or if * there is an error. */ public void verifyCampaignIsUpToDate(final Campaign campaign, final DateTime creationTimestamp) throws ServiceException { long creationTimeWithoutMillis = campaign.getCreationTimestamp().getMillis() / 1000; long givenTimeWithoutMillis = creationTimestamp.getMillis() / 1000; if (creationTimeWithoutMillis != givenTimeWithoutMillis) { throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.CAMPAIGN_OUT_OF_DATE, "The given timestamp is not the same as the campaign's creation timestamp."); } } /** * Finds the configuration for the campaign identified by the campaign id. * * @param campaignId The campaign id to use for lookup. * @return a Campaign instance created from the XML for the campaign. * @throws ServiceException If an error occurred in the data layer. */ public Campaign getCampaign(final String campaignId) throws ServiceException { try { return campaignQueries.findCampaignConfiguration(campaignId); } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Gets all of the campaigns, removing those that don't match the given * criteria. The results are sorted alphabetically for paging. * * @param campaignId Limits the results to only those campaigns that have * this unique identifier. * * @param surveyId Limits the results to only those campaigns that have a * survey whose unique identifier matches this. * * @param promptId Limits the results to only those campaigns that have a * prompt whose unique identifier matches this. * * @param numToSkip The number of campaigns to skip. * * @param numToReturn The number of campaigns to return. * * @return A collection of all campaigns that matched the given criteria. * * @throws ServiceException There was an error. */ public List<Campaign> getCampaigns(final Collection<String> campaignIds, final Collection<String> surveyIds, final Collection<String> promptIds, final Collection<String> classIds, final DateTime startDate, final DateTime endDate, final Campaign.PrivacyState privacyState, final Campaign.RunningState runningState, final long numToSkip, final long numToReturn) throws ServiceException { try { return campaignQueries.getCampaigns(campaignIds, surveyIds, promptIds, classIds, startDate, endDate, privacyState, runningState, numToSkip, numToReturn); } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Begins with all of the campaigns that exist in the system and then * removes those that don't match the parameterized criteria. If a * parameter is null, it is ignored. Therefore, if all parameters are null, * then all campaign IDs are returned. * * @param partialCampaignId Only return campaigns whose ID contains this * value. * * @param partialCampaignName Only return campaigns whose name contains * this value. * * @param partialDescription Only return campaigns whose description * contains this value. * * @param partialXml Only return campaigns whose XML contains this value. * * @param partialAuthoredBy Only return campaigns whose authored by value * contains this value. * * @param startDate Only return campaigns that were created on or after * this date. * * @param endDate Only return campaigns that were created on or before this * date. * * @param privacyState Only return campaigns with this privacy state. * * @param runningState Only return campaigns with this running state. * * @return The set of campaign IDs. * * @throws ServiceException There was an error. */ public Set<String> campaignIdSearch(final String partialCampaignId, final String partialCampaignName, final String partialDescription, final String partialXml, final String partialAuthoredBy, final DateTime startDate, final DateTime endDate, final Campaign.PrivacyState privacyState, final Campaign.RunningState runningState) throws ServiceException { try { Set<String> result = null; if (partialCampaignId != null) { result = new HashSet<String>(campaignQueries.getCampaignsFromPartialId(partialCampaignId)); } if (partialCampaignName != null) { List<String> campaignIds = campaignQueries.getCampaignsFromPartialName(partialCampaignName); if (result == null) { result = new HashSet<String>(campaignIds); } else { result.retainAll(campaignIds); } } if (partialDescription != null) { List<String> campaignIds = campaignQueries.getCampaignsFromPartialDescription(partialDescription); if (result == null) { result = new HashSet<String>(campaignIds); } else { result.retainAll(campaignIds); } } if (partialAuthoredBy != null) { List<String> campaignIds = campaignQueries.getCampaignsFromPartialAuthoredBy(partialAuthoredBy); if (result == null) { result = new HashSet<String>(campaignIds); } else { result.retainAll(campaignIds); } } if (startDate != null) { List<String> campaignIds = campaignQueries.getCampaignsOnOrAfterDate(startDate); if (result == null) { result = new HashSet<String>(campaignIds); } else { result.retainAll(campaignIds); } } if (endDate != null) { List<String> campaignIds = campaignQueries.getCampaignsOnOrBeforeDate(endDate); if (result == null) { result = new HashSet<String>(campaignIds); } else { result.retainAll(campaignIds); } } if (privacyState != null) { List<String> campaignIds = campaignQueries.getCampaignsWithPrivacyState(privacyState); if (result == null) { result = new HashSet<String>(campaignIds); } else { result.retainAll(campaignIds); } } if (runningState != null) { List<String> campaignIds = campaignQueries.getCampaignsWithRunningState(runningState); if (result == null) { result = new HashSet<String>(campaignIds); } else { result.retainAll(campaignIds); } } if (result == null) { result = new HashSet<String>(campaignQueries.getAllCampaignIds()); } return result; } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Verifies that the survey responses as JSONObjects are valid survey * responses for the given campaign. * * @param username The username of the user that generated these survey * responses. * * @param client The client value. * * @param campaign The campaign. * * @param jsonSurveyResponses The collection of survey responses as * JSONObjects. * * @return A list of SurveyResponse objects representing the JSON survey * responses. * * @throws ServiceException Thrown if one of the survey responses is * malformed. */ public List<SurveyResponse> getSurveyResponses(final String username, final String client, final Campaign campaign, final Collection<JSONObject> jsonSurveyResponses) throws ServiceException { try { List<SurveyResponse> result = new ArrayList<SurveyResponse>(jsonSurveyResponses.size()); for (JSONObject jsonResponse : jsonSurveyResponses) { result.add(new SurveyResponse(username, campaign.getId(), client, campaign, jsonResponse)); } return result; } catch (DomainException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Updates a campaign. The 'request' and 'campaignId' are required; * however, the remaining parameters may be null indicating that they * should not be updated. * * @param campaignId The campaign's unique identifier. * * @param xml The new XML for the campaign or null if the XML should not be * updated. * * @param description The new description for the campaign or null if the * description should not be updated. * * @param runningState The new running state for the campaign or null if * the running state should not be updated. * * @param privacyState The new privacy state for the campaign or null if * the privacy state should not be updated. * * @param classesToAdd The collection of classes to associate with the * campaign. * * @param classesToRemove The collection of classes to disassociate from * the campaign. * * @param usersAndRolesToAdd A map of usernames to a list of roles that the * users should be granted in the campaign or * null if no users should be granted any new * roles. * * @param usersAndRolesToRemove A map of usernames to a list of roles that * should be revoked from the user in the * campaign or null if no users should have * any of their roles revoked. * * @throws ServiceException Thrown if there is an error. */ public void updateCampaign(final String campaignId, final String xml, final String description, final Campaign.RunningState runningState, final Campaign.PrivacyState privacyState, final Collection<String> classesToAdd, final Collection<String> classesToRemove, final Map<String, Set<Campaign.Role>> usersAndRolesToAdd, final Map<String, Set<Campaign.Role>> usersAndRolesToRemove) throws ServiceException { try { campaignQueries.updateCampaign(campaignId, xml, description, runningState, privacyState, classesToAdd, classesToRemove, usersAndRolesToAdd, usersAndRolesToRemove); } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } } /** * Deletes a campaign and everything associated with it. * * @param campaignId The unique identifier for the campaign. * * @throws ServiceException Thrown if there is an error. */ public void deleteCampaign(final String campaignId) throws ServiceException { // First, retrieve the path information for all of the images // associated with this campaign. Collection<URL> imageUrls; try { imageUrls = campaignImageQueries.getImageUrlsFromCampaign(campaignId); } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } try { campaignQueries.deleteCampaign(campaignId); } catch (DataAccessException e) { throw new ServiceException(e); } // If the transaction succeeded, delete all of the images from the // disk. for (URL imageUrl : imageUrls) { imageQueries.deleteImageDiskOnly(imageUrl); } } }