Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2011 The Regents of the University of California * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package org.ohmage.reminders.notif; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.database.Cursor; import android.util.Log; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.ohmage.reminders.base.TriggerActionDesc; import org.ohmage.reminders.base.TriggerBase; import org.ohmage.reminders.base.TriggerDB; import org.ohmage.reminders.base.TriggerRunTimeDesc; import org.ohmage.reminders.base.TriggerTypeMap; import org.ohmage.reminders.utils.TrigPrefManager; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Set; /* * An interface to the survey list management. This class * provides functions to keep track of the survey taken * time stamps, to get the list of active surveys and to * get various trigger related JSON strings used while * uploading survey responses. * * This class isolates the logic related to surveys from * the Notifier class thus making the implementation of the * Notifier generic and independent of the surveys. */ public class NotifSurveyAdaptor { private static final String TAG = "NotifSurveyAdaptor"; /* Keys used in preparation of the JSON strings */ private static final String KEY_ACTIVE_TRIGGERS = "active_triggers"; private static final String KEY_TRIGGER_DESC = "trigger_description"; private static final String KEY_NOTIF_DESC = "notification_description"; private static final String KEY_RUNTIME_DESC = "runtime_description"; private static final String KEY_TRIGGER_TYPE = "trigger_type"; private static final String KEY_TRIGER_PREF = "trigger_preferences"; private static final String KEY_SURVEY_LIST = "survey_list"; private static final String KEY_UNTAKEN_SURVEYS = "surveys_not_taken"; private static final String KEY_CAMPAIGN_URN = "campaign_urn"; /* * Helper function to prepare the list of active surveys corresponding * to trigger. * * A trigger is active if it has not expired (the notification duration * has not been reached) after going off the last time. * * All surveys associated with an active active trigger are active * - EXCEPT those which have already been taken by the user within * the suppression window. */ private static HashSet<String> getActiveSurveys(Context context, Cursor trig) { HashSet<String> actSurveys = new HashSet<String>(); String runTime = trig.getString(trig.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TriggerDB.KEY_RUNTIME_DESCRIPT)); String notif = trig.getString(trig.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TriggerDB.KEY_NOTIF_DESCRIPT)); String actions = trig.getString(trig.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TriggerDB.KEY_TRIG_ACTION_DESCRIPT)); String campaignUrn = trig.getString(trig.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TriggerDB.KEY_CAMPAIGN_URN)); Log.v(TAG, "NotifSurveyAdaptor: Calculating active surveys for trigger"); TriggerRunTimeDesc rtDesc = new TriggerRunTimeDesc(); NotifDesc notifDesc = new NotifDesc(); TriggerActionDesc actDesc = new TriggerActionDesc(); if (!rtDesc.loadString(runTime) || !notifDesc.loadString(notif) || !actDesc.loadString(actions)) { Log.e(TAG, "NotifSurveyAdaptor: Descritptor(s) failed to parse"); return actSurveys; } if (!rtDesc.hasTriggerTimeStamp()) { Log.v(TAG, "NotifSurveyAdaptor: Trigger has not gone off"); return actSurveys; } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long trigTS = rtDesc.getTriggerTimeStamp(); if (trigTS > now) { Log.e(TAG, "NotifSurveyAdaptor: Trigger time stamp is in the future!"); return actSurveys; } //How long it has been since the trigger went off long elapsedMS = now - trigTS; long durationMS = notifDesc.getDuration() * 60000; long suppressMS = notifDesc.getSuppression() * 60000; if (elapsedMS < durationMS) { //The trigger has not expired, check each survey String[] surveys = actDesc.getSurveys(); for (int i = 0; i < surveys.length; i++) { //Has the survey been taken in within the //suppression window? if (IsSurveyTakenOrIgnored(context, surveys[i], System.currentTimeMillis() - suppressMS)) { continue; } //Add the active survey to the set actSurveys.add(surveys[i]); } } return actSurveys; } private static HashSet<String> getSurveys(Cursor trig) { HashSet<String> actSurveys = new HashSet<String>(); String actions = trig.getString(trig.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TriggerDB.KEY_TRIG_ACTION_DESCRIPT)); Log.v(TAG, "NotifSurveyAdaptor: Calculating surveys for trigger"); TriggerActionDesc actDesc = new TriggerActionDesc(); if (!actDesc.loadString(actions)) { Log.e(TAG, "NotifSurveyAdaptor: Descritptor(s) failed to parse"); return actSurveys; } actSurveys.addAll(Arrays.asList(actDesc.getSurveys())); return actSurveys; } /* * Utility function to check if a survey has been taken * by the user since a given time. This function checks * the time stamp of the survey stored in shared preferences. */ private static boolean IsSurveyTakenOrIgnored(Context context, String survey, long since) { SharedPreferences pref = context.getSharedPreferences(NotifSurveyAdaptor.class.getName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE); return (pref.contains(survey) && pref.getLong(survey, 0) > since) || (pref.contains(survey + "_ignored") && pref.getLong(survey + "_ignored", 0) > since); } /* * Get the list of all surveys active at the moment. This * function creates a set of all active surveys from all * active triggers. * * This function is used by the Notifier to prepare the * notification item. */ public static Set<String> getAllActiveSurveys(Context context, String campaignUrn) { HashSet<String> actSurveys = new HashSet<String>(); TriggerDB db = new TriggerDB(context);; Cursor c = db.getAllTriggers(campaignUrn); if (c.moveToFirst()) { do { actSurveys.addAll(getActiveSurveys(context, c)); } while (c.moveToNext()); } c.close(); db.close(); return actSurveys; } /* * Get all the active surveys corresponding to a specific trigger. */ public static Set<String> getActiveSurveysForTrigger(Context context, int trigId) { HashSet<String> actSurveys = new HashSet<String>(); TriggerDB db = new TriggerDB(context);; Cursor c = db.getTrigger(trigId); if (c.moveToFirst()) { actSurveys.addAll(getActiveSurveys(context, c)); } c.close(); db.close(); return actSurveys; } public static Set<String> getSurveysForTrigger(Context context, int trigId) { HashSet<String> actSurveys = new HashSet<String>(); TriggerDB db = new TriggerDB(context);; Cursor c = db.getTrigger(trigId); if (c.moveToFirst()) { actSurveys.addAll(getSurveys(c)); } c.close(); db.close(); return actSurveys; } /* * Saves the current time stamp against the given survey name. * This must be called whenever a survey is taken by the user. */ public static void recordSurveyTaken(Context context, String survey) { SharedPreferences pref = context.getSharedPreferences(NotifSurveyAdaptor.class.getName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit(); editor.putLong(survey, System.currentTimeMillis()); editor.commit(); TrigPrefManager.registerPreferenceFile(context, NotifSurveyAdaptor.class.getName()); } public static void clearSurveyTaken(Context context, String survey) { SharedPreferences pref = context.getSharedPreferences(NotifSurveyAdaptor.class.getName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE); pref.edit().remove(survey).commit(); TrigPrefManager.registerPreferenceFile(context, NotifSurveyAdaptor.class.getName()); } /* * Saves the fact that a survey was ignored by a user */ public static void recordSurveyIgnored(Context context, String survey) { SharedPreferences pref = context.getSharedPreferences(NotifSurveyAdaptor.class.getName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit(); editor.putLong(survey + "_ignored", System.currentTimeMillis()); editor.commit(); TrigPrefManager.registerPreferenceFile(context, NotifSurveyAdaptor.class.getName()); } /* * Removes the ignored state of a survey. This should happen when a reminder for a survey goes * off */ public static void clearSurveyIgnored(Context context, String survey) { SharedPreferences pref = context.getSharedPreferences(NotifSurveyAdaptor.class.getName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit(); editor.remove(survey + "_ignored"); editor.commit(); TrigPrefManager.registerPreferenceFile(context, NotifSurveyAdaptor.class.getName()); } /* * Utility function to add the JSON description of a active * trigger to JSON array. */ private static void addTriggerInfoToArray(Context context, Cursor trig, JSONArray jArray) { String rtDesc = trig.getString(trig.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TriggerDB.KEY_RUNTIME_DESCRIPT)); TriggerRunTimeDesc desc = new TriggerRunTimeDesc(); desc.loadString(rtDesc); String notifDesc = trig.getString(trig.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TriggerDB.KEY_NOTIF_DESCRIPT)); String trigDesc = trig.getString(trig.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TriggerDB.KEY_TRIG_DESCRIPT)); String trigType = trig.getString(trig.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TriggerDB.KEY_TRIG_TYPE)); String campaignUrn = trig.getString(trig.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TriggerDB.KEY_CAMPAIGN_URN)); JSONObject jPref = new JSONObject(); TriggerBase trigBase = new TriggerTypeMap().getTrigger(trigType); if (trigBase != null) { jPref = trigBase.getPreferences(context); } JSONObject jTrigInfo = new JSONObject(); try { jTrigInfo.put(KEY_TRIGGER_TYPE, trigType); jTrigInfo.put(KEY_TRIGGER_DESC, new JSONObject(trigDesc)); jTrigInfo.put(KEY_NOTIF_DESC, new JSONObject(notifDesc)); jTrigInfo.put(KEY_RUNTIME_DESC, new JSONObject(desc.toHumanReadableString())); jTrigInfo.put(KEY_TRIGER_PREF, jPref); jTrigInfo.put(KEY_CAMPAIGN_URN, campaignUrn); } catch (JSONException e) { return; } jArray.put(jTrigInfo); } /* * Get the JSON array containing the details of all the triggers * which have activated a given survey at the moment. */ public static JSONArray getActiveTriggerInfo(Context context, String campaignUrn, String survey) { JSONObject jInfo = new JSONObject(); JSONArray jTrigs = new JSONArray(); TriggerDB db = new TriggerDB(context);; Cursor c = db.getAllTriggers(campaignUrn); if (c.moveToFirst()) { do { if (getActiveSurveys(context, c).contains(survey)) { addTriggerInfoToArray(context, c, jTrigs); } } while (c.moveToNext()); } c.close(); db.close(); try { jInfo.put(KEY_ACTIVE_TRIGGERS, jTrigs); } catch (JSONException e) { return null; } return jTrigs; } /* * To be called when a trigger expires. This function logs using * LogProbe, the list of all surveys not taken by the user * but were activated by the given trigger. */ public static void handleExpiredTrigger(Context context, int trigId) { TriggerDB db = new TriggerDB(context);; String sActDesc = db.getActionDescription(trigId); String sTrigDesc = db.getTriggerDescription(trigId); String sTrigType = db.getTriggerType(trigId); String sRTDesc = db.getRunTimeDescription(trigId); TriggerDB.Campaign sCampaign = db.getCampaignInfo(trigId); db.close(); if (sActDesc == null || sTrigDesc == null || sTrigType == null || sRTDesc == null) { return; } TriggerActionDesc actDesc = new TriggerActionDesc(); if (!actDesc.loadString(sActDesc)) { return; } TriggerRunTimeDesc rtDesc = new TriggerRunTimeDesc(); if (!rtDesc.loadString(sRTDesc)) { return; } LinkedList<String> untakenList = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String survey : actDesc.getSurveys()) { if (!IsSurveyTakenOrIgnored(context, survey, rtDesc.getTriggerTimeStamp())) { untakenList.add(survey); } } if (untakenList.size() == 0) { return; } JSONArray jSurveyList = new JSONArray(); for (String survey : actDesc.getSurveys()) { jSurveyList.put(survey); } JSONArray jUntakenSurveys = new JSONArray(); for (String unTakenSurvey : untakenList) { jUntakenSurveys.put(unTakenSurvey); } JSONObject jExpired = new JSONObject(); try { jExpired.put(KEY_TRIGGER_TYPE, sTrigType); jExpired.put(KEY_TRIGGER_DESC, new JSONObject(sTrigDesc)); jExpired.put(KEY_SURVEY_LIST, jSurveyList); jExpired.put(KEY_UNTAKEN_SURVEYS, jUntakenSurveys); if (sCampaign != null) jExpired.put(KEY_CAMPAIGN_URN, sCampaign.urn); } catch (JSONException e) { return; } //Log the info Log.v(TAG, "Expired trigger has surveys not taken: " + jExpired.toString()); } }