Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2012 The Regents of the University of California * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package org.ohmage.query.impl; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.ohmage.domain.campaign.Campaign; import org.ohmage.domain.campaign.Campaign.Role; import org.ohmage.domain.campaign.CampaignMask; import org.ohmage.domain.campaign.CampaignMask.MaskId; import org.ohmage.exception.DataAccessException; import org.ohmage.exception.DomainException; import org.ohmage.query.IUserCampaignQueries; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementCreator; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.ResultSetExtractor; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SingleColumnRowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager; import; import; import org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionException; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus; import; /** * This class contains all of the functionality for reading and writing * information specific to user-campaign relationships. * * @author John Jenkins * @author Joshua Selsky */ public final class UserCampaignQueries extends Query implements IUserCampaignQueries { // Retrieves whether or not a user has any role in a campaign. private static final String SQL_EXISTS_USER_CAMPAIGN = "SELECT EXISTS(" + "SELECT c.urn " + "FROM user u, campaign c, user_role_campaign urc " + "WHERE c.urn = ? " + "AND u.username = ? " + "AND = urc.campaign_id " + "AND = urc.user_id" + ")"; // Retrieves the users in a campaign. private static final String SQL_GET_USERS_IN_CAMPAIGN = "SELECT u.username " + "FROM user u, campaign c, user_role_campaign urc " + "WHERE c.urn = ? " + "AND urc.campaign_id = " + "AND urc.user_id ="; // Retrieves the roles for a user in a campaign. private static final String SQL_GET_USER_CAMPAIGN_ROLES = "SELECT ur.role " + "FROM user u, campaign c, user_role ur, user_role_campaign urc " + "WHERE u.username = ? " + "AND = urc.user_id " + "AND c.urn = ? " + "AND = urc.campaign_id " + "AND urc.user_role_id ="; // Retrieves all of the campaigns and respective roles for a user. Each row // is a unique campaign-role combination. private static final String SQL_GET_CAMPAIGNS_AND_ROLES_FOR_USER = "SELECT c.urn, ur.role " + "FROM user u, campaign c, user_role ur, user_role_campaign urc " + "WHERE u.username = ? " + "AND = urc.user_id " + "AND urc.campaign_id = " + "AND urc.user_role_id ="; // Retrieves all of the users for a campaign and all of their associated // roles. private static final String SQL_GET_USERS_AND_CAMPAIGN_ROLES = "SELECT u.username, ur.role " + "FROM user u, campaign c, user_role ur, user_role_campaign urc " + "WHERE c.urn = ? " + "AND = urc.campaign_id " + "AND = urc.user_id " + "AND = urc.user_role_id"; // Retrieves the ID and name for all of the campaign to which the user is // associated. private static final String SQL_GET_CAMPAIGN_ID_AND_NAMES_FOR_USER = "SELECT c.urn, " + "FROM user u, campaign c, user_role_campaign urc " + "WHERE u.username = ? " + "AND = urc.user_id " + "AND = urc.campaign_id"; // Retrieves the list of campaign IDs for all campaigns associated with a // user where the user has a specified role. private static final String SQL_GET_CAMPAIGN_IDS_FOR_USER_WITH_ROLE = "SELECT c.urn " + "FROM user u, campaign c, user_role ur, user_role_campaign urc " + "WHERE u.username = ? " + "AND = urc.user_id " + "AND ur.role = ? " + "AND = urc.user_role_id " + "AND = urc.campaign_id"; /** * Creates this object. * * @param dataSource A DataSource object to use when querying the database. */ private UserCampaignQueries(final DataSource dataSource) { super(dataSource); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.ohmage.query.IUserCampaignQueries#createUserCampaignMask(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Set, java.util.UUID, long) */ @Override public void createUserCampaignMask(final CampaignMask mask) throws DataAccessException { // Create the transaction. DefaultTransactionDefinition def = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(); def.setName("Creating an observer."); try { // Begin the transaction. PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager = new DataSourceTransactionManager(getDataSource()); TransactionStatus status = transactionManager.getTransaction(def); // Campaign mask creation SQL. final String campaignMaskSql = "INSERT INTO campaign_mask(" + "assigner_user_id, " + "assignee_user_id, " + "campaign_id, " + "mask_id, " + "creation_time) " + "VALUES (" + "(SELECT id FROM user WHERE username = ?), " + "(SELECT id FROM user WHERE username = ?), " + "(SELECT id FROM campaign WHERE urn = ?), " + "?, " + "?)"; // Campaign mask creation statement with parameters. PreparedStatementCreator maskCreator = new PreparedStatementCreator() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementCreator#createPreparedStatement(java.sql.Connection) */ @Override public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(final Connection connection) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(campaignMaskSql, new String[] { "id" }); ps.setString(1, mask.getAssignerUserId()); ps.setString(2, mask.getAssigneeUserId()); ps.setString(3, mask.getCampaignId()); ps.setString(4, mask.getId().toString()); ps.setLong(5, mask.getCreationTime().getMillis()); return ps; } }; // The auto-generated key for the observer. KeyHolder maskKeyHolder = new GeneratedKeyHolder(); // Create the observer. try { getJdbcTemplate().update(maskCreator, maskKeyHolder); } catch (org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException e) { transactionManager.rollback(status); throw new DataAccessException("Error executing SQL '" + campaignMaskSql + "' with parameters: " + mask.getAssignerUserId() + ", " + mask.getAssigneeUserId() + ", " + mask.getCampaignId() + ", " + mask.getId().toString() + ", " + mask.getCreationTime().getMillis(), e); } // Get the mask's DB ID. long key = maskKeyHolder.getKey().longValue(); // Create each of the masks. final String campaignMaskPromptIdSql = "INSERT INTO campaign_mask_survey_prompt_map(" + "campaign_mask_id, " + "survey_id, " + "prompt_id)" + "VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; // Get the survey IDs from the mask. Map<String, Set<String>> promptIds = mask.getSurveyPromptMap(); // Create the list of parameters for each of the survey IDs. List<Object[]> maskPromptIdParameters = new ArrayList<Object[]>(promptIds.size()); // Cycle through the survey IDs building the parameters list. for (String surveyId : promptIds.keySet()) { for (String promptId : promptIds.get(surveyId)) { maskPromptIdParameters.add(new Object[] { key, surveyId, promptId }); } } // Add the mask survey IDs. getJdbcTemplate().batchUpdate(campaignMaskPromptIdSql, maskPromptIdParameters); // Commit the transaction. try { transactionManager.commit(status); } catch (TransactionException e) { transactionManager.rollback(status); throw new DataAccessException("Error while committing the transaction.", e); } } catch (TransactionException e) { throw new DataAccessException("Error while attempting to rollback the transaction.", e); } } /** * Retrieves whether or not a user belongs to a campaign in any capacity. * * @param username The username of the user in question. * * @param campaignId The campaign ID of the campaign in question. * * @return Whether or not the user exists in a campaign. */ public boolean userBelongsToCampaign(String username, String campaignId) throws DataAccessException { try { return getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject(SQL_EXISTS_USER_CAMPAIGN, new Object[] { campaignId, username }, Boolean.class); } catch (org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException e) { throw new DataAccessException("Error executing SQL '" + SQL_EXISTS_USER_CAMPAIGN + "' with parameters: " + campaignId + ", " + username, e); } } /** * Retrieves all of the users from a campaign. * * @param campaignId The unique identifier for the campaign. * * @return A List of usernames for the users in the campaign. */ public List<String> getUsersInCampaign(String campaignId) throws DataAccessException { try { return getJdbcTemplate().query(SQL_GET_USERS_IN_CAMPAIGN, new Object[] { campaignId }, new SingleColumnRowMapper<String>()); } catch (org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException e) { throw new DataAccessException( "Error executing SQL '" + SQL_GET_USERS_IN_CAMPAIGN + "' with parameter: " + campaignId, e); } } /** * Returns a List of roles for this user in this campaign. * * @param username The username of the user that whose roles are desired. * * @param campaignId The campaign ID for the campaign that the user's roles * are being requested. * * @return A possibly empty List of roles for this user in this campaign. */ public List<Campaign.Role> getUserCampaignRoles(String username, String campaignId) throws DataAccessException { try { return getJdbcTemplate().query(SQL_GET_USER_CAMPAIGN_ROLES, new Object[] { username, campaignId }, new RowMapper<Campaign.Role>() { @Override public Campaign.Role mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { return Campaign.Role.getValue(rs.getString("role")); } }); } catch (org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException e) { throw new DataAccessException("Error executing SQL '" + SQL_GET_USER_CAMPAIGN_ROLES + "' with parameters: " + username + ", " + campaignId, e); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.ohmage.query.IUserCampaignQueries#getUserCampaignRoles(java.lang.String) */ public Map<String, Set<Campaign.Role>> getCampaignAndRolesForUser(final String username) throws DataAccessException { try { return getJdbcTemplate().query(SQL_GET_CAMPAIGNS_AND_ROLES_FOR_USER, new Object[] { username }, new ResultSetExtractor<Map<String, Set<Campaign.Role>>>() { /** * Extracts the data combining the roles into the same * set. */ @Override public Map<String, Set<Role>> extractData(final ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException { Map<String, Set<Campaign.Role>> result = new HashMap<String, Set<Campaign.Role>>(); while ( { Set<Campaign.Role> roles = result.get(rs.getString("urn")); if (roles == null) { roles = new HashSet<Campaign.Role>(); result.put(rs.getString("urn"), roles); } try { roles.add(Campaign.Role.getValue(rs.getString("role"))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new SQLException("The role is not a valid role.", e); } } return result; } }); } catch (org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException e) { throw new DataAccessException("Error executing SQL '" + SQL_GET_CAMPAIGNS_AND_ROLES_FOR_USER + "' with parameter: " + username, e); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.ohmage.query.IUserCampaignQueries#getUsersAndRolesForCampaign(java.lang.String) */ @Override public Map<String, Collection<Role>> getUsersAndRolesForCampaign(final String campaignId) throws DataAccessException { try { final Map<String, Collection<Campaign.Role>> result = new HashMap<String, Collection<Campaign.Role>>(); getJdbcTemplate().query(SQL_GET_USERS_AND_CAMPAIGN_ROLES, new Object[] { campaignId }, new RowMapper<Object>() { /** * Adds the user's role to the map. */ @Override public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { String username = rs.getString("username"); Collection<Campaign.Role> roles = result.get(username); if (roles == null) { roles = new HashSet<Campaign.Role>(); result.put(username, roles); } roles.add(Campaign.Role.getValue(rs.getString("role"))); return null; } }); return result; } catch (org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException e) { throw new DataAccessException( "Error executing SQL '" + SQL_GET_USERS_AND_CAMPAIGN_ROLES + "' with parameters: " + campaignId, e); } } /** * Retrieves all of the campaign IDs and their respective names to which a * user is associated. * * @param username The username of the user. * * @return A Map of campaign IDs to campaign names for all of the campaigns * to which the user is associated. */ public Map<String, String> getCampaignIdsAndNameForUser(String username) throws DataAccessException { try { final Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); getJdbcTemplate().query(SQL_GET_CAMPAIGN_ID_AND_NAMES_FOR_USER, new Object[] { username }, new RowMapper<Object>() { @Override public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { result.put(rs.getString("urn"), rs.getString("name")); return null; } }); return result; } catch (org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException e) { throw new DataAccessException("Error executing SQL '" + SQL_GET_CAMPAIGN_ID_AND_NAMES_FOR_USER + "' with parameter: " + username, e); } } /** * Retrieves all of the campaign IDs that are associated with a user and * the user has a specific role. * * @param username The username of the user. * * @param role The campaign role that the user must have. * * @return A List of unique identifiers for all campaigns with which the * user is associated and has the given role. */ public List<String> getCampaignIdsForUserWithRole(String username, Campaign.Role role) throws DataAccessException { try { return getJdbcTemplate().query(SQL_GET_CAMPAIGN_IDS_FOR_USER_WITH_ROLE, new Object[] { username, role.toString() }, new SingleColumnRowMapper<String>()); } catch (org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException e) { throw new DataAccessException("Error executing SQL '" + SQL_GET_CAMPAIGN_IDS_FOR_USER_WITH_ROLE + "' with parameters: " + username + ", " + role, e); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.ohmage.query.IUserCampaignQueries#getCampaignMask(org.ohmage.domain.campaign.CampaignMask.MaskId, org.joda.time.DateTime, org.joda.time.DateTime, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ @Override public List<CampaignMask> getCampaignMasks(final MaskId maskId, final DateTime startDate, final DateTime endDate, final String assignerUserId, final String assigneeUserId, final String campaignId) throws DataAccessException { // Build the default SQL. StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder("SELECT " + "cm.mask_id AS mask_id, " + "cm.creation_time AS creation_time, " + "assigner_user.username AS assigner_user_id, " + "assignee_user.username AS assignee_user_id, " + "c.urn AS campaign_id, " + "cmpi.survey_id AS survey_id, " + "cmpi.prompt_id AS prompt_id " + "FROM " + "user assigner_user, " + "user assignee_user, " + "campaign c, " + "campaign_mask cm, " + "campaign_mask_survey_prompt_map cmpi " + "WHERE = cm.assigner_user_id " + "AND = cm.assignee_user_id " + "AND = cm.campaign_id " + "AND = cmpi.campaign_mask_id"); // Build the list of required parameters. List<Object> parameters = new LinkedList<Object>(); // If the mask is given, add it to the SQL and the parameters list. if (maskId != null) { sqlBuilder.append(" AND = ?"); parameters.add(maskId.toString()); } // If the start date is given, add it to the SQL and the parameters // list. if (startDate != null) { sqlBuilder.append(" AND cm.creation_time >= ?"); parameters.add(startDate.getMillis()); } // If the end date is given, add it to the SQL and the parameters. if (endDate != null) { sqlBuilder.append(" AND cm.creation_time <= ?"); parameters.add(endDate.getMillis()); } // If the assigner's user ID was given, add it to the SQL and the // parameters. if (assignerUserId != null) { sqlBuilder.append(" AND assigner_user.username = ?"); parameters.add(assignerUserId); } // If the assignee's user ID was given, add it to the SQL and the // parameters. if (assigneeUserId != null) { sqlBuilder.append(" AND assignee_user.username = ?"); parameters.add(assigneeUserId); } // If the campaign's ID was given, add it to the SQL and the // parameters. if (campaignId != null) { sqlBuilder.append(" AND c.urn = ?"); parameters.add(campaignId); } // Make the query and return the results. try { return getJdbcTemplate().query(sqlBuilder.toString(), parameters.toArray(), new ResultSetExtractor<List<CampaignMask>>() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.springframework.jdbc.core.ResultSetExtractor#extractData(java.sql.ResultSet) */ @Override public List<CampaignMask> extractData(final ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException, org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException { // Create a map of mask IDs to their builders. Map<MaskId, CampaignMask.Builder> builders = new HashMap<MaskId, CampaignMask.Builder>(); // For each of the results, create a new builder if // the mask has never been seen before or just // append to the list of survey IDs if it has been // seen before. while ( { MaskId maskId; try { maskId = MaskId.decodeString(resultSet.getString("mask_id")); } catch (DomainException e) { throw new SQLException("Error decoding the mask ID.", e); } // Attempt to get the builder. CampaignMask.Builder builder = builders.get(maskId); // If the builder doesn't exist, create it. if (builder == null) { // Create the builder. builder = new CampaignMask.Builder(); // Add the builder to the map. builders.put(maskId, builder); // Set the mask ID. builder.setMaskId(maskId); // Get the creation time and set it. DateTime creationTime = new DateTime(resultSet.getLong("creation_time")); builder.setCreationTime(creationTime); // Get the assigner's user ID and set it. String assignerUserId = resultSet.getString("assigner_user_id"); builder.setAssignerUserId(assignerUserId); // Get the assignee's user ID and set it. String assigneeUserId = resultSet.getString("assignee_user_id"); builder.setAssigneeUserId(assigneeUserId); // Get the campaign's ID and set it. String campaignId = resultSet.getString("campaign_id"); builder.setCampaignId(campaignId); // Set the default set of survey IDs to be // empty. builder.setPromptIds(new HashMap<String, Set<String>>()); } // Add the survey ID. builder.addPromptId(resultSet.getString("survey_id"), resultSet.getString("prompt_id")); } // Cycle through the builders, build them, and add // them to the result list. List<CampaignMask> result = new ArrayList<CampaignMask>(builders.size()); for (CampaignMask.Builder builder : builders.values()) { try { result.add(; } catch (DomainException e) { throw new SQLException("There was a problem building the campaign mask.", e); } } // Return the result. return result; } }); } catch (org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException e) { throw new DataAccessException( "Error executing SQL '" + sqlBuilder.toString() + "' with parameters: " + parameters.toString(), e); } } }