Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.ofbiz.testtools.seleniumxml; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.DefaultSelenium; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleniumException; import javolution.util.FastMap; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import org.ofbiz.base.util.*; import org.ofbiz.testtools.seleniumxml.util.TestUtils; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class SeleniumXml { public static String PROPS_NAME = "selenium.config"; Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SeleniumXml.class.getName()); public static final int MAX_STR_LENGTH = 15; static String testPath; private Map<String, Object> map; private Document doc; private DefaultSelenium sel; private static Properties props; private String testSourcePath; private String username; private String password; private String testCaseDirectory; private String imagePath = null; public static void main(String[] args) throws JDOMException, IOException, TestCaseException { if (args.length == 0) { System.out.println("Please include a path for the selenium XML test file."); } else { SeleniumXml sel = new SeleniumXml(); for (String arg : args) { if (arg.startsWith("-username")) { sel.username = arg.substring(10); } else if (arg.startsWith("-password")) { sel.password = arg.substring(10); } else { sel.testSourcePath = arg; } } File testFile = new File(args[0]); if (testFile.exists()) { System.err.println(" Argument : " + args[0]); System.err.println(" Full absolute path of file : " + testFile.getAbsolutePath()); System.err.println(" Full canonical path of file : " + testFile.getCanonicalPath()); sel.testCaseDirectory = sel.getFileDirectory(testFile.getAbsolutePath()); System.err.println(" testCaseDirectory: " + sel.testCaseDirectory); sel.runTest(testFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { System.err.println("Test File is not exist :" + args[0]); } } } /* call run test suite from webtool selenium */ public static String runTestSuite(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { Map parameters = UtilHttp.getParameterMap(request); String para = (String) parameters.get("testSuitePath"); if (para == null) { System.out.println("Error message : Test suite Path is null"); return "success"; } if (para.length() == 0) { System.out.println("Error message : Test suite Path is null"); return "success"; } try { URL url = UtilURL.fromResource(""); if (props == null) { props = new Properties(); initConfig(url); } SeleniumXml sel = new SeleniumXml(); File testFile = new File(para.trim()); if (testFile.exists()) { System.err.println(" Argument : " + para.trim()); System.err.println(" Full absolute path of file : " + testFile.getAbsolutePath()); System.err.println(" Full canonical path of file : " + testFile.getCanonicalPath()); sel.testCaseDirectory = sel.getFileDirectory(testFile.getAbsolutePath()); System.err.println(" testCaseDirectory: " + sel.testCaseDirectory); sel.runTest(testFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { System.err.println("Test File is not exist :" + para.trim()); } } catch (JDOMException jdome) { System.out.println(jdome.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println("Error message : " + ioe.getMessage()); } finally { return "success"; } } private String getFileDirectory(String filePath) { String directory = null; if (filePath.indexOf(File.separatorChar) != -1) { int lastIndexOf = filePath.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar); directory = filePath.substring(0, (lastIndexOf + 1)); } return directory; } public SeleniumXml() throws IOException { = FastMap.newInstance(); if (props == null) { props = new Properties(); initConfig(); } logger.setLevel(Level.DEBUG); } private static void initConfig() throws IOException { try { String configFile = System.getProperty(PROPS_NAME); if (configFile == null) { String errMsg = "The Java environment (-Dxxx=yyy) variable with name " + PROPS_NAME + " is not set, cannot resolve location."; throw new MalformedURLException(errMsg); } BasicConfigurator.configure(); InputStream in = new FileInputStream(configFile); props.load(in); in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } private static void initConfig(URL url) throws IOException { try { if (url == null) { String errMsg = "The Java environment (-Dxxx=yyy) variable with name " + url.toString() + " is not set, cannot resolve location."; throw new MalformedURLException(errMsg); } props = UtilProperties.getProperties(url); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } /** * Constructor to preset with an existing Map of parameters. Intended to be used * for nested Selenium tests. * @param selenium the SeleniumXml Object */ public SeleniumXml(SeleniumXml selenium) { this.sel = selenium.getSelenium(); = selenium.getParameterMap(); this.testCaseDirectory = selenium.testCaseDirectory; } public DefaultSelenium getSelenium() { return this.sel; } public Map<String, Object> getParameterMap() { return; } public void runTest(String fileName) throws JDOMException, IOException, TestCaseException { readFile(fileName); setupSelenium(); runCommands(); } public void runCommands() throws TestCaseException { Element root = this.doc.getRootElement(); List<Element> nodes = UtilGenerics.cast(root.getChildren()); runCommands(nodes); } public void runCommands(List<Element> nodes) throws TestCaseException { for (Element elem : nodes) { String thisName = elem.getName(); if ("type" == elem.getName()) { typeCmd(elem); } else if ("setParam" == thisName) { setParam(elem); } else if ("clickAt" == thisName) { clickAt(elem); } else if ("waitForValue" == thisName) { waitForValue(elem); } else if ("waitForCondition" == thisName) { waitForCondition(elem); } else if ("loadData" == thisName) { loadData(elem); } else if ("jythonRunner" == thisName) { jythonRunner(elem); } else if ("groovyRunner" == thisName) { groovyRunner(elem); } else if ("dataLoop" == thisName) { dataLoop(elem); } else if ("remoteRequest" == thisName) { remoteRequest(elem); } else if ("selectPopup" == thisName) { selectPopup(elem); } else if ("getAllWindowIds" == thisName) { getAllWindowIds(elem); } else if ("captureTextInPage" == thisName) { captureTextInPageCmd(elem); } else if ("getSelectedLabel" == thisName) { getSelectedLabel(elem); } else if ("getSelectedValue" == thisName) { getSelectedValue(elem); } else if ("getSelectedId" == thisName) { getSelectedId(elem); } else if ("testcase" == thisName) { testcase(elem); } else if ("assertContains" == thisName) { assertContains(elem); } else if ("assertNotContains" == thisName) { assertNotContains(elem); } else if ("getHtmlSource" == thisName) { getHtmlSource(elem); } else if ("getBodyText" == thisName) { getBodyText(elem); } else if ("setup" == thisName) { continue; //setup is handled previously } else if ("print" == thisName) { printCmd(elem); } else if ("waitForPageToLoad" == thisName) { waitForPageToLoadCmd(elem); } else if ("getSelectedIds" == thisName) { getSelectedIdsCmd(elem); } else if ("copy" == thisName) { copyCmd(elem); } else if ("append" == thisName) { appendCmd(elem); } else if ("loadParameter" == thisName) { loadParameter(elem); } else if ("partialRunDependency" == thisName) { partialRunDependency(elem); } else if ("if" == thisName) { ifCmd(elem); } else if ("open" == thisName) { openCmd(elem); } else if ("click" == thisName) { clickCmd(elem); } else if ("check" == thisName) { checkCmd(elem); } else if ("uncheck" == thisName) { uncheckCmd(elem); } else if ("getValue" == thisName) { getValueCmd(elem); } else if ("select" == thisName) { selectCmd(elem); } else if ("uniqueId" == thisName) { uniqueIdCmd(elem); } else if ("randomAlphaString" == thisName) { randomAlphaStringCmd(elem); } else if ("randomString" == thisName) { randomStringCmd(elem); } else if ("setSpeed" == thisName) { setSpeed(elem); } else if ("openWindow" == thisName) { openWindow(elem); } else if ("selectWindow" == thisName) { selectWindow(elem); } else if ("assertConfirmation" == thisName) { assertConfirmation(elem); } else if ("captureEntirePageScreenshot" == thisName) { captureEntirePageScreenshotCmd(elem); } else if ("runScript" == thisName) { runScript(elem); } else if ("closeBrowser" == thisName) { sel.stop(); } else {"Undefined command calling by reflection for command: " + thisName); callByReflection(elem); } } } private void callByReflection(Element elem) { String methodName = elem.getName(); String param1 = elem.getAttributeValue("param1"); String param2 = elem.getAttributeValue("param2"); Class[] paramTypes = null; Object[] args = null; if ((param1 != null) && (param2 != null)) { paramTypes = new Class[] { String.class, String.class }; args = new Object[] { replaceParam(param1), replaceParam(param2) }; } else if (param1 != null) { paramTypes = new Class[] { String.class }; args = new Object[] { replaceParam(param1) }; } else { paramTypes = new Class[] {}; args = new Object[] {}; } //Capture the output name for "get" methods String out = elem.getAttributeValue("out"); Method m; try { m = this.sel.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName, paramTypes); Object results = m.invoke(this.sel, args); //Add output parameter to common map if ((out != null) && (results != null)) { addParam(out, results); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception occurred when Unknown SeleniumXml command found:" + elem.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void waitForValue(Element elem) { String locator = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("locator")); String timeout = elem.getAttributeValue("timeout"); String outParam = elem.getAttributeValue("out"); int maxTime = Integer.parseInt(timeout); int maxSeconds = maxTime / 1000; logger.debug("waitForValue: locator=" + locator + " timeout=" + timeout); String foundValue = null; for (int second = 0;; second++) { if (second >= maxSeconds) { throw new SeleniumException("waitForValue exceeded timeout: " + maxTime); } try { //getValue throws an exception if it can't find locator // - sleep for 1 sec and try again // - otherwise break as we found the value foundValue = sel.getValue(locator); if (outParam != null) { this.addParam(outParam, foundValue); } break; } catch (Exception e) { //wait for 1 second and then resume try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException threadE) { threadE.printStackTrace(); } } } } public void setParam(Element elem) { String name = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("name")); String value = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("value")); if ((name != null) && (value != null)) { this.addParam(name, value); } } public void getValueCmd(Element elem) { String locator = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("locator")); String outParam = elem.getAttributeValue("out"); logger.debug("getValueCmd: locator=" + locator); String foundValue = sel.getValue(locator); if (outParam != null) { this.addParam(outParam, foundValue); } } public void waitForCondition(Element elem) { String script = elem.getAttributeValue("script"); String timeout = elem.getAttributeValue("timeout"); logger.debug("waitForCondition: script=" + script + " timeout=" + timeout); this.sel.waitForCondition(script, timeout); } public void openWindow(Element elem) { String url = elem.getAttributeValue("url"); String windowId = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("windowId")); logger.debug("openWindow: url=" + url + " windowId=" + windowId); this.sel.openWindow(url, windowId); return; } public void selectWindow(Element elem) { String windowId = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("windowId")); logger.debug("selectWindow: windowId=" + windowId); this.sel.selectWindow(windowId); return; } public void runScript(Element elem) { String script = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("script")); logger.debug("runScript: script=" + script); this.sel.runScript(script); return; } public void loadData(Element elem) throws TestCaseException { String file = elem.getAttributeValue("file"); String iterations = elem.getAttributeValue("iterations"); List<Element> children = UtilGenerics.cast(elem.getChildren()); DataLoader loader = new DataLoader(file, iterations, this, children); loader.runTest(); } public void groovyRunner(Element elem) { String urlName = elem.getAttributeValue("srcUrl"); GroovyRunner runner = new GroovyRunner(urlName, this); runner.runTest(); } public void jythonRunner(Element elem) { String urlName = elem.getAttributeValue("srcUrl"); JythonRunner runner = new JythonRunner(urlName, this); runner.runTest(); } public void dataLoop(Element elem) throws TestCaseException { String dataListName = elem.getAttributeValue("dataListName"); List<Element> children = UtilGenerics.cast(elem.getChildren()); DataLoop looper = new DataLoop(dataListName, this, children); looper.runTest(); } public void remoteRequest(Element elem) { String requestUrl = elem.getAttributeValue("url"); String host = elem.getAttributeValue("host"); if (host == null || host.length() == 0) { host = props.getProperty("startUrl"); } String responseHandlerMode = elem.getAttributeValue("responseHandlerMode"); List<Element> children = UtilGenerics.cast(elem.getChildren()); List<Element> loginAs = UtilGenerics.cast(elem.getChildren("login-as"));"remoteRequest: children=" + children + " loginAs=" + loginAs); RemoteRequest loader = new RemoteRequest(this, children, loginAs, requestUrl, host, responseHandlerMode); loader.runTest(); } public void ifCmd(Element elem) throws TestCaseException { String isRun = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("condition")); if (isRun != null && !isRun.equals("") && Boolean.valueOf(isRun)) { List<Element> children = UtilGenerics.cast(elem.getChildren()); this.runCommands(children); } else { Element child = elem.getChild("else"); List<Element> children = UtilGenerics.cast(child.getChildren()); this.runCommands(children); } } public void partialRunDependency(Element elem) throws TestCaseException { String isRun = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("isRun")); if (isRun != null && Boolean.valueOf(isRun)) { List<Element> children = UtilGenerics.cast(elem.getChildren()); this.runCommands(children); } } public String getParamValue(String key) { return (String); } public Object getParamValue(Object key) { return; } public void addParam(String name, String value) {"addParam: name=" + name + " value=" + value);, value); } public void addParam(String name, Object value) {"addParam: name=" + name + " value=" + value);, value); } private void assertContains(Element elem) throws TestCaseException { String src = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("src")); String test = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("test")); int indxSearch = src.indexOf(test); if (indxSearch == -1) {"assertContains didn't find " + test + " in the src"); throw new TestCaseException("assertContains didn't find: " + test); } else {"assertContains found " + test + " in the src"); } //TODO: implement JUnit TestCase - Assert.assertTrue(indxSearch != -1); } private void assertNotContains(Element elem) throws TestCaseException { String src = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("src")); String test = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("test")); int indxSearch = src.indexOf(test); if (indxSearch != -1) {"assertNotContains found " + test + " in the src"); throw new TestCaseException("assertContains didn't find: " + test); } else {"assertNotContains didn't find " + test + " in the src"); } } private void assertTitle(Element elem) throws TestCaseException { String src = replaceParam(this.sel.getTitle()); String test = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("value")); int indxSearch = src.indexOf(test); if (indxSearch == -1) {"assertTitle value " + test + " doesn't match exact " + src); throw new TestCaseException("assertTitle value " + test + " doesn't match exact " + src); } else {"assertTitle matched title"); } } private void selectPopup(Element elem) { String locator = elem.getAttributeValue("locator"); String timeout = elem.getAttributeValue("timeout");; String[] winNames = this.sel.getAllWindowNames(); this.sel.selectWindow("name=" + winNames[1]); } private void getAllWindowIds(Element elem) { String[] winIds = this.sel.getAllWindowIds(); for (int i = 0; i < winIds.length; i++) {"WindowId: " + winIds[i]); } String[] winNames = this.sel.getAllWindowNames(); for (int i = 0; i < winIds.length; i++) {"WindowName: " + winNames[i]); } } /** * Gets the hidden value of a list box * @param elem */ private void getSelectedValue(Element elem) { String locator = elem.getAttributeValue("locator"); String out = elem.getAttributeValue("out"); String text = this.sel.getSelectedValue(locator);"getSelectedValue: locator=" + locator + " text=" + text); addParam(out, text); } /** * Gets the visible (displayed) value of a list box * @param elem */ private void getSelectedLabel(Element elem) { String locator = elem.getAttributeValue("locator"); String out = elem.getAttributeValue("out"); String text = this.sel.getSelectedLabel(locator);"getSelectedValue: locator=" + locator + " text=" + text); addParam(out, text); } private void getSelectedId(Element elem) { String locator = elem.getAttributeValue("locator"); String out = elem.getAttributeValue("out"); String text = this.sel.getSelectedId(locator); addParam(out, text); } private void getHtmlSource(Element elem) { String paramName = elem.getAttributeValue("out"); String text = this.sel.getHtmlSource();"getHtmlsource: paramName=" + paramName + " text=" + text); addParam(paramName, text); } private void getBodyText(Element elem) { String paramName = elem.getAttributeValue("out"); String text = this.sel.getBodyText(); addParam(paramName, text); } private void testcase(Element elem) { System.err.println("New testcase: " + elem.getAttributeValue("file")); String testFile = elem.getAttributeValue("file"); String isRun = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("isRun")); String absolutePath = getAbsolutePath(testFile); String parentTestCase = new String(this.testCaseDirectory); SeleniumXml newTest = new SeleniumXml(this); newTest.testCaseDirectory = getFileDirectoryForRelativePath(absolutePath); try { if (isRun == null || isRun.equals("") || Boolean.valueOf(isRun)) { newTest.runTest(absolutePath); } else { System.err.println(" testFile :" + testFile + " isRun:" + isRun); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();"Testcase error for file: " + absolutePath); } newTest.testCaseDirectory = parentTestCase; } private String getFileDirectoryForRelativePath(String filePath) { String directory = null; if (filePath.indexOf("/") != -1) { int lastIndexOf = filePath.lastIndexOf("/"); directory = filePath.substring(0, (lastIndexOf + 1)); } else if (filePath.indexOf("\\") != -1) { int lastIndexOf = filePath.lastIndexOf("\\"); directory = filePath.substring(0, (lastIndexOf + 1)); } return directory; } private void clickAt(Element elem) { logger.debug("clickAt: " + replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("locator"))); String locator = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("locator")); String coordString = elem.getAttributeValue("coordString"); this.sel.clickAt(locator, coordString); } private void assertConfirmation(Element elem) { logger.debug("assertConfirmation: " + replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("value"))); this.sel.waitForCondition("selenium.isConfirmationPresent();", "1000"); this.sel.getConfirmation(); } /** * @param elem * Will save a browser's screenshot in runtime/logs * Need to be called with captureEntirePageScreenshot and the name of the test case * example : * <captureEntirePageScreenshot value="CommEventCreateOpportunity"/> */ private void captureEntirePageScreenshotCmd(Element elem) { Long now = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp().getTime(); String imageName = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("value")) + "-" + now.toString(); logger.debug("captureEntirePageScreenshot: " + imageName); imagePath = "runtime/logs/" + imageName + ".png"; try { String base64Screenshot = sel.captureEntirePageScreenshotToString(""); byte[] decodedScreenshot = Base64.decodeBase64(base64Screenshot.getBytes()); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(imagePath)); fos.write(decodedScreenshot); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @param elem takes a Selenium String locator. See Javadocs for more information. Here are some * example locators: * id="buttonId" - the easiest * css=input[type='submit'] - uses css selector notation * xpath= <TBD> * dom= <TBD> */ private void clickCmd(Element elem) {"clickCmd: " + replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("locator"))); try {"locator"))); } catch (SeleniumException e) {"caught SeleniumException Name:" + elem.getName() + " , Value: " + elem.getAttributeValue("locator")); e.printStackTrace(); } } private void doubleClick(Element elem) {"clickCmd: " + replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("locator"))); this.sel.doubleClick((replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("locator")))); } private void checkCmd(Element elem) {"checkCmd: " + replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("locator"))); this.sel.check(replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("locator"))); } private void uncheckCmd(Element elem) {"uncheckCmd: " + replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("locator"))); this.sel.uncheck(replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("locator"))); } private void typeCmd(Element elem) { String name = elem.getAttributeValue("name"); String value = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("value"));"typeCmd: id=" + name + " value=" + value); this.sel.type(name, value); } /* * setSpeed delays the time for the next selenium command to execute */ private void setSpeed(Element elem) {"setSpeed: " + elem.getAttributeValue("value")); this.sel.setSpeed(elem.getAttributeValue("value")); } /* * waitForPageToLoadCmd is the max timeout selenium will wait for a page to load. * Commands are executed immediately after the page loads therefore if the pages are * fast the test will go through the pages very quickly. Use setSpeed if you want to * see the pages executed slower. */ private void waitForPageToLoadCmd(Element elem) {"waitForPageToLoadCmd: " + elem.getAttributeValue("value")); this.sel.waitForPageToLoad(elem.getAttributeValue("value")); } private void openCmd(Element elem) { String cmd = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("value"));"openCmd: " + cmd);; } private void uniqueIdCmd(Element elem) { String paramName = elem.getAttributeValue("out"); String paramValue = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(MAX_STR_LENGTH).toUpperCase();"uniqueIdCmd: parameter=" + paramName + " value=" + paramValue); addParam(paramName, paramValue); } /* * captureText command captures the current HTML page and runs a regex to * get the specified string. * * For example: if the following string existed in a web page * "xx <tag a=b> yy </tag> zz" * And you wanted to capture the value in the of the XML (yy). You would do the following; * Use regxp: "<(\\S+?).*?>(.*?)</\\1>"; //The \\1 reuses group 1 * * <captureText regex="<(\\S+?).*?>(.*?)</\\1>" group="2" results="xmlValue" /> * * The command will find the <tag>.. and group 2 contains the 'yy' value. * * Note: if 'group' is null it will default to the entire regex group. */ private void captureTextInPageCmd(Element elem) { String regex = elem.getAttributeValue("regex"); String group = elem.getAttributeValue("group"); String results = elem.getAttributeValue("results"); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); String targetString = this.sel.getHtmlSource(); // Create the 'target' string we wish to interrogate. // Get a Matcher based on the target string. Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(targetString); // Find all the matches. if (matcher.find()) { String resultsValue = null; if (group != null) { resultsValue =; } else { resultsValue =; }"Found match for " + resultsValue); logger.debug("Using regex " + regex); logger.debug("Copy results to " + results); addParam(results, resultsValue); } else {"Didn't find results with regex: " + regex); //TODO: temporary to capture the missed string /*try { FileWriter out = new FileWriter("c:/dev/erep/output/failure.txt"); BufferedWriter buffWriter = new BufferedWriter(out); buffWriter.write(targetString); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e); } */ } } private void randomAlphaStringCmd(Element elem) { int nSize = 0; int nPrefixSize = 0; String paramName = elem.getAttributeValue("out"); String size = elem.getAttributeValue("size"); if (size != null) { nSize = Integer.parseInt(size); } String prefix = elem.getAttributeValue("prefix"); if (prefix != null) { nPrefixSize = prefix.length(); } String paramValue = null; if (prefix != null) { paramValue = prefix + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(nSize - nPrefixSize); } else { paramValue = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(nSize); } //String paramValue = TestUtils.createRandomString(prefix, Integer.parseInt(size));"randomStringAlphaCmd: paramName=" + paramName + " paramValue=" + paramValue); addParam(paramName, paramValue); } private void randomStringCmd(Element elem) { String paramName = elem.getAttributeValue("out"); String size = elem.getAttributeValue("size"); String prefix = elem.getAttributeValue("prefix"); String paramValue = TestUtils.createRandomString(prefix, Integer.parseInt(size));"randomStringCmd: paramName=" + paramName + " paramValue=" + paramValue); addParam(paramName, paramValue); } private void getSelectedIdsCmd(Element elem) {"getSelectdIdsCmd: " + elem.getAttributeValue("value")); this.sel.getSelectedIds(elem.getAttributeValue("value")); } private void selectCmd(Element elem) { String selectLocator = elem.getAttributeValue("locator"); String optionLocator = elem.getAttributeValue("option");"selectCmd: selectLocator=" + selectLocator + " optionLocator=" + optionLocator);, optionLocator); } private void printCmd(Element elem) { String value = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("value"));"Print: " + value); } private void copyCmd(Element elem) { String toStr = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("to")); String fromStr = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("from"));"copyCmd: to=" + toStr + " from=" + fromStr); addParam(toStr, fromStr); } private void appendCmd(Element elem) { "appendCmd: src1=" + elem.getAttributeValue("src1") + " src2=" + elem.getAttributeValue("src2")); String newStr = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("src1")) + replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("src2")); addParam(elem.getAttributeValue("out"), newStr); } private void loadParameter(Element elem) {"loadParameter: fileName=" + elem.getAttributeValue("file")); String parameterFile = elem.getAttributeValue("file"); String absolutePath = getAbsolutePath(parameterFile); BasicConfigurator.configure(); try { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(absolutePath); Properties parameter = new Properties(); parameter.load(in); in.close(); Set<Entry<Object, Object>> entrySet = parameter.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry entry : entrySet) { String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); System.out.println(key + " = " + value); addParam(key, value); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Can not load parameter . "); } String newStr = replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("src1")) + replaceParam(elem.getAttributeValue("src2")); addParam(elem.getAttributeValue("out"), newStr); } public String replaceParam(String value) { if (value == null) { return value; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int end = 0; int start = 0; String replacedVal = null; String remainingStr = value; while (isParam(remainingStr)) { start = remainingStr.indexOf("${"); buf.append(remainingStr.substring(end, start)); end = remainingStr.indexOf("}"); String paramName = remainingStr.substring(start + 2, end); replacedVal = getParamValue(paramName); if (replacedVal == null) { replacedVal = ""; } buf.append(replacedVal); remainingStr = remainingStr.substring(end + 1); end = 0; } buf.append(remainingStr.substring(end)); return buf.toString(); } private boolean isParam(String value) { if ((value.indexOf("${") != -1) && (value.indexOf("}", 1) != -1)) { return true; } return false; } //TODO read properties file to setup selenium private void setupSelenium() { //return if Selenium has already been setup //e.g. nested selenium test cases. if (this.sel != null) return; String serverHost = null; String serverPort = null; String browser = null; String startUrl = null; String timeout = null; //First initialize with property values if (props != null) { //Get setup params from property value serverHost = props.getProperty("serverHost", "localhost"); serverPort = props.getProperty("proxyPort", "4444"); browser = props.getProperty("browser", "*iexplore"); startUrl = props.getProperty("startUrl", "http://localhost:8080"); timeout = props.getProperty("timeout", "30000"); imagePath = props.getProperty("imagePath", "runtime/logs/"); } //Second over ride properties if defined in the "setup" element Element elem = this.doc.getRootElement().getChild("setup"); if (elem != null) { //Override properties if specified if (elem.getAttributeValue("serverHost") != null) { serverHost = elem.getAttributeValue("serverHost"); } if (elem.getAttributeValue("serverPort") != null) { serverPort = elem.getAttributeValue("serverPort"); } if (elem.getAttributeValue("browser") != null) { browser = elem.getAttributeValue("browser"); } if (elem.getAttributeValue("startUrl") != null) { startUrl = elem.getAttributeValue("startUrl"); } }"setup: serverHost=" + serverHost);"setup: serverPort=" + serverPort);"setup: browser=" + browser);"setup: startUrl=" + startUrl);"setup: timeout=" + timeout);"setup: imagePath=" + imagePath); this.sel = new DefaultSelenium(serverHost, Integer.parseInt(serverPort), browser, startUrl); this.sel.start(); this.sel.setTimeout(timeout); } private String getAbsolutePath(String fileName) {"getAbsolutePath: fileName=" + fileName); String fileAbsolutePath = fileName; if (fileName.indexOf(File.separatorChar) == -1) { if (this.testCaseDirectory != null) { fileAbsolutePath = this.testCaseDirectory + fileName; } }"getAbsolutePath: returning fileName=" + fileName); return fileAbsolutePath; } private void readFile(String fileName) throws JDOMException, IOException { String absolutePath = getAbsolutePath(fileName); File xmlFile = new File(absolutePath); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); this.doc =; } public String getUserName() { return this.username; } public void setUserName(String val) { this.username = val; } public void setPassword(String val) { this.password = val; } public String getPassword() { return this.password; } public Map<String, Object> getMap() { return; } }