Java tutorial
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Linagora * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version, provided you comply * with the Additional Terms applicable for OBM connector by Linagora * pursuant to Section 7 of the GNU Affero General Public License, * subsections (b), (c), and (e), pursuant to which you must notably (i) retain * the Message sent thanks to OBM, Free Communication by Linagora? * signature notice appended to any and all outbound messages * (notably e-mail and meeting requests), (ii) retain all hypertext links between * OBM and, as well as between Linagora and, and (iii) refrain * from infringing Linagora intellectual property rights over its trademarks * and commercial brands. Other Additional Terms apply, * see <> for more details. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * and its applicable Additional Terms for OBM along with this program. If not, * see <> for the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * and <> for the Additional Terms applicable to * OBM connectors. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ package org.obm.sync.push.client; import; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.StatusLine; import org.apache.http.client.fluent.Async; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader; import org.obm.push.ProtocolVersion; import org.obm.push.bean.DeviceId; import org.obm.push.bean.FilterType; import org.obm.push.bean.MSEmailBodyType; import org.obm.push.bean.PIMDataType; import org.obm.push.bean.ServerId; import org.obm.push.bean.SyncKey; import org.obm.push.bean.change.hierarchy.FolderCreateRequest; import org.obm.push.bean.change.hierarchy.FolderCreateResponse; import org.obm.push.protocol.PingProtocol; import org.obm.push.protocol.bean.CollectionId; import org.obm.push.protocol.bean.FolderSyncResponse; import org.obm.push.protocol.bean.MeetingHandlerResponse; import org.obm.push.protocol.bean.PingResponse; import org.obm.push.protocol.bean.SyncResponse; import; import org.obm.push.state.FolderSyncKey; import org.obm.push.wbxml.WBXmlException; import org.obm.sync.push.client.Exceptions.UnexpectedHttpStatusException; import org.obm.sync.push.client.beans.AccountInfos; import org.obm.sync.push.client.beans.GetItemEstimateSingleFolderResponse; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.DocumentProvider; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.EmailDeleteSyncRequest; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.EmailSyncCommand; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.EmailSyncCommandWithWait; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.EmailSyncNoOptionsCommand; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.FolderCreate; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.FolderSync; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.GetItemEstimateEmailFolderCommand; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.ItemOperationFetchCommand; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.MeetingResponseCommand; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.MoveItemsCommand; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.MoveItemsCommand.Move; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.Options; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.PartialSyncCommand; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.PingCommand; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.ProvisionStepOne; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.ProvisionStepTwo; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.SimpleSyncCommand; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.SmartEmailCommand.SmartForward; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.SmartEmailCommand.SmartReply; import org.obm.sync.push.client.commands.Sync; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; public abstract class OPClient implements AutoCloseable { protected Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); protected CloseableHttpClient hc; protected ProtocolVersion protocolVersion; protected AccountInfos ai; public abstract Document postXml(String namespace, Document doc, String cmd, String policyKey, boolean multipart) throws TransformerException, WBXmlException, IOException, HttpRequestException; public abstract <T> Future<T> postASyncXml(Async async, String namespace, Document doc, String cmd, String policyKey, boolean multipart, ResponseTransformer<T> documentHandler) throws TransformerException, WBXmlException, IOException, HttpRequestException; protected OPClient(CloseableHttpClient httpClient, String loginAtDomain, char[] password, DeviceId devId, String devType, String userAgent, String url, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { setProtocolVersion(protocolVersion); = new AccountInfos(loginAtDomain, password, devId, devType, url, userAgent); this.hc = httpClient; } public <T> T run(IEasCommand<T> cmd) throws Exception { return, this, hc); } private <T> Future<T> runASync(Async async, IEasCommand<T> cmd) throws Exception { return cmd.runASync(ai, this, async); } public OptionsResponse options() throws Exception { return run(new Options()); } public Boolean emailReply(byte[] emailData, CollectionId collectionId, ServerId serverId) throws Exception { return run(new SmartReply(emailData, collectionId, serverId)); } public Boolean emailForward(byte[] emailData, CollectionId collectionId, ServerId serverId) throws Exception { return run(new SmartForward(emailData, collectionId, serverId)); } public FolderSyncResponse folderSync(FolderSyncKey key) throws Exception { return run(new FolderSync(key)); } public FolderCreateResponse folderCreate(FolderCreateRequest request) throws Exception { return run(new FolderCreate(request)); } public SyncResponse partialSync(SyncDecoder decoder) throws Exception { return run(new PartialSyncCommand(decoder)); } public SyncResponse syncEmail(SyncDecoder decoder, SyncKey key, CollectionId collectionId, FilterType filterType, int windowSize) throws Exception { return run(new EmailSyncCommand(decoder, key, collectionId, filterType, windowSize)); } public SyncResponse syncEmailWithWait(SyncDecoder decoder, SyncKey key, CollectionId collectionId, FilterType filterType, int windowSize) throws Exception { return run(new EmailSyncCommandWithWait(decoder, key, collectionId, filterType, windowSize)); } public SyncResponse syncWithoutOptions(SyncDecoder decoder, SyncKey key, CollectionId collectionId) throws Exception { return run(new EmailSyncNoOptionsCommand(decoder, key, collectionId)); } public SyncResponse sync(SyncDecoder decoder, DocumentProvider template) throws Exception { return run(new Sync(decoder, template)); } public SyncResponse sync(SyncDecoder decoder, SyncKey syncKey, CollectionId collectionId, PIMDataType type) throws Exception { return run(new SimpleSyncCommand(decoder, syncKey, collectionId, type)); } public SyncResponse deleteEmail(SyncDecoder decoder, SyncKey key, CollectionId collectionId, ServerId serverId) throws Exception { return run(new EmailDeleteSyncRequest(decoder, key, collectionId, serverId)); } public ProvisionResponse provisionStepOne() throws Exception { return run(new ProvisionStepOne()); } public ProvisionResponse provisionStepTwo(long acknowledgingPolicyKey) throws Exception { return run(new ProvisionStepTwo(acknowledgingPolicyKey)); } public GetItemEstimateSingleFolderResponse getItemEstimateOnMailFolder(SyncKey key, CollectionId collectionId) throws Exception { return run(new GetItemEstimateEmailFolderCommand(key, collectionId)); } public GetItemEstimateSingleFolderResponse getItemEstimateOnMailFolder(SyncKey key, FilterType filterType, CollectionId collectionId) throws Exception { return run(new GetItemEstimateEmailFolderCommand(key, filterType, collectionId)); } public ItemOperationResponse itemOperationFetch(CollectionId collectionId, ServerId... serverId) throws Exception { return run(new ItemOperationFetchCommand.ByServerId(collectionId, serverId)); } public ItemOperationResponse itemOperationFetch(CollectionId collectionId, MSEmailBodyType bodyType, ServerId... serverId) throws Exception { return run(new ItemOperationFetchCommand.ByServerId(collectionId, bodyType, serverId)); } public ItemOperationResponse itemOperationFetch(String fileReference) throws Exception { return run(new ItemOperationFetchCommand.ByFileReference(fileReference)); } public MoveItemsResponse moveItems(Move... moves) throws Exception { return run(new MoveItemsCommand(moves)); } public MeetingHandlerResponse meetingResponse(CollectionId collectionId, ServerId serverId) throws Exception { return run(new MeetingResponseCommand(collectionId, serverId)); } public PingResponse ping(PingProtocol pingProtocol, CollectionId inbox, long heartbeat) throws Exception { return run(new PingCommand(pingProtocol, inbox, heartbeat)); } public Future<PingResponse> pingASync(Async async, PingProtocol pingProtocol, CollectionId inbox, long heartbeat) throws Exception { return runASync(async, new PingCommand(pingProtocol, inbox, heartbeat)); } public Document postXml(String namespace, Document doc, String cmd) throws TransformerException, WBXmlException, IOException, HttpRequestException { return postXml(namespace, doc, cmd, null, false); } public byte[] postGetAttachment(String attachmentName) throws Exception { String url = buildUrl(ai.getUrl(), ai.getLogin(), ai.getDevId(), ai.getDevType(), "GetAttachment", "&AttachmentName=" + attachmentName); HttpPost request = new HttpPost(url); request.setHeaders(new Header[] { new BasicHeader("Authorization", ai.authValue()), new BasicHeader("User-Agent", ai.getUserAgent()), new BasicHeader("Ms-Asprotocolversion", protocolVersion.asSpecificationValue()), new BasicHeader("Accept", "*/*"), new BasicHeader("Accept-Language", "fr-fr"), new BasicHeader("Connection", "keep-alive") }); synchronized (hc) { try { HttpResponse response = hc.execute(request); StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine(); Header[] hs = response.getAllHeaders(); for (Header h : hs) { logger.error("head[" + h.getName() + "] => " + h.getValue()); } if (statusLine.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { logger.error("method failed:{}\n{}\n", statusLine, response.getEntity()); throw new UnexpectedHttpStatusException(statusLine.getStatusCode()); } else { for (Header h : hs) { + ": " + h.getValue()); } return IOUtils.toByteArray(response.getEntity().getContent()); } } finally { request.releaseConnection(); } } } public void setProtocolVersion(ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) { this.protocolVersion = protocolVersion; } public String buildUrl(String url, String login, DeviceId deviceId, String devType, String cmd, String extra) { return buildUrl(url, login, deviceId, devType, cmd) + extra; } public String buildUrl(String url, String login, DeviceId deviceId, String devType, String cmd) { return buildUrl(url, login, deviceId, devType) + "&Cmd=" + cmd; } public String buildUrl(String url, String login, DeviceId deviceId, String devType) { return url + "?User=" + login + "&DeviceId=" + deviceId.getDeviceId() + "&DeviceType=" + devType; } public void close() { try { hc.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Cannot close the underlying HTTP client", e); } } }