Source code

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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Copyright (C) 2011-2014  Linagora
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or 
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as 
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the 
 * License, or (at your option) any later version, provided you comply 
 * with the Additional Terms applicable for OBM connector by Linagora 
 * pursuant to Section 7 of the GNU Affero General Public License, 
 * subsections (b), (c), and (e), pursuant to which you must notably (i) retain 
 * the Message sent thanks to OBM, Free Communication by Linagora? 
 * signature notice appended to any and all outbound messages 
 * (notably e-mail and meeting requests), (ii) retain all hypertext links between 
 * OBM and, as well as between Linagora and, and (iii) refrain 
 * from infringing Linagora intellectual property rights over its trademarks 
 * and commercial brands. Other Additional Terms apply, 
 * see <> for more details. 
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License 
 * for more details. 
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License 
 * and its applicable Additional Terms for OBM along with this program. If not, 
 * see <> for the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 
 * and <> for the Additional Terms applicable to 
 * OBM connectors. 
 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
package org.obm.push.mail.imap;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;

import org.obm.configuration.EmailConfiguration;
import org.obm.push.bean.UserDataRequest;
import org.obm.push.bean.change.hierarchy.MailboxPath;
import org.obm.push.configuration.OpushEmailConfiguration;
import org.obm.push.exception.CollectionPathException;
import org.obm.push.exception.DaoException;
import org.obm.push.exception.ImapMessageNotFoundException;
import org.obm.push.exception.ImapTimeoutException;
import org.obm.push.exception.MailException;
import org.obm.push.exception.MailboxNotFoundException;
import org.obm.push.exception.OpushLocatorException;
import org.obm.push.exception.UnsupportedBackendFunctionException;
import org.obm.push.exception.activesync.CollectionNotFoundException;
import org.obm.push.exception.activesync.ItemNotFoundException;
import org.obm.push.exception.activesync.TimeoutException;
import org.obm.push.mail.EmailFactory;
import org.obm.push.mail.MailboxService;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.Email;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.EmailMetadata;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.EmailReader;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.FastFetch;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.Flag;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.FlagsList;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.IMAPHeaders;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.ImapCapability;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.ListInfo;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.ListResult;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.MailboxFolder;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.MailboxFolders;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.MessageSet;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.SearchQuery;
import org.obm.push.mail.bean.UIDEnvelope;
import org.obm.push.mail.mime.MimeAddress;
import org.obm.push.mail.mime.MimeMessage;
import org.obm.push.mail.mime.MimePart;
import org.obm.push.minig.imap.CommandIOException;
import org.obm.push.minig.imap.StoreClient;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


public class LinagoraMailboxService implements MailboxService {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LinagoraMailboxService.class);

    private static final String NO_REFERENCE_NAME = "";

    private final LinagoraImapClientProvider imapClientProvider;
    private final OpushEmailConfiguration emailConfiguration;

    LinagoraMailboxService(OpushEmailConfiguration emailConfiguration,
            LinagoraImapClientProvider imapClientProvider) {

        this.imapClientProvider = imapClientProvider;
        this.emailConfiguration = emailConfiguration;

    public EmailMetadata fetchEmailMetadata(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, long uid)
            throws MailException, ItemNotFoundException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            EmailMetadata response = store.uidFetchEmailMetadata(uid);
            if (response != null) {
                return response;
            throw new ItemNotFoundException("Cannot find expected response:{" + uid + "} in imap results");
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public Map<Long, FlagsList> fetchFlags(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, MessageSet messages)
            throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            Map<Long, FlagsList> fetchFlags = store.uidFetchFlags(messages);
            return fetchFlags;
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public boolean folderExists(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path) throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            ListResult matchingFolder = store.listAll(NO_REFERENCE_NAME, path.getPath());
            if (matchingFolder.isEmpty()) {
                return false;
            return Iterables.getOnlyElement(matchingFolder).isSelectable();
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public Optional<MailboxFolder> getFolder(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path) throws MailException {
        try {
            ListResult listFolders = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr).listAll(NO_REFERENCE_NAME,

            return Iterables.tryFind(mailboxFolders(listFolders), Predicates.alwaysTrue());
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public MailboxFolders listAllFolders(UserDataRequest udr) throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            return mailboxFolders(store.listAll());
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public MailboxFolders listSubscribedFolders(UserDataRequest udr) throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            return mailboxFolders(store.listSubscribed());
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    private MailboxFolders mailboxFolders(ListResult listResult) {
        List<MailboxFolder> mailboxFolders = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (ListInfo folder : listResult) {
            mailboxFolders.add(new MailboxFolder(folder.getName(), listResult.getImapSeparator()));
        return new MailboxFolders(mailboxFolders);

    public void createFolder(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxFolder folder) throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            if (!store.create(folder.getName())) {
                throw new MailException("Folder creation failed for : " + folder.getName());
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public void subscribeToFolder(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxFolder folder) throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            if (!store.subscribe(folder.getName())) {
                throw new MailException("Mailbox subscription failed for : " + folder.getName());
        } catch (OpushLocatorException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public void updateReadFlag(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, MessageSet messages, boolean read)
            throws MailException, ImapMessageNotFoundException {

        updateMailFlag(udr, path, messages, Flag.SEEN, read);

    private void updateMailFlag(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, MessageSet messages, Flag flag,
            boolean status) throws MailException {

        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            FlagsList fl = new FlagsList();
            store.uidStore(messages, fl, status);
  "Change flag for mail with UID {} in {} ( {}:{} )", messages, path.getPath(),
                    flag.asCommandValue(), status);
        } catch (IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public String parseMailBoxName(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path) throws MailException {
        try {
            return imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr).findMailboxNameWithServerCase(path.getPath());
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public void delete(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, MessageSet messages)
            throws MailException, ImapMessageNotFoundException {

        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            FlagsList fl = new FlagsList();
  "delete conv id = {}", messages);
            store.uidStore(messages, fl, true);
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public MessageSet move(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath srcFolder, MailboxPath dstFolder, MessageSet messages)
            throws DaoException, MailException, ImapMessageNotFoundException, UnsupportedBackendFunctionException {

        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);

            logger.debug("Moving email, USER:{} UIDs:{} SRC:{} DST:{}", udr.getUser().getLoginAtDomain(), messages,
                    srcFolder, dstFolder);

            MessageSet newUids = store.uidCopy(messages, dstFolder.getPath());
            deleteMessage(store, messages);

            return newUids;
        } catch (IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    private void deleteMessage(StoreClient store, MessageSet messages) throws ImapTimeoutException {
        FlagsList fl = new FlagsList();
        fl.add(Flag.DELETED);"delete conv id = {}", messages);
        store.uidStore(messages, fl, true);

    private void assertMoveItemIsSupported(StoreClient store)
            throws UnsupportedBackendFunctionException, ImapTimeoutException {
        if (!store.capabilities().contains(ImapCapability.UIDPLUS.capability())) {
            throw new UnsupportedBackendFunctionException("The IMAP server doesn't support UIDPLUS capability");

    public InputStream fetchMailStream(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, long uid, Optional<Long> truncation)
            throws MailException {
        return getMessageInputStream(udr, path, uid, truncation);

    private InputStream getMessageInputStream(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, long messageUID,
            Optional<Long> truncation) throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            if (truncation.isPresent()) {
                return store.uidFetchMessage(messageUID, truncation.get());
            } else {
                return store.uidFetchMessage(messageUID);
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public void setAnsweredFlag(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, MessageSet messages)
            throws MailException, ImapMessageNotFoundException {
        updateMailFlag(udr, path, messages, Flag.ANSWERED, true);

    public void setDeletedFlag(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, MessageSet messages)
            throws MailException, ImapMessageNotFoundException {
        updateMailFlag(udr, path, messages, Flag.DELETED, true);

    public void storeInSent(UserDataRequest udr, EmailReader mailContent) throws MailException {
        if (mailContent != null) {
            MailboxPath sentboxPath = MailboxPath.of(emailConfiguration.imapMailboxSent());
  "Store mail in the sent folder: {}", sentboxPath);
            storeInFolder(udr, mailContent, true, sentboxPath);
        } else {
            throw new MailException("The mail that user try to store in sent box is null.");

    private void resetInputStream(Reader mailContent) throws IOException {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

    public InputStream findAttachment(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, Long mailUid,
            MimeAddress mimePartAddress) throws MailException {

        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            return store.uidFetchPart(mailUid, Objects.firstNonNull(mimePartAddress.getAddress(), ""));
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public MessageSet purgeFolder(UserDataRequest udr, Integer devId, MailboxPath path)
            throws DaoException, MailException {

        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
  "Mailbox folder[ {} ] will be purged...", path.getPath());
            MessageSet messages = store.uidSearch(SearchQuery.MATCH_ALL);
            FlagsList fl = new FlagsList();
            store.uidStore(messages, fl, true);
            time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
  "Mailbox folder[ {} ] was purged in {} millisec. {} messages have been deleted",
                    path.getPath(), time, Iterables.size(messages));
            return messages;
        } catch (IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public void storeInInbox(UserDataRequest udr, EmailReader mailContent, boolean isRead) throws MailException {"Store mail in folder[Inbox]");
        MailboxPath inboxPath = MailboxPath.of(EmailConfiguration.IMAP_INBOX_NAME);
        storeInFolder(udr, mailContent, isRead, inboxPath);

    private void storeInFolder(UserDataRequest udr, Reader mailContent, boolean isRead, MailboxPath path)
            throws MailException {

        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            FlagsList fl = new FlagsList();
            if (isRead) {
            store.append(path.getPath(), mailContent, fl);
        } catch (IMAPException | CommandIOException | IOException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public boolean getLoginWithDomain() {
        return emailConfiguration.loginWithDomain();

    public boolean getActivateTLS() {
        return emailConfiguration.activateTls();

    public Collection<Email> fetchEmails(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, MessageSet messages)
            throws MailException {
        return EmailFactory.listEmailFromFastFetch(fetchFast(udr, path, messages));

    public Set<Email> fetchEmails(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, Date windows) throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            SearchQuery query = SearchQuery.builder().afterInclusive(windows).build();
            MessageSet messages = store.uidSearch(query);
            Collection<FastFetch> mails = fetchFast(udr, path, messages);
            return EmailFactory.listEmailFromFastFetch(mails);
        } catch (IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public Collection<UIDEnvelope> fetchEnvelope(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, MessageSet messages)
            throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            return store.uidFetchEnvelope(messages);
        } catch (NoSuchElementException | IMAPException | CollectionPathException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public Collection<FastFetch> fetchFast(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, MessageSet messages)
            throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            return FluentIterable.from(store.uidFetchFast(messages)).filter(new Predicate<FastFetch>() {
                public boolean apply(FastFetch input) {
                    return !input.isDeleted();
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public Collection<MimeMessage> fetchBodyStructure(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, MessageSet messages)
            throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            return store.uidFetchBodyStructure(messages);
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public InputStream fetchMimePartStream(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, long uid, MimeAddress partAddress)
            throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);

            String addressAsString = Objects.firstNonNull(partAddress.getAddress(), "");
            return store.uidFetchPart(uid, addressAsString);
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public InputStream fetchPartialMimePartStream(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, long uid,
            MimeAddress partAddress, int limit) throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);

            String addressAsString = Objects.firstNonNull(partAddress.getAddress(), "");
            return store.uidFetchPart(uid, addressAsString, limit);
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public Map<Long, IMAPHeaders> fetchPartHeaders(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, MessageSet messages,
            MimePart mimePart) throws IOException {
        ImmutableMap.Builder<Long, IMAPHeaders> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
        for (long uid : messages) {
            builder.put(uid, fetchPartHeaders(udr, path, uid, mimePart));

    private IMAPHeaders fetchPartHeaders(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path, long uid, MimePart mimePart)
            throws IOException {
        MimeAddress address = mimePart.getAddress();
        String part = null;
        if (address == null) {
            part = "HEADER";
        } else {
            part = address.getAddress() + ".HEADER";
        InputStream is = fetchMimePartStream(udr, path, uid, new MimeAddress(part));
        return mimePart.decodeHeaders(is);

    public long fetchUIDNext(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path) throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            return store.uidNext(path.getPath());
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public long fetchUIDValidity(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path) throws MailException {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
            return store.uidValidity(path.getPath());
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);

    public void expunge(UserDataRequest udr, MailboxPath path) {
        try {
            StoreClient store = imapClientProvider.getImapClient(udr);
        } catch (OpushLocatorException | IMAPException e) {
            throw new MailException(e);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            throw new CollectionNotFoundException(e);
        } catch (ImapTimeoutException e) {
            throw new TimeoutException(e);