Java tutorial
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: GPL 2.0 * * The contents of this file are subject to the GNU General Public * License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"). * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * project members * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ package org.obm.push.mail; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.columba.ristretto.message.Address; import org.minig.imap.FastFetch; import org.minig.imap.Flag; import org.minig.imap.FlagsList; import org.minig.imap.IMAPException; import org.minig.imap.ListInfo; import org.minig.imap.ListResult; import org.minig.imap.SearchQuery; import org.minig.imap.StoreClient; import org.obm.configuration.EmailConfiguration; import; import org.obm.push.bean.BackendSession; import org.obm.push.bean.Email; import org.obm.push.bean.MSEmail; import org.obm.push.bean.SyncState; import org.obm.push.exception.DaoException; import org.obm.push.exception.SendEmailException; import org.obm.push.exception.SmtpInvalidRcptException; import org.obm.push.exception.activesync.ProcessingEmailException; import org.obm.push.exception.activesync.StoreEmailException; import org.obm.push.mail.smtp.SmtpSender; import org.obm.push.service.EventService; import; import org.obm.push.utils.DateUtils; import org.obm.push.utils.FileUtils; import org.obm.sync.client.calendar.AbstractEventSyncClient; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Singleton public class EmailManager implements IEmailManager { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EmailManager.class); private final EmailDao emailDao; private final SmtpSender smtpProvider; private final LocatorService locatorService; private final EmailSync emailSync; private final boolean loginWithDomain; private final boolean activateTLS; private final EventService eventService; @Inject /*package*/ EmailManager(EmailDao emailDao, EmailConfiguration emailConfiguration, SmtpSender smtpSender, EmailSync emailSync, LocatorService locatorService, EventService eventService) { this.emailSync = emailSync; this.smtpProvider = smtpSender; this.emailDao = emailDao; this.locatorService = locatorService; this.eventService = eventService; this.loginWithDomain = emailConfiguration.loginWithDomain(); this.activateTLS = emailConfiguration.activateTls(); } @Override public String locateImap(BackendSession bs) { String locateImap = locatorService.getServiceLocation("mail/imap_frontend", bs.getLoginAtDomain());"Using {} as imap host.", locateImap); return locateImap; } private StoreClient getImapClient(BackendSession bs) { final String imapHost = locateImap(bs); final String login = getLogin(bs); StoreClient storeClient = new StoreClient(imapHost, 143, login, bs.getPassword()); logger.debug("Creating storeClient with login {} : " + "loginWithDomain = {} | activateTLS = {}", new Object[] { login, loginWithDomain, activateTLS }); return storeClient; } private String getLogin(BackendSession bs) { String login = bs.getLoginAtDomain(); if (!loginWithDomain) { int at = login.indexOf("@"); if (at > 0) { login = login.substring(0, at); } } return login; } @Override public MailChanges getSync(BackendSession bs, SyncState syncState, Integer deviceId, Integer collectionId, String collectionName) throws IMAPException, DaoException { StoreClient store = getImapClient(bs); try { login(store);, collectionName)); return emailSync.getSync(store, deviceId, syncState, collectionId); } finally { store.logout(); } } @Override public List<MSEmail> fetchMails(BackendSession bs, AbstractEventSyncClient calendarClient, Integer collectionId, String collectionName, Collection<Long> uids) throws IMAPException { final List<MSEmail> mails = new LinkedList<MSEmail>(); final StoreClient store = getImapClient(bs); try { login(store);, collectionName)); final MailMessageLoader mailLoader = new MailMessageLoader(store, calendarClient, eventService); for (final Long uid : uids) { final MSEmail email = mailLoader.fetch(collectionId, uid, bs); if (email != null) { mails.add(email); } } } finally { store.logout(); } return mails; } private ListResult listAllFolder(StoreClient store) { return store.listAll(); } @Override public void updateReadFlag(BackendSession bs, String collectionName, Long uid, boolean read) throws IMAPException { StoreClient store = getImapClient(bs); try { login(store); String mailBoxName = parseMailBoxName(store, collectionName);; FlagsList fl = new FlagsList(); fl.add(Flag.SEEN); store.uidStore(Arrays.asList(uid), fl, read);"flag change: " + (read ? "+" : "-") + " SEEN" + " on mail " + uid + " in " + mailBoxName); } finally { store.logout(); } } @Override public String parseMailBoxName(BackendSession bs, String collectionName) throws IMAPException { // parse obm:\\adrien@test.tlse.lng\email\INBOX\Sent StoreClient store = getImapClient(bs); try { login(store); return parseMailBoxName(store, collectionName); } finally { store.logout(); } } private String parseMailBoxName(StoreClient store, String collectionName) throws IMAPException { if (collectionName.toLowerCase().endsWith(EmailConfiguration.IMAP_INBOX_NAME.toLowerCase())) { return EmailConfiguration.IMAP_INBOX_NAME; } int slash = collectionName.lastIndexOf("email\\"); final String boxName = collectionName.substring(slash + "email\\".length()); final ListResult lr = listAllFolder(store); for (final ListInfo i : lr) { if (i.getName().toLowerCase().contains(boxName.toLowerCase())) { return i.getName(); } } throw new IMAPException("Cannot find IMAP folder for collection [ " + collectionName + " ]"); } @Override public void delete(BackendSession bs, Integer devId, String collectionPath, Integer collectionId, Long uid) throws IMAPException, DaoException { StoreClient store = getImapClient(bs); try { login(store); String mailBoxName = parseMailBoxName(store, collectionPath);; FlagsList fl = new FlagsList(); fl.add(Flag.DELETED);"delete conv id = ", uid); store.uidStore(Arrays.asList(uid), fl, true); store.expunge(); deleteEmails(devId, collectionId, Arrays.asList(uid)); } finally { store.logout(); } } @Override public Long moveItem(BackendSession bs, Integer devId, String srcFolder, Integer srcFolderId, String dstFolder, Integer dstFolderId, Long uid) throws IMAPException, DaoException { StoreClient store = getImapClient(bs); Collection<Long> newUid = null; try { login(store); String srcMailBox = parseMailBoxName(store, srcFolder); String dstMailBox = parseMailBoxName(store, dstFolder);; List<Long> uids = Arrays.asList(uid); newUid = store.uidCopy(uids, dstMailBox); FlagsList fl = new FlagsList(); fl.add(Flag.DELETED);"delete conv id = ", uid); store.uidStore(uids, fl, true); store.expunge(); deleteEmails(devId, srcFolderId, Arrays.asList(uid)); addMessageInCache(store, devId, dstFolderId, uid); } finally { store.logout(); } if (newUid == null || newUid.isEmpty()) { return null; } return newUid.iterator().next(); } @Override public List<InputStream> fetchMIMEMails(BackendSession bs, AbstractEventSyncClient calendarClient, String collectionName, Set<Long> uids) throws IMAPException { List<InputStream> mails = new LinkedList<InputStream>(); StoreClient store = getImapClient(bs); try { login(store);, collectionName)); for (Long uid : uids) { mails.add(store.uidFetchMessage(uid)); } } finally { store.logout(); } return mails; } private void login(StoreClient store) throws IMAPException { if (!store.login(activateTLS)) { throw new IMAPException("Cannot log into imap server"); } } @Override public void setAnsweredFlag(BackendSession bs, String collectionName, Long uid) throws IMAPException { StoreClient store = getImapClient(bs); try { login(store); String mailBoxName = parseMailBoxName(store, collectionName);; FlagsList fl = new FlagsList(); fl.add(Flag.ANSWERED); store.uidStore(Arrays.asList(uid), fl, true);"flag change : ANSWERED on mail {} in {}", new Object[] { uid, mailBoxName }); } finally { store.logout(); } } @Override public void sendEmail(BackendSession bs, Address from, Set<Address> setTo, Set<Address> setCc, Set<Address> setCci, InputStream mimeMail, Boolean saveInSent) throws ProcessingEmailException, SendEmailException, SmtpInvalidRcptException, StoreEmailException { SmtpInvalidRcptException invalidRctp = null; InputStream streamMail = null; try { streamMail = new ByteArrayInputStream(FileUtils.streamBytes(mimeMail, true)); streamMail.mark(streamMail.available()); try { smtpProvider.sendEmail(bs, from, setTo, setCc, setCci, streamMail); } catch (SmtpInvalidRcptException e1) { invalidRctp = e1; } if (saveInSent) { streamMail.reset(); final Long uid = storeInSent(bs, streamMail); if (uid != null) {"This mail {} is stored in 'sent' folder.", uid); } else { logger.error("The mail can't to be store in 'sent' folder."); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ProcessingEmailException(e); } finally { closeStream(streamMail); } if (invalidRctp != null) { throw invalidRctp; } } private void closeStream(InputStream mimeMail) { if (mimeMail != null) { try { mimeMail.close(); } catch (IOException t) { logger.error(t.getMessage(), t); } } } @Override public InputStream findAttachment(BackendSession bs, String collectionName, Long mailUid, String mimePartAddress) throws IMAPException { StoreClient store = getImapClient(bs); try { login(store); String mailBoxName = parseMailBoxName(store, collectionName);; return store.uidFetchPart(mailUid, mimePartAddress); } finally { store.logout(); } } @Override public void purgeFolder(BackendSession bs, Integer devId, String collectionPath, Integer collectionId) throws IMAPException, DaoException { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); StoreClient store = getImapClient(bs); try { login(store); String mailBoxName = parseMailBoxName(store, collectionPath);;"Mailbox folder[ {} ] will be purged...", collectionPath); Collection<Long> uids = store.uidSearch(new SearchQuery()); FlagsList fl = new FlagsList(); fl.add(Flag.DELETED); store.uidStore(uids, fl, true); store.expunge(); deleteEmails(devId, collectionId, uids); time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;"Mailbox folder[ {} ] was purged in {} millisec. {} messages have been deleted", new Object[] { collectionPath, time, uids.size() }); } finally { store.logout(); } } @Override public Long storeInInbox(BackendSession bs, InputStream mailContent, boolean isRead) throws StoreEmailException {"Store mail in folder[Inbox]"); StoreClient store = getImapClient(bs); try { login(store); return storeMail(store, EmailConfiguration.IMAP_INBOX_NAME, isRead, mailContent, false); } catch (IMAPException e) { throw new StoreEmailException("Error during store mail in Inbox folder", e); } finally { store.logout(); } } /** * Store the mail in the Sent folder storeInSent reset the mimeMail will be * if storeInSent read it * * @param bs the BackendSession * @param mail the mail that will be stored * @return the imap uid of the mail * @throws StoreEmailException */ private Long storeInSent(BackendSession bs, InputStream mail) throws StoreEmailException { StoreClient store = getImapClient(bs); try { login(store); String sentFolderName = null; ListResult lr = listAllFolder(store); for (ListInfo i : lr) { if (i.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith("sent")) { sentFolderName = i.getName(); } } return storeMail(store, sentFolderName, true, mail, true); } catch (IMAPException e) { throw new StoreEmailException("Error during store mail in Sent folder", e); } finally { store.logout(); } } /** * * @param store * the StoreClient * @param folderName * the folder name where the mail will be stored * @param isRead * if true the message will be stored with SEEN Flag * @param reset * if true mailContent will be reseted * @return the imap uid of the mail */ private Long storeMail(StoreClient store, String folderName, boolean isRead, InputStream mailContent, boolean reset) { Long ret = null; if (folderName != null) { if (reset && mailContent.markSupported()) { mailContent.mark(0); } FlagsList fl = new FlagsList(); if (isRead) { fl.add(Flag.SEEN); } ret = store.append(folderName, mailContent, fl); store.expunge(); } return ret; } private void deleteEmails(Integer devId, Integer collectionId, Collection<Long> mailUids) throws DaoException { try { emailDao.deleteSyncEmails(devId, collectionId, mailUids); } catch (DaoException e) { throw new DaoException("Error while deleting messages in db", e); } } private void addMessageInCache(StoreClient store, Integer devId, Integer collectionId, Long mailUids) throws DaoException { Collection<FastFetch> fetch = store.uidFetchFast(ImmutableSet.of(mailUids)); Collection<Email> emails = Collections2.transform(fetch, new Function<FastFetch, Email>() { @Override public Email apply(FastFetch input) { return new Email(input.getUid(), input.isRead(), input.getInternalDate()); } }); try { markEmailsAsSynced(devId, collectionId, emails); } catch (DaoException e) { throw new DaoException("Error while adding messages in db", e); } } public void markEmailsAsSynced(Integer devId, Integer collectionId, Collection<Email> messages) throws DaoException { markEmailsAsSynced(devId, collectionId, DateUtils.getCurrentDate(), messages); } public void markEmailsAsSynced(Integer devId, Integer collectionId, Date lastSync, Collection<Email> emails) throws DaoException { Set<Email> allEmailsToMark = Sets.newHashSet(emails); Set<Email> alreadySyncedEmails = emailDao.alreadySyncedEmails(collectionId, devId, emails); Set<Email> modifiedEmails = findModifiedEmails(allEmailsToMark, alreadySyncedEmails); Set<Email> emailsNeverTrackedBefore = filterOutAlreadySyncedEmails(allEmailsToMark, alreadySyncedEmails); emailDao.updateSyncEntriesStatus(devId, collectionId, modifiedEmails); emailDao.createSyncEntries(devId, collectionId, emailsNeverTrackedBefore, lastSync); } private Set<Email> findModifiedEmails(Set<Email> allEmailsToMark, Set<Email> alreadySyncedEmails) { Map<Long, Email> indexedEmailsToMark = getEmailsAsUidTreeMap(allEmailsToMark); HashSet<Email> modifiedEmails = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Email email : alreadySyncedEmails) { Email modifiedEmail = indexedEmailsToMark.get(email.getUid()); if (modifiedEmail != null && !modifiedEmail.equals(email)) { modifiedEmails.add(modifiedEmail); } } return modifiedEmails; } private Set<Email> filterOutAlreadySyncedEmails(Set<Email> allEmailsToMark, Set<Email> alreadySyncedEmails) { return org.obm.push.utils.collection.Sets.difference(allEmailsToMark, alreadySyncedEmails, new Comparator<Email>() { @Override public int compare(Email o1, Email o2) { return Long.valueOf(o1.getUid() - o2.getUid()).intValue(); } }); } private Map<Long, Email> getEmailsAsUidTreeMap(Set<Email> emails) { return Maps.uniqueIndex(emails, new Function<Email, Long>() { @Override public Long apply(Email email) { return email.getIndex(); } }); } @Override public boolean getLoginWithDomain() { return loginWithDomain; } @Override public boolean getActivateTLS() { return activateTLS; } @Override public void updateData(Integer devId, Integer collectionId, Date lastSync, Collection<Long> removedEmailUids, Collection<Email> updatedEmails) throws DaoException { if (removedEmailUids != null && !removedEmailUids.isEmpty()) { emailDao.deleteSyncEmails(devId, collectionId, lastSync, removedEmailUids); } if (updatedEmails != null && !updatedEmails.isEmpty()) { markEmailsAsSynced(devId, collectionId, lastSync, updatedEmails); } } }