Java tutorial
// ASM: a very small and fast Java bytecode manipulation framework // Copyright (c) 2000-2011 INRIA, France Telecom // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF // THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. package org.objectweb.asm.signature; /** * A parser for signature literals, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS), to * visit them with a SignatureVisitor. * * @see <a href="">JVMS *</a> * @author Thomas Hallgren * @author Eric Bruneton */ public class SignatureReader { /** The JVMS signature to be read. */ private final String signatureValue; /** * Constructs a {@link SignatureReader} for the given signature. * * @param signature A <i>JavaTypeSignature</i>, <i>ClassSignature</i> or <i>MethodSignature</i>. */ public SignatureReader(final String signature) { this.signatureValue = signature; } /** * Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is * the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader}). This method is intended to * be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that was created using a <i>ClassSignature</i> (such as * the <code>signature</code> parameter of the {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor#visit} * method) or a <i>MethodSignature</i> (such as the <code>signature</code> parameter of the {@link * org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor#visitMethod} method). * * @param signatureVistor the visitor that must visit this signature. */ public void accept(final SignatureVisitor signatureVistor) { String signature = this.signatureValue; int length = signature.length(); int offset; // Current offset in the parsed signature (parsed from left to right). char currentChar; // The signature character at 'offset', or just before. // If the signature starts with '<', it starts with TypeParameters, i.e. a formal type parameter // identifier, followed by one or more pair ':',ReferenceTypeSignature (for its class bound and // interface bounds). if (signature.charAt(0) == '<') { // Invariant: offset points to the second character of a formal type parameter name at the // beginning of each iteration of the loop below. offset = 2; do { // The formal type parameter name is everything between offset - 1 and the first ':'. int classBoundStartOffset = signature.indexOf(':', offset); signatureVistor.visitFormalTypeParameter(signature.substring(offset - 1, classBoundStartOffset)); // If the character after the ':' class bound marker is not the start of a // ReferenceTypeSignature, it means the class bound is empty (which is a valid case). offset = classBoundStartOffset + 1; currentChar = signature.charAt(offset); if (currentChar == 'L' || currentChar == '[' || currentChar == 'T') { offset = parseType(signature, offset, signatureVistor.visitClassBound()); } // While the character after the class bound or after the last parsed interface bound // is ':', we need to parse another interface bound. while ((currentChar = signature.charAt(offset++)) == ':') { offset = parseType(signature, offset, signatureVistor.visitInterfaceBound()); } // At this point a TypeParameter has been fully parsed, and we need to parse the next one // (note that currentChar is now the first character of the next TypeParameter, and that // offset points to the second character), unless the character just after this // TypeParameter signals the end of the TypeParameters. } while (currentChar != '>'); } else { offset = 0; } // If the (optional) TypeParameters is followed by '(' this means we are parsing a // MethodSignature, which has JavaTypeSignature type inside parentheses, followed by a Result // type and optional ThrowsSignature types. if (signature.charAt(offset) == '(') { offset++; while (signature.charAt(offset) != ')') { offset = parseType(signature, offset, signatureVistor.visitParameterType()); } // Use offset + 1 to skip ')'. offset = parseType(signature, offset + 1, signatureVistor.visitReturnType()); while (offset < length) { // Use offset + 1 to skip the first character of a ThrowsSignature, i.e. '^'. offset = parseType(signature, offset + 1, signatureVistor.visitExceptionType()); } } else { // Otherwise we are parsing a ClassSignature (by hypothesis on the method input), which has // one or more ClassTypeSignature for the super class and the implemented interfaces. offset = parseType(signature, offset, signatureVistor.visitSuperclass()); while (offset < length) { offset = parseType(signature, offset, signatureVistor.visitInterface()); } } } /** * Makes the given visitor visit the signature of this {@link SignatureReader}. This signature is * the one specified in the constructor (see {@link #SignatureReader}). This method is intended to * be called on a {@link SignatureReader} that was created using a <i>JavaTypeSignature</i>, such * as the <code>signature</code> parameter of the {@link * org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor#visitField} or {@link * org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor#visitLocalVariable} methods. * * @param signatureVisitor the visitor that must visit this signature. */ public void acceptType(final SignatureVisitor signatureVisitor) { parseType(signatureValue, 0, signatureVisitor); } /** * Parses a JavaTypeSignature and makes the given visitor visit it. * * @param signature a string containing the signature that must be parsed. * @param startOffset index of the first character of the signature to parsed. * @param signatureVisitor the visitor that must visit this signature. * @return the index of the first character after the parsed signature. */ private static int parseType(final String signature, final int startOffset, final SignatureVisitor signatureVisitor) { int offset = startOffset; // Current offset in the parsed signature. char currentChar = signature.charAt(offset++); // The signature character at 'offset'. // Switch based on the first character of the JavaTypeSignature, which indicates its kind. switch (currentChar) { case 'Z': case 'C': case 'B': case 'S': case 'I': case 'F': case 'J': case 'D': case 'V': // Case of a BaseType or a VoidDescriptor. signatureVisitor.visitBaseType(currentChar); return offset; case '[': // Case of an ArrayTypeSignature, a '[' followed by a JavaTypeSignature. return parseType(signature, offset, signatureVisitor.visitArrayType()); case 'T': // Case of TypeVariableSignature, an identifier between 'T' and ';'. int endOffset = signature.indexOf(';', offset); signatureVisitor.visitTypeVariable(signature.substring(offset, endOffset)); return endOffset + 1; case 'L': // Case of a ClassTypeSignature, which ends with ';'. // These signatures have a main class type followed by zero or more inner class types // (separated by '.'). Each can have type arguments, inside '<' and '>'. int start = offset; // The start offset of the currently parsed main or inner class name. boolean visited = false; // Whether the currently parsed class name has been visited. boolean inner = false; // Whether we are currently parsing an inner class type. // Parses the signature, one character at a time. while (true) { currentChar = signature.charAt(offset++); if (currentChar == '.' || currentChar == ';') { // If a '.' or ';' is encountered, this means we have fully parsed the main class name // or an inner class name. This name may already have been visited it is was followed by // type arguments between '<' and '>'. If not, we need to visit it here. if (!visited) { String name = signature.substring(start, offset - 1); if (inner) { signatureVisitor.visitInnerClassType(name); } else { signatureVisitor.visitClassType(name); } } // If we reached the end of the ClassTypeSignature return, otherwise start the parsing // of a new class name, which is necessarily an inner class name. if (currentChar == ';') { signatureVisitor.visitEnd(); break; } start = offset; visited = false; inner = true; } else if (currentChar == '<') { // If a '<' is encountered, this means we have fully parsed the main class name or an // inner class name, and that we now need to parse TypeArguments. First, we need to // visit the parsed class name. String name = signature.substring(start, offset - 1); if (inner) { signatureVisitor.visitInnerClassType(name); } else { signatureVisitor.visitClassType(name); } visited = true; // Now, parse the TypeArgument(s), one at a time. while ((currentChar = signature.charAt(offset)) != '>') { switch (currentChar) { case '*': // Unbounded TypeArgument. ++offset; signatureVisitor.visitTypeArgument(); break; case '+': case '-': // Extends or Super TypeArgument. Use offset + 1 to skip the '+' or '-'. offset = parseType(signature, offset + 1, signatureVisitor.visitTypeArgument(currentChar)); break; default: // Instanceof TypeArgument. The '=' is implicit. offset = parseType(signature, offset, signatureVisitor.visitTypeArgument('=')); break; } } } } return offset; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } }