Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2016 Obeo. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Obeo - initial API and implementation * *******************************************************************************/ package org.obeonetwork.m2doc.generator; import; import; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException; import org.apache.poi.util.Units; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.BreakType; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.IBody; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.IRunBody; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.UnderlinePatterns; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFDocument; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFFooter; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFHeader; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFHeaderFooter; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFHyperlinkRun; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFParagraph; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFRelation; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFRun; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFTable; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFTableCell; import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFTableRow; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException; import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.runtime.EvaluationResult; import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.runtime.IQueryBuilderEngine.AstResult; import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.runtime.IQueryEnvironment; import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.runtime.IQueryEvaluationEngine; import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.runtime.IReadOnlyQueryEnvironment; import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.runtime.impl.QueryEvaluationEngine; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Diagnostic; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EMap; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Monitor; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.URIConverter; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.element.MBookmark; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.element.MHyperLink; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.element.MImage; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.element.MPagination; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.element.MStyle; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.element.MTable; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.element.MTable.MCell; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.element.MTable.MRow; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.element.impl.MImageImpl; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.parser.TemplateValidationMessage; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.parser.TokenType; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.parser.ValidationMessageLevel; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.provider.AbstractDiagramProvider; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.provider.AbstractTableProvider; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.provider.IProvider; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.provider.OptionType; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.provider.ProviderConstants; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.provider.ProviderException; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.AbstractProviderClient; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.Block; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.Bookmark; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.Cell; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.Comment; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.Conditional; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.DocumentTemplate; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.IConstruct; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.Image; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.Let; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.Link; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.Query; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.Repetition; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.Representation; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.Row; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.StaticFragment; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.Table; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.TableClient; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.Template; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.UserContent; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.UserDoc; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.template.util.TemplateSwitch; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.util.M2DocUtils; import org.obeonetwork.m2doc.util.PictureType; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTHdrFtr; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTHyperlink; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTP; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTR; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTRPr; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTRow; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTSimpleField; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTTbl; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTTc; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTText; import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.STOnOff; /** * The {@link M2DocEvaluator} class implements a switch over template that generates the doc. * * @author Romain Guider */ @SuppressWarnings("restriction") public class M2DocEvaluator extends TemplateSwitch<IConstruct> { /** * I/O reading problem message. */ private static final String AN_I_O_PROBLEM_OCCURED_WHILE_READING = "An I/O Problem occured while reading %s: %s."; /** * Error message when AQL query could not be evaluated. */ private static final String QUERY_EVALERROR_MESSAGE = "Couldn't evaluate query."; /** * Error message when an AQL query contains syntax errors. */ private static final String QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Syntax error in AQL expression: "; /** * Invalid format picture message. */ private static final String PICTURE_INVALID_FORMAT = "Picture in %s has an invalid format: %s."; /** * The {@link BookmarkManager}. */ private final BookmarkManager bookmarkManager; /** * variable definition used during generation. */ private final Stack<Map<String, Object>> variablesStack = new Stack<>(); /** * The generated document. */ private IBody generatedDocument; /** * The currently read template paragraph used to detect paragraph changes. */ private XWPFParagraph currentTemplateParagraph; /** * The currently generated paragraph where runs are actually inserted. */ private XWPFParagraph currentGeneratedParagraph; /** * The currently generated {@link XWPFTable}. */ private XWPFTable currentGeneratedTable; /** * The currently generated {@link XWPFTableRow}. */ private XWPFTableRow currentGeneratedRow; /** * Used to force a new paragraph in gf:for body when there's a carriage * return before the {m:endfor} tag. */ private boolean forceNewParagraph; /** * The {@link Set} of used {@link AbstractDiagramProvider}. */ private Set<AbstractDiagramProvider> usedProviders = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); /** * Last Destination UserContent Manager. */ private UserContentManager userContentManager; /** * User Doc Ids list. * Used for uniqueness test. */ private List<String> userDocIds = new ArrayList<>(); /** * The {@link IQueryEvaluationEngine}. */ private final IQueryEvaluationEngine evaluator; /** * The {@link GenerationResult}. */ private GenerationResult result; /** The URI converter. */ private URIConverter uriConverter; /** * The ResourceSet used to keep the models. */ private ResourceSet resourceSetForModels; /** * The progress {@link Monitor}. */ private Monitor monitor; /** * Create a new {@link M2DocEvaluator} instance given some definitions * and a query environment. * * @param uriConverter * the {@link URIConverter uri converter} to use. * @param bookmarkManager * the {@link BookmarkManager} * @param userContentManager * the {@link UserContentManager} * @param queryEnvironment * the query environment used to evaluate queries in the * @param resourceSetForModels * the resourceset to use for loading the models. * @param monitor * used to track the progress will generating. */ public M2DocEvaluator(URIConverter uriConverter, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, UserContentManager userContentManager, IReadOnlyQueryEnvironment queryEnvironment, ResourceSet resourceSetForModels, Monitor monitor) { this.uriConverter = uriConverter; this.bookmarkManager = bookmarkManager; this.userContentManager = userContentManager; this.evaluator = new QueryEvaluationEngine((IQueryEnvironment) queryEnvironment); this.resourceSetForModels = resourceSetForModels; this.monitor = monitor; } /** * Generates the given {@link DocumentTemplate}. * * @param documentTemplate * the {@link DocumentTemplate} * @param variables * the variables * @param destinationDocument * the destination document. * @return the {@link GenerationResult} */ public GenerationResult generate(DocumentTemplate documentTemplate, Map<String, Object> variables, IBody destinationDocument) { this.generatedDocument = destinationDocument; variablesStack.push(variables); result = new GenerationResult(); result.getDuplicatedUserContentIDs().addAll(userContentManager.getDuplicatedUserContentIDs()); doSwitch(documentTemplate); return result; } @Override public IConstruct caseDocumentTemplate(DocumentTemplate documentTemplate) { doSwitch(documentTemplate.getBody()); final XWPFDocument document = (XWPFDocument) generatedDocument; final Iterator<XWPFFooter> footers = document.getFooterList().iterator(); for (final Template footer : documentTemplate.getFooters()) { final XWPFFooter f =; cleanHeaderFooter(f); generatedDocument = f; doSwitch(footer); } final Iterator<XWPFHeader> headers = document.getHeaderList().iterator(); for (final Template header : documentTemplate.getHeaders()) { final XWPFHeader h =; cleanHeaderFooter(h); generatedDocument = h; doSwitch(header); } return null; } /** * Clear up the header or footer from the existing paragraphs and tables. * * @param headerFooter * the header or footer to clean up. */ void cleanHeaderFooter(XWPFHeaderFooter headerFooter) { CTHdrFtr ctHdrFtr = (CTHdrFtr) headerFooter._getHdrFtr().copy(); ctHdrFtr.getPList().clear(); ctHdrFtr.getTblList().clear(); // XXX : there are many other lists in the header and footer that should // probably be cleaned. headerFooter.setHeaderFooter(ctHdrFtr); } @Override public IConstruct caseTemplate(Template template) { doSwitch(template.getBody()); return template; } @Override public IConstruct caseStaticFragment(StaticFragment staticFragment) { for (XWPFRun run : staticFragment.getRuns()) { insertRun(run); } return staticFragment; } /** * Inserts a run in the generated document. The new run is a copy from the specified run. * * @param srcRun * the run to copy * @return the inserted run. */ private XWPFRun insertRun(XWPFRun srcRun) { if (srcRun.getParent() != currentTemplateParagraph || forceNewParagraph) { createNewParagraph((XWPFParagraph) srcRun.getParent()); forceNewParagraph = false; } XWPFRun newRun = null; if (srcRun instanceof XWPFHyperlinkRun) { // Hyperlinks meta information is saved in the paragraph and not in the run. So we have to update the paragrapah with a copy of // the hyperlink to insert. CTHyperlink newHyperlink = currentGeneratedParagraph.getCTP().addNewHyperlink(); newHyperlink.set(((XWPFHyperlinkRun) srcRun).getCTHyperlink()); newRun = new XWPFHyperlinkRun(newHyperlink, srcRun.getCTR(), srcRun.getParent()); currentGeneratedParagraph.addRun(newRun); } else { newRun = currentGeneratedParagraph.createRun(); newRun.getCTR().set(srcRun.getCTR()); } return newRun; } /** * Inserts a run in the generated document and set it's text to the specified replacement. The new run is a copy from the specified run. * * @param srcRun * the run to copy * @param replacement * the text to set * @return the inserted run */ private XWPFRun insertFieldRunReplacement(XWPFRun srcRun, String replacement) { if (srcRun.getParent() != currentTemplateParagraph || forceNewParagraph) { createNewParagraph((XWPFParagraph) srcRun.getParent()); forceNewParagraph = false; } return insertString(srcRun, replacement); } /** * Insert the given text into to given {@link XWPFRun}. This take care of new lines and tabulations. * * @param srcRun * the {@link XWPFRun} to populate * @param text * the text * @return the last inserted {@link XWPFRun}. */ private XWPFRun insertString(XWPFRun srcRun, String text) { int fragmentStart = 0; XWPFRun inserted; for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { final char current = text.charAt(i); switch (current) { case '\n': inserted = insertFragment(srcRun, text.substring(fragmentStart, i)); inserted.addBreak(); fragmentStart = i + 1; break; case '\t': inserted = insertFragment(srcRun, text.substring(fragmentStart, i)); inserted.addTab(); fragmentStart = i + 1; break; case '\r': // CHECKSTYLE:OFF if (i + 1 < text.length() && text.charAt(i + 1) == '\n') { inserted = insertFragment(srcRun, text.substring(fragmentStart, i)); inserted.addBreak(); i++; fragmentStart = i + 1; } // CHECKSTYLE:ON break; default: break; } } return insertFragment(srcRun, text.substring(fragmentStart, text.length())); } /** * Insert a new run containing the given text. * * @param srcRun * the run to copy the style from. * @param fragment * the text fragment to insert * @return the generated run. */ private XWPFRun insertFragment(XWPFRun srcRun, String fragment) { XWPFRun generatedRun = currentGeneratedParagraph.createRun(); generatedRun.getCTR().set(srcRun.getCTR().copy()); generatedRun.getCTR().getInstrTextList().clear(); generatedRun.setText(fragment); return generatedRun; } /** * Creates a new paragraph and replaces the currentParagrap variable. * * @param srcParagraph * the origin paragraph to copy the style from. */ private void createNewParagraph(XWPFParagraph srcParagraph) { // create a new paragraph. XWPFParagraph newParagraph; if (generatedDocument instanceof XWPFTableCell) { XWPFTableCell cell = (XWPFTableCell) generatedDocument; newParagraph = cell.addParagraph(); } else if (generatedDocument instanceof XWPFDocument) { newParagraph = ((XWPFDocument) generatedDocument).createParagraph(); } else if (generatedDocument instanceof XWPFHeaderFooter) { newParagraph = ((XWPFHeaderFooter) generatedDocument).createParagraph(); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unkown IBody type :" + generatedDocument.getClass()); } CTP ctp = (CTP) srcParagraph.getCTP().copy(); ctp.getRList().clear(); ctp.getFldSimpleList().clear(); ctp.getHyperlinkList().clear(); newParagraph.getCTP().set(ctp); int runNb = newParagraph.getRuns().size(); for (int i = 0; i < runNb; i++) { newParagraph.removeRun(i); } currentTemplateParagraph = srcParagraph; currentGeneratedParagraph = newParagraph; } @Override public IConstruct caseQuery(Query query) { if (query.getQuery().getDiagnostic().getSeverity() == Diagnostic.ERROR) { insertQuerySyntaxMessages(query, QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { final EvaluationResult queryResult = evaluator.eval(query.getQuery(), variablesStack.peek()); if (queryResult.getDiagnostic().getSeverity() != Diagnostic.OK) { insertQueryEvaluationMessages(query, queryResult.getDiagnostic()); } else { final Object value = queryResult.getResult(); final XWPFRun styleRun = query.getStyleRun(); insertObject(value, styleRun); } } return query; } /** * Inserts the given {@link Object} in the given {@link XWPFRun}. * * @param object * the {@link Object} to insert * @param run * the {@link XWPFRun} */ private void insertObject(Object object, XWPFRun run) { if (object instanceof Collection<?>) { for (Object child : (Collection<?>) object) { insertObject(child, run); // TODO insert Run ? } } else if (object instanceof MHyperLink) { final XWPFRun linkRun = insertFieldRunReplacement(run, ""); insertMHyperLink(linkRun, (MHyperLink) object); } else if (object instanceof MBookmark) { insertMBookmark(run, (MBookmark) object); } else if (object instanceof MImage) { final XWPFRun imageRun = insertFieldRunReplacement(run, ""); insertMImage(imageRun, (MImage) object); } else if (object instanceof MTable) { XWPFRun tableRun = run; tableRun.getCTR().getInstrTextList().clear(); insertMTable(tableRun, (MTable) object); } else if (object instanceof MPagination) { insertMPagination(run, (MPagination) object); } else if (object == null) { insertFieldRunReplacement(run, ""); } else { insertFieldRunReplacement(run, object.toString()); } } @Override public IConstruct caseComment(Comment comment) { // nothing to do here return comment; } /** * Inserts a {@link MBookmark} in the given {@link XWPFRun}. * * @param run * the {@link XWPFRun} * @param bookmark * the {@link MBookmark} */ private void insertMBookmark(XWPFRun run, MBookmark bookmark) { insertFieldRunReplacement(run, ""); if (bookmark.isReference()) { bookmarkManager.insertReference(currentGeneratedParagraph, bookmark.getId(), bookmark.getText()); } else { final ValidationMessageLevel levelStart = bookmarkManager.startBookmark(currentGeneratedParagraph, bookmark.getId()); insertFieldRunReplacement(run, bookmark.getText()); final ValidationMessageLevel levelEnd = bookmarkManager.endBookmark(currentGeneratedParagraph, bookmark.getId()); result.updateLevel(levelStart, levelEnd); } } /** * Inserts the given {@link MHyperLink}. * * @param run * the {@link XWPFRun} * @param hyperLink * the {@link MHyperLink} */ private void insertMHyperLink(XWPFRun run, MHyperLink hyperLink) { final String id = currentGeneratedParagraph.getDocument().getPackagePart() .addExternalRelationship(hyperLink.getUrl(), XWPFRelation.HYPERLINK.getRelation()).getId(); final CTHyperlink cLink = currentGeneratedParagraph.getCTP().addNewHyperlink(); cLink.setId(id); CTText ctText = CTText.Factory.newInstance(); ctText.setStringValue(hyperLink.getText()); CTR ctr = CTR.Factory.newInstance(); ctr.setRPr((CTRPr) run.getCTR().getRPr().copy()); ctr.setTArray(new CTText[] { ctText }); cLink.setRArray(new CTR[] { ctr }); } /** * Inserts the given {@link MImage}. * * @param run * the {@link XWPFRun} to insert to * @param image * the {@link MImage} to insert */ private void insertMImage(XWPFRun run, MImage image) { try { int heigth = Units.toEMU(image.getHeight()); int width = Units.toEMU(image.getWidth()); try (InputStream imageStream = image.getInputStream()) { run.addPicture(imageStream, image.getType().getPoiType(), image.getURI().toString(), width, heigth); } } catch (InvalidFormatException e) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, String.format(PICTURE_INVALID_FORMAT, image.getURI().toString(), e.getMessage())); } catch (IOException e) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, String.format(AN_I_O_PROBLEM_OCCURED_WHILE_READING, image.getURI().toString(), e.getMessage())); } } /** * Insert the given {@link MPagination}. * * @param run * the {@link XWPFRun} to insert to * @param mPagination * the {@link MPagination} */ private void insertMPagination(XWPFRun run, MPagination mPagination) { switch (mPagination) { case newColumn: run.addBreak(BreakType.COLUMN); break; case newParagraph: createNewParagraph((XWPFParagraph) run.getParent()); break; case newPage: run.addBreak(BreakType.PAGE); break; case newTableOfContent: CTP ctP = currentGeneratedParagraph.getCTP(); CTSimpleField toc = ctP.addNewFldSimple(); toc.setInstr("TOC \\h"); toc.setDirty(STOnOff.TRUE); break; case newTextWrapping: run.addBreak(BreakType.TEXT_WRAPPING); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Not supported MPagination."); } } /** * Inserts the given {@link MTable}. * * @param run * the {@link XWPFRun} to insert to * @param table * the {@link MTable} to insert */ private void insertMTable(XWPFRun run, MTable table) { final XWPFTable docTable; if (generatedDocument instanceof XWPFDocument) { if (table.getLabel() != null) { XWPFRun captionRun; captionRun = run; IRunBody runBody = captionRun.getParent(); if (runBody instanceof XWPFParagraph) { ((XWPFParagraph) runBody).setSpacingAfter(0); } captionRun.setText(table.getLabel()); captionRun.setBold(true); } docTable = ((XWPFDocument) generatedDocument).createTable(); } else if (generatedDocument instanceof XWPFHeaderFooter) { final XWPFHeaderFooter headerFooter = (XWPFHeaderFooter) generatedDocument; final int index = headerFooter._getHdrFtr().getTblArray().length; final CTTbl cttbl = headerFooter._getHdrFtr().insertNewTbl(index); docTable = new XWPFTable(cttbl, headerFooter); headerFooter.insertTable(index, docTable); } else if (generatedDocument instanceof XWPFTableCell) { XWPFTableCell tcell = (XWPFTableCell) generatedDocument; if (table.getLabel() != null) { final XWPFRun captionRun = run; IRunBody runBody = captionRun.getParent(); if (runBody instanceof XWPFParagraph) { ((XWPFParagraph) runBody).setSpacingAfter(0); } captionRun.setText(table.getLabel()); captionRun.setBold(true); } CTTbl ctTbl = tcell.getCTTc().addNewTbl(); docTable = new XWPFTable(ctTbl, tcell); int tableRank = tcell.getTables().size(); tcell.insertTable(tableRank, docTable); // A paragraph is mandatory at the end of a cell, so let's always add one. tcell.addParagraph(); } else { docTable = null; M2DocUtils.appendMessageRun((XWPFParagraph) run.getParent(), ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, "m:table can't be inserted here."); } if (docTable != null) { fillTable(docTable, table); } } /** * Fill a newly created word table with the data from an MTable. * * @param table * The newly created word table * @param mtable * The MTable that describes the data and styles to insert */ private void fillTable(XWPFTable table, MTable mtable) { List<MRow> rows = mtable.getRows(); // Iterate over the rows for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < rows.size(); rowIdx++) { MRow mRow = rows.get(rowIdx); // Get or create XWPF row XWPFTableRow xwpfRow; if (table.getNumberOfRows() > rowIdx) { xwpfRow = table.getRow(rowIdx); } else { xwpfRow = table.createRow(); } // Iterate over the columns for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < mtable.getColumnsCount(); colIdx++) { // Get or create XWPF cell XWPFTableCell xwpfCell; if (xwpfRow.getTableCells().size() > colIdx) { xwpfCell = xwpfRow.getCell(colIdx); } else { xwpfCell = xwpfRow.createCell(); } // Populate cell XWPFParagraph xwpfCellParagraph = xwpfCell.getParagraphs().get(0); xwpfCellParagraph.setSpacingBefore(0); xwpfCellParagraph.setSpacingAfter(0); MCell mCell = null; if (colIdx < mRow.getCells().size()) { mCell = mRow.getCells().get(colIdx); } setCellContent(xwpfCell, mCell); } } } /** * Create a new run in the cell's paragraph and set this run's text, and apply the given style to the cell and its paragraph. * * @param cell * Cell to fill in * @param mCell * the cell to read data from */ private void setCellContent(XWPFTableCell cell, MCell mCell) { XWPFParagraph cellParagraph = cell.getParagraphs().get(0); XWPFRun cellRun = cellParagraph.createRun(); if (mCell != null) { String label = mCell.getLabel(); if (label != null) { cellRun.setText(label); } MStyle style = mCell.getStyle(); if (style != null) { if (style.getBackgroundColor() != null) { cell.setColor(hexColor(style.getBackgroundColor())); } applyMStyle(cellRun, style); } } } /** * Apply the given style to the given run. Background color is not taken into account here since it does not apply to runs. * * @param run * The run to style * @param style * The style to apply, can be <code>null</code> */ private void applyMStyle(XWPFRun run, MStyle style) { if (style.getFontSize() != -1) { run.setFontSize(style.getFontSize()); } if (style.getFontModifiers() != -1) { run.setBold((style.getFontModifiers() & MStyle.FONT_BOLD) != 0); run.setItalic((style.getFontModifiers() & MStyle.FONT_ITALIC) != 0); if ((style.getFontModifiers() & MStyle.FONT_UNDERLINE) != 0) { run.setUnderline(UnderlinePatterns.SINGLE); } run.setStrikeThrough((style.getFontModifiers() & MStyle.FONT_STRIKE_THROUGH) != 0); } if (style.getForegroundColor() != null) { run.setColor(hexColor(style.getForegroundColor())); } } /** * Translate a {@link Color} to the word format. * * @param color * the {@link Color} * @return The color as a 6-digits string. */ private static String hexColor(Color color) { return String.format("%02x%02x%02x", color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue()); } @Override public IConstruct caseRepetition(Repetition repetition) { if (repetition.getQuery().getDiagnostic().getSeverity() == Diagnostic.ERROR) { insertQuerySyntaxMessages(repetition, QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { final EvaluationResult queryResult = evaluator.eval(repetition.getQuery(), variablesStack.peek()); if (queryResult.getDiagnostic().getSeverity() != Diagnostic.OK) { insertQueryEvaluationMessages(repetition, queryResult.getDiagnostic()); } else { final List<Object> iteration = new ArrayList<>(); if (queryResult.getResult() instanceof Collection) { iteration.addAll((Collection<?>) queryResult.getResult()); } else if (queryResult.getResult() != null) { iteration.add(queryResult.getResult()); } else { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.WARNING, repetition.getIterationVar() + " value is null."); } final Map<String, Object> newVariables = Maps.newHashMap(variablesStack.peek()); variablesStack.push(newVariables); try { for (Object val : iteration) { newVariables.put(repetition.getIterationVar(), val); doSwitch(repetition.getBody()); closingRepretition(repetition); } } finally { variablesStack.pop(); } } } return repetition; } @Override public IConstruct doSwitch(EObject eObject) { if (!monitor.isCanceled()) { return super.doSwitch(eObject); } return null; } @Override public IConstruct caseLet(Let let) { if (let.getValue().getDiagnostic().getSeverity() == Diagnostic.ERROR) { insertQuerySyntaxMessages(let, QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { final EvaluationResult queryResult = evaluator.eval(let.getValue(), variablesStack.peek()); if (queryResult.getDiagnostic().getSeverity() != Diagnostic.OK) { insertQueryEvaluationMessages(let, queryResult.getDiagnostic()); } else { if (queryResult.getResult() == null) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, "User doc id can't be null."); } else { final Map<String, Object> newVariables = Maps.newHashMap(variablesStack.peek()); variablesStack.push(newVariables); try { newVariables.put(let.getName(), queryResult.getResult()); doSwitch(let.getBody()); } finally { variablesStack.pop(); } } } } return let; } @Override public IConstruct caseUserDoc(UserDoc userDoc) { if (userDoc.getId().getDiagnostic().getSeverity() == Diagnostic.ERROR) { insertQuerySyntaxMessages(userDoc, QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { final EvaluationResult queryResult = evaluator.eval(userDoc.getId(), variablesStack.peek()); if (queryResult.getDiagnostic().getSeverity() != Diagnostic.OK) { insertQueryEvaluationMessages(userDoc, queryResult.getDiagnostic()); } else { if (queryResult.getResult() == null) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, "User doc id can't be null."); } else { final String id = queryResult.getResult().toString(); insertUserContent(userDoc, id); } } } return userDoc; } /** * Inserts the {@link UserContent}. * * @param userDoc * the source {@link UserDoc} * @param id * the ID */ private void insertUserContent(UserDoc userDoc, final String id) { // Tag UserContent with evaluated id addStartUserDocField(userDoc, id); // manage user Doc Id Uniqueness manageUserDocIdUniqueness(id, userDoc); // Copy userdoc content UserContent userContent = userContentManager.consumeUserContent(id); boolean needNewParagraphBeforeEndTag = true; if (userContent == null) { doSwitch(userDoc.getBody()); needNewParagraphBeforeEndTag = needNewParagraph(userDoc); } else { final UserContentRawCopy userContentRawCopy = new UserContentRawCopy(); try { currentGeneratedParagraph = userContentRawCopy.copy(userContent, currentGeneratedParagraph, generatedDocument); needNewParagraphBeforeEndTag = userContentRawCopy.needNewParagraph(); // Affect currentTemplateParagraph after Raw copy if (userDoc.getClosingRuns().size() != 0) { currentTemplateParagraph = (XWPFParagraph) userDoc.getClosingRuns() .get(userDoc.getClosingRuns().size() - 1).getParent(); } } catch (InvalidFormatException e) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, UserContentManager.USERDOC_COPY_ERROR + e.getMessage()); } catch (XmlException e) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, UserContentManager.USERDOC_COPY_ERROR + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, UserContentManager.USERDOC_COPY_ERROR + e.getMessage()); } } // Tag m:enduserContent addEndUserDocField(userDoc, needNewParagraphBeforeEndTag); } /** * Tells if the given {@link IConstruct} need new paragraph before end tag. * * @param construct * the {@link IConstruct} * @return <code>true</code> if the given {@link IConstruct} need new paragraph before end tag, <code>false</code> otherwise */ private boolean needNewParagraph(IConstruct construct) { boolean needNewParagraph = true; if (construct.getClosingRuns().size() != 0) { if (construct.getClosingRuns().get(0).getParent() == currentTemplateParagraph) { needNewParagraph = false; } } return needNewParagraph; } /** * userDoc Id Uniqueness test. * * @param id * id * @param userdoc * userdoc EObject */ private void manageUserDocIdUniqueness(String id, UserDoc userdoc) { if (userDocIds.contains(id)) { // insert the error message. String msgError = "The id '" + id + "' is already used in generated document. Ids must be unique otherwise document part contained userContent could be lost at next generation."; insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, msgError); TemplateValidationMessage templateValidationMessage = new TemplateValidationMessage( ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, msgError, userdoc.getRuns().get(userdoc.getRuns().size() - 1)); userdoc.getValidationMessages().add(templateValidationMessage); } else { userDocIds.add(id); } } /** * Add Start UserContent word Document Field. * * @param object * AbstractConstruct where add field * @param id * UserDoc Id */ private void addStartUserDocField(IConstruct object, String id) { if (currentTemplateParagraph == null || object.getRuns().size() != 0 && object.getRuns().get(0).getParent() != currentTemplateParagraph) { createNewParagraph((XWPFParagraph) object.getRuns().get(0).getParent()); } currentGeneratedParagraph.getCTP().addNewFldSimple().setInstr(TokenType.USERCONTENT.getValue() + " " + id); } /** * Add End UserContent word Document Field. * * @param object * AbstractConstruct where add field * @param needNewParagraph * need New Paragraph boolean */ private void addEndUserDocField(IConstruct object, boolean needNewParagraph) { if (object.getClosingRuns().size() != 0) { if (needNewParagraph) { createNewParagraph((XWPFParagraph) object.getClosingRuns().get(0).getParent()); } currentGeneratedParagraph.getCTP().addNewFldSimple().setInstr(TokenType.ENDUSERCONTENT.getValue()); } } /** * Closes the generation of the given {@link Repetition}. * if the end of {@link Repetition} lies on a distinct paragraph, insert a new * paragraph there to take this into account. * * @param repetition * {@link Repetition} to close */ private void closingRepretition(Repetition repetition) { int bodySize = repetition.getBody().getStatements().size(); if (bodySize > 0 && repetition.getBody().getStatements().get(bodySize - 1).getRuns().size() > 0) { IConstruct lastBodyPart = repetition.getBody().getStatements().get(bodySize - 1); int runNumber = lastBodyPart.getRuns().size(); XWPFRun lastRun = lastBodyPart.getRuns().get(runNumber - 1); int closingRunNumber = repetition.getClosingRuns().size(); if (closingRunNumber > 0 && repetition.getClosingRuns().get(0).getParent() != lastRun.getParent()) { forceNewParagraph = true; } } } @Override public IConstruct caseBlock(Block block) { for (IConstruct construct : block.getStatements()) { doSwitch(construct); } return block; } @Override public IConstruct caseConditional(Conditional conditional) { if (conditional.getCondition().getDiagnostic().getSeverity() == Diagnostic.ERROR) { insertQuerySyntaxMessages(conditional, QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { final EvaluationResult evaluationResult = evaluator.eval(conditional.getCondition(), variablesStack.peek()); if (evaluationResult.getDiagnostic().getSeverity() != Diagnostic.OK) { insertQueryEvaluationMessages(conditional, evaluationResult.getDiagnostic()); for (XWPFRun tagRun : conditional.getClosingRuns()) { insertRun(tagRun); } } else if (evaluationResult.getResult() instanceof Boolean) { if ((Boolean) evaluationResult.getResult()) { doSwitch(conditional.getThen()); } else if (conditional.getElse() != null) { doSwitch(conditional.getElse()); } } else { for (XWPFRun tagRun : conditional.getRuns()) { insertRun(tagRun); } insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, "Condition evaluation result must be a boolean."); for (XWPFRun tagRun : conditional.getClosingRuns()) { insertRun(tagRun); } } } return conditional; } @Override public IConstruct caseTable(Table table) { // Create the table structure in the destination document. CTTbl copy = (CTTbl) table.getTable().getCTTbl().copy(); copy.getTrList().clear(); if (generatedDocument instanceof XWPFDocument) { currentGeneratedTable = ((XWPFDocument) generatedDocument).createTable(); if (currentGeneratedTable.getRows().size() > 0) { currentGeneratedTable.removeRow(0); } currentGeneratedTable.getCTTbl().set(copy); } else if (generatedDocument instanceof XWPFHeaderFooter) { final XWPFHeaderFooter headerFooter = (XWPFHeaderFooter) generatedDocument; final int index = headerFooter._getHdrFtr().getTblArray().length; final CTTbl cttbl = headerFooter._getHdrFtr().insertNewTbl(index); XWPFTable newTable = new XWPFTable(cttbl, headerFooter); if (newTable.getRows().size() > 0) { newTable.removeRow(0); } headerFooter.insertTable(index, newTable); currentGeneratedTable = headerFooter.getTables().get(index); currentGeneratedTable.getCTTbl().set(copy); } else if (generatedDocument instanceof XWPFTableCell) { XWPFTableCell tCell = (XWPFTableCell) generatedDocument; int tableRank = tCell.getTables().size(); XWPFTable newTable = new XWPFTable(copy, tCell, 0, 0); if (newTable.getRows().size() > 0) { newTable.removeRow(0); } tCell.insertTable(tableRank, newTable); currentGeneratedTable = tCell.getTables().get(tableRank); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unknown type of IBody : " + generatedDocument.getClass()); } // iterate on the row for (Row row : table.getRows()) { doSwitch(row); } return table; } @Override public IConstruct caseRow(Row row) { currentGeneratedRow = currentGeneratedTable.createRow(); final CTRow ctRow = (CTRow) row.getTableRow().getCtRow().copy(); ctRow.getTcList().clear(); currentGeneratedRow.getCtRow().set(ctRow); // iterate on cells. for (Cell cell : row.getCells()) { doSwitch(cell); } return null; } @Override public IConstruct caseCell(Cell cell) { final XWPFTableCell newCell = currentGeneratedRow.createCell(); final CTTc ctCell = (CTTc) cell.getTableCell().getCTTc().copy(); ctCell.getPList().clear(); ctCell.getTblList().clear(); newCell.getCTTc().set(ctCell); final IBody savedGeneratedDocument = generatedDocument; generatedDocument = newCell; try { doSwitch(cell.getTemplate()); } finally { generatedDocument = savedGeneratedDocument; } return null; } @Override public IConstruct caseImage(Image image) { XWPFRun imageRun = insertRun(image.getStyleRun()); imageRun.setText(""); imageRun.getCTR().getInstrTextList().clear(); if (image.getFileName() == null) { insertQuerySyntaxMessages(image, ""); } else { URI imageURI = URI.createFileURI(image.getFileName()); imageURI = imageURI.resolve(image.eResource().getURI()); try { int heigth = Units.toEMU(image.getHeight()); int width = Units.toEMU(image.getWidth()); try (InputStream imageStream = uriConverter.createInputStream(imageURI)) { imageRun.addPicture(imageStream, PictureType.toType(imageURI).getPoiType(), image.getFileName(), width, heigth); } } catch (InvalidFormatException e) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, String.format(PICTURE_INVALID_FORMAT, imageURI.toString(), e.getMessage())); } catch (IOException e) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, String.format(AN_I_O_PROBLEM_OCCURED_WHILE_READING, imageURI.toString(), e.getMessage())); } } return image; } @Override public IConstruct caseRepresentation(Representation representation) { XWPFRun imageRun = insertRun(representation.getStyleRun()); IProvider provider = representation.getProvider(); if (provider == null) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, representation.getValidationMessages().get(0).getMessage()); } else { Map<String, Object> parameters; try { parameters = setupParametersMapForRepresentation(representation, provider); List<String> imagePaths = ((AbstractDiagramProvider) provider) .getRepresentationImagePath(resourceSetForModels, parameters); usedProviders.add((AbstractDiagramProvider) provider); for (String imagePathStr : imagePaths) { URI imageURI = URI.createFileURI(imagePathStr); imageURI = imageURI.resolve(representation.eResource().getURI()); imageRun.setText(""); imageRun.getCTR().getInstrTextList().clear(); final MImage image = new MImageImpl(uriConverter, imageURI); // get default image size if needed image.setConserveRatio(representation.getHeight() == 0 || representation.getWidth() == 0); if (representation.getHeight() != 0) { image.setHeight(representation.getHeight()); } if (representation.getWidth() != 0) { image.setWidth(representation.getWidth()); } insertMImage(imageRun, image); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } catch (ProviderException e) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, "A problem occured while creating image from an diagram provider: " + e.getMessage()); } } return representation; } @Override public IConstruct caseTableClient(TableClient tableClient) { XWPFRun tableRun = insertRun(tableClient.getStyleRun()); tableRun.getCTR().getInstrTextList().clear(); AbstractTableProvider provider = (AbstractTableProvider) tableClient.getProvider(); if (provider == null) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, tableClient.getValidationMessages().get(0).getMessage()); } else { Map<String, Object> parameters; try { parameters = setupParametersMap(tableClient, provider); TableClientProcessor tableProcessor = new TableClientProcessor(generatedDocument, provider, parameters, resourceSetForModels); tableProcessor.generate(tableRun); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } catch (ProviderException e) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, ValidationMessageLevel.ERROR, "A problem occured while creating table from a table provider: " + e.getMessage()); } } return tableClient; } @Override public IConstruct caseBookmark(Bookmark bookmark) { if (bookmark.getName().getDiagnostic().getSeverity() == Diagnostic.ERROR) { insertQuerySyntaxMessages(bookmark, QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { final EvaluationResult evaluationResult = evaluator.eval(bookmark.getName(), variablesStack.peek()); if (evaluationResult.getDiagnostic().getSeverity() != Diagnostic.OK) { insertQueryEvaluationMessages(bookmark, evaluationResult.getDiagnostic()); } else { final ValidationMessageLevel levelStart = bookmarkManager.startBookmark(currentGeneratedParagraph, evaluationResult.getResult().toString()); doSwitch(bookmark.getBody()); final ValidationMessageLevel levelEnd = bookmarkManager.endBookmark(currentGeneratedParagraph, evaluationResult.getResult().toString()); result.updateLevel(levelStart, levelEnd); } } return super.caseBookmark(bookmark); } /** * Inserts evaluation messages for the given {@link IConstruct}. * * @param construct * the {@link IConstruct} * @param diagnostic * the {@link Diagnostic} */ protected void insertQueryEvaluationMessages(IConstruct construct, Diagnostic diagnostic) { for (XWPFRun tagRun : construct.getRuns()) { insertRun(tagRun); } result.updateLevel(M2DocUtils.appendDiagnosticMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, diagnostic)); for (XWPFRun tagRun : construct.getClosingRuns()) { insertRun(tagRun); } } /** * Inserts AQL query syntax messages for the given {@link IConstruct}. * * @param construct * the {@link IConstruct} * @param errorPrefix * error message prefix */ protected void insertQuerySyntaxMessages(IConstruct construct, String errorPrefix) { for (XWPFRun tagRun : construct.getRuns()) { insertRun(tagRun); } for (TemplateValidationMessage message : construct.getValidationMessages()) { insertMessage(currentGeneratedParagraph, message.getLevel(), errorPrefix + message.getMessage()); } for (XWPFRun tagRun : construct.getClosingRuns()) { insertRun(tagRun); } } /** * Inserts the given message with the given {@link ValidationMessageLevel}. * * @param paragraph * the {@link XWPFParagraph} * @param level * the {@link ValidationMessageLevel} * @param message * the message */ private void insertMessage(XWPFParagraph paragraph, ValidationMessageLevel level, String message) { M2DocUtils.appendMessageRun(paragraph, level, message); result.updateLevel(level); } @Override public IConstruct caseLink(Link link) { if (link.getName().getDiagnostic().getSeverity() == Diagnostic.ERROR || link.getText().getDiagnostic().getSeverity() == Diagnostic.ERROR) { insertQuerySyntaxMessages(link, QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { final EvaluationResult nameResult = evaluator.eval(link.getName(), variablesStack.peek()); if (nameResult.getDiagnostic().getSeverity() != Diagnostic.OK) { insertQueryEvaluationMessages(link, nameResult.getDiagnostic()); } else { final EvaluationResult textResult = evaluator.eval(link.getText(), variablesStack.peek()); if (nameResult.getDiagnostic().getSeverity() != Diagnostic.OK) { insertQueryEvaluationMessages(link, textResult.getDiagnostic()); } else { bookmarkManager.insertReference(currentGeneratedParagraph, nameResult.getResult().toString(), textResult.getResult().toString()); } } } return link; } /** * Returns a map containing all parameters coming from the table tag * and global variables available. * * @param abstractProviderClient * the {@link AbstractProviderClient} object from which we extracts needed parameters. * @param provider * the provider providing information regarding tag options. * @return a map containing all parameters coming from the representation tag * and global variables available. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the evaluation fails because error were present during parse time or evaluation time. */ private Map<String, Object> setupParametersMap(AbstractProviderClient abstractProviderClient, IProvider provider) throws IllegalArgumentException { Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>(); if (variablesStack.peek().containsKey(ProviderConstants.CONF_ROOT_OBJECT_KEY)) { parameters.put(ProviderConstants.CONF_ROOT_OBJECT_KEY, variablesStack.peek().get(ProviderConstants.CONF_ROOT_OBJECT_KEY)); } if (variablesStack.peek().containsKey(ProviderConstants.REFRESH_REPRESENTATIONS_KEY)) { parameters.put(ProviderConstants.REFRESH_REPRESENTATIONS_KEY, variablesStack.peek().get(ProviderConstants.REFRESH_REPRESENTATIONS_KEY)); } else { parameters.put(ProviderConstants.REFRESH_REPRESENTATIONS_KEY, false); } setGenericParameters(abstractProviderClient, provider.getOptionTypes(), parameters); return parameters; } /** * Returns a map containing all parameters coming from the representation tag * and global variables available. * * @param representation * the {@link Representation} object from which we extracts needed parameters. * @param provider * the provider providing information regarding tag options. * @return a map containing all parameters coming from the representation tag * and global variables available. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the evaluation fails because error were present during parse time or evaluation time. */ private Map<String, Object> setupParametersMapForRepresentation(Representation representation, IProvider provider) throws IllegalArgumentException { Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>(setupParametersMap(representation, provider)); parameters.put(ProviderConstants.IMAGE_HEIGHT_KEY, representation.getHeight()); parameters.put(ProviderConstants.IMAGE_WIDTH_KEY, representation.getWidth()); parameters.put(ProviderConstants.DIAGRAM_ACTIVATED_LAYERS_KEY, representation.getActivatedLayers()); return parameters; } /** * Adds all parameters with the value evaluated if needed. * * @param templateProvider * the template element from which we set generic parameters. * @param optionTypes * the option types provided by the provider used by the template provider model element. * @param parameters * the map containing the parameters to pass to the provider. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the evaluation fails because error were present during parse time or evaluation time. */ private void setGenericParameters(AbstractProviderClient templateProvider, Map<String, OptionType> optionTypes, Map<String, Object> parameters) throws IllegalArgumentException { EMap<String, Object> optionsMap = templateProvider.getOptionValueMap(); Set<Entry<String, Object>> optionsMapEntries = optionsMap.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, Object> optionsMapEntry : optionsMapEntries) { if (optionTypes == null || optionTypes.get(optionsMapEntry.getKey()) == null) { parameters.put(optionsMapEntry.getKey(), optionsMapEntry.getValue()); } else if (optionTypes != null) { OptionType optionType = optionTypes.get(optionsMapEntry.getKey()); if (OptionType.AQL_EXPRESSION == optionType) { evaluateAqlExpression(templateProvider, parameters, optionsMapEntry); } else if (OptionType.STRING == optionType) { parameters.put(optionsMapEntry.getKey(), optionsMapEntry.getValue()); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("All options types should be supported."); } } } } /** * Evaluate the given AQL AST tree in the given entry and put it in the options map. * * @param templateProvider * the template model element were to put AQL evaluation errors. * @param options * the map of generic options were to put evaluated content. * @param aqlEntry * an AQL options to evaluate and put the result in the given options map. */ private void evaluateAqlExpression(AbstractProviderClient templateProvider, Map<String, Object> options, Entry<String, Object> aqlEntry) { if (aqlEntry.getValue() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR_MESSAGE + templateProvider.getValidationMessages().get(0).getMessage()); } else { EvaluationResult evaluationResult = evaluator.eval((AstResult) aqlEntry.getValue(), variablesStack.peek()); if (evaluationResult == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(QUERY_EVALERROR_MESSAGE); } else if (evaluationResult.getResult() == null) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); getDiagnostic(evaluationResult.getDiagnostic(), builder); throw new IllegalArgumentException(builder.toString()); } else { options.put(aqlEntry.getKey(), evaluationResult.getResult()); } } } /** * returns the diagnostic associated to the {@link Diagnostic} instance and its children. * * @param diagnostic * the {@link Diagnostic} in which searching * @param builder * a string builder that aggregate the messages * @return the diagnostic status of the specified diagnostic tree. */ private int getDiagnostic(Diagnostic diagnostic, StringBuilder builder) { String message; int code; if (diagnostic.getCode() == Diagnostic.ERROR) { message = diagnostic.getMessage(); code = Diagnostic.ERROR; } else { message = diagnostic.getMessage(); code = diagnostic.getCode(); for (Diagnostic child : diagnostic.getChildren()) { int childrenCode = getDiagnostic(child, builder); if (childrenCode > code) { code = childrenCode; } } } if (message != null) { if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.append('\n'); } builder.append(message); } return code; } /** * Should be called when the {@link M2DocEvaluator} is no longer needed so that it can cleanup temporary files used during the * generation. */ public void clear() { for (AbstractDiagramProvider diagprovider : usedProviders) { diagprovider.clear(); } } }