Java tutorial
/* * (C) Copyright 2006-2009 Nuxeo SAS <> and others * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Jean-Marc Orliaguet, Chalmers * * $Id$ */ package org.nuxeo.theme.editor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.nuxeo.theme.Manager; import org.nuxeo.theme.elements.CellElement; import org.nuxeo.theme.elements.Element; import org.nuxeo.theme.elements.ElementFactory; import org.nuxeo.theme.elements.ElementFormatter; import org.nuxeo.theme.elements.PageElement; import org.nuxeo.theme.elements.SectionElement; import org.nuxeo.theme.elements.ThemeElement; import org.nuxeo.theme.formats.Format; import org.nuxeo.theme.formats.FormatFactory; import org.nuxeo.theme.formats.FormatType; import org.nuxeo.theme.formats.layouts.Layout; import org.nuxeo.theme.formats.styles.Style; import org.nuxeo.theme.formats.widgets.Widget; import org.nuxeo.theme.fragments.Fragment; import org.nuxeo.theme.fragments.FragmentFactory; import org.nuxeo.theme.fragments.FragmentType; import org.nuxeo.theme.html.CSSUtils; import org.nuxeo.theme.nodes.NodeException; import org.nuxeo.theme.perspectives.PerspectiveManager; import org.nuxeo.theme.presets.PresetManager; import org.nuxeo.theme.presets.PresetType; import; import org.nuxeo.theme.resources.ImageInfo; import org.nuxeo.theme.resources.ResourceBank; import org.nuxeo.theme.resources.SkinInfo; import org.nuxeo.theme.resources.StyleInfo; import org.nuxeo.theme.themes.ThemeDescriptor; import org.nuxeo.theme.themes.ThemeException; import org.nuxeo.theme.themes.ThemeIOException; import org.nuxeo.theme.themes.ThemeManager; import org.nuxeo.theme.themes.ThemeSerializer; import org.nuxeo.theme.types.Type; import org.nuxeo.theme.types.TypeFamily; import org.nuxeo.theme.uids.Identifiable; import org.nuxeo.theme.views.ViewType; public class Editor { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Editor.class); public static void updateElementWidget(Element element, String viewName) throws ThemeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "change widget view"); FormatType widgetType = (FormatType) Manager.getTypeRegistry().lookup(TypeFamily.FORMAT, "widget"); Format widget = ElementFormatter.getFormatByType(element, widgetType); ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); if (widget == null) { widget = themeManager.createWidget(); } widget.setName(viewName); ElementFormatter.setFormat(element, widget); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void updateElementLayout(Element element, Map<String, String> propertyMap) throws ThemeException { if (element != null) { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "change layout"); Layout layout = (Layout) ElementFormatter.getFormatFor(element, "layout"); if (layout == null) { layout = Manager.getThemeManager().createLayout(); ElementFormatter.setFormat(element, layout); } for (Object key : propertyMap.keySet()) { layout.setProperty((String) key, propertyMap.get(key)); } saveTheme(themeName); } } public static void updateElementVisibility(Element element, List<String> perspectives, boolean alwaysVisible) throws ThemeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "change element visibility"); PerspectiveManager perspectiveManager = Manager.getPerspectiveManager(); if (alwaysVisible) { perspectiveManager.setAlwaysVisible(element); } else { // initially make the element visible in all perspectives if (perspectives == null || perspectives.isEmpty()) { perspectiveManager.setVisibleInAllPerspectives(element); } else { perspectiveManager.setVisibleInPerspectives(element, perspectives); } } saveTheme(themeName); } public static void updateElementStyle(Element element, Style style, String path, String viewName, Map<String, String> propertyMap) throws ThemeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "update element style"); Properties properties = new Properties(); for (Object key : propertyMap.keySet()) { properties.put(key, propertyMap.get(key)); } if (style == null) { FormatType styleType = (FormatType) Manager.getTypeRegistry().lookup(TypeFamily.FORMAT, "style"); style = (Style) ElementFormatter.getFormatByType(element, styleType); } if (style.getName() != null || "".equals(viewName)) { viewName = "*"; } style.setPropertiesFor(viewName, path, properties); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void setPageStyles(String themeName, Map<String, String> propertyMap) throws ThemeException { saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "set page styles"); ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : propertyMap.entrySet()) { String pageName = entry.getKey(); String styleName = entry.getValue(); if ("".equals(styleName)) { styleName = null; } String pagePath = String.format("%s/%s", themeName, pageName); PageElement page = themeManager.getPageByPath(pagePath); if (page != null) { Style pageStyle = (Style) ElementFormatter.getFormatFor(page, "style"); if (pageStyle == null) { pageStyle = (Style) FormatFactory.create("style"); ElementFormatter.setFormat(page, pageStyle); } makeElementUseNamedStyle(page, styleName, themeName); } } saveTheme(themeName); } public static void splitElement(Element element) throws NodeException, ThemeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "split cell"); if (!element.getElementType().getTypeName().equals("cell")) { return; } ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); Element newCell = ElementFactory.create("cell"); Format cellWidget = themeManager.createWidget(); cellWidget.setName("cell frame"); Format cellLayout = themeManager.createLayout(); FormatType layoutType = (FormatType) Manager.getTypeRegistry().lookup(TypeFamily.FORMAT, "layout"); Format layout = ElementFormatter.getFormatByType(element, layoutType); String width = layout.getProperty("width"); if (width != null) { String halfWidth = org.nuxeo.theme.html.Utils.divideWebLength(width, 2); if (halfWidth != null) { cellLayout.setProperty("width", halfWidth); layout.setProperty("width", org.nuxeo.theme.html.Utils.substractWebLengths(width, halfWidth)); } } Format cellStyle = themeManager.createStyle(); ElementFormatter.setFormat(newCell, cellWidget); ElementFormatter.setFormat(newCell, cellLayout); ElementFormatter.setFormat(newCell, cellStyle); newCell.insertAfter(element); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void updateElementStyleCss(Element element, Style style, String viewName, String cssSource) throws ThemeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "update style properties"); if (style == null) { FormatType styleType = (FormatType) Manager.getTypeRegistry().lookup(TypeFamily.FORMAT, "style"); style = (Style) ElementFormatter.getFormatByType(element, styleType); } if (style.isNamed() || "".equals(viewName)) { viewName = "*"; } org.nuxeo.theme.Utils.loadCss(style, cssSource, viewName); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void updateNamedStyleCss(Style style, String cssSource, String themeName) throws ThemeException { saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "update style properties"); if (style == null || style.getName() == null) { throw new ThemeException("A named style is required."); } final String viewName = "*"; org.nuxeo.theme.Utils.loadCss(style, cssSource, viewName); // if the style came from a resource bank, it has now been customized. if (style.isRemote()) { style.setCustomized(true); } saveTheme(themeName); } public static void restoreNamedStyle(Style style, String themeName) throws ThemeException { saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "restore style"); if (style == null || style.getName() == null) { throw new ThemeException("A named style is required."); } if (!style.isRemote()) { throw new ThemeException("A style from a remote resource bank is required."); } // if the style came from a resource bank, it has now been customized. ThemeDescriptor themeDescriptor = ThemeManager.getThemeDescriptorByThemeName(themeName); if (themeDescriptor == null) { throw new ThemeException("Theme not found: " + themeName); } String resourceBankName = themeDescriptor.getResourceBankName(); if (resourceBankName != null) { ThemeManager.loadRemoteStyle(resourceBankName, style); } style.setCustomized(false); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void updateElementWidth(Format layout, String width) throws ThemeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOfFormat(layout).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "change element width"); layout.setProperty("width", width); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void updateElementProperties(Element element, Map<String, String> propertyMap) throws ThemeIOException, ThemeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "change element properties"); Properties properties = new Properties(); for (Object key : propertyMap.keySet()) { properties.put(key, propertyMap.get(key)); } FieldIO.updateFieldsFromProperties(element, properties); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void updateElementDescription(Element element, String description) throws ThemeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "change element description"); element.setDescription(description); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void repairTheme(String src) throws ThemeIOException, ThemeException { ThemeElement theme = Manager.getThemeManager().getThemeBySrc(src); if (theme == null) { throw new ThemeIOException("Unknown theme: " + src); } final String themeName = theme.getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "repair theme"); ThemeManager.repairTheme(theme); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void deleteTheme(String src) throws ThemeIOException, ThemeException { ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); themeManager.deleteTheme(src); } public static void deletePage(String pagePath) throws ThemeIOException, ThemeException { final String themeName = pagePath.split("/")[0]; saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "delete page"); ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); themeManager.deletePage(pagePath); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void saveTheme(String themeName) throws ThemeException { ThemeDescriptor themeDescriptor = ThemeManager.getThemeDescriptorByThemeName(themeName); if (themeDescriptor == null) { throw new ThemeException("Theme not found: " + themeName); } String themeSrc = themeDescriptor.getSrc(); if (!themeDescriptor.isSaveable()) { if (themeDescriptor.isCustomizable()) { themeDescriptor = ThemeManager.customizeTheme(themeDescriptor); themeSrc = themeDescriptor.getSrc(); } else { throw new ThemeException("Theme cannot be customized: " + themeName); } } try { ThemeManager.saveTheme(themeSrc); } catch (ThemeIOException e) { throw new ThemeException("Theme cannot be saved: " + themeName, e); } final ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); themeManager.themeModified(themeName); themeManager.stylesModified(themeName); } public static String renderCssPreview(Element element, Style style, String viewName, String basePath) { FormatType styleType = (FormatType) Manager.getTypeRegistry().lookup(TypeFamily.FORMAT, "style"); if (style == null) { style = (Style) ElementFormatter.getFormatByType(element, styleType); } if (style == null) { return ""; } ThemeElement theme = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element); String themeName = theme.getName(); ThemeDescriptor themeDescriptor = ThemeManager.getThemeDescriptorByThemeName(themeName); StringBuilder css = new StringBuilder(); List<Style> styles = new ArrayList<Style>(); for (Format ancestor : ThemeManager.listAncestorFormatsOf(style)) { styles.add(0, (Style) ancestor); } styles.add(style); for (Style s : styles) { String name = viewName; if (s.getName() != null) { name = "*"; } for (String path : s.getPathsForView(name)) { css.append("#stylePreviewArea"); css.append(' ').append(path).append(" {"); Properties styleProperties = s.getPropertiesFor(name, path); Enumeration<?> propertyNames = CSSUtils.getCssProperties().propertyNames(); while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements()) { String propertyName = (String) propertyNames.nextElement(); String value = styleProperties.getProperty(propertyName); if (value == null) { continue; } css.append(propertyName); css.append(':'); css.append(value); css.append(';'); } css.append('}'); } } return CSSUtils.expandVariables(css.toString(), basePath, null, themeDescriptor); } public static void pasteElement(Element element, String destId) throws ThemeException, NodeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "paste element"); Element destElement = ThemeManager.getElementById(destId); if (destElement.isLeaf()) { destElement = (Element) destElement.getParent(); } if (element != null) { destElement.addChild(Manager.getThemeManager().duplicateElement(element, true)); } saveTheme(themeName); } public static void moveElement(Element srcElement, Element destElement, int order) throws ThemeException, NodeException { ThemeElement srcTheme = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(srcElement); if (srcTheme == null) { throw new ThemeException("Could not determing the theme of the element :" + srcElement.computeXPath()); } final String themeName = srcTheme.getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "move element"); srcElement.moveTo(destElement, order); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void makeElementUseNamedStyle(Element element, String styleName, String themeName) throws ThemeException { Style currentStyle = (Style) ElementFormatter.getFormatFor(element, "style"); if (currentStyle == null) { throw new ThemeException(String.format("Element %s has no style format.", element.computeXPath())); } saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "change element style"); ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); if (styleName == null) { ThemeManager.removeInheritanceTowards(currentStyle); } else { Style namedStyle = (Style) themeManager.getNamedObject(themeName, "style", styleName); if (namedStyle != null) { themeManager.makeFormatInherit(currentStyle, namedStyle); } } saveTheme(themeName); } public static void removeStyleInheritance(String styleName, String themeName) throws ThemeException { saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "remove style inheritance"); ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); Style style = (Style) themeManager.getNamedObject(themeName, "style", styleName); if (style == null) { throw new ThemeException("Could not find named style: " + styleName); } ThemeManager.removeInheritanceTowards(style); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void setStyleInheritance(String styleName, String ancestorStyleName, String themeName) throws ThemeException { saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "set style inheritance"); final boolean allowMany = true; ThemeManager.setStyleInheritance(styleName, ancestorStyleName, themeName, allowMany); saveTheme(themeName); } public static String addPage(String path) throws ThemeException, NodeException, ThemeIOException { ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); if (!path.contains("/")) { throw new ThemeException("Incorrect theme path: " + path); } String themeName = path.split("/")[0]; String pageName = path.split("/")[1]; if (themeManager.getPageByPath(path) != null) { throw new ThemeException("Theme page name is already taken: " + pageName); } saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "add page"); ThemeElement theme = themeManager.getThemeByName(themeName); PageElement page = (PageElement) ElementFactory.create("page"); page.setName(pageName); Format pageWidget = themeManager.createWidget(); pageWidget.setName("page frame"); Format pageLayout = themeManager.createLayout(); Format pageStyle = themeManager.createStyle(); ElementFormatter.setFormat(page, pageWidget); ElementFormatter.setFormat(page, pageStyle); ElementFormatter.setFormat(page, pageLayout); themeManager.registerPage(theme, page); // save the page saveTheme(themeName); return path; } public static String addTheme(String name) throws ThemeException { ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); if (themeManager.getThemeByName(name) != null) { throw new ThemeException("The theme name is already taken: " + name); } ThemeDescriptor themeDef = ThemeManager.createCustomTheme(name); String themeName = themeDef.getName(); return String.format("%s/default", themeName); } public static String uncustomizeTheme(String src) throws ThemeException { ThemeDescriptor themeDescriptor = ThemeManager.getThemeDescriptor(src); if (themeDescriptor == null) { throw new ThemeException("Theme not found: " + src); } String themeName = themeDescriptor.getName(); ThemeManager.uncustomizeTheme(themeDescriptor); return String.format("%s/default", themeName); } public static void assignStyleProperty(Element element, String propertyName, String value) throws ThemeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "change style"); Style style = (Style) ElementFormatter.getFormatFor(element, "style"); if (style == null) { style = Manager.getThemeManager().createStyle(); ElementFormatter.setFormat(element, style); } Widget widget = (Widget) ElementFormatter.getFormatFor(element, "widget"); if (widget == null) { return; } String viewName = widget.getName(); Properties properties = style.getPropertiesFor(viewName, ""); if (properties == null) { properties = new Properties(); } if ("".equals(value)) { properties.remove(propertyName); } else { properties.setProperty(propertyName, value); } style.setPropertiesFor(viewName, "", properties); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void alignElement(Element element, String position) throws ThemeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "change element alignment"); ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); Layout layout = (Layout) ElementFormatter.getFormatFor(element, "layout"); if (layout == null) { layout = themeManager.createLayout(); ElementFormatter.setFormat(element, layout); } if (element instanceof SectionElement) { if (position.equals("left")) { layout.setProperty("margin-left", "0"); layout.setProperty("margin-right", "auto"); } else if (position.equals("center")) { layout.setProperty("margin-left", "auto"); layout.setProperty("margin-right", "auto"); } else if (position.equals("right")) { layout.setProperty("margin-left", "auto"); layout.setProperty("margin-right", "0"); } } else { if (position.equals("left")) { layout.setProperty("text-align", "left"); } else if (position.equals("center")) { layout.setProperty("text-align", "center"); } else if (position.equals("right")) { layout.setProperty("text-align", "right"); } } saveTheme(themeName); } public static void deleteElement(Element element) throws ThemeException, NodeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "delete element"); Element parent = (Element) element.getParent(); ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); if (element instanceof ThemeElement || element instanceof PageElement) { themeManager.destroyElement(element); } else if (element instanceof CellElement) { if (element.hasSiblings()) { Element sibling = (Element) element.getNextNode(); if (sibling == null) { sibling = (Element) element.getPreviousNode(); } FormatType layoutType = (FormatType) Manager.getTypeRegistry().lookup(TypeFamily.FORMAT, "layout"); Format layout1 = ElementFormatter.getFormatByType(element, layoutType); if (layout1 != null) { String width1 = layout1.getProperty("width"); if (width1 != null) { Format layout2 = ElementFormatter.getFormatByType(sibling, layoutType); if (layout2 != null) { String width2 = layout2.getProperty("width"); String newWidth = org.nuxeo.theme.html.Utils.addWebLengths(width1, width2); if (newWidth != null) { layout2.setProperty("width", newWidth); } } } } // remove cell themeManager.destroyElement(element); } else { // remove parent section themeManager.destroyElement(parent); } } else if (element instanceof Fragment) { themeManager.destroyElement(element); } saveTheme(themeName); } public static int duplicateElement(Element element) throws ThemeException, NodeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "duplicate element"); Element duplicate = Manager.getThemeManager().duplicateElement(element, true); // insert the duplicated element element.getParent().addChild(duplicate); duplicate.moveTo(element.getParent(), element.getOrder() + 1); saveTheme(themeName); return duplicate.getUid(); } public static void createStyle(Element element) throws ThemeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "create style"); ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); final Format style = themeManager.createStyle(); ElementFormatter.setFormat(element, style); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void createNamedStyle(Element element, String styleName, String themeName) throws ThemeException { saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "create style"); ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); Style style = (Style) themeManager.getNamedObject(themeName, "style", styleName); if (style != null) { throw new ThemeException("Style name is already taken: " + styleName); } style = themeManager.createStyle(); style.setName(styleName); themeManager.setNamedObject(themeName, "style", style); if (element != null) { themeManager.makeElementUseNamedStyle(element, styleName, themeName); } saveTheme(themeName); } public static Style getNamedStyleOf(Element element) throws ThemeException { Style style = (Style) ElementFormatter.getFormatFor(element, "style"); if (style == null) { return null; } Style ancestorStyle = (Style) ThemeManager.getAncestorFormatOf(style); if (ancestorStyle == null || !ancestorStyle.isNamed()) { return null; } return ancestorStyle; } public static void deleteNamedStyle(Element element, String styleName, String themeName) throws ThemeException { saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "delete style"); ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); Style style = (Style) themeManager.getNamedObject(themeName, "style", styleName); themeManager.deleteFormat(style); if (element != null) { themeManager.makeElementUseNamedStyle(element, null, themeName); } themeManager.removeNamedObject(themeName, "style", styleName); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void deleteStyleView(Style style, String viewName) throws ThemeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOfFormat(style).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "delete style view"); style.clearPropertiesFor(viewName); saveTheme(themeName); } public static List<String> getHardcodedColors(final String themeName) { Set<String> colors = new HashSet<String>(); for (Style style : Manager.getThemeManager().getStyles(themeName)) { for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : style.getAllProperties().entrySet()) { String value = (String) entry.getValue(); colors.addAll(org.nuxeo.theme.html.CSSUtils.extractCssColors(value)); } } Set<String> colorPresetValues = new HashSet<String>(); for (PresetType preset : PresetManager.getCustomPresets(themeName, "color")) { colorPresetValues.add(preset.getValue()); } colors.removeAll(colorPresetValues); return new ArrayList<String>(colors); } public static List<String> getHardcodedImages(final String themeName) { Set<String> images = new HashSet<String>(); for (Style style : Manager.getThemeManager().getStyles(themeName)) { for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : style.getAllProperties().entrySet()) { String value = (String) entry.getValue(); images.addAll(org.nuxeo.theme.html.CSSUtils.extractCssImages(value)); } } Set<String> imagePresetValues = new HashSet<String>(); for (PresetType preset : PresetManager.getCustomPresets(themeName)) { String category = preset.getCategory(); if ("image".equals(category) || "background".equals(category)) { imagePresetValues.add(preset.getValue()); } } images.removeAll(imagePresetValues); return new ArrayList<String>(images); } public static String addPreset(String themeName, String presetName, String category, String value) throws ThemeException { saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "create preset"); if (presetName.equals("")) { throw new ThemeException("Preset name cannot be empty"); } if (PresetManager.getCustomPreset(themeName, presetName) != null) { throw new ThemeException("Preset name already taken: " + presetName); } PresetManager.createCustomPreset(themeName, presetName, category, value, "", ""); saveTheme(themeName); return presetName; } public static void editPreset(String themeName, String presetName, String value) throws ThemeException { saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "modify preset"); PresetManager.editPreset(themeName, presetName, value); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void setPresetCategory(String themeName, String presetName, String category) throws ThemeException { saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "change preset category"); PresetManager.setPresetCategory(themeName, presetName, category); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void renamePreset(String themeName, String oldName, String newName) throws ThemeException { saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "rename preset"); PresetManager.renamePreset(themeName, oldName, newName); final String oldPresetStr = String.format("\"%s\"", oldName); final String newPresetStr = String.format("\"%s\"", newName); ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); for (Style style : themeManager.getStyles(themeName)) { for (String viewName : style.getSelectorViewNames()) { for (String path : style.getPathsForView(viewName)) { Properties styleProperties = style.getPropertiesFor(viewName, path); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : styleProperties.entrySet()) { String text = (String) entry.getValue(); String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String newText = text.replace(oldPresetStr, newPresetStr); if (!newText.equals(text)) { styleProperties.setProperty(key, newText); } } } } } saveTheme(themeName); } public static void deletePreset(String themeName, String presetName) throws ThemeException { saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "delete preset"); PresetManager.deletePreset(themeName, presetName); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void convertCssValueToPreset(String themeName, String category, String presetName, String value) throws ThemeException { saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "create preset from CSS property"); if (!"color".equals(category) && !"image".equals(category)) { throw new ThemeException( "Preset category not supported while converting css value to preset: " + category); } addPreset(themeName, presetName, category, value); final String presetStr = String.format("\"%s\"", presetName); ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); for (Style style : themeManager.getStyles(themeName)) { for (String viewName : style.getSelectorViewNames()) { for (String path : style.getPathsForView(viewName)) { Properties styleProperties = style.getPropertiesFor(viewName, path); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : styleProperties.entrySet()) { String text = (String) entry.getValue(); String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String newText = text; if (category.equals("color")) { newText = org.nuxeo.theme.html.CSSUtils.replaceColor(text, value, presetStr); } else if (category.equals("image")) { newText = org.nuxeo.theme.html.CSSUtils.replaceImage(text, value, presetStr); } if (!newText.equals(text)) { styleProperties.setProperty(key, newText); } } } } } saveTheme(themeName); } public static void loadTheme(String src) throws ThemeIOException, ThemeException { ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); themeManager.loadTheme(src); // Clean up the undo buffer ThemeDescriptor themeDef = ThemeManager.getThemeDescriptor(src); String themeName = themeDef.getName(); UndoBuffer undoBuffer = SessionManager.getUndoBuffer(themeName); if (undoBuffer != null) { undoBuffer.clearBuffer(); } } public static void insertFragment(Element destElement, String typeName, String styleName) throws NodeException, ThemeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(destElement).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "add fragment"); int order = 0; Element destContainer = destElement; if (destElement instanceof Fragment) { order = destElement.getOrder() + 1; destContainer = (Element) destElement.getParent(); } else if (destElement instanceof CellElement) { order = destElement.getChildren().size(); } ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); // create the new fragment String fragmentTypeName = typeName.split("/")[0]; Fragment fragment = FragmentFactory.create(fragmentTypeName); // add a temporary view to the fragment Widget widget = themeManager.createWidget(); String viewTypeName = typeName.split("/")[1]; widget.setName(viewTypeName); ElementFormatter.setFormat(fragment, widget); // set a style if (!"".equals(styleName)) { Style ancestor = (Style) themeManager.getNamedObject(themeName, "style", styleName); if (ancestor != null) { Style style = themeManager.createStyle(); themeManager.makeFormatInherit(style, ancestor); ElementFormatter.setFormat(fragment, style); } } // insert the fragment destContainer.addChild(fragment); // set the fragment order fragment.moveTo(destContainer, order); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void insertSectionAfter(Element element) throws NodeException, ThemeException { final String themeName = ThemeManager.getThemeOf(element).getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "insert section"); ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); Element newSection = ElementFactory.create("section"); Element newCell = ElementFactory.create("cell"); // section Format sectionWidget = themeManager.createWidget(); sectionWidget.setName("section frame"); Format sectionLayout = themeManager.createLayout(); sectionLayout.setProperty("width", "100%"); Format sectionStyle = themeManager.createStyle(); ElementFormatter.setFormat(newSection, sectionWidget); ElementFormatter.setFormat(newSection, sectionLayout); ElementFormatter.setFormat(newSection, sectionStyle); // cell Format cellWidget = themeManager.createWidget(); cellWidget.setName("cell frame"); Format cellLayout = themeManager.createLayout(); cellLayout.setProperty("width", "100%"); Format cellStyle = themeManager.createStyle(); ElementFormatter.setFormat(newCell, cellWidget); ElementFormatter.setFormat(newCell, cellLayout); ElementFormatter.setFormat(newCell, cellStyle); newSection.addChild(newCell); String elementTypeName = element.getElementType().getTypeName(); if (elementTypeName.equals("section")) { newSection.insertAfter(element); } else if (elementTypeName.equals("page")) { element.addChild(newSection); } saveTheme(themeName); } // UndoBuffer public static void saveToUndoBuffer(final String themeName, final String message) throws ThemeException { if (themeName == null) { throw new ThemeException("Theme not set."); } ThemeDescriptor themeDef = ThemeManager.getThemeDescriptorByThemeName(themeName); if (themeDef == null) { throw new ThemeException("Theme not found: " + themeName); } ThemeSerializer serializer = new ThemeSerializer(); String xmlSource; try { xmlSource = serializer.serializeToXml(themeDef.getSrc(), 0); } catch (ThemeIOException e) { throw new ThemeException("Could not save theme into the under buffer", e); } UndoBuffer undoBuffer = SessionManager.getUndoBuffer(themeName); if (undoBuffer == null) { undoBuffer = new UndoBuffer(); SessionManager.setUndoBuffer(themeName, undoBuffer); }, message); } public static String undo(final String themeName) throws ThemeException { ThemeDescriptor themeDef = ThemeManager.getThemeDescriptorByThemeName(null, themeName); if (themeDef == null) { throw new ThemeException("Theme unknown." + themeName); } UndoBuffer undoBuffer = SessionManager.getUndoBuffer(themeName); if (undoBuffer == null) { throw new ThemeException("No history buffer found."); } String savedVersion = undoBuffer.getSavedVersion(); if (savedVersion == null) { throw new ThemeException("No saved version found."); } try { Manager.getThemeManager().loadTheme(themeDef.getSrc(), savedVersion); } catch (ThemeIOException e) { throw new ThemeException(e.getMessage(), e); } undoBuffer.clearBuffer(); saveTheme(themeName); return undoBuffer.getMessage(); } public static void createFragmentPreview(String currentThemeName) { ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); String fragmentType = SessionManager.getFragmentType(); String viewName = SessionManager.getFragmentView(); String styleName = SessionManager.getFragmentStyle(); Fragment fragment = FragmentFactory.create(fragmentType); try { // View Widget widget = (Widget) FormatFactory.create("widget"); widget.setName(viewName); ElementFormatter.setFormat(fragment, widget); // Style Style style = (Style) FormatFactory.create("style"); ElementFormatter.setFormat(fragment, style); String themeName = currentThemeName.split("/")[0]; themeManager.makeElementUseNamedStyle(fragment, styleName, themeName); themeManager.fillScratchPage(themeName, fragment); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, e); } // Clean cache themeManager.themeModified(currentThemeName); } /* * Skin management */ public static void activateSkin(String themeName, String bankName, String collectionName, String resourceName, boolean isBaseSkin) throws ThemeException { String currentTopSkinName = getCurrentTopSkinName(themeName); String currentBaseSkinName = getCurrentBaseSkinName(themeName); for (SkinInfo skin : getBankSkins(bankName)) { if (skin.getName().equals(currentTopSkinName)) { if (skin.isBase()) { currentTopSkinName = null; } } if (skin.getName().equals(currentBaseSkinName)) { if (!skin.isBase()) { currentBaseSkinName = null; } } } ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); String skinName = String.format("%s (%s)", resourceName, collectionName); if (!isBaseSkin && currentBaseSkinName == null) { throw new ThemeException("Cannot set skin: " + skinName + " (base skin is missing)"); } if (isBaseSkin && (skinName.equals(currentBaseSkinName))) { return; } saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "activate skin"); if (!isBaseSkin && currentBaseSkinName != null) { if (skinName.equals(currentTopSkinName)) { return; } final boolean allowMany = false; ThemeManager.setStyleInheritance(skinName, currentBaseSkinName, themeName, allowMany); } for (PageElement page : themeManager.getPagesOf(themeName)) { Style newStyle = themeManager.createStyle(); ElementFormatter.setFormat(page, newStyle); themeManager.makeElementUseNamedStyle(page, skinName, themeName); } themeManager.removeOrphanedFormats(); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void deactivateSkin(String themeName) throws ThemeException { ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "deactivate skin"); for (PageElement page : themeManager.getPagesOf(themeName)) { Style newStyle = themeManager.createStyle(); ElementFormatter.setFormat(page, newStyle); themeManager.makeElementUseNamedStyle(page, null, themeName); } themeManager.removeOrphanedFormats(); saveTheme(themeName); } public static String getCurrentTopSkinName(final String themeName) { Style skinStyle = getCurrentPageSkin(themeName); if (skinStyle == null) { return null; } return skinStyle.getName(); } public static String getCurrentBaseSkinName(final String themeName) { Style skinStyle = getCurrentPageSkin(themeName); if (skinStyle == null) { return null; } Style ancestorStyle = (Style) ThemeManager.getAncestorFormatOf(skinStyle); if (ancestorStyle != null && ancestorStyle.isNamed()) { return ancestorStyle.getName(); } return skinStyle.getName(); } public static Style getCurrentPageSkin(final String themeName) { if (themeName == null) { return null; } ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); final FormatType styleType = (FormatType) Manager.getTypeRegistry().lookup(TypeFamily.FORMAT, "style"); Style skinStyle = null; String skinName = null; String previousSkinName = null; List<PageElement> themePages = themeManager.getPagesOf(themeName); if (themePages == null) { return null; } for (PageElement page : themePages) { Style style = (Style) ElementFormatter.getFormatByType(page, styleType); if (style == null) { return null; } Style ancestorStyle = (Style) ThemeManager.getAncestorFormatOf(style); if (ancestorStyle == null || !ancestorStyle.isNamed()) { return null; } skinName = ancestorStyle.getName(); if (previousSkinName != null && !skinName.equals(previousSkinName)) { return null; } skinStyle = ancestorStyle; previousSkinName = skinName; } return skinStyle; } public static void useResourceBank(String themeSrc, String bankName) throws ThemeException { ResourceBank resourceBank = ThemeManager.getResourceBank(bankName); if (!resourceBank.checkStatus()) { throw new ThemeException("Could not connect to bank: " + bankName); } ThemeDescriptor themeDescriptor = ThemeManager.getThemeDescriptor(themeSrc); String themeName = themeDescriptor.getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "connect to theme bank: " + bankName); themeDescriptor.setResourceBankName(bankName); resourceBank.connect(themeName); saveTheme(themeName); } public static void useNoResourceBank(String themeSrc) throws ThemeException { ThemeDescriptor themeDescriptor = ThemeManager.getThemeDescriptor(themeSrc); String bankName = themeDescriptor.getResourceBankName(); ResourceBank resourceBank = ThemeManager.getResourceBank(bankName); if (!resourceBank.checkStatus()) { throw new ThemeException("Could not disconnect from bank: " + bankName); } String themeName = themeDescriptor.getName(); saveToUndoBuffer(themeName, "disconnect from theme bank: " + bankName); resourceBank.disconnect(themeName); themeDescriptor.setResourceBankName(null); saveTheme(themeName); } public static List<SkinInfo> getBankSkins(String bankName) { List<SkinInfo> info = new ArrayList<SkinInfo>(); if (bankName != null) { ResourceBank resourceBank; try { resourceBank = ThemeManager.getResourceBank(bankName); info = resourceBank.getSkins(); } catch (ThemeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return info; } public static List<StyleInfo> getBankStyles(String bankName) { List<StyleInfo> info = new ArrayList<StyleInfo>(); if (bankName != null) { ResourceBank resourceBank; try { resourceBank = ThemeManager.getResourceBank(bankName); info = resourceBank.getStyles(); } catch (ThemeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return info; } public static SkinInfo getSkinInfo(String bankName, String skinName) { ResourceBank resourceBank; try { resourceBank = ThemeManager.getResourceBank(bankName); } catch (ThemeException e) { return null; } for (SkinInfo skin : resourceBank.getSkins()) { if (skinName.equals(skin.getName())) { return skin; } } return null; } public static List<String> getBankCollections(String bankName) { List<String> collections = new ArrayList<String>(); if (bankName != null) { ResourceBank resourceBank; try { resourceBank = ThemeManager.getResourceBank(bankName); collections.addAll(resourceBank.getCollections()); } catch (ThemeException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return collections; } public static List<ImageInfo> getBankImages(String bankName) { List<ImageInfo> images = new ArrayList<ImageInfo>(); if (bankName != null) { ResourceBank resourceBank; try { resourceBank = ThemeManager.getResourceBank(bankName); images.addAll(resourceBank.getImages()); } catch (ThemeException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return images; } public static List<Style> getNamedStyles(String themeName, ResourceBank resourceBank) { List<Style> styles = new ArrayList<Style>(); ThemeManager themeManager = Manager.getThemeManager(); for (Identifiable s : themeManager.getNamedObjects(themeName, "style")) { styles.add((Style) s); } return styles; } public static List<Style> listNamedStylesDirectlyInheritingFrom(Style style) { List<Style> styles = new ArrayList<Style>(); for (Format format : ThemeManager.listFormatsDirectlyInheritingFrom(style)) { if (format.isNamed()) { styles.add((Style) format); } } return styles; } public static Map<String, String> getPageStyles(String themeName) { Map<String, String> pageStyles = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); List<PageElement> pages = Manager.getThemeManager().getPagesOf(themeName); if (!pages.isEmpty()) { for (PageElement page : pages) { Style namedStyle = null; try { namedStyle = Editor.getNamedStyleOf(page); } catch (ThemeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String styleName = namedStyle == null ? "" : namedStyle.getName(); pageStyles.put(page.getName(), styleName); } } return pageStyles; } public static Style getThemeSkin(String themeName) { List<PageElement> pages = Manager.getThemeManager().getPagesOf(themeName); if (pages == null || pages.isEmpty()) { return null; } for (PageElement page : pages) { Style namedStyle = null; try { namedStyle = Editor.getNamedStyleOf(page); } catch (ThemeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (namedStyle != null) { return namedStyle; } } return null; } public static List<FragmentType> getFragments(String templateEngine) { List<FragmentType> fragments = new ArrayList<FragmentType>(); for (Type f : Manager.getTypeRegistry().getTypes(TypeFamily.FRAGMENT)) { FragmentType fragmentType = (FragmentType) f; if (fragments.contains(fragmentType)) { continue; } List<ViewType> views = new ArrayList<ViewType>(); for (ViewType viewType : ThemeManager.getViewTypesForFragmentType(fragmentType)) { if (templateEngine.equals(viewType.getTemplateEngine())) { views.add(viewType); } } if (views.isEmpty()) { continue; } fragments.add(fragmentType); } return fragments; } public static List<ViewType> getViews(String fragmentTypeName, String templateEngine) { List<ViewType> views = new ArrayList<ViewType>(); if (fragmentTypeName == null) { return views; } FragmentType fragmentType = (FragmentType) Manager.getTypeRegistry().lookup(TypeFamily.FRAGMENT, fragmentTypeName); if (fragmentType == null) { return views; } for (ViewType viewType : ThemeManager.getViewTypesForFragmentType(fragmentType)) { if (templateEngine.equals(viewType.getTemplateEngine())) { views.add(viewType); } } return views; } }