Java tutorial
/* * (C) Copyright 2013 Nuxeo SA ( and contributors. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * (LGPL) version 2.1 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Contributors: * Martin Pernollet */ package org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.groups.audit.service.acl; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor; import; import; import; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.ClientException; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.CoreSession; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentModel; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.UnrestrictedSessionRunner; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.groups.audit.service.acl.ReportLayoutSettings.SpanMode; import; import; import; import; import; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.groups.audit.service.acl.excel.AclNameShortner; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.groups.audit.service.acl.excel.ByteColor; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.groups.audit.service.acl.excel.ExcelBuilder; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.groups.audit.service.acl.excel.ExcelBuilderMultiSheet; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.groups.audit.service.acl.excel.IExcelBuilder; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.groups.audit.service.acl.excel.ExcelBuilder.Type; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.groups.audit.service.acl.filter.AcceptsAllContent; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.groups.audit.service.acl.filter.IContentFilter; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.groups.audit.service.acl.utils.MessageAccessor; import; /** * A builder works in three phases: * <ul> * <li>Fetch documents, possibly using paging. * <li>Extract a document summary for each document. * <li>Render documents' summary: * <ul> * <li>Render header and define column layout * <li>Render file tree and define row layout * <li>Render ACL matrix * </ul> * </ul> * One can apply a {@link IContentFilter} to ignore some users/groups. This report builder uses one column per user, and * write the list of existing ACL in one cell, by using "," as separator character. A denying ACL is indicated by !S, * where S is the short name given to the ACL, as stated by the {@link AclNameShortner}. * * @author Martin Pernollet <> */ public class AclExcelLayoutBuilder implements IAclExcelLayoutBuilder { protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AclExcelLayoutBuilder.class); protected static final String PROPERTY_MAIN_SHEET_NAME = "message.acl.audit.xl.mainsheet"; protected static final String PROPERTY_LEGEND_SHEET_NAME = "message.acl.audit.xl.legend"; protected static final String PROPERTY_LEGEND_LOCK_INHERITANCE = "message.acl.audit.xl.legend.lockInheritance"; protected static final String PROPERTY_LEGEND_PERM_DENIED = "message.acl.audit.xl.legend.denied"; protected IExcelBuilder excel = new ExcelBuilder(); protected static int CELL_WIDTH_UNIT = 256; public static int STATUS_ROW = 0; public static int STATUS_COL = 0; /* layout */ protected ReportLayoutSettings layoutSettings; protected ReportLayout layout; protected int treeLineCursor = 0; protected CellStyle userHeaderStyle; protected CellStyle aclHeaderStyle; protected CellStyle lockInheritanceStyle; protected CellStyle grayTextStyle; protected int mainSheetId; protected int legendSheetId; protected String mainSheetName; protected String legendSheetName; protected String legendLockInheritance = "Permission inheritance locked"; protected String legendPermissionDenied = "Permission denied"; public static ReportLayoutSettings defaultLayout() { ReportLayoutSettings layout = new ReportLayoutSettings(); layout.userHeaderHeight = 1000; layout.userHeaderRotation = 45; layout.fileTreeColumnWidth = 2; // in number of char layout.aclColumnWidth = 4; layout.defaultRowHeight = 100; layout.splitPaneX = 500; layout.splitPaneY = 1500; layout.freezePaneRowSplit = 1; layout.treeLineCursorRowStart = 1; layout.spanMode = SpanMode.COLUMN_OVERFLOW_ON_NEXT_SHEETS; layout.zoomRatioDenominator = 2; layout.zoomRatioNumerator = 1; layout.showFullPath = false; // data fetch setting layout.pageSize = 1000; return layout; } /* tools */ protected IContentFilter filter; protected AclNameShortner shortner; protected IDataProcessor data; public AclExcelLayoutBuilder() { this(defaultLayout()); } public AclExcelLayoutBuilder(IContentFilter filter) { this(defaultLayout(), filter); } public AclExcelLayoutBuilder(ReportLayoutSettings layout) { this(layout, null); } public AclExcelLayoutBuilder(ReportLayoutSettings layout, IContentFilter filter) { this.layoutSettings = layout; if (SpanMode.NONE.equals(layout.spanMode)) excel = new ExcelBuilder(Type.XLS, "Permissions"); // missing context, no I18N else if (SpanMode.COLUMN_OVERFLOW_ON_NEXT_SHEETS.equals(layout.spanMode)) { excel = new ExcelBuilderMultiSheet(Type.XLS, "Permissions"); // missing context, no I18N ((ExcelBuilderMultiSheet) excel).setMultiSheetColumns(true); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("layout span mode unknown: " + layout.spanMode); if (filter == null) this.filter = new AcceptsAllContent(); else this.filter = filter; if (layoutSettings.pageSize > 0) = new DataProcessorPaginated(this.filter, layoutSettings.pageSize); else = new DataProcessor(this.filter); this.shortner = new AclNameShortner(); this.layout = new ReportLayout(); } @Override public void renderAudit(CoreSession session) throws ClientException { renderAudit(session, session.getRootDocument(), true); } @Override public void renderAudit(CoreSession session, final DocumentModel doc) throws ClientException { renderAudit(session, doc, true); } @Override public void renderAudit(CoreSession session, final DocumentModel doc, boolean unrestricted) throws ClientException { renderAudit(session, doc, unrestricted, 0); } @Override public void renderAudit(CoreSession session, final DocumentModel doc, boolean unrestricted, final int timeout) throws ClientException { if (!unrestricted) { analyzeAndRender(session, doc, timeout); } else { UnrestrictedSessionRunner runner = new UnrestrictedSessionRunner(session) { @Override public void run() throws ClientException { analyzeAndRender(session, doc, timeout); } }; runner.runUnrestricted(); } } protected void analyzeAndRender(CoreSession session, final DocumentModel doc, int timeout) throws ClientException { log.debug("start processing data"); data.analyze(session, doc, timeout); configure(session); render(data); } /* EXCEL RENDERING */ protected void configure(CoreSession session) throws ClientException { // mainSheetName = MessageAccessor.get(session, PROPERTY_MAIN_SHEET_NAME); legendSheetName = MessageAccessor.get(session, PROPERTY_LEGEND_SHEET_NAME); legendLockInheritance = MessageAccessor.get(session, PROPERTY_LEGEND_LOCK_INHERITANCE); legendPermissionDenied = MessageAccessor.get(session, PROPERTY_LEGEND_PERM_DENIED); } protected void render(IDataProcessor data) throws ClientException { int minDepth = data.getDocumentTreeMinDepth(); int maxDepth = data.getDocumentTreeMaxDepth(); int colStart = maxDepth + (layoutSettings.showFullPath ? 1 : 0); mainSheetId = excel.getCurrentSheetId(); legendSheetId = excel.newSheet(excel.getCurrentSheetId() + 1, legendSheetName); renderInit(); renderHeader(colStart, data.getUserAndGroups(), data.getPermissions()); renderFileTreeAndAclMatrix(data.getAllDocuments(), minDepth, maxDepth); formatFileTreeCellLayout(maxDepth, minDepth, colStart); renderLegend(data.getStatus(), data.getInformation()); renderFinal(); } /** Initialize layout data model and pre-built cell styles */ protected void renderInit() { layout.reset(); userHeaderStyle = excel.newCellStyle(); userHeaderStyle.setFont(excel.getBoldFont()); userHeaderStyle.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); if (layoutSettings.userHeaderRotation != 0) userHeaderStyle.setRotation((short) layoutSettings.userHeaderRotation); aclHeaderStyle = excel.newCellStyle(); aclHeaderStyle.setFont(excel.newFont(layoutSettings.aclHeaderFontSize)); aclHeaderStyle.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); if (layoutSettings.aclHeaderRotation != 0) aclHeaderStyle.setRotation((short) layoutSettings.aclHeaderRotation); lockInheritanceStyle = excel.newColoredCellStyle(ByteColor.BLUE); grayTextStyle = excel.newCellStyle(); Font f = excel.newFont(); f.setColor(HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT.index); grayTextStyle.setFont(f); // grayTextStyle.set } /** Perform various general tasks, such as setting the current sheet zoom. */ protected void renderFinal() { for (Sheet s : excel.getAllSheets()) { s.setZoom(layoutSettings.zoomRatioNumerator, layoutSettings.zoomRatioDenominator); } } /* HEADER RENDERING */ /** * Write users and groups on the first row. Memorize the user (or group) column which can later be retrieved with * getColumn(user) */ protected void renderHeader(int tableStartColumn, Set<String> userOrGroups, Set<String> permission) { renderHeaderUsers(tableStartColumn, userOrGroups); } protected void renderHeaderUsers(int tableStartColumn, Set<String> userOrGroups) { int column = tableStartColumn; for (String userOrGroup : userOrGroups) { excel.setCell(0, column, userOrGroup, userHeaderStyle); layout.setUserColumn(column, userOrGroup); column++; } excel.setRowHeight(0, layoutSettings.userHeaderHeight); } /* FILE TREE AND MATRIX CONTENT RENDERING */ protected void renderFileTreeAndAclMatrix(Collection<DocumentSummary> analyses, int minDepth, int maxDepth) throws ClientException { treeLineCursor = layoutSettings.treeLineCursorRowStart; for (DocumentSummary summary : analyses) { renderFilename(summary.getTitle(), summary.getDepth() - minDepth, summary.isAclLockInheritance()); if (layoutSettings.showFullPath) excel.setCell(treeLineCursor, maxDepth - minDepth + 1, summary.getPath()); if (summary.getAclInheritedByUser() != null) renderAcl(summary.getAclByUser(), summary.getAclInheritedByUser()); else renderAcl(summary.getAclByUser()); treeLineCursor++; } } protected void renderFilename(String title, int depth, boolean lockInheritance) throws ClientException { // draw title excel.setCell(treeLineCursor, depth, title); // draw ace inheritance locker if (depth > 0 && lockInheritance) { excel.setCell(treeLineCursor, depth - 1, "", lockInheritanceStyle); } } /** Render a row with all ACL of a given input file. */ protected void renderAcl(Multimap<String, Pair<String, Boolean>> userAcls) throws ClientException { renderAcl(userAcls, (CellStyle) null); } protected void renderAcl(Multimap<String, Pair<String, Boolean>> userAcls, CellStyle style) throws ClientException { for (String user : userAcls.keySet()) { int column = layout.getUserColumn(user); String info = formatAcl(userAcls.get(user)); excel.setCell(treeLineCursor, column, info, style); } } /** * Render local AND inherited ACL. * <ul> * <li>Local acl only are rendered with default font. * <li>Inherited acl only are rendered with gray font. * <li>Mixed acl (local and inherited) are rendered with default font. * </ul> */ protected void renderAcl(Multimap<String, Pair<String, Boolean>> localAcls, Multimap<String, Pair<String, Boolean>> inheritedAcls) throws ClientException { Set<String> users = new HashSet<String>(); users.addAll(localAcls.keySet()); users.addAll(inheritedAcls.keySet()); for (String user : users) { int column = layout.getUserColumn(user); String localAclsString = formatAcl(localAcls.get(user)); String inheritedAclsString = formatAcl(inheritedAcls.get(user)); if ("".equals(localAclsString) && "".equals(inheritedAclsString)) { } else if (!"".equals(localAclsString) && !"".equals(inheritedAclsString)) { String info = localAclsString + "," + inheritedAclsString; excel.setCell(treeLineCursor, column, info); } else if (!"".equals(localAclsString) && "".equals(inheritedAclsString)) { String info = localAclsString; excel.setCell(treeLineCursor, column, info); } else if ("".equals(localAclsString) && !"".equals(inheritedAclsString)) { String info = inheritedAclsString; excel.setCell(treeLineCursor, column, info, grayTextStyle); } } } protected void renderLegend(ProcessorStatus status, String message) { ((ExcelBuilderMultiSheet) excel).setMultiSheetColumns(false); excel.setCurrentSheetId(legendSheetId); int row = STATUS_ROW; int col = STATUS_COL; int off = renderLegendErrorMessage(row, col, status, message); off = renderLegendAcl(off + 1, 0); off++; excel.setCell(off, col, "", lockInheritanceStyle); excel.setCell(off, col + 1, legendLockInheritance); off++; } protected int renderLegendErrorMessage(int row, int col, ProcessorStatus status, String message) { if (!ProcessorStatus.SUCCESS.equals(status)) { excel.setCell(row++, col, "Status: " + status); if (message != null && !"".equals(message)) excel.setCell(row++, col, "Message: " + message); } return row; } protected int renderLegendAcl(int row, int col) { excel.setCell(row++, col, "ACL meaning"); for (String shortName : shortner.getShortNames()) { String fullName = shortner.getFullName(shortName); excel.setCell(row, col, shortName); excel.setCell(row, col + 1, fullName); row++; } return row; } /* ACL TEXT FORMATTER FOR MATRIX */ /** * Renders all ACE separated by a , Each ACE name is formated using {@link formatAce(Pair<String, Boolean> ace)} * * @return */ protected String formatAcl(Collection<Pair<String, Boolean>> acls) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int k = 0; for (Pair<String, Boolean> ace : acls) { sb.append(formatAce(ace)); if ((++k) < acls.size()) sb.append(","); } return sb.toString(); } protected String formatAce(Pair<String, Boolean> ace) { if (ace.b) return formatPermission(ace.a); else return "!" + formatPermission(ace.a); } protected String formatPermission(String permission) { return shortner.getShortName(permission); } /* CELL FORMATTER */ /** * Set column of size of each file tree column, and apply a freeze pan to fix the tree columns and header rows. */ protected void formatFileTreeCellLayout(int maxDepth, int minDepth, int colStart) { int realMax = maxDepth - minDepth; for (int i = 0; i < realMax; i++) { excel.setColumnWidth(i, (int) (layoutSettings.fileTreeColumnWidth * CELL_WIDTH_UNIT)); } excel.setColumnWidthAuto(realMax); excel.setFreezePane(colStart, layoutSettings.freezePaneRowSplit); } /* */ /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public IExcelBuilder getExcel() { return excel; } }