Java tutorial
/* * (C) Copyright 2014 Nuxeo SA ( and contributors. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * (LGPL) version 2.1 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Contributors: * vpasquier <> */ package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.Blob; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.ClientException; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.CoreSession; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentModel; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.DocumentModelList; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.NuxeoGroup; import org.nuxeo.ecm.core.api.NuxeoPrincipal; import; import; import org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.usermanager.UserManager; import org.nuxeo.runtime.api.Framework; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Box Service Utils * * @since 5.9.3 */ public class BoxServiceImpl implements BoxService { /** * The mapping between Nuxeo ACLs and Box Collaboration */ protected final BiMap<String, String> nxBoxRole; @Override public BiMap<String, String> getNxBoxRole() { return nxBoxRole; } public BoxServiceImpl() { nxBoxRole = HashBiMap.create(); nxBoxRole.put(SecurityConstants.EVERYTHING, BoxCollaborationRole.EDITOR); nxBoxRole.put(SecurityConstants.READ, BoxCollaborationRole.VIEWER); nxBoxRole.put(SecurityConstants.WRITE, BoxCollaborationRole.VIEWER_UPLOADER); } @Override public BoxCollection searchBox(String term, CoreSession session, String limit, String offset) throws ClientException { final Map<String, Object> collectionProperties = new HashMap<>(); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("SELECT * FROM " + "Document where ecm:fulltext = '" + term + "'"); DocumentModelList documentModels = session.query(query.toString(), null, Long.parseLong(limit), Long.parseLong(offset), false); // Adapt all documents to box document listing to get all properties List<BoxTypedObject> boxDocuments = new ArrayList<>(); for (DocumentModel doc : documentModels) { BoxAdapter boxAdapter = doc.getAdapter(BoxAdapter.class); boxDocuments.add(boxAdapter.getBoxItem()); } collectionProperties.put(BoxCollection.FIELD_ENTRIES, boxDocuments); collectionProperties.put(BoxCollection.FIELD_TOTAL_COUNT, documentModels.size()); return new BoxCollection(Collections.unmodifiableMap(collectionProperties)); } @Override public List<BoxTypedObject> getBoxDocumentCollection(DocumentModelList documentModels, String fields) throws ClientException { final List<BoxTypedObject> boxObject = new ArrayList<>(); for (DocumentModel documentModel : documentModels) { final Map<String, Object> documentProperties = new HashMap<>(); documentProperties.put(BoxTypedObject.FIELD_ID, getBoxId(documentModel)); documentProperties.put(BoxItem.FIELD_SEQUENCE_ID, getBoxSequenceId(documentModel)); documentProperties.put(BoxItem.FIELD_ETAG, getBoxEtag(documentModel)); documentProperties.put(BoxItem.FIELD_NAME, getBoxName(documentModel)); // NX MD5 -> Box SHA1 if (documentModel.hasSchema("file")) { Blob blob = (Blob) documentModel.getPropertyValue("file:content"); if (blob != null) { documentProperties.put(BoxFile.FIELD_SHA1, blob.getDigest()); } } // This different instantiation is related to the param type // which is automatically added in json payload by Box marshaller // following the box object type BoxTypedObject boxChild; boxChild = documentModel.isFolder() ? new BoxFolder() : new BoxFile(); // Depending of fields filter provided in the REST call: // Properties setup (* -> all) if (!"*".equals(fields) && fields != null) { for (String field : fields.split(",")) { boxChild.put(field, documentProperties.get(field)); } } else { boxChild.putAll(documentProperties); } boxObject.add(boxChild); } return boxObject; } /** * @param boxFolderAdapter the related box folder * @param ace the specific ACE for this collaboration * @return a box collaboration */ @Override public BoxCollaboration getBoxCollaboration(BoxFolderAdapter boxFolderAdapter, ACE ace, String collaborationId) throws ClientException { Map<String, Object> boxCollabProperties = new HashMap<>(); // Nuxeo acl doesn't provide id yet boxCollabProperties.put(BoxCollaboration.FIELD_ID, computeCollaborationId(boxFolderAdapter.getBoxItem().getId(), collaborationId)); // Nuxeo acl doesn't provide created date yet boxCollabProperties.put(BoxCollaboration.FIELD_CREATED_AT, null); // Nuxeo acl doesn't provide modified date yet boxCollabProperties.put(BoxCollaboration.FIELD_MODIFIED_AT, null); // Creator final UserManager userManager = Framework.getLocalService(UserManager.class); boxCollabProperties.put(BoxCollaboration.FIELD_CREATED_BY, boxFolderAdapter.getBoxItem().getCreatedBy()); // Nuxeo doesn't provide expiration date yet boxCollabProperties.put(BoxCollaboration.FIELD_EXPIRES_AT, null); // Nuxeo doesn't provide status on ACL setup (accepted...) boxCollabProperties.put(BoxCollaboration.FIELD_STATUS, "active"); // Nuxeo doesn't provide acknowledge date on status (see // just above) boxCollabProperties.put(BoxCollaboration.FIELD_ACKNOWLEGED_AT, null); // Document itself -> a mandatory folder boxCollabProperties.put(BoxCollaboration.FIELD_FOLDER, boxFolderAdapter.getMiniItem()); // User or Group whom can access to the document NuxeoPrincipal user = userManager.getPrincipal(ace.getUsername()); NuxeoGroup group = userManager.getGroup(ace.getUsername()); boxCollabProperties.put(BoxCollaboration.FIELD_ACCESSIBLE_BY, user != null ? fillUser(user) : fillGroup(group)); // Box Role boxCollabProperties.put(BoxCollaboration.FIELD_ROLE, nxBoxRole.get(ace.getPermission())); return new BoxCollaboration(boxCollabProperties); } /** * Marshalling the box object to JSON */ @Override public String toJSONString(BoxObject boxObject) throws BoxJSONException { BoxJSONParser boxJSONParser = new BoxJSONParser(new BoxResourceHub()); try { return boxObject.toJSONString(boxJSONParser); } catch (BoxJSONException e) { throw new BoxRestException("Box Parser Exception", e, Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getStatusCode()); } } /** * Helpers to get Ids for sequence, etag and id itself. In case of root, sequence and etag are null and id = 0 * according to the box documentation. */ @Override public String getBoxId(DocumentModel doc) { if (doc != null) { return doc.getName() != null ? doc.getId() : "0"; } return null; } @Override public String getBoxSequenceId(DocumentModel doc) { if (doc != null) { return doc.getName() != null ? doc.getId() : null; } return null; } @Override public String getBoxEtag(DocumentModel doc) { if (doc != null) { return doc.getName() != null ? doc.getId() + "_" + doc.getVersionLabel() : null; } return null; } @Override public String getBoxName(DocumentModel doc) { if (doc != null) { return doc.getName() != null ? doc.getName() : "/"; } return null; } /** * Return a box user from a Nuxeo user metamodel */ @Override public BoxUser fillUser(NuxeoPrincipal creator) { final Map<String, Object> mapUser = new HashMap<>(); mapUser.put(BoxItem.FIELD_ID, creator != null ? creator.getPrincipalId() : "system"); mapUser.put(BoxItem.FIELD_NAME, creator != null ? creator.getFirstName() + " " + creator.getLastName() : "system"); mapUser.put(BoxUser.FIELD_LOGIN, creator != null ? creator.getName() : "system"); return new BoxUser(Collections.unmodifiableMap(mapUser)); } /** * Return a box group from a Nuxeo user metamodel */ @Override public BoxGroup fillGroup(NuxeoGroup group) { final Map<String, Object> mapGroup = new HashMap<>(); mapGroup.put(BoxItem.FIELD_ID, group != null ? group.getName() : "system"); mapGroup.put(BoxItem.FIELD_NAME, group != null ? group.getLabel() : "system"); mapGroup.put(BoxUser.FIELD_LOGIN, group != null ? group.getName() : "system"); return new BoxGroup(Collections.unmodifiableMap(mapGroup)); } @Override public BoxFolder getBoxFolder(String jsonBoxFolder) throws BoxJSONException { return new BoxJSONParser(new BoxResourceHub()).parseIntoBoxObject(jsonBoxFolder, BoxFolder.class); } @Override public BoxFile getBoxFile(String jsonBoxFile) throws BoxJSONException { return new BoxJSONParser(new BoxResourceHub()).parseIntoBoxObject(jsonBoxFile, BoxFile.class); } @Override public BoxComment getBoxComment(String jsonBoxComment) throws BoxJSONException { return new BoxJSONParser(new BoxResourceHub()).parseIntoBoxObject(jsonBoxComment, BoxComment.class); } @Override public BoxCollaboration getBoxCollaboration(String jsonBoxCollaboration) throws BoxJSONException { return new BoxJSONParser(new BoxResourceHub()).parseIntoBoxObject(jsonBoxCollaboration, BoxCollaboration.class); } @Override public String getJSONFromBox(BoxTypedObject boxTypedObject) throws BoxJSONException { return boxTypedObject.toJSONString(new BoxJSONParser(new BoxResourceHub())); } /** * @return a Box Exception Response in JSON */ @Override public String getJSONBoxException(Exception e, int status) { NXBoxJsonException boxException = new NXBoxJsonException(); // Message boxException.setCode(e.getMessage()); // Detailed Message boxException.setMessage(e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause().getMessage() : null); boxException.setStatus(status); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String jsonExceptionResponse = StringUtils.EMPTY; try { jsonExceptionResponse = mapper.writeValueAsString(boxException); } catch (JsonProcessingException e1) { throw new BoxRestException("error when marshalling server " + "exception:", e1, Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getStatusCode()); } return jsonExceptionResponse; } /** * @return the array containing Folder Id and Collab Id */ @Override public String[] getCollaborationArrayIds(String collaborationId) { String[] collaborationIds = collaborationId.split(BoxConstants.BOX_COLLAB_DELIM); if (collaborationIds.length == 0) { return new String[2]; } return collaborationIds; } public String computeCollaborationId(String folderId, String collaborationId) { return folderId.concat(BoxConstants.BOX_COLLAB_DELIM).concat(collaborationId); } }