Java tutorial
//Copyright (C) 2010 Novabit Informationssysteme GmbH // //This file is part of Nuclos. // //Nuclos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //Nuclos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License //along with Nuclos. If not, see <>. package org.nuclos.client.ui.collect; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.dnd.DropTarget; import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetDragEvent; import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetDropEvent; import java.awt.dnd.DropTargetEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; import java.awt.event.FocusListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyVetoException; import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JInternalFrame; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.RowSorter.SortKey; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent; import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener; import javax.swing.table.TableModel; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.apache.commons.lang.NullArgumentException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.nuclos.client.common.ClientParameterProvider; import org.nuclos.client.common.DatasourceBasedCollectableFieldsProvider; import org.nuclos.client.common.KeyBindingProvider; import org.nuclos.client.common.MetaDataClientProvider; import org.nuclos.client.common.NuclosCollectController; import org.nuclos.client.common.NuclosCollectControllerFactory; import org.nuclos.client.common.NuclosDropTargetVisitor; import org.nuclos.client.common.OneDropNuclosDropTargetListener; import org.nuclos.client.common.WorkspaceUtils; import org.nuclos.client.entityobject.EntityObjectDelegate; import org.nuclos.client.genericobject.CollectableGenericObject; import org.nuclos.client.genericobject.GenericObjectClientUtils; import org.nuclos.client.genericobject.Modules; import org.nuclos.client.main.Main; import org.nuclos.client.main.mainframe.MainFrame; import org.nuclos.client.main.mainframe.MainFrameTab; import org.nuclos.client.main.mainframe.MainFrameTabbedPane; import org.nuclos.client.masterdata.CollectableMasterDataWithDependants; import org.nuclos.client.searchfilter.SearchFilter; import org.nuclos.client.ui.CommonAbstractAction; import org.nuclos.client.ui.CommonClientWorkerAdapter; import org.nuclos.client.ui.CommonClientWorkerSelfExecutable; import org.nuclos.client.ui.CommonMultiThreader; import org.nuclos.client.ui.Errors; import org.nuclos.client.ui.FrameUtils; import org.nuclos.client.ui.Icons; import org.nuclos.client.ui.ListOfValues; import org.nuclos.client.ui.MainFrameTabAdapter; import org.nuclos.client.ui.OvOpAdapter; import org.nuclos.client.ui.OverlayOptionPane; import org.nuclos.client.ui.ResultListener; import org.nuclos.client.ui.SimpleDocumentListener; import org.nuclos.client.ui.TopController; import org.nuclos.client.ui.UIUtils; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.component.CollectableCheckBox; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.component.CollectableComponent; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.component.CollectableListOfValues; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.component.EntityListOfValues; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.component.ICollectableListOfValues; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.component.model.ChoiceEntityFieldList; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.component.model.DetailsComponentModel; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.component.model.SearchComponentModel; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.detail.DetailsController; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.detail.DetailsPanel; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.model.CollectableTableModel; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.model.SortableCollectableTableModel; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.model.SortableCollectableTableModelImpl; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.result.ResultController; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.result.ResultPanel; import org.nuclos.client.ui.collect.result.SearchResultStrategy; import; import; import; import org.nuclos.client.ui.labeled.LabeledComboBox; import org.nuclos.client.ui.labeled.LabeledDateChooser; import org.nuclos.client.ui.labeled.LabeledListOfValues; import org.nuclos.client.ui.labeled.LabeledTextArea; import org.nuclos.client.ui.labeled.LabeledTextField; import org.nuclos.client.ui.multiaction.MultiActionProgressPanel; import org.nuclos.client.ui.table.SortableTableModel; import org.nuclos.client.ui.table.TableUtils; import org.nuclos.client.valuelistprovider.cache.CollectableFieldsProviderCache; import org.nuclos.common.NuclosEOField; import org.nuclos.common.NuclosFatalException; import org.nuclos.common.ParameterProvider; import org.nuclos.common.SpringApplicationContextHolder; import org.nuclos.common.WorkspaceDescription.EntityPreferences; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.Collectable; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.CollectableEntity; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.CollectableEntityField; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.CollectableField; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.CollectableFieldsProvider; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.CollectableFieldsProviderFactory; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.CollectableUtils; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.searchcondition.AtomicCollectableSearchCondition; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.searchcondition.CollectableIdCondition; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.searchcondition.CollectableIdListCondition; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.searchcondition.CollectableSearchCondition; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.searchcondition.CollectableSubCondition; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.searchcondition.CompositeCollectableSearchCondition; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.searchcondition.LogicalOperator; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.searchcondition.PivotJoinCondition; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.searchcondition.PlainSubCondition; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.searchcondition.RefJoinCondition; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.searchcondition.ReferencingCollectableSearchCondition; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.searchcondition.SearchConditionUtils; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.searchcondition.TrueCondition; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.searchcondition.visit.Visitor; import org.nuclos.common.collect.exception.CollectableFieldFormatException; import org.nuclos.common.collect.exception.CollectableValidationException; import org.nuclos.common.collection.CollectionUtils; import org.nuclos.common.collection.Transformer; import org.nuclos.common.dal.vo.EntityFieldMetaDataVO; import org.nuclos.common2.CommonRunnable; import org.nuclos.common2.IdUtils; import org.nuclos.common2.LangUtils; import org.nuclos.common2.StringUtils; import org.nuclos.common2.exception.CommonBusinessException; import org.nuclos.common2.exception.CommonFatalException; import org.nuclos.common2.exception.CommonFinderException; import org.nuclos.common2.exception.CommonPermissionException; import org.nuclos.common2.exception.CommonStaleVersionException; /** * Controller for collecting data (German: "Daten erfassen"). * Contains the necessary logic to search for, view and edit objects (or database rows). * <br> * <b>Responsibilities:</b> * <ul> * <li>Knows how to select, read, write and delete objects from a persistent store. (Model aspect)</li> * <li>Knows the structure (meta data) of the objects to collect. (Model aspect, CollectableEntity)</li> * <li>Knows how to display and edit objects. (View aspect)</li> * <li>Contains the view, consisting of * <ul> * <li>an JInternalFrame (this is fixed behavior).</li> * <li>a CollectPanel inside the frame.</li> * </ul> * <li>Defines a strategy that is responsible for showing partially loaded objects in the result table * and for completing these objects when they need to be shown completely (in the Details).</li> * <li>Defines a "workflow" consisting of Search, Result and Details with their respective panels, as defined in * CollectPanel.</li> * <li>To be short, has much too much responsibilities...</li> * </ul> * <br> * <br>Created by Novabit Informationssysteme GmbH * <br>Please visit <a href=""></a> * @author <a href="">Christoph.Radig</a> * @version 01.00.00 * TODO try to split up some of the responsibilities in separate classes, but don't sacrifice flexibility, don't make * things even more complicated and don't mess up the views with controller code. That's not an easy task... */ public abstract class CollectController<Clct extends Collectable> extends TopController implements NuclosDropTargetVisitor, Closeable { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CollectController.class); /** * the CollectPanel for this controller * TODO Why is this an extra field inside the frame? */ private WeakReference<CollectPanel<Clct>> pnlCollect; /** * the model used for synchronizing the navigation buttons with the selection in the result table and the result table model. */ private CollectNavigationModel navigationmodel; /** * the state model that encapsulates the states and transitions for the collecting process. * TODO move to CollectPanel */ private CollectStateModel<Clct> statemodel; /** * the collectable entity for this controller */ private final CollectableEntity clcte; private int iLockCount = 0; protected boolean bIsLastTabDetailsModeMultiViewOrEdit = false; protected MouseListener foreignKeyMouseListenerForTableDoubleClick; protected CollectableFieldsProviderCache valueListProviderCache = new CollectableFieldsProviderCache(); /** * @see #isSearchChangedIgnored() */ private boolean bSearchChangedIgnored; /** * @see #isDetailsChangedIgnored() */ private boolean bDetailsChangedIgnored; /** * the source of the last invocation of detailsChanged */ private Object oSourceOfLastDetailsChange; /** * used internally while the frame is closing. */ private boolean bFrameMayBeClosed; private List<CollectableEventListener> collectableListeners = new LinkedList<CollectableEventListener>(); private final SearchController<Clct> ctlSearch = new SearchController<Clct>(this); /** * TODO: Not every CollectController has a ResultController associated with it. * Hence, this field should appear more 'upward' in the hierarchy. * (Thomas Pasch) */ private final ResultController<Clct> ctlResult; private final DetailsController<Clct> ctlDetails = new DetailsController<Clct>(this); private ISearchStrategy<Clct> ss; private final Map<String, Serializable> context = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(); private SearchFilter mainFilter; private boolean newTabCreated = false; private boolean closed = false; private InvokeWithInputRequiredSupport invokeWithInputRequiredSupport = null; /** * Messages for Collectable events */ public static enum MessageType { REFRESH_DONE, REFRESH_DONE_DIRECTLY, EDIT_DONE, STATECHANGE_DONE, DELETE_DONE, NEW_DONE, CLCT_LEFT/* extend as needed */ } /** * Listener Interface for Collectable events */ public static interface CollectableEventListener { public void handleCollectableEvent(Collectable collectable, MessageType messageType); } CollectableEventListener mandatoryResetEventListener = new CollectableEventListener() { @Override public void handleCollectableEvent(Collectable collectable, MessageType messageType) { switch (messageType) { case REFRESH_DONE_DIRECTLY: case STATECHANGE_DONE: case DELETE_DONE: case CLCT_LEFT: resetCollectableComponentModelsInDetailsMandatory(); resetCollectableComponentModelsInDetailsMandatoryAdded(); break; } } }; private ActionListener navigationChangeListener = new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { broadcastCollectableEvent(getSelectedCollectable(), MessageType.CLCT_LEFT); } }; protected FocusListener collectableComponentSearchFocusListener = new FocusListener() { @Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { } @Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { CollectController.this.setDefaultButton(); } }; /** * action: New */ private final Action actNew = new CommonAbstractAction( getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.39", "Neu"), Icons.getInstance().getIconNew16(), getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.23", "Neuen Datensatz erfassen")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { askAndSaveIfNecessary(new ResultListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void done(Boolean result) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)) { cmdEnterNewMode(); } } }); } }; /** * action: Save */ private final Action actSave = new CommonAbstractAction( getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.40", "Speichern"), Icons.getInstance().getIconSave16(), getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.6", "\u00c4nderungen an diesem Datensatz speichern")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { cmdSave(); } }; /** * action: Bookmark */ private final Action actBookmark = new CommonAbstractAction( getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.105", "Lesezeichen setzen"), Icons.getInstance().getIconBookmark16(), getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.106", "Lesezeichen auf den Start Tabs setzen")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { cmdBookmarkSelectedCollectable(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return CollectController.this.getCollectState().isDetailsModeViewOrEdit() || (CollectController.this.getCollectState().isResultMode() && CollectController.this.getSelectedCollectables().size() == 1); } }; /** * action: Bookmark */ private final Action actCopyCells = new CommonAbstractAction( getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("ResultPanel.13", "Kopiere markierte Zellen"), Icons.getInstance().getIconCopy16(), getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("ResultPanel.13", "Kopiere markierte Zellen")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { UIUtils.copyCells(getResultTable()); } }; /** * action: Bookmark */ private final Action actCopyRows = new CommonAbstractAction( getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("ResultPanel.14", "Kopiere markierte Zeilen"), Icons.getInstance().getIconCopy16(), getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("ResultPanel.14", "Kopiere markierte Zeilen")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { UIUtils.copyRows(getResultTable()); } }; /** * action: Open in new tab */ private final Action actOpenInNewTab = new CommonAbstractAction( getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.107", "In neuem Tab \u00f6ffnen"), Icons.getInstance().getIconOpenInNewTab16(), getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.108", "Details in neuem Tab \u00f6ffnen")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { cmdOpenSelectedCollectableInNewTab(); } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return CollectController.this.getCollectState().isDetailsModeViewOrEdit() || (CollectController.this.getCollectState().isResultMode()); } }; /** * action: Clone */ private final Action actClone = new CommonAbstractAction( getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.38", "Klonen"), Icons.getInstance().getIconClone16(), getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.7", "Ausgew\u00e4hlten Datensatz klonen")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { askAndSaveIfNecessary(new ResultListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void done(Boolean result) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)) { cmdCloneSelectedCollectable(); } } }); } }; /** * action: Refresh */ private final Action actRefreshCurrentCollectable = new CommonAbstractAction( getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.37", "Aktualisieren"), Icons.getInstance().getIconRefresh16(), getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.4", "Aktualisieren (Datensatz neu laden und \u00c4nderungen verwerfen)")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { cmdRefreshCurrentCollectable(); } }; /** * action: First */ private final Action actFirst = new CommonAbstractAction( MainFrame.resizeAndCacheIcon(Icons.getInstance().getIconFirstWhite16(), DetailsPanel.recordNavIconSize), null) { //SpringLocaleDelegate.getMessage("CollectController.33","Zum ersten Datensatz springen")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { cmdFirst(); } }; /** * action: Last */ private final Action actLast = new CommonAbstractAction( MainFrame.resizeAndCacheIcon(Icons.getInstance().getIconLastWhite16(), DetailsPanel.recordNavIconSize), null) { //SpringLocaleDelegate.getMessage("CollectController.34","Zum letzten Datensatz springen")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { cmdLast(); } }; /** * action: Previous */ private final Action actPrevious = new CommonAbstractAction(MainFrame.resizeAndCacheIcon( Icons.getInstance().getIconPreviousWhite16(), DetailsPanel.recordNavIconSize), null) { //SpringLocaleDelegate.getMessage("CollectController.36","Zum vorigen Datensatz springen")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { cmdPrevious(); } }; /** * action: Next */ private final Action actNext = new CommonAbstractAction( MainFrame.resizeAndCacheIcon(Icons.getInstance().getIconNextWhite16(), DetailsPanel.recordNavIconSize), null) { //SpringLocaleDelegate.getMessage("CollectController.35","Zum n\u00e4chsten Datensatz springen")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { cmdNext(); } }; /** * action: Next */ private final Action actResetMainFilter = new CommonAbstractAction(null, Icons.getInstance().getIconFilterActive16(), getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.43", "Filter entfernen")) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { cmdResetMainFilter(); } }; protected final DocumentListener documentlistenerDetailsChanged = new SimpleDocumentListener() { @Override public void documentChanged(DocumentEvent ev) { CollectController.this.detailsChanged(ev.getDocument()); } }; protected final ItemListener itemlistenerDetailsChanged = new ItemListener() { @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ev) { CollectController.this.detailsChanged(ev.getSource()); } }; protected final ChangeListener changelistenerDetailsChanged = new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ev) { CollectController.this.detailsChanged(ev.getSource()); } }; protected final TableModelListener tblmdllistenerDetailsChanged = new TableModelListener() { @Override public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent ev) { CollectController.this.detailsChanged(ev.getSource()); } }; protected final ChangeListener changelistenerSearchChanged = new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ev) { CollectController.this.searchChanged(ev.getSource()); } }; /** * constructs a new CollectController.<br> * <em>Important: The constructor of the derived controller class must call * <ol> * <li>setInternalFrame() * <li>initialize() * </ol> * in this order.</em> * @param parent */ protected CollectController(CollectableEntity clcte, MainFrameTab tabIfAny, ResultController<Clct> rc) { super(); this.clcte = clcte; this.ctlResult = rc; this.ctlResult.setCollectController(this); this.invokeWithInputRequiredSupport = SpringApplicationContextHolder .getBean(InvokeWithInputRequiredSupport.class); setTab(tabIfAny); } /** * Don't make this public! * * @deprecated You should normally do sth. like this:<code><pre> * ResultController<~> rc = new ResultController<~>(); * *CollectController<~> cc = new *CollectController<~>(.., rc); * </code></pre> */ protected CollectController(CollectableEntity clcte, MainFrameTab tabIfAny) { this(clcte, tabIfAny, new ResultController<Clct>(clcte, new SearchResultStrategy<Clct>())); } protected WorkspaceUtils getWorkspaceUtils() { return WorkspaceUtils.getInstance(); } protected MainFrame getMainFrame() { return Main.getInstance().getMainFrame(); } public final ISearchStrategy<Clct> getSearchStrategy() { return ss; } public final void setSearchStrategy(ISearchStrategy<Clct> ss) { = ss; } /** * is entity of this controller transferable, that means that collectables * of this entity can be exported and imported. Default is NOT transferable! * * TODO: Make this protected again. */ public boolean isTransferable() { return false; } /** * @deprecated I would wish we could avoid method. * Not every CollectController has a ResultController associated with it. * Hence, this field should appear more 'upward' in the hierarchy. */ public final ResultController<Clct> getResultController() { return ctlResult; } /** * @deprecated I would wish we could avoid method. * Not every CollectController has a ResultController associated with it. * Hence, this field should appear more 'upward' in the hierarchy. */ public final ChoiceEntityFieldList getFields() { return ctlResult.getFields(); } /** * @deprecated Move to SearchController. */ public Collection<SearchComponentModel> getSearchCollectableComponentModels() { return this.ctlSearch.getCollectableComponentModels(); } public List<CollectableComponent> getDetailCollectableComponentsFor(String sFieldName) { return (List<CollectableComponent>) getDetailsPanel().getEditView().getCollectableComponentsFor(sFieldName); } /** * must be called in constructor of derived classes. * TODO refactor! * @param pnlCollect the CollectPanel to be used. */ protected void initialize(CollectPanel<Clct> pnlCollect) { if (pnlCollect == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // set the name of the internal frame to this CollectController's entity name (for GUI testing purposes): if (this.getTab() != null) { this.getTab().setName("ifrm" + StringUtils.capitalized(clcte.getName())); } this.setCollectPanel(pnlCollect); getResultController().initializeFields(); SortableCollectableTableModel<Clct> model = newResultTableModel(); getResultController().setModel(model); // setup sorted fields and sorting order from preferences final List<SortKey> sortKeys = readColumnOrderFromPreferences(); if (model.getColumnCount() > 0) { try { model.setSortKeys(sortKeys, false); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // sortKeys contains invalid column index, ignore } } this.getCollectStateModel().addCollectStateListener(new DefaultCollectStateListener()); this.getResultPanel().setupTableCellRenderers(getResultTable()); getResultController().setColumnWidths(getResultTable()); this.addCollectableEventListener(mandatoryResetEventListener); if (this.isSearchPanelAvailable()) { this.ctlSearch.setupSearchEditor(); } // TODO all actions that are specific to the Details tab must be disabled here and in detailsModeLeft() this.getSaveAction().setEnabled(false); setupDragDrop(); getCollectPanel().getDetailsPanel().addMainFrameTabListener(new MainFrameTabAdapter() { @Override public void tabClosing(MainFrameTab tab, final ResultListener<Boolean> rl) { askAndSaveIfNecessary(true, new ResultListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void done(Boolean result) { rl.done(Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)); } }); } }); } protected void setupDragDrop() { OneDropNuclosDropTargetListener listener = new OneDropNuclosDropTargetListener(this, ClientParameterProvider .getInstance().getIntValue(ParameterProvider.KEY_DRAG_CURSOR_HOLDING_TIME, 600)); DropTarget drop = new DropTarget(this.getResultTable(), listener); drop.setActive(true); } /** * @return the user preferences node for this */ public Preferences getPreferences() { return this.getUserPreferencesRoot().node("collect").node("entity").node(this.getEntityName()); } /** * * @return */ public EntityPreferences getEntityPreferences() { return getMainFrame().getWorkspaceDescription().getEntityPreferences(this.getEntityName()); } /** * @return the application specific user preferences root. Note that this method serves only for the implementation * of getPreferences. Always use getPreferences when you want to store CollectController-specific preferences. */ protected abstract Preferences getUserPreferencesRoot(); /** * @return the "New" action * * TODO: Move to ResultPanel and make protected again. */ public final Action getNewAction() { return this.actNew; } /** * @return the "New with search values" action * * @deprecated Move to SearchController and make protected again. */ public final Action getNewWithSearchValuesAction() { return ctlSearch.getNewWithSearchValuesAction(); } /** * @return the "Save" action * * TODO: Make protected again. */ public final Action getSaveAction() { return this.actSave; } /** * @return the "Refresh current collectable" action * * TODO: Move to DetailsController??? * TODO: Make protected again. */ public final Action getRefreshCurrentCollectableAction() { return this.actRefreshCurrentCollectable; } /** * @return the "Search" action * * @deprecated Move to SearchController. */ protected final Action getSearchAction() { return ctlSearch.getSearchAction(); } /** * @return the "Open in new tab" action * * TODO: Make protected again. */ public final Action getOpenInNewTabAction() { return this.actOpenInNewTab; } /** * TODO: Make protected again. */ public final Action getCopyCellsAction() { return this.actCopyCells; } /** * TODO: Make protected again. */ public final Action getCopyRowsAction() { return this.actCopyRows; } /** * @return the "Bookmark" action * * TODO: Move to ResultPanel and make protected again. */ public final Action getBookmarkAction() { return this.actBookmark; } /** * @return the "Clone" action * * TODO: Move to ResultPanel and make protected again. */ public final Action getCloneAction() { return this.actClone; } /** * @return the "First" action * * TODO: Make protected again. */ public final Action getFirstAction() { return this.actFirst; } /** * @return the "Last" action * * TODO: Make protected again. */ public final Action getLastAction() { return this.actLast; } /** * @return the "Previous" action * * TODO: Make protected again. */ public final Action getPreviousAction() { return this.actPrevious; } /** * @return the "Next" action * * TODO: Make protected again. */ public final Action getNextAction() { return this.actNext; } /** * @return the "Reset Main Filter" action * * TODO: Make protected again. */ public final Action getResetMainFilterAction() { return this.actResetMainFilter; } /** * * @param sortImmediately */ public void restoreColumnOrderFromPreferences(boolean sortImmediately) { getResultTableModel().setSortKeys(readColumnOrderFromPreferences(), sortImmediately); } /** * Reads the user-preferences for the sorting order. */ protected List<SortKey> readColumnOrderFromPreferences() { return readColumnOrderFromPreferences(getResultTableModel()); } /** * Reads the user-preferences for the sorting order. */ protected List<SortKey> readColumnOrderFromPreferences(final SortableCollectableTableModel<Clct> tblmdl) { return getWorkspaceUtils().getSortKeys(getEntityPreferences(), new WorkspaceUtils.IColumnIndexRecolver() { @Override public int getColumnIndex(String columnIdentifier) { try { return tblmdl.findColumnByFieldName(columnIdentifier); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { LOG.error("ResultTableModel is not sortable", cce); return -1; } } }); } /** * displays the current search condition in the Search panel's status bar. * * @deprecated Move to SearchController. */ protected final void cmdDisplayCurrentSearchConditionInSearchPanelStatusBar() { UIUtils.runShortCommand(this.getTab(), new CommonRunnable() { @Override public void run() { ctlSearch.displayCurrentSearchConditionInSearchPanelStatusBar(); } }); } /** * @return <code>CollectableFieldsProviderFactory</code> for the search editor. This is used to * display the list of possible values in the dropdown for atomic search nodes. * The default implementation returns null. To enable the search editor, a subclass must return * a valid factory here. * * @deprecated Move to SearchController and make protected again. */ public CollectableFieldsProviderFactory getCollectableFieldsProviderFactoryForSearchEditor() { return null; } /** * @deprecated Move to SearchController and make protected again. */ public Collection<CollectableEntityField> getAdditionalSearchFields() { return null; } /** * @return <code>MultiActionProgressPanel</code> for the MultiObjectsActionController. * * TODO: Make protected again. */ public MultiActionProgressPanel getMultiActionProgressPanel(int iCount) { return new MultiActionProgressPanel(iCount); } /** * Locks or unlocks the frame, i.e. makes it (im)possible for the user to trigger any action on it. * This is mostly used for background processes * @param bLock lock if true, unlock else * TODO rename to setFrameLocked */ public void lockFrame(boolean bLock) { if (bLock) { iLockCount++; if (iLockCount > 0) { UIUtils.showWaitCursorForFrame(this.getTab(), true); CollectController.this.setTitle(getTab().getTitle() + " (" + getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.19", "In Bearbeitung") + ")"); } } else { iLockCount--; if (iLockCount == 0) { UIUtils.showWaitCursorForFrame(this.getTab(), false); CollectController.this.setTitle(); } } } /** * Remove the lock on a frame (glasspane etc.) forcefully, mostly in case of error */ public void forceUnlockFrame() { iLockCount = 0; UIUtils.showWaitCursorForFrame(this.getTab(), false); CollectController.this.setTitle(getTab().getTitle()); } /** * Checks wether user action is prohibited or not, i.e. a background process on this object is running or not. * @return * TODO rename to isFrameLocked * TODO Is this needed at all? It's never used. */ public boolean isLocked() { return iLockCount == 0; } /** * @param sTitle * @return a new tab for this controller, as specified by <code>newTab()</code>, with the given title. */ protected final MainFrameTab newTab(String sTitle) { final MainFrameTab result = newTab(); result.setTitle(sTitle); return result; } /** * TODO refactor * @param pnlCollect */ final void setCollectPanel(CollectPanel<Clct> pnlCollect) { _setCollectPanel(new WeakReference<CollectPanel<Clct>>(pnlCollect)); this.statemodel = new CollectStateModel<Clct>(this.getCollectPanel(), this); // initialize "New" and "Clone" actions: this.getNewAction().setEnabled(CollectController.this.isNewAllowed()); this.getNewWithSearchValuesAction().setEnabled(false); this.getCloneAction().setEnabled(false); if (this.isSearchPanelAvailable()) { this.ctlSearch.setupSearchPanel(); } this.ctlResult.setupResultPanel(); this.ctlDetails.setupDetailsPanel(); } /** * Command: view the selected Collectable(s). */ public void cmdViewSelectedCollectables() { if (this.multipleCollectablesSelected()) { this.cmdEnterMultiViewMode(); } else { this.cmdEnterViewMode(); } } /** * @return Is more than one Collectable (row) selected in the Result table? * * TODO: move to navigation model? Or ResultController? * TODO: Make this protected again. */ public final boolean multipleCollectablesSelected() { return this.getResultTable().getSelectedRowCount() > 1; } /** * sets the internal frame to be used * @param ifrm */ private void setTab(final MainFrameTab tabIfAny) { super.setParent(tabIfAny == null ? newTab() : tabIfAny); initTab(); } protected void initTab() { // prevent that the frame is closed when changes are pending: getTab().addVetoableChangeListener(new VetoableChangeListener() { @Override public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) throws PropertyVetoException { if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(JInternalFrame.IS_CLOSED_PROPERTY)) { final Boolean bOldValue = (Boolean) evt.getOldValue(); final Boolean bNewValue = (Boolean) evt.getNewValue(); if (bOldValue == Boolean.FALSE && bNewValue == Boolean.TRUE) { // We need bFrameMayBeClosed as a member variable here, as it is set in // cmdFrameClosing and must be checked here. // JInternalFrame.setClosed() first sends a frame closing event, then a vetoable change event. // Note that this is totally weird. See JInternalFrame.setClosed() if (!CollectController.this.bFrameMayBeClosed) { throw new PropertyVetoException("do not close", evt); } } } } }); // override close behavior: getTab().addMainFrameTabListener(new MainFrameTabAdapter() { @Override public void tabSelected(MainFrameTab tab) { setDefaultButton(); } @Override public void tabClosing(MainFrameTab tab, final ResultListener<Boolean> rl) { askAndSaveIfNecessary(new ResultListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void done(Boolean result) { rl.done(Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)); } }); } @Override public void tabClosed(MainFrameTab tab) { CollectController.this.close(); tab.removeMainFrameTabListener(this); } }); } protected MainFrameTab newTab() { MainFrameTab tab = new MainFrameTab(); newTabCreated = true; return tab; } /** * */ public void init() { if (newTabCreated) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Main.getInstance().getMainController().initMainFrameTab(CollectController.this, getTab()); MainFrame.getPredefinedEntityOpenLocation(getEntityName()).add(getTab()); } }); } getResultPanel().getSearchFilterBar().addItemListener(new MainFilterChangeListener()); } protected void setDefaultButton() { if (CollectController.this.getSearchPanel().getRootPane() != null) CollectController.this.getSearchPanel().getRootPane() .setDefaultButton(CollectController.this.getSearchPanel().btnSearch); } public boolean isClosed() { return closed; } /** * Called when the internal frame is closed. Releases all resources held by the controller. * This is the right place to remove all listeners. */ @Override public void close() { if (!closed) { LOG.debug("close(): " + this); // Search panel: if (this.isSearchPanelAvailable()) { this.ctlSearch.close(); } // Result panel: this.ctlResult.close(); // Details panel: this.ctlDetails.close(); ss = null; pnlCollect = null; // Partial fix for collectableComponentSearchFocusListener = null; closed = true; } } /** * @return Does this <code>CollectController</code> have a Search panel? */ public final boolean isSearchPanelAvailable() { return this.getCollectPanel().containsSearchPanel(); } /** * @return the source of the last invocation of detailsChanged. * TODO move to DetailsController */ protected final Object getSourceOfLastDetailsChange() { return this.oSourceOfLastDetailsChange; } /** * resets the source of the last invocation of detailsChanged. It is important to do this in order to prevent * memory leaks, esp. when using dynamic layouts. * TODO move to DetailsController */ protected final void resetSourceOfLastDetailsChange() { this.oSourceOfLastDetailsChange = null; } /** * sets the detailsChangedIgnored property. * @param bDetailsChangedIgnored * @postcondition isDetailsChangedIgnored() == bDetailsChangedIgnored * @see #isDetailsChangedIgnored() * TODO move to DetailsController */ public final void setDetailsChangedIgnored(boolean bDetailsChangedIgnored) { this.bDetailsChangedIgnored = bDetailsChangedIgnored; } /** * @return Is detailsChanged() ignored? If so, detailsChanged() won't be called when the values of * <code>CollectableComponent</code>s change. * TODO move to DetailsController */ public final boolean isDetailsChangedIgnored() { return this.bDetailsChangedIgnored; } /** * Notification: the details have changed * @param oSource the source that caused the change * * @deprecated Move to DetailsController and make protected again. */ public final void detailsChanged(final Object oSource) { if (!isDetailsChangedIgnored()) { CollectController.this.ctlDetails.updateStatusBarIfNecessary(); // this must be run later as the following actions might add or remove collectable component // listeners, or other listeners that caused the event to be fired: // TODO runCommandLater is critical here - synchronous execution (runCommand) would be desirable! UIUtils.runShortCommandLater(getTab(), new CommonRunnable() { @Override public void run() throws CommonBusinessException { CollectController.this.oSourceOfLastDetailsChange = oSource; switch (statemodel.getDetailsMode()) { case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_VIEW: setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, CollectState.DETAILSMODE_EDIT); break; case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_NEW: setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, CollectState.DETAILSMODE_NEW_CHANGED); break; case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_NEW_SEARCHVALUE: setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, CollectState.DETAILSMODE_NEW_CHANGED); break; case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_MULTIVIEW: setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, CollectState.DETAILSMODE_MULTIEDIT); break; default: // do nothing LOG.debug( "detailsChanged fired in details mode " + getCollectStateModel().getDetailsMode()); } } }); } } /** * @deprecated Move to DetailsController. */ protected final DetailsComponentModel getDetailsComponentModel(String sFieldName) { for (DetailsComponentModel componentModel : CollectController.this.ctlDetails .getCollectableComponentModels()) { if (componentModel.getFieldName().equals(sFieldName)) { return componentModel; } } throw new CommonFatalException("Field with name " + sFieldName + " not found!"); } /** * sets the searchChangedIgnored property. * @param bSearchChangedIgnored * @postcondition isSearchChangedIgnored() == bSearchChangedIgnored * @see #isSearchChangedIgnored() * TODO move to SearchController */ protected final void setSearchChangedIgnored(boolean bSearchChangedIgnored) { this.bSearchChangedIgnored = bSearchChangedIgnored; } /** * @return Is searchChanged() ignored? If so, searchChanged() won't be called when the values of * <code>CollectableComponent</code>s change. * TODO move to SearchController */ protected final boolean isSearchChangedIgnored() { return this.bSearchChangedIgnored; } /** * Notification: the search have changed * @param oSource the source that caused the change * * @deprecated Move to SearchController and make protected again. */ public final void searchChanged(Object oSource) { if (!isSearchChangedIgnored()) { // set status bar in Search panel according to the current search condition: CollectController.this.cmdDisplayCurrentSearchConditionInSearchPanelStatusBar(); // "new with search values" action: if (oSource != null && isNewAllowed()) { getNewWithSearchValuesAction().setEnabled(true); } } } /** * @return the <code>EditView</code> in the Search panel. */ protected final EditView getSearchEditView() { return this.getSearchPanel().getEditView(); } /** * @return the <code>EditView</code> in the Details panel. */ protected final EditView getDetailsEditView() { return this.getDetailsPanel().getEditView(); } /** * @param bSearch true = Search panel, false = Details panel * @return the <code>EditView</code> in the Search or Details panel. */ protected final EditView getEditView(boolean bSearch) { return bSearch ? this.getSearchEditView() : this.getDetailsEditView(); } /** * makes the views of the given components consistent with their models. * @param bSearch * @param sFieldName * @throws CollectableFieldFormatException * TODO inline - after reconsidering makeConsistent() vs. stopEditing() */ public final void makeConsistent(boolean bSearch, String sFieldName) throws CollectableFieldFormatException { this.getEditView(bSearch).makeConsistent(sFieldName); } /** * makes the views of the given components consistent with their models. * @param bSearch * @throws CollectableFieldFormatException * TODO inline - but @see LeasedObjectCollectController. */ public void makeConsistent(boolean bSearch) throws CollectableFieldFormatException { // make the model consistent with the view: this.getEditView(bSearch).makeConsistent(); } /** * @return Have the change listeners for the Details tab been added? * TODO move to DetailsController */ protected final boolean changeListenersForDetailsAdded() { return this.ctlDetails.getChangeListenersAdded(); } /** * adds the change listeners for the Details tab * @precondition !this.changeListenersForDetailsAdded() * @postcondition this.changeListenersForDetailsAdded() * TODO move to DetailsController */ protected final void addChangeListenersForDetails() { this.ctlDetails.addChangeListeners(); assert this.changeListenersForDetailsAdded(); } /** * removes the change listeners for the details tab * @postcondition !this.changeListenersForDetailsAdded() * TODO move to DetailsController */ protected final void removeChangeListenersForDetails() { this.ctlDetails.removeChangeListeners(); assert !this.changeListenersForDetailsAdded(); } /** * adds additional change listeners for the Details tab. * Default implementation: do nothing. * Derived classes may override this method to add change listeners for additional * (non-collectable) components. * * @deprecated Move to DetailsController and make protected again. */ public void addAdditionalChangeListenersForDetails() { // optional - do nothing here } /** * removes additional change listeners for the Details tab. * Default implementation: do nothing. * Derived classes may override this method to remove change listeners for additional * (non-collectable) components. * * @deprecated Move to DetailsController and make protected again. */ public void removeAdditionalChangeListenersForDetails() { // optional - do nothing here } /** * @return Have the change listeners for the Search tab been added? * * @deprecated Move to SearchController. */ protected final boolean changeListenersForSearchAdded() { return this.ctlSearch.getChangeListenersAdded(); } /** * adds the change listeners for the Search tab * @precondition !this.changeListenersForSearchAdded() * @postcondition this.changeListenersForSearchAdded() * @deprecated Move to SearchController. */ protected final void addChangeListenersForSearch() { this.ctlSearch.addChangeListeners(); assert this.changeListenersForSearchAdded(); } /** * removes the change listeners for the search tab * @postcondition !this.changeListenersForSearchAdded() * * @deprecated Move to SearchController. */ protected final void removeChangeListenersForSearch() { this.ctlSearch.removeChangeListeners(); assert !this.changeListenersForSearchAdded(); } /** * adds additional change listeners for the Search tab. * Default implementation: do nothing. * Derived classes may override this method to add change listeners for additional * (non-collectable) components. * * @deprecated Move to SearchController */ public void addAdditionalChangeListenersForSearch() { // optional - do nothing here } /** * removes additional change listeners for the Search tab. * Default implementation: do nothing. * Derived classes may override this method to remove change listeners for additional * (non-collectable) components. * * @deprecated Move to SearchController and make protected again. */ public void removeAdditionalChangeListenersForSearch() { // optional - do nothing here } /** * the regular entry point: start in Search tab */ public final void runSearch() throws CommonBusinessException { this.runSearch(true); } /** * the regular entry point: start in Search tab */ public final void runSearch(boolean selectTab) throws CommonBusinessException { this.setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_SEARCH, CollectState.SEARCHMODE_UNSYNCHED); if (selectTab) { this.selectTab(); } } public final void runSearchWith(CollectableSearchCondition cond) throws CommonBusinessException { this.setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_SEARCH, CollectState.SEARCHMODE_UNSYNCHED); if (cond != null) { this.setCollectableSearchConditionInSearchPanel(cond); } this.selectTab(); } /** * alternative entry point: lookup a <code>Collectable</code> (in a foreign entity). */ public void runLookupCollectable(final ICollectableListOfValues clctlovSource) throws CommonBusinessException { // show the internal frame in the front of the modal layer: final MainFrameTab ifrm = this.getTab(); ifrm.setVisible(true); if (!clctlovSource.isSearchComponent()) { String label = getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.41", "Auswahl bernehmen"); String description = getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.42", "Findet die bernahme in einem Unterformular statt werden mittels Mehrfachauswahl zustzliche Datenstze im Unterformular erzeugt."); if (clctlovSource instanceof CollectableListOfValues) { final CollectableListOfValues clov = (CollectableListOfValues) clctlovSource; if (clov.getValueListProvider() instanceof DatasourceBasedCollectableFieldsProvider) { ss.setValueListProviderDatasource( ((DatasourceBasedCollectableFieldsProvider) clov.getValueListProvider()) .getDatasourceVO()); ss.setValueListProviderDatasourceParameter( ((DatasourceBasedCollectableFieldsProvider) clov.getValueListProvider()) .getValueListParameter()); } else if (clov .getValueListProvider() instanceof CollectableFieldsProviderCache.CachingCollectableFieldsProvider) { CollectableFieldsProvider delegate = ((CollectableFieldsProviderCache.CachingCollectableFieldsProvider) clov .getValueListProvider()).getDelegate(); if (delegate instanceof DatasourceBasedCollectableFieldsProvider) { ss.setValueListProviderDatasource( ((DatasourceBasedCollectableFieldsProvider) delegate).getDatasourceVO()); ss.setValueListProviderDatasourceParameter( ((DatasourceBasedCollectableFieldsProvider) delegate).getValueListParameter()); } } } else if (clctlovSource instanceof EntityListOfValues) { label = getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.lookup.generation", "Objekte ausw\u00e4hlen"); description = getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage( "CollectController.lookup.generation.description", "Parameterobjekte fr die Objektgenerierung ausw\u00e4hlen."); } final JMenuItem miPopupApplySelection = new JMenuItem(label); miPopupApplySelection.setToolTipText(description); getResultPanel().popupmenuRow.removeAll();//.addSeparator(); getResultPanel().popupmenuRow.add(miPopupApplySelection); miPopupApplySelection.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { acceptLookedUpCollectable(clctlovSource); getTab().dispose(); } }); } // remove mouse listener for double click in table: getResultPanel().removeDoubleClickMouseListener(this.getMouseListenerForTableDoubleClick()); // add alternative mouse listener for foreign key lookup: foreignKeyMouseListenerForTableDoubleClick = new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent ev) { if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(ev) && ev.getClickCount() == 2) { int iRow = getResultTable().rowAtPoint(ev.getPoint()); if (iRow >= 0 && iRow < getResultTable().getRowCount()) { getResultTable().getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(iRow, iRow); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { acceptLookedUpCollectable(clctlovSource); getTab().dispose(); } }); } } } }; getResultPanel().addDoubleClickMouseListener(foreignKeyMouseListenerForTableDoubleClick); // @see NUCLOS-432 //getResultTable().setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); getResultTable().getActionMap().put(KeyBindingProvider.EDIT_2.getKey(), new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { acceptLookedUpCollectable(clctlovSource); getTab().dispose(); } }); if (this.isSearchPanelAvailable()) { if (ss.getValueListProviderDatasource() != null) { this.runViewAll(); } else { this.runSearch(); } } else { this.runViewAll(); } final Boolean modalLookup = (Boolean) clctlovSource .getProperty(ICollectableListOfValues.PROPERTY_MODAL_LOOKUP); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(modalLookup)) { JDialog d = new JDialog(Main.getInstance().getMainFrame(), ifrm.getTitle(), true); FrameUtils.externalizeIntoWindow(ifrm, d); d.pack(); d.setVisible(true); } } /** * alternative entry point: enter new object */ public final void runNew() throws CommonBusinessException { this.runNew(true); } /** * alternative entry point: enter new object */ public final void runNew(boolean selectTab) throws CommonBusinessException { this.setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, CollectState.DETAILSMODE_NEW); if (selectTab) { this.selectTab(); } } public final void runNewWith(Clct clct) throws CommonBusinessException { this.setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, CollectState.DETAILSMODE_NEW); if (clct != null) { this.unsafeFillDetailsPanel(clct); } this.selectTab(); } /** * alternative entry point: view single object in Details * @param clct the object to view in Details * @precondition clct != null * @precondition isCollectableComplete(clct) * @see #readCollectable(Collectable) */ public final void runViewSingleCollectable(Clct clct) { runViewSingleCollectable(clct, true); } /** * alternative entry point: view single object in Details * @param clct the object to view in Details * @precondition clct != null * @precondition isCollectableComplete(clct) * @see #readCollectable(Collectable) */ public final void runViewSingleCollectable(Clct clct, boolean bShow) { if (clct == null) { throw new NullArgumentException("clct"); } if (!ss.isCollectableComplete(clct)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("clct"); } this.viewSingleCollectable(clct); if (bShow) this.selectTab(); } /** * alternative entry point: view single object in Details. * runs the Controller starting in Details view displaying the object with the given id. * @param oId * @throws CommonBusinessException */ public final void runViewSingleCollectableWithId(Object oId) throws CommonBusinessException { this.runViewSingleCollectableWithId(oId, true); } /** * alternative entry point: view single object in Details. * runs the Controller starting in Details view displaying the object with the given id. * @param oId * @throws CommonBusinessException */ public final void runViewSingleCollectableWithId(Object oId, boolean bShow) throws CommonBusinessException { runViewSingleCollectable(findCollectableById(getEntityName(), oId), bShow); } public final void runViewMultipleCollectablesWithIds(List<Object> ids) throws CommonBusinessException { getSearchStrategy().setCollectableIdListCondition(new CollectableIdListCondition(ids)); fillResultPanel(getSearchStrategy().getSearchResult()); getResultTable().getSelectionModel().addSelectionInterval(0, getResultTable().getRowCount() - 1); setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, CollectState.DETAILSMODE_MULTIVIEW); selectTab(); } protected void selectTab() { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { getTab().setVisible(true); } }); } /** * @param clct * @precondition clct != null * @precondition isCollectableComplete(clct) */ private void viewSingleCollectable(Clct clct) { if (clct == null) { throw new NullArgumentException("clct"); } if (!ss.isCollectableComplete(clct)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("clct"); } // fill result table: this.fillResultPanel(new ArrayList<Clct>(Collections.singletonList(clct))); getCollectPanel().getResultPanel().getResultTable().setRowSelectionInterval(0, 0); // select the one result row this.cmdEnterViewMode(); } /** * alternative entry point: view all (in Results tab) * TODO refactor using runViewResults */ public final void runViewAll() throws CommonBusinessException { this.runViewAll(true); } /** * alternative entry point: view all (in Results tab) * TODO refactor using runViewResults */ public final void runViewAll(boolean selectTab) throws CommonBusinessException { this.getCollectPanel().setTabbedPaneEnabledAt(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, false); this.viewAll(); this.setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_RESULT, CollectState.RESULTMODE_NOSELECTION); if (selectTab) { this.selectTab(); } } /** * views all records in the Results tab. Calls search() with initial (or missing) search condition. * TODO refactor */ protected void viewAll() throws CommonBusinessException {; } /** * alternative entry point: view all (in Results tab) * @precondition this.isSearchPanelAvailable() * * TODO: Argument should be List<Long>. */ public final void runViewResults(List<? extends Object> oIds) throws CommonBusinessException { getResultController().getSearchResultStrategy().viewList(oIds); this.setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_RESULT, CollectState.RESULTMODE_NOSELECTION); this.selectTab(); } /** * alternative entry point: view all (in Results tab) * @precondition this.isSearchPanelAvailable() */ public final void runViewResults(CollectableSearchCondition cond) throws CommonBusinessException { if (!this.isSearchPanelAvailable()) { throw new IllegalStateException("this.isSearchPanelAvailable()"); } this.getCollectPanel().setTabbedPaneEnabledAt(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, false); this.setCollectableSearchConditionInSearchPanel(cond);; this.setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_RESULT, CollectState.RESULTMODE_NOSELECTION); this.selectTab(); } /** * alternative entry point: view search result (in Results tab) * @precondition this.isSearchPanelAvailable() * * @deprecated Move to ResultController. */ public final void runViewResults(final ICollectableListOfValues clctlovSource) throws CommonBusinessException { // remove mouse listener for double click in table: final JTable tbl = this.getResultTable(); tbl.removeMouseListener(this.getMouseListenerForTableDoubleClick()); // add alternative mouse listener for foreign key lookup: foreignKeyMouseListenerForTableDoubleClick = new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent ev) { if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(ev) && ev.getClickCount() == 2) { try { final Collectable clctSelected = CollectController.this.getCompleteSelectedCollectable(); // TODO assert clctSelected != null ? if (clctSelected != null) { clctlovSource.acceptLookedUpCollectable(clctSelected); // remove the mouse listener after it has done its job: // tbl.removeMouseListener(this); // TODO may whatever mouselistener was installed should be removed from the table in "close()" // Note that Controller.close() is called implicitly here: getTab().dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(getTab(), ex); } } } }; tbl.addMouseListener(foreignKeyMouseListenerForTableDoubleClick); if (!this.isSearchPanelAvailable()) { throw new IllegalStateException("this.isSearchPanelAvailable()"); } this.setCollectableSearchConditionInSearchPanel(clctlovSource.getCollectableSearchCondition()); this.selectTab(); getResultController().getSearchResultStrategy().cmdSearch(); this.getCollectPanel().setTabbedPaneEnabledAt(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, false); this.getCollectPanel().setTabbedPaneEnabledAt(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_SEARCH, false); } /** * @param bMakeConsistent make the search component models consistent with their components? That is: transfer the * search condition from the view to the model if they differ? This parameter is passed to #getCollectableSearchConditionFromSearchFields. * @return the search condition taken from the search fields or the search editor. May be <code>null</code>. * @postcondition !this.isSearchPanelAvailable() --> (result == null) * @postcondition result == null || result.isSyntacticallyCorrect() * @throws CollectableFieldFormatException if the search condition is not syntactically correct. * TODO this.isSearchPanelAvailable() should be a precondition here * * @deprecated Move to SearchController and make protected again. */ public final CollectableSearchCondition getCollectableSearchConditionFromSearchPanel(boolean bMakeConsistent) throws CollectableFieldFormatException { final CollectableSearchCondition result = !this.isSearchPanelAvailable() ? null : (getSearchPanel().isSearchEditorVisible() || this.getImportedSearchCondition() != null ? getMixedSearchCondition(bMakeConsistent) : this.getCollectableSearchConditionFromSearchFields(bMakeConsistent)); if (result != null && !result.isSyntacticallyCorrect()) { // TODO an InvalidSearchConditionException would be better here throw new CollectableFieldFormatException("Die Suchbedingung ist unvollst\u00e4ndig."); } LangUtils.implies(!this.isSearchPanelAvailable(), result == null); assert result == null || result.isSyntacticallyCorrect(); return result; } private CollectableSearchCondition importedSearchCondition = null; protected void setImportedSearchCondition(CollectableSearchCondition pImportedSearchCondition) { this.importedSearchCondition = pImportedSearchCondition; } protected CollectableSearchCondition getImportedSearchCondition() { return this.importedSearchCondition; } protected void removeImportedSearchConditionWithStatus() { setImportedSearchConditionWithStatus(null); } protected void setImportedSearchConditionWithStatus(CollectableSearchCondition searchCondition) { this.setImportedSearchCondition(searchCondition); setDisplayMixedSearchConditionForSearchEditor(searchCondition != null); cmdDisplayCurrentSearchConditionInSearchPanelStatusBar(); } private CollectableSearchCondition getMixedSearchCondition(boolean bMakeConsistent) throws CollectableFieldFormatException { CollectableSearchCondition editorSearchCondition = getSearchPanel().getSearchEditorPanel() .getSearchCondition(); CollectableSearchCondition fieldsSearchCondition = this .getCollectableSearchConditionFromSearchFields(bMakeConsistent); if (this.getImportedSearchCondition() != null) { if (editorSearchCondition == null && fieldsSearchCondition == null) { return this.getImportedSearchCondition(); } CompositeCollectableSearchCondition mixedSearchCondition = new CompositeCollectableSearchCondition( LogicalOperator.AND); mixedSearchCondition.addOperand(this.getImportedSearchCondition()); setDisplayMixedSearchConditionForSearchEditor(true); if (editorSearchCondition != null) { mixedSearchCondition.addOperand(editorSearchCondition); } else { if (fieldsSearchCondition != null) { mixedSearchCondition.addOperand(fieldsSearchCondition); } } return mixedSearchCondition; } else { return editorSearchCondition; } } /** * @deprecated Move to SearchController. */ public void setDisplayMixedSearchConditionForSearchEditor(boolean isMixedSearchCondition) { this.ctlSearch.setDisplayMixedSearchCondition(isMixedSearchCondition); } /** * @return the search condition to display (in the status bar). By default, this is the search condition given by * getCollectableSearchCondition(), with labels sorted in ascending order. May be <code>null</code>. * @throws CollectableFieldFormatException * * @deprecated Move to SearchController and make protected again. */ public CollectableSearchCondition getCollectableSearchConditionToDisplay() throws CollectableFieldFormatException { return SearchConditionUtils.sortedByLabels(ss.getCollectableSearchCondition()); } /** * sets the given search condition in the search panel. * If the search editor is visible, sets the search condition there. * Otherwise, tries to set the search condition in the search fields. * If the search condition cannot be displayed in the search fields, * the search editor is shown and the search condition is set there. * @param cond * @precondition this.isSearchPanelAvailable() * TODO move to SearchPanel */ protected final void setCollectableSearchConditionInSearchPanel(CollectableSearchCondition pCond) { if (!this.isSearchPanelAvailable()) { throw new IllegalStateException("this.isSearchPanelAvailable"); } CollectableSearchCondition cond = removeAndSetPlainSubCondition(pCond); if (cond == null) { return; } if (!getSearchPanel().isSearchEditorVisible() && !getSearchPanel().canDisplayConditionInFields(cond)) { getSearchPanel().setSearchEditorVisible(true); } if (getSearchPanel().isSearchEditorVisible()) { getSearchPanel().getSearchEditorPanel().setSortedSearchCondition(cond); } else { try { this.setSearchFieldsAccordingToSearchCondition(cond, true); } catch (Exception ex) { "Suchbedingung kann nicht in der Maske dargestellt werden. Daher wird der Sucheditor aktiviert.", ex); getSearchPanel().setSearchEditorVisible(true); getSearchPanel().getSearchEditorPanel().setSortedSearchCondition(cond); } } } private CollectableSearchCondition removeAndSetPlainSubCondition(CollectableSearchCondition cond) { if (cond instanceof PlainSubCondition) { this.setImportedSearchConditionWithStatus(cond); return null; } if (cond instanceof CompositeCollectableSearchCondition) { List<CollectableSearchCondition> notPlainOperands = new ArrayList<CollectableSearchCondition>(); List<CollectableSearchCondition> cOperands = ((CompositeCollectableSearchCondition) cond).getOperands(); for (CollectableSearchCondition operand : cOperands) { if (operand instanceof PlainSubCondition) { this.setImportedSearchCondition(operand); } else { notPlainOperands.add(operand); } } if (notPlainOperands.size() > 1) { return new CompositeCollectableSearchCondition( ((CompositeCollectableSearchCondition) cond).getLogicalOperator(), notPlainOperands); } else { return notPlainOperands.get(0); } } return cond; } /** * @param bMakeConsistent make the search component models consistent with their components? That is: transfer the * search condition from the view to the model if they differ? * @return the search condition contained in the search panel's fields. * Subclasses may include non-collectable components and/or subforms here. * @precondition this.isSearchPanelAvailable() * @postcondition result == null || result.isSyntacticallyCorrect() * * @deprecated Move to SearchController or SearchPanel and make protected again. */ public CollectableSearchCondition getCollectableSearchConditionFromSearchFields(boolean bMakeConsistent) throws CollectableFieldFormatException { if (!this.isSearchPanelAvailable()) { throw new IllegalStateException("!this.isSearchPanelAvailable()"); } if (bMakeConsistent) { this.makeConsistent(true); } final CollectableSearchCondition result = this.getSearchConditionFromModel(); assert result == null || result.isSyntacticallyCorrect(); return result; } /** * @return the search condition contained in the search panel's model. * @postcondition !this.isSearchPanelAvailable() --> (result == null) * @postcondition result == null || result.isSyntacticallyCorrect() */ protected final CollectableSearchCondition getSearchConditionFromModel() { final CollectableSearchCondition result = this.isSearchPanelAvailable() ? this.getSearchPanel().getEditModel().getSearchCondition() : null; LangUtils.implies(!this.isSearchPanelAvailable(), result == null); assert result == null || result.isSyntacticallyCorrect(); return result; } /** * sets the search fields (as opposed to the search editor) according to the given search condition. * @param cond * @param bClearSearchFields Clear all search fields before setting the search condition? * * @deprecated Move to SearchController and make protected again. */ public void setSearchFieldsAccordingToSearchCondition(CollectableSearchCondition cond, boolean bClearSearchFields) throws CommonBusinessException { this._setSearchFieldsAccordingToSearchCondition(cond, bClearSearchFields); } /** * sets the search fields (as opposed to the search editor) according to the given search condition. * This is <code>CollectController</code>'s default implementation of <code>setSearchFieldsAccordingToSearchCondition</code>. * @param cond * @param bClearSearchFields * @throws CommonBusinessException */ private void _setSearchFieldsAccordingToSearchCondition(CollectableSearchCondition cond, boolean bClearSearchFields) throws CommonBusinessException { if (cond == null) { this.clearSearchFields(); } else { /** TODO check if the search condition can be displayed in the fields at all, * eg. isBasicSearchCondition() - isComplexSearchCondition(). * For the moment, we assume isBasicSearchCondition(). A basic search condition would be a * conjunction, which may be nested. Prohibited are NOT, OR. */ if (bClearSearchFields) { // TODO optimize: only clear those search fields that are not contained in the search condition this.clearSearchFields(); } cond.accept(new SetSearchFieldsVisitor()); } } // TODO refactor - this should not be a method here protected void _setSearchFieldsAccordingToSubCondition(CollectableSubCondition subcond) throws CommonBusinessException { throw new NotImplementedException("subconditions"); } // TODO refactor - this should not be a method here protected void _setSearchFieldsAccordingToReferencingSearchCondition( ReferencingCollectableSearchCondition refcond) throws CommonBusinessException { throw new NotImplementedException("referencing conditions"); } /** * inner class SetSearchFieldsVisitor */ private class SetSearchFieldsVisitor implements Visitor<Void, CommonBusinessException> { @Override public Void visitTrueCondition(TrueCondition truecond) throws CommonBusinessException { throw new IllegalArgumentException("truecond"); } @Override public Void visitAtomicCondition(AtomicCollectableSearchCondition atomiccond) throws CommonBusinessException { final String sFieldName = atomiccond.getFieldName(); final SearchComponentModel clctcompmodel = getSearchPanel().getEditModel() .getCollectableComponentModelFor(sFieldName); if (clctcompmodel == null) { String sLabel; try { sLabel = "mit dem Namen \"" + getCollectableEntity().getEntityField(sFieldName).getLabel() + "\" (interner Name: \"" + sFieldName + "\")"; } catch (CommonFatalException ex) { sLabel = "mit dem internen Namen \"" + sFieldName + "\""; } // TODO use more specific exception throw new CommonBusinessException("Ein Feld " + sLabel + " ist nicht in der Maske vorhanden."); } clctcompmodel.setSearchCondition(atomiccond); return null; } @Override public Void visitCompositeCondition(CompositeCollectableSearchCondition compositecond) throws CommonBusinessException { if (compositecond.getLogicalOperator() != LogicalOperator.AND) { throw new CommonFatalException( "Dieser logische Operator ist hier nicht erlaubt: " + compositecond.getLogicalOperator()); } for (CollectableSearchCondition condChild : compositecond.getOperands()) { CollectController.this._setSearchFieldsAccordingToSearchCondition(condChild, false); } return null; } @Override public Void visitSubCondition(CollectableSubCondition subcond) throws CommonBusinessException { CollectController.this._setSearchFieldsAccordingToSubCondition(subcond); return null; } @Override public Void visitPivotJoinCondition(PivotJoinCondition joincond) throws CommonBusinessException { // TODO: fix // CollectController.this._setSearchFieldsAccordingToSubCondition(joincond); return null; } @Override public Void visitRefJoinCondition(RefJoinCondition joincond) throws CommonBusinessException { // TODO: fix // CollectController.this._setSearchFieldsAccordingToSubCondition(joincond); return null; } @Override public Void visitReferencingCondition(ReferencingCollectableSearchCondition refcond) throws CommonBusinessException { CollectController.this._setSearchFieldsAccordingToReferencingSearchCondition(refcond); return null; } @Override public Void visitIdCondition(CollectableIdCondition idcond) throws CommonBusinessException { throw new CommonFatalException("Id-Bedingungen k\u00f6nnen nicht in der Suchmaske dargestellt werden."); } @Override public Void visitIdListCondition(CollectableIdListCondition collectableIdListCondition) throws CommonBusinessException { throw new CommonFatalException("Id-Bedingungen k\u00f6nnen nicht in der Suchmaske dargestellt werden."); } } // inner class SetSearchFieldsVisitor // TODO don't define those keybindings here protected void setupShortcutsForTabs(MainFrameTab ifrm) { final Action actSelectSearchTab = new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { if (getCollectPanel().isTabbedPaneEnabledAt(CollectPanel.TAB_SEARCH)) { getCollectPanel().setTabbedPaneSelectedComponent(getSearchPanel()); } } }; final Action actSelectResultTab = new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { if (getCollectPanel().isTabbedPaneEnabledAt(CollectPanel.TAB_RESULT)) { getCollectPanel().setTabbedPaneSelectedComponent(getResultPanel()); } } }; final Action actSelectDetailsTab = new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { if (getCollectPanel().isTabbedPaneEnabledAt(CollectPanel.TAB_DETAILS)) { getCollectPanel().setTabbedPaneSelectedComponent(getDetailsPanel()); } } }; final String sKeySelectSearchTab = "SelectSearchTab"; ifrm.getRootPane().getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT) .put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F3, 0), sKeySelectSearchTab); ifrm.getRootPane().getActionMap().put(sKeySelectSearchTab, actSelectSearchTab); final String sKeySelectResultTab = "SelectResultTab"; ifrm.getRootPane().getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT) .put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F4, 0), sKeySelectResultTab); ifrm.getRootPane().getActionMap().put(sKeySelectResultTab, actSelectResultTab); /** * inner class SelectTabAction */ class SelectTabAction extends AbstractAction { private int iDirection; /** * @param iDirection -1 for previous tab, +1 for next tab */ SelectTabAction(int iDirection) { this.iDirection = iDirection; } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { int iExternalTabIndex = getCollectPanel().getTabbedPaneSelectedIndex(); // try to find the next enabled tab in the given direction. // If the selected tab is the only enabled tab, do nothing: for (int i = 0; i < getCollectPanel().getTabCount() - 1; ++i) { int iInternalTabIndex = getCollectPanel().getTabIndexOf(iExternalTabIndex); iInternalTabIndex = (iInternalTabIndex + iDirection + getCollectPanel().getTabCount()) % getCollectPanel().getTabCount(); iExternalTabIndex = getCollectPanel().getExternalTabIndexOf(iInternalTabIndex); if (getCollectPanel().isTabbedPaneEnabledAt(iExternalTabIndex)) { getCollectPanel().setTabbedPaneSelectedIndex(iExternalTabIndex); break; } } } } // inner class SelectTabAction final String sKeySelectPreviousTab = "SelectPreviousTab"; ifrm.getRootPane().getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT) .put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, KeyEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK), sKeySelectPreviousTab); ifrm.getRootPane().getActionMap().put(sKeySelectPreviousTab, new SelectTabAction(-1)); final String sKeySelectNextTab = "SelectNextTab"; ifrm.getRootPane().getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT) .put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, KeyEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK), sKeySelectNextTab); ifrm.getRootPane().getActionMap().put(sKeySelectNextTab, new SelectTabAction(+1)); } /** * Command: the frame is closing. */ protected void cmdFrameClosing() { if (this.stopEditingInDetails()) { this.askAndSaveIfNecessary(new ResultListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void done(Boolean result) { bFrameMayBeClosed = Boolean.TRUE.equals(result); if (bFrameMayBeClosed) { getTab().dispose(); } } }); } } /** * command: switch to New mode */ protected void cmdEnterNewMode() { UIUtils.runCommand(this.getTab(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { enterNewMode(); } }); } /** * command: switch to New mode with search values * * @deprecated Move to SearchController and make protected again. */ public void cmdEnterNewModeWithSearchValues() { UIUtils.runCommand(this.getTab(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { enterNewModeWithSearchValues(); } }); } /** * command: Bookmark selected Collectable */ protected void cmdBookmarkSelectedCollectable() { UIUtils.runCommand(this.getTab(), new CommonRunnable() { @Override public void run() throws CommonBusinessException { bookmarkSelectedCollectable(); } }); } protected void bookmarkSelectedCollectable() throws CommonBusinessException { Main.getInstance().getMainFrame().addBookmark(getEntityName(), (Integer) getSelectedCollectableId(), getLabelForStartTab()); } /** * command: Open selected Collectable in new tab */ protected void cmdOpenSelectedCollectableInNewTab() { this.getTab().lockLayerBusy(); openSelectedCollectableInNewTab(); } protected void openSelectedCollectableInNewTab() { String entity = getEntityName(); final MainFrameTabbedPane openInTabbed; if (MainFrame.isPredefinedEntityOpenLocationSet(entity)) openInTabbed = MainFrame.getPredefinedEntityOpenLocation(entity); else openInTabbed = MainFrame.getTabbedPane(CollectController.this.getTab()); final List<Clct> selectedList = getSelectedCollectables(); final List<Thread> loadingThreads = new ArrayList<Thread>(); final int openQuestionCount = 5; final int size = selectedList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final int currentIndex = i; final Object id = selectedList.get(i).getId(); Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { UIUtils.invokeOnDispatchThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { if (currentIndex == openQuestionCount && size >= openQuestionCount * 2) { int res = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(openInTabbed.getComponentPanel(), getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.openInNewTab.1", "Es wurden bereits {0} Tabs geffnet. Mchten Sie die weiteren {1} Tabs auch noch ffnen?", openQuestionCount, (size - openQuestionCount)), getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.openInNewTab.2", "Wirklich alle selektierten Datenstze in neuen Tabs ffnen?"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (res == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { getTab().unlockLayer(); loadingThreads.clear(); return; } } MainFrameTab tab = new MainFrameTab(); openInTabbed.add(tab); NuclosCollectController<?> clct = NuclosCollectControllerFactory.getInstance() .newCollectController(getEntityName(), tab, getCustomUsage()); getMainController().initMainFrameTab(clct, tab); tab.postAdd(); clct.runViewSingleCollectableWithId(id, false); loadingThreads.remove(0); if (loadingThreads.size() > 0) { loadingThreads.get(0).start(); } else { getTab().unlockLayer(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new NuclosFatalException(e); } } }); } }, "CollectController.openSelectedCollectableInNewTab"); loadingThreads.add(t); } if (loadingThreads.size() > 0) { loadingThreads.get(0).start(); } else { this.getTab().unlockLayer(); } } /** * command: Clone selected Collectable */ protected void cmdCloneSelectedCollectable() { UIUtils.runCommand(this.getTab(), new CommonRunnable() { @Override public void run() throws CommonBusinessException { cloneSelectedCollectable(); } }); } /** * switches to "New" mode and fills the Details panel with the contents of the selected Collectable. * @throws CommonBusinessException */ protected void cloneSelectedCollectable() throws CommonBusinessException { final Clct clctBackup = this.getCompleteSelectedCollectable(); this.enterNewMode(); this.unsafeFillDetailsPanel(clctBackup); } /** * switches to New mode */ private void enterNewMode() { broadcastCollectableEvent(getSelectedCollectable(), MessageType.CLCT_LEFT); if (this.stopEditingInDetails()) { try { this.setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, CollectState.DETAILSMODE_NEW); } catch (CommonBusinessException ex) { Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(this.getTab(), ex); } } } /** * switches to New mode with search values */ private void enterNewModeWithSearchValues() { if (this.stopEditingInDetails()) { try { this.setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, CollectState.DETAILSMODE_NEW_SEARCHVALUE); } catch (CommonBusinessException ex) { Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(this.getTab(), ex); } } } /** * command: switch to View mode */ protected void cmdEnterViewMode() { UIUtils.runCommand(this.getTab(), new CommonRunnable() { @Override public void run() throws CommonBusinessException { enterViewMode(); } }); } /** * switches to View mode */ private void enterViewMode() throws CommonBusinessException { if (!isReadAllowed(getSelectedCollectable())) { throw new CommonBusinessException("Lesen des Datensatzes nicht erlaubt."); } this.setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, CollectState.DETAILSMODE_VIEW); } protected void cmdEnterMultiViewMode() { UIUtils.runCommand(this.getTab(), new CommonRunnable() { @Override public void run() throws CommonBusinessException { enterMultiViewMode(); } }); } private void enterMultiViewMode() throws CommonBusinessException { if (!isReadAllowed(getSelectedCollectables())) { throw new CommonBusinessException( "Mindestens einer der ausgew\u00e4hlten Datens\u00e4tze darf nicht gelesen werden."); } setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, CollectState.DETAILSMODE_MULTIVIEW); } /** * @return the selected <code>Collectable</code>, if any, from the table model. * Note that there is no selected <code>Collectable</code> in New mode. * Note that the result might be incomplete, that means, some fields might be missing. * TODO consider inlining or renaming this method. It's too easy to forget that the result might be incomplete. * * @deprecated Use getResultController().getSelectedCollectableFromTableModel() */ protected final Clct getSelectedCollectable() { return getResultController().getSelectedCollectableFromTableModel(); } /** * @return the id of the selected <code>Collectable</code>, if any, from the table model. */ public final Object getSelectedCollectableId() { final Collectable clctSelected = this.getSelectedCollectable(); return (clctSelected == null ? null : clctSelected.getId()); } /** * the complete selected <code>Collectable</code>, if any. If the currently selected Collectable in the table model isn't complete * (that is: partially loaded), the <code>Collectable</code> is reloaded completely and written back to the table model, before it is returned. * Therefore, consecutive calls won't reload the returned <code>Collectable</code> again. * Note that this method has the side-effect of replacing the selected Collectable in the ResultTableModel. * @postcondition (result != null) --> isCollectableComplete(result) * @throws CommonBusinessException */ protected final Clct getCompleteSelectedCollectable() throws CommonBusinessException { return getCompleteSelectedCollectable(false); } /** * same as <code>getCompleteSelectedCollectable()</code> but with option to load the collectable without dependants * @param blnWithoutDependants * @return * @throws CommonBusinessException */ protected final Clct getCompleteSelectedCollectable(boolean blnWithoutDependants) throws CommonBusinessException { final Clct clct = getResultController().getSelectedCollectableFromTableModel(); final Clct result; if (clct == null || ss.isCollectableComplete(clct)) { result = clct; } else { result = this.readCollectable(clct, blnWithoutDependants); getResultController().replaceSelectedCollectableInTableModel(result); } assert !(result != null) || ss.isCollectableComplete(result); // Note that the postcondition "result == this.getSelectedCollectableFromTableModel()" is not possible for some // implementations of the CollectController that use an UnmodifiableListAdapter around a ProxyList for the TableModel. return result; } /** * @return the selected (possibly incomplete) <code>Collectable</code>s. * @postcondition result != null * @see #isCollectableComplete(Collectable) */ public final List<Clct> getSelectedCollectables() { final List<Integer> lstSelectedRowNumbers = CollectionUtils.asList(this.getResultTable().getSelectedRows()); final List<Clct> result = CollectionUtils.transform(lstSelectedRowNumbers, new Transformer<Integer, Clct>() { @Override public Clct transform(Integer iRowNo) { return getResultTableModel().getCollectable(iRowNo); } }); assert result != null; return result; } /** * @return the selected <code>Collectable</code>s, all of which are complete. * @postcondition result != null * @see #isCollectableComplete(Collectable) */ public final List<Clct> getCompleteSelectedCollectables() throws CommonBusinessException { final List<Clct> result = new ArrayList<Clct>(getSearchStrategy().getCompleteCollectablesStrategy() .getCompleteCollectables(this.getSelectedCollectables(), getCustomUsage())); getResultController().replaceCollectablesInTableModel(result); assert result != null; return result; } /** * command: refresh current <code>Collectable</code> * TODO this action is "overloaded". It's at least refresh and cancel in one... */ protected void cmdRefreshCurrentCollectable() { LOG.debug("START cmdRefreshCurrentCollectable"); assert this.statemodel.getOuterState() == CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS; // try to get changes from table cell editors: // Ignore the result - refresh is always performed, even if stopEditingInDetails fails this.stopEditingInDetails(); UIUtils.runShortCommand(this.getTab(), new CommonRunnable() { @Override public void run() { try { final int iDetailsMode = statemodel.getDetailsMode(); switch (iDetailsMode) { case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_VIEW: refreshCurrentCollectable(); broadcastCollectableEvent(getSelectedCollectable(), MessageType.REFRESH_DONE_DIRECTLY); break; case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_EDIT: askAndSaveIfNecessary(new ResultListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void done(Boolean result) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)) { try { refreshCurrentCollectable(); broadcastCollectableEvent(getSelectedCollectable(), MessageType.REFRESH_DONE_DIRECTLY); } catch (CommonBusinessException e) { final String sErrorMsg = "Der Datensatz konnte nicht neu geladen werden."; Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(getTab(), sErrorMsg, e); } } } }); break; case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_NEW_CHANGED: askAndSaveIfNecessary(new ResultListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void done(Boolean result) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)) { enterNewMode(); } } }); break; case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_MULTIVIEW: case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_MULTIEDIT: askAndSaveIfNecessary(new ResultListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void done(Boolean result) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)) { try { enterMultiViewMode(); } catch (CommonBusinessException e) { final String sErrorMsg = "Der Datensatz konnte nicht neu geladen werden."; Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(getTab(), sErrorMsg, e); } } } }); break; default: assert false; } } catch (CommonBusinessException ex) { final String sErrorMsg = "Der Datensatz konnte nicht neu geladen werden."; Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(getTab(), sErrorMsg, ex); } } }); LOG.debug("FINISHED cmdRefreshCurrentCollectable"); } /** * Get the currently viewed collectable again from the database and display it. * This is done in a background thread. * @throws CommonBusinessException */ public void refreshCurrentCollectable() throws CommonBusinessException { refreshCurrentCollectable(true); } /** * Get the currently viewed collectable again from the database and display it. * This is done in a background thread. * @throws CommonBusinessException */ public void refreshCurrentCollectable(boolean withMultiThreader) throws CommonBusinessException { assert this.statemodel.getOuterState() == CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS; assert CollectState.isDetailsModeViewOrEdit(statemodel.getDetailsMode()); final CommonClientWorkerSelfExecutable clientWorker = new CommonClientWorkerAdapter<Clct>( CollectController.this) { private Clct clct; @Override public void init() throws CommonBusinessException { if (!CollectController.this.isRefreshSelectedCollectableAllowed()) { throw new CommonPermissionException("Aktualisieren ist nicht erlaubt."); } } @Override public void work() throws CommonBusinessException { // clear cache before refreshing valueListProviderCache.clear(); // reread the selected object from the database: clct = CollectController.this.readSelectedCollectable(); } @Override public void paint() throws CommonBusinessException { if (clct == null) return; // replace the selected object in the result list: getResultController().replaceSelectedCollectableInTableModel(clct); CollectController.this.enterViewMode(); broadcastCollectableEvent(clct, MessageType.REFRESH_DONE); } }; if (withMultiThreader) { CommonMultiThreader.getInstance().execute(clientWorker); } else { clientWorker.runInCallerThread(); } } /** * Get the currently viewed collectable again from the database and display it. * This is done in a background thread. * @throws CommonBusinessException */ public final void refreshCurrentCollectableInResult() throws CommonBusinessException { refreshCurrentCollectableInResult(true); } /** * Get the currently viewed collectable again from the database and display it. * This is done in a background thread. * @throws CommonBusinessException */ public final void refreshCurrentCollectableInResult(boolean withMultiThreader) throws CommonBusinessException { assert this.statemodel.getOuterState() == CollectState.OUTERSTATE_RESULT; assert CollectState.isResultModeSelected(statemodel.getResultMode()); final CommonClientWorkerSelfExecutable clientWorker = new CommonClientWorkerAdapter<Clct>( CollectController.this) { private Clct clct; @Override public void init() throws CommonBusinessException { if (!CollectController.this.isRefreshSelectedCollectableAllowed()) { throw new CommonPermissionException("Aktualisieren ist nicht erlaubt."); } } @Override public void work() throws CommonBusinessException { // clear cache before refreshing valueListProviderCache.clear(); // reread the selected object from the database: clct = CollectController.this.readSelectedCollectable(); } @Override public void paint() throws CommonBusinessException { if (clct == null) return; // replace the selected object in the result list: getResultController().replaceSelectedCollectableInTableModel(clct); broadcastCollectableEvent(clct, MessageType.REFRESH_DONE); } }; if (withMultiThreader) { CommonMultiThreader.getInstance().execute(clientWorker); } else { clientWorker.runInCallerThread(); } } /** * Get the currently viewed collectable again from the database and display it. * This is done in a background thread. * @throws CommonBusinessException */ public final void refreshSelectedCollectablesInResult() throws CommonBusinessException { refreshSelectedCollectablesInResult(true); } /** * Get the currently viewed collectable again from the database and display it. * This is done in a background thread. * @throws CommonBusinessException */ public final void refreshSelectedCollectablesInResult(boolean withMultiThreader) throws CommonBusinessException { assert this.statemodel.getOuterState() == CollectState.OUTERSTATE_RESULT; assert CollectState.isResultModeSelected(statemodel.getResultMode()); final CommonClientWorkerSelfExecutable clientWorker = new CommonClientWorkerAdapter<Clct>( CollectController.this) { private List<Clct> clcts; @Override public void init() throws CommonBusinessException { if (!CollectController.this.isRefreshSelectedCollectableAllowed()) { throw new CommonPermissionException("Aktualisieren ist nicht erlaubt."); } } @Override public void work() throws CommonBusinessException { // clear cache before refreshing valueListProviderCache.clear(); // reread the selected object from the database: clcts = CollectController.this.readSelectedCollectables(); } @Override public void paint() throws CommonBusinessException { if (clcts == null || clcts.isEmpty()) return; // replace the selected object in the result list: getResultController().replaceCollectablesInTableModel(clcts); //broadcastCollectableEvent(clct, MessageType.REFRESH_DONE); } }; if (withMultiThreader) { CommonMultiThreader.getInstance().execute(clientWorker); } else { clientWorker.runInCallerThread(); } } /** * registers a CollectableEventListener * @param CollectableEventListener */ public final void addCollectableEventListener(CollectableEventListener l) { if (!collectableListeners.contains(l)) { collectableListeners.add(l); } } /** * removes the given CollectableEventListener * @param CollectableEventListener */ public final void removeCollectableEventListener(CollectableEventListener l) { collectableListeners.remove(l); } /** * fires a handleCollectableEvent for all registered listeners * @param Clct * @param MessageType */ protected void broadcastCollectableEvent(Clct collectable, MessageType messageType) { for (CollectableEventListener l : new ArrayList<CollectableEventListener>(collectableListeners)) { l.handleCollectableEvent(collectable, messageType); } } /** * (re)reads the <code>Collectable</code> that is selected in the result list from its "data source" * (typically the server). Nothing else. * @return the current value of the selected Collectable, as returned by the server. * TODO make this final when readCollectable is refactored. * @postcondition result != null * @postcondition isCollectableComplete(result) */ protected Clct readSelectedCollectable() throws CommonBusinessException { final Clct clct = this.getSelectedCollectable(); if (clct == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Kein Objekt ausgew\u00e4hlt."); } final Clct result = this.readCollectable(clct); assert result != null; assert ss.isCollectableComplete(result); return result; } /** * * @return * @throws CommonBusinessException */ protected Clct readSelectedCollectableForResult() throws CommonBusinessException { final Clct clct = this.getSelectedCollectable(); if (clct == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Kein Objekt ausgew\u00e4hlt."); } return findCollectableById(clcte.getName(), clct.getId(), getSearchStrategy().getFields()); } /** * (re)reads the <code>Collectable</code> that is selected in the result list from its "data source" * (typically the server). Nothing else. * @return the current value of the selected Collectable, as returned by the server. * TODO make this final when readCollectable is refactored. * @postcondition result != null * @postcondition isCollectableComplete(result) */ protected List<Clct> readSelectedCollectables() throws CommonBusinessException { final List<Clct> clcts = this.getSelectedCollectables(); if (clcts == null || clcts.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Kein Objekt ausgew\u00e4hlt."); } final List<Clct> result = new ArrayList<Clct>(clcts.size()); for (Clct clct : clcts) { clct = this.readCollectable(clct); assert clct != null; assert ss.isCollectableComplete(clct); result.add(clct); } return result; } /** * (re)reads the given <code>Collectable</code> from its "data source" (typically the server). * The default implementation uses {@link #findCollectableById(String, Object)}. * Successors shouldn't redefine this method unless they can hold objects of more than one entity * (such as "general search"). * @param clct the Collectable to be read from the server. May be incomplete. * @return the complete Collectable, as returned by the server. * @precondition clct != null * @postcondition result != null * @postcondition isCollectableComplete(result) */ public Clct readCollectable(Clct clct) throws CommonBusinessException { return readCollectable(clct, false); } /** * same as <code>readCollectable(Clct clct)</code> but with option to read the collectable without dependants * @param clct the Collectable to be read from the server. May be incomplete. * @param blnWithoutDependants * @return the complete Collectable, as returned by the server. * @throws CommonBusinessException */ public Clct readCollectable(Clct clct, boolean blnWithoutDependants) throws CommonBusinessException { if (blnWithoutDependants) { return this.findCollectableByIdWithoutDependants(this.getEntityName(), clct.getId()); } else { return this.findCollectableById(this.getEntityName(), clct.getId()); } } /** * finds the Collectable from the given id, fetching it from the underlying data store. * @param sEntity * @param oId * @return the Collectable with the given entity and id. * @throws CommonBusinessException * @precondition sEntity != null * @precondition oId != null * @postcondition result != null * @postcondition isCollectableComplete(result) */ protected abstract Clct findCollectableById(String sEntity, Object oId) throws CommonBusinessException; protected abstract Clct findCollectableById(String sEntity, Object oId, Collection<EntityFieldMetaDataVO> fields) throws CommonBusinessException; /** * finds the Collectable from the given id, fetching it from the underlying data store. * @param sEntity * @param oId * @return the Collectable with the given entity and id, but without dependants! * @throws CommonBusinessException */ protected abstract Clct findCollectableByIdWithoutDependants(String sEntity, Object oId) throws CommonBusinessException; /** * returns the version of the given entity * @param sEntity * @param oId * @throws CommonBusinessException */ protected Integer getVersionOfCollectableById(String sEntity, Object oId) throws CommonBusinessException { return EntityObjectDelegate.getInstance().getVersion(sEntity, IdUtils.toLongId(oId)); } /** * TODO: Make protected again. */ public void setCollectState(int iTab, int iMode) throws CommonBusinessException { this.statemodel.setCollectState(iTab, iMode); } /** * @return the <code>CollectableEntity</code> of the objects that are to be collected with this controller. * There are cases (eg. general search) where those objects have different entities. In these cases, this method * returns the most common entity. Note that there must be such a common entity for the <code>CollectController</code> * to work properly. * @see #getCollectableEntityForDetails() * TODO add postcondition result != null */ public CollectableEntity getCollectableEntity() { return this.clcte; } /** * @return This default implementation returns <code>this.getCollectableEntity()</code>. * There are cases (eg. general search) where the objects have different entities. In these cases, successors * must implement this method by returning the entity of the object currently edited in Details mode (EDIT or NEW). * @see #getCollectableEntity() */ protected CollectableEntity getCollectableEntityForDetails() { return this.getCollectableEntity(); } /** * fills the collectable component models in the details panel with the values in <code>clct</code>. * This method is safe as to detailsChanged(), that means detailsChanged() will not be called through filling the panel. * @param clct * @precondition clct != null * @precondition isCollectableComplete(clct) * TODO move to DetailsController or DetailsPanel */ protected final void safeFillDetailsPanel(Clct clct) throws CommonBusinessException { if (clct == null) { throw new NullArgumentException("clct"); } if (!ss.isCollectableComplete(clct)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("clct"); } final boolean bWasDetailsChangedIgnored = this.isDetailsChangedIgnored(); this.setDetailsChangedIgnored(true); try { this.unsafeFillDetailsPanel(clct); } finally { this.setDetailsChangedIgnored(bWasDetailsChangedIgnored); this.highlightMandatory(); } } /** * mandatory fields are highlighted with a special color. */ protected void highlightMandatory() { Set<String> mandatoryfields = new HashSet<String>(); for (EntityFieldMetaDataVO efMeta : MetaDataClientProvider.getInstance() .getAllEntityFieldsByEntity(getEntityName()).values()) { if (!efMeta.isNullable()) { mandatoryfields.add(efMeta.getField()); } } setCollectableComponentModelsInDetailsMandatory(mandatoryfields); } /** * fills the collectable component models in the details panel with the values in <code>clct</code>. * This method is unsafe as to the change listeners, that means the change listeners should be removed * before calling this method. * @param clct * @precondition clct != null * @precondition isCollectableComplete(clct) * TODO move to DetailsController or DetailsPanel */ protected void unsafeFillDetailsPanel(Clct clct) throws CommonBusinessException { if (clct == null) { throw new NullArgumentException("clct"); } if (!ss.isCollectableComplete(clct)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("clct"); } for (DetailsComponentModel clctcompmodel : getDetailsPanel().getEditModel() .getCollectableComponentModels()) { clctcompmodel.setField(clct.getField(clctcompmodel.getFieldName())); } } /** * fills the collectable component models in the details panel with the common values in <code>collclct</code>. * This method is safe as to detailsChanged(), that means detailsChanged() will not be called through filling the panel. * @param collclct the Collectables to edit. * TODO move to DetailsController or DetailsPanel */ protected final void safeFillMultiEditDetailsPanel(Collection<Clct> collclct) throws CommonBusinessException { final boolean bWasDetailsChangedIgnored = this.isDetailsChangedIgnored(); this.setDetailsChangedIgnored(true); try { this.unsafeFillMultiEditDetailsPanel(collclct); } finally { this.setDetailsChangedIgnored(bWasDetailsChangedIgnored); } } /** * fills the collectable component models in the details panel with the common values in <code>collclct</code>. * This method is unsafe as to the change listeners, that means the change listeners should be removed * before calling this method. * @param collclct the <code>Collectable</code>s to edit. * TODO move to DetailsController or DetailsPanel */ protected void unsafeFillMultiEditDetailsPanel(Collection<Clct> collclct) throws CommonBusinessException { for (DetailsComponentModel clctcompmodel : getDetailsPanel().getEditModel() .getCollectableComponentModels()) { assert clctcompmodel.isMultiEditable(); final String sFieldName = clctcompmodel.getFieldName(); final CollectableField clctfCommonValue = CollectableUtils.getCommonValue(collclct, sFieldName); if (clctfCommonValue == null) { clctcompmodel.unsetCommonValue(); clctcompmodel.clear(); } else { clctcompmodel.setCommonValue(clctfCommonValue); clctcompmodel.setField(clctfCommonValue); } clctcompmodel.setValueToBeChanged(false); } } /** * calls <code>setMultiEditable(bMultiEditable)</code> on all collectable component models in the Details tab. * @param bMultiEditable * TODO move to DetailsController or DetailsPanel */ protected void setCollectableComponentModelsInDetailsPanelMultiEditable(boolean bMultiEditable) { for (DetailsComponentModel clctcompmodel : getDetailsPanel().getEditModel() .getCollectableComponentModels()) { clctcompmodel.setMultiEditable(bMultiEditable); } } /** * * @param mandatoryfields */ protected void setCollectableComponentModelsInDetailsMandatory(Set<String> mandatoryfields) { for (DetailsComponentModel clctcompmodel : getDetailsPanel().getEditModel() .getCollectableComponentModels()) { if (mandatoryfields.contains(clctcompmodel.getEntityField().getName())) { clctcompmodel.setMandatory(true); } } } /** * * @param mandatoryfields */ protected void setCollectableComponentModelsInDetailsMandatoryAdded(Set<String> mandatoryfields) { for (DetailsComponentModel clctcompmodel : getDetailsPanel().getEditModel() .getCollectableComponentModels()) { if (mandatoryfields.contains(clctcompmodel.getEntityField().getName())) { clctcompmodel.setMandatoryAdded(true); } } } protected void resetCollectableComponentModelsInDetailsMandatory() { for (DetailsComponentModel clctcompmodel : getDetailsPanel().getEditModel() .getCollectableComponentModels()) { clctcompmodel.setMandatory(false); } } protected void resetCollectableComponentModelsInDetailsMandatoryAdded() { for (DetailsComponentModel clctcompmodel : getDetailsPanel().getEditModel() .getCollectableComponentModels()) { clctcompmodel.setMandatoryAdded(false); } } /** * reads the field values contained in the specified edit panel into <code>clct</code>. * @param clct * @param bSearchTab Read values from Search panel? Otherwise read values from Details panel. * @throws CollectableValidationException * @precondition clct != null * TODO move to SearchPanel / DetailsPanel (or EditView) */ protected void readValuesFromEditPanel(Clct clct, boolean bSearchTab) throws CollectableValidationException { if (clct == null) { throw new NullArgumentException("clct"); } for (CollectableComponent clctcomp : this.getEditView(bSearchTab).getCollectableComponents()) { final String sFieldName = clctcomp.getFieldName(); final CollectableField clctf; try { clctf = clctcomp.getModel().getField(); } catch (Exception ex) { final String sMessage = "Fehler beim Lesen des Felds " + sFieldName + "."; throw new CommonFatalException(sMessage, ex); } clct.setField(sFieldName, clctf); } } /** * updates the current <code>Collectable</code>: fills it with the values from the Details panel, validates it * and updates it in the database. The following methods are called (in this order): * <ol> * <it>this.getCollectStateModel().getEditedCollectable()</it> * <it>this.readValuesFromEditPanel(Collectable, false)</it> * <it>this.validate(Collectable)</it> * <it>this.updateCurrentCollectable(Collectable)</it> * </ol> * * tsc: parameter in old signature <code>Clct updateCurrentCollectable(boolean dbUpdate)</code> was * useless, because a lot of business logic in subsequent updateCurrentCollectable()-methods was * skipped by setting the parameter to false. * * @return the updated <code>Collectable</code>, as returned by the server. * @throws CommonBusinessException * @postcondition result != null * @postcondition isCollectableComplete(result) */ protected Clct updateCurrentCollectable() throws CommonBusinessException { final boolean bWasDetailsChangedIgnored = this.isDetailsChangedIgnored(); this.setDetailsChangedIgnored(true); try { final Clct clctCurrent = this.getCollectStateModel().getEditedCollectable(); assert clctCurrent != null; this.readValuesFromEditPanel(clctCurrent, false); this.prepareCollectableForSaving(clctCurrent, this.getCollectableEntityForDetails()); final Clct result = this.updateCurrentCollectable(clctCurrent); assert result != null; assert ss.isCollectableComplete(result); return result; } finally { this.setDetailsChangedIgnored(bWasDetailsChangedIgnored); } } /** * updates the currently edited <code>Collectable</code> in the database. * @param clctCurrent the currently edited <code>Collectable</code>. It is filled from the * edit panel and validated before this method is called. * @return the updated <code>Collectable</code>, as returned by the server * @precondition clctCurrent != null * @postcondition result != null * @postcondition isCollectableComplete(result) */ protected Clct updateCurrentCollectable(Clct clctCurrent) throws CommonBusinessException { final Clct result = this.updateCollectable(clctCurrent, null); assert result != null; assert ss.isCollectableComplete(result); return result; } /** * updates the given <code>Collectable</code> in the database. * @param clct the <code>Collectable</code> to update. * @param oAdditionalData Optional additional data that might be needed for storing, eg. dependant records. * @return the updated <code>Collectable</code>, as returned by the server * @precondition clct != null * @postcondition result != null * @postcondition isCollectableComplete(result) */ protected abstract Clct updateCollectable(Clct clct, Object oAdditionalData) throws CommonBusinessException; /** * inserts the currently edited (new) Collectable into the database * @param clctNew is filled from the edit panel and validated before this method is called. * @return the inserted <code>Collectable</code>, as returned by the server. * @precondition clctNew.getId() == null * @postcondition result != null; * @postcondition isCollectableComplete(result) */ protected abstract Clct insertCollectable(Clct clctNew) throws CommonBusinessException; /** * creates a new Collectable, fills it with the values from the Details panel, validates it * and inserts it in the database. The following methods are called (in this order): * <ol> * <it>this.newCollectable()</it> * <it>this.readValuesFromEditPanel(Collectable, false)</it> * <it>this.validate(Collectable)</it> * <it>this.insertCollectable(Collectable)</it> * </ol> * @return the inserted <code>Collectable</code>, as returned by the server. * @throws CommonBusinessException * @postcondition result != null * @postcondition isCollectableComplete(result) */ private Clct insertCollectable() throws CommonBusinessException { final boolean bWasDetailsChangedIgnored = this.isDetailsChangedIgnored(); this.setDetailsChangedIgnored(true); try { final Clct clctNew = this.newCollectableWithDefaultValues(); this.readValuesFromEditPanel(clctNew, false); this.prepareCollectableForSaving(clctNew, this.getCollectableEntityForDetails()); final Clct result = this.insertCollectable(clctNew); assert result != null; assert ss.isCollectableComplete(result); return result; } finally { this.setDetailsChangedIgnored(bWasDetailsChangedIgnored); } } /** * This method is called when a Collectable is about to be saved (inserted or updated), just before it is validated. * Default implementation: Do nothing. * Successors may change the given <code>Collectable</code> in order to prepare it for saving. A common application * is to change Booleans from <code>null</code> to <code>false</code>. * @param clctCurrent the object that is about to be saved * @param clcteCurrent the <code>CollectableEntity</code> of <code>clctCurrent</code> * @precondition clctCurrent != null * @precondition isCollectableComplete(clctCurrent) * @precondition clcteCurrent != null */ protected void prepareCollectableForSaving(Clct clctCurrent, CollectableEntity clcteCurrent) { // do nothing here } /** * validates the given <code>Collectable</code>. * This is called before the <code>clct</code> is stored. * @param clct * @throws CommonBusinessException * @precondition clct != null * @precondition isCollectableComplete(clct) */ protected void validate(Clct clct) throws CommonBusinessException { if (clct == null) { throw new NullArgumentException("clct"); } if (!ss.isCollectableComplete(clct)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("clct"); } } /** * stops editing in the Details panel. * Derived classes may stop editing on fields, TableCellEditors etc. here * @return Has the editing been stopped? */ protected boolean stopEditingInDetails() { // do nothing here return true; } /** * stops editing in the Search panel. * Derived classes may stop editing on fields, TableCellEditors etc. here * @return Has the editing been stopped? * * TODO: Make this protected again. */ public boolean stopEditingInSearch() { // do nothing here return true; } /** * Command: Save * TODO add precondition this.getCollectState().isDetailsMode()? */ private void cmdSave() { final boolean bWasDetailsChangedIgnored = this.isDetailsChangedIgnored(); // detailsChanged must be ignored here as stopEditingInDetails might cause detailsChanged to be fired: this.setDetailsChangedIgnored(true); try { if (!this.stopEditingInDetails()) { // TODO show error message } else { final String sMessage1 = getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.12", "Der Datensatz konnte nicht gespeichert werden"); try { try {; } catch (Exception ex) { if (!handleSpecialException(ex)) { throw ex; } } } catch (CollectableValidationException ex) { handleCollectableValidationException(ex, sMessage1); } catch (CommonPermissionException ex) { final String sErrorMsg = "Sie verf\u00fcgen nicht \u00fcber die ausreichenden Rechte, " + "um diesen Datensatz zu speichern."; Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(this.getTab(), sErrorMsg, ex); } catch (CommonStaleVersionException ex) { handleStaleVersionException(ex); } catch (CommonBusinessException ex) { try { handleSaveException(ex, sMessage1); } catch (CommonFinderException ex2) { final String sErrorMsg = sMessage1 + ", da er zwischenzeitlich von einem anderen Benutzer gel\u00f6scht wurde."; Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(this.getTab(), sErrorMsg, ex2); } catch (CommonBusinessException ex2) { Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(this.getTab(), null, ex2); } } catch (Exception ex) { Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(this.getTab(), ex); } catch (Error error) { Errors.getInstance().getCriticalErrorHandler().handleCriticalError(this.getTab(), error); } } } finally { this.setDetailsChangedIgnored(bWasDetailsChangedIgnored); } } protected boolean handleStaleVersionException(Exception ex) { if (!(ex instanceof CommonStaleVersionException)) { return false; } final String sMessage1 = getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.12", "Der Datensatz konnte nicht gespeichert werden"); final String sMessage = sMessage1 + ", " + "da er zwischenzeitlich von einem anderen Benutzer ge\u00e4ndert wurde.\n" + "Sie m\u00fcssen den Datensatz neu laden und Ihre \u00c4nderungen dann erneut durchf\u00fchren.\n\n" + getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.25", "Soll der Datensatz jetzt neu geladen werden?"); OverlayOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(getTab(), sMessage, getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.9", "Datensatz ge\u00e4ndert"), OverlayOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, new OvOpAdapter() { @Override public void done(int result) { if (result == OverlayOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { try { refreshCurrentCollectable(); } catch (CommonBusinessException ex2) { Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(getTab(), ex2); } } } }); return true; } protected boolean handleSpecialException(Exception ex) { if (ex instanceof UserCancelledException) { // simply do nothing getContext().clear(); return true; } return false; } protected void handleCollectableValidationException(CollectableValidationException ex, String sMessage1) { Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(this.getTab(), sMessage1 + ".", ex); // set focus to questionable field (if any): final CollectableEntityField clctefInvalid = ex.getCollectableEntityField(); if (clctefInvalid != null) { final Collection<CollectableComponent> collclctcomp = getDetailsPanel().getEditView() .getCollectableComponentsFor(clctefInvalid.getName()); if (!collclctcomp.isEmpty()) { final CollectableComponent clctcomp = collclctcomp.iterator().next(); clctcomp.getControlComponent().requestFocusInWindow(); } } } /** * called to handle a <code>CommonBusinessException</code> occuring in <code>save()</code>. * Default implementation: just <code>throw ex</code>. Successors may define custom exception handling here. * @param ex * @param sMessage1 first part of the message ("record could not be saved") * @throws CommonBusinessException */ protected void handleSaveException(CommonBusinessException ex, String sMessage1) throws CommonBusinessException { if (ex instanceof CollectableValidationException) { handleCollectableValidationException((CollectableValidationException) ex, sMessage1); } else { throw ex; } } /** * updates or inserts the record shown in details, depending on the current collect mode. * @throws CommonFatalException * @throws CommonPermissionException * TODO wait cursor in cmdSave */ public void save() throws CommonBusinessException { if (!isSaveAllowed()) { throw new CommonPermissionException("Speichern ist nicht erlaubt."); } Clct clct = null; try { UIUtils.setWaitCursor(this.getTab()); LOG.debug("START save"); MessageType mt; switch (this.statemodel.getDetailsMode()) { case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_EDIT: LOG.debug("START save updateCurrentCollectable"); clct = this.updateCurrentCollectable(); LOG.debug("FINISHED save updateCurrentCollectable"); // update the selected collectable in the table model: getResultController().replaceSelectedCollectableInTableModel(clct); LOG.debug("START save enterViewMode"); this.enterViewMode(); LOG.debug("FINISHED save enterViewMode"); mt = MessageType.EDIT_DONE; break; case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_NEW_CHANGED: clct = this.insertCollectable(); // jump to view mode: this.viewSingleCollectable(clct); // CollectController.this.setCollectState(CollectStateModel.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, CollectStateModel.DETAILSMODE_VIEW); /** TODO switching the state isn't enough, we have to show values updated by the server. */ /** TODO this is not right! Probably should be view(), as in update() (see above) */ /** TODO the table model must be updated as well. */ mt = MessageType.NEW_DONE; break; case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_MULTIEDIT: final int iCount = CollectController.this.getResultTable().getSelectedRowCount(); new UpdateSelectedCollectablesController<Clct>(this).run(getMultiActionProgressPanel(iCount)); // do nothing else here. UpdateSelectedCollectablesController is executed in its own thread. mt = MessageType.EDIT_DONE; break; default: throw new CommonFatalException( "Speichern kann nur bei Bearbeitung, Neueingabe oder Sammelbearbeitung durchgef\u00fchrt werden."); } broadcastCollectableEvent(clct, mt); } catch (CommonBusinessException cbe) { if (!handleSpecialException(cbe)) { throw cbe; } } finally { this.getTab().setCursor(null); LOG.debug("FINISHED save"); } } /** * @param clct the Collectable that will be updated as part of a multiple update. This method should not alter it. * @return additional data (if any) needed for multiple updates (usually, that is data dependant on the given Collectable). * The default implementation returns <code>null</code>. * @throws CommonBusinessException on errors like validation. * TODO move to DetailsController? */ protected Object getAdditionalDataForMultiUpdate(Clct clct) throws CommonBusinessException { return null; } /** * deletes the selected <code>Collectable</code> permanently * @throws CommonBusinessException */ protected final void deleteSelectedCollectable() throws CommonBusinessException { this.deleteCollectable(this.getSelectedCollectable()); } /** * deletes the given <code>Collectable</code> permanently. * @param clct * @throws CommonBusinessException * @precondition clct != null */ protected abstract void deleteCollectable(Clct clct) throws CommonBusinessException; /** * deletes the given <code>Collectable</code>. * @throws CommonPermissionException if deletion of the given <code>Collectable</code> is not allowed for the current user. * @precondition clct != null */ protected final void checkedDeleteCollectable(Clct clct) throws CommonBusinessException { if (!isDeleteAllowed(clct)) { throw new CommonPermissionException("L\u00f6schen ist nicht erlaubt."); } this.deleteCollectable(clct); this.getResultTableModel().remove(clct); broadcastCollectableEvent(clct, MessageType.DELETE_DONE); getResultController().getSearchResultStrategy().refreshResult(); } /** * deletes the selected <code>Collectable</code>. * @throws CommonPermissionException if deletion of the selected <code>Collectable</code> is not allowed for the current user. * * TODO: Make this protected again. */ public final void checkedDeleteSelectedCollectable() throws CommonBusinessException { Clct collectable = this.getCompleteSelectedCollectable(); this.checkedDeleteCollectable(collectable); } /** * command: delete current collectable in details<br> * Deletes the current collectable in Details mode. * * @deprecated Move to DetailsController and make private again. */ public void cmdDeleteCurrentCollectableInDetails() { assert this.getCollectStateModel().getCollectState() .equals(new CollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, CollectState.DETAILSMODE_VIEW)); if (this.stopEditingInDetails()) { final String sMessage = getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("GenericObjectCollectController.74", "Soll der angezeigte Datensatz ({0}) wirklich gel\u00f6scht werden?", getSelectedCollectable().getIdentifierLabel()); final int iBtn = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this.getTab(), sMessage, getSpringLocaleDelegate() .getMessage("GenericObjectCollectController.26", "Datensatz l\u00f6schen"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (iBtn == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { UIUtils.runCommand(this.getTab(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { cmdDeleteCurrentCollectableInDetailsImpl(); } }); } } } /** * command: delete current collectable in details<br> * Deletes the current collectable in Details mode. * * @deprecated Move to DetailsController and make private. */ public void cmdDeleteCurrentCollectableInDetailsImpl() { try { // try to find next or previous object: final JTable tblResult = getResultTable(); final int iSelectedRow = tblResult.getSelectedRow(); if (iSelectedRow < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } final int iNewSelectedRow; if (iSelectedRow < tblResult.getRowCount() - 1) { // the selected row is not the last row: select the next row iNewSelectedRow = iSelectedRow; } else if (iSelectedRow > 0) { // the selected row is not the first row: select the previous row iNewSelectedRow = iSelectedRow - 1; } else { // the selected row is the single row: don't select a row assert tblResult.getRowCount() == 1; assert iSelectedRow == 0; iNewSelectedRow = -1; } checkedDeleteSelectedCollectable(); getSearchStrategy().search(true); if (iNewSelectedRow == -1) { tblResult.getSelectionModel().clearSelection(); // switch to new mode: getResultController().getSearchResultStrategy().refreshResult(); } else { tblResult.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(iNewSelectedRow, iNewSelectedRow); // go into view mode again: enterViewMode(); } } catch (CommonPermissionException ex) { final String sErrorMessage = getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("GenericObjectCollectController.69", "Sie verf\u00fcgen nicht \u00fcber die ausreichenden Rechte, um diesen Datensatz zu l\u00f6schen."); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(getTab(), sErrorMessage, ex); } catch (CommonBusinessException ex) { if (!handleSpecialException(ex)) { Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(getTab(), getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("GenericObjectCollectController.31", "Der Datensatz konnte nicht gel\u00f6scht werden."), ex); } } } /** * @return Is multithreading enabled? * TODO remove this method when the transition to multithreading is done ;) * * @deprecated Move to ResultController hierarchy and make protected again. * It would be far better, if the class (hierarchy) would known that search * should be single- or multi-threaded. */ public boolean isMultiThreadingEnabled() { return false; } /** * shortcut for <code>this.getCollectPanel().getResultPanel().getResultTable()</code>. * * @deprecated Move this to ResultController. */ public final JTable getResultTable() { return this.getResultPanel().getResultTable(); } /** * @deprecated Move this to ResultController. */ protected final MouseListener getMouseListenerForTableDoubleClick() { return getResultController().getTableDblClickML(); } protected final MouseListener getForeignKeyMouseListenerForTableDoubleClick() { return this.foreignKeyMouseListenerForTableDoubleClick; } /** * @return the table model containing the results of the last search. * * @deprecated Move this to ResultController and make protected again. */ public final SortableCollectableTableModel<Clct> getResultTableModel() { return (SortableCollectableTableModel<Clct>) this.getResultTable().getModel(); } /** * This method adds a mouse listener to the table model. Be sure to remove it when the * table model is no longer in use. * It also sorts the returned TableModel by a given column if declared in preferences. * * @return a new collectable table model. */ protected SortableCollectableTableModel<Clct> newResultTableModel() { final SortableCollectableTableModel<Clct> result = new SortableCollectableTableModelImpl<Clct>( getEntityName()); result.setColumns(getFields().getSelectedFields()); // setup sorted fields and sorting order from preferences List<SortKey> sortKeys = readColumnOrderFromPreferences(result); if (result.getColumnCount() > 0) { try { result.setSortKeys(sortKeys, false); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // sortKeys contains invalid column index, ignore } } TableUtils.addMouseListenerForSortingToTableHeader(this.getResultTable(), result); return result; } /** * fills the result panel with the results from the current search. * @param lstclct List<Collectable>: the results from the current search. */ public final void fillResultPanel(List<Clct> lstclct) { this.fillResultPanel(lstclct, lstclct.size(), true); } /** * fills the result panel with the results from the current search. * @param lstclct List<Collectable>: the results from the current search. * @param iTotalNumberOfRecords The total number of records found. If the result was truncated, this is higher * than lstclct.size(). * @precondition iTotalNumberOfRecords >= lstclct.size() * * TODO: Make this protected again. */ public final void fillResultPanel(final List<Clct> lstclct, int iTotalNumberOfRecords, boolean bSortInitially) { if (iTotalNumberOfRecords < lstclct.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("iTotalNumberOfRecords"); } final boolean bResultTruncated = (iTotalNumberOfRecords > lstclct.size()); final SortableCollectableTableModel<Clct> tblmodel = getResultTableModel(); tblmodel.setCollectables(lstclct); if (bSortInitially) { tblmodel.sort(); } final JTable tblResult = getResultTable(); //setColumnWidths(tblResult); // set collect navigation model (for navigation buttons): if (navigationmodel != null) navigationmodel.removeChangeListener(navigationChangeListener); navigationmodel = new CollectNavigationModel(tblResult.getModel(), tblResult.getSelectionModel()); navigationmodel.addChangeListener(navigationChangeListener); ctlResult.setStatusBar(tblResult, bResultTruncated, iTotalNumberOfRecords); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!lstclct.isEmpty()) { tblResult.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(0, 0); } } }); } /** * TODO: Make this protected again. */ public void writeColumnOrderToPreferences() { TableModel resultTableModel = this.getResultTable().getModel(); // NUCLEUSINT-1045 if (resultTableModel instanceof SortableTableModel) { getWorkspaceUtils().setSortKeys(getEntityPreferences(), ((SortableTableModel) resultTableModel).getSortKeys(), new WorkspaceUtils.IColumnNameResolver() { @Override public String getColumnName(int iColumn) { return getResultTableModel().getCollectableEntityField(iColumn).getName(); } }); } } protected CollectNavigationModel getCollectNavigationModel() { return this.navigationmodel; } private void cmdFirst() { this.askAndSaveIfNecessary(new ResultListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void done(Boolean result) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)) { CollectController.this.getCollectNavigationModel().selectFirstElement(); cmdEnterViewMode(); } } }); } private void cmdLast() { this.askAndSaveIfNecessary(new ResultListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void done(Boolean result) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)) { CollectController.this.getCollectNavigationModel().selectLastElement(); cmdEnterViewMode(); } } }); } private void cmdPrevious() { this.askAndSaveIfNecessary(new ResultListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void done(Boolean result) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)) { CollectController.this.getCollectNavigationModel().selectPreviousElement(); cmdEnterViewMode(); } } }); } private void cmdNext() { this.askAndSaveIfNecessary(new ResultListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void done(Boolean result) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)) { CollectController.this.getCollectNavigationModel().selectNextElement(); cmdEnterViewMode(); } } }); } /** * asks the user to save the current record if necessary, so that it can be abandoned afterwards. * @return can the action be performed? */ public void askAndSaveIfNecessary(final ResultListener<Boolean> rl) { askAndSaveIfNecessary(false, new ResultListener<Boolean>() { @Override public void done(Boolean result) { rl.done(Boolean.TRUE.equals(result)); } }); } /** * asks the user to save the current record if necessary, so that it can be abandoned afterwards. * @return can the action be performed? */ @Override public void askAndSaveIfNecessary(final boolean returnNullIfCancel, final ResultListener<Boolean> rl) { if (this.changesArePending()) { try { MainFrame.setSelectedTab(this.getTab()); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO TABS: Ein Overlay Tab kann der MainFrame noch nicht finden... Quickfix try-catch LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } final String sMsg = getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.14", "Der Datensatz wurde ge\u00e4ndert.") + "\n" + getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.32", "Wenn Sie jetzt nicht speichern, werden diese \u00c4nderungen verloren gehen.") + "\n" + getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.20", "Jetzt speichern?"); OverlayOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this.getTab(), sMsg, getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("CollectController.10", "Datensatz ge\u00e4ndert"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, new OvOpAdapter() { @Override public void done(int result) { boolean bResult = true; if (returnNullIfCancel && result == OverlayOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) { rl.done(null); return; } bResult = (result != OverlayOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION && result != OverlayOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION); if (result == OverlayOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { try { // cmdSave cannot be used here, because it does not throw any non-fatal exceptions, which can be used to prevent closing of the window. // To solve the problem otherwise, handleSaveExeption is called here, which could provide additional behaviour like focus faulty fields... switch (CollectController.this.statemodel.getDetailsMode()) { case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_EDIT: case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_NEW_CHANGED: case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_MULTIEDIT: save(); break; } } catch (CommonPermissionException ex) { bResult = false; final String sMessage = getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage( "CollectController.24", "Sie verf\u00fcgen nicht \u00fcber die ausreichenden Rechte, um dieses Objekt zu speichern."); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(getTab(), sMessage, ex); } catch (CommonBusinessException ex) { bResult = false; final String sMessage1 = getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage( "CollectController.13", "Der Datensatz konnte nicht gespeichert werden"); try { handleSaveException(ex, sMessage1); } catch (CommonFinderException ex2) { final String sErrorMsg = getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage( "CollectController.1", ", da er zwischenzeitlich von einem anderen Benutzer gel\u00f6scht wurde."); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(getTab(), sErrorMsg, ex2); } catch (CommonBusinessException ex2) { Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(getTab(), sMessage1 + ".", ex2); } //final String sMessage = "Der Datensatz konnte nicht gespeichert werden."; //Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(this.getFrame(), sMessage, ex); } catch (CommonFatalException ex) { bResult = false; final String sMessage = getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage( "CollectController.11", "Der Datensatz konnte nicht gespeichert werden."); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(getTab(), sMessage, ex); } } rl.done(bResult); } }); } else { rl.done(true); } } // askAndSaveIfNecessary /** * @return Are user changes pending (need to be saved)? * NUCLEUSINT-1159 */ public boolean changesArePending() { return this.statemodel.changesArePending(); } /** * @return Is the "Save" action allowed? Default: true. May be overridden by subclasses. * TODO consider giving the current collectable (id) here */ protected boolean isSaveAllowed() { return true; } /** * @return Is the "New" action allowed? Default: <code>isSaveAllowed()</code>. * May be overridden by subclasses. */ protected boolean isNewAllowed() { return isSaveAllowed(); } /** * @return Is the "Clone" action allowed? Default: <code>isNewAllowed()</code>. * May be overridden by subclasses. */ protected boolean isCloneAllowed() { return isNewAllowed(); } /** * @return Is the "Delete" action allowed? Default: true. May be overridden by subclasses. */ protected boolean isDeleteSelectedCollectableAllowed() { return isDeleteAllowed(getSelectedCollectable()); } /** * @return Is the "Delete" action for the given Collectable allowed? Default: true. May be overridden by subclasses. * @precondition clct != null */ protected boolean isDeleteAllowed(Clct clct) { return true; } /** * @return Is the "Read" action for the given Collectable allowed? Default: true. May be overridden by subclasses. * @precondition clct != null */ protected boolean isReadAllowed(Clct clct) { return true; } /** * @return Is the "Read" action for the given set of Collectables allowed? Default: true. May be overridden by subclasses. * @precondition clct != null */ protected boolean isReadAllowed(List<Clct> lsClct) { return true; } /** * @return Are the "Navigation" actions allowed? Default: true. May be overridden by subclasses. */ protected boolean isNavigationAllowed() { return true; } /** * @return Is viewing/editing multiple Collectables allowed? * TODO Default should be false here. * TODO Document what needs to be done for implementing MultiEdit in subclasses */ protected boolean isMultiEditAllowed() { return true; } /** * @return Is the "Refresh" action allowed for the selected Collectable? Default: true. May be overridden by subclasses. */ protected boolean isRefreshSelectedCollectableAllowed() { return true; } /** * @return the CollectStateModel used internally. * * TODO: Can this be protected? Can this move to SearchController? */ public final CollectStateModel<Clct> getCollectStateModel() { return this.statemodel; } /** * @return the current collect state (consisting of an outer and an inner state). */ public CollectState getCollectState() { return this.getCollectStateModel().getCollectState(); } /** * This method is called by <code>cmdClearSearchCondition</code>, that is when the user clicks * the "Clear Search Fields" button. The default implementation calls clearSearchFields() * and adjusts the search editor, if visible. * TODO move to SearchPanel */ protected void clearSearchCondition() { this.clearSearchFields(); if (this.getSearchPanel().isSearchEditorVisible()) { this.getSearchPanel().getSearchEditorPanel().setSearchCondition(null); } } /** * clears all search fields, suppressing calls to searchChanged() for each field and calling searchChanged(null) * once at the end of the operation. * TODO move to SearchPanel */ protected void clearSearchFields() { final boolean bWasSearchChangedIgnored = this.isSearchChangedIgnored(); this.setSearchChangedIgnored(true); try { this._clearSearchFields(); } finally { this.setSearchChangedIgnored(bWasSearchChangedIgnored); } // trigger an event for the completed search condition: this.searchChanged(null); } /** * clears all search fields. * TODO move to SearchPanel */ protected void _clearSearchFields() { for (CollectableComponent clctcomp : getSearchPanel().getEditView().getCollectableComponents()) { clctcomp.clear(); } } /** * Command: clear search condition * * @deprecated Move to SearchController and make private again. */ public void cmdClearSearchCondition() { try { this.stopEditingInSearch(); this.removeImportedSearchConditionWithStatus(); this.clearSearchCondition(); ctlSearch.getNewWithSearchValuesAction().setEnabled(false); // set to unsynched state even if no value was changed: this.setCollectState(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_SEARCH, CollectState.SEARCHMODE_UNSYNCHED); } catch (Exception ex) { Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(this.getTab(), null, ex); } } /** * @return the CollectPanel, containing the Search-, Result- and DetailsPanels. */ public final CollectPanel<Clct> getCollectPanel() { if (pnlCollect == null) { return null; } final CollectPanel<Clct> result = pnlCollect.get(); assert result != null || isClosed(); return result; } protected final void _setCollectPanel(WeakReference<CollectPanel<Clct>> pnlCollect) { if (pnlCollect == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } this.pnlCollect = pnlCollect; } /** * TODO: add precondition this.isSearchPanelAvailable() * * @deprecated move to ResultController hierarchy. */ public SearchPanel getSearchPanel() { final CollectPanel<Clct> panel = getCollectPanel(); if (panel == null) { return null; } return panel.getSearchPanel(); } /** * @deprecated Move this to ResultController. */ public ResultPanel<Clct> getResultPanel() { final CollectPanel<Clct> panel = getCollectPanel(); if (panel == null) { return null; } return panel.getResultPanel(); } /** * @deprecated Move this to DetailsController. */ public DetailsPanel getDetailsPanel() { final CollectPanel<Clct> panel = getCollectPanel(); if (panel == null) { return null; } return panel.getDetailsPanel(); } /** * @return the (internal) entity name. */ public String getEntityName() { return this.getCollectableEntity().getName(); } /** * @return the (external) entity name, as presented to the user. It is shown in the title bar. */ protected abstract String getEntityLabel(); /** * @param iTab * @param iMode * @return the title for the given tab and mode, to display in the title bar */ protected String getTitle(int iTab, int iMode) { // TODO move these constants to CollectState final String[] asTabs = { "Suche", "Ergebnis", "Details" }; final String[] asDetailsMode = { "Undefiniert", "Details", "Bearbeiten", "Neueingabe", "Neueingabe (Ge\u00e4ndert)", "Sammelbearbeitung", "Sammelbearbeitung (Ge\u00e4ndert)" }; String sPrefix; String sSuffix = ""; final String sMode; switch (iTab) { case CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS: sPrefix = this.getEntityLabel(); sMode = asDetailsMode[iMode]; if (CollectState.isDetailsModeViewOrEdit(iMode)) { final String sIdentifier = this.getSelectedCollectable().getIdentifierLabel(); if (sIdentifier == null) { throw new CommonFatalException("Identifier == null"); } sPrefix += " \"" + sIdentifier + "\""; } else if (CollectState.isDetailsModeMultiViewOrEdit(iMode)) { sSuffix = " von " + this.getSelectedCollectables().size() + " Objekten"; } break; default: sPrefix = this.getEntityLabel(); sMode = asTabs[iTab]; } return sPrefix + " - " + sMode + sSuffix; } /** * sets the title of this controller's frame depending on the current CollectState. */ protected void setTitle() { this.setTitle(this.getCollectState().getOuterState(), this.getCollectState().getInnerState()); } /** * sets the title of this controller's frame depending on the given CollectState. * @param iTab * @param iMode */ final void setTitle(int iTab, int iMode) { this.setTitle(this.getTitle(iTab, iMode)); } /** * sets the title of this controller's frame. * @param sTitle */ protected void setTitle(String sTitle) { this.getTab().setTitle(sTitle); } /** * @return the message to display in the status bar when changes im multi edit mode have occured. * @precondition this.getCollectStateModel().getCollectState().isDetailsModeMultiViewOrEdit() * * TODO: inline - after refactoring LOCC.getMultiEditChangeString() * * TODO: Make this protected again. */ public String getMultiEditChangeString() { if (!this.getCollectStateModel().getCollectState().isDetailsModeMultiViewOrEdit()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return this.getDetailsPanel().getMultiEditChangeMessage(); } /** * @return a new <code>Collectable</code>. All fields are set to null values. * To set the fields to their default values, <code>CollectableUtils.setDefaultValues</code> must be called * explicitly afterwards. Alternatively, <code>newCollectableWithDefaultValues()</code> may be used. * @postcondition result != null * @postcondition isCollectableComplete(result) */ public abstract Clct newCollectable(); /** * @param currclct * @return the current collectable filled with the values which are set in the search panel * @throws CommonBusinessException * * @deprecated Move to SearchController. */ protected Clct newCollectableWithSearchValues(Clct currclct) throws CommonBusinessException { Collection<SearchComponentModel> collscm = ctlSearch.getCollectableComponentModels(); for (SearchComponentModel scm : collscm) { List<CollectableComponent> lsclctcomp = (List<CollectableComponent>) getDetailsPanel().getEditView() .getCollectableComponentsFor(scm.getFieldName()); if (lsclctcomp.isEmpty()) { continue; } // get model of first found component DetailsComponentModel dcm = lsclctcomp.get(0).getDetailsModel(); boolean bSetAllowed = true; for (CollectableComponent clctcomp : lsclctcomp) { if (!isSetAllowedForClctComponent(clctcomp)) { bSetAllowed = false; } } if (bSetAllowed) { dcm.setField(scm.getField()); currclct.setField(dcm.getFieldName(), scm.getField()); if (scm.getField().getValue() != null) { detailsChanged(dcm); } } } return currclct; } /** * fill subforms of the current collectable with the values which are set * in the coresponding search panel subforms * @throws CommonBusinessException */ protected void newCollectableWithDependantSearchValues() throws CommonBusinessException { } /** * @param clctcomp - collectablecomponent of the details panel * this method should only be used to check whether it is allowed to adopt a value from the * search panel to the details panel */ protected boolean isSetAllowedForClctComponent(CollectableComponent clctcomp) { boolean bEnabled = true; JComponent jcomp = clctcomp.getJComponent(); if (jcomp instanceof LabeledTextField) { if (!((LabeledTextField) jcomp).getTextField().isEditable()) { bEnabled = false; } } else if (jcomp instanceof LabeledComboBox) { if (!((LabeledComboBox) jcomp).getJComboBox().isEnabled()) { bEnabled = false; } } else if (jcomp instanceof LabeledListOfValues) { if (!((ListOfValues) ((LabeledListOfValues) jcomp).getControlComponent()).getJTextField().isEnabled()) { bEnabled = false; } } else if (jcomp instanceof LabeledTextArea) { if (!((LabeledTextArea) jcomp).getJTextArea().isEditable()) { bEnabled = false; } } else if (jcomp instanceof LabeledDateChooser) { if (!((LabeledDateChooser) jcomp).getJTextComponent().isEditable()) { bEnabled = false; } } else if (clctcomp instanceof CollectableCheckBox) { if (!((CollectableCheckBox) clctcomp).getJCheckBox().isEnabled()) { bEnabled = false; } } // fallback - maybe the list above has to be adjusted if (!jcomp.isEnabled()) { bEnabled = false; } return bEnabled; } /** * @return a new <code>Collectable</code>, filled with default values (according to the default values defined in its entity). * If there are no reasonable default values for a specific entity (esp. masterdata entities), this is the place to do it. * @postcondition result != null * @postcondition isCollectableComplete(result) */ protected Clct newCollectableWithDefaultValues() { final Clct result = CollectController.this.newCollectable(); CollectableUtils.setDefaultValues(result, CollectController.this.getCollectableEntity()); assert result != null; assert ss.isCollectableComplete(result); return result; } /** * makes sure the given list of selected fields is non-empty. If the list is empty, this method adds one field to it. * This is to avoid a seemingly empty search result, which might be irritating to the user. * @param clcte * @param lstclctefSelected * @precondition clcte != null * @precondition lstclctefSelected != null * @postcondition !lstclctefSelected.isEmpty() * * TODO: Make this protected again. */ public void makeSureSelectedFieldsAreNonEmpty(CollectableEntity clcte, List<CollectableEntityField> lstclctefSelected) { if (lstclctefSelected.isEmpty()) { List<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<String>(); try { List<EntityFieldMetaDataVO> fields = CollectionUtils.sorted( MetaDataClientProvider.getInstance().getAllEntityFieldsByEntity(clcte.getName()).values(), new Comparator<EntityFieldMetaDataVO>() { @Override public int compare(EntityFieldMetaDataVO o1, EntityFieldMetaDataVO o2) { Integer order1 = (o1.getOrder() == null) ? 0 : o1.getOrder(); Integer order2 = (o2.getOrder() == null) ? 0 : o2.getOrder(); return order1.compareTo(order2); } }); for (EntityFieldMetaDataVO efMeta : fields) { if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(efMeta.getCalcFunction())) { fieldNames.add(efMeta.getField()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warn("No entity fields for entity " + clcte.getName(), ex); } if (fieldNames.isEmpty()) { fieldNames.addAll(clcte.getFieldNames()); } CollectableEntityField sysStateIcon = null; CollectableEntityField sysStateNumber = null; CollectableEntityField sysStateName = null; Set<String> clcteFieldNames = clcte.getFieldNames(); for (String field : fieldNames) { if (!clcteFieldNames.contains(field)) { LOG.warn("Field " + field + " in collectable entity " + clcte.getName() + " does not exists"); continue; } CollectableEntityField clctef = clcte.getEntityField(field); boolean select = true; if (NuclosEOField.getByField(field) != null) { select = false; switch (NuclosEOField.getByField(field)) { case STATEICON: sysStateIcon = clctef; break; case STATENUMBER: sysStateNumber = clctef; break; case STATE: sysStateName = clctef; break; } } if (select) { lstclctefSelected.add(clctef); } } if (sysStateIcon != null) lstclctefSelected.add(sysStateIcon); if (sysStateNumber != null) lstclctefSelected.add(sysStateNumber); if (sysStateName != null) lstclctefSelected.add(sysStateName); if (lstclctefSelected.isEmpty()) { // show any (the first, random) field: if (clcte.getFieldNames().isEmpty()) { throw new CommonFatalException( "Die Entit\u00e4t \"" + clcte.getName() + "\" enth\u00e4lt keine Felder."); } else { final String sRandomFieldName = clcte.getFieldNames().iterator().next(); lstclctefSelected .add(getResultController().getCollectableEntityFieldForResult(clcte, sRandomFieldName)); } } } } /** * used by <code>DefaultCollectStateListener</code>: * On entering <code>CollectState.DETAILSMODE_VIEW</code> the collectable would be loaded completely. * You can choose with or without denpendants. * If your CollectController can lazy loads dependants (performance improvement) your must return true. * * See also: * <code>findCollectableById(String sEntity, Object oId)</code> * <code>findCollectableByIdWithoutDependants(String sEntity, Object oId)</code> * @return true to disable dependants loading on <code>CollectState.DETAILSMODE_VIEW</code> */ protected abstract boolean isDetailsModeViewLoadingWithoutDependants(); private class DefaultCollectStateListener extends CollectStateAdapter { @Override public void searchModeEntered(CollectStateEvent ev) throws CommonBusinessException { CollectController.this.addChangeListenersForSearch(); CollectController.this.cmdDisplayCurrentSearchConditionInSearchPanelStatusBar(); } @Override public void searchModeLeft(CollectStateEvent ev) throws CommonBusinessException { CollectController.this.removeChangeListenersForSearch(); } @Override public void resultModeEntered(final CollectStateEvent ev) throws CommonBusinessException { // This should be invoked from the dispatch thread because it works on the model if (!EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { LOG.warn("resultModeEntered invoked outside of the AWT dispatch thread"); } // However, at the moment, it is still sometimes triggered from other threads. Especially it // is triggered concurrently by MultiActions. // The NUCLEUSINT-622 workaround used invokeLater(). But delaying the Runnable leads to other // problems (and in rare cases exceptions, cf. NUCLOSINT-850). The reason is simple: // The CollectStateEvent parameter encodes view information (e.g. how many rows are selected) // but there is no guarantee that this still holds when Runnable is "invoked later". // So, new workaround is to perform the action instantly on the EDT (invokeAndWait). UIUtils.invokeOnDispatchThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { int iResultMode = ev.getNewCollectState().getInnerState(); boolean bOneRowSelected = (iResultMode == CollectState.RESULTMODE_SINGLESELECTION); boolean bMoreThanOneRowsSelected = (iResultMode == CollectState.RESULTMODE_MULTISELECTION); boolean bRowsSelected = bOneRowSelected || bMoreThanOneRowsSelected; getResultController().getEditSelectedCollectablesAction() .setEnabled(bOneRowSelected || (bMoreThanOneRowsSelected && isMultiEditAllowed())); getCloneAction().setEnabled(bOneRowSelected && isCloneAllowed()); getResultController().getDeleteSelectedCollectablesAction() .setEnabled(bRowsSelected && isDeleteSelectedCollectableAllowed()); // If the selection changes and we are in the result tab, the details panel is no longer in sync: // TODO alternative: sync details panel when details tab is pressed (let the customer decide). getCollectPanel().setTabbedPaneEnabledAt(CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS, false); // Give the result table the focus so the user can start scrolling with the arrow keys: getResultTable().requestFocusInWindow(); } }); } @Override public void detailsModeEntered(CollectStateEvent ev) throws CommonBusinessException { final int iDetailsMode = ev.getNewCollectState().getInnerState(); switch (iDetailsMode) { case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_VIEW: CollectController.this.setCollectableComponentModelsInDetailsPanelMultiEditable(false); Clct clct = CollectController.this.getCompleteSelectedCollectable( CollectController.this.isDetailsModeViewLoadingWithoutDependants()); CollectController.this.safeFillDetailsPanel(clct); if (clct != null && clct.getId() != null && clct.getId() instanceof Integer) { String label = getLabelForStartTab(); Main.getInstance().getMainFrame().addHistory(getEntityName(), (Integer) clct.getId(), label); } break; case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_EDIT: break; case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_NEW: CollectController.this.setCollectableComponentModelsInDetailsPanelMultiEditable(false); Clct clctNew = CollectController.this.newCollectableWithDefaultValues(); CollectController.this.safeFillDetailsPanel(clctNew); break; case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_NEW_SEARCHVALUE: CollectController.this.setCollectableComponentModelsInDetailsPanelMultiEditable(false); Clct clctNewSearchValues = CollectController.this.newCollectableWithDefaultValues(); CollectController.this.safeFillDetailsPanel(clctNewSearchValues); //if(iOldModeOuterState == CollectState.OUTERSTATE_SEARCH && transferSearchPanelData()) { // transfer field data clctNewSearchValues = CollectController.this.newCollectableWithSearchValues(clctNewSearchValues); // transfer subform data CollectController.this.newCollectableWithDependantSearchValues(); //} break; case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_NEW_CHANGED: break; case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_MULTIVIEW: CollectController.this.setCollectableComponentModelsInDetailsPanelMultiEditable(true); CollectController.this .safeFillMultiEditDetailsPanel(CollectController.this.getCompleteSelectedCollectables()); break; case CollectState.DETAILSMODE_MULTIEDIT: break; } // switch UIUtils.invokeOnDispatchThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { setToolbarButtonsForDetailsMode(iDetailsMode); CollectController.this.getDetailsPanel().showToolbar(true); performDetailsModeEntered(); } }); } /** * @deprecated Move to DetailsController and make protected again. */ public void performDetailsModeEntered() { DetailsPanel dp = getDetailsPanel(); dp.setStatusBarText(" "); ctlDetails.updateStatusBarIfNecessary(); addChangeListenersForDetails(); if (getCollectState().isDetailsModeMultiViewOrEdit()) { bIsLastTabDetailsModeMultiViewOrEdit = true; } else { bIsLastTabDetailsModeMultiViewOrEdit = false; } ctlDetails.displayCurrentRecordNumberInDetailsPanelStatusBar(); if (getCollectState().isDetailsModeNew()) { getDetailsConroller().evaluateNewCollectable(); } } public void setToolbarButtonsForDetailsMode(final int iDetailsMode) { Component focusedComp = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner(); final CollectPanel<Clct> pnlCollect = CollectController.this.getCollectPanel(); final DetailsPanel pnlDetails = pnlCollect.getDetailsPanel(); // enable/disable toolbar buttons: // "refresh/cancel" button: final boolean bDisguiseRefreshButton = CollectState.isDetailsModeNew(iDetailsMode) || CollectState.isDetailsModeMultiViewOrEdit(iDetailsMode); pnlDetails.disguiseRefreshButton(bDisguiseRefreshButton); // "save" action: CollectController.this.getSaveAction().setEnabled( CollectController.this.changesArePending() && CollectController.this.isSaveAllowed()); // "refresh current collectable" action: final boolean bRefreshEnabled = ((iDetailsMode == CollectState.DETAILSMODE_VIEW) || CollectState.isDetailsModeChangesPending(iDetailsMode)) && CollectController.this.isRefreshSelectedCollectableAllowed(); CollectController.this.getRefreshCurrentCollectableAction().setEnabled(bRefreshEnabled); final boolean bViewingExistingRecord = (iDetailsMode == CollectState.DETAILSMODE_VIEW); // "delete" action: setDeleteActionEnabled( bViewingExistingRecord && CollectController.this.isDeleteSelectedCollectableAllowed()); // "clone" action: CollectController.this.getCloneAction() .setEnabled(bViewingExistingRecord && CollectController.this.isCloneAllowed()); // navigation actions: final boolean bNavigationEnabled = bViewingExistingRecord && CollectController.this.isNavigationAllowed(); final CollectNavigationModel collectNavigationModel = CollectController.this .getCollectNavigationModel(); assert !bNavigationEnabled || collectNavigationModel != null; CollectController.this.getFirstAction() .setEnabled(bNavigationEnabled && !collectNavigationModel.isFirstElementSelected()); CollectController.this.getLastAction() .setEnabled(bNavigationEnabled && !collectNavigationModel.isLastElementSelected()); CollectController.this.getPreviousAction() .setEnabled(bNavigationEnabled && !collectNavigationModel.isFirstElementSelected()); CollectController.this.getNextAction() .setEnabled(bNavigationEnabled && !collectNavigationModel.isLastElementSelected()); CollectController.this.getDetailsPanel().setStatusBarText(" "); CollectController.this.ctlDetails.updateStatusBarIfNecessary(); CollectController.this.addChangeListenersForDetails(); if (CollectController.this.getCollectState().isDetailsModeMultiViewOrEdit()) { CollectController.this.bIsLastTabDetailsModeMultiViewOrEdit = true; } else { CollectController.this.bIsLastTabDetailsModeMultiViewOrEdit = false; } CollectController.this.ctlDetails.displayCurrentRecordNumberInDetailsPanelStatusBar(); if (focusedComp == null) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { // @see NUCLOS-747 if (CollectController.this.getDetailsPanel() != null) { CollectController.this.getDetailsPanel().requestFocusInWindow(); } } }); } } @Override public void detailsModeLeft(CollectStateEvent ev) { final int iOuterState = ev.getNewCollectState().getOuterState(); switch (iOuterState) { case CollectState.OUTERSTATE_RESULT: case CollectState.OUTERSTATE_SEARCH: case CollectState.OUTERSTATE_UNDEFINED: broadcastCollectableEvent(getSelectedCollectable(), MessageType.CLCT_LEFT); break; } // ensure we don't have more than one listener for each component: CollectController.this.removeChangeListenersForDetails(); // TODO all actions that are specific to the Details tab must be disabled here and initially UIUtils.invokeOnDispatchThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { CollectController.this.getSaveAction().setEnabled(false); CollectController.this.getDetailsPanel().showToolbar(false); } }); } } // inner class DefaultCollectStateListener protected String getLabelForStartTab() { String result = null; switch (CollectController.this.getCollectState().getOuterState()) { case CollectState.OUTERSTATE_DETAILS: if (this.getCollectState().isDetailsModeViewOrEdit()) { result = this.getSelectedCollectable().getIdentifierLabel(); } break; case CollectState.OUTERSTATE_RESULT: if (this.getSelectedCollectables().size() == 1) { result = this.getSelectedCollectable().getIdentifierLabel(); } break; } if (result == null) { return this.getEntityLabel() + " (" + this.getSelectedCollectableId() + ")"; } else { return result.trim(); } } public void enableToolbarButtonsForDetailsMode(final int iDetailsMode) { final CollectPanel<Clct> pnlCollect = this.getCollectPanel(); if (pnlCollect == null) { // controller already closed return; } final DetailsPanel pnlDetails = pnlCollect.getDetailsPanel(); // enable/disable toolbar buttons: // "refresh/cancel" button: final boolean bDisguiseRefreshButton = CollectState.isDetailsModeNew(iDetailsMode) || CollectState.isDetailsModeMultiViewOrEdit(iDetailsMode); pnlDetails.disguiseRefreshButton(bDisguiseRefreshButton); // "save" action: this.getSaveAction().setEnabled(this.changesArePending() && this.isSaveAllowed()); // "refresh current collectable" action: final boolean bRefreshEnabled = ((iDetailsMode == CollectState.DETAILSMODE_VIEW) || CollectState.isDetailsModeChangesPending(iDetailsMode)) && this.isRefreshSelectedCollectableAllowed(); this.getRefreshCurrentCollectableAction().setEnabled(bRefreshEnabled); final boolean bViewingExistingRecord = (iDetailsMode == CollectState.DETAILSMODE_VIEW); // "delete" action: setDeleteActionEnabled(bViewingExistingRecord && this.isDeleteSelectedCollectableAllowed()); // "clone" action: CollectController.this.getCloneAction() .setEnabled(bViewingExistingRecord && CollectController.this.isCloneAllowed()); // navigation actions: final boolean bNavigationEnabled = bViewingExistingRecord && this.isNavigationAllowed(); final CollectNavigationModel collectNavigationModel = this.getCollectNavigationModel(); assert !bNavigationEnabled || collectNavigationModel != null; this.getFirstAction().setEnabled(bNavigationEnabled && !collectNavigationModel.isFirstElementSelected()); this.getLastAction().setEnabled(bNavigationEnabled && !collectNavigationModel.isLastElementSelected()); this.getPreviousAction().setEnabled(bNavigationEnabled && !collectNavigationModel.isFirstElementSelected()); this.getNextAction().setEnabled(bNavigationEnabled && !collectNavigationModel.isLastElementSelected()); } public void disableToolbarButtons() { this.getSaveAction().setEnabled(false); //this.getFirstAction().setEnabled(false); //this.getLastAction().setEnabled(false); //this.getPreviousAction().setEnabled(false); //this.getNextAction().setEnabled(false); this.getCloneAction().setEnabled(false); this.ctlDetails.getDeleteCurrentCollectableAction().setEnabled(false); this.getRefreshCurrentCollectableAction().setEnabled(false); } protected void setDeleteActionEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.ctlDetails.getDeleteCurrentCollectableAction().setEnabled(enabled); } private void acceptLookedUpCollectable(final ICollectableListOfValues clctlovSource) { try { Collectable first = null; List<Collectable> additionalCollectables = new ArrayList<Collectable>(); for (Collectable clct : getSelectedCollectables()) { if (clct != null) { if (first == null) { first = clct; } else { additionalCollectables.add(clct); } } } if (first != null) { clctlovSource.acceptLookedUpCollectable(first, additionalCollectables); } } catch (Exception ex) { Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(getTab(), ex); } } @Override public void visitDragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent dtde) { } @Override public void visitDragExit(DropTargetEvent dte) { } @Override public void visitDragOver(DropTargetDragEvent dtde) { Point here = dtde.getLocation(); openDetailsPanel(here); } @Override public void visitDrop(DropTargetDropEvent dtde) { } @Override public void visitDropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent dtde) { } private void openDetailsPanel(Point here) { int hereRow = getResultTable().rowAtPoint(here); CollectableTableModel<Collectable> model = (CollectableTableModel<Collectable>) getResultTable().getModel(); final Collectable clctSelected = model.getCollectable(hereRow); try { if (clctSelected != null) { if (Modules.getInstance().isModuleEntity(getEntityName())) { final CollectableGenericObject clctloSelected = (CollectableGenericObject) clctSelected; // we must reload the partially loaded object: final int iModuleId = clctloSelected.getGenericObjectCVO().getModuleId(); GenericObjectClientUtils.showDetails(iModuleId, clctloSelected.getId()); } else { final CollectableMasterDataWithDependants clctmdSelected = (CollectableMasterDataWithDependants) clctSelected; getMainController().showDetails(clctmdSelected.getCollectableEntity().getName(), clctmdSelected.getId()); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new NuclosFatalException(e); } } protected Map<String, Serializable> getContext() { return context; } protected void invoke(CommonRunnable runnable) throws CommonBusinessException { invokeWithInputRequiredSupport.invoke(runnable, getContext(), getTab()); } public DetailsController<Clct> getDetailsConroller() { return ctlDetails; } public SearchFilter getMainFilter() { return mainFilter; } public void setMainFilter(SearchFilter mainFilter) { this.mainFilter = mainFilter; getResultPanel().getSearchFilterBar().setSelected(mainFilter, true); } public void setMainFilter(SearchFilter mainFilter, boolean notifyListener) { this.mainFilter = mainFilter; getResultPanel().getSearchFilterBar().setSelected(mainFilter, notifyListener); } private void _setMainFilterAndSearch(SearchFilter mainFilter) { this.mainFilter = mainFilter; getResultController().getSearchResultStrategy().cmdSearch(); } private class MainFilterChangeListener implements ItemListener { public MainFilterChangeListener() { super(); } @Override public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (e.getItem() != null && !(e.getItem() instanceof SearchFilter)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getItem().getClass().getName()); } SearchFilter changedItem = (SearchFilter) e.getItem(); if (changedItem == mainFilter) { // cmdResetMainFilter(); } else { _setMainFilterAndSearch((SearchFilter) e.getItem()); } actResetMainFilter.setEnabled(mainFilter != null); } } private void cmdResetMainFilter() { getResultPanel().getSearchFilterBar().setSelected(null); } public abstract String getCustomUsage(); } // class CollectController