Java tutorial
//Copyright (C) 2010 Novabit Informationssysteme GmbH // //This file is part of Nuclos. // //Nuclos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //Nuclos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License //along with Nuclos. If not, see <>. package; import java.awt.Dimension; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.nuclos.api.Property; import org.nuclos.api.ui.LayoutComponent; import org.nuclos.client.genericobject.valuelistprovider.ProcessCollectableFieldsProvider; import org.nuclos.client.layout.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditorModes; import org.nuclos.client.layout.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGMetaInformation; import org.nuclos.client.layout.wysiwyg.component.WYSIWYGCollectableComponent; import org.nuclos.client.layout.wysiwyg.component.WYSIWYGCollectableListOfValues; import org.nuclos.client.layout.wysiwyg.component.WYSIWYGComponent; import org.nuclos.client.layout.wysiwyg.component.WYSIWYGComponent.PropertySetMethod; import org.nuclos.client.layout.wysiwyg.editor.ui.panels.WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel; import org.nuclos.client.layout.wysiwyg.editor.util.valueobjects.WYSIWYGValuelistProvider; import org.nuclos.client.ui.Errors; import org.nuclos.common.NuclosEOField; import org.nuclos.common2.exception.CommonBusinessException; import org.nuclos.common2.exception.CommonFatalException; public class ComponentProperties implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8669223366017896044L; private Map<String, PropertyValue<? extends Object>> properties; private Map<String, String> labels; private WYSIWYGComponent c; private WYSIWYGMetaInformation metaInf; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ComponentProperties.class); /** * Constructor * @param c the {@link WYSIWYGComponent} linked to this {@link ComponentProperties} * @param metaInf the {@link WYSIWYGMetaInformation} */ public ComponentProperties(WYSIWYGComponent c, WYSIWYGMetaInformation metaInf) { = new ListOrderedMap(); this.labels = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.c = c; this.metaInf = metaInf; } /** * Constructor * @param properties {@link Map} with the {@link PropertyValue} * @param c the {@link WYSIWYGComponent} for this {@link PropertyValue} {@link Map} */ public ComponentProperties(Map<String, PropertyValue<? extends Object>> properties, WYSIWYGComponent c) { = properties; this.c = c; } /** * Constructor * @param properties the {@link PropertyValue} {@link Map} * @param c the {@link WYSIWYGComponent} * @param labels the {@link Map} with the Labels * @param metaInf the {@link WYSIWYGMetaInformation} */ public ComponentProperties(Map<String, PropertyValue<? extends Object>> properties, WYSIWYGComponent c, Map<String, String> labels, WYSIWYGMetaInformation metaInf) { this(properties, c); this.labels = labels; this.metaInf = metaInf; } /** * @return a new Instance of this {@link ComponentProperties} */ private ComponentProperties getClonedInstance() { return new ComponentProperties(getClonedProperties(), this.c, this.labels, this.metaInf); } /** * @return a {@link Map} with the Name of the Property and the {@link PropertyValue} Object */ public Map<String, PropertyValue<?>> getProperties() { return properties; } /** * Returns a filtered Set of {@link PropertyValue} depending on the {@link WYSIWYGEditorModes} currently in. * @return a {@link Map} with all the {@link PropertyValue}s allowed for the current {@link WYSIWYGEditorModes} */ public Map<String, PropertyValue<?>> getFilteredProperties() { Map<String, PropertyValue<?>> result = getClonedProperties(); WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel editor = (c instanceof WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel) ? (WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel) c : c.getParentEditor(); int mode = WYSIWYGEditorModes.ENABLED; for (Map.Entry<String, PropertyValue<?>> entry : properties.entrySet()) { if ((PropertyUtils.getPropertyMode(c, entry.getKey()) & mode) != mode) { result.remove(entry.getKey()); } } return result; } /** * @return a new {@link Map} with the PropertyNames and the {@link PropertyValue} Objects */ public Map<String, PropertyValue<?>> getClonedProperties() { Map<String, PropertyValue<?>> cloneProperties = new ListOrderedMap(); for (Iterator<String> it = properties.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String key =; try { cloneProperties.put(key, (PropertyValue<?>) properties.get(key).clone()); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { log.error(e); } } return cloneProperties; } /** * @param property the Property to get the Label from * @return the Label for the Property, if not found, the property is returned */ public String getPropertyLabel(String property) { String label = labels.get(property); if (label == null) { return property; } else { return label; } } /** * @param property the Property to set the Label for * @param label the Label to set for the Property */ public void setPropertyLabel(String property, String label) { labels.put(property, label); } /** * @param property the Property to get the {@link PropertyValue} for * @return the {@link PropertyValue} found for the Property */ public PropertyValue<? extends Object> getProperty(String property) { return properties.get(property); } /** * This Method sets the Property to the {@link WYSIWYGComponent}.<br> * It uses Reflection to get the Methods.<br> * * @param property the Property to set * @param value the {@link PropertyValue} with the value * @param valueClass the Class the Value is in * @throws CommonBusinessException */ public void setProperty(String property, PropertyValue<?> value, Class<?> valueClass) throws CommonBusinessException { try { if (c instanceof WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel) ((WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel) c).getUndoRedoFunction().loggingChangeComponentsProperties(c, getClonedInstance(), ((WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel) c).getTableLayoutUtil()); else c.getParentEditor().getUndoRedoFunction().loggingChangeComponentsProperties(c, getClonedInstance(), c.getParentEditor().getTableLayoutUtil()); } catch (CommonFatalException ex) { /** * nothing to do, happens when layout is loaded... no serious reason * to panic */ } catch (NullPointerException ex) { /** * nothing to do, happens when layout is loaded... no serious reason * to panic */ } properties.put(property, value); try { if (c instanceof WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel) ((WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel) c).getUndoRedoFunction().loggingChangeComponentsProperties(c, getClonedInstance(), ((WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel) c).getTableLayoutUtil()); else c.getParentEditor().getUndoRedoFunction().loggingChangeComponentsProperties(c, getClonedInstance(), c.getParentEditor().getTableLayoutUtil()); } catch (CommonFatalException ex) { /** * nothing to do, happens when layout is loaded... no serious reason * to panic */ } catch (NullPointerException ex) { /** * nothing to do, happens when layout is loaded... no serious reason * to panic */ } addStaticDependantProperties(property, value); if (valueClass != null) { if (c instanceof LayoutComponent) { LayoutComponent lc = (LayoutComponent) c; if (lc.getComponentProperties() != null) { for (Property pt : lc.getComponentProperties()) { if ( { lc.setProperty(property, value.getValue(valueClass, c)); break; } } } } Class<? extends WYSIWYGComponent> componentClass = c.getClass(); Collection<String> methodNames = getMethodForProperty(property); for (Iterator<String> it = methodNames.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String methodName =; try { Method method = componentClass.getMethod(methodName, valueClass); method.invoke(c, value.getValue(valueClass, c)); } catch (NullPointerException e) { log.error(e); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(null, e); } catch (SecurityException e) { log.error(e); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(null, e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { log.error(e); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(null, e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { log.error(e); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(null, e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log.error(e); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(null, e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { log.error(e); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(null, e.getTargetException()); if (e.getTargetException() instanceof CommonBusinessException) { throw (CommonBusinessException) e.getTargetException(); } else { throw new CommonFatalException(e); } } } } } /** * * @param newProperties * @throws CommonBusinessException */ public void setProperties(Map<String, PropertyValue<?>> newProperties) throws CommonBusinessException { try { if (c instanceof WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel) ((WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel) c).getUndoRedoFunction().loggingChangeComponentsProperties(c, getClonedInstance(), ((WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel) c).getTableLayoutUtil()); else c.getParentEditor().getUndoRedoFunction().loggingChangeComponentsProperties(c, getClonedInstance(), c.getParentEditor().getTableLayoutUtil()); } catch (CommonFatalException ex) { } catch (NullPointerException ex) { } for (Map.Entry<String, PropertyValue<?>> e : newProperties.entrySet()) { properties.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); if (PropertyUtils.getValueClass(c, e.getKey()) != null) { Class<?> valueClass = PropertyUtils.getValueClass(c, e.getKey()); if (c instanceof LayoutComponent) { LayoutComponent lc = (LayoutComponent) c; if (lc.getComponentProperties() != null) { for (Property pt : lc.getComponentProperties()) { if ( { lc.setProperty(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getValue(valueClass, c)); } } } } Class<? extends WYSIWYGComponent> componentClass = c.getClass(); Collection<String> methodNames = getMethodForProperty(e.getKey()); for (Iterator<String> it = methodNames.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String methodName =; try { Method method = componentClass.getMethod(methodName, valueClass); method.invoke(c, e.getValue().getValue(valueClass, c)); try { if (method.equals(componentClass.getMethod("setPreferredSize", valueClass))) { c.getParentEditor().getTableLayoutUtil().revalidateLayoutCellForComponent(c, ((Dimension) e.getValue().getValue(valueClass, c))); } } catch (Exception exc) { } } catch (SecurityException ex) { log.error(e); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(null, ex); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { log.error(e); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(null, ex); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { log.error(e); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(null, ex); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { log.error(e); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(null, ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { log.error(e); Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(null, ex); if (ex.getTargetException() instanceof CommonBusinessException) { throw (CommonBusinessException) ex.getTargetException(); } else { throw new CommonFatalException(ex); } } } } } for (Map.Entry<String, PropertyValue<?>> e : newProperties.entrySet()) { addStaticDependantProperties(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } try { if (c instanceof WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel) ((WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel) c).getUndoRedoFunction().loggingChangeComponentsProperties(c, getClonedInstance(), ((WYSIWYGLayoutEditorPanel) c).getTableLayoutUtil()); else c.getParentEditor().getUndoRedoFunction().loggingChangeComponentsProperties(c, getClonedInstance(), c.getParentEditor().getTableLayoutUtil()); } catch (CommonFatalException ex) { } catch (NullPointerException ex) { } } /** * @param property the Property the setMethod should be recieved * @return a Collection with the Methodnames defined in {@link WYSIWYGComponent#getPropertySetMethods()} */ private Collection<String> getMethodForProperty(String property) { Collection<String> lstMethods = new ArrayList<String>(); PropertySetMethod[] methods = c.getPropertySetMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { if (methods[i].getName().equals(property)) { lstMethods.add(methods[i].getMethod()); } } return lstMethods; } /** * * @param property * @param value * @throws CommonBusinessException */ private void addStaticDependantProperties(String property, PropertyValue<?> value) throws CommonBusinessException { /** * CollectableField:NuclosProcess --> ValueListProvider:ProcessCollectableFieldsProvider */ if (WYSIWYGCollectableComponent.PROPERTY_NAME.equals(property) && value instanceof PropertyValueString) { PropertyValueString pvs = (PropertyValueString) value; if (NuclosEOField.PROCESS.getName().equals(pvs.getValue())) { PropertyValueValuelistProvider pvVlp = new PropertyValueValuelistProvider(false); WYSIWYGValuelistProvider wysiwygVlp = new WYSIWYGValuelistProvider(false); wysiwygVlp.setType(ProcessCollectableFieldsProvider.NAME); pvVlp.setValue(wysiwygVlp); setProperty(WYSIWYGCollectableComponent.PROPERTY_VALUELISTPROVIDER, pvVlp, WYSIWYGCollectableListOfValues.class); } } } /** * @return the {@link WYSIWYGComponent} this {@link ComponentProperties} is for */ public WYSIWYGComponent getComponent() { return c; } /** * @return the {@link WYSIWYGMetaInformation} */ public WYSIWYGMetaInformation getMetaInformation() { return metaInf; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer fubber = new StringBuffer(); if (c != null) fubber.append("\nWYSIWYGComponent: " + c.toString() + "\n"); else fubber.append("nWYSIWYGComponent: null " + "\n"); if (properties != null) fubber.append("Properties: " + properties.toString() + "\n"); else fubber.append("Properties: null " + "\n"); if (metaInf != null) fubber.append("MetaINfo: " + metaInf.toString() + "\n"); else fubber.append("MetaINfo: null " + "\n"); return fubber.toString(); } }