Java tutorial
/*This file is part of OpenBus project. * *OpenBus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *(at your option) any later version. * *OpenBus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with OpenBus. If not, see <>. * * Author: Caio Lima * Date: 30 - 06 - 2013 */ package org.nsoft.openbus.assynctask; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.nsoft.openbus.adapter.FeddAdapter; import org.nsoft.openbus.model.Mensagem; import; import org.nsoft.openbus.utils.Constants; import org.nsoft.openbus.utils.TwitterUtils; import org.nsoft.openbus.utils.UpdateParams; import org.nsoft.openbus.utils.TwitterUtils.ResponseUpdate; import org.nsoft.openbus.view.AbstractColumn; import twitter4j.Paging; import twitter4j.ResponseList; import twitter4j.TwitterException; import twitter4j.auth.AccessToken; import android.content.Context; import android.os.AsyncTask; import; public class UpdateTimelineTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { private Context ctx; private UpdateParams uParams; private PullToRefreshListView listView; private AbstractColumn column; private List<Mensagem> messages = new ArrayList<Mensagem>(); private List<Mensagem> last = new ArrayList<Mensagem>(); public UpdateTimelineTask(Context ctx, UpdateParams params) { this.ctx = ctx; this.uParams = params; } public UpdateTimelineTask(Context ctx, UpdateParams params, PullToRefreshListView view, AbstractColumn column) { this.ctx = ctx; this.uParams = params; this.listView = view; this.column = column; } @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { try { last = Facade.getInstance(ctx).getMensagemOf(Mensagem.TIPO_STATUS); AccessToken accessToken = uParams.getToken(); ResponseList<twitter4j.Status> list; int n_page = 1; int qtd_feeds = Constants.QTD_FEEDS; if (uParams != null) { n_page = uParams.getPage(); qtd_feeds = uParams.getQtdFeeds(); } Paging page = new Paging(n_page, qtd_feeds); list = TwitterUtils.getTwitter(accessToken).getHomeTimeline(page); ResponseUpdate response = TwitterUtils.updateTweets(ctx, list, Mensagem.TIPO_STATUS); messages = response.mensagens; /* * Mensagem lastMessage = response.lastMessage; * * boolean top = true; if (n_page > 1) top = false; * * if (mensagens.size() < Constants.QTD_FEEDS && !top) { // Atuliza * no topo page = new Paging(1, qtd_feeds); list = * TwitterUtils.getTwitter(accessToken).getHomeTimeline( page); * response = updateTweets(list); mensagens = response.mensagens; * * if (TimelineActivity.getCurrent() != null) * TimelineActivity.getCurrent().setCurrentList(mensagens); Intent * intent = new Intent( "com.twittemarkup.reciever.UPDATE_MSG"); * * Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putBoolean("top", true); * intent.putExtras(b); ctx.sendBroadcast(intent); * * // atualiza nova pagina int num_feeds = * Facade.getInstance(ctx).getCountMensagem( Mensagem.TIPO_STATUS); * int currentPage = num_feeds / Constants.QTD_FEEDS; * * page = new Paging(currentPage + 1, qtd_feeds); list = * TwitterUtils.getTwitter(accessToken).getHomeTimeline( page); * response = updateTweets(list); messages = response.mensagens; * /*if (TimelineActivity.getCurrent() != null) * TimelineActivity.getCurrent().setCurrentList(mensagens); Intent * intent2 = new Intent( "com.twittemarkup.reciever.UPDATE_MSG"); * * Bundle b2 = new Bundle(); b.putBoolean("top", false); * intent2.putExtras(b2); ctx.sendBroadcast(intent2); * * return null; } else if (mensagens.size() >= Constants.QTD_FEEDS) * { Facade.getInstance(ctx).deleteAllTo( * lastMessage.getData().getTime()); } if * (TimelineActivity.getCurrent() != null) * TimelineActivity.getCurrent().setCurrentList(mensagens); Intent * intent = new Intent("com.twittemarkup.reciever.UPDATE_MSG"); * * Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putBoolean("top", top); * intent.putExtras(b); ctx.sendBroadcast(intent); */ } catch (TwitterException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Void result) { super.onPostExecute(result); if (listView != null && uParams.getPage() == 1) { listView.onRefreshComplete(); } FeddAdapter adapter = ((FeddAdapter) listView.getMyAdapter()); if (column != null) { if (uParams.getPage() == 1 && !messages.isEmpty()) { adapter.clear(); for (Mensagem m : last) { if (!messages.contains(m)) Facade.getInstance(ctx).deleteMensagem(m.getIdMensagem(), m.getTipo()); } } for (Mensagem m : messages) { adapter.addItem(m); } if (uParams.getPage() > 1) { column.notifyNextPageFinish(); } adapter.sort(); } } }