Java tutorial
/** * Part of the AddressDiscoverer project, licensed under the GPL v.3 license. * This project provides intelligence for discovering email addresses in * specified web pages, associating them with a given institution and department * and address type. * * This project is licensed under the GPL v.3. Your rights to copy and modify * are regulated by the conditions specified in that license, available at * */ package org.norvelle.addressdiscoverer.parse.unstructured; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils; import org.jsoup.nodes.Attribute; import org.jsoup.nodes.Attributes; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import org.jsoup.nodes.Node; import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode; import org.norvelle.addressdiscoverer.gui.threading.ExtractIndividualsStatusReporter; import org.norvelle.addressdiscoverer.exceptions.EndNodeWalkingException; import org.norvelle.addressdiscoverer.model.Name; import org.norvelle.utils.Utils; /** * Given a standard tree-shaped JSoup Document, create a flattened list of * final elements (specifically, textual elements and emails) that can be * navigated from last to first in order to extract information for building * Individuals. * * @author Erik Norvelle <> */ public class ForwardsFlattenedDocumentIterator implements Iterable<Element>, Iterator<Element> { // A logger instance private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME); private final List<Element> elementsWithNames = new ArrayList<>(); private final HashMap<Element, List<String>> intermediateElementMap = new HashMap<>(); private List<String> intermediateValuesList = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<Node> allNodes = new ArrayList<>(); private Element lastNameContainingElement; private int currPosition; private final ExtractIndividualsStatusReporter status; private static int counter = 0; /** * Generate the iterator and position its pointer so it can be walked backward * using next() * * @param soup * @param encoding * @param status * @throws * @throws org.norvelle.addressdiscoverer.exceptions.EndNodeWalkingException */ public ForwardsFlattenedDocumentIterator(Document soup, String encoding, ExtractIndividualsStatusReporter status) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, EndNodeWalkingException { this.status = status; this.status.setTotalNumericSteps(soup.getAllElements().size()); // First we generate the flattened list of elements this.walkNodeForwards(soup, encoding); this.status.reportProgressText("Backwards document iterator created successfully"); logger.log(Level.FINE, "Flattened document: \n{0}", StringUtils.join(this.elementsWithNames, "\n")); // Now, we set the cursor to the end so we can iterate backwards this.currPosition = this.elementsWithNames.size() - 1; // If we have any remaining Nodes to add as intermediates, add them to // the last name Node we found. if (!intermediateValuesList.isEmpty()) this.intermediateElementMap.put(lastNameContainingElement, this.intermediateValuesList); } /** * A reverse treewalker that accumulates its results in the textNodes List of nodes. * * @param currNode */ private void walkNodeForwards(Node currNode, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, EndNodeWalkingException { this.status.incrementNumericProgress(); List<Node> children = currNode.childNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { Node child = children.get(i); if (!child.getClass().equals(TextNode.class)) this.walkNodeForwards(child, encoding); else { TextNode textChild = (TextNode) child; String htmlEncodedString = WordUtils.capitalizeFully(textChild.getWholeText()); String processedString = Utils.decodeHtml(htmlEncodedString, encoding); if (processedString.trim().isEmpty()) continue; boolean isName = Name.isName(processedString); if (isName) { this.status.reportProgressText("Found name: " + processedString); if (!this.elementsWithNames.contains((Element) currNode)) { this.elementsWithNames.add(0, (Element) currNode); if (lastNameContainingElement != null) this.intermediateElementMap.put((Element) lastNameContainingElement, intermediateValuesList); lastNameContainingElement = (Element) currNode; intermediateValuesList = new ArrayList<>(); } } else { intermediateValuesList.add(this.extractText((Element) currNode)); } // isName } // if (!child... } // for(int i... } private String extractText(Element currElement) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Attributes attrs = currElement.attributes(); for (Attribute attr : attrs.asList()) { String attrValue = attr.getValue(); sb.append(attr.getKey()).append(": ").append(attrValue).append("\n"); } sb.append(currElement.ownText()); return sb.toString(); } public List<String> getIntermediateElementMap(Element key) { return intermediateElementMap.get(key); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return this.currPosition >= 0; } @Override public Element next() { return this.elementsWithNames.get(this.currPosition--); } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public Iterator<Element> iterator() { return this; } public void rewind() { this.currPosition = this.elementsWithNames.size() - 1; } public int size() { return this.elementsWithNames.size(); } }