Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.neuclear.asset.contracts;

import org.dom4j.Attribute;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.neuclear.asset.fees.FeeStructure;
import org.neuclear.asset.fees.FeeStructureReader;
import org.neuclear.commons.Utility;
import org.neuclear.xml.XMLTools;
import org.neuclear.xml.xmlsec.XMLSecurityException;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Locale;

NeuClear Distributed Transaction Clearing Platform
(C) 2003 Pelle Braendgaard
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
$Id:,v 1.25 2004/09/08 23:17:22 pelle Exp $
$Log:,v $
Revision 1.25  2004/09/08 23:17:22  pelle
Fees now work for everything but Exchange Completion.
Revision 1.24  2004/09/08 20:07:42  pelle
Added support for fees to TransferOrderReceiver
Revision 1.23  2004/09/07 18:47:34  pelle
Added support for dom4j 1.5 and added a new XPP3Reader
Revision 1.22  2004/09/06 22:24:24  pelle
Added a package for calculating fees. This has been integrated into the Asset contract.
Revision 1.21  2004/06/19 21:20:03  pelle
Added TransferOrderServlet which is fully localized to Spanish and English
Asset now has a getFormatter() method which returns a localized currency formatter for amounts of Asset.
Revision 1.20  2004/05/01 00:23:11  pelle
Added Ledger field to Transaction as well as to getBalance() and friends.
Revision 1.19  2004/04/23 23:33:13  pelle
Major update. Added an original url and nickname to Identity and friends.
Revision 1.18  2004/04/18 01:06:06  pelle
Asset now parses the xhtml file for its details.
Revision 1.17  2004/04/05 16:31:40  pelle
Created new ServiceBuilder class for creating services. A service is an identity that has a seperate service URL and Service Public Key.
Revision 1.16  2004/04/02 16:58:53  pelle
Updated Asset and Asset Builder with semi fully featured functionality.
It now has Issuer, Service etc.
Revision 1.15  2004/04/01 23:18:32  pelle
Split Identity into Signatory and Identity class.
Identity remains a signed named object and will in the future just be used for self declared information.
Signatory now contains the PublicKey etc and is NOT a signed object.
Revision 1.14  2004/02/18 00:13:30  pelle
Many, many clean ups. I've readded Targets in a new method.
Gotten rid of NamedObjectBuilder and revamped Identity and Resolvers
Revision 1.13  2004/01/21 23:41:02  pelle
Started the unit tests for the new payment message format.
Revision 1.12  2004/01/10 00:00:44  pelle
Implemented new Schema for Transfer*
Working on it for Exchange*, so far all Receipts are implemented.
Added SignedNamedDocument which is a generic SignedNamedObject that works with all Signed XML.
Changed SignedNamedObject.getDigest() from byte array to String.
The whole malarchy in neuclear-pay does not build yet. The refactoring is a big job, but getting there.
Revision 1.11  2003/12/19 18:02:35  pelle
Revamped a lot of exception handling throughout the framework, it has been simplified in most places:
- For most cases the main exception to worry about now is InvalidNamedObjectException.
- Most lowerlevel exception that cant be handled meaningful are now wrapped in the LowLevelException, a
  runtime exception.
- Source and Store patterns each now have their own exceptions that generalizes the various physical
  exceptions that can happen in that area.
Revision 1.10  2003/12/10 23:52:39  pelle
Did some cleaning up in the builders
Fixed some stuff in IdentityCreator
New maven goal to create executable jarapp
We are close to 0.8 final of ID, 0.11 final of XMLSIG and 0.5 of commons.
Will release shortly.
Revision 1.9  2003/11/21 04:43:04  pelle
EncryptedFileStore now works. It uses the PBECipher with DES3 afair.
Otherwise You will Finaliate.
Anything that can be final has been made final throughout everyting. We've used IDEA's Inspector tool to find all instance of variables that could be final.
This should hopefully make everything more stable (and secure).
Revision 1.8  2003/11/20 16:01:59  pelle
Updated all the Contracts to use the new security model.
Revision 1.7  2003/11/19 23:32:19  pelle
Signers now can generatekeys via the generateKey() method.
Refactored the relationship between SignedNamedObject and NamedObjectBuilder a bit.
SignedNamedObject now contains the full xml which is returned with getEncoded()
This means that it is now possible to further receive on or process a SignedNamedObject, leaving
NamedObjectBuilder for its original purposes of purely generating new Contracts.
NamedObjectBuilder.sign() now returns a SignedNamedObject which is the prefered way of processing it.
Updated all major interfaces that used the old model to use the new model.
Revision 1.6  2003/11/12 23:47:04  pelle
Much work done in creating good test environment.
PaymentReceiverTest works, but needs a abit more work in its environment to succeed testing.
Revision 1.5  2003/11/11 21:17:19  pelle
Further vital reshuffling.
org.neudist.crypto.* and org.neudist.utils.* have been moved to respective areas under org.neuclear.commons
org.neuclear.signers.* as well as org.neuclear.passphraseagents have been moved under org.neuclear.commons.crypto as well.
Did a bit of work on the Canonicalizer and changed a few other minor bits.
Revision 1.4  2003/11/10 21:08:41  pelle
More JavaDoc
Revision 1.3  2003/11/10 19:27:52  pelle
Mainly documentation.
Revision 1.2  2003/11/10 17:42:07  pelle
The AssetController interface has been more or less finalized.
CurrencyController fully implemented
AssetControlClient implementes a remote client for communicating with AssetControllers
Revision 1.1  2003/11/09 03:32:56  pelle
More missing files from earlier commits. IDEA is acting strangly.
Revision 1.1  2003/11/06 23:47:43  pelle
Major Refactoring of CurrencyController.
Factored out AssetController to be new abstract parent class together with most of its support classes.
Created (Half way) AssetControlClient, which can perform transactions on external AssetControllers via NeuClear.
Created the first attempt at the ExchangeAgent. This will need use of the AssetControlClient.
SOAPTools was changed to return a stream. This is required by the VerifyingReader in NeuClear.

 * The assetName contains information about a tradeable Asset. The Asset is in itself a subclass of Identity, which
 * means that any transactions signed by it must be in the formatter of <tt>neu://assetname/1231q145452452345</tt>
 * where assetname is the unique NeuClear wide AssetCertificate.<p>
 * As a subclass of Identity you cant instantiate these classes your self, but must be gotten in this form:<p>
 * <tt>(Asset)NSResolver.resolveIdentity("neu://assetname");</tt><p>
 * To create your own assets use AssetBuilder sign it using a valid NeuClear signer and post its description
 * to your default online repository. Then anyone can access your Assets through the above interface.
 * @see
public final class Asset extends Service {
    protected Asset(final SignedNamedCore core, final String nickname, final String original,
            final String serviceUrl, final PublicKey servicekey, final PublicKey issuerKey, final Targets targets,
            final int decimal, final double minimumTransaction, final String units, final FeeStructure fees,
            final PublicKey feePub) {
        super(core, nickname, original, serviceUrl, servicekey, targets);
        this.issuer = new Signatory(issuerKey);
        this.decimal = decimal;
        this.multiplier = (int) Math.round(Math.pow(10, decimal));
        this.minimumTransaction = minimumTransaction;
        this.units = units;
        this.fees = fees;
        this.feeAccount = feePub != null ? new Signatory(feePub) : core.getSignatory();

        //TODO drop. This is for testing purposes only
        public Asset(final String serviceurl,final PublicKey pub, final int decimal, final double minimumTransaction) {
    this.decimal = decimal;
    this.multiplier = (int) Math.round(Math.pow(10, -decimal));
    this.minimumTransaction = minimumTransaction;

     * Checks if an amount is valid within the boundaries of the assetName.
     * @param amount
     * @return
    public final boolean isValidAmount(final double amount) {
        return amount >= minimumTransaction;

     * Rounds a given value to fit within the valid numbers of the
     * @param amount
     * @return
    public final double round(final double amount) {
        if (amount < minimumTransaction)
            return minimumTransaction;
        if (decimal == 0)
            return amount;
        return ((double) Math.round(amount * multiplier)) / multiplier;

    public final Signatory getIssuer() {
        return issuer;

    public int getDecimal() {
        return decimal;

    public int getMultiplier() {
        return multiplier;

    public double getMinimumTransaction() {
        return minimumTransaction;

    public String getUnits() {
        return units;

    public NumberFormat getFormatter(Locale locale) {
        NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale);

        if (format instanceof DecimalFormat) {
            DecimalFormat dec = (DecimalFormat) format;
            String pattern = dec.toLocalizedPattern();
            int loc = pattern.indexOf('\u00A4');
            if (loc >= 0) {
                final String p2 = pattern.substring(0, loc) + getUnits()
                        + pattern.substring(loc + 1, pattern.length() - 1);
                //                System.out.println("New format: "+p2);
        return format;

    public final FeeStructure getFeeStructure() {
        return fees;

    public final Signatory getFeeAccount() {
        return feeAccount;

    public static final class Reader implements NamedObjectReader {
         * Read object from Element and fill in its details
         * @param elem
         * @return
        public final SignedNamedObject read(final SignedNamedCore core, final Element elem)
                throws InvalidNamedObjectException {
            final Element issuerElement = InvalidNamedObjectException.assertContainsElementId(core, elem,
            final Element serviceKeyElement = InvalidNamedObjectException.assertContainsElementId(core, elem,
            final Attribute url = (Attribute) elem
            if (url == null || url.getValue() == null)
                throw new InvalidNamedObjectException(core.getName(), "Asset didnt contain a controller");
            try {
                final PublicKey sPub = extractPublicKey(serviceKeyElement);
                final PublicKey iPub = extractPublicKey(issuerElement);
                final int decimal = extractDecimalPoints(elem);
                final double minimum = extractMinimumTransactionAmount(elem);
                final Targets targets = Targets.parseList(elem);
                final String nickname = extractNickName(elem, core);
                final String original = extractOrginalUrl(elem);
                final Element unitselem = XMLTools.getByID(elem, "asset.units");
                final String units = (unitselem == null) ? "units" : unitselem.getTextTrim();
                final FeeStructure fees = FeeStructureReader.readFeeStructure(units, elem);

                PublicKey feePub = null;
                final Element feeAccountElem = XMLTools.getByID(elem, "fee.account");
                if (feeAccountElem != null)
                    feePub = extractPublicKey(feeAccountElem);
                return new Asset(core, nickname, original, url.getValue(), sPub, iPub, targets, decimal, minimum,
                        units, fees, feePub);
            } catch (XMLSecurityException e) {
                throw new InvalidNamedObjectException("invalid asset xml");


    private static double extractMinimumTransactionAmount(Element elem) {
        Element melem = XMLTools.getByID(elem, "asset.minimum");
        if (melem == null || Utility.isEmpty(melem.getTextTrim()))
            return 0.0;
        return Double.parseDouble(melem.getTextTrim());


    private static int extractDecimalPoints(Element elem) {
        Element melem = XMLTools.getByID(elem, "asset.decimalpoints");
        if (melem == null || Utility.isEmpty(melem.getTextTrim()))
            return 0;
        return Integer.parseInt(melem.getTextTrim());


    private final Signatory issuer;
    private final Signatory feeAccount;
    private final int decimal;
    private final int multiplier;
    private final double minimumTransaction;
    private final String units;
    private final FeeStructure fees;