Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.netkernelroc.gradle.apposite;

import nu.xom.Builder;
import nu.xom.Document;
import nu.xom.Node;
import nu.xom.Nodes;
import org.netkernelroc.gradle.NetKernelConvention;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;

public class Package {
    private SortedSet<PackageVersion> versions = new TreeSet<PackageVersion>();
    private final RepositorySet set;
    private final long id;
    private final String name;
    private final String description;
    private final String maintainer;
    private final int runLevel;
    private final String section;
    private final String www;
    private final String license;
    private PackageVersion latestInstalledVersion;

    public Package(RepositorySet set, long id, String name, String description, String maintainer, int runLevel,
            String section, String www, String license) {
        this.set = set; = id; = name;
        this.description = description;
        this.maintainer = maintainer;
        this.runLevel = runLevel;
        this.section = section;
        this.www = www;
        this.license = license;

    public RepositorySet getSet() {
        return set;

    public long getId() {
        return id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public String getMaintainer() {
        return maintainer;

    public int getRunLevel() {
        return runLevel;

    public String getSection() {
        return section;

    public String getWww() {
        return www;

    public String getLicense() {
        return license;

    public SortedSet<PackageVersion> getVersions() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet(versions);

    public boolean addVersion(PackageVersion version) {
        return versions.add(version);

    public PackageVersion getLatestInstalledVersion() {
        return latestInstalledVersion;

    public void setLatestInstalledVersion(PackageVersion latestInstalledVersion) {
        this.latestInstalledVersion = latestInstalledVersion;

    public boolean isInstalled() {
        return latestInstalledVersion != null;

    public boolean updateAvailable() {
        return isInstalled() && versions.last().compareTo(latestInstalledVersion) > 0;

    public void update(Connection connection, File nkInstance) throws Exception {
        if (updateAvailable()) {
            uninstall(connection, nkInstance);
            install(connection, nkInstance);
        } else {
            System.out.println("No update available to install");

    public void install(Connection connection, File nkInstance) throws Exception {
        PackageVersion toInstall = versions.last();
        File packageFile =, connection);

        File expandedPackage = NetKernelConvention.createTempDir();
        NetKernelConvention.expandZip(packageFile, expandedPackage);

        Document manifestDocument = new Builder().build(new File(expandedPackage, "manifest.xml"));
        Nodes modulesNodes = manifestDocument.query("/manifest/module");

        final String setInstalledSql = "UPDATE PACKAGE_VERSIONS SET INSTALLED=TRUE WHERE ID=?;";
        final PreparedStatement setInstalledPS = connection.prepareStatement(setInstalledSql);

        final String addTransactionEventSql = "INSERT INTO PACKAGE_TRANSACTION_EVENTS VALUES (\n" + "    NULL,\n"
                + "    @TRANSACTIONID,\n" + "    1,\n" + "    ?\n" + ");";
        final PreparedStatement addTransactionEventPS = connection.prepareStatement(addTransactionEventSql);

        final String addModuleSql = "MERGE INTO MODULES (\n" + "    PACKAGEVID,\n" + "    IDENTITY,\n"
                + "    VERSION,\n" + "    LOCALSRC,\n" + "    RUNLEVEL,\n" + "    EXPANDED\n" + ")\n"
                + "KEY (IDENTITY, VERSION)\n" + "VALUES (\n" + "    ?,\n" + "    ?,\n" + "    ?,\n" + "    ?,\n"
                + "    ?,\n" + "    ?\n" + ");";
        final PreparedStatement addModulePS = connection.prepareStatement(addModuleSql);

        setInstalledPS.setLong(1, toInstall.getId());

        addTransactionEventPS.setLong(1, id);

        for (int moduleI = 0; moduleI < modulesNodes.size(); moduleI++) {
            Node moduleNode = modulesNodes.get(moduleI);

            String uri = moduleNode.query("uri").get(0).getValue();
            String version = moduleNode.query("version").get(0).getValue();
            int runLevel = Integer.parseInt(moduleNode.query("runlevel").get(0).getValue());
            String source = moduleNode.query("source").get(0).getValue();
            boolean expand = Boolean.parseBoolean(moduleNode.query("expand").get(0).getValue());

            Integer[] versionArray = RepositorySet.stringArrayToIntArray(version.split("\\."));

            File targetFile;
            if (uri.startsWith("urn:com:ten60:core:")) {
                expand = false;
                targetFile = new File(nkInstance, "lib");
            } else {
                targetFile = new File(nkInstance, "modules");

            File moduleJar = new File(expandedPackage, source);

            String baseName = uri.replaceAll(":", ".") + "-" + version;

            File target;
            File jarTarget = new File(targetFile, baseName + ".jar");
            File expandedTarget = new File(targetFile, baseName);

            if (expand) {
                target = expandedTarget;
            } else {
                target = jarTarget;

            if (target.exists()) {
                System.out.println("Not moving module into place as it already exists");
            } else {
                if (expand) {
                    System.out.println("Expanding module " + uri + " to " + expandedTarget.getAbsolutePath());
                    NetKernelConvention.expandZip(moduleJar, expandedTarget);
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Moving module " + uri + " to " + jarTarget.getAbsolutePath());
                    FileUtils.moveFile(moduleJar, jarTarget);

            addModulePS.setLong(1, toInstall.getId());
            addModulePS.setString(2, uri);
            addModulePS.setObject(3, versionArray);
            addModulePS.setString(4, nkInstance.toURI().relativize(target.toURI()).getPath());
            addModulePS.setInt(5, runLevel);
            addModulePS.setBoolean(6, expand);

        latestInstalledVersion = toInstall;

    public void uninstall(Connection connection, File nkInstance) throws Exception {
        final String setNotInstalledSql = "UPDATE PACKAGE_VERSIONS SET INSTALLED=FALSE WHERE ID=?";
        final PreparedStatement setNoInstalledPS = connection.prepareStatement(setNotInstalledSql);

        final String addTransactionEventSql = "INSERT INTO PACKAGE_TRANSACTION_EVENTS VALUES (\n" + "    NULL,\n"
                + "    @TRANSACTIONID,\n" + "    2,\n" + "    ?\n" + ");";
        final PreparedStatement addTransactionEventPS = connection.prepareStatement(addTransactionEventSql);

        final String deleteModulesSql = "DELETE FROM MODULES WHERE PACKAGEVID=?;";
        final PreparedStatement deleteModulesPS = connection.prepareStatement(deleteModulesSql);

        // I believe this only happens if the package was uploaded
        final String deletePackageSql = "DELETE\n" + "FROM   PACKAGES\n" + "WHERE  ID=( SELECT PACKAGES.ID\n"
                + "            FROM    PACKAGES,\n" + "                    PACKAGE_VERSIONS\n"
                + "            WHERE   PACKAGES.ID=PACKAGE_VERSIONS.PACKAGEID\n"
                + "            AND     PACKAGES.REPOCOLLECTIONSETID=1\n"
                + "            AND     PACKAGE_VERSIONS.ID=?\n" + "          );";
        final PreparedStatement deletePackagePS = connection.prepareStatement(deletePackageSql);

        setNoInstalledPS.setLong(1, latestInstalledVersion.getId());

        addTransactionEventPS.setLong(1, id);

        deletePackagePS.setLong(1, latestInstalledVersion.getId());

        latestInstalledVersion = null;

    public String toString() {
        return name + " (" + versions.last().getVersionString() + ")";