Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to Neo Technology under one or more contributor * license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. Neo Technology licenses this file to you under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.neo4j.ontology.server.unmanaged; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonEncoding; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import org.neo4j.graphdb.*; import static org.neo4j.graphdb.Direction.INCOMING; import static org.neo4j.graphdb.Direction.OUTGOING; @Path("/annotations") public class AnnotationResource { private final ObjectMapper objectMapper; private GraphDatabaseService graphDb; // Relationships private static final DynamicRelationshipType SUBCLASS_OF = DynamicRelationshipType.withName("RDFS:subClassOf"); private static final DynamicRelationshipType ANNOTATED_WITH = DynamicRelationshipType .withName("annotated_with"); private static final DynamicRelationshipType READ_ACCESS = DynamicRelationshipType.withName("read_access"); // Labels private static final Label CLAZZ = DynamicLabel.label("Class"); private static final Label USER = DynamicLabel.label("User"); public AnnotationResource(@Context GraphDatabaseService graphDb) { this.graphDb = graphDb; this.objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); } @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/{userName}") public Response getAnnotationSets(final @PathParam("userName") String userName, final @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("objectification") int objectification) { StreamingOutput stream = new StreamingOutput() { @Override public void write(OutputStream os) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { Map<Long, List<Long>> associatedDataSets = new HashMap<>(); Label annotationLabel = DynamicLabel.label("AnnotationSets" + capitalize(userName)); JsonGenerator jg = objectMapper.getFactory().createGenerator(os, JsonEncoding.UTF8); jg.writeStartObject(); jg.writeFieldName("nodes"); if (objectification > 0) { jg.writeStartObject(); } else { jg.writeStartArray(); } try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); ResourceIterator<Node> users = graphDb.findNodes(USER, "name", userName)) { if (users.hasNext()) { getDirectAnnotationTerms(getAccessibleDataSets(, associatedDataSets); } tx.success(); } try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); ResourceIterator<Node> terms = graphDb.findNodes(annotationLabel)) { while (terms.hasNext()) { Node term =; if (objectification > 0) { jg.writeFieldName(term.getProperty("uri").toString()); } if (objectification > 1) { if (associatedDataSets.containsKey(term.getId())) { writeJsonNodeObjectifiedObject(jg, term, annotationLabel, associatedDataSets.get(term.getId())); } else { writeJsonNodeObjectifiedObject(jg, term, annotationLabel); } } else { if (associatedDataSets.containsKey(term.getId())) { writeJsonNodeObject(jg, term, annotationLabel, associatedDataSets.get(term.getId())); } else { writeJsonNodeObject(jg, term, annotationLabel); } } } tx.success(); } if (objectification > 0) { jg.writeEndObject(); } else { jg.writeEndArray(); } jg.writeEndObject(); jg.flush(); jg.close(); } }; return Response.ok().entity(stream).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build(); } @DELETE @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/") public Response removeAnnotationSetLabels() { try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); ResourceIterator<Node> users = graphDb.findNodes(USER)) { while (users.hasNext()) { removeAnnotationSetLabels(DynamicLabel .label("AnnotationSets" + capitalize("name").toString()))); } tx.success(); } return Response.ok().build(); } @POST @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/") public Response labelAnnotationSets() { try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); ResourceIterator<Node> users = graphDb.findNodes(USER)) { while (users.hasNext()) { labelAnnotationSetsPerUser(; } tx.success(); } return Response.ok().build(); } @POST @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Path("/{userName}") public Response labelAnnotationSets(final @PathParam("userName") String userName) { try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); ResourceIterator<Node> users = graphDb.findNodes(USER, "name", userName)) { if (users.hasNext()) { labelAnnotationSetsPerUser(; } tx.success(); } return Response.ok().build(); } private String capitalize(final String string) { return Character.toUpperCase(string.charAt(0)) + string.substring(1); } private void labelAnnotationSetsPerUser(Node user) { String userName = capitalize(user.getProperty("name").toString()); removeAnnotationSetLabels(DynamicLabel.label("AnnotationSets" + userName)); traverseUpAndDown(getDirectAnnotationTerms(getAccessibleDataSets(user)), userName); } private void removeAnnotationSetLabels(Label label) { try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); ResourceIterator<Node> nodes = graphDb.findNodes(label)) { while (nodes.hasNext()) {; } tx.success(); } } private void traverseUpAndDown(List<Node> leafs, String label) { Map<Long, Boolean> visited = new HashMap<>(); // 1. Traverse up and cache the node id of every visited node for (Node leaf : leafs) { traverseUp(leaf, visited); } // Traverse down all previously visited nodes try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); ResourceIterator<Node> roots = graphDb.findNodes(CLAZZ, "name", "OWL:Thing")) { while (roots.hasNext()) { traverseDown(, visited, label); } tx.success(); } } private void traverseUp(Node term, Map<Long, Boolean> visited) { visited.put(term.getId(), true); for (Relationship subClassOf : term.getRelationships(SUBCLASS_OF, OUTGOING)) { traverseUp(subClassOf.getEndNode(), visited); } } public void traverseDown(Node term, Map<Long, Boolean> visited, String label) { term.addLabel(DynamicLabel.label("AnnotationSets" + label)); for (Relationship subClassOf : term.getRelationships(SUBCLASS_OF, INCOMING)) { if (visited.containsKey(subClassOf.getStartNode().getId())) { traverseDown(subClassOf.getStartNode(), visited, label); } } } private List<Node> getAccessibleDataSets(Node user) { List<Node> dataSets = new ArrayList<>(); for (Relationship readAccess : user.getRelationships(READ_ACCESS, OUTGOING)) { dataSets.add(readAccess.getEndNode()); } return dataSets; } private List<Node> getDirectAnnotationTerms(List<Node> dataSets) { List<Node> terms = new ArrayList<>(); Node term; for (Node dataSet : dataSets) { for (Relationship annotatedWith : dataSet.getRelationships(ANNOTATED_WITH, OUTGOING)) { term = annotatedWith.getEndNode(); terms.add(term); } } return terms; } private List<Node> getDirectAnnotationTerms(List<Node> dataSets, Map<Long, List<Long>> associatedDataSets) { List<Node> terms = new ArrayList<>(); Node term; for (Node dataSet : dataSets) { for (Relationship annotatedWith : dataSet.getRelationships(ANNOTATED_WITH, OUTGOING)) { term = annotatedWith.getEndNode(); terms.add(term); if (!associatedDataSets.containsKey(term.getId())) { associatedDataSets.put(term.getId(), new ArrayList<Long>()); } associatedDataSets.get(term.getId()).add(((Integer) dataSet.getProperty("id")).longValue()); } } return terms; } private void writeJsonNodeObject(JsonGenerator jg, Node term, Label annotationLabel) throws IOException { jg.writeStartObject(); // { jg.writeStringField("uri", term.getProperty("uri").toString()); // uri: "" jg.writeStringField("ontId", term.getProperty("name").toString()); // ontId: "OWL:Thing" jg.writeStringField("label", term.getProperty("rdfs:label", term.getProperty("name")).toString()); // ontId: "OWL:Thing" jg.writeFieldName("dataSets"); // dataSets: jg.writeStartArray(); // [ jg.writeEndArray(); // ] writeJsonNodeObjectParents(jg, term, annotationLabel); jg.writeEndObject(); // } } private void writeJsonNodeObjectifiedObject(JsonGenerator jg, Node term, Label annotationLabel) throws IOException { jg.writeStartObject(); // { jg.writeStringField("uri", term.getProperty("uri").toString()); // uri: "" jg.writeStringField("ontId", term.getProperty("name").toString()); // ontId: "OWL:Thing" jg.writeStringField("label", term.getProperty("rdfs:label", term.getProperty("name")).toString()); // ontId: "OWL:Thing" jg.writeFieldName("dataSets"); // dataSets: jg.writeStartObject(); // { jg.writeEndObject(); // } writeJsonNodeObjectifiedObjectParents(jg, term, annotationLabel); jg.writeEndObject(); // } } private void writeJsonNodeObject(JsonGenerator jg, Node term, Label annotationLabel, List<Long> dataSetsId) throws IOException { jg.writeStartObject(); // { jg.writeStringField("uri", term.getProperty("uri").toString()); // uri: "" jg.writeStringField("ontId", term.getProperty("name").toString()); // ontId: "OWL:Thing" jg.writeStringField("label", term.getProperty("rdfs:label", term.getProperty("name")).toString()); // ontId: "OWL:Thing" jg.writeFieldName("dataSets"); // dataSets: jg.writeStartArray(); // [ for (Long dataSetId : dataSetsId) { jg.writeNumber(dataSetId); // 123 } jg.writeEndArray(); // ] writeJsonNodeObjectParents(jg, term, annotationLabel); jg.writeEndObject(); // } } private void writeJsonNodeObjectifiedObject(JsonGenerator jg, Node term, Label annotationLabel, List<Long> dataSetsId) throws IOException { jg.writeStartObject(); // { jg.writeStringField("uri", term.getProperty("uri").toString()); // uri: "" jg.writeStringField("ontId", term.getProperty("name").toString()); // ontId: "OWL:Thing" jg.writeStringField("label", term.getProperty("rdfs:label", term.getProperty("name")).toString()); // ontId: "OWL:Thing" jg.writeFieldName("dataSets"); // dataSets: jg.writeStartObject(); // { for (Long dataSetId : dataSetsId) { jg.writeBooleanField(dataSetId.toString(), true); // 123 } jg.writeEndObject(); // } writeJsonNodeObjectifiedObjectParents(jg, term, annotationLabel); jg.writeEndObject(); // } } private void writeJsonNodeObjectParents(JsonGenerator jg, Node term, Label annotationLabel) throws IOException { jg.writeFieldName("parents"); // parents: jg.writeStartArray(); // [ for (Relationship subClassOf : term.getRelationships(SUBCLASS_OF, OUTGOING)) { if (subClassOf.getEndNode().hasLabel(annotationLabel)) { jg.writeString(subClassOf.getEndNode().getProperty("uri").toString()); } } jg.writeEndArray(); // ] } private void writeJsonNodeObjectifiedObjectParents(JsonGenerator jg, Node term, Label annotationLabel) throws IOException { jg.writeFieldName("parents"); // parents: jg.writeStartObject(); // { for (Relationship subClassOf : term.getRelationships(SUBCLASS_OF, OUTGOING)) { if (subClassOf.getEndNode().hasLabel(annotationLabel)) { jg.writeBooleanField(subClassOf.getEndNode().getProperty("uri").toString(), true); } } jg.writeEndObject(); // } } }