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Java tutorial


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 *  * Copyright 2015 Skymind,Inc.
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 *  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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 *  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.nd4j.linalg.ops;

import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.nd4j.linalg.BaseNd4jTest;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.transforms.*;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4jBackend;
import org.nd4j.linalg.ops.transforms.Transforms;
import org.nd4j.linalg.string.NDArrayStrings;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class DerivativeTests extends BaseNd4jTest {

    public static final double REL_ERROR_TOLERANCE = 1e-3;

    public DerivativeTests(Nd4jBackend backend) {

    public void testHardTanhDerivative() {
        assertTrue(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("hardtanh", Nd4j.ones(1))
                .derivative() instanceof HardTanhDerivative);

        //f(x) = 1 if x > 1
        //f(x) = -1 if x < -1
        //f(x) = x otherwise
        //This is piecewise differentiable.
        //f'(x) = 0 if |x|>1
        //f'(x) = 1 otherwise
        //Note for x= +/- 1, HardTanh is not differentiable. Choose f'(+/- 1) = 1

        INDArray z = Nd4j.zeros(100);
        double[] expOut = new double[100];
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double x = 0.1 * (i - 50);
            z.putScalar(i, x);
            expOut[i] = (Math.abs(x) <= 1.0 ? 1 : 0);

        INDArray zPrime = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("hardtanh", z).derivative());

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            assertEquals(expOut[i], zPrime.getDouble(i), 1e-1);

    public void testRectifiedLinearDerivative() {
        assertTrue(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("relu", Nd4j.ones(1)).derivative() instanceof Step);

        //f(x) = max(0,x)
        //Piecewise differentiable; choose f'(0) = 0
        //f'(x) = 1 if x > 0
        //f'(x) = 0 if x <= 0

        INDArray z = Nd4j.zeros(100);
        double[] expOut = new double[100];
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double x = 0.1 * (i - 50);
            z.putScalar(i, x);
            expOut[i] = (x > 0 ? 1 : 0);

        INDArray zPrime = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("relu", z).derivative());

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            assertTrue(expOut[i] == zPrime.getDouble(i));

    public void testSigmoidDerivative() {
        assertTrue(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("sigmoid", Nd4j.ones(1))
                .derivative() instanceof SigmoidDerivative);

        //Derivative of sigmoid: ds(x)/dx = s(x)*(1-s(x))
        //s(x) = 1 / (exp(-x) + 1)
        INDArray z = Nd4j.zeros(100);
        double[] expOut = new double[100];
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double x = 0.1 * (i - 50);
            z.putScalar(i, x);
            double sigmoid = 1.0 / (FastMath.exp(-x) + 1);
            expOut[i] = sigmoid * (1 - sigmoid);

        INDArray zPrime = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("sigmoid", z).derivative());

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double relError = Math.abs(expOut[i] - zPrime.getDouble(i))
                    / (Math.abs(expOut[i]) + Math.abs(zPrime.getDouble(i)));
            assertTrue(relError < REL_ERROR_TOLERANCE);

    public void testHardSigmoidDerivative() {
        assertTrue(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("hardsigmoid", Nd4j.ones(1))
                .derivative() instanceof HardSigmoidDerivative);

        f(x) = min(1, max(0, 0.2*x + 0.5))
        or equivalently: clip 0.2*x+0.5 to range 0 to 1
        where clipping bounds are -2.5 and 2.5
        Hard sigmoid derivative:
        f'(x) =
        0 if x < -2.5 or x > 2.5
        0.2 otherwise

        double[] expHSOut = new double[300];
        double[] expDerivOut = new double[300];
        INDArray xArr = Nd4j.linspace(-3, 3, 300);
        for (int i = 0; i < xArr.length(); i++) {
            double x = xArr.getDouble(i);
            double hs = 0.2 * x + 0.5;
            if (hs < 0)
                hs = 0;
            if (hs > 1)
                hs = 1;
            expHSOut[i] = hs;

            double hsDeriv;
            if (x < -2.5 || x > 2.5)
                hsDeriv = 0;
                hsDeriv = 0.2;

            expDerivOut[i] = hsDeriv;

        INDArray z = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("hardsigmoid", xArr.dup()));
        INDArray zPrime = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("hardsigmoid", xArr.dup()).derivative());


        for (int i = 0; i < expHSOut.length; i++) {
            double relErrorHS = Math.abs(expHSOut[i] - z.getDouble(i))
                    / (Math.abs(expHSOut[i]) + Math.abs(z.getDouble(i)));
            if (!(expHSOut[i] == 0 && z.getDouble(i) == 0)) {
                assertTrue(relErrorHS < REL_ERROR_TOLERANCE);
            double relErrorDeriv = Math.abs(expDerivOut[i] - zPrime.getDouble(i))
                    / (Math.abs(expDerivOut[i]) + Math.abs(zPrime.getDouble(i)));
            if (!(expDerivOut[i] == 0 && zPrime.getDouble(i) == 0)) {
                assertTrue(relErrorDeriv < REL_ERROR_TOLERANCE);


    public void testSoftMaxDerivative() {
        assertTrue(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softmax", Nd4j.ones(1))
                .derivative() instanceof SoftMaxDerivative);

        Random r = new Random(12345L);

        int[] mb = new int[] { 10, 2, 1 };
        for (int minibatch : mb) {
            System.out.println("Minibatch size: " + minibatch);
            INDArray z = Nd4j.zeros(minibatch, 5);
            double[][] in = new double[minibatch][5];
            double[][] softmax = new double[minibatch][5];
            double[][] expOut = new double[minibatch][5];
            for (int i = 0; i < minibatch; i++) {
                double rowSumExp = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
                    in[i][j] = 10 * r.nextDouble();
                    z.putScalar(new int[] { i, j }, in[i][j]);
                    rowSumExp += FastMath.exp(in[i][j]);
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
                    softmax[i][j] = FastMath.exp(in[i][j]) / rowSumExp;
                    expOut[i][j] = softmax[i][j] * (1.0 - softmax[i][j]);

            INDArray sm = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                    .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softmax", z.dup()));
            INDArray zPrime = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                    .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softmax", z).derivative());
            assertNotEquals(sm, zPrime);

            for (int i = 0; i < minibatch; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
                    double relError = Math.abs(expOut[i][j] - zPrime.getDouble(i, j))
                            / (Math.abs(expOut[i][j]) + Math.abs(zPrime.getDouble(i, j)));
                    //                    System.out.println("Error: " + relError);
                    assertTrue(relError < REL_ERROR_TOLERANCE);

    public void testSoftPlusDerivative() {
        //Derivative of softplus in sigmoid
        assertTrue(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softplus", Nd4j.ones(1)).derivative() instanceof Sigmoid);

        //s(x) = 1 / (exp(-x) + 1)
        INDArray z = Nd4j.zeros(100);
        double[] expOut = new double[100];
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double x = 0.1 * (i - 50);
            z.putScalar(i, x);
            expOut[i] = 1.0 / (1.0 + FastMath.exp(-x));

        INDArray zPrime = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softplus", z).derivative());

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double relError = Math.abs(expOut[i] - zPrime.getDouble(i))
                    / (Math.abs(expOut[i]) + Math.abs(zPrime.getDouble(i)));
            assertTrue(relError < REL_ERROR_TOLERANCE);

    public void testTanhDerivative() {
                Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("tanh", Nd4j.ones(1)).derivative() instanceof TanhDerivative);

        //Derivative of sigmoid: ds(x)/dx = s(x)*(1-s(x))
        //s(x) = 1 / (exp(-x) + 1)
        INDArray z = Nd4j.zeros(100);
        double[] expOut = new double[100];
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double x = 0.1 * (i - 50);
            z.putScalar(i, x);
            double tanh = FastMath.tanh(x);
            expOut[i] = 1.0 - tanh * tanh;

        INDArray zPrime = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("tanh", z).derivative());

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double relError = Math.abs(expOut[i] - zPrime.getDouble(i))
                    / (Math.abs(expOut[i]) + Math.abs(zPrime.getDouble(i)));
            assertTrue(relError < REL_ERROR_TOLERANCE);

    public void testCubeDerivative() {
                Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("cube", Nd4j.ones(1)).derivative() instanceof CubeDerivative);

        //Derivative of cube: 3*x^2
        INDArray z = Nd4j.zeros(100);
        double[] expOut = new double[100];
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double x = 0.1 * (i - 50);
            z.putScalar(i, x);
            expOut[i] = 3 * x * x;

        INDArray zPrime = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("cube", z).derivative());

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double d1 = expOut[i];
            double d2 = zPrime.getDouble(i);
            double relError = Math.abs(d1 - d1) / (Math.abs(d1) + Math.abs(d2));
            if (d1 == 0.0 && d2 == 0.0)
                relError = 0.0;
            String str = "exp=" + expOut[i] + ", act=" + zPrime.getDouble(i) + "; relError = " + relError;
            assertTrue(str, relError < REL_ERROR_TOLERANCE);

    public void testLeakyReLUDerivative() {
        assertTrue(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("leakyrelu", Nd4j.ones(1))
                .derivative() instanceof LeakyReLUDerivative);

        //Derivative: 0.01 if x<0, 1 otherwise
        INDArray z = Nd4j.zeros(100);
        double[] expOut = new double[100];
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double x = 0.1 * (i - 50);
            z.putScalar(i, x);
            expOut[i] = (x >= 0 ? 1 : 0.01);

        INDArray zPrime = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("leakyrelu", z).derivative());

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double relError = Math.abs(expOut[i] - zPrime.getDouble(i))
                    / (Math.abs(expOut[i]) + Math.abs(zPrime.getDouble(i)));
            assertTrue(relError < REL_ERROR_TOLERANCE);

    public void testSoftSignDerivative() {
        assertTrue(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softsign", Nd4j.ones(1))
                .derivative() instanceof SoftSignDerivative);

        //Derivative: 1 / (1+abs(x))^2
        INDArray z = Nd4j.zeros(100);
        double[] expOut = new double[100];
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double x = 0.1 * (i - 50);
            z.putScalar(i, x);
            double temp = 1 + Math.abs(x);
            expOut[i] = 1.0 / (temp * temp);

        INDArray zPrime = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softsign", z).derivative());

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double relError = Math.abs(expOut[i] - zPrime.getDouble(i))
                    / (Math.abs(expOut[i]) + Math.abs(zPrime.getDouble(i)));
            assertTrue(relError < REL_ERROR_TOLERANCE);

    public void testELUDerivative() {
        assertTrue(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("elu", Nd4j.ones(1)).derivative() instanceof ELUDerivative);

        //f(x) = x if x>=0
        //f(x) = 1.0*(exp(x)-1)
        INDArray z = Nd4j.zeros(100);
        double[] out = new double[100];
        double[] outDeriv = new double[100];
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double x = 0.1 * (i - 50);
            z.putScalar(i, x);
            if (x >= 0) {
                out[i] = x;
                outDeriv[i] = 1.0;
            } else {
                out[i] = FastMath.exp(x) - 1.0;
                outDeriv[i] = FastMath.exp(x);

        INDArray act = Nd4j.getExecutioner().execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("elu", z.dup()));
        INDArray actDeriv = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("elu", z.dup()).derivative());


        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            double relError1 = Math.abs(out[i] - act.getDouble(i))
                    / (Math.abs(out[i]) + Math.abs(act.getDouble(i)));
            if (out[i] == 0.0 && act.getDouble(i) == 0.0)
                relError1 = 0.0;
            double relError2 = Math.abs(outDeriv[i] - actDeriv.getDouble(i))
                    / (Math.abs(outDeriv[i]) + Math.abs(actDeriv.getDouble(i)));
            if (outDeriv[i] == 0.0 && actDeriv.getDouble(i) == 0.0)
                relError2 = 0.0;
            assertTrue(relError1 < REL_ERROR_TOLERANCE);
            assertTrue(relError2 < REL_ERROR_TOLERANCE);

    public void softmaxsimpleLossTest() {
        Softmax derivative is correct if it is standalone
        But when we are applying it in the chain rule the current derivative function is incomplete.
        For this test, I am assuming that the function off interest is just MSE
        What the fix is:
        We need the derivative of a softmax needs to return a rank 2 matrix.
        Right now we get only the diagonal elements of this matrix
        //random array represeting preout
        INDArray X = Nd4j.rand(1, 2);
        //preout transformed to y_hat with softmax
        INDArray YHat = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softmax", X.dup()));

        //hard coding something to construct a function with, using MSE
        INDArray Y = Nd4j.create(new double[][] { { 0.123, 1 - 0.123 } });

        //This is the MSE now
        double lossHere = Transforms.pow(Y.sub(YHat), 2).sumNumber().doubleValue();

        INDArray softmaxDer = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softmax", X.dup()).derivative());

        //the way we apply the chain rule now is 2*(y-yhat)*softmaxder
        INDArray dLdY = Y.sub(YHat).mul(-2);
        INDArray currentGradient = dLdY.mul(softmaxDer);

        //what I think we should be doing
        // we have x0, x1 -> y0,y1
        //we need the derivatives of the output of the softmax wrt every input (x0,x1)
        // we only have dy0/dx0 and dy1/dx1
        // we also need dy0/dx1 and dy1/dx0
        // the below is the chain rule in calc applied when L is a function of y0,y1; y0 and y1 are in turn functions of BOTH (x0 and x1)
        // dL/dx0 = (dl/dy0) * (dy0/dx0) + (dL/dy1) * (dy1/dx0)
        // dL/dx1 = (dl/dy0) * (dy0/dx1) + (dL/dy1) * (dy1/dx1)
        // worked it out on paper and googled it (should have googled first, gave formula from link above)
        // dy0/dx0 = y0*(1-y0) = y0*y1
        // dy1/dx0 = -y1*(1-y1) = -y0*y1
        // dy0/dx1 = -y0*(1-y0) = -y0*y1
        // dy1/dx1 = y1*(1-y1) = y0*y1
        //[ dL/dy0 dL/dy1] [[dy0/dx0 dy1/dx0] [dy0/dx1 dy1/dx1]]
        double y0y1 = softmaxDer.getDouble(0, 0);
        //hack but this is what we need to implement, straightforward here but complicated for >2
        //INDArray mysoftmaxDer = Nd4j.create(new double[][] {{y0y1,y0y1*-1},{-1*y0y1,y0y1}});
        INDArray mysoftmaxDer = correctSoftmax(X);
        INDArray myGradient = mysoftmaxDer.mulRowVector(dLdY).sum(1);

        double epsilon = 0.0001;
        INDArray Xiplus, Ximinus;
        INDArray YHatplus, YHatminus;
        double lossplus, lossminus;

        INDArray numGradient = Nd4j.zeros(1, 2);

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            /* change X one value one at a time */

            // +epsilon
            double x = X.getDouble(0, i);
            Xiplus = X.dup();
            Xiplus.put(0, i, x + epsilon);
            YHatplus = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                    .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softmax", Xiplus.dup()));
            lossplus = Transforms.pow(Y.sub(YHatplus), 2).sumNumber().doubleValue();

            // -epsilon
            Ximinus = X.dup();
            Ximinus.put(0, i, x - epsilon);
            YHatminus = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                    .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softmax", Ximinus.dup()));
            lossminus = Transforms.pow(Y.sub(YHatminus), 2).sumNumber().doubleValue();

            double gradienti = (lossplus - lossminus) / (2 * epsilon);
            numGradient.put(0, i, gradienti);
        System.out.println("\nMY GRADIENT:");
        System.out.println(myGradient + "\n");
                "Because of the nature of the derivative of the softmax for length = 2, our current method will make it off by a factor of 2");

    public void softmaxsimplelongerlengthLossTest() {
        Read comments in earlier test for length = 2
        //random array represeting preout
        int someLength = 7;

        INDArray X = Nd4j.rand(1, someLength);
        //preout transformed to y_hat with softmax
        INDArray YHat = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softmax", X.dup()));

        //hard coding something to construct a function with, using MSE
        INDArray temp = Nd4j.rand(1, someLength);
        INDArray Y = Nd4j.getExecutioner().execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softmax", temp));

        //This is the MSE now
        double lossHere = Transforms.pow(Y.sub(YHat), 2).sumNumber().doubleValue();

        INDArray softmaxDer = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softmax", X.dup()).derivative());

        //the way we apply the chain rule now is 2*(y-yhat)*softmaxder
        INDArray dLdY = Y.sub(YHat).mul(-2);
        INDArray currentGradient = dLdY.mul(softmaxDer);

        INDArray mysoftmaxDer = correctSoftmax(X);
        INDArray myGradient = mysoftmaxDer.mulRowVector(dLdY).sum(1);

        double epsilon = 0.0001;
        INDArray Xiplus, Ximinus;
        INDArray YHatplus, YHatminus;
        double lossplus, lossminus;

        INDArray numGradient = Nd4j.zeros(1, someLength);

        for (int i = 0; i < someLength; i++) {
            /* change X one value one at a time */

            // +epsilon
            double x = X.getDouble(0, i);
            Xiplus = X.dup();
            Xiplus.put(0, i, x + epsilon);
            YHatplus = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                    .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softmax", Xiplus.dup()));
            lossplus = Transforms.pow(Y.sub(YHatplus), 2).sumNumber().doubleValue();

            // -epsilon
            Ximinus = X.dup();
            Ximinus.put(0, i, x - epsilon);
            YHatminus = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                    .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softmax", Ximinus.dup()));
            lossminus = Transforms.pow(Y.sub(YHatminus), 2).sumNumber().doubleValue();

            double gradienti = (lossplus - lossminus) / (2 * epsilon);
            numGradient.put(0, i, gradienti);
        System.out.println("NUMERICAL GRADIENT:");
        System.out.println(new NDArrayStrings(6).format(numGradient).toString());
        System.out.println("\nANALYTIC USING EXISTING SOFTMAX DER:");
        System.out.println(new NDArrayStrings(6).format(currentGradient).toString());
        System.out.println("\nGRADIENT USING MY VERSION OF SOFTMAX DER:");
        System.out.println(new NDArrayStrings(6).format(myGradient).toString());

    public static INDArray correctSoftmax(INDArray X) {
        // this is only for X a row vector
        // should return rank 2 matrix diagonal elements are pi*(1-pi)
        //rest are -pi*pj
        INDArray p = Nd4j.getExecutioner().execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softmax", X.dup()));
        INDArray pCol = p.dup().transpose();
        INDArray pipj = pCol.mmul(p);

        //so now pipj is correct except for the diagonal elements
        // which by the way is what our current softmax der gives us
        INDArray diagp = Nd4j.getExecutioner()
                .execAndReturn(Nd4j.getOpFactory().createTransform("softmax", X.dup()).derivative());

        //ugly for loop to correct diag elements
        for (int i = 0; i < X.length(); i++) {
            pipj.put(i, i, diagp.getDouble(0, i));

        return pipj;

    public char ordering() {
        return 'f';