Java tutorial
/*- * * * Copyright 2015 Skymind,Inc. * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * * */ package org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.impl.accum; import; import; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; import lombok.val; import onnx.OnnxProto3; import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.SDVariable; import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.SameDiff; import org.nd4j.linalg.api.blas.params.MMulTranspose; import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray; import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.DynamicCustomOp; import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ops.Op; import org.nd4j.linalg.api.shape.Shape; import org.nd4j.linalg.exception.ND4JIllegalStateException; import org.nd4j.linalg.util.ArrayUtil; import org.tensorflow.framework.AttrValue; import org.tensorflow.framework.GraphDef; import org.tensorflow.framework.NodeDef; import java.util.*; import static org.nd4j.linalg.util.ArrayUtil.*; /** * TensorMmul * @author Adam Gibson */ @NoArgsConstructor public class TensorMmul extends DynamicCustomOp { private int[][] axes; protected boolean addedEdges; protected MMulTranspose mMulTranspose; public TensorMmul(SameDiff sameDiff, SDVariable i_v1, SDVariable i_v2, int[][] dimensions) { this(sameDiff, i_v1, i_v2, dimensions, MMulTranspose.allFalse()); } public TensorMmul(SameDiff sameDiff, SDVariable i_v1, SDVariable i_v2, int[][] dimensions, MMulTranspose mMulTranspose) { super(null, sameDiff, new SDVariable[] { i_v1, i_v2 }); this.sameDiff = sameDiff; this.mMulTranspose = mMulTranspose; this.axes = dimensions; if (!addedEdges && sameDiff.getOutputsForFunction(this) == null) { addedEdges = true; } addIArgument(dimensions[0].length); addIArgument(dimensions[0]); addIArgument(dimensions[1].length); addIArgument(dimensions[1]); } @Override public List<long[]> calculateOutputShape() { List<long[]> ret = new ArrayList<>(1); long[] aShape = mMulTranspose.isTransposeA() ? ArrayUtil.reverseCopy(larg().getShape()) : larg().getShape(); long[] bShape = mMulTranspose.isTransposeB() ? ArrayUtil.reverseCopy(rarg().getShape()) : rarg().getShape(); if (Shape.isPlaceholderShape(aShape) || Shape.isPlaceholderShape(bShape)) return Collections.emptyList(); if (aShape != null && bShape != null) { val shape = getTensorMmulShape(aShape, bShape, axes); ret.add(shape); } if (!ret.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < ret.get(0).length; i++) { if (ret.get(0)[i] < 1) throw new ND4JIllegalStateException("Invalid shape computed at index " + i); } } return ret; } @Override public List<SDVariable> doDiff(List<SDVariable> i_v1) { List<SDVariable> ret = new ArrayList<>(); int[] bAxes = range(0, rarg().getShape().length); int[] aAxes = range(0, larg().getShape().length); int aRank = larg().getShape().length; int bRank = rarg().getShape().length; int[][] sumAxes = new int[][] { mod(axes[0], aRank), mod(axes[1], bRank) }; int[][] deletedAxes = new int[][] { removeIndex(aAxes, sumAxes[0]), removeIndex(bAxes, sumAxes[1]) }; int[] gAxes = range(0, i_v1.get(0).getShape().length); int[][] firstAxes = new int[][] { Arrays.copyOfRange(gAxes, deletedAxes[0].length, gAxes.length), deletedAxes[1] }; int[][] secondAxes = new int[][] { deletedAxes[0], Arrays.copyOfRange(gAxes, 0, deletedAxes[0].length) }; //tensor matrix multiply gradient wrt second variable int[] firstPerm = argsort(combine(deletedAxes[0], keep(argsort(sumAxes[1]), sumAxes[0]))); SDVariable firstResult = doTensorMmul(i_v1.get(0), rarg(), firstAxes); SDVariable permuted = f().permute(firstResult, firstPerm); ret.add(permuted); //tensor matrix multiply gradient wrt first variable int[] secondPerm = argsort(combine(keep(argsort(sumAxes[0]), sumAxes[1]), deletedAxes[1])); SDVariable secondResult = doTensorMmul(i_v1.get(0), larg(), secondAxes); SDVariable secondPermuted = f().permute(secondResult, secondPerm); ret.add(secondPermuted); return ret; } private SDVariable doTensorMmul(SDVariable a, SDVariable b, int[][] axes) { int validationLength = Math.min(axes[0].length, axes[1].length); for (int i = 0; i < validationLength; i++) { if (a.getShape()[axes[0][i]] != b.getShape()[axes[1][i]]) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Size of the given axes at each dimension must be the same size."); if (axes[0][i] < 0) axes[0][i] += a.getShape().length; if (axes[1][i] < 0) axes[1][i] += b.getShape().length; } List<Integer> listA = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < a.getShape().length; i++) { if (!Ints.contains(axes[0], i)) listA.add(i); } int[] newAxesA = Ints.concat(Ints.toArray(listA), axes[0]); List<Integer> listB = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < b.getShape().length; i++) { if (!Ints.contains(axes[1], i)) listB.add(i); } int[] newAxesB = Ints.concat(axes[1], Ints.toArray(listB)); int n2 = 1; int aLength = Math.min(a.getShape().length, axes[0].length); for (int i = 0; i < aLength; i++) { n2 *= a.getShape()[axes[0][i]]; } //if listA and listB are empty these do not initialize. //so initializing with {1} which will then get overridden if not empty long[] newShapeA = { -1, n2 }; long[] oldShapeA; if (listA.size() == 0) { oldShapeA = new long[] { 1 }; } else { oldShapeA = Longs.toArray(listA); for (int i = 0; i < oldShapeA.length; i++) oldShapeA[i] = a.getShape()[(int) oldShapeA[i]]; } int n3 = 1; int bNax = Math.min(b.getShape().length, axes[1].length); for (int i = 0; i < bNax; i++) { n3 *= b.getShape()[axes[1][i]]; } int[] newShapeB = { n3, -1 }; long[] oldShapeB; if (listB.size() == 0) { oldShapeB = new long[] { 1 }; } else { oldShapeB = Longs.toArray(listB); for (int i = 0; i < oldShapeB.length; i++) oldShapeB[i] = b.getShape()[(int) oldShapeB[i]]; } SDVariable at = f().reshape(f().permute(a, newAxesA), newShapeA); SDVariable bt = f().reshape(f().permute(b, newAxesB), newShapeB); SDVariable ret = f().mmul(at, bt); long[] aPlusB = Longs.concat(oldShapeA, oldShapeB); return f().reshape(ret, aPlusB); } public TensorMmul(INDArray x, INDArray y, int[][] axes) { super(null, new INDArray[] { x, y }, null); this.axes = axes; this.extraArgs = new Object[] { axes }; } /** * Initialize with the given * input, pairwise transform, result, and number * of elements * * @param x the input * @param y the pairwise transform * @param z the result */ public TensorMmul(INDArray x, INDArray y, INDArray z, int[][] axes) { super(null, new INDArray[] { x, y, z }, null); this.axes = axes; } @Override public String opName() { return "tensordot"; } @Override public void initFromTensorFlow(NodeDef nodeDef, SameDiff initWith, Map<String, AttrValue> attributesForNode, GraphDef graph) { super.initFromTensorFlow(nodeDef, initWith, attributesForNode, graph); /** * name: "MatMul" op: "MatMul" input: "input" input: "Variable/read" attr { key: "transpose_b" value { b: false } } attr { key: "transpose_a" value { b: false } } attr { key: "T" value { type: DT_FLOAT } } */ val isTransposeA = attributesForNode.get("transpose_a").getB(); val isTransposeB = attributesForNode.get("transpose_b").getB(); MMulTranspose mMulTranspose = MMulTranspose.builder().transposeA(isTransposeA).transposeB(isTransposeB) .build(); this.mMulTranspose = mMulTranspose; val args = args(); } @Override public void initFromOnnx(OnnxProto3.NodeProto node, SameDiff initWith, Map<String, OnnxProto3.AttributeProto> attributesForNode, OnnxProto3.GraphProto graph) { val isTransposeA = !attributesForNode.containsKey("transA") ? false : attributesForNode.get("transA").getI() > 0; val isTransposeB = !attributesForNode.containsKey("transB") ? false : attributesForNode.get("transB").getI() > 0; MMulTranspose mMulTranspose = MMulTranspose.builder().transposeA(isTransposeA).transposeB(isTransposeB) .build(); this.mMulTranspose = mMulTranspose; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; TensorMmul that = (TensorMmul) o; if (addedEdges != that.addedEdges) return false; if (!Arrays.deepEquals(axes, that.axes)) return false; return mMulTranspose != null ? mMulTranspose.equals(that.mMulTranspose) : that.mMulTranspose == null; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + Arrays.deepHashCode(axes); result = 31 * result + (addedEdges ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (mMulTranspose != null ? mMulTranspose.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public Op.Type opType() { return Op.Type.CUSTOM; } @Override public String onnxName() { return "Gemm"; } @Override public String tensorflowName() { return "matmul"; } }