Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2007-2015 52North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source * Software GmbH * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * If the program is linked with libraries which are licensed under one of * the following licenses, the combination of the program with the linked * library is not considered a "derivative work" of the program: * * - Apache License, version 2.0 * - Apache Software License, version 1.0 * - GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 * - Mozilla Public License, versions 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 * - Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), version 1.0. * * Therefore the distribution of the program linked with libraries licensed * under the aforementioned licenses, is permitted by the copyright holders * if the distribution is compliant with both the GNU General Public * icense version 2 and the aforementioned licenses. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * Contact: Benno Schmidt & Martin May, 52 North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source * Software GmbH, Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24, 48155 Muenster, Germany, */ package org.n52.v3d.triturus.t3dutil.operatingsystem; import org.n52.v3d.triturus.core.T3dException; import*; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * Helper class to read property files.<br /><br /> * <i>German:</i> Hilfsklasse zum Einlesen von Properties-Dateien. * @author Benno Schmidt */ public class PropertyLoader { private Log sLogger = LogFactory.getLog(PropertyLoader.class); private static PropertyLoader mPropertyLoader = new PropertyLoader(); private HashMap mPropertiesMap; /** * todo engl. JavaDoc * liefert die <tt>PropertyLoader</tt>-Instanz.<p> * Bem.: Der <tt>PropertyLoader</tt> ist als Singleton implementiert.<p> * @return <tt>PropertyLoader</tt>-Objekt */ public static PropertyLoader getInstance() { return mPropertyLoader; } // privater Konstruktor: private PropertyLoader() { mPropertiesMap = new HashMap(); } public Set getPropertyKeys() { return mPropertiesMap.keySet(); } /** * todo engl. JavaDoc * liest die Properties aus der angegebenen Datei.<p> * Falls sich die Properties-Datei im Verzeichnis Verzeichnis <tt>WEB-INF/classes</tt> einer Web-Anwendung befindet, * ist fr den Parameter <tt>pPathComplete</tt> der Wert <i>false</i> zu bergeben, <tt>pFileName</tt> enthlt dabei * keine Pfadangabe.<p> * @param pFileName Dateiname * @param pPathComplete <i>true</i>, falls der vollstndige Dateipfad angegeben wird, sonst <i>false</i>. * @throws IOException */ public void loadProperties(String pFileName, boolean pPathComplete) throws IOException { sLogger.debug("loadProperties(file=\"" + pFileName + "\")"); String lFileName = pFileName; if (!pPathComplete) lFileName = this.getCompleteFileNameForPropertyFile(pFileName); this.readProperties(new FileInputStream(new File(lFileName))); } /** * todo engl. JavaDoc * liest die Properties aus der angegebenen Datei. Diese Methodenaufruf entspricht * <tt>this.loadProperties(pFileName, false)</tt>.<p> * @param pFileName Dateiname * @throws IOException */ public void loadProperties(String pFileName) throws IOException { this.loadProperties(pFileName, false); } public void loadPropertiesWithClassLoader(String pFileName) throws IOException { ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); InputStream in = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(pFileName); this.readProperties(in); } private void readProperties(InputStream pStream) throws IOException { sLogger.debug("loadProperties(<stream>)"); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(pStream); Iterator it = properties.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); mPropertiesMap.put(key, properties.getProperty(key)); } } /** * todo engl. JavaDoc * liefert den vollstndigen Pfad der gegebenen Properties-Datei.<p> * @param pFileName Dateiname * @return vollstndige Pfadangabe * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public String getCompleteFileNameForPropertyFile(String pFileName) throws FileNotFoundException { URL url = PropertyLoader.class.getResource(pFileName); if (url == null) throw new FileNotFoundException("File \"" + pFileName + "\" not found!"); return url.getFile(); } public URL getURLForPropertyFile(String pFileName) throws FileNotFoundException { ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); URL url = classLoader.getResource(pFileName); if (url == null) throw new FileNotFoundException("File \"" + pFileName + "\" not found!"); return url; } /** * todo engl. JavaDoc * liefert den Wert des angegebenen Schlssels (Property).<p> * @param pKey Schlssel (Property-Name) * @return Wert als Zeichenkette * @throws org.n52.v3d.triturus.core.T3dException */ public String getProperty(String pKey) { Object property = mPropertiesMap.get(pKey); if (property == null) throw new T3dException("Could not get key \"" + pKey + "\" from given properties-file!"); return (String) property; } /** * todo engl. JavaDoc * liefert den Wert des angegebenen Schlssels (Property). Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass fr den Schlssel ein * ganzzahliger Wert angegeben ist.<p> * @param pKey Schlssel (Property-Name) * @return Wert als Ganzzahl * @throws org.n52.v3d.triturus.core.T3dException */ public int getIntProperty(String pKey) throws T3dException { String property = this.getProperty(pKey); return Integer.parseInt(property); } /** * todo engl. JavaDoc * liefert den Wert des angegebenen Schlssels (Property). Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass fr den Schlssel ein * boolescher Wert angegeben ist.<p> * @param pKey Schlssel (Property-Name) * @return boolescher Wert * @throws org.n52.v3d.triturus.core.T3dException */ public boolean getBooleanProperty(String pKey) throws T3dException { String property = this.getProperty(pKey); return Boolean.valueOf(property).booleanValue(); } /** * todo engl. JavaDoc * liefert den Wert des angegebenen Schlssels (Property). Falls der Schlssel nicht vorhanden ist, wird der * bergebene Vorgabewert zurckgegeben.<p> * @param pKey Schlssel (Property-Name) * @param pDefaultValue Vorgabewert * @return Wert als Zeichenkette * @throws org.n52.v3d.triturus.core.T3dException */ public String getProperty(String pKey, String pDefaultValue) { try { return this.getProperty(pKey); } catch (T3dException e) { sLogger.error( "Key \"" + pKey + "\" not present! Default-value \"" + pDefaultValue + "\" will be used..."); return pDefaultValue; } } public int getIntProperty(String pKey, int pDefaultValue) { try { return Integer.parseInt(this.getProperty(pKey)); } catch (T3dException e) { sLogger.error( "Key \"" + pKey + "\" not available! Default-value \"" + pDefaultValue + "\" will be used..."); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { sLogger.error("Number format exception for key \"" + pKey + "\"! Default-value \"" + pDefaultValue + "\" will be used..."); } return pDefaultValue; } public double getDoubleProperty(String pKey, double pDefaultValue) { try { return Double.parseDouble(this.getProperty(pKey)); } catch (T3dException e) { sLogger.error( "Key \"" + pKey + "\" not available! Default-value \"" + pDefaultValue + "\" will be used..."); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { sLogger.error("Number format exception for key \"" + pKey + "\"! Default-value \"" + pDefaultValue + "\" will be used..."); } return pDefaultValue; } public boolean getBooleanProperty(String pKey, boolean pDefaultValue) { try { String lBoolValue = this.getProperty(pKey); if (lBoolValue != null && (lBoolValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || lBoolValue.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))) { return Boolean.valueOf(lBoolValue).booleanValue(); } else { return pDefaultValue; } } catch (T3dException e) { sLogger.error( "Key \"" + pKey + "\" not available! Default-value \"" + pDefaultValue + "\" will be used..."); return pDefaultValue; } } public HashMap getPropertiesForPrefix(String pPrefix, HashMap pMap) { Iterator it = mPropertiesMap.keySet().iterator(); pMap.clear(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); if (key.indexOf(pPrefix) == 0) pMap.put(key, mPropertiesMap.get(key)); } return pMap; } public HashMap getPropertiesForPrefix(String pPrefix) { return this.getPropertiesForPrefix(pPrefix, new HashMap()); } /** * todo engl. JavaDoc * liefert die Anzahl der eingelesenen Properties.<p> * @return Anzahl > 0 */ public int countLoadedProperies() { return mPropertiesMap.size(); } /** * todo engl. JavaDoc * holt eine Property aus der Properties-Map. Die Methode gibt jedoch keine Exception in das Logfile, falls eine * Property nicht vorhanden ist, da keine <tt>T3dException</tt> geworfen wird.<p> * Falls der Schlssel nicht vorhanden ist, wird der bergebene Vorgabewert zurckgegeben.<p> * @param pKey Schlssel (Property-Name) * @param pDefaultValue Vorgabewert * @return Wert als Zeichenkette */ public String getPropertySilently(String pKey, String pDefaultValue) { Object property = mPropertiesMap.get(pKey); if (null == property) return pDefaultValue; else return (String) property; } public String getPropertySilently(String pKey) { return getPropertySilently(pKey, null); } }