Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2009 * by 52 North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH * * Contact: Andreas Wytzisk * 52 North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH * Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24 * 48155 Muenster, Germany * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; even without the implied * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program (see gnu-gpl v2.txt). If not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA or * visit the Free Software Foundation web page, */ package org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.xml; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import net.opengis.gml.BoundingShapeType; import net.opengis.gml.DirectPositionType; import net.opengis.gml.EnvelopeType; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.AbstractProcessType; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.IoComponentPropertyType; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.ResponsiblePartyDocument.ResponsibleParty; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.SensorMLDocument.SensorML; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.SensorMLDocument.SensorML.Member; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.TermDocument.Term; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.SystemType; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.ContactDocument.Contact; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.ContactInfoDocument.ContactInfo; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.ContactInfoDocument.ContactInfo.Address; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.IdentificationDocument.Identification; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.IdentificationDocument.Identification.IdentifierList; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.IdentificationDocument.Identification.IdentifierList.Identifier; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.InputsDocument.Inputs.InputList; import net.opengis.sensorML.x101.PositionDocument.Position; import net.opengis.swe.x101.AbstractDataRecordType; import net.opengis.swe.x101.PositionType; import net.opengis.swe.x101.TimeDocument; import net.opengis.swe.x101.UomPropertyType; import net.opengis.swe.x101.VectorPropertyType; import net.opengis.swe.x101.VectorType; import net.opengis.swe.x101.BooleanDocument.Boolean; import net.opengis.swe.x101.QuantityDocument.Quantity; import net.opengis.swe.x101.TextDocument.Text; import net.opengis.swe.x101.VectorType.Coordinate; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlError; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.SPFRegistry; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.xml.CompoundItem; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.xml.Item; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.xml.Location; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.xml.Plugin; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.xml.PluginMetadata; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.xml.Time; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.xml.parser.SWECommonParser; import de.uniMuenster.ifgi.mRiek02.spf.x01.AbstractBehaviourType; import de.uniMuenster.ifgi.mRiek02.spf.x01.AvailabilityBehaviourType; import de.uniMuenster.ifgi.mRiek02.spf.x01.PeriodBehaviourType; import de.uniMuenster.ifgi.mRiek02.spf.x01.PluginDocument; import de.uniMuenster.ifgi.mRiek02.spf.x01.PluginType; import de.uniMuenster.ifgi.mRiek02.spf.x01.AvailabilityBehaviourType.OutputProperties; import de.uniMuenster.ifgi.mRiek02.spf.x01.PluginType.Output; import de.uniMuenster.ifgi.mRiek02.spf.x01.PluginType.Output.MandatoryProperties; public class PluginXMLTools { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PluginXMLTools.class); public static Plugin parsePlugin(InputStream is) throws Exception { /* * the final result get init */ Plugin result = new Plugin(); List<String> outputProperties = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> mandatoryProperties = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> inputProperties = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, Item> items = new HashMap<String, Item>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); while (br.ready()) { sb.append(br.readLine()); } PluginDocument doc = null; try { doc = PluginDocument.Factory.parse(sb.toString()); } catch (XmlException e) { throw e; } /* * do we validate? */ if (java.lang.Boolean .parseBoolean(SPFRegistry.getInstance().getConfigProperty(SPFRegistry.VALIDATE_XML_PROP))) { XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions(); List<XmlError> errors = new ArrayList<XmlError>(); opts.setErrorListener(errors); if (!doc.validate(opts)) { throw new Exception("Document is not a valid plugin description. Please recheck: " + errors); } } PluginType plugin = doc.getPlugin(); String name = plugin.getName().trim(); /* * * PARSE the SensorML * */ SensorML sensorML = plugin.getSensorML(); PluginMetadata metadata = new PluginMetadata(); metadata.setName(name); /* * do schematron XSLT transformations */ SchematronValidator schematron = new SchematronValidator(sb); if (!schematron.validate()) { throw new Exception( "The plugin description file is not a valid SPF-schematron SensorML profile instance: " + schematron.getAssertFails()); } /* * get the input items */ boolean mobile = true; Location location = null; Time time = null; AbstractProcessType process = sensorML.getMemberArray(0).getProcess(); if (process instanceof SystemType) { /* * parse the system */ SystemType system = (SystemType) process; /* * parse contact and identification */ Contact[] cont = system.getContactArray(); if (cont.length > 0) { if (cont[0].isSetResponsibleParty() && cont[0].getResponsibleParty().isSetContactInfo() && cont[0].getResponsibleParty().getContactInfo().isSetAddress() && cont[0] .getResponsibleParty().getContactInfo().getAddress().isSetElectronicMailAddress()) { metadata.setContactEmail(cont[0].getResponsibleParty().getContactInfo().getAddress() .getElectronicMailAddress().trim()); } } Identification[] ident = system.getIdentificationArray(); if (ident.length > 0) { if (ident[0].isSetIdentifierList()) { for (int j = 0; j < ident[0].getIdentifierList().getIdentifierArray().length; j++) { if (ident[0].getIdentifierList().getIdentifierArray()[j].isSetName() && ident[0].getIdentifierList().getIdentifierArray()[j].getName() .equals("uniqueID")) { metadata.setUniqueID(ident[0].getIdentifierList().getIdentifierArray()[j].getTerm() .getValue().trim()); } } } } /* * check if we have a mobile or a stationary platform */ if (system.isSetBoundedBy()) { /* * this indicates a mobile sensor * -> a swe:Position should be available * in the sml:inputs */ BoundingShapeType boundedBy = system.getBoundedBy(); if (boundedBy.isSetEnvelope()) { EnvelopeType envelope = boundedBy.getEnvelope(); if ((envelope.isSetLowerCorner() && envelope.isSetUpperCorner()) || envelope.getPosArray().length == 2) { /* * valid envelope defintion */ mobile = true; metadata.setMobile(true); metadata.setPosition(envelope.getLowerCorner().getStringValue().trim()); } } } else if (system.isSetPosition()) { /* * if we have a static platform use the sml:location element * -> stationary */ location = new Location("staticPosition"); Position position = system.getPosition(); VectorPropertyType loc = position.getPosition().getLocation(); if (loc.isSetVector()) { VectorType vector = loc.getVector(); location.setReferenceFrame(position.getPosition().getReferenceFrame()); /* * get the axis order dependent on * the CRS. * the coordinate array will then be treated * according to this axis order. */ String[] axisOrder = getAxisOrder(location.getReferenceFrame()); int axis = 0; for (Coordinate coord : vector.getCoordinateArray()) { if (coord.isSetQuantity()) { location.setAxis(axisOrder[axis], coord.getQuantity().getValue()); } else if (coord.isSetCount()) { location.setAxis(axisOrder[axis], coord.getCount().getValue().doubleValue()); } location.setDimension(++axis); } mobile = false; metadata.setPosition(location.getX() + " " + location.getY()); metadata.setMobile(false); } } InputList inputs = system.getInputs().getInputList(); if (inputs != null) { for (IoComponentPropertyType input : inputs.getInputArray()) { /* * parse the time */ if (input.isSetTime()) { TimeDocument.Time prop = input.getTime(); time = new Time(input.getName()); time.setDefinition(SWECommonParser.getTimeDefinition(prop)); time.setReferenceFrame(prop.getReferenceFrame()); items.put(time.getProperty(), time); } else if (input.isSetAbstractDataRecord()) { AbstractDataRecordType prop = input.getAbstractDataRecord(); /* * is this the position? */ if (prop instanceof PositionType) { PositionType pos = (PositionType) prop; pos.getReferenceFrame(); /* * use a temporary object because perhaps * we have a stationary platform defined * and are not allowed to overwrite the * field "location" */ Location tmp = new Location(input.getName()); /* * use the reference frame attribute */ tmp.setReferenceFrame(pos.getReferenceFrame()); items.put(tmp.getProperty(), tmp); VectorPropertyType loc = pos.getLocation(); Coordinate[] coords = loc.getVector().getCoordinateArray(); /* * go through all coordinates * treat axis ordering according to their order */ for (int i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) { if (i == 0) { /* * first axis */ Item first = new Item(coords[i].getName()); tmp.addCompoundedItem(first); tmp.setFirstCoordinateName(first.getProperty()); if (coords[i].isSetQuantity() || coords[i].isSetCount()) { first.setDataType(Double.class); if (coords[i].isSetQuantity()) { Quantity quan = coords[i].getQuantity(); if (quan.isSetUom()) { first.setUom(quan.getUom().getCode()); } } } else { first.setDataType(String.class); } } else if (i == 1) { /* * second axis */ Item second = new Item(coords[i].getName()); tmp.addCompoundedItem(second); tmp.setSecondCoordinateName(second.getProperty()); if (coords[i].isSetQuantity() || coords[i].isSetCount()) { second.setDataType(Double.class); if (coords[i].isSetQuantity()) { Quantity quan = coords[i].getQuantity(); if (quan.isSetUom()) { second.setUom(quan.getUom().getCode()); } } } else { second.setDataType(String.class); } } else { /* * third axis */ Item third = new Item(coords[i].getName()); tmp.addCompoundedItem(third); tmp.setAltitudeName(third.getProperty()); if (coords[i].isSetQuantity() || coords[i].isSetCount()) { third.setDataType(Double.class); if (coords[i].isSetQuantity()) { Quantity quan = coords[i].getQuantity(); if (quan.isSetUom()) { third.setUom(quan.getUom().getCode()); } } } else { third.setDataType(String.class); } } } if (!mobile) { log.warn( "The SensorML indicated a stationary platform (sml:position was specified). The input " + "property '" + input.getName() + "' will not be treated as the dynamic position " + "of the platform but as a normal input property."); } else { /* * we are allowed to use this object * as location because the platform * is defined mobile */ location = tmp; } } else { //TODO: do other data records } } /* * parse other values, probably phenomenons */ else if (input.isSetQuantity() || input.isSetCount()) { /* * real numbers */ Item item = new Item(input.getName()); item.setDataType(Double.class); if (input.isSetQuantity()) { Quantity quan = input.getQuantity(); if (quan.isSetUom()) { item.setUom(quan.getUom().getCode()); } if (quan.isSetDefinition()) { item.setDefinition(quan.getDefinition()); } } items.put(item.getProperty(), item); } if (input.isSetText() || input.isSetBoolean() || input.isSetCategory()) { /* * treat this as string */ Item item = new Item(input.getName()); item.setDataType(String.class); items.put(item.getProperty(), item); } } } /* * check if a time is present, otherwise set default time property */ if (time == null) { /* * define default time property */ time = new Time(Plugin.TIME_DEFAULT_NAME); time.setReferenceFrame("urn:ogc:def:unit:iso8601"); time.setDefinition("urn:ogc:def:phenomenon:time"); items.put(time.getProperty(), time); } } /* * * PARSE the outputType * */ Output outputElem = plugin.getOutput(); AbstractBehaviourType behave = outputElem.getBehaviour(); String outputType = ""; if (behave instanceof AvailabilityBehaviourType) { outputType = Plugin.AVAILABLE_BEHAVIOUR; AvailabilityBehaviourType avail = (AvailabilityBehaviourType) behave; for (String prop : avail.getOutputProperties().getPropertyArray()) { Item item = items.get(prop); if (item instanceof CompoundItem) { addLeafProperties((CompoundItem) item, outputProperties); } else { outputProperties.add(prop); } } } else if (behave instanceof PeriodBehaviourType) { outputType = Plugin.PERIOD_BEHAVIOUR; result.setTimeDelta(((PeriodBehaviourType) behave).getTimedelta()); } /* * output if and only if all items are present */ /* * these properties are needed for a data tuple */ if (outputElem.isSetMandatoryProperties()) { //get from the mandatory list for (String prop : outputElem.getMandatoryProperties().getPropertyArray()) { Item item = items.get(prop); if (item instanceof CompoundItem) { addLeafProperties((CompoundItem) item, mandatoryProperties); } else { mandatoryProperties.add(prop); } } } else if (outputElem.isSetOutputOnAllItems()) { // all items are needed for (Item item : items.values()) { if (item instanceof CompoundItem) { addLeafProperties((CompoundItem) item, mandatoryProperties); } else if (item instanceof Time) { //do not add this as the time property is the key //for maps and hence not hold separatly } else { mandatoryProperties.add(item.getProperty()); } } } else if (outputElem.isSetSingleOutputAllowed()) { /* * nothing. leave mandatoryProperties empty */ } /* * finally save all leaf properties (a CompoundField never comes in as a * property of its name. get its leafs as the input properties -> * SimpleFields) */ for (Item item : items.values()) { if (item instanceof CompoundItem) { addLeafProperties((CompoundItem) item, inputProperties); } else { inputProperties.add(item.getProperty()); } } result.setLocation(location); result.setTime(time); result.setMobile(mobile); result.setMetadata(metadata); result.setName(name); result.setSensorML(sensorML); result.setInputProperties(inputProperties); result.setOutputProperties(outputProperties); result.setMandatoryProperties(mandatoryProperties); result.setItems(items); result.setOutputType(outputType); return result; } /** * helper method to get CRS specific axis ordering. * this can be understood as some kind of catalog. * * @param referenceFrame the CRS * @return 3-element String array containg "x", "y" and "z" */ private static String[] getAxisOrder(String referenceFrame) { if (referenceFrame.equals("urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326")) { return new String[] { "y", "x", "z" }; } return new String[] { "x", "y", "z" }; } /** * adds all leaf properties of a {@link CompoundItem} (e.g., * {@link Location}) to a collection. * * @param item the {@link CompoundItem} * @param coll the collection */ private static void addLeafProperties(CompoundItem item, Collection<String> coll) { for (Item it : item.getCompoundItems()) { if (it instanceof CompoundItem) { addLeafProperties((CompoundItem) it, coll); } else { coll.add(it.getProperty()); } } } public static void updateSensorML(Plugin plug) { AbstractProcessType prcs = plug.getSensorML().getMemberArray(0).getProcess(); if (prcs instanceof SystemType) { SystemType system = (SystemType) prcs; /* * metadata */ if (plug.getMetadata() != null) { /* * contact */ if (system.getContactArray().length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < system.getContactArray().length; i++) { system.removeContact(0); } } Contact contact = system.addNewContact(); ResponsibleParty party = contact.addNewResponsibleParty(); ContactInfo info = party.addNewContactInfo(); Address addr = info.addNewAddress(); addr.setElectronicMailAddress(plug.getMetadata().getContactEmail()); /* * identification */ if (system.getIdentificationArray().length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < system.getIdentificationArray().length; i++) { system.removeIdentification(0); } } Identification ident = system.addNewIdentification(); IdentifierList list = ident.addNewIdentifierList(); Identifier id = list.addNewIdentifier(); id.setName("uniqueID"); Term term = id.addNewTerm(); term.setDefinition("urn:ogc:def:identifier:OGC:uniqueID"); term.setValue(plug.getMetadata().getUniqueID()); if (plug.getMetadata().isMobile()) { /* * generate a boundedBy element */ BoundingShapeType bby = null; if (system.isSetBoundedBy()) { bby = system.getBoundedBy(); } else { bby = system.addNewBoundedBy(); } EnvelopeType enve = EnvelopeType.Factory.newInstance(); enve.setSrsName("urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326"); DirectPositionType low = enve.addNewLowerCorner(); DirectPositionType hi = enve.addNewUpperCorner(); String[] pos = plug.getMetadata().getPosition().split(" "); if (pos.length == 2) { double lowLat = Double.parseDouble(pos[0]) - 1.0; double lowLon = Double.parseDouble(pos[1]) - 1.0; double hiLat = Double.parseDouble(pos[0]) + 1.0; double hiLon = Double.parseDouble(pos[1]) + 1.0; low.setStringValue(lowLat + " " + lowLon); hi.setStringValue(hiLat + " " + hiLon); } else { low.setStringValue(plug.getMetadata().getPosition()); hi.setStringValue(plug.getMetadata().getPosition()); } bby.setEnvelope(enve); } else { /* * generate a static position */ Position posi = null; if (system.isSetPosition()) { posi = system.getPosition(); } else { posi = system.addNewPosition(); } posi.setName("position"); PositionType postype = PositionType.Factory.newInstance(); postype.setReferenceFrame("urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326"); VectorPropertyType loc = postype.addNewLocation(); VectorType vec = loc.addNewVector(); String[] pos = plug.getMetadata().getPosition().split(" "); if (pos.length == 2) { /* * latitude */ Coordinate coord = vec.addNewCoordinate(); coord.setName("latitude"); Quantity quan = coord.addNewQuantity(); UomPropertyType uom = quan.addNewUom(); uom.setCode("deg"); quan.setValue(Double.parseDouble(pos[0])); /* * longitude */ Coordinate coord2 = vec.addNewCoordinate(); coord2.setName("longitude"); Quantity quan2 = coord2.addNewQuantity(); UomPropertyType uom2 = quan2.addNewUom(); uom2.setCode("deg"); quan2.setValue(Double.parseDouble(pos[1])); } posi.setPosition(postype); } } /* * generate output xml of inputlist */ InputList inputs = system.getInputs().getInputList(); if (inputs == null) { /* * minimal document before. create inputlist */ inputs = system.getInputs().addNewInputList(); } List<String> smlInputNames = new ArrayList<String>(); /* * first gather all names */ for (IoComponentPropertyType in : inputs.getInputArray()) { smlInputNames.add(in.getName()); } /* * we need to check if outputs are there */ if (!system.getOutputs().isSetOutputList()) { system.getOutputs().addNewOutputList(); } for (String key : plug.getItems().keySet()) { if (!smlInputNames.contains(key)) { /* * perhaps its the time? */ if (plug.getTime().getProperty().equals(key)) { IoComponentPropertyType newIn = system.getInputs().getInputList().addNewInput(); IoComponentPropertyType newOut = system.getOutputs().getOutputList().addNewOutput(); newIn.setName(key); newOut.setName(key); TimeDocument.Time t = newIn.addNewTime(); t.setReferenceFrame(plug.getTime().getReferenceFrame()); t.setDefinition(plug.getTime().getDefinition()); TimeDocument.Time t2 = newOut.addNewTime(); t2.setReferenceFrame(plug.getTime().getReferenceFrame()); t2.setDefinition(plug.getTime().getDefinition()); continue; } /* * this has been added probably by pnp mode */ IoComponentPropertyType newIn = system.getInputs().getInputList().addNewInput(); IoComponentPropertyType newOut = system.getOutputs().getOutputList().addNewOutput(); newIn.setName(key); newOut.setName(key); Item item = plug.getItems().get(key); Class<?> type = item.getDataType(); if (type == Double.class) { Quantity quan = newIn.addNewQuantity(); Quantity quan2 = newOut.addNewQuantity(); UomPropertyType uom = UomPropertyType.Factory.newInstance(); uom.setCode(item.getUom()); quan.setUom(uom); quan2.setUom(uom); quan.setDefinition(item.getDefinition()); quan2.setDefinition(item.getDefinition()); } else if (type == String.class) { Text text = newIn.addNewText(); Text text2 = newOut.addNewText(); text.setDefinition(item.getDefinition()); text2.setDefinition(item.getDefinition()); } else if (type == Boolean.class) { Boolean bool = newIn.addNewBoolean(); Boolean bool2 = newOut.addNewBoolean(); bool.setDefinition(item.getDefinition()); bool2.setDefinition(item.getDefinition()); } } } } } public static void newSensorML(Plugin plug) { SensorML sml = SensorML.Factory.newInstance(); sml.setVersion("1.0.1"); Member member = sml.addNewMember(); SystemType system = SystemType.Factory.newInstance(); system.addNewInputs().addNewInputList(); system.addNewOutputs().addNewOutputList(); member.setProcess(system); XMLTools.replaceXsiTypeWithInstance(member.getProcess(), new QName(Plugin.SENSORML_NAMESPACE, "System")); plug.setSensorML(sml); updateSensorML(plug); } public static String toXML(Plugin plug) { /* * define some settings */ Map<String, String> pres = new HashMap<String, String>(); pres.put(Plugin.SENSORML_NAMESPACE, "sml"); pres.put(Plugin.SPF_PLUGIN_NAMESPACE, "spf"); XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions(); opts.setSavePrettyPrint(); opts.setSaveSuggestedPrefixes(pres); opts.setSaveAggressiveNamespaces(); PluginDocument pdoc = PluginDocument.Factory.newInstance(opts); PluginType plugin = pdoc.addNewPlugin(); Output output = plugin.addNewOutput(); /* * we have period behaviour */ if (plug.getOutputType().equals(Plugin.PERIOD_BEHAVIOUR)) { PeriodBehaviourType period = PeriodBehaviourType.Factory.newInstance(opts); period.setTimedelta(plug.getTimeDelta()); output.setBehaviour(period); XMLTools.replaceXsiTypeWithInstance(output.getBehaviour(), new QName(Plugin.SPF_PLUGIN_NAMESPACE, "PeriodBehaviour")); } /* * we have availability behaviour */ else { AvailabilityBehaviourType avail = AvailabilityBehaviourType.Factory.newInstance(opts); OutputProperties props = avail.addNewOutputProperties(); for (String key : plug.getOutputProperties()) { props.addProperty(key); } output.setBehaviour(avail); XMLTools.replaceXsiTypeWithInstance(output.getBehaviour(), new QName(Plugin.SPF_PLUGIN_NAMESPACE, "AvailabilityBehaviour")); } /* * check if we have mandatories */ if (plug.getInputProperties().size() == plug.getMandatoryProperties().size()) { /* * "on all" */ output.setOutputOnAllItems(true); } else if (plug.getMandatoryProperties().size() == 0) { /* * "single allowed" */ output.setSingleOutputAllowed(true); } else { /* * mandatories */ MandatoryProperties mandas = output.addNewMandatoryProperties(); for (String key : plug.getMandatoryProperties()) { mandas.addProperty(key); } } /* * we need a Time item */ boolean hasTime = false; for (Item item : plug.getItems().values()) { if (item instanceof Time) { hasTime = true; break; } } if (!hasTime) { /* * add a standard time item */ plug.setTime(new Time("time")); plug.getTime().setReferenceFrame("urn:ogc:def:unit:iso8601"); plug.getTime().setDefinition("urn:ogc:def:phenomenon:time"); plug.getItems().put(plug.getTime().getProperty(), plug.getTime()); } /* * SensorML parts */ if (plug.getSensorML() != null) { updateSensorML(plug); } else { newSensorML(plug); } plugin.setSensorML(plug.getSensorML()); plugin.setName(plug.getName()); /* * output of the xml */ XmlOptions opts2 = new XmlOptions(); opts2.setSavePrettyPrint(); pres = new HashMap<String, String>(); pres.put(Plugin.SENSORML_NAMESPACE, "sml"); opts2.setSaveSuggestedPrefixes(pres); try { PluginDocument tmp = PluginDocument.Factory.parse(pdoc.getDomNode()); return tmp.xmlText(opts2); } catch (XmlException e) { log.error(e); } return pdoc.xmlText(opts2); } }