Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 * by 52 North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH * * Contact: Andreas Wytzisk * 52 North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH * Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24 * 48155 Muenster, Germany * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License serviceVersion 2 as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; even without the implied * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program (see gnu-gpl v2.txt). If not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA or * visit the Free Software Foundation web page, */ package org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.output.kml; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import net.opengis.kml.x22.AbstractFeatureType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.AbstractGeometryType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.AbstractStyleSelectorType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.AbstractViewType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.BasicLinkType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.DocumentType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.ExtendedDataType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.FolderType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.IconStyleType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.KmlDocument; import net.opengis.kml.x22.KmlType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.LinkType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.LookAtType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.NetworkLinkType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.PlacemarkType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.RefreshModeEnumType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.SchemaDataType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.SchemaType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.StyleType; import net.opengis.kml.x22.ViewRefreshModeEnumType; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.common.IModule; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.extension.FTPUploadExtension; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.gui.ModuleGUI; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.output.IOutputPlugin; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.util.FileUtils; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.util.XmlUtils; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.xml.Location; import org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.xml.Plugin; import; import; import; /** * * * TODO wrap everything in one kmz file, allows to include images etc: * * * @author Daniel Nst ( * */ public class KmlOutputPlugin implements IOutputPlugin { /** * * * @author Daniel Nst ( * */ protected static class KmlLink { public URL href; // this possibly could be relative! public RefreshModeEnumType.Enum refreshMode = RefreshModeEnumType.ON_CHANGE; public ViewRefreshModeEnumType.Enum viewRefreshMode = ViewRefreshModeEnumType.ON_REQUEST; public int viewRefreshTime = 1; // public int viewBoundScale; // public String viewFormat; // public String httpQuery; } /** * For descriptions of the fields see * * * @author Daniel Nst ( * */ protected static class NetworkLink { public String description; public boolean flyToView = true; public String id; public KmlLink link; public String name; public boolean refreshVisibility = true; public boolean visibility = true; } private static final int DEFAULT_INDENT = 4; private static final String DEFAULT_KML_FILE_PREFIX = "SPF"; private static final double DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 0.5d; private static final String DYNAMIC_ROOT_FILENAME = "sensors"; private static final String HTML_FILE_EXTENSION = "html"; private static final String HTML_FILENAME = ""; private static final String HTML_KML_REFERENCE_TAG = "$$KML_FILE$$"; private static final String HTML_TEMPLATE_FILE = "/KmlOutputPlugin-GE-template.html"; public static final XmlOptions KML_OPTIONS = new XmlOptions(); protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(KmlOutputPlugin.class); private static FilenameFilter onlyKmlFiles = new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith(KmlConstants.KML_FILE_EXTENSION); } }; private static final String PLUGIN_NAME = "KML Output"; private static final String SAVE_CURRENT_FILE_TEXT = "Save Current File"; public static final QName SCHEMA_LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE_QNAME = new QName( XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI, "schemaLocation"); private static final String SELECT_OUPUT_FOLDER = "Select Output Folder"; private static final String STATIC_ROOT_FILENAME = ""; static { KML_OPTIONS.setSavePrettyPrint(); KML_OPTIONS.setSavePrettyPrintIndent(DEFAULT_INDENT); HashMap<String, String> suggestedPrefixes = new HashMap<String, String>(); KmlConstants.addSuggestedPrefix(suggestedPrefixes); GxConstants.addSuggestedPrefix(suggestedPrefixes); KML_OPTIONS.setSaveSuggestedPrefixes(suggestedPrefixes); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { KmlOutputPlugin p = new KmlOutputPlugin(); p.init(); p.handleNewSensor("asd", 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, new HashMap<String, Object>()); } private Collection<String> copiedResources = new ArrayList<String>(); private boolean createHTML = true; // TODO make property and settable in GUI private boolean createKMZ = false; private String filePrefix; // TODO make property and settable in GUI private ModuleGUI gui; private KmlDocument kmlDynamicRoot; private FolderType kmlFolder; private KmlDocument kmlStaticRoot; private String outputFolder; // TODO make property and settable in GUI private boolean saveBackupOnFileExists = false; // TODO make property and settable in GUI private Map<String, Map<String, SimpleArrayDataType>> sensorData; private HashMap<String, KmlDocument> sensorDocuments; private HashMap<String, TrackType> sensorTracks; private String statusString; public KmlOutputPlugin() { this(FTPUploadExtension.DEFAULT_FTP_WATCH_FOLDER, DEFAULT_KML_FILE_PREFIX); } public KmlOutputPlugin(String folder, String filePrefix) { this.outputFolder = folder; this.filePrefix = filePrefix;"NEW " + this); } private void addKmlAndGxSchemaLocation(XmlObject xml) { XmlCursor c = xml.newCursor(); c.setAttributeText(SCHEMA_LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE_QNAME, KmlConstants.getSchemaLocation() + " " + GxConstants.getSchemaLocation()); c.dispose(); } private void copyFile(String source, String destination) { try { File in = new File(source); File out = new File(destination); log.debug("Copying file " + in.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + out.getAbsolutePath()); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(in); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(out); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { os.write(buf, 0, len); } is.close(); os.close();"Copied file " + source + " to " + destination); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not copy file " + source + " >>> " + destination, e); } } private String getDataSchemaIdentifier(String id) { return "schema_" + XmlUtils.cleanIdentifier(id); } private String getFilename(String id, String extension) { // remove illegal characters String cleanId = FileUtils.cleanFileName(id); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(this.filePrefix); if (!id.isEmpty()) { sb.append("_"); sb.append(cleanId); } sb.append("."); sb.append(extension); return sb.toString(); } private String getFilepath(String filename) { return this.outputFolder + "/" + filename; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.output.IOutputPlugin#getName() */ @Override public String getName() { return PLUGIN_NAME; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.output.IOutputPlugin#getStatus() */ @Override public int getStatus() { return IModule.STATUS_RUNNING; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.output.IOutputPlugin#getStatusString() */ @Override public String getStatusString() { return this.statusString; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.output.IOutputPlugin#getUserInterface() */ @Override public ModuleGUI getUserInterface() { // TODO create GUI return null; } private void handleNewSensor(String id, Double lat, Double lon, Double alt, Map<String, Object> data) { try { /* * create new file for the sensor */ String kmlFileName = getFilename(id, KmlConstants.KML_FILE_EXTENSION);"Creating KML document " + kmlFileName); KmlDocument kmlDoc = KmlDocument.Factory.newInstance(); KmlType kml = kmlDoc.addNewKml(); this.sensorDocuments.put(id, kmlDoc); // <Style id="golf-balloon-style"> <BalloonStyle> <text> <![CDATA[ This is $[name] This is hole // $[holeNumber] The par for this hole is $[holePar] The yardage is $[holeYardage] ]]> </text> // </BalloonStyle> </Style> /* * add document */ AbstractFeatureType abstractFeatureGroup = kml.addNewAbstractFeatureGroup(); DocumentType document = (DocumentType) abstractFeatureGroup .substitute(new QName(KmlConstants.KML_NAMESPACE_URI, "Document"), DocumentType.type); String cleanId = XmlUtils.cleanIdentifier(id); document.setDescription("KML Visualisation of sensor " + id + " using cleaned identifier " + cleanId); document.setId("doc_" + cleanId); document.setName("Sensor " + id); document.setVisibility(true); /* * style */ /* * TODO add styling and make editable in GUI: thicker lines, more sensor-like icon */ AbstractStyleSelectorType abstractStyleSelectorGroup = document.addNewAbstractStyleSelectorGroup(); StyleType style = (StyleType) abstractStyleSelectorGroup .substitute(new QName(KmlConstants.KML_NAMESPACE_URI, "Style"), StyleType.type); style.setId(KmlStyle.MD_ICON_STYLE); IconStyleType iconType = style.addNewIconStyle(); BasicLinkType icon = iconType.addNewIcon(); icon.setHref("md-png.png"); /* * set a default view */ AbstractViewType abstractViewGroup = document.addNewAbstractViewGroup(); LookAtType lookAt = (LookAtType) abstractViewGroup .substitute(new QName(KmlConstants.KML_NAMESPACE_URI, "LookAt"), LookAtType.type); lookAt.setLatitude(lat.doubleValue()); lookAt.setLongitude(lon.doubleValue()); lookAt.setAltitude(alt.doubleValue()); /* * add schema for extended data, see * */ SchemaType schema = document.addNewSchema(); schema.setName("DataSchema"); schema.setId("DataSchemaId"); // schema.setId(getDataSchemaIdentifier(id)); Set<Entry<String, Object>> dataEntries = data.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : dataEntries) { XmlObject schemaExtension = schema.addNewSchemaExtension(); SimpleArrayFieldType simpleArrayFieldType = (SimpleArrayFieldType) schemaExtension.substitute( new QName(GxConstants.GX_NAMESPACE_URI, "SimpleArrayField"), SimpleArrayFieldType.type); simpleArrayFieldType.setName(entry.getKey().toLowerCase()); simpleArrayFieldType.setType("string"); simpleArrayFieldType.setDisplayName(entry.getKey()); } /* * add placemark holding a track */ abstractFeatureGroup = document.addNewAbstractFeatureGroup(); PlacemarkType placemark = (PlacemarkType) abstractFeatureGroup .substitute(new QName(KmlConstants.KML_NAMESPACE_URI, "Placemark"), PlacemarkType.type); AbstractGeometryType abstractGeometryGroup = placemark.addNewAbstractGeometryGroup(); TrackType track = (TrackType) abstractGeometryGroup .substitute(new QName(GxConstants.GX_NAMESPACE_URI, "Track"), TrackType.type); // style placemark.setStyleUrl("#" + KmlStyle.MD_ICON_STYLE); // altitudeMode XmlCursor cur = track.newCursor(); cur.toNextToken(); cur.insertElementWithText(new QName(KmlConstants.KML_NAMESPACE_URI, "altitudeMode", "kml"), "relativeToGround"); cur.dispose(); this.sensorTracks.put(id, track); /* * add SimpleArrayData for storing the values */ this.sensorData.put(id, new HashMap<String, SimpleArrayDataType>()); ExtendedDataType extendedData = track.addNewExtendedData(); SchemaDataType schemaData = extendedData.addNewSchemaData(); schemaData.setSchemaUrl("DataSchemaId"); // schemaData.setSchemaUrl("#" + // getDataSchemaIdentifier(id)); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : dataEntries) { XmlObject schemaDataExtension = schemaData.addNewSchemaDataExtension(); SimpleArrayDataType simpleArrayDataType = (SimpleArrayDataType) schemaDataExtension.substitute( new QName(GxConstants.GX_NAMESPACE_URI, "SimpleArrayData"), SimpleArrayDataType.type); simpleArrayDataType.setName(entry.getKey()); // no values yet, but save for later reference this.sensorData.get(id).put(entry.getKey(), simpleArrayDataType); log.debug("Added SimpleArrayData for " + entry.getKey() + " to SchemaData " + schemaData.getSchemaUrl()); } // save file for the sensor addKmlAndGxSchemaLocation(kml); saveDocumentInFile(kmlDoc, getFilepath(kmlFileName)); /* * add new sensor file to dynamic file */ abstractFeatureGroup = this.kmlFolder.addNewAbstractFeatureGroup(); NetworkLinkType rootToDynamicNetworkLink = (NetworkLinkType) abstractFeatureGroup .substitute(new QName(KmlConstants.KML_NAMESPACE_URI, "NetworkLink"), NetworkLinkType.type); rootToDynamicNetworkLink.setName("Link to " + id); rootToDynamicNetworkLink.setId("link_" + id); LinkType rootToDynamicLink = rootToDynamicNetworkLink.addNewLink2(); rootToDynamicLink.setHref(kmlFileName); rootToDynamicLink.setId("link_" + id); rootToDynamicLink.setRefreshMode(RefreshModeEnumType.ON_INTERVAL); rootToDynamicLink.setRefreshInterval(DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL); rootToDynamicLink.setViewRefreshMode(ViewRefreshModeEnumType.ON_STOP); rootToDynamicLink.setViewRefreshTime(DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); return; } // save file with sensor list saveDocumentInFile(this.kmlDynamicRoot, getFilepath(getFilename(DYNAMIC_ROOT_FILENAME, KmlConstants.KML_FILE_EXTENSION))); } /** * Using data representation with gx:Track, * * * specific elements can also be updated, see * TODO: consider using update mechanism * * @param id * @param dataToSave * @param cal * @param alt * @param lon * @param lat */ private void handleUpdateSensor(String id, Double lat, Double lon, Double alt, Calendar cal, Map<String, Object> data) { KmlDocument kmlDoc = this.sensorDocuments.get(id); TrackType track = this.sensorTracks.get(id); try { // XmlObject altitudeModeGroup = track.addNewAltitudeModeGroup(); // // AltitudeModeEnumType altitudeMode = (AltitudeModeEnumType) altitudeModeGroup.substitute(new // QName(KML_NAMESPACE_URI, // "AltitudeModeGroup"), // AltitudeModeEnumType.type); // altitudeMode.set(AltitudeModeEnumType.ABSOLUTE); // TODO make altitude mode settable in GUI! /* * add time and coordinates */ track.addWhen(cal); track.addCoord(lon.toString() + ", " + lat.toString() + ", " + alt.toString()); /* * add data, see */ Set<Entry<String, Object>> entrySet = data.entrySet(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : entrySet) { SimpleArrayDataType simpleArrayDataType = this.sensorData.get(id).get(entry.getKey()); simpleArrayDataType.addValue(entry.getValue().toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); return; } saveDocumentInFile(kmlDoc, getFilepath(getFilename(id, KmlConstants.KML_FILE_EXTENSION))); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.common.IModule#init() */ @Override public void init() throws Exception { File outF = new File(this.outputFolder); if (!outF.exists()) { outF.mkdir(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Created output folder " + outF.getAbsolutePath()); }"Using output folder " + outF.getAbsolutePath()); initKmlDocuments(); initHtmlDocument(); initRequiredResources(); this.gui = new ModuleGUI(); this.gui.setMenu(makeMenu()); this.gui.setGui(makeGUI()); this.sensorDocuments = new HashMap<String, KmlDocument>(); this.sensorTracks = new HashMap<String, TrackType>(); this.sensorData = new HashMap<String, Map<String, SimpleArrayDataType>>(); updateGUI(); zipAllFiles(); this.statusString = "Initalized | " + this.outputFolder; } // TODO create a button in the GUI that allows to "recreate" the HTML file private void initHtmlDocument() { if (!this.createHTML) return; // load file StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder(); URL resource = getClass().getResource(HTML_TEMPLATE_FILE); if (resource == null) { log.error("Could not find template file resource " + HTML_TEMPLATE_FILE); return; } File f = new File(resource.getFile()); FileReader fr; try { fr = new FileReader(f); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { log.error("Could not read file " + resource); return; } BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); try { String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { contents.append(line); contents.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); } } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); } finally { try { br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); } } // replace name of kml file String html = contents.toString(); String rootKml = getFilename(STATIC_ROOT_FILENAME, KmlConstants.KML_FILE_EXTENSION); // ideas: static method > not so nice // rootKml = FTPUploadExtension.getFullUrl(rootKml); // FIXME // maybe with a singleton? // FTPUploadExtension.getInstance().getFullUrl(rootKml); // TODO remove hack for demo rootKml = "" + rootKml; html = html.replace(HTML_KML_REFERENCE_TAG, rootKml); // save as new file String htmlFileName = getFilename(HTML_FILENAME, HTML_FILE_EXTENSION); String newFile = getFilepath(htmlFileName); log.debug("Creating HTML file " + newFile + " referencing " + rootKml); Writer output = null; try { output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(newFile)); output.write(html); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); return; } finally { if (output != null) try { output.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); } } } private void initKmlDocuments() { /* * static root document */ String kmlStaticRootFileName = getFilename(STATIC_ROOT_FILENAME, KmlConstants.KML_FILE_EXTENSION);"Creating KML document " + kmlStaticRootFileName); this.kmlStaticRoot = KmlDocument.Factory.newInstance(); KmlType kml = this.kmlStaticRoot.addNewKml(); AbstractFeatureType abstractFeatureGroup = kml.addNewAbstractFeatureGroup(); FolderType staticFolder = (FolderType) abstractFeatureGroup .substitute(new QName(KmlConstants.KML_NAMESPACE_URI, "Folder"), FolderType.type); staticFolder.setName("Sensor Platform Framework Live Sensor Data"); staticFolder.setVisibility(true); staticFolder.setOpen(true); staticFolder.setDescription("52North Sensor Platform Framework for Live Sensor Data."); abstractFeatureGroup = staticFolder.addNewAbstractFeatureGroup(); NetworkLinkType rootToDynamicNetworkLink = (NetworkLinkType) abstractFeatureGroup .substitute(new QName(KmlConstants.KML_NAMESPACE_URI, "NetworkLink"), NetworkLinkType.type); rootToDynamicNetworkLink.setName("SPF dynamic root"); LinkType rootToDynamicLink = rootToDynamicNetworkLink.addNewLink2(); // TODO check out using NetworkLinkControl, might be more powerful: // String kmlDynamicRootFileName = getFilename(DYNAMIC_ROOT_FILENAME, KmlConstants.KML_FILE_EXTENSION); rootToDynamicLink.setHref(kmlDynamicRootFileName); rootToDynamicLink.setRefreshMode(RefreshModeEnumType.ON_CHANGE); rootToDynamicLink.setRefreshInterval(1.0d); // rootToDynamicLink.setViewRefreshTime(1.0d); addKmlAndGxSchemaLocation(kml); saveDocumentInFile(this.kmlStaticRoot, getFilepath(kmlStaticRootFileName)); /* * dynamic root document */"Creating KML document " + kmlDynamicRootFileName); this.kmlDynamicRoot = KmlDocument.Factory.newInstance(); kml = this.kmlDynamicRoot.addNewKml(); abstractFeatureGroup = kml.addNewAbstractFeatureGroup(); this.kmlFolder = (FolderType) abstractFeatureGroup .substitute(new QName(KmlConstants.KML_NAMESPACE_URI, "Folder"), FolderType.type); // into this folder, the network links for each sensor will be added this.kmlFolder.setName("SPF Sensors"); this.kmlFolder.setVisibility(true); this.kmlFolder.setOpen(true); this.kmlFolder.setDescription("This folder holds the dynamic list of sensors updated by SPF."); addKmlAndGxSchemaLocation(kml); saveDocumentInFile(this.kmlDynamicRoot, getFilepath(kmlDynamicRootFileName)); } private void initRequiredResources() { // FIXME move file list to config file this.copiedResources.add("/md-png.png"); for (String s : this.copiedResources) { URL resource = getClass().getResource(s); if (resource == null) { log.error("Could not find file resource " + s); continue; } String newFile = getFilepath(s); copyFile(resource.getFile(), newFile); } } private JPanel makeGUI() { return null; } private JMenu makeMenu() { return null; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.output.IOutputPlugin#processData(java.util.Map, * org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.xml.Plugin) */ @Override public int processData(Map<Long, Map<String, Object>> data, Plugin plugin) { for (Entry<Long, Map<String, Object>> entry : data.entrySet()) { int i = processSingleData(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey(), plugin); if (i != IModule.STATUS_RUNNING) log.warn("Processing of data caused error: " + entry); } return IModule.STATUS_RUNNING; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.output.IOutputPlugin#processSingleData(java.util.Map, java.lang.Long, * org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.xml.Plugin) */ @Override public int processSingleData(Map<String, Object> data, Long timestamp, Plugin plugin) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("New data for KML output: " + data + " @ " + timestamp); String pluginName = plugin.getName(); Location location = plugin.getLocation(); Double lat = (Double) data.get(location.getFirstCoordinateName()); Double lon = (Double) data.get(location.getSecondCoordinateName()); Double alt = (Double) data.get(location.getAltitudeName()); /* * is new sensor? */ if (!this.sensorDocuments.containsKey(pluginName)) { // no: create new kml document handleNewSensor(pluginName, lat, lon, alt, data); } Date d = new Date(timestamp.longValue()); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(d); /* * update KML document */ handleUpdateSensor(pluginName, lat, lon, alt, cal, data); updateGUI(); return IModule.STATUS_RUNNING; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.output.IOutputPlugin#restart() */ @Override public void restart() throws Exception {"RESTART..."); initKmlDocuments(); // TODO leave the sensor docuements untouched?? } private void saveDocumentInFile(KmlDocument document, String path) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Saving " + document.xmlText(KML_OPTIONS) + " in " + path); File f = new File(path); if (f.exists()) { log.warn("Overwriting file " + f.getAbsolutePath()); if (this.saveBackupOnFileExists) { File dest = new File(path + "_backup" + UUID.randomUUID()); log.debug("Saving backup in " + dest); f.renameTo(dest); } } try { boolean valid = document.validate(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("KML Document is valid=" + valid); if (!valid) { String errors = XmlUtils.validateAndIterateErrors(document); log.warn(errors); } }, KML_OPTIONS); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not save KML file " + f.getAbsolutePath(), e); } } public void setOutputFolder(String outputFolder) { this.outputFolder = outputFolder; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("New output folder: " + this.outputFolder); updateGUI(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.n52.ifgicopter.spf.common.IModule#shutdown() */ @Override public void shutdown() throws Exception { zipAllFiles(); this.kmlFolder = null; this.kmlStaticRoot = null; // TODO null all kml documents } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("KmlOutputPlugin [output folder = "); sb.append(this.outputFolder); sb.append(", file prefix = "); sb.append(this.filePrefix); sb.append(", files = "); // sb.append(Arrays.toString(this.files)); // TODO add a list of all files currently used sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } private void updateGUI() { // } /** * * * TODO see if zipping solves referencing problem: * */ private void zipAllFiles() { if (!this.createKMZ) { return; } // saveDocumentInFile(this.kmlStaticRoot, this.outputPath + this.kmlStaticRootFileName); int buffer = 2048; try { BufferedInputStream origin = null; FileOutputStream dest = new FileOutputStream( this.outputFolder + File.separator + this.filePrefix + "." + KmlConstants.KMZ_FILE_EXTENSION); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Saving KML files to zip file " + dest); ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(dest)); out.setMethod(ZipOutputStream.DEFLATED); byte data[] = new byte[buffer]; File f = new File(this.outputFolder); File files[] = f.listFiles(onlyKmlFiles); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Zipping " + files[i]); FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream(files[i].getAbsolutePath()); origin = new BufferedInputStream(fi, buffer); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(files[i].getName()); out.putNextEntry(entry); int count; while ((count =, 0, buffer)) != -1) { out.write(data, 0, count); } origin.close(); } out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } } }