Java tutorial
/* * * $Revision: 21346 $ $Date: 2011-06-30 14:53:10 +0200 (Do, 30. Jun 2011) $ * * This file is part of *** M y C o R e *** * See for details. * * This program is free software; you can use it, redistribute it * and / or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program, in a file called gpl.txt or license.txt. * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.mycore.common.MCRPersistenceException; import org.mycore.common.config.MCRConfiguration; import org.mycore.common.config.MCRConfigurationException; import org.mycore.datamodel.ifs.MCRFileReader; import org.mycore.datamodel.ifs.MCROldFile; /** * Parse the output of the Helix ViewSource HTML page and create the * depend MediaObject. * * It is only used as fallback if the MediaInfoParser fails. * * @author Ren\u00E9 Adler (Eagle) * */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class MCRMediaViewSourceParser extends MCRMediaParser { private static final String[] supportedFileExts = { "ogg", "ogm", "avi", "wav", "mpeg", "mpg", "vob", "mp4", "mpgv", "mpv", "m1v", "m2v", "mp2", "mp3", "asf", "wma", "wmv", "qt", "mov", "rm", "rmvb", "ra", "flv", "f4v", "flac", "dat", "w64" }; private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(MCRMediaViewSourceParser.class); private static MCRMediaViewSourceParser instance = new MCRMediaViewSourceParser(); private static MCRConfiguration config = MCRConfiguration.instance(); public static MCRMediaViewSourceParser getInstance() { return instance; } private MCRMediaViewSourceParser() { } /** * Checks if ViewSource parser is valid. * * @return boolean if is vaild */ public boolean isValid() { //TODO: check if ViewSource url is set return true; } /** * Checks if given file is supported. * * @return boolean if true */ public boolean isFileSupported(String fileName) { if (fileName.endsWith(".")) { return false; } int pos = fileName.lastIndexOf("."); if (pos != -1) { String ext = fileName.substring(pos + 1); for (String sExt : supportedFileExts) { if (!sExt.equals(ext)) continue; return isValid(); } } return false; } /** * Checks if given file is supported. * * @return boolean if true */ public boolean isFileSupported(File file) { return isFileSupported(file.getPath()); } /** * Checks if given file is supported. * * @return boolean if true */ public boolean isFileSupported(MCROldFile file) { return isFileSupported(toFile(file)); } /** * Checks if given file is supported. * * @return boolean if true */ public boolean isFileSupported(org.mycore.datamodel.ifs.MCRFile file) { return isFileSupported(toFile(file)); } /** * Checks if given file is supported. * * @return boolean if true */ public boolean isFileSupported(MCRFileReader file) { return isFileSupported(toFile(file)); } public synchronized MCRMediaObject parse(File file) throws Exception { throw new Exception("File is'n supported by ViewSource Parser"); } public synchronized MCRMediaObject parse(MCROldFile file) throws Exception { return setFileInfo(parse(buildViewSourceURL(file)), toFile(file)); } public synchronized MCRMediaObject parse(org.mycore.datamodel.ifs.MCRFile file) throws Exception { return setFileInfo(parse(buildViewSourceURL(file)), toFile(file)); } public synchronized MCRMediaObject parse(MCRFileReader file) throws Exception { return setFileInfo(parse(buildViewSourceURL(file)), toFile(file)); } private MCRMediaObject setFileInfo(MCRMediaObject media, File file) { media.fileName = file.getName(); String path = file.getAbsolutePath(); media.folderName = path.substring(path.indexOf(file.getName())); return media; } /** * Parse MediaInfrom of the given file and store metadata in related Object. * * @return MCRMediaObject * can be held any MCRMediaObject * @see MCRMediaObject#clone() */ private synchronized MCRMediaObject parse(String vsURL) throws Exception { MCRMediaObject media = new MCRMediaObject();"parse " + vsURL + "..."); String data = getMetadata(vsURL); String startKTag = "<strong>"; String endKTag = "</strong>"; String endVTags[] = { "<br>", "</font>" }; String step = "general"; try { MCRAudioObject audio = null; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(data, "\n\r"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String line = st.nextToken().trim(); String key = null; if (line.contains(startKTag) && line.contains(endKTag)) { key = line.substring(line.indexOf(startKTag) + startKTag.length(), line.indexOf(endKTag)) .trim(); } if (key != null) { String value = line.substring(line.indexOf(endKTag) + endKTag.length()); for (String endVTag : endVTags) { if (value.contains(endVTag)) { value = value.substring(0, value.indexOf(endVTag)).trim(); break; } } if (key.startsWith("Stream:")) { if (key.equals("Stream:")) step = "general"; else if ("video stream".equals(value.toLowerCase())) step = "video"; else if ("avi stream".equals(value.toLowerCase())) step = "video"; else if ("audio stream".equals(value.toLowerCase())) step = "audio"; if ("video".equals(step)) { if (media.type == null) { media.type = MCRMediaObject.MediaType.VIDEO; media = (MCRVideoObject) media.clone(); } else if (media.type == MCRMediaObject.MediaType.AUDIO) { audio = (MCRAudioObject) media.clone(); media = (MCRVideoObject) media.clone(); media.type = MCRMediaObject.MediaType.VIDEO; audio.parentContainer = media; } } else if ("audio".equals(step)) { if (media.type == null) { media.type = MCRMediaObject.MediaType.AUDIO; media = (MCRAudioObject) media.clone(); audio = (MCRAudioObject) media; } else if (media.type == MCRMediaObject.MediaType.VIDEO) { audio = new MCRAudioObject(media); audio.duration = media.duration; ((MCRVideoObject) media).audioCodes.add(audio); } } } LOGGER.debug(key + " " + value); if ("general".equals(step)) { if ("MIME type:".equals(key)) { if (value.startsWith("video")) step = "video"; else if (value.startsWith("audio")) step = "audio"; if ("video".equals(step)) { if (media.type == null) { media.type = MCRMediaObject.MediaType.VIDEO; media = (MCRVideoObject) media.clone(); } else if (media.type == MCRMediaObject.MediaType.AUDIO) { audio = (MCRAudioObject) media.clone(); media = (MCRVideoObject) media.clone(); media.type = MCRMediaObject.MediaType.VIDEO; audio.parentContainer = media; } } else if ("audio".equals(step)) { if (media.type == null) { media.type = MCRMediaObject.MediaType.AUDIO; media.mimeType = value; media = (MCRAudioObject) media.clone(); audio = (MCRAudioObject) media; } else if (media.type == MCRMediaObject.MediaType.VIDEO) { audio = new MCRAudioObject(media); audio.duration = media.duration; ((MCRVideoObject) media).audioCodes.add(audio); } } } else if (key.equals("Stream:")) { media.formatFull = (value.contains(" -") ? value.substring(0, value.indexOf(" -")) : value); if (media.formatFull.contains(" Stream")) media.formatFull = media.format = media.formatFull.substring(0, media.formatFull.indexOf(" Stream")); } else if ("File Name:".equals(key)) media.fileName = value; else if ("File Size:".equals(key)) media.fileSize = Long .parseLong((value.substring(0, value.indexOf(" "))).replaceAll(",", "")); else if ("Duration:".equals(key)) { StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(value, ":."); int durationMinutes = Integer.parseInt(st1.nextToken()); int durationSeconds = Integer.parseInt(st1.nextToken()); int durationMilSeconds = Integer.parseInt(st1.nextToken()); media.duration = durationMinutes * 3600000 + durationSeconds * 60000 + durationMilSeconds; } else if ("Avg Bit Rate:".equals(key)) { media.bitRate = Math .round(1024 * Float.valueOf(value.substring(0, value.indexOf(" ")))); } else if (key.equals("Title:") || key.equals("Author:") || key.equals("Copyright:")) { if (media.tags == null) media.tags = new MCRMediaTagObject(); //Container Infos if (key.equals("Title:") && value.length() != 0) media.tags.title = value; else if (key.equals("Author:") && value.length() != 0) media.tags.performer = value; else if (key.equals("Copyright:") && value.length() != 0) media.tags.comment = value; } } else if ("video".equals(step)) { if ("MIME type:".equals(key)) { if (media.mimeType == null) media.mimeType = value; } else if ("Avg Stream Bit Rate:".equals(key)) { ((MCRVideoObject) media).streamBitRate = Math .round(1024 * Float.valueOf(value.substring(0, value.indexOf(" ")))); } else if ("Dimensions:".equals(key)) { StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(value, "x"); ((MCRVideoObject) media).width = Integer.parseInt(st1.nextToken()); ((MCRVideoObject) media).height = Integer.parseInt(st1.nextToken()); } else if ("Encoded Frame Rate:".equals(key)) { StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(value.substring(0, value.indexOf("fps")), " ,"); while (st1.hasMoreTokens()) { float fvalue = Float.valueOf(st1.nextToken()); ((MCRVideoObject) media).frameRate = Math.max(((MCRVideoObject) media).frameRate, fvalue); } } else if ("Video Codec:".equals(key)) { if (value.contains("(")) { ((MCRVideoObject) media).subFormatFull = value.substring(value.indexOf("(") + 1, value.indexOf(")")); if (((MCRVideoObject) media).subFormatFull.contains(" ")) { StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer( ((MCRVideoObject) media).subFormatFull, " "); ((MCRVideoObject) media).subFormat = st1.nextToken(); ((MCRVideoObject) media).subFormatVersion = st1.nextToken(); } } } } else if ("audio".equals(step)) { if ("MIME type:".equals(key)) { if (value.startsWith("video")) { step = "video"; media = new MCRVideoObject(); media.format = audio.format; media.formatFull = audio.formatFull; media.fileName = audio.fileName; media.fileSize = audio.fileSize; media.duration = audio.duration; media.bitRate = audio.bitRate; media.mimeType = value; ((MCRVideoObject) media).audioCodes.add(audio); audio.parentContainer = media; } else if (audio.mimeType == null) audio.mimeType = value; } else if ("Avg Stream Bit Rate:".equals(key)) { audio.streamBitRate = Math .round(1024 * Float.valueOf(value.substring(0, value.indexOf(" ")))); } else if ("Max Stream Bit Rate:".equals(key) && audio.streamBitRate == 0) { audio.streamBitRate = Math .round(1024 * Float.valueOf(value.substring(0, value.indexOf(" ")))); } else if ("Audio Codec:".equals(key)) { if (value.contains("(")) { audio.subFormatFull = value.substring(value.indexOf("(") + 1, value.indexOf(")")); if (audio.subFormatFull.contains(" ")) { StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(audio.subFormatFull, " "); audio.subFormat = st1.nextToken(); audio.subFormatVersion = st1.nextToken(); } if (value.contains("Khz")) { audio.samplingRate = Integer.parseInt( value.substring(value.indexOf(")") + 1, value.indexOf("Khz")).trim()); } } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } return media; } /** * Helper method that reads all data from an URLConnection input stream and * forwards it to the given output stream. * * @param connection * the URLConnection to get the InputStream from * @param out * the OutputStream to write the bytes to */ protected void forwardData(URLConnection connection, OutputStream out) throws IOException { try (InputStream in = connection.getInputStream()) { IOUtils.copy(in, out); out.close(); } } /** * Helper method that creates a URLConnection to a given URL and wraps * possible IOException or MalformedURLExceptions * * @param url * the URL to connect to */ protected URLConnection getConnection(String url) throws MCRPersistenceException { try { return new URL(url).openConnection(); } catch (MalformedURLException exc) { String msg = "Malformed Audio/Video Store URL: " + url; throw new MCRConfigurationException(msg, exc); } catch (IOException exc) { String msg = "Could not get connection to Audio/Video Store URL: " + url; throw new MCRPersistenceException(msg, exc); } } /** * Helper method that connects to the given URL and returns the response as * a String * * @param url * the URL to connect to * @return the response content as a String */ protected String getMetadata(String url) throws MCRPersistenceException { try { URLConnection connection = getConnection(url); connection.setConnectTimeout(getConnectTimeout()); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024); forwardData(connection, out); return new String(out.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException exc) { String msg = "Could not get metadata from Audio/Video Store URL: " + url; throw new MCRPersistenceException(msg, exc); } } protected static int getConnectTimeout() { return MCRConfiguration.instance().getInt("MCR.Media.ConnectTimeout", 1000); } /** * Builds ViewSource URL from configuration. * * @param MCROldFile file * @return String * @throws Exception */ private String buildViewSourceURL(MCROldFile file) throws Exception { String prefix = "MCR.IFS.AVExtender." + file.getStoreID() + "."; String baseMetadata = config.getString(prefix + "ViewSourceBaseURL", null); return baseMetadata == null ? null : baseMetadata + file.getStorageID(); } /** * Builds ViewSource URL from configuration. * * @param MCROldFile file * @return String * @throws Exception */ private String buildViewSourceURL(org.mycore.datamodel.ifs.MCRFile file) throws Exception { String prefix = "MCR.IFS.AVExtender." + file.getStoreID() + "."; String baseMetadata = config.getString(prefix + "ViewSourceBaseURL"); return baseMetadata == null ? null : baseMetadata + file.getStorageID(); } /** * Builds ViewSource URL from configuration. * * @param MCRFileReader file * @return String * @throws Exception */ private String buildViewSourceURL(MCRFileReader file) throws Exception { String prefix = "MCR.IFS.AVExtender." + file.getStoreID() + "."; String baseMetadata = config.getString(prefix + "ViewSourceBaseURL"); return baseMetadata == null ? null : baseMetadata + file.getStorageID(); } }