Java tutorial
/** * * $Revision$ $Date$ * * This file is part of ** M y C o R e ** * Visit our homepage at for details. * * This program is free software; you can use it, redistribute it * and / or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program, normally in the file license.txt. * If not, write to the Free Software Foundation Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * **/ package org.mycore.frontend.cli; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError; import; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.output.Format; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; import org.mycore.backend.hibernate.MCRHIBConnection; import org.mycore.common.MCRConstants; import org.mycore.common.MCRException; import org.mycore.common.content.MCRURLContent; import org.mycore.common.xml.MCRURIResolver; import org.mycore.common.xml.MCRXMLParserFactory; import org.mycore.datamodel.classifications2.MCRCategory; import org.mycore.datamodel.classifications2.MCRCategoryDAO; import org.mycore.datamodel.classifications2.MCRCategoryDAOFactory; import org.mycore.datamodel.classifications2.MCRCategoryID; import org.mycore.datamodel.classifications2.MCRLabel; import org.mycore.datamodel.classifications2.impl.MCRCategoryDAOImpl; import org.mycore.datamodel.classifications2.impl.MCRCategoryImpl; import org.mycore.datamodel.classifications2.utils.MCRCategoryTransformer; import org.mycore.datamodel.classifications2.utils.MCRXMLTransformer; import org.mycore.datamodel.common.MCRActiveLinkException; import org.mycore.frontend.cli.annotation.MCRCommand; import org.mycore.frontend.cli.annotation.MCRCommandGroup; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; /** * Commands for the classification system. * * @author Thomas Scheffler (yagee) */ @MCRCommandGroup(name = "Classification Commands") public class MCRClassification2Commands extends MCRAbstractCommands { private static Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(); private static final MCRCategoryDAO DAO = MCRCategoryDAOFactory.getInstance(); /** Default transformer script */ public static final String DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER = "save-classification.xsl"; /** * Deletes a classification * * @param classID classification ID * @see MCRCategoryDAO#deleteCategory(MCRCategoryID) */ @MCRCommand(syntax = "delete classification {0}", help = "The command remove the classification with MCRObjectID {0} from the system.", order = 30) public static void delete(String classID) { DAO.deleteCategory(MCRCategoryID.rootID(classID)); } /** * Counts the classification categories on top level * * @param classID classification ID */ @MCRCommand(syntax = "count classification children of {0}", help = "The command count the categoies of the classification with MCRObjectID {0} in the system.", order = 80) public static void countChildren(String classID) { MCRCategory category = DAO.getCategory(MCRCategoryID.rootID(classID), 1); System.out.printf(Locale.ROOT, "%s has %d children", category.getId(), category.getChildren().size()); } /** * Adds a classification. * * Classification is built from a file. * * @param filename * file in mcrclass xml format * @see MCRCategoryDAO#addCategory(MCRCategoryID, MCRCategory) */ @MCRCommand(syntax = "load classification from file {0}", help = "The command adds a new classification from file {0} to the system.", order = 10) public static List<String> loadFromFile(String filename) throws URISyntaxException, MCRException, SAXParseException, IOException { String fileURL = Paths.get(filename).toAbsolutePath().normalize().toUri().toURL().toString(); return Collections.singletonList("load classification from url " + fileURL); } @MCRCommand(syntax = "load classification from url {0}", help = "The command adds a new classification from URL {0} to the system.", order = 15) public static void loadFromURL(String fileURL) throws SAXParseException, MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException { Document xml = MCRXMLParserFactory.getParser().parseXML(new MCRURLContent(new URL(fileURL))); MCRCategory category = MCRXMLTransformer.getCategory(xml); DAO.addCategory(null, category); } /** * Replaces a classification with a new version * * @param filename * file in mcrclass xml format * @see MCRCategoryDAO#replaceCategory(MCRCategory) */ @MCRCommand(syntax = "update classification from file {0}", help = "The command updates a classification from file {0} to the system.", order = 20) public static List<String> updateFromFile(String filename) throws URISyntaxException, MCRException, SAXParseException, IOException { String fileURL = Paths.get(filename).toAbsolutePath().normalize().toUri().toURL().toString(); return Collections.singletonList("update classification from url " + fileURL); } @MCRCommand(syntax = "update classification from url {0}", help = "The command updates a classification from URL {0} to the system.", order = 25) public static void updateFromURL(String fileURL) throws SAXParseException, MalformedURLException, URISyntaxException { Document xml = MCRXMLParserFactory.getParser().parseXML(new MCRURLContent(new URL(fileURL))); MCRCategory category = MCRXMLTransformer.getCategory(xml); if (DAO.exist(category.getId())) { DAO.replaceCategory(category); } else { // add if classification does not exist DAO.addCategory(null, category); } } /** * Loads MCRClassification from all XML files in a directory. * * @param directory * the directory containing the XML files */ @MCRCommand(syntax = "load all classifications from directory {0}", help = "The command add all classifications in the directory {0} to the system.", order = 40) public static List<String> loadFromDirectory(String directory) throws MCRActiveLinkException { return processFromDirectory(directory, false); } /** * Updates MCRClassification from all XML files in a directory. * * @param directory * the directory containing the XML files */ @MCRCommand(syntax = "update all classifications from directory {0}", help = "The command update all classifications in the directory {0} to the system.", order = 50) public static List<String> updateFromDirectory(String directory) throws MCRActiveLinkException { return processFromDirectory(directory, true); } /** * Loads or updates MCRClassification from all XML files in a directory. * * @param directory * the directory containing the XML files * @param update * if true, classification will be updated, else Classification * is created * @throws MCRActiveLinkException */ private static List<String> processFromDirectory(String directory, boolean update) throws MCRActiveLinkException { File dir = new File(directory); if (!dir.isDirectory()) { LOGGER.warn(directory + " ignored, is not a directory."); return null; } String[] list = dir.list(); if (list.length == 0) { LOGGER.warn("No files found in directory " + directory); return null; } return Arrays .stream(list).filter(file -> file.endsWith(".xml")).map(file -> (update ? "update" : "load") + " classification from file " + new File(dir, file).getAbsolutePath()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Save a MCRClassification. * * @param ID * the ID of the MCRClassification to be save. * @param dirname * the directory to export the classification to * @param style * the name part of the stylesheet like <em>style</em> * -classification.xsl * @return false if an error was occured, else true */ @MCRCommand(syntax = "export classification {0} to directory {1} with {2}", help = "The command exports the classification with MCRObjectID {0} as xml file to directory named {1} using the stylesheet {2}-object.xsl. For {2} save is the default.", order = 60) public static boolean export(String ID, String dirname, String style) throws Exception { String dname = ""; if (dirname.length() != 0) { try { File dir = new File(dirname); if (!dir.isDirectory()) { dir.mkdir(); } if (!dir.isDirectory()) { LOGGER.error("Can't find or create directory " + dir.getAbsolutePath()); return false; } else { dname = dirname; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Can't find or create directory " + dirname, e); return false; } } MCRCategory cl = DAO.getCategory(MCRCategoryID.rootID(ID), -1); Document classDoc = MCRCategoryTransformer.getMetaDataDocument(cl, false); Transformer trans = getTransformer(style); File xmlOutput = new File(dname, ID + ".xml"); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(xmlOutput); if (trans != null) { StreamResult sr = new StreamResult(out); trans.transform(new org.jdom2.transform.JDOMSource(classDoc), sr); } else { XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); xout.output(classDoc, out); out.flush(); }"Classifcation " + ID + " saved to " + xmlOutput.getCanonicalPath() + "."); return true; } /** * The method search for a stylesheet mcr_<em>style</em>_object.xsl and * build the transformer. Default is <em>mcr_save-object.xsl</em>. * * @param style * the style attribute for the transformer stylesheet * @return the transformer * @throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError * @throws TransformerConfigurationException */ private static Transformer getTransformer(String style) throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, TransformerConfigurationException { String xslfile = DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER; if (style != null && style.trim().length() != 0) { xslfile = style + "-classification.xsl"; } Transformer trans = null; URL styleURL = MCRClassification2Commands.class.getResource("/" + xslfile); if (styleURL == null) { styleURL = MCRClassification2Commands.class.getResource(DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER); } if (styleURL != null) { StreamSource source; try { source = new StreamSource(styleURL.toURI().toASCIIString()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new TransformerConfigurationException(e); } TransformerFactory transfakt = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); transfakt.setURIResolver(MCRURIResolver.instance()); trans = transfakt.newTransformer(source); } return trans; } /** * Save all MCRClassifications. * * @param dirname * the directory name to store all classifications * @param style * the name part of the stylesheet like <em>style</em> * -classification.xsl * @return false if an error was occured, else true */ @MCRCommand(syntax = "export all classifications to directory {0} with {1}", help = "The command store all classifications to the directory with name {0} with the stylesheet {1}-object.xsl. For {1} save is the default.", order = 70) public static boolean exportAll(String dirname, String style) throws Exception { List<MCRCategoryID> allClassIds = DAO.getRootCategoryIDs(); boolean ret = false; for (MCRCategoryID id : allClassIds) { ret = ret & export(id.getRootID(), dirname, style); } return ret; } /** * List all IDs of all classifications stored in the database */ @MCRCommand(syntax = "list all classifications", help = "The command list all classification stored in the database.", order = 100) public static void listAllClassifications() { List<MCRCategoryID> allClassIds = DAO.getRootCategoryIDs(); for (MCRCategoryID id : allClassIds) {; }""); } /** * List a MCRClassification. * * @param classid * the MCRObjectID of the classification */ @MCRCommand(syntax = "list classification {0}", help = "The command list the classification with MCRObjectID {0}.", order = 90) public static void listClassification(String classid) { MCRCategoryID clid = MCRCategoryID.rootID(classid); MCRCategory cl = DAO.getCategory(clid, -1);; if (cl != null) { listCategory(cl); } else { LOGGER.error("Can't find classification " + classid); } } private static void listCategory(MCRCategory categ) { int level = categ.getLevel(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); for (int i = 0; i < level * 2; i++) { sb.append(' '); } String space = sb.toString(); if (categ.isCategory()) { + " ID : " + categ.getId().getID()); } for (MCRLabel label : categ.getLabels()) { + " Label : (" + label.getLang() + ") " + label.getText()); } List<MCRCategory> children = categ.getChildren(); for (MCRCategory child : children) { listCategory(child); } } @MCRCommand(syntax = "repair category with empty labels", help = "fixes all categories with no labels (adds a label with categid as @text for default lang)", order = 110) public static void repairEmptyLabels() { Session session = MCRHIBConnection.instance().getSession(); String deleteEmptyLabels = "delete from {h-schema}MCRCategoryLabels where text is null or trim(text) = ''"; int affected = session.createNativeQuery(deleteEmptyLabels).executeUpdate();"Deleted " + affected + " labels."); String sqlQuery = "select cat.classid,cat.categid from {h-schema}MCRCategory cat left outer join {h-schema}MCRCategoryLabels label on cat.internalid = label.category where label.text is null"; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object[]> list = session.createNativeQuery(sqlQuery).getResultList(); for (Object resultList : list) { Object[] arrayOfResults = (Object[]) resultList; String classIDString = (String) arrayOfResults[0]; String categIDString = (String) arrayOfResults[1]; MCRCategoryID mcrCategID = new MCRCategoryID(classIDString, categIDString); MCRLabel mcrCategLabel = new MCRLabel(MCRConstants.DEFAULT_LANG, categIDString, null); MCRCategoryDAOFactory.getInstance().setLabel(mcrCategID, mcrCategLabel);"fixing category with class ID \"" + classIDString + "\" and category ID \"" + categIDString + "\""); }"Fixing category labels completed!"); } @MCRCommand(syntax = "repair position in parent", help = "fixes all categories gaps in position in parent", order = 120) @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void repairPositionInParent() { Session session = MCRHIBConnection.instance().getSession(); // this SQL-query find missing numbers in positioninparent String sqlQuery = "select parentid, min(cat1.positioninparent+1) from {h-schema}MCRCategory cat1 " + "where cat1.parentid is not null and not exists" + "(select 1 from {h-schema}MCRCategory cat2 " + "where cat2.parentid=cat1.parentid and cat2.positioninparent=(cat1.positioninparent+1))" + "and cat1.positioninparent not in " + "(select max(cat3.positioninparent) from {h-schema}MCRCategory cat3 " + "where cat3.parentid=cat1.parentid) group by cat1.parentid"; for (List<Object[]> parentWithErrorsList = session.createNativeQuery(sqlQuery) .getResultList(); !parentWithErrorsList .isEmpty(); parentWithErrorsList = session.createNativeQuery(sqlQuery).getResultList()) { for (Object[] parentWithErrors : parentWithErrorsList) { Number parentID = (Number) parentWithErrors[0]; Number firstErrorPositionInParent = (Number) parentWithErrors[1];"Category " + parentID + " has the missing position " + firstErrorPositionInParent + " ..."); repairCategoryWithGapInPos(parentID, firstErrorPositionInParent);"Fixed position " + firstErrorPositionInParent + " for category " + parentID + "."); } } sqlQuery = "select parentid, min(cat1.positioninparent-1) from {h-schema}MCRCategory cat1 " + "where cat1.parentid is not null and not exists" + "(select 1 from {h-schema}MCRCategory cat2 " + "where cat2.parentid=cat1.parentid and cat2.positioninparent=(cat1.positioninparent-1))" + "and cat1.positioninparent not in " + "(select max(cat3.positioninparent) from {h-schema}MCRCategory cat3 " + "where cat3.parentid=cat1.parentid) and cat1.positioninparent > 0 group by cat1.parentid"; while (true) { List<Object[]> parentWithErrorsList = session.createNativeQuery(sqlQuery).getResultList(); if (parentWithErrorsList.isEmpty()) { break; } for (Object[] parentWithErrors : parentWithErrorsList) { Number parentID = (Number) parentWithErrors[0]; Number wrongStartPositionInParent = (Number) parentWithErrors[1];"Category " + parentID + " has the the starting position " + wrongStartPositionInParent + " ..."); repairCategoryWithWrongStartPos(parentID, wrongStartPositionInParent);"Fixed position " + wrongStartPositionInParent + " for category " + parentID + "."); } }"Repair position in parent finished!"); } public static void repairCategoryWithWrongStartPos(Number parentID, Number wrongStartPositionInParent) { Session session = MCRHIBConnection.instance().getSession(); String sqlQuery = "update {h-schema}MCRCategory set positioninparent= positioninparent -" + wrongStartPositionInParent + "-1 where parentid=" + parentID + " and positioninparent > " + wrongStartPositionInParent; session.createNativeQuery(sqlQuery).executeUpdate(); } private static void repairCategoryWithGapInPos(Number parentID, Number firstErrorPositionInParent) { Session session = MCRHIBConnection.instance().getSession(); // the query decrease the position in parent with a rate. // eg. posInParent: 0 1 2 5 6 7 // at 3 the position get faulty, 5 is the min. of the position greather // 3 // so the reate is 5-3 = 2 String sqlQuery = "update {h-schema}MCRCategory set positioninparent=(positioninparent - (select min(positioninparent) from {h-schema}MCRCategory where parentid=" + parentID + " and positioninparent > " + firstErrorPositionInParent + ")+" + firstErrorPositionInParent + ") where parentid=" + parentID + " and positioninparent > " + firstErrorPositionInParent; session.createNativeQuery(sqlQuery).executeUpdate(); } @MCRCommand(syntax = "repair left right values for classification {0}", help = "fixes all left and right values in the given classification", order = 130) public static void repairLeftRightValue(String classID) { if (!(DAO instanceof MCRCategoryDAOImpl)) { LOGGER.error("Command not compatible with " + DAO.getClass().getName()); return; } ((MCRCategoryDAOImpl) DAO).repairLeftRightValue(classID); } @MCRCommand(syntax = "check all classifications", help = "checks if all redundant information are stored without conflicts", order = 140) public static List<String> checkAllClassifications() { List<MCRCategoryID> classifications = MCRCategoryDAOFactory.getInstance().getRootCategoryIDs(); List<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>(classifications.size()); for (MCRCategoryID id : classifications) { commands.add("check classification " + id.getRootID()); } return commands; } @MCRCommand(syntax = "check classification {0}", help = "checks if all redundant information are stored without conflicts", order = 150) public static void checkClassification(String id) {"Checking classifcation " + id); ArrayList<String> log = new ArrayList<String>(); + ": checking for missing parentID"); checkMissingParent(id, log); + ": checking for empty labels"); checkEmptyLabels(id, log); if (log.isEmpty()) { MCRCategoryImpl category = (MCRCategoryImpl) MCRCategoryDAOFactory.getInstance() .getCategory(MCRCategoryID.rootID(id), -1); + ": checking left, right and level values and for non-null children"); checkLeftRightAndLevel(category, 0, 0, log); } if (log.size() > 0) { LOGGER.error("Some errors occured on last test, report will follow"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String msg : log) { sb.append(msg).append('\n'); } LOGGER.error("Error report for classification " + id + "\n" + sb); } else {"Classifcation " + id + " has no errors."); } } private static int checkLeftRightAndLevel(MCRCategoryImpl category, int leftStart, int levelStart, List<String> log) { int curValue = leftStart; final int nextLevel = levelStart + 1; if (leftStart != category.getLeft()) log.add("LEFT of " + category.getId() + " is " + category.getLeft() + " should be " + leftStart); if (levelStart != category.getLevel()) log.add("LEVEL of " + category.getId() + " is " + category.getLevel() + " should be " + levelStart); int position = 0; for (MCRCategory child : category.getChildren()) { if (child == null) { log.add("NULL child of parent " + category.getId() + " on position " + position); continue; } LOGGER.debug(child.getId()); curValue = checkLeftRightAndLevel((MCRCategoryImpl) child, ++curValue, nextLevel, log); position++; } ++curValue; if (curValue != category.getRight()) log.add("RIGHT of " + category.getId() + " is " + category.getRight() + " should be " + curValue); return curValue; } private static void checkEmptyLabels(String classID, List<String> log) { Session session = MCRHIBConnection.instance().getSession(); String sqlQuery = "select cat.categid from {h-schema}MCRCategory cat left outer join {h-schema}MCRCategoryLabels label on cat.internalid = label.category where cat.classid='" + classID + "' and (label.text is null or trim(label.text) = '')"; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> list = session.createNativeQuery(sqlQuery).getResultList(); for (String categIDString : list) { log.add("EMPTY lables for category " + new MCRCategoryID(classID, categIDString)); } } private static void checkMissingParent(String classID, List<String> log) { Session session = MCRHIBConnection.instance().getSession(); String sqlQuery = "select cat.categid from {h-schema}MCRCategory cat WHERE cat.classid='" + classID + "' and cat.level > 0 and cat.parentID is NULL"; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> list = session.createNativeQuery(sqlQuery).getResultList(); for (String categIDString : list) { log.add("parentID is null for category " + new MCRCategoryID(classID, categIDString)); } } @MCRCommand(syntax = "repair missing parent for classification {0}", help = "restores parentID from information in the given classification, if left right values are correct", order = 130) public static void repairMissingParent(String classID) { Session session = MCRHIBConnection.instance().getSession(); String sqlQuery = "update {h-schema}MCRCategory cat set cat.parentID=(select parent.internalID from {h-schema}MCRCategory parent WHERE parent.classid='" + classID + "' and parent.leftValue<cat.leftValue and parent.rightValue>cat.rightValue and parent.level=(cat.level-1)) WHERE cat.classid='" + classID + "' and cat.level > 0 and cat.parentID is NULL"; int updates = session.createNativeQuery(sqlQuery).executeUpdate(); -> "Repaired " + updates + " parentID columns for classification " + classID); } }