Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Graham Allan * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.mutabilitydetector.cli; import static java.lang.String.format; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; public class CommandLineOptions implements BatchAnalysisOptions { private String classpath; private final Options options; private String match; private boolean verbose = false; private ReportMode reportMode; private File classListFile; private boolean isUsingClassList; private boolean reportErrors; private boolean failFast = false; private final PrintStream errorStream; private final class ParsingActionImplementation implements ParsingAction { @Override public void doParsingAction(CommandLine line) { printHelpIfRequired(line); extractClasspath(line); extractMatch(line); extractVerboseOption(line); extractReportMode(line); extractClassListFile(line); extractShowErrorsOption(line); extractFailFastOption(line); printHelpIfNoOptionsGiven(line); } } public static enum ReportMode { ALL, IMMUTABLE, MUTABLE; public static String validModes() { StringBuilder modes = new StringBuilder(); modes.append("["); for (ReportMode m : values()) { modes.append(; modes.append("|"); } modes.deleteCharAt(modes.length() - 1); // Remove last bar modes.append("]"); return modes.toString(); } } public CommandLineOptions(PrintStream errorStream, String... args) { this.errorStream = errorStream; this.options = createOptions(); parseOptions(args); } private Options createOptions() { Options opts = new Options(); createAndAddOption(opts, "path", "The classpath to be analysed by Mutability Detector", "classpath", "cp"); createAndAddOption(opts, "regex", "A regular expression used to match class names to analyse. " + "This is matched against the fully qualified class name, minus the .class suffix (i.e. it matches " + "against 'java.lang.Object', not 'java/lang/Object.class'). The default is '.*', meaning all " + "classes will be analysed.", "match", "m"); createAndAddOption(opts, "filename", "Only report results on the classes listed within <filename>. " + "Currently this option only supports plain text files with one class per line. " + "It is also rather limited in the format it accepts: each line must contain the equivalent " + "of someClass.getName(), e.g. it must be java.lang.Integer, with dot delimiters and " + "no suffixes such as .java or .class. Can be used in conjunction with -match to reduce " + "the time taken to perform analysis.", "classlist", "cl"); opts.addOption("v", "verbose", false, "Print details of analysis and reasons for results."); opts.addOption("r", "report", true, "Choose what is reported from the analysis. Valid options are " + ReportMode.validModes() + ". If not specified, or doesn't match an available mode, defaults to 'ALL'"); opts.addOption("h", "help", false, "print this message"); opts.addOption("e", "reportErrors", false, "Reports on errors in the analysis. Defaults to false."); opts.addOption("f", "failFast", false, "When true, encountering an unhandled exception will cause analysis to abort immediately. " + "When false, exceptions during analysis of a particular class will be reflected in the result assigned to " + "that class. Defaults to false."); return opts; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") private static void createAndAddOption(Options opts, String argumentName, String description, String argumentFlag, String shortFlag) { Option newOption = OptionBuilder.withArgName(argumentName).hasArg().withDescription(description) .withLongOpt(argumentFlag).create(shortFlag); opts.addOption(newOption); } private void parseOptions(String[] args) { OptionParserHelper parser = new OptionParserHelper(options, args); try { parser.parseOptions(new ParsingActionImplementation()); } catch (CommandLineOptionsException cloe) { this.errorStream.println(cloe.getMessage()); throw cloe; } catch (Exception e) { printHelpAndExit(); } } private void extractReportMode(CommandLine line) { if (line.hasOption("r") || line.hasOption("report")) { String mode = line.getOptionValue("report"); this.reportMode = Enum.valueOf(ReportMode.class, mode.toUpperCase()); } else { this.reportMode = ReportMode.ALL; } } private void extractVerboseOption(CommandLine line) { if (line.hasOption("v") || line.hasOption("verbose")) { verbose = true; } } private void extractClasspath(CommandLine line) { this.classpath = line.getOptionValue("classpath", "."); } private void extractMatch(CommandLine line) { this.match = line.getOptionValue("match", ".*"); } private void extractClassListFile(CommandLine line) { if (line.hasOption("classlist")) { String fileName = line.getOptionValue("classlist"); this.classListFile = new File(fileName); this.isUsingClassList = true; throwExceptionIfClassListFileIsInvalid(); } } private void throwExceptionIfClassListFileIsInvalid() { StringBuilder reasons = new StringBuilder(); boolean isInvalid = false; if (!classListFile.exists()) { isInvalid = true; reasons.append("File does not exist."); } if (classListFile.isDirectory()) { isInvalid = true; reasons.append("Specified file is a directory."); } if (unreadableClassFileListExists()) { isInvalid = true; reasons.append("File exists but cannot be read from."); } if (isInvalid) { String message = format("Could not read class list from file [%s]: ", classListFile.getName()); reasons.insert(0, message); throw new CommandLineOptionsException(reasons.toString()); } } private boolean unreadableClassFileListExists() { return classListFile.exists() && !classListFile.canRead(); } private void extractShowErrorsOption(CommandLine line) { this.reportErrors = line.hasOption("e") || line.hasOption("showErrors"); } private void extractFailFastOption(CommandLine line) { this.failFast = line.hasOption("failFast"); } private void printHelpIfRequired(CommandLine line) { if (line.hasOption("help")) { printHelpAndExit(); } } private void printHelpIfNoOptionsGiven(CommandLine line) { if (line.getOptions().length == 0) { printHelpAndExit(); } } private void printHelpAndExit() { HelpFormatter help = new HelpFormatter(); help.printHelp("MutabilityDetector", options); exit(); } private void exit() { throw new CommandLineOptionsException(""); } @Override public String classpath() { return classpath; } @Override public String match() { return match; } @Override public boolean verbose() { return verbose; } @Override public ReportMode reportMode() { return reportMode; } @Override public File classListFile() { return classListFile; } @Override public boolean isUsingClassList() { return isUsingClassList; } @Override public boolean reportErrors() { return reportErrors; } @Override public boolean failFast() { return failFast; } }