Java tutorial
/* * SparkBit * * Copyright 2011-2014 * Copyright 2014 Coin Sciences Ltd * * Licensed under the MIT license (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.multibit.viewsystem.swing.action; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Dialog; import org.multibit.controller.bitcoin.BitcoinController; import org.multibit.message.Message; import org.multibit.message.MessageManager; import org.multibit.model.bitcoin.BitcoinModel; import org.multibit.utils.ImageLoader; //import org.multibit.viewsystem.dataproviders.BitcoinFormDataProvider; import org.multibit.viewsystem.swing.MultiBitFrame; //import org.multibit.viewsystem.swing.view.dialogs.SendBitcoinConfirmDialog; import org.multibit.viewsystem.swing.view.dialogs.AssetValidationErrorDialog; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.multibit.utils.CSMiscUtils; import org.coinspark.protocol.CoinSparkAddress; import org.coinspark.protocol.CoinSparkGenesis; import org.coinspark.protocol.CoinSparkMessagePart; import org.coinspark.protocol.CoinSparkPaymentRef; import org.multibit.viewsystem.dataproviders.AssetFormDataProvider; import org.multibit.viewsystem.swing.view.dialogs.SendAssetConfirmDialog; import org.coinspark.wallet.CSAsset; import org.multibit.viewsystem.swing.view.dialogs.SendBitcoinConfirmDialog; import org.multibit.viewsystem.swing.view.dialogs.ValidationErrorDialog; /** * This {@link Action} shows the send bitcoin confirm dialog or validation dialog on an attempted spend. */ public class SendAssetConfirmAction extends MultiBitSubmitAction { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5513592460523457765L; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SendAssetConfirmAction.class); private MultiBitFrame mainFrame; private AssetFormDataProvider dataProvider; private BitcoinController bitcoinController; /** * Creates a new {@link SendBitcoinConfirmAction}. */ public SendAssetConfirmAction(BitcoinController bitcoinController, MultiBitFrame mainFrame, AssetFormDataProvider dataProvider) { super(bitcoinController, "sendBitcoinConfirmAction.text", "sendAssetConfirmAction.tooltip", "sendBitcoinConfirmAction.mnemonicKey", null); //ImageLoader.createImageIcon(ImageLoader.SEND_BITCOIN_ICON_FILE)); this.mainFrame = mainFrame; this.dataProvider = dataProvider; this.bitcoinController = bitcoinController; } /** * Complete the transaction to work out the fee) and then show the send bitcoin confirm dialog. */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (abort()) { return; } // SendAssetConfirmDialog sendAssetConfirmDialog = null; AssetValidationErrorDialog validationErrorDialog = null; try { String sendAddress = dataProvider.getAddress(); String sendAmount = Utils.bitcoinValueToPlainString(BitcoinModel.COINSPARK_SEND_MINIMUM_AMOUNT); String sendMessage = null; boolean canSendMessage = false; final int assetId = dataProvider.getAssetId(); String assetAmount = dataProvider.getAssetAmount(); boolean isSenderPays = dataProvider.isSenderPays(); /* Is there a payment charge? If yes, the asset amount will change */ CSAsset asset = bitcoinController.getModel().getActiveWallet().CS.getAsset(assetId); CoinSparkGenesis genesis = asset.getGenesis(); BigInteger assetAmountRawUnits = CSMiscUtils.getRawUnitsFromDisplayString(asset, assetAmount); // Was there any rounding, which the user did not see because they clicked on send first, // without losing focus to any other widget which corrects field? String typedAmount = dataProvider.getAssetAmountText(); BigDecimal bd1 = new BigDecimal(typedAmount); BigDecimal bd2 = new BigDecimal(assetAmount); bd1 = bd1.stripTrailingZeros(); bd2 = bd2.stripTrailingZeros(); if (bd1.equals(bd2) == false) { String displayUnit = CSMiscUtils.getFormattedDisplayStringForRawUnits(asset, BigInteger.ONE); String s = "The smallest transactable unit is " + displayUnit + ", so we have rounded the sum down.\nPlease confirm the final amount and click 'Send' again."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(mainFrame, s); return; } // End rounding check/warning long desiredRawUnits = assetAmountRawUnits.longValue(); short chargeBasisPoints = genesis.getChargeBasisPoints(); long rawFlatChargeAmount = genesis.getChargeFlat(); boolean chargeExists = (rawFlatChargeAmount > 0 || chargeBasisPoints > 0); if (chargeExists) { if (isSenderPays) { long x = genesis.calcGross(desiredRawUnits); assetAmountRawUnits = new BigInteger(String.valueOf(x)); } else { // We don't have to do anything if recipient pays, just send gross amount. // calcNet() returns what the recipient will receive, but it's not what we send. // long x = genesis.calcNet(desiredRawUnits); // assetAmountRawUnits = new BigInteger(String.valueOf(x)); } } // Todo: Allow invalid assets to be sent even if spendable balance is 0 //if (CSMiscUtils.canSendInvalidAsset(bitcoinController) final AssetValidator validator = new AssetValidator(super.bitcoinController); if (validator.validate(sendAddress, sendAmount, assetId, assetAmountRawUnits.toString())) { /* CoinSpark START */ CoinSparkPaymentRef paymentRef = null; // We have already validated that the coinspark address and underlying bitcoin are good // and that the transfer flag is set on the coinspark address. We just want the actual // underlying bitcoin address to send assets to, which is used to create SendRequest object. CoinSparkAddress csa = CSMiscUtils.decodeCoinSparkAddress(sendAddress); String btcAddress = CSMiscUtils.getBitcoinAddressStringFromCoinSparkAddress(csa); sendAddress = btcAddress; // Does a payment ref exist? int flags = csa.getAddressFlags(); if ((flags & CoinSparkAddress.COINSPARK_ADDRESS_FLAG_PAYMENT_REFS) > 0) { paymentRef = csa.getPaymentRef(); log.debug(">>>> CoinSpark address has payment refs flag set: " + paymentRef.toString()); } // Messages - can send message and BTC to CoinSpark address, without any assets. sendMessage = dataProvider.getMessage(); canSendMessage = (flags & CoinSparkAddress.COINSPARK_ADDRESS_FLAG_TEXT_MESSAGES) > 0; /* CoinSpark END */ // Create a SendRequest. Address sendAddressObject; sendAddressObject = new Address(bitcoinController.getModel().getNetworkParameters(), sendAddress); //SendRequest sendRequest =, Utils.toNanoCoins(sendAmount)); //public static SendRequest to(Address destination,BigInteger value,int assetID, BigInteger assetValue,int split) { //BigInteger assetAmountRawUnits = new BigInteger(assetAmount); BigInteger bitcoinAmountSatoshis = Utils.toNanoCoins(sendAmount); final SendRequest sendRequest =, bitcoinAmountSatoshis, assetId, assetAmountRawUnits, 1); sendRequest.ensureMinRequiredFee = true; sendRequest.fee = BigInteger.ZERO; sendRequest.feePerKb = BitcoinModel.SEND_FEE_PER_KB_DEFAULT; // Note - Request is populated with the AES key in the SendBitcoinNowAction after the user has entered it on the SendBitcoinConfirm form. // Send with payment ref - if it exists and is not 0 which SparkBit treats semantically as null if (paymentRef != null && paymentRef.getRef() != 0) { sendRequest.setPaymentRef(paymentRef); } // Send a message if the address will take it and message is not empty boolean willSendMessage = false; if (canSendMessage) { boolean isEmptyMessage = false; if (sendMessage == null || sendMessage.isEmpty() || sendMessage.trim().length() == 0) { isEmptyMessage = true; } if (!isEmptyMessage) { willSendMessage = true; //int numParts = 1; CoinSparkMessagePart[] parts = { CSMiscUtils.createPlainTextCoinSparkMessagePart(sendMessage) }; String[] serverURLs = CSMiscUtils.getMessageDeliveryServersArray(bitcoinController); sendRequest.setMessage(parts, serverURLs); log.debug(">>>> Messaging servers = " + ArrayUtils.toString(serverURLs)); log.debug(">>>> parts[0] = " + parts[0]); log.debug(">>>> parts[0].fileName = " + parts[0].fileName); log.debug(">>>> parts[0].mimeType = " + parts[0].mimeType); log.debug(">>>> parts[0].content = " + new String(parts[0].content, "UTF-8")); //String message = "Hello, the time is now..." +; // parts[2].fileName = imagePath; // parts[2].mimeType = "image/png"; // byte[] imageBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(imagePath)); // parts[2].content = imageBytes; } } // // When sending a message, show a modal dialog. // CompleteTX now occurs in background thread so UI does not block // when "Send" is clicked with widget updates frozen. // // Show dialog with indeterminate progress bar final JDialog dialog = CSMiscUtils.createModalMessageDialogWithIndeterminateProgress(mainFrame, "SparkBit", "Contacting message delivery servers..."); // Dialog is made visible after futures have been set up ListeningExecutorService service = MoreExecutors .listeningDecorator(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()); //newFixedThreadPool(10)); ListenableFuture<Boolean> future = service.submit(new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { try { // Complete it (which works out the fee) but do not sign it yet. log.debug("Just about to complete the tx (and calculate the fee)..."); bitcoinController.getModel().getActiveWallet().completeTx(sendRequest, false); log.debug("The fee after completing the transaction was " + sendRequest.fee); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } return true; } }); final BigInteger myAssetAmountRawUnits = assetAmountRawUnits; Futures.addCallback(future, new FutureCallback<Boolean>() { public void onSuccess(Boolean b) { // There is enough money. SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { dialog.dispose(); SendAssetConfirmDialog mySendAssetConfirmDialog = new SendAssetConfirmDialog( bitcoinController, mainFrame, sendRequest, assetId, myAssetAmountRawUnits, validator); mySendAssetConfirmDialog.setVisible(true); } }); } public void onFailure(Throwable thrown) { final String failureReason = thrown.getMessage(); final boolean isCSException = thrown instanceof org.coinspark.core.CSExceptions.CannotEncode; final boolean isInsufficientMoney = thrown instanceof; // There is not enough money. // TODO setup validation parameters accordingly so that it displays ok. SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { dialog.dispose(); if (isCSException) { JOptionPane .showMessageDialog(mainFrame, "SparkBit is unable to proceed with this transaction:\n\n" + failureReason, "SparkBit Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else if (isInsufficientMoney) { // Try to show a human friendly message, need to pass the missing satoshis from failure reason. try { String numberOnly = failureReason.replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""); BigInteger needed = new BigInteger(numberOnly); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(mainFrame, "SparkBit is unable to proceed with this transaction.\n\nInsufficient money in wallet, require " + Utils.bitcoinValueToFriendlyString(needed) + " BTC more.", "SparkBit Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { AssetValidationErrorDialog myValidationErrorDialog = new AssetValidationErrorDialog( bitcoinController, mainFrame, sendRequest, true, validator); myValidationErrorDialog.setVisible(true); } } else { AssetValidationErrorDialog myValidationErrorDialog = new AssetValidationErrorDialog( bitcoinController, mainFrame, sendRequest, true, validator); myValidationErrorDialog.setVisible(true); } } }); } }); // Show message server dialog only if we are going to send if (willSendMessage) { dialog.setVisible(true); } /* // Complete it (which works out the fee) but do not sign it yet. log.debug("Just about to complete the tx (and calculate the fee)..."); boolean completedOk; try { bitcoinController.getModel().getActiveWallet().completeTx(sendRequest, false); completedOk = true; log.debug("The fee after completing the transaction was " + sendRequest.fee); } catch (InsufficientMoneyException ime) { completedOk = false; } if (completedOk) { // There is enough money. sendAssetConfirmDialog = new SendAssetConfirmDialog(super.bitcoinController, mainFrame, sendRequest, assetId, assetAmountRawUnits, validator); sendAssetConfirmDialog.setVisible(true); } else { // There is not enough money. // TODO setup validation parameters accordingly so that it displays ok. validationErrorDialog = new AssetValidationErrorDialog(super.bitcoinController, mainFrame, sendRequest, true, validator); validationErrorDialog.setVisible(true); } */ } else { validationErrorDialog = new AssetValidationErrorDialog(super.bitcoinController, mainFrame, null, false, validator); validationErrorDialog.setVisible(true); } } catch (WrongNetworkException e1) { logMessage(e1); } catch (AddressFormatException e1) { logMessage(e1); } catch (KeyCrypterException e1) { logMessage(e1); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(mainFrame, "Please enter a valid amount."); } catch (Exception e1) { logMessage(e1); } } /* private void confirmAction(String sendAddress, String sendAmount) { SendBitcoinConfirmDialog sendBitcoinConfirmDialog = null; AssetValidationErrorDialog validationErrorDialog = null; try { Validator validator = new Validator(super.bitcoinController); boolean result = validator.validate(sendAddress, sendAmount) ; if (result) { // The address and amount are valid. SendRequest sendRequest = createSendRequest(sendAddress, sendAmount); // Complete it (which works out the fee) but do not sign it yet. log.debug("Just about to complete the tx (and calculate the fee)..."); boolean completedOk; try { bitcoinController.getModel().getActiveWallet().completeTx(sendRequest, false); completedOk = true; log.debug("The fee after completing the transaction was " + sendRequest.fee); } catch (InsufficientMoneyException ime) { completedOk = false; } if (completedOk) { // There is enough money. sendBitcoinConfirmDialog = new SendBitcoinConfirmDialog(super.bitcoinController, mainFrame, sendRequest); sendBitcoinConfirmDialog.setVisible(true); } else { // There is not enough money. // TODO setup validation parameters accordingly so that it displays ok. validationErrorDialog = new ValidationErrorDialog(super.bitcoinController, mainFrame, sendRequest, true); validationErrorDialog.setVisible(true); } } else { validationErrorDialog = new ValidationErrorDialog(super.bitcoinController, mainFrame, null, false); validationErrorDialog.setVisible(true); } } catch (WrongNetworkException e1) { logMessage(e1); } catch (AddressFormatException e1) { logMessage(e1); } catch (KeyCrypterException e1) { logMessage(e1); } catch (Exception e1) { logMessage(e1); } } */ private SendRequest createSendRequest(String sendAddress, String sendAmount) throws AddressFormatException { // Create a SendRequest. Address sendAddressObject; sendAddressObject = new Address(bitcoinController.getModel().getNetworkParameters(), sendAddress); SendRequest sendRequest =, Utils.toNanoCoins(sendAmount)); sendRequest.ensureMinRequiredFee = true; sendRequest.fee = BigInteger.ZERO; sendRequest.feePerKb = BitcoinModel.SEND_FEE_PER_KB_DEFAULT; // Note - Request is populated with the AES key in the SendBitcoinNowAction after the user has entered it on the SendBitcoinConfirm form. return sendRequest; } /*CoinSpark*/ private void confirmAssetAction(String sendAddress, String sendAmount, String sendType) { // ValidationErrorDialog validationErrorDialog = null; // // try { // Validator validator = new Validator(super.bitcoinController); // // boolean result = validator.validate(sendAddress, sendAmount, sendType); // if (result) // { // // The address and amount are valid. // // // Create a SendRequest. // String adjustedAmount = Transaction.MIN_NONDUST_OUTPUT.toString(); // SendRequest sendRequest = createSendRequest(sendAddress, adjustedAmount); // // // Complete it (which works out the fee) but do not sign it yet. // log.debug("CoinSpark - Just about to complete the asset tx (and calculate the fee)..."); // boolean completedOk = bitcoinController.getModel().getActiveWallet().completeAssetTx(sendRequest, sendType, sendAmount); // log.debug("The fee after completing the transaction was " + sendRequest.fee); // if (completedOk) { // /* CoinSpark START: CSSendAssetConfirmDialog does not exist */ // log.debug("CoinSpark - There is enough money and asset. completedOk is true."); // // There is enough money and asset. // //sendAssetConfirmDialog = new CSSendAssetConfirmDialog(super.bitcoinController, mainFrame, sendRequest, sendType); // //sendAssetConfirmDialog.setVisible(true); // /* CoinSpark END */ // } else { // // There is not enough money. // // TODO setup validation parameters accordingly so that it displays ok. // validationErrorDialog = new ValidationErrorDialog(super.bitcoinController, mainFrame, sendRequest, true); // validationErrorDialog.setVisible(true); // } // // } else { // validationErrorDialog = new ValidationErrorDialog(super.bitcoinController, mainFrame, null, false); // validationErrorDialog.setVisible(true); // } // } catch (WrongNetworkException e1) { // logMessage(e1); // } catch (AddressFormatException e1) { // logMessage(e1); // } catch (KeyCrypterException e1) { // logMessage(e1); // } catch (Exception e1) { // logMessage(e1); // } } /* CoinSpark END */ private void logMessage(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); String errorMessage = controller.getLocaliser().getString("sendBitcoinNowAction.bitcoinSendFailed"); String detailMessage = controller.getLocaliser().getString("deleteWalletConfirmDialog.walletDeleteError2", new String[] { e.getClass().getCanonicalName() + " " + e.getMessage() }); MessageManager.INSTANCE.addMessage(new Message(errorMessage + " " + detailMessage)); } }