Java tutorial
/* * RESTx: Sane, simple and effective data publishing and integration. * * Copyright (C) 2010 MuleSoft Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.mulesoft.restx.component; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.json.JSONException; import org.mulesoft.restx.ResourceAccessorInterface; import org.mulesoft.restx.RestxHttpRequest; import org.mulesoft.restx.Settings; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.ComponentDescriptor; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.ComponentInfo; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.Default; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.FileStore; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.HTTP; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.HttpMethod; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.HttpResult; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.InputType; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.InputTypes; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.MakeResourceResult; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.OutputType; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.OutputTypes; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.Parameter; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.Choices; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.ParamsInReqBody; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.Service; import org.mulesoft.restx.component.api.ServiceDescriptor; import org.mulesoft.restx.exception.RestxException; import org.mulesoft.restx.parameter.ParameterDef; import org.mulesoft.restx.parameter.ParameterDefBoolean; import org.mulesoft.restx.parameter.ParameterDefNumber; import org.mulesoft.restx.parameter.ParameterDefString; import org.mulesoft.restx.parameter.ParameterDefStringList; import org.mulesoft.restx.parameter.ParameterDefNumberList; import org.mulesoft.restx.util.JsonProcessor; import org.mulesoft.restx.util.Url; public abstract class BaseComponent { public final String LANGUAGE = "JAVA"; public ComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor = null; public ResourceAccessorInterface resourceAccessor; protected HashMap<String, Object> services; private RestxHttpRequest httpRequest; private String resourceName; private BaseComponentCapabilities baseCapabilities; private boolean annotationsHaveBeenParsed = false; // We use the following to record the order of parameters as well as their // Java types for each service when we are parsing the annotations. Later, // this helps our service-method calling proxy to arrange the parameters in // the right order - since Java does not allow the **fkwargs notation of named // parameters - and also allows us to do the necessary type casting. protected Map<String, ArrayList<String>> paramOrder; protected Map<String, ArrayList<Class<?>>> paramTypes; protected Map<String, String> instanceConf; protected BaseComponent() { this.resourceName = null; this.httpRequest = null; this.baseCapabilities = null; this.instanceConf = null; } public void setInstanceConf(Map<String, String> instanceConf) { this.instanceConf = instanceConf; } public void setBaseCapabilities(BaseComponentCapabilities baseCapabilities) { this.baseCapabilities = baseCapabilities; } private ComponentDescriptor getComponentDescriptor() throws RestxException { if (componentDescriptor == null) { initialiseComponentDescriptor(); } return componentDescriptor; } public void setResourceName(String resourceName) { this.resourceName = resourceName; } public void setRequest(RestxHttpRequest request) { this.httpRequest = request; } public String getDocs() { return this.componentDescriptor.getDocs(); } public String getRequestUri() { return httpRequest.getRequestURI(); } public Map<String, List<String>> getRequestHeaders() { return httpRequest.getRequestHeaders(); } public HttpResult accessResource(String uri) { return accessResource(uri, null, null, HTTP.GET); } public HttpResult accessResource(String uri, String input) { return accessResource(uri, input, null, HTTP.GET); } public HttpResult accessResource(String uri, String input, Map<?, ?> params) { return accessResource(uri, input, params, HTTP.GET); } public HttpResult accessResource(String uri, String input, Map<?, ?> params, HttpMethod method) { return resourceAccessor.accessResourceProxy(uri, input, params, method); } public MakeResourceResult makeResource(String componentClassName, String suggestedResourceName, String resourceDescription, boolean specialized, Map<?, ?> resourceParameters) throws RestxException { return resourceAccessor.makeResourceProxy(componentClassName, suggestedResourceName, resourceDescription, specialized, resourceParameters); } private ParameterDef createParamDefType(Class<?> paramType, String desc, boolean required, String defaultVal, String[] choices) throws RestxException { ParameterDef pdef = null; if (paramType == String.class) { pdef = new ParameterDefString(desc, required, defaultVal, choices); } else if (paramType == BigDecimal[].class) { BigDecimal defaultValue; if (defaultVal == null) { defaultValue = null; } else { defaultValue = new BigDecimal(defaultVal); } pdef = new ParameterDefNumberList(desc, required, defaultValue, choices); } else if (paramType == String[].class) { pdef = new ParameterDefStringList(desc, required, defaultVal, choices); } else if (paramType == Integer.class || paramType == BigDecimal.class || paramType == Double.class || paramType == Float.class || paramType == int.class || paramType == float.class || paramType == double.class) { BigDecimal defaultValue; if (defaultVal == null) { defaultValue = null; } else { defaultValue = new BigDecimal(defaultVal); } pdef = new ParameterDefNumber(desc, required, defaultValue, choices); } else if (paramType == Boolean.class) { pdef = new ParameterDefBoolean(desc, required, Boolean.valueOf(defaultVal)); } return pdef; } protected void initialiseComponentDescriptor() throws RestxException { if (annotationsHaveBeenParsed || componentDescriptor != null) { return; } final Class<? extends BaseComponent> myclass = this.getClass(); /* * Examine the class annotations to get information about the component. */ final ComponentInfo ci = this.getClass().getAnnotation(ComponentInfo.class); if (ci == null) { throw new RestxException("Component does not have a ComponentInfo annotation"); } componentDescriptor = new ComponentDescriptor(, ci.desc(), ci.doc()); /* * Examine field annotations to identify resource creation time parameters. */ for (final Field f : myclass.getFields()) { final Parameter fa = f.getAnnotation(Parameter.class); if (fa != null) { final String paramName =; final String paramDesc = fa.desc(); String defaultVal = null; boolean required = true; String[] choices = null; // Check if we have a default value and set that one as well final Default fad = f.getAnnotation(Default.class); if (fad != null) { defaultVal = fad.value(); required = false; } // Check if we have a list of choices final Choices cad = f.getAnnotation(Choices.class); if (cad != null) { choices = cad.value(); } final Class<?> ftype = f.getType(); componentDescriptor.addParameter(paramName, createParamDefType(ftype, paramDesc, required, defaultVal, choices)); } } /* * Examine the method annotations to identify service methods and their * parameters. */ paramOrder = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>(); paramTypes = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Class<?>>>(); for (final Method m : myclass.getMethods()) { if (m.isAnnotationPresent(Service.class)) { final String serviceName = m.getName(); final Service at = m.getAnnotation(Service.class); boolean pinreq = false; if (m.isAnnotationPresent(ParamsInReqBody.class)) { pinreq = true; } // Looking for output type annotations ArrayList<String> outputTypes = null; if (m.isAnnotationPresent(OutputType.class)) { final OutputType ot = m.getAnnotation(OutputType.class); outputTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); outputTypes.add(ot.value()); } if (m.isAnnotationPresent(OutputTypes.class)) { final OutputTypes ots = m.getAnnotation(OutputTypes.class); final String[] otsSpecs = ots.value(); if (otsSpecs.length > 0) { if (outputTypes == null) { outputTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); } for (final String ts : otsSpecs) { outputTypes.add(ts); } } } // Looking for output type annotations ArrayList<String> inputTypes = null; if (m.isAnnotationPresent(InputType.class)) { final InputType it = m.getAnnotation(InputType.class); inputTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); final String it_val = it.value(); if (!it_val.equals(InputType.NO_INPUT)) { inputTypes.add(it_val); } else { inputTypes.add(null); } } if (m.isAnnotationPresent(InputTypes.class)) { final InputTypes its = m.getAnnotation(InputTypes.class); final String[] itsSpecs = its.value(); if (itsSpecs.length > 0) { if (inputTypes == null) { inputTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); } for (final String ts : itsSpecs) { if (!ts.equals(InputType.NO_INPUT)) { inputTypes.add(ts); } else { inputTypes.add(null); } } } } final ServiceDescriptor sd = new ServiceDescriptor(at.desc(), pinreq, outputTypes, inputTypes); final Class<?>[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); final Annotation[][] allParamAnnotations = m.getParameterAnnotations(); int i = 0; final ArrayList<String> positionalParams = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final Annotation[] pa : allParamAnnotations) { String name = null; String desc = null; boolean required = true; String defaultVal = null; for (final Annotation a : pa) { if (a.annotationType() == Parameter.class) { name = ((Parameter) a).name(); desc = ((Parameter) a).desc(); if (!paramOrder.containsKey(serviceName)) { paramOrder.put(serviceName, new ArrayList<String>()); paramTypes.put(serviceName, new ArrayList<Class<?>>()); } if (((Parameter) a).positional()) { positionalParams.add(name); } paramOrder.get(serviceName).add(name); paramTypes.get(serviceName).add(types[i]); } else if (a.annotationType() == Default.class) { defaultVal = ((Default) a).value(); required = false; } } if (name != null) { sd.addParameter(name, createParamDefType(types[i], desc, required, defaultVal, null)); } ++i; } if (!positionalParams.isEmpty()) { sd.setPositionalParameters(positionalParams); } componentDescriptor.addService(m.getName(), sd); } } annotationsHaveBeenParsed = true; } public Map<String, ArrayList<String>> getParameterOrder() throws RestxException { initialiseComponentDescriptor(); // Returns the order in which parameters were defined return paramOrder; } public Map<String, ArrayList<Class<?>>> getParameterTypes() throws RestxException { initialiseComponentDescriptor(); // Returns the order in which parameters were defined return paramTypes; } public String getMyResourceName() { return resourceName; } public String getMyResourceUri() { return Settings.PREFIX_RESOURCE + "/" + getMyResourceName(); } public FileStore getFileStorage() { return baseCapabilities.getFileStorage(); } public FileStore getFileStorage(String namespace) { return baseCapabilities.getFileStorage(namespace); } public void httpSetCredentials(String accountName, String password) { baseCapabilities.httpSetCredentials(accountName, password); } public HttpResult httpGet(String url) { return baseCapabilities.httpGet(url); } public HttpResult httpGet(String url, Map<String, String> headers) { return baseCapabilities.httpGet(url, headers); } public HttpResult httpPost(String url, String data) { return baseCapabilities.httpPost(url, data); } public HttpResult httpPost(String url, String data, Map<String, String> headers) { return baseCapabilities.httpPost(url, data, headers); } // JSON processing public Object fromJson(String str) throws RestxException { try { return JsonProcessor.loads(str); } catch (final JSONException e) { throw new RestxException("Could not de-serialize data: " + e.getMessage()); } } public String toJson(Object obj) throws RestxException { try { return JsonProcessor.dumps(obj); } catch (final JSONException e) { throw new RestxException("Could not serialize data: " + e.getMessage()); } } private Map<String, Object> changeParamsToPlainDict(Map<String, ParameterDef> params) { final HashMap<String, Object> d = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (final Entry<String, ParameterDef> param : params.entrySet()) { d.put(param.getKey(), param.getValue().asDict()); } return d; } public Map<String, Object> getMetaData() throws RestxException, Exception { initialiseComponentDescriptor(); final HashMap<String, Object> d = new HashMap<String, Object>(); d.put("uri", new Url(getCodeUri())); d.put("name", getName()); d.put("desc", getDesc()); d.put("doc", getCodeUri() + "/doc"); d.put("params", changeParamsToPlainDict(componentDescriptor.getParamMap())); d.put("services", _getServices(null)); final HashMap<String, ParameterDef> rp = new HashMap<String, ParameterDef>(); rp.put("suggested_name", new ParameterDefString("Can be used to suggest the resource name to the server", true, "")); rp.put("desc", new ParameterDefString("Specifies a description for this new resource", false, "A '" + getName() + "' resource")); rp.put("specialized", new ParameterDefBoolean( "Specifies if we want to create a specialized component resource (true) or a normal resource (false)", false, false)); d.put("resource_creation_params", changeParamsToPlainDict(rp)); return d; } public Map<String, ParameterDef> getParams() throws RestxException { if (componentDescriptor == null) { initialiseComponentDescriptor(); } return componentDescriptor.getParamMap(); } public String getName() throws RestxException { return getComponentDescriptor().getName(); } public String getDesc() throws RestxException { return getComponentDescriptor().getDesc(); } public String getDoc() throws RestxException { return getComponentDescriptor().getDocs(); } public String getCodeUri() { String name; try { name = getName(); } catch (final Exception e) { name = ""; } return Settings.PREFIX_CODE + "/" + name; } /* * Following are some methods that are used by the framework and that are not * part of the official component-API. */ /* * Return a dictionary of all defined services. resourceBaseUri may be set to * null, in which case all service URLs are relative to the code URL of the * component. */ public Map<String, Object> _getServices(String resourceBaseUri) throws RestxException { initialiseComponentDescriptor(); // Get the base URI for all services. If no resource base URI // was defined (can happen when we just look at code meta data) // then we use the code base URI instead. String baseUri; if (resourceBaseUri == null) { baseUri = getCodeUri(); } else { baseUri = resourceBaseUri; } // Create a map of service descriptions. if (componentDescriptor.getServicMap() != null && !componentDescriptor.getServicMap().isEmpty()) { services = componentDescriptor.getServicesAsPlainDict(); final HashMap<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (final String name : services.keySet()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final HashMap<String, Object> thisService = (HashMap<String, Object>) services.get(name); thisService.put("uri", new Url(baseUri + "/" + name)); ret.put(name, thisService); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final HashMap<String, Object> params = (HashMap<String, Object>) thisService.get("params"); if (params != null) { for (final Entry<String, Object> param : params.entrySet()) { final Object paramValue = param.getValue(); if (paramValue instanceof ParameterDef) { // Need the type check since we may have constructed the // representation from storage, rather than in memory. // If it's from storage then we don't have ParameterDefs // in this dictionary here, so we don't need to convert // anything. final HashMap<String, Object> paramValueAsDict = ((ParameterDef) paramValue).asDict(); params.put(param.getKey(), paramValueAsDict); } } } } return ret; } else { // No services defined? Nothing to return... return null; } } }