Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0 * license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the * file. */ package org.mule.module.mongo; import static org.mule.module.mongo.api.DBObjects.adapt; import static org.mule.module.mongo.api.DBObjects.from; import static org.mule.module.mongo.api.DBObjects.fromCommand; import static org.mule.module.mongo.api.DBObjects.fromFunction; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.bson.types.BasicBSONList; import org.mule.api.ConnectionException; import org.mule.api.ConnectionExceptionCode; import org.mule.api.annotations.Configurable; import org.mule.api.annotations.Connect; import org.mule.api.annotations.ConnectionIdentifier; import org.mule.api.annotations.Connector; import org.mule.api.annotations.Disconnect; import org.mule.api.annotations.MetaDataSwitch; import org.mule.api.annotations.Mime; import org.mule.api.annotations.Processor; import org.mule.api.annotations.Transformer; import org.mule.api.annotations.ValidateConnection; import org.mule.api.annotations.display.Password; import org.mule.api.annotations.display.Placement; import org.mule.api.annotations.param.ConnectionKey; import org.mule.api.annotations.param.Default; import org.mule.api.annotations.param.Optional; import org.mule.api.annotations.param.Payload; import org.mule.module.mongo.api.IndexOrder; import org.mule.module.mongo.api.MongoClient; import org.mule.module.mongo.api.MongoClientAdaptor; import org.mule.module.mongo.api.MongoClientImpl; import org.mule.module.mongo.api.MongoCollection; import org.mule.module.mongo.api.WriteConcern; import; import; import; import; import org.mule.transformer.types.MimeTypes; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.Mongo; import com.mongodb.MongoException; import com.mongodb.MongoOptions; import com.mongodb.ServerAddress; import com.mongodb.util.JSON; /** * MongoDB is an open source, high-performance, schema-free, document-oriented database that manages * collections of BSON documents. * * @author MuleSoft, inc. */ @Connector(name = "mongo", schemaVersion = "2.0", friendlyName = "Mongo DB", minMuleVersion = "3.4", metaData = MetaDataSwitch.OFF) public class MongoCloudConnector { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoCloudConnector.class); private static final String CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE = "false"; private static final String WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE = "DATABASE_DEFAULT"; private static final String BACKUP_THREADS = "5"; private static final String DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = "dump"; /** * The host of the Mongo server, it can also be a list of comma separated hosts for replicas */ @Configurable @Optional @Default("localhost") private String host; /** * The port of the Mongo server */ @Configurable @Optional @Default("27017") private int port; /** * The number of connections allowed per host (the pool size, per host) */ @Configurable @Optional public Integer connectionsPerHost; /** * Multiplier for connectionsPerHost for # of threads that can block */ @Configurable @Optional public Integer threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier; /** * The max wait time for a blocking thread for a connection from the pool in ms. */ @Configurable @Optional public Integer maxWaitTime; /** * The connection timeout in milliseconds; this is for establishing the socket connections * (open). 0 is default and infinite. */ @Configurable @Optional @Default("30000") private Integer connectTimeout; /** * The socket timeout. 0 is default and infinite. */ @Configurable @Optional private Integer socketTimeout; /** * This controls whether the system retries automatically on connection errors. */ @Configurable @Optional private Boolean autoConnectRetry; /** * Specifies if the driver is allowed to read from secondaries or slaves. */ @Configurable @Optional private Boolean slaveOk; /** * If the driver sends a getLastError command after every update to ensure it succeeded. */ @Configurable @Optional public Boolean safe; /** * If set, the w value of WriteConcern for the connection is set to this. */ @Configurable @Optional public Integer w; /** * If set, the wtimeout value of WriteConcern for the connection is set to this. */ @Configurable @Optional public Integer wtimeout; /** * Sets the fsync value of WriteConcern for the connection. */ @Configurable @Optional public Boolean fsync; private String database; private Mongo mongo; private MongoClient client; /** * Adds a new user for this db * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:add-user} * * @param newUsername Name of the user * @param newPassword Password that will be used for authentication */ @Processor public void addUser(final String newUsername, final String newPassword) { client.addUser(newUsername, newPassword); } /** * Drop the current database * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:drop-database} */ @Processor public void dropDatabase() { client.dropDatabase(); } /** * Lists names of collections available at this database * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:list-collections} * * @return the list of names of collections available at this database */ @Processor public Collection<String> listCollections() { return client.listCollections(); } /** * Answers if a collection exists given its name * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:exists-collection} * * @param collection the name of the collection * @return if the collection exists */ @Processor public boolean existsCollection(final String collection) { return client.existsCollection(collection); } /** * Deletes a collection and all the objects it contains. If the collection does not exist, does * nothing. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:drop-collection} * * @param collection the name of the collection to drop */ @Processor public void dropCollection(final String collection) { client.dropCollection(collection); } /** * Creates a new collection. If the collection already exists, a MongoException will be thrown. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:create-collection} * * @param collection the name of the collection to create * @param capped if the collection will be capped * @param maxObjects the maximum number of documents the new collection is able to contain * @param size the maximum size of the new collection */ @Processor public void createCollection(final String collection, @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) final boolean capped, @Optional final Integer maxObjects, @Optional final Integer size) { client.createCollection(collection, capped, maxObjects, size); } /** * Inserts an object in a collection, setting its id if necessary. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:insert-object} * * @param collection the name of the collection where to insert the given object * @param dbObject a {@link DBObject} instance. * @param writeConcern the optional write concern of insertion * @return the id that was just insterted */ @Processor public String insertObject(final String collection, @Optional @Default("#[payload]") final DBObject dbObject, @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) final WriteConcern writeConcern) { return client.insertObject(collection, dbObject, writeConcern); } /** * Inserts an object in a collection, setting its id if necessary. * <p/> * A shallow conversion into DBObject is performed - that is, no conversion is performed to its * values. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:insert-object-from-map} * * @param collection the name of the collection where to insert the given object * @param elementAttributes alternative way of specifying the element as a literal Map inside a * Mule Flow * @param writeConcern the optional write concern of insertion * @return the id that was just insterted */ @Processor public String insertObjectFromMap(final String collection, @Placement(group = "Element Attributes") @Optional final Map<String, Object> elementAttributes, @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) final WriteConcern writeConcern) { return client.insertObject(collection, (DBObject) adapt(elementAttributes), writeConcern); } /** * Updates objects that matches the given query. If parameter multi is set to false, only the * first document matching it will be updated. Otherwise, all the documents matching it will be * updated. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:update-objects} * * @param collection the name of the collection to update * @param query the {@link DBObject} query object used to detect the element to update. * @param element the {@link DBObject} mandatory object that will replace that one which matches * the query. * @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist * @param multi if all or just the first object matching the query will be updated * @param writeConcern the write concern used to update */ @Processor public void updateObjects(final String collection, final DBObject query, @Optional @Default("#[payload]") final DBObject element, @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) final boolean upsert, @Optional @Default("true") final boolean multi, @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) final WriteConcern writeConcern) { client.updateObjects(collection, query, element, upsert, multi, writeConcern); } /** * Updates objects that matches the given query. If parameter multi is set to false, only the * first document matching it will be updated. Otherwise, all the documents matching it will be * updated. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:update-objects-using-query-map} * * @param collection the name of the collection to update * @param queryAttributes the query object used to detect the element to update. * @param element the {@link DBObject} mandatory object that will replace that one which matches * the query. * @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist * @param multi if all or just the first object matching the query will be updated * @param writeConcern the write concern used to update */ @Processor public void updateObjectsUsingQueryMap(final String collection, final Map<String, Object> queryAttributes, final DBObject element, @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) final boolean upsert, @Optional @Default("true") final boolean multi, @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) final WriteConcern writeConcern) { client.updateObjects(collection, (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes), element, upsert, multi, writeConcern); } /** * Updates objects that matches the given query. If parameter multi is set to false, only the * first document matching it will be updated. Otherwise, all the documents matching it will be * updated. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:update-objects-using-map} * * @param collection the name of the collection to update * @param queryAttributes the query object used to detect the element to update. * @param elementAttributes the mandatory object that will replace that one which matches the * query. * @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist * @param multi if all or just the first object matching the query will be updated * @param writeConcern the write concern used to update */ @Processor public void updateObjectsUsingMap(final String collection, @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") final Map<String, Object> queryAttributes, @Placement(group = "Element Attributes") final Map<String, Object> elementAttributes, @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) final boolean upsert, @Optional @Default("true") final boolean multi, @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) final WriteConcern writeConcern) { client.updateObjects(collection, (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes), (DBObject) adapt(elementAttributes), upsert, multi, writeConcern); } /** * Update objects using a mongo function * <p/> * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:update-objects-by-function} * * @param collection the name of the collection to update * @param function the function used to execute the update * @param query the {@link DBObject} query object used to detect the element to update. * @param element the {@link DBObject} mandatory object that will replace that one which matches * the query. * @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist * @param multi if all or just the first object matching the query will be updated * @param writeConcern the write concern used to update */ @Processor public void updateObjectsByFunction(final String collection, final String function, final DBObject query, final DBObject element, @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) final boolean upsert, @Optional @Default(value = "true") final boolean multi, @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) final WriteConcern writeConcern) { final DBObject functionDbObject = fromFunction(function, element); client.updateObjects(collection, query, functionDbObject, upsert, multi, writeConcern); } /** * Update objects using a mongo function * <p/> * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample * mongo:update-objects-by-function-using-map} * * @param collection the name of the collection to update * @param function the function used to execute the update * @param queryAttributes the query object used to detect the element to update. * @param elementAttributes the mandatory object that will replace that one which matches the * query. * @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist * @param multi if all or just the first object matching the query will be updated * @param writeConcern the write concern used to update */ @Processor public void updateObjectsByFunctionUsingMap(final String collection, final String function, final Map<String, Object> queryAttributes, final Map<String, Object> elementAttributes, @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) final boolean upsert, @Optional @Default(value = "true") final boolean multi, @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) final WriteConcern writeConcern) { final DBObject functionDbObject = fromFunction(function, (DBObject) adapt(elementAttributes)); client.updateObjects(collection, (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes), functionDbObject, upsert, multi, writeConcern); } /** * Inserts or updates an object based on its object _id. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:save-object} * * @param collection the collection where to insert the object * @param element the mandatory {@link DBObject} object to insert. * @param writeConcern the write concern used to persist the object */ @Processor public void saveObject(final String collection, @Optional @Default("#[payload]") final DBObject element, @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) final WriteConcern writeConcern) { client.saveObject(collection, from(element), writeConcern); } /** * Inserts or updates an object based on its object _id. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:save-object-from-map} * * @param collection the collection where to insert the object * @param elementAttributes the mandatory object to insert. * @param writeConcern the write concern used to persist the object */ @Processor public void saveObjectFromMap(final String collection, @Placement(group = "Element Attributes") final Map<String, Object> elementAttributes, @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) final WriteConcern writeConcern) { client.saveObject(collection, (DBObject) adapt(elementAttributes), writeConcern); } /** * Removes all the objects that match the a given optional query. If query is not specified, all * objects are removed. However, please notice that this is normally less performant that * dropping the collection and creating it and its indices again * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:remove-objects} * * @param collection the collection whose elements will be removed * @param query the optional {@link DBObject} query object. Objects that match it will be * removed. * @param writeConcern the write concern used to remove the object */ @Processor public void removeObjects(final String collection, @Optional @Default("#[payload]") final DBObject query, @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) final WriteConcern writeConcern) { client.removeObjects(collection, query, writeConcern); } /** * Removes all the objects that match the a given optional query. If query is not specified, all * objects are removed. However, please notice that this is normally less performant that * dropping the collection and creating it and its indices again * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:remove-using-query-map} * * @param collection the collection whose elements will be removed * @param queryAttributes the query object. Objects that match it will be removed. * @param writeConcern the write concern used to remove the object */ @Processor public void removeUsingQueryMap(final String collection, @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") final Map<String, Object> queryAttributes, @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) final WriteConcern writeConcern) { client.removeObjects(collection, (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes), writeConcern); } /** * Transforms a collection into a collection of aggregated groups, by applying a supplied * element-mapping function to each element, that transforms each one into a key-value pair, * grouping the resulting pairs by key, and finally reducing values in each group applying a * suppling 'reduce' function. * <p/> * Each supplied function is coded in JavaScript. * <p/> * Note that the correct way of writing those functions may not be obvious; please consult * MongoDB documentation for writing them. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:map-reduce-objects} * * @param collection the name of the collection to map and reduce * @param mapFunction a JavaScript encoded mapping function * @param reduceFunction a JavaScript encoded reducing function * @param outputCollection the name of the output collection to write the results, replacing * previous collection if existed, mandatory when results may be larger than 16MB. If * outputCollection is unspecified, the computation is performed in-memory and not * persisted. * @return an iterable that retrieves the resulting collection of {@link DBObject} */ @Processor public Iterable<DBObject> mapReduceObjects(final String collection, final String mapFunction, final String reduceFunction, @Optional final String outputCollection) { return client.mapReduceObjects(collection, mapFunction, reduceFunction, outputCollection); } /** * Counts the number of objects that match the given query. If no query is passed, returns the * number of elements in the collection * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:count-objects} * * @param collection the target collection * @param query the optional {@link DBObject} query for counting objects. Only objects matching * it will be counted. If unspecified, all objects are counted. * @return the amount of objects that matches the query */ @Processor public long countObjects(final String collection, @Optional @Default("#[payload]") final DBObject query) { return client.countObjects(collection, query); } /** * Counts the number of objects that match the given query. If no query is passed, returns the * number of elements in the collection * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:count-objects-using-query-map} * * @param collection the target collection * @param queryAttributes the optional query for counting objects. Only objects matching it will * be counted. If unspecified, all objects are counted. * @return the amount of objects that matches the query */ @Processor public long countObjectsUsingQueryMap(final String collection, @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") @Optional final Map<String, Object> queryAttributes) { return client.countObjects(collection, (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes)); } /** * Finds all objects that match a given query. If no query is specified, all objects of the * collection are retrieved. If no fields object is specified, all fields are retrieved. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:find-objects} * * @param collection the target collection * @param query the optional {@link DBObject} query object. If unspecified, all documents are * returned. * @param fields alternative way of passing fields as a literal List * @param numToSkip number of objects skip (offset) * @param limit limit of objects to return * @return an iterable of {@link DBObject} */ @Processor public Iterable<DBObject> findObjects(final String collection, @Optional @Default("") final DBObject query, @Placement(group = "Fields") @Optional final List<String> fields, @Optional final Integer numToSkip, @Optional final Integer limit) { return client.findObjects(collection, query, fields, numToSkip, limit); } /** * Finds all objects that match a given query. If no query is specified, all objects of the * collection are retrieved. If no fields object is specified, all fields are retrieved. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:find-objects-using-query-map} * * @param collection the target collection * @param queryAttributes the optional query object. If unspecified, all documents are returned. * @param fields alternative way of passing fields as a literal List * @param numToSkip number of objects skip (offset) * @param limit limit of objects to return * @return an iterable of {@link DBObject} */ @Processor public Iterable<DBObject> findObjectsUsingQueryMap(final String collection, @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") @Optional final Map<String, Object> queryAttributes, @Placement(group = "Fields") @Optional final List<String> fields, @Optional final Integer numToSkip, @Optional final Integer limit) { return client.findObjects(collection, (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes), fields, numToSkip, limit); } /** * Finds the first object that matches a given query. Throws a {@link MongoException} if no one * matches the given query * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:find-one-object} * * @param collection the target collection * @param query the mandatory {@link DBObject} query object that the returned object matches. * @param fields alternative way of passing fields as a literal List * @return a non-null {@link DBObject} that matches the query. */ @Processor public DBObject findOneObject(final String collection, @Optional @Default("#[payload]") final DBObject query, @Placement(group = "Fields") @Optional final List<String> fields) { return client.findOneObject(collection, query, fields); } /** * Finds the first object that matches a given query. Throws a {@link MongoException} if no one * matches the given query * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:find-one-object-using-query-map} * * @param collection the target collection * @param queryAttributes the mandatory query object that the returned object matches. * @param fields alternative way of passing fields as a literal List * @return a non-null {@link DBObject} that matches the query. */ @Processor public DBObject findOneObjectUsingQueryMap(final String collection, @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") final Map<String, Object> queryAttributes, @Placement(group = "Fields") @Optional final List<String> fields) { return client.findOneObject(collection, (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes), fields); } /** * Creates a new index * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:create-index} * * @param collection the name of the collection where the index will be created * @param field the name of the field which will be indexed * @param order the indexing order */ @Processor public void createIndex(final String collection, final String field, @Optional @Default("ASC") final IndexOrder order) { client.createIndex(collection, field, order); } /** * Drops an existing index * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:drop-index} * * @param collection the name of the collection where the index is * @param index the name of the index to drop */ @Processor public void dropIndex(final String collection, final String index) { client.dropIndex(collection, index); } /** * List existent indices in a collection * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:list-indices} * * @param collection the name of the collection * @return a collection of {@link DBObject} with indices information */ @Processor public Collection<DBObject> listIndices(final String collection) { return client.listIndices(collection); } /** * Creates a new GridFSFile in the database, saving the given content, filename, contentType, * and extraData, and answers it. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:create-file-from-payload} * * @param payload the mandatory content of the new gridfs file. It may be a, a * byte[] or an InputStream. * @param filename the mandatory name of new file. * @param contentType the optional content type of the new file * @param metadata the optional {@link DBObject} metadata of the new content type * @return the new GridFSFile {@link DBObject} * @throws IOException IOException */ @Processor public DBObject createFileFromPayload(@Payload final Object payload, final String filename, @Optional final String contentType, @Optional final DBObject metadata) throws IOException { final InputStream stream = toStream(payload); try { return client.createFile(stream, filename, contentType, metadata); } finally { stream.close(); } } private InputStream toStream(final Object content) throws FileNotFoundException { if (content instanceof InputStream) { return (InputStream) content; } if (content instanceof byte[]) { return new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) content); } if (content instanceof File) { return new FileInputStream((File) content); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Content " + content + " is not supported"); } /** * Lists all the files that match the given query * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:find-files} * * @param query a {@link DBObject} query the optional query * @return a {@link DBObject} files iterable */ @Processor public Iterable<DBObject> findFiles(@Optional @Default("#[payload]") final DBObject query) { return client.findFiles(from(query)); } /** * Lists all the files that match the given query * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:find-files-using-query-map} * * @param queryAttributes the optional query attributes * @return a {@link DBObject} files iterable */ @Processor public Iterable<DBObject> findFilesUsingQueryMap( @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") @Optional final Map<String, Object> queryAttributes) { return client.findFiles((DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes)); } /** * Answers the first file that matches the given query. If no object matches it, a * MongoException is thrown. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:find-one-file} * * @param query the {@link DBObject} mandatory query * @return a {@link DBObject} */ @Processor public DBObject findOneFile(final DBObject query) { return client.findOneFile(from(query)); } /** * Answers the first file that matches the given query. If no object matches it, a * MongoException is thrown. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:find-one-file-using-query-map} * * @param queryAttributes the mandatory query * @return a {@link DBObject} */ @Processor public DBObject findOneFileUsingQueryMap( @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") final Map<String, Object> queryAttributes) { return client.findOneFile((DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes)); } /** * Answers an inputstream to the contents of the first file that matches the given query. If no * object matches it, a MongoException is thrown. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:get-file-content} * * @param query the {@link DBObject} mandatory query * @return an InputStream to the file contents */ @Processor public InputStream getFileContent(@Optional @Default("#[payload]") final DBObject query) { return client.getFileContent(from(query)); } /** * Answers an inputstream to the contents of the first file that matches the given * queryAttributes. If no object matches it, a MongoException is thrown. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:get-file-content-using-query-map} * * @param queryAttributes the mandatory query attributes * @return an InputStream to the file contents */ @Processor public InputStream getFileContentUsingQueryMap( @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") final Map<String, Object> queryAttributes) { return client.getFileContent((DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes)); } /** * Lists all the files that match the given query, sorting them by filename. If no query is * specified, all files are listed. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:list-files} * * @param query the {@link DBObject} optional query * @return an iterable of {@link DBObject} */ @Processor public Iterable<DBObject> listFiles(@Optional @Default("#[payload]") final DBObject query) { return client.listFiles(from(query)); } /** * Lists all the files that match the given query, sorting them by filename. If no query is * specified, all files are listed. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:list-files-using-query-map} * * @param queryAttributes the optional query * @return an iterable of {@link DBObject} */ @Processor public Iterable<DBObject> listFilesUsingQueryMap( @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") @Optional final Map<String, Object> queryAttributes) { return client.listFiles((DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes)); } /** * Removes all the files that match the given query. If no query is specified, all files are * removed * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:remove-files} * * @param query the {@link DBObject} optional query */ @Processor public void removeFiles(@Optional @Default("#[payload]") final DBObject query) { client.removeFiles(from(query)); } /** * Removes all the files that match the given query. If no query is specified, all files are * removed * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:remove-files-using-query-map} * * @param queryAttributes the optional query */ @Processor public void removeFilesUsingQueryMap( @Placement(group = "Query Attributes") @Optional final Map<String, Object> queryAttributes) { client.removeFiles((DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes)); } /** * Executes a command on the database * <p/> * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:remove-files} * * @param commandName The command to execute on the database * @param commandValue The value for the command * @return The result of the command */ @Processor public DBObject executeCommand(final String commandName, @Optional final String commandValue) { final DBObject dbObject = fromCommand(commandName, commandValue); return client.executeComamnd(dbObject); } /** * Executes a dump of the database to the specified output directory. If no output directory is * provided then the default /dump directory is used. * <p/> * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:dump} * * @param outputDirectory output directory path, if no output directory is provided the default * /dump directory is assumed * @param outputName output file name, if it's not specified the database name is used * @param zip whether to zip the created dump file or not * @param oplog point in time backup (requires an oplog) * @param threads amount of threads to execute the dump * @throws IOException if an error occurs during the dump */ @Processor public void dump(@Optional @Default(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) final String outputDirectory, @Optional final String outputName, @Optional @Default("false") final boolean zip, @Optional @Default("false") final boolean oplog, @Optional @Default(BACKUP_THREADS) final int threads) throws IOException { final MongoDump mongoDump = new MongoDump(client); mongoDump.setZip(zip); if (oplog) { mongoDump.setOplog(oplog); mongoDump.addDB(mongo.getDB(BackupConstants.ADMIN_DB)); mongoDump.addDB(mongo.getDB(BackupConstants.LOCAL_DB)); } mongoDump.dump(outputDirectory, database, outputName != null ? outputName : database, threads); } /** * Executes an incremental dump of the database * <p/> * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:incremental-dump} * * @param outputDirectory output directory path, if no output directory is provided the default * /dump directory is assumed * @param incrementalTimestampFile file that keeps track of the last timestamp processed, if no * file is provided one is created on the output directory * @throws IOException if an error occurs during the incremental dump */ @Processor public void incrementalDump(@Optional @Default(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) final String outputDirectory, @Optional final String incrementalTimestampFile) throws IOException { final IncrementalMongoDump incrementalMongoDump = new IncrementalMongoDump(); incrementalMongoDump.addDB(mongo.getDB(BackupConstants.ADMIN_DB)); incrementalMongoDump.addDB(mongo.getDB(BackupConstants.LOCAL_DB)); incrementalMongoDump.setIncrementalTimestampFile(incrementalTimestampFile); incrementalMongoDump.dump(outputDirectory, database); } /** * Takes the output from the dump and restores it. Indexes will be created on a restore. It only * does inserts with the data to restore, if existing data is there, it will not be replaced. * <p/> * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:restore} * * @param inputPath input path to the dump files, it can be a directory, a zip file or just a * bson file * @param drop whether to drop existing collections before restore * @param oplogReplay replay oplog for point-in-time restore * @throws IOException if an error occurs during restore of the database */ @Processor public void restore(@Optional @Default(DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) final String inputPath, @Optional @Default("false") final boolean drop, @Optional @Default("false") final boolean oplogReplay) throws IOException { final MongoRestore mongoRestore = new MongoRestore(client, database); mongoRestore.setDrop(drop); mongoRestore.setOplogReplay(oplogReplay); mongoRestore.restore(inputPath); } /** * Convert JSON to DBObject. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:jsonToDbobject} * * @param input the input for this transformer * @return the converted {@link DBObject} */ @Transformer(sourceTypes = { String.class }) public static DBObject jsonToDbobject(final String input) { return (DBObject) JSON.parse(input); } /** * Convert DBObject to Json. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:dbobjectToJson} * * @param input the input for this transformer * @return the converted string representation */ @Mime(MimeTypes.JSON) @Transformer(sourceTypes = { DBObject.class }) public static String dbobjectToJson(final DBObject input) { return JSON.serialize(input); } /** * Convert a BasicBSONList into Json. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:bsonListToJson} * * @param input the input for this transformer * @return the converted string representation */ @Mime(MimeTypes.JSON) @Transformer(sourceTypes = { BasicBSONList.class }) public static String bsonListToJson(final BasicBSONList input) { return JSON.serialize(input); } /** * Convert a BasicBSONList into Json. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:mongoCollectionToJson} * * @param input the input for this transformer * @return the converted string representation */ @Mime(MimeTypes.JSON) @Transformer(sourceTypes = { MongoCollection.class }) public static String mongoCollectionToJson(final MongoCollection input) { return JSON.serialize(input); } /** * Convert a DBObject into Map. * <p/> * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:dbObjectToMap} * * @param input the input for this transformer * @return the converted Map representation */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Transformer(sourceTypes = { DBObject.class }) public static Map dbObjectToMap(final DBObject input) { return input.toMap(); } /** * Method invoked when a {@link MongoSession} needs to be created. * * @param username the username to use for authentication. NOTE: Please use a dummy user if you * have disabled Mongo authentication * @param password the password to use for authentication. NOTE: Please use a dummy password if * you have disabled Mongo authentication * @param database Name of the database * @return the newly created {@link MongoSession} * @throws org.mule.api.ConnectionException */ @Connect public void connect(@ConnectionKey final String username, @Password final String password, @Optional @Default("test") final String database) throws ConnectionException { DB db = null; try { final MongoOptions options = new MongoOptions(); if (connectionsPerHost != null) { options.connectionsPerHost = connectionsPerHost; } if (threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier != null) { options.threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier = threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier; } if (maxWaitTime != null) { options.maxWaitTime = maxWaitTime; } if (connectTimeout != null) { options.connectTimeout = connectTimeout; } if (socketTimeout != null) { options.socketTimeout = socketTimeout; } if (autoConnectRetry != null) { options.autoConnectRetry = autoConnectRetry; } if (slaveOk != null) { options.slaveOk = slaveOk; } if (safe != null) { = safe; } if (w != null) { options.w = w; } if (wtimeout != null) { options.wtimeout = wtimeout; } if (fsync != null) { options.fsync = fsync; } if (database != null) { this.database = database; } final String[] hosts = host.split(",\\s?"); if (hosts.length == 1) { mongo = new Mongo(new ServerAddress(host, port), options); } else { final List<ServerAddress> servers = new ArrayList<ServerAddress>(); for (final String host : hosts) { servers.add(new ServerAddress(host, port)); } mongo = new Mongo(servers, options); } db = getDatabase(mongo, username, password, database); } catch (final MongoException me) { throw new ConnectionException(ConnectionExceptionCode.UNKNOWN, null, me.getMessage()); } catch (final UnknownHostException e) { throw new ConnectionException(ConnectionExceptionCode.UNKNOWN_HOST, null, e.getMessage()); } this.client = new MongoClientImpl(db); } /** * Method invoked when the {@link MongoSession} is to be destroyed. * * @throws IOException in case something goes wrong when disconnecting. */ @Disconnect public void disconnect() throws IOException { if (client != null) { try { client.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to properly close client: " + client, e); } finally { client = null; } } if (mongo != null) { try { mongo.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to properly close mongo: " + mongo, e); } finally { mongo = null; } } } @ValidateConnection public boolean isConnected() { return this.client != null; } @ConnectionIdentifier public String connectionId() { return mongo == null ? "n/a" : Mongo.class.getName() + System.identityHashCode(mongo); } private DB getDatabase(final Mongo mongo, final String username, final String password, final String database) throws ConnectionException { final DB db = mongo.getDB(database); if (password != null) { Validate.notNull(username, "Username must not be null if password is set"); if (!db.isAuthenticated()) { if (!db.authenticate(username, password.toCharArray())) { throw new ConnectionException(ConnectionExceptionCode.INCORRECT_CREDENTIALS, null, "Couldn't connect with the given credentials"); } } } return db; } protected MongoClient adaptClient(final MongoClient client) { return MongoClientAdaptor.adapt(client); } public String getHost() { return host; } public void setHost(final String host) { = host; } public int getPort() { return port; } public void setPort(final int port) { this.port = port; } public String getDatabase() { return database; } public void setDatabase(final String database) { this.database = database; } public Integer getConnectionsPerHost() { return connectionsPerHost; } public void setConnectionsPerHost(final Integer connectionsPerHost) { this.connectionsPerHost = connectionsPerHost; } public Integer getThreadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier() { return threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier; } public void setThreadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier( final Integer threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier) { this.threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier = threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier; } public Integer getMaxWaitTime() { return maxWaitTime; } public void setMaxWaitTime(final Integer maxWaitTime) { this.maxWaitTime = maxWaitTime; } public Integer getConnectTimeout() { return connectTimeout; } public void setConnectTimeout(final Integer connectTimeout) { this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout; } public Integer getSocketTimeout() { return socketTimeout; } public void setSocketTimeout(final Integer socketTimeout) { this.socketTimeout = socketTimeout; } public Boolean getAutoConnectRetry() { return autoConnectRetry; } public void setAutoConnectRetry(final Boolean autoConnectRetry) { this.autoConnectRetry = autoConnectRetry; } public Boolean getSlaveOk() { return slaveOk; } public void setSlaveOk(final Boolean slaveOk) { this.slaveOk = slaveOk; } public Boolean getSafe() { return safe; } public void setSafe(final Boolean safe) { = safe; } public Integer getW() { return w; } public void setW(final Integer w) { this.w = w; } public Integer getWtimeout() { return wtimeout; } public void setWtimeout(final Integer wtimeout) { this.wtimeout = wtimeout; } public Boolean getFsync() { return fsync; } public void setFsync(final Boolean fsync) { this.fsync = fsync; } }