Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. * The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0 * license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the * LICENSE.txt file. */ package org.mule.module.db.internal.result.statement; import org.mule.module.db.internal.domain.autogeneratedkey.AutoGeneratedKeyStrategy; import org.mule.module.db.internal.domain.connection.DbConnection; import org.mule.module.db.internal.domain.param.OutputQueryParam; import org.mule.module.db.internal.domain.query.QueryTemplate; import org.mule.module.db.internal.result.resultset.ResultSetHandler; import org.mule.module.db.internal.result.resultset.ResultSetProcessingException; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLXML; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * Iterates across all the {@link StatementResult} returned by a {@link Statement} execution. */ public class StatementResultIterator implements Iterator<StatementResult> { public static final int NO_UPDATE_COUNT = -1; private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(StatementResultIterator.class); private final Statement statement; private final QueryTemplate queryTemplate; private final AutoGeneratedKeyStrategy autoGeneratedKeyStrategy; private final DbConnection connection; private final ResultSetHandler resultSetHandler; private final int outputParamsSize; private Boolean cachedResult = null; private ResultSet resultSet; private int updateCount; private int currentOutputParam; private int updateCountIndex = 1; private int resultSetIndex = 1; private boolean isFirstInvocation = true; private ResultSet generatedKeys; private boolean processedGeneratedKeyResultSet; private boolean hasProcessedResultSet; public StatementResultIterator(DbConnection connection, Statement statement, QueryTemplate queryTemplate, AutoGeneratedKeyStrategy autoGeneratedKeyStrategy, ResultSetHandler resultSetHandler) { this.statement = statement; this.queryTemplate = queryTemplate; this.autoGeneratedKeyStrategy = autoGeneratedKeyStrategy; this.connection = connection; this.resultSetHandler = resultSetHandler; outputParamsSize = queryTemplate.getOutputParams().size(); currentOutputParam = 0; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (cachedResult != null) { return cachedResult; } try { if (!isFirstInvocation) { if (!processedGeneratedKeyResultSet) { if (retrieveAutoGeneratedKeys()) { generatedKeys = statement.getGeneratedKeys(); processedGeneratedKeyResultSet = true; } else { processedGeneratedKeyResultSet = true; } } if (generatedKeys == null) { moveToNextResult(); } } else { isFirstInvocation = false; } if (generatedKeys != null) { cachedResult = true; return true; } resultSet = statement.getResultSet(); if (resultSet != null) { cachedResult = true; return true; } updateCount = statement.getUpdateCount(); if (updateCount != NO_UPDATE_COUNT) { cachedResult = true; return true; } cachedResult = currentOutputParam < outputParamsSize; return cachedResult; } catch (SQLException e) { logger.warn("Unable to determine if there are more statement results", e); return false; } } protected boolean retrieveAutoGeneratedKeys() { return autoGeneratedKeyStrategy.returnsAutoGeneratedKeys(); } @Override public StatementResult next() { if (cachedResult == null) { hasNext(); } cachedResult = null; StatementResult result; if (resultSet != null) { result = processResultSet(); hasProcessedResultSet = true; resultSet = null; } else if (updateCount != NO_UPDATE_COUNT) { result = doProcessUpdateCount("updateCount" + updateCountIndex++, updateCount); updateCount = NO_UPDATE_COUNT; } else if (generatedKeys != null) { result = processGeneratedKeys(); generatedKeys = null; } else if (currentOutputParam < outputParamsSize) { result = processOutputParam(); currentOutputParam++; } else { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return result; } private StatementResult processGeneratedKeys() { StatementResult generatedKeysResult; try { generatedKeysResult = doProcessResultSet("generatedKeys", generatedKeys); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.warn("Unable to obtain auto generated keys", e); throw new AutoGeneratedKeysProcessingException(e); } return generatedKeysResult; } private void moveToNextResult() throws SQLException { if (connection.getMetaData().supportsMultipleOpenResults()) { statement.getMoreResults(Statement.KEEP_CURRENT_RESULT); } else { if (hasProcessedResultSet && resultSetHandler.requiresMultipleOpenedResults()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Database does not supports streaming of resultSets on stored procedures"); } else { statement.getMoreResults(); } } } protected StatementResult processOutputParam() { OutputQueryParam outputSqlParam = queryTemplate.getOutputParams().get(currentOutputParam); try { Object paramValue = outputSqlParam.getType().getParameterValue((CallableStatement) statement, outputSqlParam.getIndex()); return doProcessOutputParam(outputSqlParam, paramValue); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.warn("Unable to obtain output parameter", e); throw new OutputParamProcessingException(e); } } protected StatementResult doProcessOutputParam(OutputQueryParam outputSqlParam, Object paramValue) throws SQLException { if (paramValue instanceof ResultSet) { paramValue = resultSetHandler.processResultSet(connection, (ResultSet) paramValue); } else if (paramValue instanceof SQLXML) { SQLXML sqlxml = (SQLXML) paramValue; paramValue = sqlxml.getString(); } return new OutputParamResult(outputSqlParam.getName(), paramValue); } protected StatementResult doProcessUpdateCount(String name, int value) { return new UpdateCountResult(name, value); } private StatementResult processResultSet() { StatementResult result; String name = "resultSet" + resultSetIndex++; try { result = doProcessResultSet(name, resultSet); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.warn("Unable to obtain next resultSet", e); throw new ResultSetProcessingException("Error processing result set: " + name, e); } return result; } protected StatementResult doProcessResultSet(String name, ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { Object handledResultSet = resultSetHandler.processResultSet(connection, resultSet); return new ResultSetResult(name, handledResultSet); } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }