Java tutorial
/** Copyright (c) 2012 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. ** ** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published ** by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or ** any later version. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, WITHOUT EVEN THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ** MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The software and ** documentation provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and ** Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center ** has no obligations to provide maintenance, support, ** updates, enhancements or modifications. In no event shall ** Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center ** be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, ** incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising ** out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if ** Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center ** has been advised of the possibility of such damage. See ** the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ** along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, ** Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. **/ package org.mskcc.cbio.portal.util; import org.mskcc.cbio.portal.model.GeneticEventImpl.CNA; import org.mskcc.cbio.portal.model.GeneticEventImpl.MRNA; import org.mskcc.cbio.portal.model.GeneticEventImpl.RPPA; import org.mskcc.cbio.portal.model.*; import org.mskcc.cbio.portal.util.GlobalProperties; import org.mskcc.cbio.portal.oncoPrintSpecLanguage.*; import org.mskcc.cbio.cgds.model.CaseList; import org.mskcc.cbio.cgds.model.GeneticProfile; import org.mskcc.cbio.cgds.model.ExtendedMutation; import org.mskcc.cbio.portal.model.ExtendedMutationMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import java.util.*; /** * Generates the Genomic OncoPrint. * * @author Ethan Cerami, Arthur Goldberg. */ public class MakeOncoPrint { public static int CELL_HEIGHT = 21; // if this changes, ALTERATION_HEIGHT in raphaeljs-oncoprint.js should change private static int HEADER_CANVAS_WIDTH_PIXELS = 430; // used to compute case set description private static String UNALTERED_CASE = "CNA_NONE | MRNA_NOTSHOWN | NORMAL | RPPA_NOTSHOWN"; private static String PERCENT_ALTERED_COLUMN_HEADING = "Total\\naltered"; // if new line is removed, raphaeljs-oncoprint.js - drawOncoPrintHeaderForSummaryTab & drawOncoPrintHeaderForCrossCancerSummary should change private static String COPY_NUMBER_ALTERATION_FOOTNOTE = "Copy number alterations are putative."; private static String CASE_SET_DESCRIPTION_LABEL = "Case Set: "; // if this changes, CASE_SET_DESCRIPTION_LABEL in raphaeljs-oncoprint.js should change private static String CUSTOMIZE_ONCOPRINT_TOOLTIP = "Adjust the features and dimensions of the OncoPrint."; private static String REMOVE_PADDING_TOOLTIP = "When this is set, whitespace between genomic alterations is removed."; private static String SCALING_ONCOPRINT_INDICATOR = "Scaling OncoPrint..."; private static String ADD_PADDING_ONCOPRINT_INDICATOR = "Adding Whitespace..."; private static String REMOVE_PADDING_ONCOPRINT_INDICATOR = "Removing Whitespace..."; private static String REMOVE_UNALTERED_CASES_INDICATOR = "Removing Unaltered Cases..."; private static String ADD_UNALTERED_CASES_INDICATOR = "Adding Unaltered Cases..."; private static String UNSORT_SAMPLES_INDICATOR = "Unsorting Cases..."; private static String SORT_SAMPLES_INDICATOR = "Sorting Cases..."; /** * Generate the OncoPrint in HTML or SVG. * @param cancerTypeID Cancer Study ID. * @param geneList List of Genes. * @param mergedProfile Merged Data Profile. * @param caseSets All Case Sets for this Cancer Study. * @param caseSetId Selected Case Set ID. * @param zScoreThreshold Z-Score Threshhold * @param geneticProfileIdSet IDs for all Genomic Profiles. * @param profileList List of all Genomic Profiles. * @param forSummaryTab If we are providing content for the Summary Tab (otherwise assume Cross Cancer Study Page) * @throws IOException IO Error. */ public static String makeOncoPrint(String cancerTypeID, String geneList, ProfileData mergedProfile, ArrayList<CaseList> caseSets, String caseSetId, double zScoreThreshold, double rppaScoreThreshold, HashSet<String> geneticProfileIdSet, ArrayList<GeneticProfile> profileList, boolean forSummaryTab) throws IOException { StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); ParserOutput theOncoPrintSpecParserOutput = OncoPrintSpecificationDriver.callOncoPrintSpecParserDriver( geneList, geneticProfileIdSet, profileList, zScoreThreshold, rppaScoreThreshold); ArrayList<String> listOfGenes = theOncoPrintSpecParserOutput.getTheOncoPrintSpecification().listOfGenes(); String[] listOfGeneNames = new String[listOfGenes.size()]; listOfGeneNames = listOfGenes.toArray(listOfGeneNames); ProfileDataSummary dataSummary = new ProfileDataSummary(mergedProfile, theOncoPrintSpecParserOutput.getTheOncoPrintSpecification(), zScoreThreshold, rppaScoreThreshold); ArrayList<GeneWithScore> geneWithScoreList = dataSummary.getGeneFrequencyList(); // TODO: make the gene sort order a user param, then call a method in ProfileDataSummary to sort GeneticEvent sortedMatrix[][] = ConvertProfileDataToGeneticEvents.convert(dataSummary, listOfGeneNames, theOncoPrintSpecParserOutput.getTheOncoPrintSpecification(), zScoreThreshold, rppaScoreThreshold); GeneticEvent unsortedMatrix[][] = ConvertProfileDataToGeneticEvents.convert(dataSummary, listOfGeneNames, theOncoPrintSpecParserOutput.getTheOncoPrintSpecification(), zScoreThreshold, rppaScoreThreshold); // Sort Columns via Cascade Sorter ArrayList<EnumSet<CNA>> CNAsortOrder = new ArrayList<EnumSet<CNA>>(); CNAsortOrder.add(EnumSet.of(CNA.AMPLIFIED)); CNAsortOrder.add(EnumSet.of(CNA.HOMODELETED)); CNAsortOrder.add(EnumSet.of(CNA.GAINED)); CNAsortOrder.add(EnumSet.of(CNA.HEMIZYGOUSLYDELETED)); // combined because these are represented by the same color in the OncoPring CNAsortOrder.add(EnumSet.of(CNA.DIPLOID, CNA.NONE)); ArrayList<EnumSet<MRNA>> MRNAsortOrder = new ArrayList<EnumSet<MRNA>>(); MRNAsortOrder.add(EnumSet.of(MRNA.UPREGULATED)); MRNAsortOrder.add(EnumSet.of(MRNA.DOWNREGULATED)); // combined because these are represented by the same color in the OncoPrint MRNAsortOrder.add(EnumSet.of(MRNA.NORMAL, MRNA.NOTSHOWN)); ArrayList<EnumSet<RPPA>> RPPAsortOrder = new ArrayList<EnumSet<RPPA>>(); RPPAsortOrder.add(EnumSet.of(RPPA.UPREGULATED)); RPPAsortOrder.add(EnumSet.of(RPPA.DOWNREGULATED)); // combined because these are represented by the same color in the OncoPrint RPPAsortOrder.add(EnumSet.of(RPPA.NORMAL, RPPA.NOTSHOWN)); GeneticEventComparator comparator = new GeneticEventComparator(CNAsortOrder, MRNAsortOrder, RPPAsortOrder, GeneticEventComparator.defaultMutationsSortOrder()); CascadeSortOfMatrix sorter = new CascadeSortOfMatrix(comparator); for (GeneticEvent[] row : sortedMatrix) { for (GeneticEvent element : row) { element.setGeneticEventComparator(comparator); } } sortedMatrix = (GeneticEvent[][]) sorter.sort(sortedMatrix); writeOncoPrint(out, cancerTypeID, unsortedMatrix, sortedMatrix, dataSummary, caseSets, caseSetId, theOncoPrintSpecParserOutput.getTheOncoPrintSpecification(), forSummaryTab); // outta here return out.toString(); } /** * Generates an OncoPrint in HTML. * * @param out StringBuffer * @param cancerTypeID String * @param unsortedMatrix GeneticEvent[][] * @param sortedMatrix GeneticEvent[][] * @param dataSummary ProfileDataSummary * @param caseSets List<CaseList> * @param caseSetId String * @param theOncoPrintSpecification OncoPrintSpecification * @param forSummaryTab boolean */ static void writeOncoPrint(StringBuffer out, String cancerTypeID, GeneticEvent unsortedMatrix[][], GeneticEvent sortedMatrix[][], ProfileDataSummary dataSummary, List<CaseList> caseSets, String caseSetId, OncoPrintSpecification theOncoPrintSpecification, boolean forSummaryTab) { // // the follow vars are values of various HTML elements and javascript vars that get generated below // // the overall div for the oncoprint String oncoprintSection = "oncoprint_section_" + cancerTypeID; // if this changes, dynamicQuery.jsp and crosscancer_results.jsp need updates // each oncoprint is composed of a header, body & footer String oncoprintHeaderDivName = "oncoprint_header_" + cancerTypeID; String oncoprintBodyDivName = "oncoprint_body_" + cancerTypeID; String oncoprintLegendDivName = "oncoprint_legend_" + cancerTypeID; // these are not hardcoded as the name is shared between routines below String oncoprintUnsortSamplesCheckboxName = "oncoprint_unsort_samples_checkbox_" + cancerTypeID; String oncoprintUnsortSamplesLabelName = "oncoprint_unsort_samples_label_" + cancerTypeID; String oncoprintFormControlsIndicatorName = "oncoprint_form_controls_indicator_" + cancerTypeID; String oncoprintScalingSliderName = "oncoprint_scaling_slider_" + cancerTypeID; String oncoprintCustomizeIndicatorName = "oncoprint_customize_indicator_" + cancerTypeID; String oncoprintAccordionTitleName = "oncoprint_accordion_title_" + cancerTypeID; String oncoprintRemovePaddingCheckboxName = "oncoprint_remove_padding_checkbox_" + cancerTypeID; String oncoprintRemovePaddingLabelName = "oncoprint_remove_padding_label_" + cancerTypeID; // names of various javascript variables used by the raphaeljs-oncoprint.js String headerVariablesVarName = "HEADER_VARIABLES_" + cancerTypeID; String longestLabelVarName = "LONGEST_LABEL_" + cancerTypeID; String sortedGeneticAlterationsVarName = "GENETIC_ALTERATIONS_SORTED_" + cancerTypeID; String unsortedGeneticAlterationsVarName = "GENETIC_ALTERATIONS_UNSORTED_" + cancerTypeID; String geneticAlterationsLegendVarName = "GENETIC_ALTERATIONS_LEGEND_" + cancerTypeID; String legendFootnoteVarName = "LEGEND_FOOTNOTE_" + cancerTypeID; String oncoprintReferenceVarName = "ONCOPRINT_" + cancerTypeID; // if this changes, dynamicQuery.jsp and crosscancer_results.jsp need updates // oncoprint header if (forSummaryTab) { out.append("<div id=\"" + oncoprintSection + "\" class=\"oncoprint_section\">\n"); out.append( "<p><h4>OncoPrint <small>(<a href=\"faq.jsp#what-are-oncoprints\">What are OncoPrints?</a>)</small></h4>\n"); out.append("<p></p>\n"); out.append("<div style=\"width:800px;\">\n"); out.append("<div id=\"" + oncoprintSection + "\" class=\"oncoprint\">\n"); } // include some javascript libs out.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/raphael/raphael.js\"></script>\n"); out.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/raphaeljs-oncoprint.js\"></script>\n"); out.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/jquery.qtip.min.js\"></script>\n"); out.append("<link href=\"css/jquery.qtip.min.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>\n"); if (forSummaryTab) { out.append( "<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>\n"); out.append( "<script src=\"\" data-dojo-config=\"parseOnLoad: true\"></script>\n"); out.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); out.append("\tdojo.require(\"dijit.form.Slider\");\n"); out.append("</script>\n"); } out.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); // output oncoprint variables out.append(writeOncoPrintHeaderVariables(sortedMatrix, dataSummary, caseSets, caseSetId, headerVariablesVarName)); // output longest label variable out.append(writeJavascriptConstVariable(longestLabelVarName, getLongestLabel(sortedMatrix, dataSummary))); // output sorted genetic alteration variable for oncoprint body out.append(writeOncoPrintGeneticAlterationVariable(unsortedMatrix, dataSummary, unsortedGeneticAlterationsVarName)); out.append(writeOncoPrintGeneticAlterationVariable(sortedMatrix, dataSummary, sortedGeneticAlterationsVarName)); // output lengend footnote String legendFootnote = getLegendFootnote(theOncoPrintSpecification.getUnionOfPossibleLevels()); out.append(writeJavascriptConstVariable(legendFootnoteVarName, legendFootnote)); // output genetic alteration variable for oncoprint legend out.append(writeOncoPrintLegendGeneticAlterationVariable(geneticAlterationsLegendVarName, theOncoPrintSpecification.getUnionOfPossibleLevels())); out.append("</script>\n"); if (forSummaryTab) { // should come before raphaeljs divs out.append(writeHTMLControls(oncoprintSection, oncoprintReferenceVarName, longestLabelVarName, headerVariablesVarName, oncoprintUnsortSamplesCheckboxName, oncoprintUnsortSamplesLabelName, oncoprintScalingSliderName, oncoprintFormControlsIndicatorName, oncoprintCustomizeIndicatorName, oncoprintAccordionTitleName, oncoprintRemovePaddingCheckboxName, oncoprintRemovePaddingLabelName, sortedGeneticAlterationsVarName, unsortedGeneticAlterationsVarName, forSummaryTab, cancerTypeID)); } // put the following divs (which contain raphael canvases) after HTML controls // but before the document ready code which makes calls to raphaeljs. Specifically, // we need to put the divs before the call tot OncoPrintInit(..). We do this tap dancing // so that crosscancer studies can properly access the javascript vars we generate. out.append("<div id=\"" + oncoprintHeaderDivName + "\" class=\"oncoprint\"></div>\n"); out.append("<div id=\"" + oncoprintBodyDivName + "\" class=\"oncoprint\"></div>\n"); out.append("<br>\n"); out.append("<div id=\"" + oncoprintLegendDivName + "\" class=\"oncoprint\"></div>\n"); // on document ready, draw oncoprint header, oncoprint, oncoprint legend - comes after raphaeljs divs out.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"); out.append(writeOncoPrintDocumentReadyJavascript(cancerTypeID, oncoprintSection, oncoprintReferenceVarName, oncoprintHeaderDivName, oncoprintBodyDivName, oncoprintLegendDivName, longestLabelVarName, headerVariablesVarName, sortedGeneticAlterationsVarName, geneticAlterationsLegendVarName, legendFootnoteVarName, oncoprintScalingSliderName, oncoprintFormControlsIndicatorName, oncoprintCustomizeIndicatorName, oncoprintAccordionTitleName, forSummaryTab)); out.append("</script>\n"); // oncoprint footer if (forSummaryTab) { out.append("</div>\n"); out.append("</div>\n"); out.append("<p>\n"); out.append("</div>\n"); } } /** * Creates javascript variable for header variables. * * @param matrix[][] GeneticEvent * @param caseSets List<CaseList> * @param caseSetId String * @param dataSummary ProfileDataSummary * @param varName String * * @return String */ static String writeOncoPrintHeaderVariables(GeneticEvent matrix[][], ProfileDataSummary dataSummary, List<CaseList> caseSets, String caseSetId, String varName) { // output case set description String caseSetDescription = getCaseSetDescription(caseSetId, caseSets); String alteredStats = ("Altered in " + dataSummary.getNumCasesAffected() + " (" + alterationValueToString(dataSummary.getPercentCasesAffected()) + ") of cases."); String percentAlteredColumnHeading = PERCENT_ALTERED_COLUMN_HEADING; String allSamplesColumnHeading = "All " + pluralize(matrix[0].length, " case") + " -->"; String alteredSamplesColumnHeading = (pluralize(dataSummary.getNumCasesAffected(), " case") + " with altered genes, out of " + pluralize(matrix[0].length, " total case") + " -->"); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("\tvar " + varName + " = (function() {\n"); builder.append("\t\tvar private = {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t'CASE_SET_DESCRIPTION' : \"" + caseSetDescription + "\",\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t'ALTERED_STATS' : \"" + alteredStats + "\",\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t'PERCENT_ALTERED_COLUMN_HEADING' : \"" + percentAlteredColumnHeading + "\",\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t'ALL_SAMPLES_COLUMN_HEADING' : \"" + allSamplesColumnHeading + "\",\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t'ALTERED_SAMPLES_COLUMN_HEADING' : \"" + alteredSamplesColumnHeading + "\",\n"); // zap off last ',\n' builder.delete(builder.length() - 2, builder.length()); builder.append("\t\t};\n"); builder.append("\t\treturn {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\tget : function(name) { return private[name]; }\n"); builder.append("\t\t};\n"); builder.append("\t})();\n"); // outta here return builder.toString(); } /** * Creates javascript that represents genetic alteration matrix used for OncoPrint rendering. * * @param matrix[][] GeneticEvent * @param dataSummary ProfileDataSummary * @param varName String * * @return String */ static String writeOncoPrintGeneticAlterationVariable(GeneticEvent matrix[][], ProfileDataSummary dataSummary, String varName) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("\tvar " + varName + " = (function() {\n"); builder.append("\t\tvar private = {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t'" + varName + "' : [\n"); for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { GeneticEvent rowEvent = matrix[i][0]; String gene = rowEvent.getGene().toUpperCase(); String alterationValue = alterationValueToString( dataSummary.getPercentCasesWhereGeneIsAltered(rowEvent.getGene())); builder.append("\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t 'hugoGeneSymbol' : \"" + gene + "\",\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t\t 'percentAltered' : \"" + alterationValue + "\",\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t\t 'alterations' : [\n"); for (int j = 0; j < matrix[0].length; j++) { GeneticEvent event = matrix[i][j]; Boolean sampleIsUnaltered = MakeOncoPrint.isSampleUnaltered(j, matrix); String alterationSettings = MakeOncoPrint.getGeneticEventAsString(event); StringBuilder mutationDetails = new StringBuilder(); if (event.isMutated()) { mutationDetails.append(", 'mutation' : ["); mutationDetails.append("\"" + event.getMutationType() + "\", "); // zap off last ', ' mutationDetails.delete(mutationDetails.length() - 2, mutationDetails.length()); mutationDetails.append("]"); } builder.append("\t\t\t\t\t{ 'sample' : \"" + event.caseCaseId() + "\", " + "'unaltered_sample' : " + sampleIsUnaltered + ", " + "'alteration' : " + alterationSettings + mutationDetails.toString() + "},\n"); } // zap off last ',\n' builder.delete(builder.length() - 2, builder.length()); builder.append("]\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t\t},\n"); } // zap off last ',\n' builder.delete(builder.length() - 2, builder.length()); builder.append("\n\t\t\t]\n"); builder.append("\t\t};\n"); builder.append("\t\treturn {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\tget : function(name) { return private[name]; }\n"); builder.append("\t\t};\n"); builder.append("\t})();\n"); // outta here return builder.toString(); } /** * Creates javascript that represents genetic alteration matrix used for legend rendering. * * @param varName String * @param allPossibleAlterations OncoPrintGeneDisplaySpec * * @return String */ static String writeOncoPrintLegendGeneticAlterationVariable(String varName, OncoPrintGeneDisplaySpec allPossibleAlterations) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("\tvar " + varName + " = (function() {\n"); builder.append("\t\tvar private = {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t'" + varName + "' : [\n"); if (allPossibleAlterations.satisfy(GeneticDataTypes.CopyNumberAlteration, GeneticTypeLevel.Amplified)) { builder.append("\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t 'label' : \"Amplification\",\n"); builder.append( "\t\t\t\t 'alteration' : CNA_AMPLIFIED | MRNA_NOTSHOWN | NORMAL | RPPA_NOTSHOWN\n\t\t\t\t},\n"); } if (allPossibleAlterations.satisfy(GeneticDataTypes.CopyNumberAlteration, GeneticTypeLevel.HomozygouslyDeleted)) { builder.append("\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t 'label' : \"Homozygous Deletion\",\n"); builder.append( "\t\t\t\t 'alteration' : CNA_HOMODELETED | MRNA_NOTSHOWN | NORMAL | RPPA_NOTSHOWN\n\t\t\t\t},\n"); } if (allPossibleAlterations.satisfy(GeneticDataTypes.CopyNumberAlteration, GeneticTypeLevel.Gained)) { builder.append("\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t 'label' : \"Gain\",\n"); builder.append( "\t\t\t\t 'alteration' : CNA_GAINED | MRNA_NOTSHOWN | NORMAL | RPPA_NOTSHOWN\n\t\t\t\t},\n"); } if (allPossibleAlterations.satisfy(GeneticDataTypes.CopyNumberAlteration, GeneticTypeLevel.HemizygouslyDeleted)) { builder.append("\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t 'label' : \"Hemizygous Deletion\",\n"); builder.append( "\t\t\t\t 'alteration' : CNA_HEMIZYGOUSLYDELETED | MRNA_NOTSHOWN | NORMAL | RPPA_NOTSHOWN\n\t\t\t\t},\n"); } // gene expression ResultDataTypeSpec theResultDataTypeSpec = allPossibleAlterations .getResultDataTypeSpec(GeneticDataTypes.Expression); if (theResultDataTypeSpec != null) { if (theResultDataTypeSpec.getCombinedGreaterContinuousDataTypeSpec() != null) { builder.append("\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t 'label' : \"Up-regulation (RNA)\",\n"); builder.append( "\t\t\t\t 'alteration' : CNA_DIPLOID | MRNA_UPREGULATED | NORMAL | RPPA_NOTSHOWN\n\t\t\t\t},\n"); } if (theResultDataTypeSpec.getCombinedLesserContinuousDataTypeSpec() != null) { builder.append("\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t 'label' : \"Down-regulation (RNA)\",\n"); builder.append( "\t\t\t\t 'alteration' : CNA_DIPLOID | MRNA_DOWNREGULATED | NORMAL | RPPA_NOTSHOWN\n\t\t\t\t},\n"); } } // RPPA theResultDataTypeSpec = allPossibleAlterations.getResultDataTypeSpec(GeneticDataTypes.RPPA); if (theResultDataTypeSpec != null) { if (theResultDataTypeSpec.getCombinedGreaterContinuousDataTypeSpec() != null) { builder.append("\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t 'label' : \"Up-regulation (RPPA)\",\n"); builder.append( "\t\t\t\t 'alteration' : CNA_DIPLOID | MRNA_NOTSHOWN | NORMAL | RPPA_UPREGULATED\n\t\t\t\t},\n"); } if (theResultDataTypeSpec.getCombinedLesserContinuousDataTypeSpec() != null) { builder.append("\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t 'label' : \"Down-regulation (RPPA)\",\n"); builder.append( "\t\t\t\t 'alteration' : CNA_DIPLOID | MRNA_NOTSHOWN | NORMAL | RPPA_DOWNREGULATED\n\t\t\t\t},\n"); } } if (includeMutationLegend(allPossibleAlterations)) { builder.append("\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t 'label' : \"Mutation\",\n"); builder.append( "\t\t\t\t 'alteration' : CNA_DIPLOID | MRNA_NOTSHOWN | MUTATED | RPPA_NOTSHOWN\n\t\t\t\t},\n"); } // zap off last ',\n' builder.delete(builder.length() - 2, builder.length()); builder.append("\n\t\t\t]\n"); builder.append("\t\t};\n"); builder.append("\t\treturn {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\tget : function(name) { return private[name]; }\n"); builder.append("\t\t};\n"); builder.append("\t})();\n"); // outta here return builder.toString(); } private static boolean includeMutationLegend(OncoPrintGeneDisplaySpec allPossibleAlterations) { if (allPossibleAlterations.satisfy(GeneticDataTypes.Mutation, GeneticTypeLevel.Mutated)) { return true; } ResultDataTypeSpec theResultDataTypeSpec = allPossibleAlterations .getResultDataTypeSpec(GeneticDataTypes.Mutation); if (theResultDataTypeSpec == null) { return false; } DiscreteDataTypeSetSpec aDiscreteDataTypeSetSpec = theResultDataTypeSpec.getTheDiscreteDataTypeSetSpec(); if (aDiscreteDataTypeSetSpec == null) { return false; } return !aDiscreteDataTypeSetSpec.getMutationPatterns().isEmpty(); } /** * Creates javascript which invokes (via jquery) OncoPrint drawing * when document is ready. * * @param oncoprintSectionVarName String * @param oncoprintReferenceVarName String * @param headerElement String * @param bodyElement String * @param legendElement String * @param longestLabelVarName String * @param headerVariablesVarName String * @param geneticAlterationsVarName String * @param geneticAlterationsLegendVarName String * @param legendFootnoteVarName String * @param oncoprintScalingSliderName String * @param oncoprintFormControlsIndicatorName String * @param oncoprintCustomizeIndicatorName String * @param oncoprintAccordionTitleName String * @param forSummaryTab String * * @return String */ static String writeOncoPrintDocumentReadyJavascript(String cancerTypeID, String oncoprintSectionVarName, String oncoprintReferenceVarName, String headerElement, String bodyElement, String legendElement, String longestLabelVarName, String headerVariablesVarName, String geneticAlterationsVarName, String geneticAlterationsLegendVarName, String legendFootnoteVarName, String oncoprintScalingSliderName, String oncoprintFormControlsIndicatorName, String oncoprintCustomizeIndicatorName, String oncoprintAccordionTitleName, boolean forSummaryTab) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); // declare the oncoprint ref outside .ready so it is accessilble by page widgets builder.append("\tvar " + oncoprintReferenceVarName + " = OncoPrintInit(" + "document.getElementById(\"" + headerElement + "\"), " + "document.getElementById(\"" + bodyElement + "\"), " + "document.getElementById(\"" + legendElement + "\"));\n"); // jquery on document ready builder.append("\t$(document).ready(function() {\n"); // setup accordion javascript if (forSummaryTab) { builder.append("\t\t// for accordion functionality\n"); builder.append("\t\t$('#accordion .head').click(function() {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t$(this).next().toggle();\n"); builder.append("\t\t\tjQuery(\".ui-icon\", this).toggle();\n"); builder.append("\t\t\treturn false;\n"); builder.append("\t\t}).next().hide();\n"); } // setup default properties - outside forSummaryTab // because we need a valid reference from builder.append("\t\t// for oncoprint generation\n"); if (forSummaryTab) { // oncoprint header builder.append("\t\tDrawOncoPrintHeader(" + oncoprintReferenceVarName + ", " + longestLabelVarName + ".get('" + longestLabelVarName + "'), " + headerVariablesVarName + ", " + forSummaryTab + ");\n"); // draw oncoprint builder.append("\t\tDrawOncoPrintBody(" + oncoprintReferenceVarName + ", " + longestLabelVarName + ".get('" + longestLabelVarName + "'), " + geneticAlterationsVarName + ".get('" + geneticAlterationsVarName + "'),'" + cancerTypeID + "');\n"); // draw legend builder.append("\t\tDrawOncoPrintLegend(" + oncoprintReferenceVarName + ", " + longestLabelVarName + ".get('" + longestLabelVarName + "'), " + geneticAlterationsLegendVarName + ".get('" + geneticAlterationsLegendVarName + "'), " + legendFootnoteVarName + ".get('" + legendFootnoteVarName + "'));\n"); // handle tooltip drawing when page is first loaded builder.append("\t\tvar currentLocation = window.location.pathname;\n"); builder.append( "\t\tif (currentLocation.indexOf(\"\") != -1 || currentLocation.indexOf(\"\") != -1) { \n"); builder.append("\t\t}\n"); // handle tooltip drawing when other tabs are clicked builder.append("\t\t$(\"a\").click(function(event) {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t\tvar tab = $(this).attr(\"href\");\n"); builder.append("\t\t\tif (tab == \"#summary\") {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t}\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t// we only clear if one of the inner tabs are clicked\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t// otherwise we get a noticable tooltip clear before the page is reloaded\n"); builder.append("\t\t\telse if (tab.indexOf(\".jsp\") == -1) {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t}\n"); builder.append("\t\t});\n"); // handle tooltip drawing when browser is resized builder.append("\t\t$(window).resize(function() {\n"); builder.append("\t\t});\n"); // oncoprint accordion title & compress checkbox tool-tip builder.append( "$(\".oncoprint_customize_help\").tipTip({maxWidth: \"150px\", defaultPosition: \"right\", delay:\"100\", edgeOffset: 5});\n"); } // end on document ready builder.append("\t});\n"); // slider if (forSummaryTab) { builder.append("\t// for oncoprint slider functionality we use dojo\n"); builder.append("\tdojo.ready(function() {\n"); builder.append("\t\tvar slider = new dijit.form.HorizontalSlider({\n"); builder.append("\t\t\tname: \"" + oncoprintScalingSliderName + "\",\n"); builder.append("\t\t\tvalue: 100,\n"); builder.append("\t\t\tminimum: 1,\n"); builder.append("\t\t\tmaximum: 100,\n"); builder.append("\t\t\tshowButtons: false,\n"); builder.append("\t\t\tstyle: \"width:100px;\",\n"); builder.append("\t\t\tonChange: function(value) {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t\tvar $spinner = $('#" + oncoprintCustomizeIndicatorName + "');\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t\t$spinner.text(\"" + SCALING_ONCOPRINT_INDICATOR + "\");\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t\tScalarIndicator($spinner, true);\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t\tsetTimeout(function() {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t\t\tSetScaleFactor(" + oncoprintReferenceVarName + ", value);\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t\t\tScalarIndicator($spinner, false);\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t\t}, 100);\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t\treturn false;\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t}\n"); builder.append("\t\t}, \"" + oncoprintScalingSliderName + "\");\n"); builder.append("\t});\n"); builder.append("\tfunction ScalarIndicator($spinner, turnOn) {\n"); builder.append("\t\tif (turnOn) {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t$spinner.css({'display' : 'inline'});\n"); builder.append("\t\t}\n"); builder.append("\t\telse {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t$spinner.css({'display' : 'none'});\n"); builder.append("\t\t}\n"); builder.append("\t}\n"); } // outta here return builder.toString(); } /** * Creates OncoPrint Control (checkboxes, submit button, etc). * * @param oncoprintSectionVarName String * @param oncoprintReferenceVarName String * @param longestLabelVarName String * @param headerVariablesVarName String * @param oncoprintUnsortSamplesCheckboxName String * @param oncoprintUnsortSamplesLabelName String * @param oncoprintScalingSliderName String * @param oncoprintFormControlsIndicatorName String * @param oncoprintCustomizeIndicatorName String * @param oncoprintAccordionTitleName String * @param oncoprintRemovePaddingCheckboxName String * @param oncoprintRemovePaddingLabelName String * @param sortedGeneticAlterationsVarName String * @param unsortedGeneticAlterationsVarName String * @param forSummaryTab boolean * @param cancerTypeID String * * @return String */ static String writeHTMLControls(String oncoprintSectionVarName, String oncoprintReferenceVarName, String longestLabelVarName, String headerVariablesVarName, String oncoprintUnsortSamplesCheckboxName, String oncoprintUnsortSamplesLabelName, String oncoprintScalingSliderName, String oncoprintFormControlsIndicatorName, String oncoprintCustomizeIndicatorName, String oncoprintAccordionTitleName, String oncoprintRemovePaddingCheckboxName, String oncoprintRemovePaddingLabelName, String sortedGeneticAlterationsVarName, String unsortedGeneticAlterationsVarName, boolean forSummaryTab, String cancerTypeID) { String formID = "oncoprintForm"; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); // form start builder.append("<form id=\"" + formID + "\" action=\"oncoprint_converter.svg\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"POST\"" + " onsubmit=\"this.elements['xml'].value=GetOncoPrintBodyXML(" + oncoprintReferenceVarName + "); return true;\"" + " target=\"_blank\">\n"); // add some hidden elements builder.append("<input type=hidden name=\"xml\">\n"); builder.append("<input type=hidden name=\"longest_label_length\">\n"); builder.append("<input type=hidden name=\"format\" value=\"svg\">\n"); // export SVG button builder.append("<P>Get OncoPrint:   <input type=\"submit\" value=\"SVG\">\n"); // form end builder.append("</form>\n"); // customize controls builder.append("<div id=\"accordion\">\n"); builder.append("<div class='oncoprint_accordion_panel'>\n"); builder.append("<h1 class='head' id=\"customize_oncoprint_" + cancerTypeID + "\">\n"); // output triangle icons - the float:left style is required; otherwise icons appear on their own line. builder.append("<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e' style='float:left;'></span>\n"); builder.append("<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s' style='float:left;display:none;'></span>\n"); builder.append("<span class='oncoprint_customize_help' id=\"" + oncoprintAccordionTitleName + "\" title=\"" + CUSTOMIZE_ONCOPRINT_TOOLTIP + "\">Customize OncoPrint</span>\n"); builder.append("</h1>\n"); builder.append("<div class='oncoprint_accordion_content' id=\"oncoprint_accordion_content_" + cancerTypeID + "\">\n"); // accordion content here builder.append("<table>\n"); builder.append("<tr>\n"); // show altered checkbox builder.append("<td style=\"white-space: nowrap\">\n"); builder.append( "<input type=\"checkbox\" id= \"showAlteredColumns\" name=\"showAlteredColumns\" value=\"false\" " + "onClick=\"ShowAlteredSamples(" + oncoprintReferenceVarName + ", this.checked); " + "var $spinner = $('#" + oncoprintFormControlsIndicatorName + "'); " + "var removeText = '" + REMOVE_UNALTERED_CASES_INDICATOR + "'; " + "var addText = '" + ADD_UNALTERED_CASES_INDICATOR + "'; " + "var timerDelay = 0;" + "if (this.checked) { $spinner.text(removeText); timerDelay = 1500; } else { $spinner.text(addText); timerDelay = 100; } " + "ScalarIndicator($spinner, true); " + "setTimeout(function() { " + "DrawOncoPrintHeader(" + oncoprintReferenceVarName + ", " + longestLabelVarName + ".get('" + longestLabelVarName + "'), " + headerVariablesVarName + ", true); " + "if (document.getElementById('" + oncoprintUnsortSamplesCheckboxName + "').checked) { " + "DrawOncoPrintBody(" + oncoprintReferenceVarName + ", " + longestLabelVarName + ".get('" + longestLabelVarName + "'), " + unsortedGeneticAlterationsVarName + ".get('" + unsortedGeneticAlterationsVarName + "'),'" + cancerTypeID + "'); " + "} else { " + "DrawOncoPrintBody(" + oncoprintReferenceVarName + ", " + longestLabelVarName + ".get('" + longestLabelVarName + "'), " + sortedGeneticAlterationsVarName + ".get('" + sortedGeneticAlterationsVarName + "'),'" + cancerTypeID + "'); " + "} " + "ScalarIndicator($spinner, false); " + "}, timerDelay); " + "return true;\">\n"); // show altered checkbox label builder.append("<span id=\"showAlteredCasesLabel\">Only Show Altered Cases</span>\n"); builder.append("</td>\n"); // spacer builder.append("<td> </td>\n"); // sort/unsort altered checkbox builder.append("<td style=\"white-space: nowrap\">\n"); builder.append("<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"" + oncoprintUnsortSamplesCheckboxName + "\" name=\"" + oncoprintUnsortSamplesCheckboxName + "\" value=\"false\" " + "onClick=\"" + "var $spinner = $('#" + oncoprintFormControlsIndicatorName + "'); " + "var unsortText = '" + UNSORT_SAMPLES_INDICATOR + "'; " + "var sortText = '" + SORT_SAMPLES_INDICATOR + "'; " + "var timerDelay = 0;" + "ScalarIndicator($spinner, true); " + "if (this.checked) { " + "$spinner.text(unsortText); timerDelay = 100; " + "setTimeout(function() { " + "DrawOncoPrintBody(" + oncoprintReferenceVarName + ", " + longestLabelVarName + ".get('" + longestLabelVarName + "'), " + unsortedGeneticAlterationsVarName + ".get('" + unsortedGeneticAlterationsVarName + "'),'" + cancerTypeID + "'); " + "ScalarIndicator($spinner, false); " + "}, timerDelay); " + "} else { " + "$spinner.text(sortText); timerDelay = 100;" + "setTimeout(function() { " + "DrawOncoPrintBody(" + oncoprintReferenceVarName + ", " + longestLabelVarName + ".get('" + longestLabelVarName + "'), " + sortedGeneticAlterationsVarName + ".get('" + sortedGeneticAlterationsVarName + "'),'" + cancerTypeID + "'); " + "ScalarIndicator($spinner, false); " + "}, timerDelay); " + "} " + "return true;\">\n"); // sort/unsort checkbox label builder.append("<span id=\"" + oncoprintUnsortSamplesLabelName + "\">Unsort Cases</span>\n"); builder.append("</td>\n"); builder.append("</tr>\n"); builder.append("</table>\n"); // indicator builder.append( "<span class='oncoprint_indicator' id=\"" + oncoprintFormControlsIndicatorName + "\"></span>\n"); builder.append("<table class='soria'>\n"); builder.append("<tr>\n"); // scaling slider builder.append("<td>OncoPrint Width: </td>\n"); builder.append("<td><div id=\"" + oncoprintScalingSliderName + "\"></div></td>\n"); // spacer builder.append("<td> </td>\n"); // remove padding checkbox builder.append("<td style=\"white-space: nowrap\">\n"); builder.append("<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"" + oncoprintRemovePaddingCheckboxName + "\" name=\"" + oncoprintRemovePaddingCheckboxName + "\" value=\"false\" " + "onClick=\"RemoveGenomicAlterationPadding(" + oncoprintReferenceVarName + ", this.checked); " + "var $spinner = $('#" + oncoprintCustomizeIndicatorName + "'); " + "var addText = '" + ADD_PADDING_ONCOPRINT_INDICATOR + "'; " + "var removeText = '" + REMOVE_PADDING_ONCOPRINT_INDICATOR + "'; " + "var timerDelay = 0;" + "if (this.checked) { $spinner.text(removeText); timerDelay = 1500; } else { $spinner.text(addText); timerDelay = 100; } " + "ScalarIndicator($spinner, true); " + "if (document.getElementById('" + oncoprintUnsortSamplesCheckboxName + "').checked) { " + "setTimeout(function() { " + "DrawOncoPrintBody(" + oncoprintReferenceVarName + ", " + longestLabelVarName + ".get('" + longestLabelVarName + "'), " + unsortedGeneticAlterationsVarName + ".get('" + unsortedGeneticAlterationsVarName + "'),'" + cancerTypeID + "'); " + "ScalarIndicator($spinner, false); " + "}, timerDelay); " + "} else { " + "setTimeout(function() { " + "DrawOncoPrintBody(" + oncoprintReferenceVarName + ", " + longestLabelVarName + ".get('" + longestLabelVarName + "'), " + sortedGeneticAlterationsVarName + ".get('" + sortedGeneticAlterationsVarName + "'),'" + cancerTypeID + "'); " + "ScalarIndicator($spinner, false); " + "}, timerDelay); " + "}" + "return true;\">\n"); // remove padding label & help tooltip builder.append("<span id=\"" + oncoprintRemovePaddingLabelName + "\">Remove Whitespace</span>\n"); builder.append(" <img class='oncoprint_customize_help' src='images/help.png' title='" + REMOVE_PADDING_TOOLTIP + "'>\n"); builder.append("</td>\n"); builder.append("</tr>\n"); builder.append("</table>\n"); // indicator builder.append( "<span class='oncoprint_indicator' id=\"" + oncoprintCustomizeIndicatorName + "\"></span>\n"); // end content builder.append("</div>\n"); builder.append("</div>\n"); builder.append("</div>\n"); // outta here return builder.toString(); } /** * Creates javascript var for given var name/value. * * @param varName String * @param varValue Sting * * @return String */ static String writeJavascriptConstVariable(String varName, String varValue) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("\tvar " + varName + " = (function() {\n"); builder.append("\t\tvar private = {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\t'" + varName + "' : \"" + varValue + "\"\n"); builder.append("\t\t};\n"); builder.append("\t\treturn {\n"); builder.append("\t\t\tget : function(name) { return private[name]; }\n"); builder.append("\t\t};\n"); builder.append("\t})();\n"); // outta here return builder.toString(); } /** * pluralize a count + name; dumb, because doesn't consider adding 'es' to pluralize * * @param num The count. * @param s The string to pluralize. * * @return String */ static String pluralize(int num, String s) { if (num == 1) { return new String(num + s); } else { return new String(num + s + "s"); } } /** * Format percentage. * * <p/> * if value == 0 return "--" * case value * 0: return "--" * 0<value<=0.01: return "<1%" * 1<value: return "<value>%" * * @param value double * * @return String */ public static String alterationValueToString(double value) { // in oncoPrint show 0 percent as 0%, not -- if (0.0 < value && value <= 0.01) { return "<1%"; } // if( 1.0 < value ){ Formatter f = new Formatter(); f.format("%.0f", value * 100.0); return f.out().toString() + "%"; } /** * Gets the legend footnote (if any). * * @param allPossibleAlterations OncoPrintGeneDisplaySpec * * @return String */ static String getLegendFootnote(OncoPrintGeneDisplaySpec allPossibleAlterations) { return (allPossibleAlterations.satisfy(GeneticDataTypes.CopyNumberAlteration)) ? COPY_NUMBER_ALTERATION_FOOTNOTE : ""; } /** * Constructs the OncoPrint case set description. * * @param caseSetId String * @param caseSets List<CaseList> * * @return String */ static String getCaseSetDescription(String caseSetId, List<CaseList> caseSets) { String toReturn = new String(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (CaseList caseSet : caseSets) { if (caseSetId.equals(caseSet.getStableId())) { builder.append(CASE_SET_DESCRIPTION_LABEL + caseSet.getName() + ": " + caseSet.getDescription()); } } // insert newlines as needed int descriptionLength = 0; String[] tokens = builder.toString().split(" "); FontMetrics fontMetrics = getFontMetrics(); for (int lc = 0; lc < tokens.length; lc++) { int newLength = fontMetrics.stringWidth(tokens[lc]); // we do not have enough space to add token to this line, append newline, reset accumulator if ((descriptionLength + newLength) > HEADER_CANVAS_WIDTH_PIXELS) { if (toReturn.endsWith(" ")) { toReturn = toReturn.trim(); } toReturn += "\\n" + tokens[lc] + " "; descriptionLength = fontMetrics.stringWidth(tokens[lc] + " " + CASE_SET_DESCRIPTION_LABEL); } else { // this token fits on line, add it to return string, add length to accumulator toReturn += tokens[lc]; descriptionLength += newLength; // if this is not the last token in description, append space if (lc <= tokens.length - 1) { newLength = fontMetrics.stringWidth(" "); // if we can't fit space, append newline, reset accumulator if ((descriptionLength + newLength) > HEADER_CANVAS_WIDTH_PIXELS) { toReturn += "\\n"; descriptionLength = fontMetrics.stringWidth(CASE_SET_DESCRIPTION_LABEL); } // we can fit space on this line, add it to return string, add length to accumulator else { toReturn += " "; descriptionLength += newLength; } } } } // we need to replace " in string with \" otherwise javascript will puke return (toReturn.indexOf("\"") != -1) ? toReturn.replace("\"", "\\\"") : toReturn; } /** * Computes the longest (in pixels) gene, % altered string pairing. * * @param matrix[][] GeneticEvent * @param dataSummary ProfileDataSummary * * @return String */ private static String getLongestLabel(GeneticEvent matrix[][], ProfileDataSummary dataSummary) { int maxWidth = 0; String longestLabel = null; FontMetrics fontMetrics = getFontMetrics(); for (int lc = 0; lc < matrix.length; lc++) { GeneticEvent rowEvent = matrix[lc][0]; String gene = rowEvent.getGene().toUpperCase(); String alterationValue = alterationValueToString( dataSummary.getPercentCasesWhereGeneIsAltered(rowEvent.getGene())); String label = gene + alterationValue; int width = fontMetrics.stringWidth(label); if (width > maxWidth) { maxWidth = width; longestLabel = label; } } // outta here return longestLabel; } /** * Determines if alteration is unaltered across gene set. * * @param column int (index into case list) * @param matrix[][] GeneticEvent * * @return boolean */ public static boolean isSampleUnaltered(int column, GeneticEvent matrix[][]) { boolean toReturn = true; for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { GeneticEvent event = matrix[i][column]; if (!getGeneticEventAsString(event).equals(UNALTERED_CASE)) { return false; } } // outta here return toReturn; } /** * Returns genetic event as string. * * @param event GeneticEvent * * @return String */ public static String getGeneticEventAsString(GeneticEvent event) { String cnaName = "CNA_" + event.getCnaValue().name().toUpperCase(); String mrnaName = "MRNA_" + event.getMrnaValue().name().toUpperCase(); String rppaName = "RPPA_" + event.getRPPAValue().name().toUpperCase(); String mutationName = (event.isMutated()) ? "MUTATED" : "NORMAL"; // outta here return (cnaName + " | " + mrnaName + " | " + mutationName + " | " + rppaName); } /* * Utility class to get a font metrics reference. * * return FontMetrics */ private static FontMetrics getFontMetrics() { // this font/size corresponds to .oncoprint td specified in global_portal.css BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(HEADER_CANVAS_WIDTH_PIXELS, HEADER_CANVAS_WIDTH_PIXELS, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Font portalFont = new Font("verdana", Font.PLAIN, 12); // outta here return image.getGraphics().getFontMetrics(portalFont); } }