Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY, WITHOUT EVEN THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The software and documentation provided hereunder * is on an "as is" basis, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center has no * obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements or * modifications. In no event shall Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center be * liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental or * consequential damages, including lost profits, arising out of the use of this * software and its documentation, even if Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer * Center has been advised of the possibility of such damage. */ /* * This file is part of cBioPortal. * * cBioPortal is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.mskcc.cbio.portal.dao; import org.mskcc.cbio.portal.util.*; import org.mskcc.cbio.portal.model.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; /** * Analogous to and replaces the old DaoCancerType. A CancerStudy has a NAME and * DESCRIPTION. If PUBLIC is true a CancerStudy can be accessed by anyone, * otherwise can only be accessed through access control. * * @author Ethan Cerami * @author Arthur Goldberg * @author Ersin Ciftci */ public final class DaoCancerStudy { public static enum Status { UNAVAILABLE, AVAILABLE } private DaoCancerStudy() { } private static final Map<String, java.util.Date> cacheDateByStableId = new HashMap<String, java.util.Date>(); private static final Map<Integer, java.util.Date> cacheDateByInternalId = new HashMap<Integer, java.util.Date>(); private static final Map<String, CancerStudy> byStableId = new HashMap<String, CancerStudy>(); private static final Map<Integer, CancerStudy> byInternalId = new HashMap<Integer, CancerStudy>(); static { SpringUtil.initDataSource(); reCacheAll(); } public static synchronized void reCacheAll() { System.out.println("Recaching... "); DaoCancerStudy.reCache(); DaoGeneticProfile.reCache(); DaoPatient.reCache(); DaoSample.reCache(); DaoClinicalData.reCache(); DaoInfo.setVersion(); System.out.println("Finished recaching... "); } private static synchronized void reCache() { cacheDateByStableId.clear(); cacheDateByInternalId.clear(); byStableId.clear(); byInternalId.clear(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = JdbcUtil.getDbConnection(DaoCancerStudy.class); pstmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM cancer_study"); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { CancerStudy cancerStudy = extractCancerStudy(rs); cacheCancerStudy(cancerStudy, new java.util.Date()); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { JdbcUtil.closeAll(DaoCancerStudy.class, con, pstmt, rs); } } private static void cacheCancerStudy(CancerStudy study, java.util.Date importDate) { cacheDateByStableId.put(study.getCancerStudyStableId(), importDate); cacheDateByInternalId.put(study.getInternalId(), importDate); byStableId.put(study.getCancerStudyStableId(), study); byInternalId.put(study.getInternalId(), study); } /** * Removes the cancer study from cache * @param internalCancerStudyId Internal cancer study ID */ private static void removeCancerStudyFromCache(int internalCancerStudyId) { String stableId = byInternalId.get(internalCancerStudyId).getCancerStudyStableId(); cacheDateByStableId.remove(stableId); cacheDateByInternalId.remove(internalCancerStudyId); byStableId.remove(stableId); byInternalId.remove(internalCancerStudyId); } public static void setStatus(Status status, String stableCancerStudyId, Integer... internalId) throws DaoException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = JdbcUtil.getDbConnection(DaoCancerStudy.class); if (internalId.length > 0) { pstmt = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE cancer_study set status = ? where cancer_study_id = ?"); pstmt.setInt(1, status.ordinal()); pstmt.setInt(2, internalId[0]); } else { pstmt = con .prepareStatement("UPDATE cancer_study set status = ? where cancer_study_identifier = ?"); pstmt.setInt(1, status.ordinal()); pstmt.setString(2, stableCancerStudyId); } pstmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { if (!e.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("unknown column")) { throw new DaoException(e); } } finally { JdbcUtil.closeAll(DaoCancerStudy.class, con, pstmt, rs); } } public static Status getStatus(String stableCancerStudyId, Integer... internalId) throws DaoException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = JdbcUtil.getDbConnection(DaoCancerStudy.class); if (internalId.length > 0) { pstmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT status FROM cancer_study where cancer_study_id = ?"); pstmt.setInt(1, internalId[0]); } else { pstmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT status FROM cancer_study where cancer_study_identifier = ?"); pstmt.setString(1, stableCancerStudyId); } rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { Integer status = rs.getInt(1); if (rs.wasNull()) { return Status.AVAILABLE; } if (status >= Status.values().length) { return Status.AVAILABLE; } return Status.values()[status]; } else { return Status.AVAILABLE; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DaoException(e); } finally { JdbcUtil.closeAll(DaoCancerStudy.class, con, pstmt, rs); } } private static Integer getStudyCount() throws DaoException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = JdbcUtil.getDbConnection(DaoCancerStudy.class); pstmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) from cancer_study"); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { return rs.getInt(1); } else { return 0; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DaoException(e); } finally { JdbcUtil.closeAll(DaoCancerStudy.class, con, pstmt, rs); } } public static void setImportDate(Integer internalId) throws DaoException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = JdbcUtil.getDbConnection(DaoCancerStudy.class); pstmt = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE cancer_study set IMPORT_DATE = NOW() where cancer_study_id = ?"); pstmt.setInt(1, internalId); pstmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { if (e.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("unknown column")) { return; } throw new DaoException(e); } finally { JdbcUtil.closeAll(DaoCancerStudy.class, con, pstmt, rs); } } public static java.util.Date getImportDate(String stableCancerStudyId, Integer... internalId) throws DaoException, ParseException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = JdbcUtil.getDbConnection(DaoCancerStudy.class); if (internalId.length > 0) { pstmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT IMPORT_DATE FROM cancer_study where cancer_study_id = ?"); pstmt.setInt(1, internalId[0]); } else { pstmt = con .prepareStatement("SELECT IMPORT_DATE FROM cancer_study where cancer_study_identifier = ?"); pstmt.setString(1, stableCancerStudyId); } rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { java.sql.Timestamp importDate = rs.getTimestamp(1); if (rs.wasNull()) { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").parse("19180511"); } else { return importDate; } } else { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").parse("19180511"); } } catch (SQLException e) { if (e.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("unknown column")) { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").parse("19180511"); } throw new DaoException(e); } finally { JdbcUtil.closeAll(DaoCancerStudy.class, con, pstmt, rs); } } /** * Adds a cancer study to the Database. * Updates cancerStudy with its auto incremented uid, in studyID. * * @param cancerStudy Cancer Study Object. * @throws DaoException Database Error. */ public static void addCancerStudy(CancerStudy cancerStudy) throws DaoException { addCancerStudy(cancerStudy, false); } /** * Adds a cancer study to the Database. * @param cancerStudy * @param overwrite if true, overwrite if exist. * @throws DaoException */ public static void addCancerStudy(CancerStudy cancerStudy, boolean overwrite) throws DaoException { // make sure that cancerStudy refers to a valid TypeOfCancerId // TODO: have a foreign key constraint do this; why not? TypeOfCancer aTypeOfCancer = DaoTypeOfCancer.getTypeOfCancerById(cancerStudy.getTypeOfCancerId()); if (null == aTypeOfCancer) { throw new DaoException("cancerStudy.getTypeOfCancerId() '" + cancerStudy.getTypeOfCancerId() + "' does not refer to a TypeOfCancer."); } // CANCER_STUDY_IDENTIFIER cannot be null String stableId = cancerStudy.getCancerStudyStableId(); if (stableId == null) { throw new DaoException("Cancer study stable ID cannot be null."); } CancerStudy existing = getCancerStudyByStableId(stableId); if (existing != null) { if (overwrite) { //setStatus(Status.UNAVAILABLE, stableId); deleteCancerStudy(existing.getInternalId()); } else { throw new DaoException("Cancer study " + stableId + "is already imported."); } } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = JdbcUtil.getDbConnection(DaoCancerStudy.class); pstmt = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO cancer_study " + "( `CANCER_STUDY_IDENTIFIER`, `NAME`, " + "`DESCRIPTION`, `PUBLIC`, `TYPE_OF_CANCER_ID`, " + "`PMID`, `CITATION`, `GROUPS`, `SHORT_NAME`, `STATUS` ) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); pstmt.setString(1, stableId); pstmt.setString(2, cancerStudy.getName()); pstmt.setString(3, cancerStudy.getDescription()); pstmt.setBoolean(4, cancerStudy.isPublicStudy()); pstmt.setString(5, cancerStudy.getTypeOfCancerId()); pstmt.setString(6, cancerStudy.getPmid()); pstmt.setString(7, cancerStudy.getCitation()); Set<String> groups = cancerStudy.getGroups(); if (groups == null) { pstmt.setString(8, null); } else { pstmt.setString(8, StringUtils.join(groups, ";")); } pstmt.setString(9, cancerStudy.getShortName()); //status is UNAVAILABLE until other data is loaded for this study. Once all is loaded, the //data loading process can set this to AVAILABLE: //TODO - use this field in parts of the system that build up the list of studies to display in home page: pstmt.setInt(10, Status.UNAVAILABLE.ordinal()); pstmt.executeUpdate(); rs = pstmt.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( { int autoId = rs.getInt(1); cancerStudy.setInternalId(autoId); } cacheCancerStudy(cancerStudy, new java.util.Date()); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DaoException(e); } finally { JdbcUtil.closeAll(DaoCancerStudy.class, con, pstmt, rs); } reCacheAll(); } /** * Return the cancerStudy identified by the internal cancer study ID, if it exists. * * @param cancerStudyID Internal (int) Cancer Study ID. * @return Cancer Study Object, or null if there's no such study. */ public static CancerStudy getCancerStudyByInternalId(int internalId) throws DaoException { return byInternalId.get(internalId); } /** * Returns the cancerStudy identified by the stable identifier, if it exists. * * @param cancerStudyStableId Cancer Study Stable ID. * @return the CancerStudy, or null if there's no such study. */ public static CancerStudy getCancerStudyByStableId(String stableId) throws DaoException { return byStableId.get(stableId); } /** * Indicates whether the cancerStudy identified by the stable ID exists. * * @param cancerStudyStableId Cancer Study Stable ID. * @return true if the CancerStudy exists, otherwise false */ public static boolean doesCancerStudyExistByStableId(String cancerStudyStableId) { return byStableId.containsKey(cancerStudyStableId); } /** * Indicates whether the cancerStudy identified by internal study ID exist. * does no access control, so only returns a boolean. * * @param internalCancerStudyId Internal Cancer Study ID. * @return true if the CancerStudy exists, otherwise false */ public static boolean doesCancerStudyExistByInternalId(int internalCancerStudyId) { return byInternalId.containsKey(internalCancerStudyId); } /** * Returns all the cancerStudies. * * @return ArrayList of all CancerStudy Objects. */ public static ArrayList<CancerStudy> getAllCancerStudies() { return new ArrayList<CancerStudy>(byStableId.values()); } /** * Gets Number of Cancer Studies. * @return number of cancer studies. */ public static int getCount() { return byStableId.size(); } /** * Deletes all Cancer Studies. * @throws DaoException Database Error. * * @deprecated this should not be used. Use deleteCancerStudy(cancerStudyStableId) instead */ public static void deleteAllRecords() throws DaoException { cacheDateByStableId.clear(); cacheDateByInternalId.clear(); byStableId.clear(); byInternalId.clear(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = JdbcUtil.getDbConnection(DaoCancerStudy.class); JdbcUtil.disableForeignKeyCheck(con); pstmt = con.prepareStatement("TRUNCATE TABLE cancer_study"); pstmt.executeUpdate(); JdbcUtil.enableForeignKeyCheck(con); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DaoException(e); } finally { JdbcUtil.closeAll(DaoCancerStudy.class, con, pstmt, rs); } } public static void deleteCancerStudy(String cancerStudyStableId) throws DaoException { CancerStudy study = getCancerStudyByStableId(cancerStudyStableId); if (study != null) { //setStatus(Status.UNAVAILABLE, cancerStudyStableId); deleteCancerStudy(study.getInternalId()); } } public static Set<String> getFreshGroups(int internalCancerStudyId) throws DaoException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = JdbcUtil.getDbConnection(DaoCancerStudy.class); pstmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM cancer_study where cancer_study_id = ?"); pstmt.setInt(1, internalCancerStudyId); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { CancerStudy cancerStudy = extractCancerStudy(rs); return cancerStudy.getGroups(); } else { return Collections.emptySet(); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DaoException(e); } finally { JdbcUtil.closeAll(DaoCancerStudy.class, con, pstmt, rs); } } /** * Deletes the Specified Cancer Study. * * @param internalCancerStudyId Internal Cancer Study ID. * @throws DaoException Database Error. */ static void deleteCancerStudy(int internalCancerStudyId) throws DaoException { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = JdbcUtil.getDbConnection(DaoCancerStudy.class); // this is a hacky way to delete all associated data with on cancer study. // ideally database dependency should be modeled with option of delete on cascade. // remember to update this code if new tables are added or existing tables are changed. String[] sqls = { "delete from sample_cna_event where GENETIC_PROFILE_ID IN (select GENETIC_PROFILE_ID from genetic_profile where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?);", "delete from genetic_alteration where GENETIC_PROFILE_ID IN (select GENETIC_PROFILE_ID from genetic_profile where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?);", "delete from genetic_profile_samples where GENETIC_PROFILE_ID IN (select GENETIC_PROFILE_ID from genetic_profile where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?);", "delete from sample_profile where GENETIC_PROFILE_ID IN (select GENETIC_PROFILE_ID from genetic_profile where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?);", "delete from mutation where GENETIC_PROFILE_ID IN (select GENETIC_PROFILE_ID from genetic_profile where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?);", "delete from mutation_event where MUTATION_EVENT_ID NOT IN (select MUTATION_EVENT_ID from mutation);", "delete from mutation_count where GENETIC_PROFILE_ID IN (select GENETIC_PROFILE_ID from genetic_profile where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?);", "delete from clinical_event_data where CLINICAL_EVENT_ID IN (select CLINICAL_EVENT_ID from clinical_event where PATIENT_ID in (SELECT INTERNAL_ID FROM patient where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?))", "delete from clinical_event where PATIENT_ID in (SELECT INTERNAL_ID FROM patient where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?)", "delete from sample_list_list where LIST_ID IN (select LIST_ID from sample_list where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?);", "delete from clinical_sample where INTERNAL_ID IN (select INTERNAL_ID from sample where PATIENT_ID in (select INTERNAL_ID from patient where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?));", "delete from sample where PATIENT_ID IN (select INTERNAL_ID from patient where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?);", "delete from clinical_patient where INTERNAL_ID IN (select INTERNAL_ID from patient where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?);", "delete from patient where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?;", "delete from copy_number_seg where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?;", "delete from sample_list where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?;", "delete from genetic_profile where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?;", "delete from gistic_to_gene where GISTIC_ROI_ID IN (select GISTIC_ROI_ID from gistic where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?);", "delete from gistic where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?;", "delete from mut_sig where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?;", "delete from protein_array_data where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?;", "delete from protein_array_cancer_study where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?;", "delete from cancer_study where CANCER_STUDY_ID=?;" }; for (String sql : sqls) { pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); if (sql.contains("?")) { pstmt.setInt(1, internalCancerStudyId); } pstmt.executeUpdate(); } removeCancerStudyFromCache(internalCancerStudyId); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DaoException(e); } finally { JdbcUtil.closeAll(DaoCancerStudy.class, con, pstmt, rs); } reCacheAll(); System.out.println("deleted study:\nID: " + internalCancerStudyId); } /** * Extracts Cancer Study JDBC Results. */ private static CancerStudy extractCancerStudy(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { CancerStudy cancerStudy = new CancerStudy(rs.getString("NAME"), rs.getString("DESCRIPTION"), rs.getString("CANCER_STUDY_IDENTIFIER"), rs.getString("TYPE_OF_CANCER_ID"), rs.getBoolean("PUBLIC")); cancerStudy.setPmid(rs.getString("PMID")); cancerStudy.setCitation(rs.getString("CITATION")); cancerStudy.setGroups(rs.getString("GROUPS")); cancerStudy.setShortName(rs.getString("SHORT_NAME")); cancerStudy.setInternalId(rs.getInt("CANCER_STUDY_ID")); return cancerStudy; } private static boolean studyNeedsRecaching(String stableId, Integer... internalId) { if (cacheOutOfSyncWithDb()) { return true; } try { java.util.Date importDate = null; java.util.Date cacheDate = null; if (internalId.length > 0) { importDate = getImportDate(null, internalId[0]); cacheDate = cacheDateByInternalId.get(internalId[0]); } else { if (stableId.equals(org.mskcc.cbio.portal.util.AccessControl.ALL_CANCER_STUDIES_ID)) { return false; } importDate = getImportDate(stableId); cacheDate = cacheDateByStableId.get(stableId); } return (importDate == null || cacheDate == null) ? false : cacheDate.before(importDate); } catch (ParseException e) { return false; } catch (DaoException e) { return false; } } private static boolean cacheOutOfSyncWithDb() { try { return getStudyCount() != byStableId.size(); } catch (DaoException e) { } return false; } }