Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of SIMPL4( * * Copyright [2014] [Manfred Sattler] <> * * SIMPL4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SIMPL4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SIMPL4. If not, see <>. */ package org.ms123.common.ea; import flexjson.JSONDeserializer; import flexjson.JSONSerializer; import*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import javax.jdo.Extent; import javax.jdo.JDOObjectNotFoundException; import javax.jdo.PersistenceManager; import javax.jdo.Query; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import com.Ostermiller.util.*; import; import; import org.ms123.common.entity.api.EntityService; import; import org.ms123.common.libhelper.Bean2Map; import org.ms123.common.libhelper.Inflector; import org.ms123.common.utils.UtilsService; import org.ms123.common.nucleus.api.NucleusService; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.jdo.PersistenceManager; import javax.transaction.RollbackException; import javax.transaction.UserTransaction; import javax.transaction.Status; import javax.jdo.Query; import javax.jdo.Transaction; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.trim; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.leftPad; import static org.ms123.common.entity.api.Constants.STATE_OK; /** EACompanyContactImporter implementation */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class EACompanyContactImporter implements Constants { private static final Logger m_logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseEAServiceImpl.class); protected DataLayer m_dataLayer; protected NucleusService m_nucleusService; protected LuceneService m_luceneService; protected String m_basedir; protected StoreDesc m_storeDesc; protected Map m_companyMapping; protected Map m_contactMapping; protected Map<String, Map> m_mappings = new HashMap(); protected JSONDeserializer m_ds = new JSONDeserializer(); private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy"); private SessionContext m_sessionContext; private Class m_contactClazz; public EACompanyContactImporter(DataLayer dl, NucleusService ns, DublettenCheckService dcs, String storeId, String basedir, Map cyf, Map cof) throws Exception { m_dataLayer = dl; m_nucleusService = ns; m_storeDesc = StoreDesc.get(storeId); m_sessionContext = m_dataLayer.getSessionContext(m_storeDesc); m_basedir = basedir; m_contactClazz = m_nucleusService.getClass(m_storeDesc, "contact"); m_contactMapping = initContact(); m_companyMapping = initCompany(); doImport(); } private void doImport() throws Exception { LabeledCSVParser lp = new LabeledCSVParser( new ExcelCSVParser(new FileInputStream(new File(m_basedir, "ea.csv")))); int status; PersistenceManager pm = m_nucleusService.getPersistenceManagerFactory(m_storeDesc).getPersistenceManager(); UserTransaction ut = m_nucleusService.getUserTransaction(); int num = 0; Object company = null; String lastCompanyId = null; while (lp.getLine() != null) { String type = lp.getValueByLabel("type"); String companyId = lp.getValueByLabel("companyId"); if (type.startsWith("nok")) continue; if (ut.getStatus() != Status.STATUS_ACTIVE) { ut.begin(); } String s[] = getStateAndEntity(type); Object obj = populate(lp, s[0], s[1]); if (!isEmpty(companyId)) { if (!companyId.equals(lastCompanyId)) { company = obj; lastCompanyId = companyId; } if (s[0].equals("contact")) { Set cl = (Set) PropertyUtils.getProperty(company, "contact_list"); if (cl == null) { cl = new HashSet(); PropertyUtils.setProperty(company, "contact_list", cl); } cl.add(obj); } } pm.makePersistent(obj); if ((num % 1000) == 1) { System.out.println(num + ":\t" + new Date().getTime()); ut.commit(); } num++; } if (ut.getStatus() == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE) { ut.commit(); } } private String[] getStateAndEntity(String type) { int ul = type.indexOf("_"); String entity = null; String state = STATE_OK; if (ul == -1) { entity = type; } else { entity = type.substring(0, ul); state = type.substring(ul + 1); if ("fc".equals(state) || "single".equals(state)) { state = STATE_OK; } } String ret[] = new String[2]; ret[0] = entity; ret[1] = state; return ret; } private Object populate(LabeledCSVParser lp, String entity, String state) throws Exception { Object obj = m_nucleusService.getClass(m_storeDesc, entity).newInstance(); Map mapping = entity.equals("company") ? m_companyMapping : m_contactMapping; Iterator it = mapping.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); String[] m1 = (String[]) mapping.get(key); String field = m1[0]; String dtype = m1[1]; String val = lp.getValueByLabel(key); if (val != null) { val = val.trim(); } else { System.err.println("\tkeynull:" + key); } if (dtype.equals("date")) { Date d = getDate(val); if (d != null) { BeanUtils.setProperty(obj, field, d); } } else if (dtype.equals("boolean")) { Boolean b = false; if ("J".equals(val)) { b = true; } BeanUtils.setProperty(obj, field, b); } else { if (val != null) { if ("plz".equals(field)) { val = leftPad(val, 5, '0'); } BeanUtils.setProperty(obj, field, trim(val)); } else { BeanUtils.setProperty(obj, field, ""); } } } if (entity.equals("contact")) { BeanUtils.setProperty(obj, "country", "DEU"); } BeanUtils.setProperty(obj, "_state", state); return obj; } private void persistObject(Object o) throws Exception { UserTransaction ut = m_nucleusService.getUserTransaction(); PersistenceManager pm = m_sessionContext.getPM(); try { ut.begin(); pm.makePersistent(o); //m_sessionContext.makePersistent(o); ut.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { } } private boolean isEmpty(String s) { return (s == null || "".equals(s.trim())); } private Date getDate(String val) { Date ret = null; try { ret = dateFormat.parse(val); } catch (Exception e) { ret = null; } return ret; } public Map initCompany() { Map<String, String[]> mMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); mMap.put("number", new String[] { "number", "string" }); mMap.put("main_address_number", new String[] { "main_address_number", "string" }); mMap.put("origin", new String[] { "origin", "string" }); mMap.put("shortname_company", new String[] { "shortname_company", "string" }); mMap.put("company1", new String[] { "company1", "string" }); mMap.put("company2", new String[] { "company2", "string" }); mMap.put("company3", new String[] { "company3", "string" }); mMap.put("street", new String[] { "street", "string" }); mMap.put("lkz", new String[] { "lkz", "string" }); mMap.put("plz", new String[] { "plz", "string" }); mMap.put("ortname", new String[] { "ortname", "string" }); mMap.put("gemeindekennziffer", new String[] { "gemeindekennziffer", "string" }); mMap.put("aplha_number", new String[] { "aplha_number", "string" }); mMap.put("address_status", new String[] { "address_status", "string" }); mMap.put("address_status_since", new String[] { "address_status_since", "date" }); mMap.put("remark", new String[] { "remark", "string" }); mMap.put("_created_at", new String[] { "_created_at", "date" }); mMap.put("_created_by", new String[] { "_created_by", "string" }); mMap.put("_updated_at", new String[] { "_updated_at", "date" }); mMap.put("_updated_by", new String[] { "_updated_by", "string" }); return mMap; } public Map initContact() { Map<String, String[]> mMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); mMap.put("number", new String[] { "number", "string" }); mMap.put("main_address_number", new String[] { "main_address_number", "string" }); mMap.put("origin", new String[] { "origin", "string" }); mMap.put("shortname_company", new String[] { "shortname_company", "string" }); mMap.put("shortname_person", new String[] { "shortname_person", "string" }); mMap.put("company1", new String[] { "company1", "string" }); mMap.put("company2", new String[] { "company2", "string" }); mMap.put("company3", new String[] { "company3", "string" }); mMap.put("birthdate", new String[] { "birthdate", "date" }); mMap.put("job_key", new String[] { "job_key", "string" }); mMap.put("sex", new String[] { "sex", "string" }); mMap.put("salutation_key", new String[] { "salutation_key", "string" }); mMap.put("salutation_name", new String[] { "salutation_name", "string" }); mMap.put("title_key", new String[] { "title_key", "string" }); mMap.put("givenname", new String[] { "givenname", "string" }); mMap.put("name1", new String[] { "name1", "string" }); mMap.put("street", new String[] { "street", "string" }); mMap.put("lkz", new String[] { "lkz", "string" }); mMap.put("plz", new String[] { "plz", "string" }); mMap.put("ortname", new String[] { "ortname", "string" }); mMap.put("gemeindekennziffer", new String[] { "gemeindekennziffer", "string" }); mMap.put("aplha_number", new String[] { "aplha_number", "string" }); mMap.put("letter_salutation", new String[] { "letter_salutation", "string" }); mMap.put("robinson", new String[] { "robinson", "string" }); mMap.put("address_status", new String[] { "address_status", "string" }); mMap.put("address_status_since", new String[] { "address_status_since", "date" }); mMap.put("remark", new String[] { "remark", "string" }); mMap.put("_created_at", new String[] { "_created_at", "date" }); mMap.put("_created_by", new String[] { "_created_by", "string" }); mMap.put("_updated_at", new String[] { "_updated_at", "date" }); mMap.put("_updated_by", new String[] { "_updated_by", "string" }); return mMap; } }