Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2009-2014 DigitalGlobe, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

package org.mrgeo.mapalgebra;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.mrgeo.core.MrGeoProperties;
import org.mrgeo.mapreduce.OpChainDriver;
import org.mrgeo.mapreduce.formats.TileClusterInfo;
import org.mrgeo.mapreduce.job.JobCancelledException;
import org.mrgeo.mapreduce.job.JobFailedException;
import org.mrgeo.opimage.ConstantDescriptor;
import org.mrgeo.opimage.TileCacheDescriptor;
import org.mrgeo.progress.Progress;
import org.mrgeo.utils.DependencyLoader;


import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock;
import java.awt.image.renderable.RenderedImageFactory;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

public class RenderedImageMapOp extends RasterMapOp implements DeferredExecutor, TileClusterInfoConsumer {
    private RenderingHints _hints = JAI.getDefaultInstance().getRenderingHints();
    private ParameterBlock _param = new ParameterBlock();
    RenderedImageFactory _factory = null;
    String _opName = null;
    private boolean _useCache = false;
    private TileClusterInfo tileClusterInfo;
    private Configuration conf;

    public void addInput(MapOp n) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (!(n instanceof RasterMapOp)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only raster inputs are supported, got a " + n.getClass().getName());

    public ParameterBlock getParameters() {
        return _param;

    public RenderedImageFactory getRenderedImageFactory() {
        return _factory;

    public void build(final Progress p) throws IOException, JobFailedException, JobCancelledException {
        try {
            MrsImageDataProvider dp = DataProviderFactory.getMrsImageDataProvider(getOutputName(), AccessMode.READ,
            if (dp != null) {
        } catch (DataProviderNotFound e) {
            // ignore - it means the image didn't exist

        // setup the list of inputs for the map/reduce 
        Set<String> inputs = new HashSet<String>();
        MapOp rootMapOp = findRoot();
        MapAlgebraExecutioner.calculateInputs(rootMapOp, inputs);

        org.mrgeo.utils.HadoopUtils.setTileClusterInfo(getConf(), tileClusterInfo);
        new OpChainDriver().run(this, inputs, getOutputName(),
                MapAlgebraExecutioner.calculateBounds(rootMapOp), getConf(), p, getProtectionLevel(),

    public void prepare(final Progress p) throws IOException {
        if (p != null) {

        _output = createOutput();

        if (p != null) {

    private RenderedImage createOutput() throws IOException {
        RenderedImage result = _createRenderedOp();

        if (_useCache) {
            RenderingHints hints = (RenderingHints) _hints.clone();
            hints.put(JAI.KEY_TILE_CACHE, JAI.getDefaultInstance().getTileCache());
            result = TileCacheDescriptor.create(result, -1, hints);
        return result;

    public void moveOutput(String toName) throws IOException {
        _outputName = toName;
        _output = createOutput();

    private RenderedOp _createRenderedOp() throws IOException {
        if (_factory == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The RenderedImageFactory must be specified.");

        // Reuse the parameters that the caller has already set up. But at
        // the end of the parameter list, we need to include the NoData value
        // for each source followed by the NoData value for this map op's
        // output (which for now will be the same as the NoData value for
        // the first input).
        // TODO: We assume the use of band 0 at this point, but that will change...
        ParameterBlock jaiParams = (ParameterBlock) _param.clone();
        if (jaiParams.getSources().size() == 0) {
            for (MapOp op : _inputs) {
                jaiParams.addSource(((RasterMapOp) op).getRasterOutput());
        if (includeFunctionNameInParameters()) {
        // The ConstantOpImage requires a tilesize in its constructor, but
        // the MapAlgebraParser does not have enough information at the time
        // this map was constructed (to set the tilesize), so we pass the tilesize
        // on the fly here when creating the ConstantOpImage.
        if (_factory instanceof ConstantDescriptor) {
            int tilesize = MapAlgebraExecutioner.calculateTileSize(findRoot());
            if (tilesize <= 0) {
                tilesize = Integer.parseInt(MrGeoProperties.getInstance().getProperty("tilesize", "512"));

        // Need to add dependencies for OpImage descriptors so that required JARs
        // are pushed to the data node side during a map/reduce. Otherwise,
        // a NullPointerException will be thrown when the OpChainDriver attempts
        // to instantiate the operation chain on the mapper side.
        DependencyLoader.addDependencies(getConf(), _factory.getClass());
        return JAI.create(_factory.getClass().getName(), jaiParams, _hints);

    public void setRenderedImageFactory(RenderedImageFactory f) {
        _factory = f;

    public void setUseCache(boolean b) {
        _useCache = b;

    public String toString() {
        String result = null;
        // make some special cases a little easier to read.
        if (_factory instanceof ConstantDescriptor && _param.getParameters().size() == 1) {
            result = _param.getObjectParameter(0).toString();
        } else {
            String paramStr = StringUtils.join(_param.getParameters(), ", ");
            result = _factory.toString() + (paramStr.isEmpty() ? "" : ("(" + paramStr + ")"));
        return result;

    public RenderedImageMapOp clone() {
        RenderedImageMapOp result = (RenderedImageMapOp) super.clone();

        result._hints = (RenderingHints) _hints.clone();
        result._param = (ParameterBlock) _param.clone();
        // these shouldn't be changed so we can reference the original rather than a copy
        result._factory = _factory;
        result._opName = _opName;
        result._useCache = _useCache;

        return result;

     * Sub-classes should override this method and return true if the actual
     * MapOp class is used for more than one map algebra function. When this
     * function returns true, the map algebra parser adds the function name
     * to the list of parameters passed to the associated OpImage.
     * @return
    public boolean includeFunctionNameInParameters() {
        return false;

    public void setOverallTileClusterInfo(TileClusterInfo tileClusterInfo) {
        this.tileClusterInfo = tileClusterInfo;

    public String getOperationId() {
        return RenderedImageMapOp.class.getCanonicalName();

     * Return an instance of a Hadoop Configuration to use for executing the
     * OpChainDriver. RenderedImageMapOp is a special type of MapOp in that it
     * wraps a JAI OpImage. JAI is capable of executing a "chain" of OpImages,
     * and so a sub-tree of the overall MapOp tree containing only
     * instances of RenderedImageMapOps can be executed in JAI via a single
     * Hadoop job using the OpChainDriver.
     * In order for that to work properly, the job setup performed for each
     * of the MapOps in the sub-tree must use the same Hadoop Configuration
     * instance. This is especially required for configuring the JAR dependencies
     * for the Hadoop job to ensure that all the code needed to execute the
     * sub-tree is included when the job is submitted.
     * In order to achieve a single Configuration instance for each sub-tree
     * containing only RenderedImageMapOp instances, this method is called to
     * get the Configuration instance. It runs through each of this MapOp's
     * parents until it gets to the last one that is also a RenderedImageMapOp,
     * and this MapOp is the root of the sub-tree. This method returns the private
     * Configuration stored for that MapOp. If that configuration is null,
     * it creates a new configuration and stores it in that "root" of the sub-tree,
     * and returns it.
     * @return
    private Configuration getConf() {
        if (conf != null) {
            return conf;

        RenderedImageMapOp currRenderedImageMapOp = this;
        MapOp parent = getParent();
        while (parent != null && (parent instanceof RenderedImageMapOp)) {
            currRenderedImageMapOp = (RenderedImageMapOp) parent;
            Configuration c = currRenderedImageMapOp.conf;
            if (c != null) {
                return c;
            parent = parent.getParent();
        // No existing configuration was found for this subtree of
        // RenderedImageMapOps, so let's create a new configuration for
        // the "root" of that sub-tree.
        currRenderedImageMapOp.conf = createConfiguration();
        return currRenderedImageMapOp.conf;