Java tutorial
/* * This software is in the public domain under CC0 1.0 Universal plus a * Grant of Patent License. * * To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all * copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the * public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any * warranty. * * You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication * along with this software (see the file). If not, see * <>. */ package org.moqui.impl.service; import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.CreditCardValidator; import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator; import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.UrlValidator; import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods; import org.moqui.context.ArtifactExecutionInfo; import org.moqui.impl.StupidJavaUtilities; import org.moqui.impl.actions.XmlAction; import org.moqui.impl.context.ExecutionContextImpl; import org.moqui.impl.entity.EntityDefinition; import org.moqui.util.MNode; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; public class ServiceDefinition { protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServiceDefinition.class); private static final EmailValidator emailValidator = EmailValidator.getInstance(); private static final UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator(UrlValidator.ALLOW_ALL_SCHEMES); public final ServiceFacadeImpl sfi; public final MNode serviceNode; private final LinkedHashMap<String, ParameterInfo> inParameterInfoMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final ParameterInfo[] inParameterInfoArray; private final boolean inParameterHasDefault; private final LinkedHashMap<String, ParameterInfo> outParameterInfoMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); public final ArrayList<String> inParameterNameList = new ArrayList<>(); public final ArrayList<String> outParameterNameList = new ArrayList<>(); public final String[] outParameterNameArray; public final String path; public final String verb; public final String noun; public final String serviceName; public final String serviceNameNoHash; public final String location; public final String method; public final XmlAction xmlAction; public final String authenticate; public final String serviceType; public final ServiceRunner serviceRunner; public final boolean txIgnore; public final boolean txForceNew; public final boolean txUseCache; public final boolean noTxCache; public final Integer txTimeout; public final boolean validate; public final boolean allowRemote; public final boolean hasSemaphore; public final String semaphore, semaphoreParameter; public final long semaphoreIgnoreMillis, semaphoreSleepTime, semaphoreTimeoutTime; public ServiceDefinition(ServiceFacadeImpl sfi, String path, MNode sn) { this.sfi = sfi; this.serviceNode = sn.deepCopy(null); this.path = path; this.verb = serviceNode.attribute("verb"); this.noun = serviceNode.attribute("noun"); serviceName = makeServiceName(path, verb, noun); serviceNameNoHash = makeServiceNameNoHash(path, verb, noun); location = serviceNode.attribute("location"); method = serviceNode.attribute("method"); MNode inParameters = new MNode("in-parameters", null); MNode outParameters = new MNode("out-parameters", null); // handle implements elements if (serviceNode.hasChild("implements")) for (MNode implementsNode : serviceNode.children("implements")) { final String implServiceName = implementsNode.attribute("service"); String implRequired = implementsNode.attribute("required");// no default here, only used if has a value if (implRequired != null && implRequired.isEmpty()) implRequired = null; ServiceDefinition sd = sfi.getServiceDefinition(implServiceName); if (sd == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Service " + implServiceName + " not found, specified in service.implements in service " + serviceName); // these are the first params to be set, so just deep copy them over MNode implInParms = sd.serviceNode.first("in-parameters"); if (implInParms != null && implInParms.hasChild("parameter")) { for (MNode parameter : implInParms.children("parameter")) { MNode newParameter = parameter.deepCopy(null); if (implRequired != null) newParameter.getAttributes().put("required", implRequired); inParameters.append(newParameter); } } MNode implOutParms = sd.serviceNode.first("out-parameters"); if (implOutParms != null && implOutParms.hasChild("parameter")) { for (MNode parameter : implOutParms.children("parameter")) { MNode newParameter = parameter.deepCopy(null); if (implRequired != null) newParameter.getAttributes().put("required", implRequired); outParameters.append(newParameter); } } } // expand auto-parameters and merge parameter in in-parameters and out-parameters // if noun is a valid entity name set it on parameters with valid field names on it EntityDefinition ed = null; if (sfi.ecfi.entityFacade.isEntityDefined(this.noun)) ed = sfi.ecfi.entityFacade.getEntityDefinition(this.noun); if (serviceNode.hasChild("in-parameters")) { for (MNode paramNode : serviceNode.first("in-parameters").getChildren()) { if ("auto-parameters".equals(paramNode.getName())) { mergeAutoParameters(inParameters, paramNode); } else if (paramNode.getName().equals("parameter")) { mergeParameter(inParameters, paramNode, ed); } } } if (serviceNode.hasChild("out-parameters")) { for (MNode paramNode : serviceNode.first("out-parameters").getChildren()) { if ("auto-parameters".equals(paramNode.getName())) { mergeAutoParameters(outParameters, paramNode); } else if ("parameter".equals(paramNode.getName())) { mergeParameter(outParameters, paramNode, ed); } } } // replace the in-parameters and out-parameters Nodes for the service if (serviceNode.hasChild("in-parameters")) serviceNode.remove("in-parameters"); serviceNode.append(inParameters); if (serviceNode.hasChild("out-parameters")) serviceNode.remove("out-parameters"); serviceNode.append(outParameters); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("After merge for service " + serviceName + " node is:\n" + serviceNode.toString()); // if this is an inline service, get that now if (serviceNode.hasChild("actions")) { xmlAction = new XmlAction(sfi.ecfi, serviceNode.first("actions"), serviceName); } else { xmlAction = null; } final String authenticateAttr = serviceNode.attribute("authenticate"); authenticate = authenticateAttr != null && !authenticateAttr.isEmpty() ? authenticateAttr : "true"; final String typeAttr = serviceNode.attribute("type"); serviceType = typeAttr != null && !typeAttr.isEmpty() ? typeAttr : "inline"; serviceRunner = sfi.getServiceRunner(serviceType); String transactionAttr = serviceNode.attribute("transaction"); txIgnore = "ignore".equals(transactionAttr); txForceNew = "force-new".equals(transactionAttr) || "force-cache".equals(transactionAttr); txUseCache = "cache".equals(transactionAttr) || "force-cache".equals(transactionAttr); noTxCache = "true".equals(serviceNode.attribute("no-tx-cache")); String txTimeoutAttr = serviceNode.attribute("transaction-timeout"); if (txTimeoutAttr != null && !txTimeoutAttr.isEmpty()) { txTimeout = Integer.valueOf(txTimeoutAttr); } else { txTimeout = null; } semaphore = serviceNode.attribute("semaphore"); hasSemaphore = semaphore != null && semaphore.length() > 0 && !"none".equals(semaphore); semaphoreParameter = serviceNode.attribute("semaphore-parameter"); String ignoreAttr = serviceNode.attribute("semaphore-ignore"); if (ignoreAttr == null || ignoreAttr.isEmpty()) ignoreAttr = "3600"; semaphoreIgnoreMillis = Long.parseLong(ignoreAttr) * 1000; String sleepAttr = serviceNode.attribute("semaphore-sleep"); if (sleepAttr == null || sleepAttr.isEmpty()) sleepAttr = "5"; semaphoreSleepTime = Long.parseLong(sleepAttr) * 1000; String timeoutAttr = serviceNode.attribute("semaphore-timeout"); if (timeoutAttr == null || timeoutAttr.isEmpty()) timeoutAttr = "120"; semaphoreTimeoutTime = Long.parseLong(timeoutAttr) * 1000; // validate defaults to true validate = !"false".equals(serviceNode.attribute("validate")); allowRemote = "true".equals(serviceNode.attribute("allow-remote")); MNode inParametersNode = serviceNode.first("in-parameters"); MNode outParametersNode = serviceNode.first("out-parameters"); if (inParametersNode != null) for (MNode parameter : inParametersNode.children("parameter")) { String parameterName = parameter.attribute("name"); inParameterInfoMap.put(parameterName, new ParameterInfo(this, parameter)); inParameterNameList.add(parameterName); } int inParameterNameListSize = inParameterNameList.size(); inParameterInfoArray = new ParameterInfo[inParameterNameListSize]; boolean tempHasDefault = false; for (int i = 0; i < inParameterNameListSize; i++) { String parmName = inParameterNameList.get(i); ParameterInfo pi = inParameterInfoMap.get(parmName); inParameterInfoArray[i] = pi; if (pi.thisOrChildHasDefault) tempHasDefault = true; } inParameterHasDefault = tempHasDefault; if (outParametersNode != null) for (MNode parameter : outParametersNode.children("parameter")) { String parameterName = parameter.attribute("name"); outParameterInfoMap.put(parameterName, new ParameterInfo(this, parameter)); outParameterNameList.add(parameterName); } outParameterNameArray = new String[outParameterNameList.size()]; outParameterNameList.toArray(outParameterNameArray); } private void mergeAutoParameters(MNode parametersNode, MNode autoParameters) { String entityName = autoParameters.attribute("entity-name"); if (entityName == null || entityName.isEmpty()) entityName = noun; if (entityName == null || entityName.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in auto-parameters in service " + serviceName + ", no auto-parameters.@entity-name and no service.@noun for a default"); EntityDefinition ed = sfi.ecfi.entityFacade.getEntityDefinition(entityName); if (ed == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in auto-parameters in service " + serviceName + ", the entity-name or noun [" + entityName + "] is not a valid entity name"); Set<String> fieldsToExclude = new HashSet<>(); for (MNode excludeNode : autoParameters.children("exclude")) { fieldsToExclude.add(excludeNode.attribute("field-name")); } String includeStr = autoParameters.attribute("include"); if (includeStr == null || includeStr.isEmpty()) includeStr = "all"; String requiredStr = autoParameters.attribute("required"); if (requiredStr == null || requiredStr.isEmpty()) requiredStr = "false"; String allowHtmlStr = autoParameters.attribute("allow-html"); if (allowHtmlStr == null || allowHtmlStr.isEmpty()) allowHtmlStr = "none"; for (String fieldName : ed.getFieldNames("all".equals(includeStr) || "pk".equals(includeStr), "all".equals(includeStr) || "nonpk".equals(includeStr))) { if (fieldsToExclude.contains(fieldName)) continue; String javaType = sfi.ecfi.entityFacade.getFieldJavaType(ed.getFieldInfo(fieldName).type, ed); Map<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(5); map.put("type", javaType); map.put("required", requiredStr); map.put("allow-html", allowHtmlStr); map.put("entity-name", ed.fullEntityName); map.put("field-name", fieldName); mergeParameter(parametersNode, fieldName, map); } } private void mergeParameter(MNode parametersNode, MNode overrideParameterNode, EntityDefinition ed) { MNode baseParameterNode = mergeParameter(parametersNode, overrideParameterNode.attribute("name"), overrideParameterNode.getAttributes()); // merge description, ParameterValidations for (MNode childNode : overrideParameterNode.getChildren()) { if ("description".equals(childNode.getName())) { if (baseParameterNode.hasChild(childNode.getName())) baseParameterNode.remove(childNode.getName()); } if ("auto-parameters".equals(childNode.getName())) { mergeAutoParameters(baseParameterNode, childNode); } else if ("parameter".equals(childNode.getName())) { mergeParameter(baseParameterNode, childNode, ed); } else { // is a validation, just add it in, or the original has been removed so add the new one baseParameterNode.append(childNode); } } String entityNameAttr = baseParameterNode.attribute("entity-name"); if (entityNameAttr != null && !entityNameAttr.isEmpty()) { String fieldNameAttr = baseParameterNode.attribute("field-name"); if (fieldNameAttr == null || fieldNameAttr.isEmpty()) baseParameterNode.getAttributes().put("field-name", baseParameterNode.attribute("name")); } else if (ed != null && ed.isField(baseParameterNode.attribute("name"))) { baseParameterNode.getAttributes().put("entity-name", ed.fullEntityName); baseParameterNode.getAttributes().put("field-name", baseParameterNode.attribute("name")); } } private static MNode mergeParameter(MNode parametersNode, final String parameterName, Map<String, String> attributeMap) { MNode baseParameterNode = parametersNode.first("parameter", "name", parameterName); if (baseParameterNode == null) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(1); map.put("name", parameterName); baseParameterNode = parametersNode.append("parameter", map); } baseParameterNode.getAttributes().putAll(attributeMap); return baseParameterNode; } public static String makeServiceName(String path, String verb, String noun) { return (path != null && !path.isEmpty() ? path + "." : "") + verb + (noun != null && !noun.isEmpty() ? "#" + noun : ""); } public static String makeServiceNameNoHash(String path, String verb, String noun) { return (path != null && !path.isEmpty() ? path + "." : "") + verb + (noun != null ? noun : ""); } public static String getPathFromName(String serviceName) { String p = serviceName; // do hash first since a noun following hash may have dots in it int hashIndex = p.indexOf('#'); if (hashIndex > 0) p = p.substring(0, hashIndex); int lastDotIndex = p.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDotIndex <= 0) return null; return p.substring(0, lastDotIndex); } public static String getVerbFromName(String serviceName) { String v = serviceName; // do hash first since a noun following hash may have dots in it int hashIndex = v.indexOf('#'); if (hashIndex > 0) v = v.substring(0, hashIndex); int lastDotIndex = v.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDotIndex > 0) v = v.substring(lastDotIndex + 1); return v; } public static String getNounFromName(String serviceName) { int hashIndex = serviceName.lastIndexOf('#'); if (hashIndex < 0) return null; return serviceName.substring(hashIndex + 1); } public static ArtifactExecutionInfo.AuthzAction getVerbAuthzActionEnum(String theVerb) { // default to require the "All" authz action, and for special verbs default to something more appropriate ArtifactExecutionInfo.AuthzAction authzAction = verbAuthzActionEnumMap.get(theVerb); if (authzAction == null) authzAction = ArtifactExecutionInfo.AUTHZA_ALL; return authzAction; } public MNode getInParameter(String name) { ParameterInfo pi = inParameterInfoMap.get(name); if (pi == null) return null; return pi.parameterNode; } public ArrayList<String> getInParameterNames() { return inParameterNameList; } public MNode getOutParameter(String name) { ParameterInfo pi = outParameterInfoMap.get(name); if (pi == null) return null; return pi.parameterNode; } public ArrayList<String> getOutParameterNames() { return outParameterNameList; } public Map<String, Object> convertValidateCleanParameters(Map<String, Object> parameters, ExecutionContextImpl eci) { // logger.warn("BEFORE ${serviceName} convertValidateCleanParameters: ${parameters.toString()}") // checkParameterMap("", parameters, parameters, inParameterInfoMap, eci); return nestedParameterClean("", parameters, inParameterInfoArray, eci); // logger.warn("AFTER ${serviceName} convertValidateCleanParameters: ${parameters.toString()}") } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Map<String, Object> nestedParameterClean(String namePrefix, Map<String, Object> parameters, ParameterInfo[] parameterInfoArray, ExecutionContextImpl eci) { HashMap<String, Object> newMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < parameterInfoArray.length; i++) { ParameterInfo parameterInfo = parameterInfoArray[i]; String parameterName =; boolean hasParameter = parameters.containsKey(parameterName); Object parameterValue = hasParameter ? parameters.remove(parameterName) : null; boolean parameterIsEmpty; boolean isString = false; boolean isCollection = false; boolean isMap = false; Class parameterClass = null; if (parameterValue != null) { if (parameterValue instanceof CharSequence) { String stringValue = parameterValue.toString(); parameterValue = stringValue; isString = true; parameterClass = String.class; parameterIsEmpty = stringValue.isEmpty(); } else { parameterClass = parameterValue.getClass(); if (parameterValue instanceof Map) { isMap = true; parameterIsEmpty = ((Map) parameterValue).isEmpty(); } else if (parameterValue instanceof Collection) { isCollection = true; parameterIsEmpty = ((Collection) parameterValue).isEmpty(); } else { parameterIsEmpty = false; } } } else { parameterIsEmpty = true; } // set the default if applicable if (parameterIsEmpty) { if (parameterInfo.hasDefault) { // TODO: consider doing this as a second pass so newMap has all parameters if (parameterInfo.defaultStr != null) { Map<String, Object> combinedMap = new HashMap<>(parameters); combinedMap.putAll(newMap); parameterValue = eci.resourceFacade.expression(parameterInfo.defaultStr, null, combinedMap); if (parameterValue != null) { hasParameter = true; isString = false; isCollection = false; isMap = false; if (parameterValue instanceof CharSequence) { String stringValue = parameterValue.toString(); parameterValue = stringValue; isString = true; parameterClass = String.class; parameterIsEmpty = stringValue.isEmpty(); } else { parameterClass = parameterValue.getClass(); if (parameterValue instanceof Map) { isMap = true; parameterIsEmpty = ((Map) parameterValue).isEmpty(); } else if (parameterValue instanceof Collection) { isCollection = true; parameterIsEmpty = ((Collection) parameterValue).isEmpty(); } else { parameterIsEmpty = false; } } } } else if (parameterInfo.defaultValue != null) { String stringValue; if (parameterInfo.defaultValueNeedsExpand) { Map<String, Object> combinedMap = new HashMap<>(parameters); combinedMap.putAll(newMap); stringValue = eci.resourceFacade.expand(parameterInfo.defaultValue, null, combinedMap, false); } else { stringValue = parameterInfo.defaultValue; } hasParameter = true; parameterValue = stringValue; isString = true; parameterClass = String.class; parameterIsEmpty = stringValue.isEmpty(); } } else { // if empty but not null and types don't match set to null instead of trying to convert if (parameterValue != null) { boolean typeMatches; if (parameterInfo.parmClass != null) { typeMatches = parameterClass == parameterInfo.parmClass || parameterInfo.parmClass.isInstance(parameterValue); } else { typeMatches = StupidJavaUtilities.isInstanceOf(parameterValue, parameterInfo.type); } if (!typeMatches) parameterValue = null; } } // if required and still empty (nothing from default), complain if (parameterIsEmpty && validate && parameterInfo.required) eci.messageFacade.addValidationError(null, namePrefix + parameterName, serviceName, eci.getL10n().localize("Field cannot be empty"), null); } // NOTE: not else because parameterIsEmpty may be changed if (!parameterIsEmpty) { boolean typeMatches; if (parameterInfo.parmClass != null) { typeMatches = parameterClass == parameterInfo.parmClass || parameterInfo.parmClass.isInstance(parameterValue); } else { typeMatches = StupidJavaUtilities.isInstanceOf(parameterValue, parameterInfo.type); } if (!typeMatches) { // convert type, at this point parameterValue is not empty and doesn't match parameter type parameterValue = parameterInfo.convertType(namePrefix, parameterValue, isString, eci); isString = false; isCollection = false; isMap = false; if (parameterValue instanceof CharSequence) { parameterValue = parameterValue.toString(); isString = true; } else if (parameterValue instanceof Map) { isMap = true; } else if (parameterValue instanceof Collection) { isCollection = true; } } if (validate) { if ((isString || isCollection) && ParameterInfo.ParameterAllowHtml.ANY != parameterInfo.allowHtml) { Object htmlValidated = parameterInfo.validateParameterHtml(namePrefix, parameterValue, isString, eci); // put the final parameterValue back into the parameters Map if (htmlValidated != null) { parameterValue = htmlValidated; } } // check against validation sub-elements (do this after the convert so we can deal with objects when needed) if (parameterInfo.validationNodeList != null) { int valListSize = parameterInfo.validationNodeList.size(); for (int valIdx = 0; valIdx < valListSize; valIdx++) { MNode valNode = parameterInfo.validationNodeList.get(valIdx); // NOTE don't break on fail, we want to get a list of all failures for the user to see try { // validateParameterSingle calls eci.message.addValidationError as needed so nothing else to do here validateParameterSingle(valNode, parameterName, parameterValue, eci); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Error in validation", t); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(3); map.put("parameterValue", parameterValue); map.put("valNode", valNode); map.put("t", t); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand( "Value entered (${parameterValue}) failed ${} validation: ${t.message}", "", map), null); } } } } if (isMap && parameterInfo.childParameterInfoArray != null && parameterInfo.childParameterInfoArray.length > 0) { parameterValue = nestedParameterClean(namePrefix + parameterName + ".", (Map<String, Object>) parameterValue, parameterInfo.childParameterInfoArray, eci); } } if (hasParameter) newMap.put(parameterName, parameterValue); } // if we are not validating and there are parameters remaining, add them to the newMap if (!validate && parameters.size() > 0) { newMap.putAll(parameters); } return newMap; } private boolean validateParameterSingle(MNode valNode, String parameterName, Object pv, ExecutionContextImpl eci) { // should never be null (caller checks) but check just in case if (pv == null) return true; String validateName = valNode.getName(); if ("val-or".equals(validateName)) { boolean anyPass = false; for (MNode child : valNode.getChildren()) if (validateParameterSingle(child, parameterName, pv, eci)) anyPass = true; return anyPass; } else if ("val-and".equals(validateName)) { boolean allPass = true; for (MNode child : valNode.getChildren()) if (!validateParameterSingle(child, parameterName, pv, eci)) allPass = false; return allPass; } else if ("val-not".equals(validateName)) { boolean allPass = true; for (MNode child : valNode.getChildren()) if (!validateParameterSingle(child, parameterName, pv, eci)) allPass = false; return !allPass; } else if ("matches".equals(validateName)) { if (!(pv instanceof CharSequence)) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(1); map.put("pv", pv); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand( "Value entered (${pv}) is not a string, cannot do matches validation.", "", map), null); return false; } String pvString = pv.toString(); String regexp = valNode.attribute("regexp"); if (regexp != null && !regexp.isEmpty() && !pvString.matches(regexp)) { // a message attribute should always be there, but just in case we'll have a default final String message = valNode.attribute("message"); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(2); map.put("pv", pv); map.put("regexp", regexp); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource() .expand(message != null && !message.isEmpty() ? message : "Value entered (${pv}) did not match expression: ${regexp}", "", map), null); return false; } return true; } else if ("number-range".equals(validateName)) { BigDecimal bdVal = new BigDecimal(pv.toString()); String minStr = valNode.attribute("min"); if (minStr != null && !minStr.isEmpty()) { BigDecimal min = new BigDecimal(minStr); if ("false".equals(valNode.attribute("min-include-equals"))) { if (bdVal.compareTo(min) <= 0) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(2); map.put("pv", pv); map.put("min", min); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand( "Value entered (${pv}) is less than or equal to ${min} must be greater than.", "", map), null); return false; } } else { if (bdVal.compareTo(min) < 0) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(2); map.put("pv", pv); map.put("min", min); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand( "Value entered (${pv}) is less than ${min} and must be greater than or equal to.", "", map), null); return false; } } } String maxStr = valNode.attribute("max"); if (maxStr != null && !maxStr.isEmpty()) { BigDecimal max = new BigDecimal(maxStr); if ("true".equals(valNode.attribute("max-include-equals"))) { if (bdVal.compareTo(max) > 0) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(2); map.put("pv", pv); map.put("max", max); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand( "Value entered (${pv}) is greater than ${max} and must be less than or equal to.", "", map), null); return false; } } else { if (bdVal.compareTo(max) >= 0) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(2); map.put("pv", pv); map.put("max", max); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand( "Value entered (${pv}) is greater than or equal to ${max} and must be less than.", "", map), null); return false; } } } return true; } else if ("number-integer".equals(validateName)) { try { new BigInteger(pv.toString()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace( "Adding error message for NumberFormatException for BigInteger parse: " + e.toString()); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(1); map.put("pv", pv); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand("Value [${pv}] is not a whole (integer) number.", "", map), null); return false; } return true; } else if ("number-decimal".equals(validateName)) { try { new BigDecimal(pv.toString()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace( "Adding error message for NumberFormatException for BigDecimal parse: " + e.toString()); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(1); map.put("pv", pv); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand("Value [${pv}] is not a decimal number.", "", map), null); return false; } return true; } else if ("text-length".equals(validateName)) { String str = pv.toString(); String minStr = valNode.attribute("min"); if (minStr != null && !minStr.isEmpty()) { int min = Integer.parseInt(minStr); if (str.length() < min) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(3); map.put("pv", pv); map.put("str", str); map.put("minStr", minStr); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand( "Value entered (${pv}), length ${str.length()}, is shorter than ${minStr} characters.", "", map), null); return false; } } String maxStr = valNode.attribute("max"); if (maxStr != null && !maxStr.isEmpty()) { int max = Integer.parseInt(maxStr); if (str.length() > max) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(3); map.put("pv", pv); map.put("str", str); map.put("maxStr", maxStr); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand( "Value entered (${pv}), length ${str.length()}, is longer than ${maxStr} characters.", "", map), null); return false; } } return true; } else if ("text-email".equals(validateName)) { String str = pv.toString(); if (!emailValidator.isValid(str)) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(1); map.put("str", str); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand("Value entered (${str}) is not a valid email address.", "", map), null); return false; } return true; } else if ("text-url".equals(validateName)) { String str = pv.toString(); if (!urlValidator.isValid(str)) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(1); map.put("str", str); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand("Value entered (${str}) is not a valid URL.", "", map), null); return false; } return true; } else if ("text-letters".equals(validateName)) { String str = pv.toString(); for (char c : str.toCharArray()) { if (!Character.isLetter(c)) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(1); map.put("str", str); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand("Value entered (${str}) must have only letters.", "", map), null); return false; } } return true; } else if ("text-digits".equals(validateName)) { String str = pv.toString(); for (char c : str.toCharArray()) { if (!Character.isDigit(c)) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(1); map.put("str", str); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand("Value [${str}] must have only digits.", "", map), null); return false; } } return true; } else if ("time-range".equals(validateName)) { Calendar cal; String format = valNode.attribute("format"); if (pv instanceof CharSequence) { cal = eci.getL10n().parseDateTime(pv.toString(), format); } else { // try letting groovy convert it cal = Calendar.getInstance(); // TODO: not sure if this will work: ((pv as java.util.Date).getTime()) cal.setTimeInMillis((DefaultGroovyMethods.asType(pv, Date.class)).getTime()); } String after = valNode.attribute("after"); if (after != null && !after.isEmpty()) { // handle after date/time/date-time depending on type of parameter, support "now" too Calendar compareCal; if ("now".equals(after)) { compareCal = Calendar.getInstance(); compareCal.setTimeInMillis(eci.getUser().getNowTimestamp().getTime()); } else { compareCal = eci.getL10n().parseDateTime(after, format); } if (cal != null && !cal.after(compareCal)) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(2); map.put("pv", pv); map.put("after", after); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand("Value entered (${pv}) is before ${after}.", "", map), null); return false; } } String before = valNode.attribute("before"); if (before != null && !before.isEmpty()) { // handle after date/time/date-time depending on type of parameter, support "now" too Calendar compareCal; if ("now".equals(before)) { compareCal = Calendar.getInstance(); compareCal.setTimeInMillis(eci.getUser().getNowTimestamp().getTime()); } else { compareCal = eci.getL10n().parseDateTime(before, format); } if (cal != null && !cal.before(compareCal)) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(1); map.put("pv", pv); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource().expand("Value entered (${pv}) is after ${before}.", "", map), null); return false; } } return true; } else if ("credit-card".equals(validateName)) { long creditCardTypes = 0; String types = valNode.attribute("types"); if (types != null && !types.isEmpty()) { for (String cts : types.split(",")) creditCardTypes += creditCardTypeMap.get(cts.trim()); } else { creditCardTypes = allCreditCards; } CreditCardValidator ccv = new CreditCardValidator(creditCardTypes); String str = pv.toString(); if (!ccv.isValid(str)) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(1); map.put("str", str); eci.getMessage().addValidationError(null, parameterName, serviceName, eci.getResource() .expand("Value entered (${str}) is not a valid credit card number.", "", map), null); return false; } return true; } // shouldn't get here, but just in case return true; } private static final HashMap<String, Long> creditCardTypeMap; static { HashMap<String, Long> map = new HashMap<>(5); map.put("visa", CreditCardValidator.VISA); map.put("mastercard", CreditCardValidator.MASTERCARD); map.put("amex", CreditCardValidator.AMEX); map.put("discover", CreditCardValidator.DISCOVER); map.put("dinersclub", CreditCardValidator.DINERS); creditCardTypeMap = map; } private static final long allCreditCards = CreditCardValidator.VISA + CreditCardValidator.MASTERCARD + CreditCardValidator.AMEX + CreditCardValidator.DISCOVER + CreditCardValidator.DINERS; public static final HashMap<String, ArtifactExecutionInfo.AuthzAction> verbAuthzActionEnumMap; static { HashMap<String, ArtifactExecutionInfo.AuthzAction> map = new HashMap<>(6); map.put("create", ArtifactExecutionInfo.AUTHZA_CREATE); map.put("update", ArtifactExecutionInfo.AUTHZA_UPDATE); map.put("store", ArtifactExecutionInfo.AUTHZA_UPDATE); map.put("delete", ArtifactExecutionInfo.AUTHZA_DELETE); map.put("view", ArtifactExecutionInfo.AUTHZA_VIEW); map.put("find", ArtifactExecutionInfo.AUTHZA_VIEW); verbAuthzActionEnumMap = map; } }