Java tutorial
/* * This software is in the public domain under CC0 1.0 Universal plus a * Grant of Patent License. * * To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all * copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the * public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any * warranty. * * You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication * along with this software (see the file). If not, see * <>. */ package org.moqui.impl.entity; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.moqui.BaseException; import org.moqui.context.L10nFacade; import org.moqui.entity.EntityException; import org.moqui.entity.EntityFacade; import org.moqui.impl.context.ExecutionContextImpl; import org.moqui.impl.context.L10nFacadeImpl; import org.moqui.util.MNode; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialBlob; import javax.sql.rowset.serial.SerialClob; import*; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.sql.*; public class EntityJavaUtil { protected final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EntityJavaUtil.class); public static Object convertFromString(String value, FieldInfo fi, L10nFacade l10n) { Object outValue; boolean isEmpty = value.length() == 0; try { switch (fi.typeValue) { case 1: outValue = value; break; case 2: // outValue = java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(value); if (isEmpty) { outValue = null; break; } outValue = l10n.parseTimestamp(value, null); if (outValue == null) throw new BaseException("The value [" + value + "] is not a valid date/time for field " + fi.entityName + "." +; break; case 3: // outValue = java.sql.Time.valueOf(value); if (isEmpty) { outValue = null; break; } outValue = l10n.parseTime(value, null); if (outValue == null) throw new BaseException("The value [" + value + "] is not a valid time for field " + fi.entityName + "." +; break; case 4: // outValue = java.sql.Date.valueOf(value); if (isEmpty) { outValue = null; break; } outValue = l10n.parseDate(value, null); if (outValue == null) throw new BaseException("The value [" + value + "] is not a valid date for field " + fi.entityName + "." +; break; case 5: // outValue = Integer.valueOf(value); break case 6: // outValue = Long.valueOf(value); break case 7: // outValue = Float.valueOf(value); break case 8: // outValue = Double.valueOf(value); break case 9: // outValue = new BigDecimal(value); break if (isEmpty) { outValue = null; break; } BigDecimal bdVal = l10n.parseNumber(value, null); if (bdVal == null) { throw new BaseException("The value [" + value + "] is not valid for type [" + fi.javaType + "] for field " + fi.entityName + "." +; } else { bdVal = bdVal.stripTrailingZeros(); switch (fi.typeValue) { case 5: outValue = bdVal.intValue(); break; case 6: outValue = bdVal.longValue(); break; case 7: outValue = bdVal.floatValue(); break; case 8: outValue = bdVal.doubleValue(); break; default: outValue = bdVal; break; } } break; case 10: if (isEmpty) { outValue = null; break; } outValue = Boolean.valueOf(value); break; case 11: outValue = value; break; case 12: try { outValue = new SerialBlob(value.getBytes()); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new BaseException("Error creating SerialBlob for value [" + value + "] for field " + fi.entityName + "." +; } break; case 13: outValue = value; break; case 14: if (isEmpty) { outValue = null; break; } Timestamp ts = l10n.parseTimestamp(value, null); outValue = new java.util.Date(ts.getTime()); break; // better way for Collection (15)? maybe parse comma separated, but probably doesn't make sense in the first place case 15: outValue = value; break; default: outValue = value; break; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new BaseException("The value [" + value + "] is not valid for type [" + fi.javaType + "] for field " + fi.entityName + "." +, e); } return outValue; } public static String convertToString(Object value, FieldInfo fi, EntityFacadeImpl efi) { String outValue; try { switch (fi.typeValue) { case 1: outValue = value.toString(); break; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: if (value instanceof BigDecimal) value = ((BigDecimal) value).stripTrailingZeros(); L10nFacadeImpl l10n = efi.getEcfi().getL10nFacade(); outValue = l10n.format(value, null); break; case 10: outValue = value.toString(); break; case 11: outValue = value.toString(); break; case 12: if (value instanceof byte[]) { outValue = new String(Base64.encodeBase64((byte[]) value)); } else {"Field on entity is not of type 'byte[]', is [" + value + "] so using plain toString() for field " + fi.entityName + "." +; outValue = value.toString(); } break; case 13: outValue = value.toString(); break; case 14: outValue = value.toString(); break; // better way for Collection (15)? maybe parse comma separated, but probably doesn't make sense in the first place case 15: outValue = value.toString(); break; default: outValue = value.toString(); break; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new BaseException("The value [" + value + "] is not valid for type [" + fi.javaType + "] for field " + fi.entityName + "." +, e); } return outValue; } public static Object getResultSetValue(ResultSet rs, int index, FieldInfo fi, EntityFacade efi) throws EntityException { if (fi.typeValue == -1) throw new EntityException("No typeValue found for " + fi.entityName + "." +; Object value = null; try { switch (fi.typeValue) { case 1: // getMetaData and the column type are somewhat slow (based on profiling), and String values are VERY // common, so only do for text-very-long if (fi.isTextVeryLong) { ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); if (Types.CLOB == rsmd.getColumnType(index)) { // if the String is empty, try to get a text input stream, this is required for some databases // for larger fields, like CLOBs Clob valueClob = rs.getClob(index); Reader valueReader = null; if (valueClob != null) valueReader = valueClob.getCharacterStream(); if (valueReader != null) { // read up to 4096 at a time char[] inCharBuffer = new char[4096]; StringBuilder strBuf = new StringBuilder(); try { int charsRead; while ((charsRead =, 0, 4096)) > 0) { strBuf.append(inCharBuffer, 0, charsRead); } valueReader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new EntityException("Error reading long character stream for field [" + + "] of entity [" + fi.entityName + "]", e); } value = strBuf.toString(); } } else { value = rs.getString(index); } } else { value = rs.getString(index); } break; case 2: try { value = rs.getTimestamp(index, efi.getCalendarForTzLc()); } catch (SQLException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace( "Ignoring SQLException for getTimestamp(), leaving null (found this in MySQL with a date/time value of [0000-00-00 00:00:00]): " + e.toString()); } break; case 3: value = rs.getTime(index, efi.getCalendarForTzLc()); break; case 4: value = rs.getDate(index, efi.getCalendarForTzLc()); break; case 5: int intValue = rs.getInt(index); if (!rs.wasNull()) value = intValue; break; case 6: long longValue = rs.getLong(index); if (!rs.wasNull()) value = longValue; break; case 7: float floatValue = rs.getFloat(index); if (!rs.wasNull()) value = floatValue; break; case 8: double doubleValue = rs.getDouble(index); if (!rs.wasNull()) value = doubleValue; break; case 9: BigDecimal bigDecimalValue = rs.getBigDecimal(index); if (!rs.wasNull()) value = bigDecimalValue != null ? bigDecimalValue.stripTrailingZeros() : null; break; case 10: boolean booleanValue = rs.getBoolean(index); if (!rs.wasNull()) value = booleanValue; break; case 11: Object obj = null; byte[] originalBytes = rs.getBytes(index); InputStream binaryInput = null; if (originalBytes != null && originalBytes.length > 0) { binaryInput = new ByteArrayInputStream(originalBytes); } if (originalBytes != null && originalBytes.length <= 0) { logger.warn("Got byte array back empty for serialized Object with length [" + originalBytes.length + "] for field [" + + "] (" + index + ")"); } if (binaryInput != null) { ObjectInputStream inStream = null; try { inStream = new ObjectInputStream(binaryInput); obj = inStream.readObject(); } catch (IOException ex) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Unable to read BLOB from input stream for field [" + + "] (" + index + "): " + ex.toString()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Class not found: Unable to cast BLOB data to an Java object for field [" + + "] (" + index + "); most likely because it is a straight byte[], so just using the raw bytes: " + ex.toString()); } finally { if (inStream != null) { try { inStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new EntityException("Unable to close binary input stream for field [" + + "] (" + index + "): " + e.toString(), e); } } } } if (obj != null) { value = obj; } else { value = originalBytes; } break; case 12: SerialBlob sblob = null; try { // NOTE: changed to try getBytes first because Derby blows up on getBlob and on then calling getBytes for the same field, complains about getting value twice byte[] fieldBytes = rs.getBytes(index); if (!rs.wasNull()) sblob = new SerialBlob(fieldBytes); // fieldBytes = theBlob != null ? theBlob.getBytes(1, (int) theBlob.length()) : null } catch (SQLException e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Ignoring exception trying getBytes(), trying getBlob(): " + e.toString()); Blob theBlob = rs.getBlob(index); if (!rs.wasNull()) sblob = new SerialBlob(theBlob); } value = sblob; break; case 13: value = new SerialClob(rs.getClob(index)); break; case 14: case 15: value = rs.getObject(index); break; } } catch (SQLException sqle) { logger.error("SQL Exception while getting value for field: [" + + "] (" + index + ")", sqle); throw new EntityException( "SQL Exception while getting value for field: [" + + "] (" + index + ")", sqle); } return value; } public static void setPreparedStatementValue(PreparedStatement ps, int index, Object value, FieldInfo fi, boolean useBinaryTypeForBlob, EntityFacade efi) throws EntityException { try { // allow setting, and searching for, String values for all types; JDBC driver should handle this okay if (value instanceof CharSequence) { ps.setString(index, value.toString()); } else { switch (fi.typeValue) { case 1: if (value != null) { ps.setString(index, value.toString()); } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.VARCHAR); } break; case 2: if (value != null) { Class valClass = value.getClass(); if (valClass == Timestamp.class) { ps.setTimestamp(index, (Timestamp) value, efi.getCalendarForTzLc()); } else if (valClass == java.sql.Date.class) { ps.setDate(index, (java.sql.Date) value, efi.getCalendarForTzLc()); } else if (valClass == java.util.Date.class) { ps.setTimestamp(index, new Timestamp(((java.util.Date) value).getTime()), efi.getCalendarForTzLc()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + valClass.getName() + " not allowed for date-time (Timestamp) fields, for field " + fi.entityName + "." +; } } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.TIMESTAMP); } break; case 3: Time tm = (Time) value; // logger.warn("=================== setting time tm=${tm} tm long=${tm.getTime()}, cal=${cal}") if (value != null) { ps.setTime(index, tm, efi.getCalendarForTzLc()); } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.TIME); } break; case 4: if (value != null) { Class valClass = value.getClass(); if (valClass == java.sql.Date.class) { java.sql.Date dt = (java.sql.Date) value; // logger.warn("=================== setting date dt=${dt} dt long=${dt.getTime()}, cal=${cal}") ps.setDate(index, dt, efi.getCalendarForTzLc()); } else if (valClass == Timestamp.class) { ps.setDate(index, new java.sql.Date(((Timestamp) value).getTime()), efi.getCalendarForTzLc()); } else if (valClass == java.util.Date.class) { ps.setDate(index, new java.sql.Date(((java.util.Date) value).getTime()), efi.getCalendarForTzLc()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + valClass.getName() + " not allowed for date fields, for field " + fi.entityName + "." +; } } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.DATE); } break; case 5: if (value != null) { ps.setInt(index, ((Number) value).intValue()); } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.NUMERIC); } break; case 6: if (value != null) { ps.setLong(index, ((Number) value).longValue()); } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.NUMERIC); } break; case 7: if (value != null) { ps.setFloat(index, ((Number) value).floatValue()); } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.NUMERIC); } break; case 8: if (value != null) { ps.setDouble(index, ((Number) value).doubleValue()); } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.NUMERIC); } break; case 9: if (value != null) { Class valClass = value.getClass(); // most common cases BigDecimal, Double, Float; then allow any Number if (valClass == BigDecimal.class) { ps.setBigDecimal(index, (BigDecimal) value); } else if (valClass == Double.class) { ps.setDouble(index, (Double) value); } else if (valClass == Float.class) { ps.setFloat(index, (Float) value); } else if (value instanceof Number) { ps.setDouble(index, ((Number) value).doubleValue()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class " + valClass.getName() + " not allowed for number-decimal (BigDecimal) fields, for field " + fi.entityName + "." +; } } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.NUMERIC); } break; case 10: if (value != null) { ps.setBoolean(index, (Boolean) value); } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.BOOLEAN); } break; case 11: if (value != null) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os); oos.writeObject(value); oos.close(); byte[] buf = os.toByteArray(); os.close(); ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf); ps.setBinaryStream(index, is, buf.length); is.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new EntityException( "Error setting serialized object, for field " + fi.entityName + "." +, ex); } } else { if (useBinaryTypeForBlob) { ps.setNull(index, Types.BINARY); } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.BLOB); } } break; case 12: if (value instanceof byte[]) { ps.setBytes(index, (byte[]) value); /* } else if (value instanceof ArrayList) { ArrayList valueAl = (ArrayList) value; byte[] theBytes = new byte[valueAl.size()]; valueAl.toArray(theBytes); ps.setBytes(index, theBytes); */ } else if (value instanceof ByteBuffer) { ByteBuffer valueBb = (ByteBuffer) value; ps.setBytes(index, valueBb.array()); } else if (value instanceof Blob) { Blob valueBlob = (Blob) value; // calling setBytes instead of setBlob // ps.setBlob(index, (Blob) value) // Blob blb = value ps.setBytes(index, valueBlob.getBytes(1, (int) valueBlob.length())); } else { if (value != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type not supported for BLOB field: " + value.getClass().getName() + ", for field " + fi.entityName + "." +; } else { if (useBinaryTypeForBlob) { ps.setNull(index, Types.BINARY); } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.BLOB); } } } break; case 13: if (value != null) { ps.setClob(index, (Clob) value); } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.CLOB); } break; case 14: if (value != null) { ps.setTimestamp(index, (Timestamp) value); } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.TIMESTAMP); } break; // TODO: is this the best way to do collections and such? case 15: if (value != null) { ps.setObject(index, value, Types.JAVA_OBJECT); } else { ps.setNull(index, Types.JAVA_OBJECT); } break; } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new EntityException("SQL Exception while setting value [" + value + "](" + (value != null ? value.getClass().getName() : "null") + "), type " + fi.type + ", for field " + fi.entityName + "." + + ": " + sqle.toString(), sqle); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EntityException( "Error while setting value for field " + fi.entityName + "." + + ": " + e.toString(), e); } } public static class FieldOrderOptions { final static char spaceChar = ' '; final static char minusChar = '-'; final static char plusChar = '+'; final static char caretChar = '^'; final static char openParenChar = '('; final static char closeParenChar = ')'; String fieldName = null; Boolean nullsFirstLast = null; boolean descending = false; Boolean caseUpperLower = null; public String getFieldName() { return fieldName; } public Boolean getNullsFirstLast() { return nullsFirstLast; } public boolean getDescending() { return descending; } public Boolean getCaseUpperLower() { return caseUpperLower; } FieldOrderOptions(String orderByName) { StringBuilder fnSb = new StringBuilder(40); // simple first parse pass, single run through and as fast as possible boolean containsSpace = false; boolean foundNonSpace = false; boolean containsOpenParen = false; int obnLength = orderByName.length(); char[] obnCharArray = orderByName.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < obnLength; i++) { char curChar = obnCharArray[i]; if (curChar == spaceChar) { if (foundNonSpace) { containsSpace = true; fnSb.append(curChar); } // otherwise ignore the space } else { // leading characters (-,+,^), don't consider them non-spaces so we'll remove spaces after if (curChar == minusChar) { descending = true; } else if (curChar == plusChar) { descending = false; } else if (curChar == caretChar) { caseUpperLower = true; } else { foundNonSpace = true; fnSb.append(curChar); if (curChar == openParenChar) containsOpenParen = true; } } } if (fnSb.length() == 0) return; if (containsSpace) { // trim ending spaces while (fnSb.charAt(fnSb.length() - 1) == spaceChar) fnSb.delete(fnSb.length() - 1, fnSb.length()); String orderByUpper = fnSb.toString().toUpperCase(); int fnSbLength = fnSb.length(); if (orderByUpper.endsWith(" NULLS FIRST")) { nullsFirstLast = true; fnSb.delete(fnSbLength - 12, fnSbLength); // remove from orderByUpper as we'll use it below orderByUpper = orderByUpper.substring(0, orderByName.length() - 12); } else if (orderByUpper.endsWith(" NULLS LAST")) { nullsFirstLast = false; fnSb.delete(fnSbLength - 11, fnSbLength); // remove from orderByUpper as we'll use it below orderByUpper = orderByUpper.substring(0, orderByName.length() - 11); } fnSbLength = fnSb.length(); if (orderByUpper.endsWith(" DESC")) { descending = true; fnSb.delete(fnSbLength - 5, fnSbLength); } else if (orderByUpper.endsWith(" ASC")) { descending = false; fnSb.delete(fnSbLength - 4, fnSbLength); } } if (containsOpenParen) { String upperText = fnSb.toString().toUpperCase(); if (upperText.startsWith("UPPER(")) { caseUpperLower = true; fnSb.delete(0, 6); } else if (upperText.startsWith("LOWER(")) { caseUpperLower = false; fnSb.delete(0, 6); } int fnSbLength = fnSb.length(); if (fnSb.charAt(fnSbLength - 1) == closeParenChar) fnSb.delete(fnSbLength - 1, fnSbLength); } fieldName = fnSb.toString(); } } /** This is a dumb data holder class for framework internal use only; in Java for efficiency as it is used a LOT, * though initialized in the EntityDefinition.makeFieldInfo() method. */ public static class FieldInfo { public Object ed = null; public MNode fieldNode = null; public String entityName = null; public String name = null; public String type = null; public String columnName = null; public String fullColumnName = null; public String defaultStr = null; public String javaType = null; public String enableAuditLog = null; public int typeValue = -1; public boolean isTextVeryLong = false; public boolean isPk = false; public boolean encrypt = false; public boolean isSimple = false; public boolean enableLocalization = false; public boolean isUserField = false; public boolean createOnly = false; public FieldInfo() { /* do nothing, see EntityDefinition.makeFieldInfo() */ } } }