Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (c) 2010, Tom Dinchak * * This file is part of Pages. * * Pages is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Pages is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Pages; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ package org.monome.pages.configuration; import java.beans.PropertyVetoException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.sound.midi.MidiDevice; import javax.sound.midi.MidiMessage; import javax.sound.midi.MidiSystem; import javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage; import javax.sound.midi.MidiUnavailableException; import javax.sound.midi.MidiDevice.Info; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.monome.pages.Main; import org.monome.pages.ableton.AbletonControl; import org.monome.pages.ableton.AbletonOSCControl; import org.monome.pages.ableton.AbletonOSCListener; import org.monome.pages.ableton.AbletonState; import org.monome.pages.gui.ArcFrame; import org.monome.pages.gui.MainGUI; import org.monome.pages.gui.MonomeFrame; import org.monome.pages.midi.MidiDeviceFactory; import org.monome.pages.pages.ArcPage; import org.monome.pages.pages.Page; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import com.illposed.osc.OSCMessage; import com.illposed.osc.OSCPortIn; import com.illposed.osc.OSCPortOut; /** * This object stores all configuration about all current monomes and pages. It * also stores global options like Ableton OSC port selection and enabled MIDI * devices. * * @author Tom Dinchak * */ public class Configuration implements Serializable { static final long serialVersionUID = 42L; /** * The name of the configuration. */ public String name; public int oscListenPort = 12345; /** * The port number to receive OSC messages from MonomeSerial. */ public int monomeSerialOSCInPortNumber = 8000; /** * The OSCPortIn object to receive messages from MonomeSerial. */ public transient OSCPortIn monomeSerialOSCPortIn; /** * The port number to send OSC messages to MonomeSerial. */ public int monomeSerialOSCOutPortNumber = 8080; /** * The OSCPortOut object to send messages to MonomeSerial. */ public transient OSCPortOut monomeSerialOSCPortOut; /** * The hostname that MonomeSerial is bound to. */ public String monomeHostname = "localhost"; /** * The OSC listener that checks for discovery events (/sys/report responses) */ private transient DiscoverOSCListener discoverOSCListener = null; /** * The port number to receive OSC messages from Ableton. */ private int abletonOSCInPortNumber = 9006; /** * The OSCPortIn object to receive OSC messages from Ableton. */ private transient OSCPortIn abletonOSCPortIn; /** * The port number to send OSC messages to Ableton. */ private int abletonOSCOutPortNumber = 9005; /** * The OSCPortOut object to send OSC messages to Ableton. */ private transient OSCPortOut abletonOSCPortOut; /** * Listens for /live/track/info and /live/tempo responses from Ableton and * updates this object. Implements the OSCListener interface. */ private transient AbletonOSCListener abletonOSCListener; /** * The hostname that Ableton is bound to. */ private String abletonHostname = "localhost"; /** * The AbletonControl object we're using, currently only AbletonOSCControl. */ private AbletonControl abletonControl; /** * The current state of Ableton is stored in this object. */ public transient AbletonState abletonState; /** * True if Ableton OSC communication has been initialized. */ private transient boolean abletonInitialized = false; /** * True if we should not send any 'View Track' commands to Ableton. */ private boolean abletonIgnoreViewTrack = true; private transient RedrawAbletonThread redrawAbletonThread; private transient OSCPortIn serialOSCPortIn; private HashMap<Integer, MonomeConfiguration> monomeConfigurations = null; private HashMap<Integer, ArcConfiguration> arcConfigurations = null; /** * Enabled MIDI In devices (global) */ public String[] midiInDevices = new String[32]; /** * Enabled MIDI Out devices (global) */ public String[] midiOutDevices = new String[32]; /** * @param name The name of the configuration */ public Configuration(String name) { = name; this.abletonState = new AbletonState(); } public HashMap<Integer, MonomeConfiguration> getMonomeConfigurations() { return monomeConfigurations; } public void setMonomeConfigurations(HashMap<Integer, MonomeConfiguration> monomeConfigurations) { this.monomeConfigurations = monomeConfigurations; } public HashMap<Integer, ArcConfiguration> getArcConfigurations() { return arcConfigurations; } public void setArcConfigurations(HashMap<Integer, ArcConfiguration> arcConfigurations) { this.arcConfigurations = arcConfigurations; } /** * Called from GUI to add a new monome configuration. * * @param index the index of this monome configuration * @param prefix the prefix of the monome (ie. /40h) * @param serial the serial # of the monome * @param sizeX the width of the monome in buttons (ie 8) * @param sizeY the height of the monome in buttons (ie 8) * @param usePageChangeButton true if the page change button is active * @param useMIDIPageChanging true if midi page change rules should be used * @param midiPageChangeRules the set of midi page change rules * @return the MonomeConfiguration object */ public MonomeConfiguration addMonomeConfiguration(int index, String prefix, String serial, int sizeX, int sizeY, boolean usePageChangeButton, boolean useMIDIPageChanging, ArrayList<MIDIPageChangeRule> midiPageChangeRules) { MonomeFrame monomeFrame = new MonomeFrame(index); MainGUI.getDesktopPane().add(monomeFrame); try { monomeFrame.setSelected(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } MonomeConfiguration monome = MonomeConfigurationFactory.addMonomeConfiguration(index, prefix, serial, sizeX, sizeY, usePageChangeButton, useMIDIPageChanging, midiPageChangeRules, monomeFrame); this.initMonome(monome); return monome; } public MonomeConfiguration addMonomeConfigurationSerialOSC(int index, String prefix, String serial, int sizeX, int sizeY, boolean usePageChangeButton, boolean useMIDIPageChanging, ArrayList<MIDIPageChangeRule> midiPageChangeRules, int port, String hostName) { MonomeFrame monomeFrame = new MonomeFrame(index); MainGUI.getDesktopPane().add(monomeFrame); try { monomeFrame.setSelected(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } MonomeConfiguration monome = MonomeConfigurationFactory.addMonomeConfiguration(index, prefix, serial, sizeX, sizeY, usePageChangeButton, useMIDIPageChanging, midiPageChangeRules, monomeFrame); monome.serialOSCPort = port; monome.serialOSCHostname = hostName; this.initMonomeSerialOSC(monome); return monome; } public ArcConfiguration addArcConfiguration(int index, String prefix, String serial, int knobs, ArrayList<MIDIPageChangeRule> midiPageChangeRules) { ArcFrame arcFrame = new ArcFrame(index); try { arcFrame.setSelected(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } MainGUI.getDesktopPane().add(arcFrame); arcFrame.moveToFront(); ArcConfiguration arc = ArcConfigurationFactory.addArcConfiguration(index, prefix, serial, knobs, arcFrame, midiPageChangeRules); this.initArcSerialOSC(arc); return arc; } public ArcConfiguration addArcConfigurationSerialOSC(int index, String prefix, String serial, int knobs, int port, String hostName) { ArcFrame arcFrame = new ArcFrame(index); try { arcFrame.setSelected(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } MainGUI.getDesktopPane().add(arcFrame); arcFrame.moveToFront(); ArrayList<MIDIPageChangeRule> midiPageChangeRules = new ArrayList<MIDIPageChangeRule>(); ArcConfiguration arc = ArcConfigurationFactory.addArcConfiguration(index, prefix, serial, knobs, arcFrame, midiPageChangeRules); arc.serialOSCPort = port; arc.serialOSCHostname = hostName; this.initArcSerialOSC(arc); return arc; } /** * Binds to MonomeSerial input/output ports */ public void startMonomeSerialOSC() { if (this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn == null) { this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn = OSCPortFactory.getInstance() .getOSCPortIn(this.monomeSerialOSCInPortNumber); if (this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn == null) { System.out.println("Unable to bind to port " + this.monomeSerialOSCInPortNumber); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(MainGUI.getDesktopPane(), "Unable to bind to port " + this.monomeSerialOSCInPortNumber + ". Try closing any other programs that might be listening on it.", "OSC Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } if (this.monomeSerialOSCPortOut == null) { this.monomeSerialOSCPortOut = OSCPortFactory.getInstance().getOSCPortOut(monomeHostname, this.monomeSerialOSCOutPortNumber); } discoverOSCListener = new DiscoverOSCListener(); this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn.addListener("/sys/devices", discoverOSCListener); this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn.addListener("/sys/prefix", discoverOSCListener); this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn.addListener("/sys/type", discoverOSCListener); this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn.addListener("/sys/cable", discoverOSCListener); this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn.addListener("/sys/offset", discoverOSCListener); this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn.addListener("/sys/serial", discoverOSCListener); // used when loading config for (int i = 0; i < MonomeConfigurationFactory.getNumMonomeConfigurations(); i++) { MonomeConfiguration monomeConfig = MonomeConfigurationFactory.getMonomeConfiguration(i); if (monomeConfig != null && monomeConfig.oscListener == null) { MonomeOSCListener oscListener = new MonomeOSCListener(monomeConfig); monomeConfig.oscListener = oscListener; this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn.addListener(monomeConfig.prefix + "/press", oscListener); this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn.addListener(monomeConfig.prefix + "/tilt", oscListener); System.out.println("Added listener for " + monomeConfig.prefix + "/press on port " + this.monomeSerialOSCInPortNumber); /* this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn.addListener(monomeConfig.prefix + "/adc", oscListener); this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn.addListener(monomeConfig.prefix + "/tilt", oscListener); Object args[] = new Object[1]; args[0] = new Integer(1); OSCMessage msg = new OSCMessage(monomeConfig.prefix + "/tiltmode", args); try { this.monomeSerialOSCPortOut.send(msg); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } */ initMonome(monomeConfig); } } } if (this.monomeSerialOSCPortOut == null) { this.monomeSerialOSCPortOut = OSCPortFactory.getInstance().getOSCPortOut(this.monomeHostname, this.monomeSerialOSCOutPortNumber); } } /** * Close MonomeSerial OSC Connections. */ public void stopMonomeSerialOSC() { if (this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn != null) { if (this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn.isListening()) { this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn.removeAllListeners(); this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn.stopListening(); this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn.close(); } OSCPortFactory.getInstance().destroyOSCPortIn(this.monomeSerialOSCInPortNumber); this.monomeSerialOSCPortIn = null; } if (this.monomeSerialOSCPortOut != null) { this.monomeSerialOSCPortOut = null; } } /** * Calls each page's destroyPage() function. */ public void destroyAllPages() { for (int i = 0; i < MonomeConfigurationFactory.getNumMonomeConfigurations(); i++) { MonomeConfiguration monomeConfig = MonomeConfigurationFactory.getMonomeConfiguration(i); if (monomeConfig != null) { monomeConfig.destroyPage(); } } } /** * @param inport The port number to receive OSC messages from MonomeSerial */ public void setMonomeSerialOSCInPortNumber(int inport) { this.monomeSerialOSCInPortNumber = inport; } /** * @return The port number to receive OSC messages from MonomeSerial */ public int getMonomeSerialOSCInPortNumber() { return this.monomeSerialOSCInPortNumber; } /** * @param outport The port number to send OSC messages to MonomeSerial */ public void setMonomeSerialOSCOutPortNumber(int outport) { this.monomeSerialOSCOutPortNumber = outport; } /** * @return The port number to send OSC messages to MonomeSerial */ public int getMonomeSerialOSCOutPortNumber() { return this.monomeSerialOSCOutPortNumber; } /** * @param hostname The hostname that MonomeSerial is bound to */ public void setMonomeHostname(String hostname) { this.monomeHostname = hostname; } /** * @return The hostname that MonomeSerial is bound to */ public String getMonomeHostname() { return this.monomeHostname; } /** * Runs /sys/report and sets up a monome for each returned device */ public void discoverMonomes() { this.stopMonomeSerialOSC(); try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } this.startMonomeSerialOSC(); try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } this.discoverOSCListener.setDiscoverMode(true); OSCMessage msg = new OSCMessage("/sys/report"); // this stuff is really touchy; malformed packets etc. run /sys/report 3 times to be sure. try { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { this.monomeSerialOSCPortOut.send(msg); Thread.sleep(100); } MonomeConfigurationFactory.combineMonomeConfigurations(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Initializes a new monome configuration. Starts OSC communication with MonomeSerial if needed. * * @param monome The MonomeConfiguration object to initialize */ public void initMonome(MonomeConfiguration monome) { monome.clearMonome(); } public void initMonomeSerialOSC(MonomeConfiguration monome) { monome.serialOSCPortOut = OSCPortFactory.getInstance().getOSCPortOut(monome.serialOSCHostname, monome.serialOSCPort); MonomeOSCListener oscListener = new MonomeOSCListener(monome); this.serialOSCPortIn = OSCPortFactory.getInstance().getOSCPortIn(oscListenPort); this.serialOSCPortIn.addListener(monome.prefix + "/grid/key", oscListener); this.serialOSCPortIn.addListener(monome.prefix + "/tilt", oscListener); try { OSCMessage portMsg = new OSCMessage(); portMsg.setAddress("/sys/port"); portMsg.addArgument(oscListenPort); monome.serialOSCPortOut.send(portMsg); portMsg = new OSCMessage(); portMsg.setAddress("/sys/host"); portMsg.addArgument(""); monome.serialOSCPortOut.send(portMsg); // enable tilt sensors portMsg = new OSCMessage(); portMsg.setAddress(monome.prefix + "/tilt/set"); portMsg.addArgument(0); portMsg.addArgument(1); monome.serialOSCPortOut.send(portMsg); portMsg = new OSCMessage(); portMsg.setAddress(monome.prefix + "/tilt/set"); portMsg.addArgument(1); portMsg.addArgument(1); monome.serialOSCPortOut.send(portMsg); portMsg = new OSCMessage(); portMsg.setAddress(monome.prefix + "/tilt/set"); portMsg.addArgument(2); portMsg.addArgument(1); monome.serialOSCPortOut.send(portMsg); portMsg = new OSCMessage(); portMsg.setAddress(monome.prefix + "/tilt/set"); portMsg.addArgument(3); portMsg.addArgument(1); monome.serialOSCPortOut.send(portMsg); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } monome.clearMonome(); monome.initMonome(); } public void initArcSerialOSC(ArcConfiguration arc) { if (arc.serialOSCPort == 0) return; arc.serialOSCPortOut = OSCPortFactory.getInstance().getOSCPortOut(arc.serialOSCHostname, arc.serialOSCPort); ArcOSCListener oscListener = new ArcOSCListener(arc); this.serialOSCPortIn = OSCPortFactory.getInstance().getOSCPortIn(oscListenPort); this.serialOSCPortIn.addListener(arc.prefix + "/enc/delta", oscListener); this.serialOSCPortIn.addListener(arc.prefix + "/enc/key", oscListener); try { OSCMessage portMsg = new OSCMessage(); portMsg.setAddress("/sys/port"); portMsg.addArgument(oscListenPort); arc.serialOSCPortOut.send(portMsg); portMsg = new OSCMessage(); portMsg.setAddress("/sys/host"); portMsg.addArgument(""); arc.serialOSCPortOut.send(portMsg); portMsg = new OSCMessage(); portMsg.setAddress("/sys/prefix"); portMsg.addArgument(arc.prefix); arc.serialOSCPortOut.send(portMsg); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } arc.initArc(); } /** * Enables or disables a MIDI input device * * @param sMidiDevice The name of the MIDI device to toggle */ public void actionAddMidiInput(String sMidiDevice) { Info[] midiInfo = MidiSystem.getMidiDeviceInfo(); MidiDevice midiDevice; for (int i = 0; i < midiInfo.length; i++) { try { midiDevice = MidiSystem.getMidiDevice(midiInfo[i]); if (sMidiDevice.compareTo(midiDevice.getDeviceInfo().toString()) == 0) { if (midiDevice.getMaxTransmitters() != 0) { MidiDeviceFactory.toggleMidiInDevice(midiDevice); } } } catch (MidiUnavailableException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Turns a MIDI In device on or off for the current page. * * @param deviceName the MIDI device name */ public void toggleMidiInDevice(String deviceName) { for (int i = 0; i < this.midiInDevices.length; i++) { // if this device was enabled, disable it if (this.midiInDevices[i] == null) { continue; } if (this.midiInDevices[i].compareTo(deviceName) == 0) { midiInDevices[i] = new String(); return; } } // if we didn't disable it, enable it for (int i = 0; i < this.midiInDevices.length; i++) { if (this.midiInDevices[i] == null) { this.midiInDevices[i] = deviceName; return; } } } /** * Enables or disables a MIDI output device * * @param sMidiDevice The MIDI output device to enable or disable */ public void actionAddMidiOutput(String sMidiDevice) { Info[] midiInfo = MidiSystem.getMidiDeviceInfo(); MidiDevice midiDevice; for (int i = 0; i < midiInfo.length; i++) { try { midiDevice = MidiSystem.getMidiDevice(midiInfo[i]); if (sMidiDevice.compareTo(midiDevice.getDeviceInfo().toString()) == 0) { if (midiDevice.getMaxReceivers() != 0) { MidiDeviceFactory.toggleMidiOutDevice(midiDevice); } } } catch (MidiUnavailableException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Toggles a MIDI Out device on or off for the current page. * * @param deviceName the name of the MIDI device */ public void toggleMidiOutDevice(String deviceName) { for (int i = 0; i < this.midiOutDevices.length; i++) { // if this device was enabled, disable it if (this.midiOutDevices[i] == null) { continue; } if (this.midiOutDevices[i].compareTo(deviceName) == 0) { midiOutDevices[i] = new String(); return; } } // if we didn't disable it, enable it for (int i = 0; i < this.midiOutDevices.length; i++) { if (this.midiOutDevices[i] == null) { this.midiOutDevices[i] = deviceName; return; } } } /** * Called by MIDIInReceiver objects when a MIDI message is received. * * @param device The MidiDevice the message was received from * @param message The MidiMessage * @param lTimeStamp The time when the message was received */ public void send(MidiDevice device, MidiMessage message, long lTimeStamp) { ShortMessage shortMessage; // pass all messages along to all monomes (who pass to all pages) for (int i = 0; i < MonomeConfigurationFactory.getNumMonomeConfigurations(); i++) { MonomeConfiguration monomeConfig = MonomeConfigurationFactory.getMonomeConfiguration(i); if (monomeConfig != null) { monomeConfig.send(device, message, lTimeStamp); } } for (int i = 0; i < ArcConfigurationFactory.getNumArcConfigurations(); i++) { ArcConfiguration arcConfig = ArcConfigurationFactory.getArcConfiguration(i); if (arcConfig != null) { arcConfig.send(device, message, lTimeStamp); } } // filter for midi clock ticks or midi reset messages if (message instanceof ShortMessage) { shortMessage = (ShortMessage) message; switch (shortMessage.getCommand()) { case 0xF0: if (shortMessage.getChannel() == 8) { for (int i = 0; i < MonomeConfigurationFactory.getNumMonomeConfigurations(); i++) { MonomeConfiguration monomeConfig = MonomeConfigurationFactory.getMonomeConfiguration(i); if (monomeConfig != null) { monomeConfig.tick(device); } } for (int i = 0; i < ArcConfigurationFactory.getNumArcConfigurations(); i++) { ArcConfiguration arcConfig = ArcConfigurationFactory.getArcConfiguration(i); if (arcConfig != null) { arcConfig.tick(device); } } } if (shortMessage.getChannel() == 0x0C) { for (int i = 0; i < MonomeConfigurationFactory.getNumMonomeConfigurations(); i++) { MonomeConfiguration monomeConfig = MonomeConfigurationFactory.getMonomeConfiguration(i); if (monomeConfig != null) { monomeConfig.reset(device); } } for (int i = 0; i < ArcConfigurationFactory.getNumArcConfigurations(); i++) { ArcConfiguration arcConfig = ArcConfigurationFactory.getArcConfiguration(i); if (arcConfig != null) { arcConfig.reset(device); } } } break; default: break; } } } /** * @return AbletonControl the currently enabled Ableton Control device */ public AbletonControl getAbletonControl() { return this.abletonControl; } /** * @return AbletonState the current Ableton State object */ public AbletonState getAbletonState() { return abletonState; } /** * @param inport The port number to receive OSC messages from Ableton */ public void setAbletonOSCInPortNumber(int inport) { this.abletonOSCInPortNumber = inport; } /** * @return The port number to receive OSC messages from Ableton */ public int getAbletonOSCInPortNumber() { return this.abletonOSCInPortNumber; } /** * @param outport The port number to send OSC messages to Ableton */ public void setAbletonOSCOutPortNumber(int outport) { this.abletonOSCOutPortNumber = outport; } /** * @return The port number to send OSC messages to Ableton */ public int getAbletonOSCOutPortNumber() { return this.abletonOSCOutPortNumber; } /** * @return The OSCPortOut object to send OSC messages to Ableton */ public OSCPortOut getAbletonOSCPortOut() { return this.abletonOSCPortOut; } /** * @param hostname The hostname that Ableton is bound to */ public void setAbletonHostname(String hostname) { this.abletonHostname = hostname; } /** * @return The hostname that Ableton is bound to */ public String getAbletonHostname() { return this.abletonHostname; } /** * Initializes OSC communication with Ableton. * * @return true if initialization was successful */ public void initAbleton() { if (!abletonInitialized) { this.initAbletonOSCMode(); abletonInitialized = true; try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.abletonControl.refreshAbleton(); } } /** * Initializes Ableton connection using OSC */ public void initAbletonOSCMode() { this.abletonOSCListener = new AbletonOSCListener(); this.initAbletonOSCOut(); this.initAbletonOSCIn(); this.abletonControl = new AbletonOSCControl(); } /** * Initializes the Ableton OSC out port */ public void initAbletonOSCOut() { try { this.abletonOSCPortOut = new OSCPortOut(InetAddress.getByName(this.abletonHostname), this.abletonOSCOutPortNumber); } catch (SocketException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Initializes the Ableton OSC in port */ public void initAbletonOSCIn() { try { if (this.abletonOSCPortIn != null) { this.abletonOSCPortIn.stopListening(); this.abletonOSCPortIn.close(); } this.abletonOSCPortIn = new OSCPortIn(this.abletonOSCInPortNumber); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/track", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/track/info", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/name/track", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/clip/info", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/state", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/mute", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/arm", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/solo", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/scene", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/tempo", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/overdub", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/refresh", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/reset", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/devicelist", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/device", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/device/allparam", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.addListener("/live/device/param", this.abletonOSCListener); this.abletonOSCPortIn.startListening(); } catch (SocketException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Redraws all Ableton pages */ public void redrawAbletonPages() { if (redrawAbletonThread == null) { redrawAbletonThread = new RedrawAbletonThread(); new Thread(redrawAbletonThread).start(); } else { redrawAbletonThread.sleepCounter = 1; } /* for (int i = 0; i < MonomeConfigurationFactory.getNumMonomeConfigurations(); i++) { MonomeConfiguration monomeConfig = MonomeConfigurationFactory.getMonomeConfiguration(i); if (monomeConfig != null && !(monomeConfig instanceof FakeMonomeConfiguration)) { monomeConfig.redrawAbletonPages(); } } */ } class RedrawAbletonThread implements Runnable { public int sleepCounter = 1; public void run() { try { while (sleepCounter == 1) { sleepCounter = 0; Thread.sleep(50); } for (int i = 0; i < MonomeConfigurationFactory.getNumMonomeConfigurations(); i++) { MonomeConfiguration monomeConfig = MonomeConfigurationFactory.getMonomeConfiguration(i); if (monomeConfig != null && !(monomeConfig instanceof FakeMonomeConfiguration)) { monomeConfig.redrawAbletonPages(); } } redrawAbletonThread = null; return; } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Close Ableton OSC connections. */ public void stopAbleton() { if (this.abletonOSCPortIn != null) { if (this.abletonOSCPortIn.isListening()) { this.abletonOSCPortIn.stopListening(); } this.abletonOSCPortIn.close(); } if (this.abletonOSCPortOut != null) { this.abletonOSCPortOut.close(); } this.abletonControl = null; } /** * Reads a given configuration file and sets up the object appropriately. * * @param file the configuration file to read */ public boolean readConfigurationFile(File file) { try { System.out.println("Reading configuration file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = db.parse(file); doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); // read <name> from the configuration file NodeList rootNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("name"); Element rootEL = (Element) rootNL.item(0); NodeList rootNL2 = rootEL.getChildNodes(); String name = ((Node) rootNL2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); = name; // read <hostname> from the configuration file rootNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("hostname"); rootEL = (Element) rootNL.item(0); rootNL2 = rootEL.getChildNodes(); String hostname = ((Node) rootNL2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); setMonomeHostname(hostname); // read <zeroconfLibrary> from the configuration file rootNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("zeroconfLibrary"); rootEL = (Element) rootNL.item(0); if (rootEL != null) { rootNL2 = rootEL.getChildNodes(); String zeroconfLibrary = ((Node) rootNL2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); try { Main.main.zeroconfLibrary = Integer.parseInt(zeroconfLibrary); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // read <oscinport> from the configuration file rootNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("oscinport"); rootEL = (Element) rootNL.item(0); rootNL2 = rootEL.getChildNodes(); String oscinport = ((Node) rootNL2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); setMonomeSerialOSCInPortNumber(Integer.valueOf(oscinport).intValue()); // read <oscoutport> from the configuration file rootNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("oscoutport"); rootEL = (Element) rootNL.item(0); rootNL2 = rootEL.getChildNodes(); String oscoutport = ((Node) rootNL2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); setMonomeSerialOSCOutPortNumber(Integer.valueOf(oscoutport).intValue()); // read <abletonhostname> from the configuration file rootNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("abletonhostname"); rootEL = (Element) rootNL.item(0); // old versions might not have this setting if (rootEL != null) { rootNL2 = rootEL.getChildNodes(); String abletonhostname = ((Node) rootNL2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); setAbletonHostname(abletonhostname); } // read <abletonoscinport> from the configuration file rootNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("abletonoscinport"); rootEL = (Element) rootNL.item(0); // old versions might not have this setting if (rootEL != null) { rootNL2 = rootEL.getChildNodes(); String abletonoscinport = ((Node) rootNL2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); setAbletonOSCInPortNumber(Integer.valueOf(abletonoscinport).intValue()); } // read <abletonoscoutport> from the configuration file rootNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("abletonoscoutport"); rootEL = (Element) rootNL.item(0); // old versions might not have this setting if (rootEL != null) { rootNL2 = rootEL.getChildNodes(); String abletonoscoutport = ((Node) rootNL2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); setAbletonOSCOutPortNumber(Integer.valueOf(abletonoscoutport).intValue()); } // read <abletonignoreviewtrack> from the configuration file rootNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("abletonignoreviewtrack"); rootEL = (Element) rootNL.item(0); // old versions might not have this setting if (rootEL != null) { rootNL2 = rootEL.getChildNodes(); String abletonignoreviewtrack = ((Node) rootNL2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); if (abletonignoreviewtrack.compareTo("true") == 0) { this.abletonIgnoreViewTrack = true; } else { this.abletonIgnoreViewTrack = false; } } initAbleton(); // read <midiinport> from the configuration file rootNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("midiinport"); for (int i = 0; i < rootNL.getLength(); i++) { rootEL = (Element) rootNL.item(i); rootNL2 = rootEL.getChildNodes(); String midiinport = ((Node) rootNL2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); actionAddMidiInput(midiinport); } // read all <midioutport> tags from the configuration file rootNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("midioutport"); for (int i = 0; i < rootNL.getLength(); i++) { rootEL = (Element) rootNL.item(i); rootNL2 = rootEL.getChildNodes(); String midioutport = ((Node) rootNL2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); actionAddMidiOutput(midioutport); } // read in each <monome> block rootNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("monome"); for (int i = 0; i < rootNL.getLength(); i++) { Node node = rootNL.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element monomeElement = (Element) node; // set the monome prefix NodeList nl = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("prefix"); Element el = (Element) nl.item(0); nl = el.getChildNodes(); String prefix = ""; if (nl.item(0) != null) { prefix = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); } // set the monome prefix nl = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("serial"); el = (Element) nl.item(0); String serial = "no serial"; if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); if (nl.item(0) != null) { serial = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); } } // set the monome serialosc hostname if present String serialOSCHostName = null; nl = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("serialOSCHostname"); if (nl != null) { el = (Element) nl.item(0); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); if (nl.item(0) != null) { serialOSCHostName = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); } } } // set the width of the monome nl = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("sizeX"); el = (Element) nl.item(0); nl = el.getChildNodes(); String sizeX = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); // set the height of the monome nl = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("sizeY"); el = (Element) nl.item(0); nl = el.getChildNodes(); String sizeY = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); // set the height of the monome String altClear = ""; nl = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("altClear"); if (nl != null) { el = (Element) nl.item(0); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); altClear = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); } } boolean boolUsePageChangeButton = true; nl = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("usePageChangeButton"); el = (Element) nl.item(0); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); String usePageChangeButton = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); if (usePageChangeButton.equals("false")) { boolUsePageChangeButton = false; } } boolean boolUseMIDIPageChanging = false; nl = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("useMIDIPageChanging"); el = (Element) nl.item(0); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); String useMIDIPageChanging = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); if (useMIDIPageChanging.equals("true")) { boolUseMIDIPageChanging = true; } } NodeList rootNL3 = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("MIDIPageChangeRule"); ArrayList<MIDIPageChangeRule> midiPageChangeRules = new ArrayList<MIDIPageChangeRule>(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < rootNL3.getLength(); i2++) { Node node2 = rootNL3.item(i2); if (node2.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element monomeElement2 = (Element) node2; NodeList nl2 = monomeElement2.getElementsByTagName("pageIndex"); Element el2 = (Element) nl2.item(0); nl2 = el2.getChildNodes(); String pageIndex = ((Node) nl2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); nl2 = monomeElement2.getElementsByTagName("note"); el2 = (Element) nl2.item(0); nl2 = el2.getChildNodes(); String note = ((Node) nl2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); nl2 = monomeElement2.getElementsByTagName("channel"); el2 = (Element) nl2.item(0); nl2 = el2.getChildNodes(); String channel = ((Node) nl2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); nl2 = monomeElement2.getElementsByTagName("cc"); el2 = (Element) nl2.item(0); nl2 = el2.getChildNodes(); String cc = ((Node) nl2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); nl2 = monomeElement2.getElementsByTagName("ccVal"); el2 = (Element) nl2.item(0); nl2 = el2.getChildNodes(); String ccVal = ((Node) nl2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); MIDIPageChangeRule mpcr = new MIDIPageChangeRule(Integer.valueOf(note).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(channel).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(cc).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(ccVal).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(pageIndex).intValue()); midiPageChangeRules.add(mpcr); nl2 = monomeElement2.getElementsByTagName("linkedSerial"); el2 = (Element) nl2.item(0); String linkedSerial = null; if (el2 != null) { nl2 = el2.getChildNodes(); linkedSerial = ((Node) nl2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); if (linkedSerial != null && linkedSerial.compareTo("null") != 0) mpcr.setLinkedSerial(linkedSerial); } if (linkedSerial != null && linkedSerial.compareTo("null") != 0) { nl2 = monomeElement2.getElementsByTagName("linkedPageIndex"); el2 = (Element) nl2.item(0); if (el2 != null) { nl2 = el2.getChildNodes(); String linkedPageIndex = ((Node) nl2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); mpcr.setLinkedPageIndex(Integer.valueOf(linkedPageIndex).intValue()); } } } } // create the new monome configuration and display its window MonomeConfiguration monomeConfig = addMonomeConfiguration(i, prefix, serial, Integer.valueOf(sizeX).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(sizeY).intValue(), boolUsePageChangeButton, boolUseMIDIPageChanging, midiPageChangeRules); if (altClear.compareTo("on") == 0) { monomeConfig.altClear = true; } monomeConfig.serialOSCHostname = serialOSCHostName; monomeConfig.deviceFrame.updateMidiInMenuOptions(MidiDeviceFactory.getMidiInOptions()); monomeConfig.deviceFrame.updateMidiOutMenuOptions(MidiDeviceFactory.getMidiOutOptions()); String s; float[] min = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; NodeList minNL = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("min"); for (int j = 0; j < minNL.getLength(); j++) { el = (Element) minNL.item(j); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); s = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); min[j] = Float.parseFloat(s.trim()); //monomeConfig.adcObj.setMin(min); } } float[] max = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; NodeList maxNL = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("max"); for (int j = 0; j < maxNL.getLength(); j++) { el = (Element) maxNL.item(j); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); s = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); max[j] = Float.parseFloat(s.trim()); //monomeConfig.adcObj.setMax(max); } } // enable tilt /* nl = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("adcEnabled"); el = (Element) nl.item(0); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); String enabled = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); monomeConfig.adcObj.setEnabled(Boolean.parseBoolean(enabled)); } */ NodeList pcmidiNL = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("selectedpagechangemidiinport"); for (int k = 0; k < pcmidiNL.getLength(); k++) { el = (Element) pcmidiNL.item(k); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); String midintport = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); monomeConfig.togglePageChangeMidiInDevice(midintport); } } // read in each page of the monome monomeConfig.curPage = -1; NodeList pageNL = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("page"); for (int j = 0; j < pageNL.getLength(); j++) { Node pageNode = pageNL.item(j); if (pageNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element pageElement = (Element) pageNode; String pageClazz = pageElement.getAttribute("class"); // all pages have a name nl = pageElement.getElementsByTagName("name"); el = (Element) nl.item(0); nl = el.getChildNodes(); String pageName = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); Page page; page = monomeConfig.addPage(pageClazz); page.setName(pageName); monomeConfig.curPage++; // most pages have midi outputs NodeList midiNL = pageElement.getElementsByTagName("selectedmidioutport"); for (int k = 0; k < midiNL.getLength(); k++) { el = (Element) midiNL.item(k); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); String midioutport = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); monomeConfig.toggleMidiOutDevice(midioutport); } } // most pages have midi inputs midiNL = pageElement.getElementsByTagName("selectedmidiinport"); for (int k = 0; k < midiNL.getLength(); k++) { el = (Element) midiNL.item(k); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); String midintport = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); monomeConfig.toggleMidiInDevice(midintport); } } page.configure(pageElement); int pageChangeDelay = 0; nl = pageElement.getElementsByTagName("pageChangeDelay"); el = (Element) nl.item(0); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); String sPageChangeDelay = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); try { pageChangeDelay = Integer.parseInt(sPageChangeDelay); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } monomeConfig.pageChangeDelays[monomeConfig.curPage] = pageChangeDelay; } } NodeList lengthNL = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("patternlength"); for (int k = 0; k < lengthNL.getLength(); k++) { el = (Element) lengthNL.item(k); nl = el.getChildNodes(); String patternLength = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); int length = Integer.parseInt(patternLength); monomeConfig.setPatternLength(k, length); } NodeList quantifyNL = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("quantization"); for (int k = 0; k < quantifyNL.getLength(); k++) { el = (Element) quantifyNL.item(k); nl = el.getChildNodes(); String quantization = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); int quantify = Integer.parseInt(quantization); monomeConfig.setQuantization(k, quantify); } if (serialOSCHostName == null) { startMonomeSerialOSC(); } } } // read in each <arc> block rootNL = doc.getElementsByTagName("arc"); for (int i = 0; i < rootNL.getLength(); i++) { Node node = rootNL.item(i); if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element monomeElement = (Element) node; // set the monome prefix NodeList nl = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("prefix"); Element el = (Element) nl.item(0); nl = el.getChildNodes(); String prefix = ""; if (nl.item(0) != null) { prefix = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); } // set the monome prefix nl = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("serial"); el = (Element) nl.item(0); String serial = "no serial"; if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); if (nl.item(0) != null) { serial = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); } } // set the monome serialosc hostname if present String serialOSCHostName = null; nl = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("serialOSCHostname"); if (nl != null) { el = (Element) nl.item(0); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); if (nl.item(0) != null) { serialOSCHostName = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); } } } // set the number of knobs nl = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("knobs"); el = (Element) nl.item(0); nl = el.getChildNodes(); String knobs = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); boolean boolUseMIDIPageChanging = false; nl = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("useMIDIPageChanging"); el = (Element) nl.item(0); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); String useMIDIPageChanging = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); if (useMIDIPageChanging.equals("true")) { boolUseMIDIPageChanging = true; } } NodeList rootNL3 = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("MIDIPageChangeRule"); ArrayList<MIDIPageChangeRule> midiPageChangeRules = new ArrayList<MIDIPageChangeRule>(); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < rootNL3.getLength(); i2++) { Node node2 = rootNL3.item(i2); if (node2.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element monomeElement2 = (Element) node2; NodeList nl2 = monomeElement2.getElementsByTagName("pageIndex"); Element el2 = (Element) nl2.item(0); nl2 = el2.getChildNodes(); String pageIndex = ((Node) nl2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); nl2 = monomeElement2.getElementsByTagName("note"); el2 = (Element) nl2.item(0); nl2 = el2.getChildNodes(); String note = ((Node) nl2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); nl2 = monomeElement2.getElementsByTagName("channel"); el2 = (Element) nl2.item(0); nl2 = el2.getChildNodes(); String channel = ((Node) nl2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); nl2 = monomeElement2.getElementsByTagName("cc"); String cc = "-1"; if (nl2 != null) { el2 = (Element) nl2.item(0); if (el2 != null) { nl2 = el2.getChildNodes(); cc = ((Node) nl2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); } } String ccVal = "-1"; nl2 = monomeElement2.getElementsByTagName("ccVal"); if (nl2 != null) { el2 = (Element) nl2.item(0); if (el2 != null) { nl2 = el2.getChildNodes(); ccVal = ((Node) nl2.item(0)).getNodeValue(); } } MIDIPageChangeRule mpcr = new MIDIPageChangeRule(Integer.valueOf(note).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(channel).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(cc).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(ccVal).intValue(), Integer.valueOf(pageIndex).intValue()); midiPageChangeRules.add(mpcr); } } // create the new arc configuration and display its window ArcConfiguration arcConfig = addArcConfiguration(i, prefix, serial, Integer.parseInt(knobs), midiPageChangeRules); arcConfig.serialOSCHostname = serialOSCHostName; arcConfig.deviceFrame.updateMidiInMenuOptions(MidiDeviceFactory.getMidiInOptions()); arcConfig.deviceFrame.updateMidiOutMenuOptions(MidiDeviceFactory.getMidiOutOptions()); NodeList pcmidiNL = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("selectedpagechangemidiinport"); for (int k = 0; k < pcmidiNL.getLength(); k++) { el = (Element) pcmidiNL.item(k); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); String midintport = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); arcConfig.togglePageChangeMidiInDevice(midintport); } } // read in each page of the arc arcConfig.curPage = -1; NodeList pageNL = monomeElement.getElementsByTagName("page"); for (int j = 0; j < pageNL.getLength(); j++) { Node pageNode = pageNL.item(j); if (pageNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element pageElement = (Element) pageNode; String pageClazz = pageElement.getAttribute("class"); // all pages have a name nl = pageElement.getElementsByTagName("name"); el = (Element) nl.item(0); nl = el.getChildNodes(); String pageName = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); ArcPage page; page = arcConfig.addPage(pageClazz); page.setName(pageName); arcConfig.curPage++; // most pages have midi outputs NodeList midiNL = pageElement.getElementsByTagName("selectedmidioutport"); for (int k = 0; k < midiNL.getLength(); k++) { el = (Element) midiNL.item(k); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); String midioutport = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); arcConfig.toggleMidiOutDevice(midioutport); } } // most pages have midi inputs midiNL = pageElement.getElementsByTagName("selectedmidiinport"); for (int k = 0; k < midiNL.getLength(); k++) { el = (Element) midiNL.item(k); if (el != null) { nl = el.getChildNodes(); String midintport = ((Node) nl.item(0)).getNodeValue(); arcConfig.toggleMidiInDevice(midintport); } } page.configure(pageElement); } } } } return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } /** * Converts the current configuration to a string of XML. * * @return The string of XML representing the current configuration */ public String toXml() { String xml; // main configuration xml = "<configuration>\n"; xml += " <name>" + + "</name>\n"; xml += " <hostname>" + this.monomeHostname + "</hostname>\n"; xml += " <zeroconfLibrary>" + Main.main.zeroconfLibrary + "</zeroconfLibrary>\n"; xml += " <oscinport>" + this.monomeSerialOSCInPortNumber + "</oscinport>\n"; xml += " <oscoutport>" + this.monomeSerialOSCOutPortNumber + "</oscoutport>\n"; xml += " <abletonhostname>" + this.abletonHostname + "</abletonhostname>\n"; xml += " <abletonoscinport>" + this.abletonOSCInPortNumber + "</abletonoscinport>\n"; xml += " <abletonoscoutport>" + this.abletonOSCOutPortNumber + "</abletonoscoutport>\n"; String ignoreViewTrack = "false"; if (this.abletonIgnoreViewTrack) { ignoreViewTrack = "true"; } xml += " <abletonignoreviewtrack>" + ignoreViewTrack + "</abletonignoreviewtrack>\n"; for (int i = 0; i < MidiDeviceFactory.midiInDevices.size(); i++) { xml += " <midiinport>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(MidiDeviceFactory.midiInDevices.get(i).getDeviceInfo().toString()) + "</midiinport>\n"; } for (int i = 0; i < MidiDeviceFactory.midiOutDevices.size(); i++) { xml += " <midioutport>" + StringEscapeUtils .escapeXml(MidiDeviceFactory.midiOutDevices.get(i).getDeviceInfo().toString()) + "</midioutport>\n"; } // monome and page configuration for (int i = 0; i < MonomeConfigurationFactory.getNumMonomeConfigurations(); i++) { MonomeConfiguration monomeConfig = MonomeConfigurationFactory.getMonomeConfiguration(i); if (monomeConfig == null || monomeConfig instanceof FakeMonomeConfiguration) { continue; } xml += MonomeConfigurationFactory.getMonomeConfiguration(i).toXml(); } // arc and page configuration for (int i = 0; i < ArcConfigurationFactory.getNumArcConfigurations(); i++) { ArcConfiguration arcConfig = ArcConfigurationFactory.getArcConfiguration(i); if (arcConfig == null) { continue; } xml += ArcConfigurationFactory.getArcConfiguration(i).toXml(); } xml += "</configuration>\n"; return xml; } public void setAbletonIgnoreViewTrack(boolean selected) { this.abletonIgnoreViewTrack = selected; } public boolean getAbletonIgnoreViewTrack() { return this.abletonIgnoreViewTrack; } }