Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Modeliosoft * * This file is part of Modelio. * * Modelio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Modelio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Modelio. If not, see <>. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException; import java.nio.file.FileSystemException; import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import; import; import; import com.modeliosoft.modelio.javadesigner.annotations.objid; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpHost; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.StatusLine; import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider; import org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException; import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig.Builder; import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import org.apache.http.client.protocol.HttpClientContext; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.X509HostnameVerifier; import org.apache.http.entity.BasicHttpEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder; import org.apache.http.impl.client.SystemDefaultCredentialsProvider; import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.modelio.vbasic.auth.IAuthData; import org.modelio.vbasic.auth.NoneAuthData; import org.modelio.vbasic.auth.UserPasswordAuthData; import org.modelio.vbasic.log.Log; /** * HTTP/HTTPS URI support using Apache HTTP client library. */ @objid("bae410b8-11a7-4719-b527-e7909fe8cb16") public class ApacheUriConnection extends UriConnection { @objid("d7bd2f5b-6589-4747-8ec6-9cc506dcaca6") private int timeout; @objid("a5281e74-0c89-492a-87b7-83a0eb22c299") private CloseableHttpResponse res; @objid("6a0187ad-4705-4542-b9a9-62c4905b67aa") private boolean dooutput; @objid("ee156a19-6f09-4516-87bb-8d14ef600644") private Builder configBuilder; @objid("0f70dd79-2413-4803-8869-091743d047bb") private static CloseableHttpClient httpclient = initHttpClient(); @objid("64f7bf30-b22d-49ac-9467-1af449b781bb") private HttpClientContext context; @objid("dd1f5d11-eb65-4998-8263-9e56adc8ef00") private IAuthData auth; @objid("a1511e70-2685-47e5-88d5-2d8064d43fc3") private URI uri; @objid("d0873604-f235-4d24-acbd-d1a221812836") private HttpRequestBase req; /** * @param uri the URI to open */ @objid("bcf11edd-2a78-43ac-bf86-c0b0d059c536") public ApacheUriConnection(URI uri) { this.uri = uri; this.configBuilder = RequestConfig.custom(); } @objid("526c188d-d764-4c43-bef9-8b09b0b3c1eb") private static CloseableHttpClient initHttpClient() { X509HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = new HostNameVerifier(); return HttpClientBuilder.create().useSystemProperties() .setSslcontext(SslManager.getInstance().getSslContext()).setRedirectStrategy(null) .setRetryHandler(new RetryHandler()).setHostnameVerifier(hostnameVerifier).build(); } @objid("f8e1a3e4-45b3-4065-8838-90de7fe64eaa") private void openConnection() throws IOException, IllegalStateException { this.context = HttpClientContext.create(); CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new SystemDefaultCredentialsProvider(); this.context.setCredentialsProvider(credsProvider); if (this.auth != null) { switch (this.auth.getSchemeId()) { case UserPasswordAuthData.USERPASS_SCHEME_ID: UserPasswordAuthData authData = (UserPasswordAuthData) this.auth; if (authData.getUser() == null) throw new ClientProtocolException(this.uri + ": User name may not be null."); UsernamePasswordCredentials credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(authData.getUser(), authData.getPassword()); AuthScope authscope = new AuthScope(this.uri.getHost(), AuthScope.ANY_PORT); credsProvider.setCredentials(authscope, credentials); break; case NoneAuthData.AUTH_NONE_SCHEME_ID: break; default: throw new UnknownServiceException(this.auth + " not supported for " + this.uri); } } /** support different proxy */ configProxy(credsProvider); getRequest().setConfig(; try { this.res = httpclient.execute(getRequest(), this.context); int statusCode = this.res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300) { // Try to get content now to get an exception on failure immediately this.res.getEntity().getContent(); } else { handleConnectionFailure(); } } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { throw new IOException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } @objid("6d2eabdf-d059-465d-8143-f7d9c6c1eb30") private HttpResponse getResponse() throws IOException { if (this.res == null) { openConnection(); } return this.res; } @objid("569f276f-58a6-480b-bc05-ceb79fed4262") @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return getResponse().getEntity().getContent(); } /** * Same as {@link}. * <p> * This implementation creates a {@link PipedOutputStream} to the Apache entity input stream. * It is strongly advised to <b>write to the returned stream in another thread</b>. * @see PipedOutputStream * @see PipedInputStream * @return an output stream that writes to this connection. * @throws if an I/O error occurs while creating the output stream. */ @objid("79282b13-7e13-42d5-9917-892c78a155bd") @Override public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { if (!this.dooutput) throw new IllegalStateException("This is not an output connection"); if (this.req != null && !(this.req instanceof HttpPut)) throw new IllegalStateException("This is not an output connection"); PipedOutputStream outPipe = new PipedOutputStream(); PipedInputStream snk = new PipedInputStream(outPipe); outPipe.connect(snk); BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity(); entity.setContent(snk); HttpPut pr = (HttpPut) getRequest(); pr.setEntity(entity); return outPipe; } @objid("cf3de94a-81a4-4832-921f-7ba243cceeca") private HttpRequestBase getRequest() { if (this.req == null) { if (this.dooutput) { this.req = new HttpPut(this.uri); } else { this.req = new HttpGet(this.uri); } } return this.req; } @objid("e3bc0c3f-d049-43a7-afe9-f4d93825d1d0") @Override public void setRequestProperty(String key, String value) { getRequest().addHeader(key, value); } @objid("b8217cfb-3879-4a9a-9962-ac6c5a15da88") @Override public void setDoOutput(boolean dooutput) { this.dooutput = dooutput; } @objid("b96addaa-11c6-4df7-b0f2-4882209696e4") @Override public void setDoInput(boolean doinput) { // ignore } @objid("26cc7c2b-7b49-4b3d-b018-0a11f678bc67") @Override public void setConnectTimeout(int timeout) throws IllegalArgumentException { this.configBuilder.setConnectTimeout(timeout); this.timeout = timeout; } @objid("366975a5-be39-484e-a69f-c37ffc4a162e") @Override public int getConnectTimeout() { return this.timeout; } @objid("735661c6-69c9-4f06-9ef7-0b83001da5a0") @Override public void setIfNotStamp(String stamp) { getRequest().addHeader("If-Modified-Since", stamp); } @objid("1726b583-3997-4662-b8e0-fc673b2c07dd") @Override public String getStamp() { try { Header firstHeader = getResponse().getFirstHeader("Last-Modified"); if (firstHeader == null) return ""; else return firstHeader.getValue(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @objid("d397b034-969b-4d1e-b1ae-d91981eb1887") @Override public void setAuthenticationData(IAuthData auth) { this.auth = auth; } /** * Proxy configuration for this connection. * <p> * Configure the proxy if specified in the connection and set proxy authentication data * from user settings. * @param credsProvider the credential provider to fill. */ @objid("e106d3cf-c3a2-4cea-9fcf-f405317e705f") private void configProxy(CredentialsProvider credsProvider) { // currently not used : allow auth data to specify proxy if (this.auth != null) { Map<String, String> data = this.auth.getData(); if (data != null) { if (data.containsKey("http.proxyHost")) { String host = data.get("http.proxyHost"); int port = Integer.parseInt(data.get("http.proxyPort")); HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost(host, port); this.configBuilder.setProxy(proxy); final Properties props = new Properties(); props.putAll(data); configProxyCredentials(props, "http", credsProvider); } } } // Setup proxy authentication from system properties set by Eclipse // see : configProxyCredentials(System.getProperties(), "http", credsProvider); configProxyCredentials(System.getProperties(), "https", credsProvider); } /** * Configure proxy authentication from the given properties. * @see <a href="">stackoverflow: Authenticated HTTP proxy with Java</a> * @see * @param props configuration source * @param protocol = http/https * @param credsProvider the credential provider to fill */ @objid("fbda3db8-0195-4690-81dc-81ecfe95a586") @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") private void configProxyCredentials(Properties props, String protocol, CredentialsProvider credsProvider) { /* * * There are 3 properties you can set to specify the proxy that will be used by the http protocol handler: http.proxyHost: the host name of the proxy server http.proxyPort: the port number, the default value being 80. proxyUser and proxyPassword are not used by the JDK but are set by Eclipse preference page. see : */ String proxyHostKey = protocol + ".proxyHost"; String proxyUserKey = protocol + ".proxyUser"; if (props.containsKey(proxyHostKey) && props.containsKey(proxyUserKey)) { String proxyPortKey = protocol + ".proxyPort"; String proxyPasswdKey = protocol + ".proxyPassword"; String user = props.getProperty(proxyUserKey); String pwd = props.getProperty(proxyPasswdKey); String sport = props.getProperty(proxyPortKey); int port = sport != null ? Integer.parseInt(sport) : AuthScope.ANY_PORT; final UsernamePasswordCredentials credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, pwd); final AuthScope authscope = new AuthScope(this.uri.getHost(), port); credsProvider.setCredentials(authscope, credentials); } } /** * Builds and throws a {@link FileSystemException} from {@link #res}. * <p> * Adds as cause another exception whose message is the entity content. This may be the HTML message sent by the server. * @throws java.nio.file.FileSystemException the built exception */ @objid("4e25ec1d-3711-45cc-b742-0c77edf5e414") private void handleConnectionFailure() throws FileSystemException { StatusLine statusLine = this.res.getStatusLine(); String reason = statusLine.getReasonPhrase(); Exception base = null; try { String s = EntityUtils.toString(this.res.getEntity()); if (s != null) base = new HttpResponseException(statusLine.getStatusCode(), s); } catch (IOException e) { base = e; } FileSystemException error; int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode(); if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN) { error = new AccessDeniedException(this.uri.toString(), null, reason); } else if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED || statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED) { error = new UriAuthenticationException(this.uri.toString(), reason); } else if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) { error = new NoSuchFileException(this.uri.toString(), null, reason); } else { error = new FileSystemException(this.uri.toString(), null, reason); } if (base != null) error.initCause(base); throw error; } /** * URI connection factory. */ @objid("160e1779-5aa1-46ab-97b1-b9c4e88d3ffb") public static class ApacheUriConnectionFactory implements IUriConnectionFactory { @objid("cac25ba2-73d0-4b92-8d68-b3b12ffb8711") @Override public boolean supports(URI uri) { return uri.getScheme().equals("http") || uri.getScheme().equals("https"); } @objid("25d00bea-798a-4046-99c3-5adaf15e1760") @Override public UriConnection createConnection(URI uri) throws IOException { return new ApacheUriConnection(uri); } } @objid("9453ebe9-8193-4264-b09f-dfb4ab856a7c") private static class RetryHandler extends DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler { @objid("00f3dd92-08d0-4053-829a-1c52d7ec5267") public RetryHandler() { super(); } @objid("fded4899-30d6-4cc6-95ec-3a4a3b7773c4") @Override public boolean retryRequest(IOException exception, int executionCount, HttpContext context) { if (exception instanceof SSLException) { HttpClientContext clientContext = HttpClientContext.adapt(context); HttpHost currentHost = clientContext.getTargetHost(); HttpUriRequest request = (HttpUriRequest) clientContext.getRequest(); URI anUri = request.getURI(); anUri = (anUri.isAbsolute()) ? anUri : URI.create(currentHost.toURI()).resolve(anUri); return (SslManager.getInstance().fixUntrustedServer((SSLHandshakeException) exception, anUri)); } return super.retryRequest(exception, executionCount, context); } } /** * Use our own implementation of Apache {@link X509HostnameVerifier} that * delegates to {@link BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier} and intercepts failures. * <p> * Exceptions thrown by the delegate are augmented by adding a suppressed * {@link InvalidCertificateException} that will be found * by {@link SslManager#fixUntrustedServer(SSLException, URI)}. */ @objid("e5a628f4-826f-4727-b3ed-838b86b17879") private static class HostNameVerifier implements X509HostnameVerifier { @objid("377a9998-b1a5-4757-a60b-5c66b7fdbcfd") BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier delegate = new BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier(); @objid("774f3770-2d3b-4899-8bbd-cad288d11dc7") public HostNameVerifier() { super(); } @objid("63e0be86-be74-4bb8-8ab5-bd27ec18d665") @Override public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) { // Code copied from AbstractVerifier. try { final Certificate[] certs = session.getPeerCertificates(); final X509Certificate x509 = (X509Certificate) certs[0]; verify(hostname, x509); return true; } catch (final SSLException e) { try { handleSslFailure(hostname, e, session); return true; } catch (IOException e2) { return false; } } } @objid("7ee46efa-552c-43a5-9dbd-3167cb14d1d0") @Override public void verify(String host, SSLSocket ssl) throws IOException { try { this.delegate.verify(host, ssl); } catch (SSLException ex) { SSLSession session = ssl.getSession(); handleSslFailure(host, ex, session); return; } } /** * Asks {@link SslManager#getTrustManager()} to check the certificate is manually trusted by the user. * In this case return normally. * <p> * I the other case augment the passed exception by adding a suppressed * {@link InvalidCertificateException} that will be found * by {@link SslManager#fixUntrustedServer(SSLException, URI)}. * @param host the host name * @param ex the exception to handle * @param session the SSL session * @throws if the SSL session is not in valid state, should not occur. * @throws the augmented <i>exception</i>. */ @objid("1828252d-3495-46a7-b8c9-c13791fe3e05") private void handleSslFailure(String host, SSLException ex, SSLSession session) throws SSLPeerUnverifiedException, SSLException { X509Certificate[] chain = (X509Certificate[]) session.getPeerCertificates(); try { // If the server certificate is in the trusted list this call will return normally. // In all other cases it should throw an exception SslManager.getInstance().getTrustManager().checkServerTrusted(chain, host); Log.trace("Ignoring SSL exception because user trusts '" + host + "':"); Log.trace(ex); return; } catch (CertificateException ex2) { // Add InvalidCertificateException with the invalid certificate chain // so that it can be found by SslManager.fixUntrustedServer(...) InvalidCertificateException ex3 = new InvalidCertificateException(chain, ex2); ex.addSuppressed(ex3); Log.trace(ex); throw ex; } } /** * Called in practice only by {@link #verify(String, SSLSession)} or {@link #verify(String, SSLSocket)}. */ @objid("8ec703a5-4602-4eed-8c30-e80ad35a6f93") @Override public void verify(String host, X509Certificate cert) throws SSLException { this.delegate.verify(host, cert); } /** * Should not be called at all. */ @objid("2d4942ce-4793-4f6b-8090-ea6d6dd26d49") @Override public void verify(String host, String[] cns, String[] subjectAlts) throws SSLException { this.delegate.verify(host, cns, subjectAlts); } } }