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 * Modelibra
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package org.modelibra.wicket.util;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.wicket.Application;
import org.apache.wicket.Component;
import org.apache.wicket.resource.loader.ClassStringResourceLoader;
import org.modelibra.IEntities;
import org.modelibra.IEntity;
import org.modelibra.IDomainModel;
import org.modelibra.config.ConceptConfig;
import org.modelibra.config.ModelConfig;
import org.modelibra.config.NeighborConfig;
import org.modelibra.config.PropertyConfig;

 * Obtaining localized text for elements of the domain model.
 * @author Sherif Behna
 * @author Kirlic Vedad
 * @version 2007-09-12
public class LocalizedText {

    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(LocalizedText.class);

    private static final ClassStringResourceLoader classStringResourceLoader = (ClassStringResourceLoader) Application

     * Obtains the localized model name.
     * @param comp
     *            the component requesting the name
     * @param model
     *            the model
     * @return the model name
    public static String getModelName(Component comp, IDomainModel model) {
        ModelConfig modelConfig = model.getModelConfig();
        String modelKey = modelConfig.getCode();

        return LocalizedText.getApplicationPropertiesText(comp, modelKey);

     * Obtains the localized model description.
     * @param comp
     *            the component requesting the description
     * @param model
     *            the model
     * @return the model description.
    public static String getModelDescription(Component comp, IDomainModel model) {
        ModelConfig modelConfig = model.getModelConfig();
        String modelDescriptionKey = modelConfig.getCode() + ".description";

        return LocalizedText.getApplicationPropertiesText(comp, modelDescriptionKey);

     * Obtains the localized domain name.
     * @param comp
     *            the component requesting the description
     * @return the domain name
    public static String getDomainName(Component comp) {
        DomainApp app = (DomainApp) comp.getApplication();
        String domainKey = app.getDomain().getDomainConfig().getCode();

        return LocalizedText.getApplicationPropertiesText(comp, domainKey);

     * Obtains the localized domain title.
     * @param comp
     *            the component requesting the name
     * @return the domain title
    public static String getDomainTitle(Component comp) {
        DomainApp app = (DomainApp) comp.getApplication();
        String domainCode = app.getDomain().getDomainConfig().getCode();
        String domainTitleKey = domainCode + ".title";

        return LocalizedText.getApplicationPropertiesText(comp, domainTitleKey);

     * Obtains the localized concept name.
     * @param comp
     *            the component requesting the name.
     * @param entity
     *            An {@link IEntity} instance of the concept.
     * @return the concept name
    public static String getConceptName(Component comp, IEntity<?> entity) {
        ConceptConfig conceptConfig = entity.getConceptConfig();
        String conceptKey = conceptConfig.getCode();

        return LocalizedText.getApplicationPropertiesText(comp, conceptKey);

     * Obtains the localized concept name.
     * @param comp
     *            the component requesting the name
     * @param entities
     *            the concept's {@link IEntities} instance.
     * @return the concept name
    public static String getConceptName(Component comp, IEntities<?> entities) {
        ConceptConfig conceptConfig = entities.getConceptConfig();
        String conceptKey = conceptConfig.getCode();

        return LocalizedText.getApplicationPropertiesText(comp, conceptKey);

     * Obtains the localized concepts (plural concept) name.
     * @param comp
     *            the component requesting the name
     * @param entities
     * @return the plural concept name
    public static String getConceptsName(Component comp, IEntities<?> entities) {
        ConceptConfig conceptConfig = entities.getConceptConfig();
        String conceptsKey = conceptConfig.getEntitiesCode();

        return LocalizedText.getApplicationPropertiesText(comp, conceptsKey);

     * Obtains the localized property name.
     * @param comp
     *            the component requesting the name
     * @param entity
     * @param propertyConfig
     * @return the property name
    public static String getPropertyName(Component comp, IEntity<?> entity, PropertyConfig propertyConfig) {
        String propertyKey = entity.getConceptConfig().getCode() + "." + propertyConfig.getCode();

        return LocalizedText.getApplicationPropertiesText(comp, propertyKey);

     * Obtains the localized property name.
     * @param comp
     *            The component requesting the name
     * @param conceptConfig
     * @param propertyConfig
     * @return the property name
    public static String getPropertyName(Component comp, ConceptConfig conceptConfig,
            PropertyConfig propertyConfig) {
        String propertyKey = conceptConfig.getCode() + "." + propertyConfig.getCode();

        return LocalizedText.getApplicationPropertiesText(comp, propertyKey);

     * Obtains the localized property name.
     * @param comp
     *            the component requesting the name
     * @param entities
     * @param propertyConfig
     * @return the property name
    public static String getPropertyName(Component comp, IEntities<?> entities, PropertyConfig propertyConfig) {
        String propertyKey = entities.getConceptConfig().getCode() + "." + propertyConfig.getCode();

        return LocalizedText.getApplicationPropertiesText(comp, propertyKey);

     * Obtains the localized neighbor name.
     * @param comp
     *            the component requesting the name
     * @param entity
     * @param neighborConfig
     * @return the neighbor's name
    public static String getNeighborName(Component comp, IEntity<?> entity, NeighborConfig neighborConfig) {
        String neighborKey = entity.getConceptConfig().getCode() + "." + neighborConfig.getCode();

        return LocalizedText.getApplicationPropertiesText(comp, neighborKey);

     * Obtains the localized sign-in error message.
     * @param comp
     *            the component requesting the name
     * @return the sign-in error message.
    public static String getSignInErrorMessage(Component comp) {
        return LocalizedText.getText(comp, "signinError");

     * Obtains the localized error message.
     * @param comp
     *            The component requesting the name
     * @param errorKey
     *            error key
     * @return the error message
    public static String getErrorMessage(Component comp, String errorKey) {
        return LocalizedText.getText(comp, errorKey);

     * Obtains a localized text by asking the component's localizer. If the text
     * is not found, the method returns the text key. Do not use this method in
     * component constructor.
     * @param comp
     *            the component requesting the text
     * @param textKey
     * @return text
    public static String getText(Component comp, String textKey) {
        String text;
        text = comp.getLocalizer().getString(textKey, comp);
        return text;

     * Obtains a localized text from application properties. If the text is not
     * found, the method returns the text key. Use this method if you need
     * localized text in component constructor.
     * @param comp
     *            the component requesting the text
     * @param textKey
     * @return text
    public static String getApplicationPropertiesText(Component comp, String textKey) {
        String text;
        text = classStringResourceLoader.loadStringResource(null, textKey, comp.getLocale(), comp.getStyle());
        return text;
