Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Mark E. Madsen, Alex Bentley, and Carl P. Lipo. All Rights Reserved. * * This code is offered for use under the terms of the Creative Commons-GNU General Public License * * * Our intent in licensing this software under the CC-GPL is to provide freedom for researchers, students, * and other interested parties to replicate our research results, pursue their own research, etc. You are, however, * free to use the code contained in this package for whatever purposes you wish, provided you adhere to the * open license terms specified in LICENSE and GPL.txt * * See the files LICENSE and GPL.txt in the top-level directory of this source archive for the license * details and grant. */ package org.mmadsen.sim.transmissionlab.analysis; import cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList; import cern.jet.stat.Descriptive; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.mmadsen.sim.transmissionlab.interfaces.IDataCollector; import org.mmadsen.sim.transmissionlab.interfaces.ISimulationModel; import org.mmadsen.sim.transmissionlab.interfaces.IAgentPopulation; import org.mmadsen.sim.transmissionlab.interfaces.IStructuredPopulationWriter; import org.mmadsen.sim.transmissionlab.util.DataCollectorScheduleType; import org.mmadsen.sim.transmissionlab.util.TraitCount; import uchicago.src.sim.engine.BasicAction; import uchicago.src.sim.engine.Schedule; import uchicago.src.sim.util.RepastException; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: mark * Date: Mar 16, 2007 * Time: 11:21:28 AM * * OverallStatisticsRecorder is responsible for gathering any information about the simulation * run as a whole, and recording them to a data file in some format. At the moment, this will be an * all-in one thing, but I can imagine a design whereby other IDataCollector modules store data in a * ISharedDataManager object tagged with an attribute which indicates that it should be stored at * the end of the run...and then this can be fully generic and just iterate over those items, * storing them in CSV or some other format. * */ public class OverallStatisticsRecorder extends AbstractDataCollector implements IDataCollector { private Log log = null; private double stepToStartRecording = 0.0; private double meanTurnover = 0.0; private double stdevTurnover = 0.0; private double meanTraitCount = 0.0; private double stdevTraitCount = 0.0; private double meanAgentCount = 0.0; private double stdevAgentCount = 0.0; private double meanResidenceTime = 0.0; private double stdevResidenceTime = 0.0; private double meanNumberClustersPerTrait = 0.0; private double stdevNumberClustersPerTrait = 0.0; private double clusteringCoefficient = 0.0; private double meanDistanceBetweenVertices = 0.0; private int numClusters = 0; private double mu = 0.0; private int numAgents = 0; private int topNListSize = 0; private static final String multipleRunOutput = "TL-multiple-run-statistics.txt"; private static final String singleRunOutput = "TL-run-statistics.txt"; private static final String topNTraitResidenceTimeMatrixOutput = "TL-topN-residence-time-matrix.csv"; private static final String residenceTimeFrequenciesOutput = "TL-residence-time-frequencies.csv"; private static final String pajekGraphOutputFile = ""; private static final String sharedTraitAcrossClusterFile = "TL-traits-shared-across-clusters.csv"; private DoubleArrayList traitsAcrossClustersHistory = null; public OverallStatisticsRecorder(ISimulationModel m) { super(m); this.model = m; this.log = this.model.getLog(); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public void build() { this.log.debug("Entering"); } public void completion() { // no action needed...yet } @Override protected Schedule getSpecificSchedule(BasicAction actionToSchedule) { Schedule sched = new Schedule(); sched.scheduleActionAt(this.stepToStartRecording, actionToSchedule); return sched; } public void initialize() { this.log.debug("Entering OverallStatisticsRecorder.initialize()"); this.stepToStartRecording = this.model.getLengthSimulationRun(); this.setSchedGroupType(DataCollectorScheduleType.END); this.log.debug("OverallStatisticsRecorder: record data at tick: " + this.stepToStartRecording); try { this.topNListSize = (Integer) this.model.getSimpleModelPropertyByName("topNListSize"); = (Double) this.model.getSimpleModelPropertyByName("mu"); this.numAgents = (Integer) this.model.getSimpleModelPropertyByName("numAgents"); this.numClusters = (Integer) this.model.getSimpleModelPropertyByName("numClusters"); } catch (RepastException ex) { System.out.println("FATAL EXCEPTION: " + ex.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } } /* * TODO: instead of plain arithmetic mean, consider winsorized or trimmed mean to deal with "early" run outliers */ @Override public void process() { this.log.debug("OverallStatisticsRecorder running process()"); DoubleArrayList turnoverHistory = (DoubleArrayList) this.model .retrieveSharedObject(TraitFrequencyAnalyzer.TURNOVER_HISTORY_KEY); DoubleArrayList traitCountHistory = (DoubleArrayList) this.model .retrieveSharedObject(TraitFrequencyAnalyzer.TRAIT_COUNT_HISTORY_KEY); DoubleArrayList agentsTopNHistory = (DoubleArrayList) this.model .retrieveSharedObject(TraitFrequencyAnalyzer.AGENT_TRAIT_TOPN_KEY); Map<Integer, TraitCount> traitResidenceMap = (Map<Integer, TraitCount>) this.model .retrieveSharedObject(TraitFrequencyAnalyzer.TRAIT_RESIDENCE_TIME_KEY); Map<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> cumTraitTopNResidenceTimes = (Map<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>) this.model .retrieveSharedObject(TraitFrequencyAnalyzer.TRAIT_TOPN_RESIDENCE_MAP_KEY); Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> sharedClusterTraitCountsByTick = (Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>>) this.model .retrieveSharedObject(ClusterTraitFrequencyFileSnapshot.TRAITS_SHARED_ACROSS_CLUSTER_COUNTS); // calculate turnover statistics this.meanTurnover = Descriptive.mean(turnoverHistory); double varianceTurnover = Descriptive.sampleVariance(turnoverHistory, this.meanTurnover); this.stdevTurnover = Descriptive.standardDeviation(varianceTurnover);"Mean turnover: " + this.meanTurnover + " stdev: " + this.stdevTurnover); // calculate total variation statistics this.meanTraitCount = Descriptive.mean(traitCountHistory); double varianceTraitCount = Descriptive.sampleVariance(traitCountHistory, this.meanTraitCount); this.stdevTraitCount = Descriptive.standardDeviation(varianceTraitCount);"Mean num traits in population: " + this.meanTraitCount + " stdev: " + this.stdevTraitCount); // calculate stats for the number of agents with traits in the top N this.meanAgentCount = Descriptive.mean(agentsTopNHistory); double varianceAgentCount = Descriptive.sampleVariance(agentsTopNHistory, this.meanAgentCount); this.stdevAgentCount = Descriptive.standardDeviation(varianceAgentCount);"Mean num agents with traits in top N: " + this.meanAgentCount + " stdev: " + this.stdevAgentCount); // calculate stats for the "residence" time of traits - basically this is just the values from the // residenceTimeMap // 11/10/2007 - calculate ln(residenceTime) since it's a highly skewed distribution DoubleArrayList residenceTimeList = new DoubleArrayList(); Map<Integer, Integer> residenceTimesFreq = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (TraitCount tc : traitResidenceMap.values()) { // First we track the frequency of traits that last N ticks. // This data comes from the TraitCount objects contained in the traitResidenceMap. // We're not interested in the trait ID here, just the count of ticks the trait lasted // before becoming extinct. Thus, we grab the count from each TraitCount object, // and hash into residenceTimesFreq and increment that "time slot" -- i.e., if trait // 1001 had lasted 5 ticks, we'd look at key "5" and increment it. If key "5" hadn't // existed before, we'd establish it. Pretty typical frequency counting stuff, other than // the fact that we're ignoring the exact trait ID. if (residenceTimesFreq.containsKey(tc.getCount())) { Integer numTraitsWithCount = residenceTimesFreq.get(tc.getCount()); numTraitsWithCount++; residenceTimesFreq.put(tc.getCount(), numTraitsWithCount); } else { residenceTimesFreq.put(tc.getCount(), (Integer) 1); } // Now, let's add the ln(tc.getCount) to the list of residence times we'll use to calc the // log-mean of residence times for the final stats summary. residenceTimeList.add(StrictMath.log((double) tc.getCount())); } this.meanResidenceTime = Descriptive.mean(residenceTimeList); double varianceResidenceTime = Descriptive.sampleVariance(residenceTimeList, this.meanResidenceTime); this.stdevResidenceTime = Descriptive.standardDeviation(varianceResidenceTime); "Mean log trait sojourn time: " + this.meanResidenceTime + " stdev: " + this.stdevResidenceTime); this.traitsAcrossClustersHistory = this.extractCountTraitsAcrossClusters(sharedClusterTraitCountsByTick); this.meanNumberClustersPerTrait = Descriptive.mean(this.traitsAcrossClustersHistory); double varianceNumClustersPerTrait = Descriptive.sampleVariance(this.traitsAcrossClustersHistory, this.meanNumberClustersPerTrait); this.stdevNumberClustersPerTrait = Descriptive.standardDeviation(varianceNumClustersPerTrait);"Mean number of clusters per trait: " + this.meanNumberClustersPerTrait + " stdev: " + this.stdevNumberClustersPerTrait); // record the population structure graph to a Pajek file for display and external analysis IAgentPopulation population = this.model.getPopulation(); FileWriter socialGraphWriter = this.model.getFileWriterForPerRunOutput(pajekGraphOutputFile); population.saveGraphToFile(socialGraphWriter, IStructuredPopulationWriter.WriterType.Pajek); // HACK this.calculateGraphStatistics();"Characteristic length of graph: " + this.meanDistanceBetweenVertices);"Clustering coefficient of graph: " + this.clusteringCoefficient); // record overall stats to a file this.recordStats(); this.recordResidenceMatrix(cumTraitTopNResidenceTimes); this.recordResidenceTimeFrequencies(residenceTimesFreq); if (population.isPopulationClustered()) { this.recordTraitsSharedAcrossClusters(sharedClusterTraitCountsByTick); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void recordStats() { FileWriter runWriter = null; FileWriter multRunWriter = null; Boolean headerAlreadyExists = false; StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer(); header.append("NumAgents"); header.append("\t"); header.append("MutationRate"); header.append("\t"); header.append("LengthSimRun"); header.append("\t"); header.append("RngSeed"); header.append("\t"); header.append("TopNListSize"); header.append("\t"); header.append("MeanTurnover"); header.append("\t"); header.append("StdevTurnover"); header.append("\t"); header.append("MeanTraitCount"); header.append("\t"); header.append("StdevTraitCount"); header.append("\t"); header.append("MeanAgentCount"); header.append("\t"); header.append("StdevAgentCount"); header.append("\t"); header.append("MeanSojournTime"); header.append("\t"); header.append("StdevSojournTime"); header.append("\t"); header.append("MeanNumClustersPerTrait"); header.append("\t"); header.append("StdevNumClustersPerTrait"); header.append("\t"); header.append("CharacteristicLength"); header.append("\t"); header.append("ClusteringCoefficient"); header.append("\t"); header.append("NumClusters"); header.append("\n"); try { headerAlreadyExists = this.model.testFileExistsInDataDirectory(multipleRunOutput); runWriter = this.model.getFileWriterForPerRunOutput(singleRunOutput); multRunWriter = this.model.getFileWriterForMultipleRunOutput(multipleRunOutput); runWriter.write(header.toString()); if (!headerAlreadyExists) { multRunWriter.write(header.toString()); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(this.numAgents); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(; sb.append("\t"); sb.append((this.model.getLengthSimulationRun() - 2)); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.model.getRngSeed()); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.topNListSize); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.meanTurnover); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.stdevTurnover); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.meanTraitCount); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.stdevTraitCount); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.meanAgentCount); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.stdevAgentCount); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.meanResidenceTime); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.stdevResidenceTime); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.meanNumberClustersPerTrait); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.stdevNumberClustersPerTrait); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.meanDistanceBetweenVertices); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.clusteringCoefficient); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(this.numClusters); sb.append("\n"); runWriter.write(sb.toString()); multRunWriter.write(sb.toString()); runWriter.close(); multRunWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {"IOException on filepath: " + this.model.getFileOutputDirectory() + ": " + ioe.getMessage()); } } /* TODO: Hmm...problem here is that the matrix needs rotation to fit the output form.... I'll get a list of fixed list positions, and then all the traits and their residence time in THAT list position What I want to output is a list of traits, and then a sequential list of list positions with residence time... Need to think about how to transpose/transform this list... */ private void recordResidenceMatrix(Map<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> cumTraitTopNResidenceTimes) { FileWriter residenceMatrixWriter = null; StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer(); header.append("Trait"); header.append(","); for (int i = 0; i < this.topNListSize; i++) { header.append(i); header.append(","); } header.append("\n"); try { residenceMatrixWriter = this.model.getFileWriterForPerRunOutput(topNTraitResidenceTimeMatrixOutput); residenceMatrixWriter.write(header.toString()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> entrySet : cumTraitTopNResidenceTimes.entrySet()) { Integer trait = entrySet.getKey(); ArrayList<Integer> traitPosList = entrySet.getValue(); StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer(); line.append(trait); line.append(","); for (Integer posCount : traitPosList) { line.append(posCount); line.append(","); } line.append("\n"); residenceMatrixWriter.write(line.toString()); } residenceMatrixWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {"IOException on filepath: " + this.model.getFileOutputDirectory() + ": " + ioe.getMessage()); } } private void recordResidenceTimeFrequencies(Map<Integer, Integer> residenceTimesFreq) { FileWriter residenceFreqWriter = null; StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer(); header.append("ResidenceTimeTicks,"); header.append("NumTraits"); header.append("\n"); try { residenceFreqWriter = this.model.getFileWriterForPerRunOutput(residenceTimeFrequenciesOutput); residenceFreqWriter.write(header.toString()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entrySet : residenceTimesFreq.entrySet()) { Integer residenceTime = entrySet.getKey(); Integer numTraits = entrySet.getValue(); StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer(); line.append(residenceTime); line.append(","); line.append(numTraits); line.append("\n"); residenceFreqWriter.write(line.toString()); } residenceFreqWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {"IOException on filepath: " + this.model.getFileOutputDirectory() + ": " + ioe.getMessage()); } } private void recordTraitsSharedAcrossClusters(Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> traitsSharedAcrossClusters) { FileWriter sharedTraitWriter = null; StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer(); header.append("Time,"); header.append("Trait,"); header.append("NumClusters"); header.append("\n"); try { sharedTraitWriter = this.model.getFileWriterForPerRunOutput(sharedTraitAcrossClusterFile); sharedTraitWriter.write(header.toString()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> entrySet : traitsSharedAcrossClusters.entrySet()) { Integer time = entrySet.getKey(); Map<Integer, Integer> traitCountMap = entrySet.getValue(); StringBuffer line = null; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> countSet : traitCountMap.entrySet()) { int trait = countSet.getKey(); int count = countSet.getValue(); //this.log.debug("recording traits for time: " + time + " trait: " + trait + " count: " + count); line = new StringBuffer(); line.append(time); line.append(","); line.append(trait); line.append(","); line.append(count); line.append("\n"); sharedTraitWriter.write(line.toString()); } } sharedTraitWriter.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {"IOException on filepath: " + this.model.getFileOutputDirectory() + ": " + ioe.getMessage()); } } private DoubleArrayList extractCountTraitsAcrossClusters( Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> traitsSharedAcrossClusters) { DoubleArrayList listCountTraitsAcrossClusters = new DoubleArrayList(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> entrySet : traitsSharedAcrossClusters.entrySet()) { Map<Integer, Integer> traitCountMap = entrySet.getValue(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> countSet : traitCountMap.entrySet()) { int count = countSet.getValue(); listCountTraitsAcrossClusters.add((double) count); } } return listCountTraitsAcrossClusters; } // Extreme HACK - this will only work for the Connected Caveman graph!!! private void calculateGraphStatistics() { double n = (double) this.numAgents; double k = (double) (this.numAgents / this.numClusters); // characteristic (i.e., avg) length between any two vertices double term1 = (k / (n - 1)); double term2numerator = n * ((n - k) - 1); double term2denom = 2 * (k + 1) * (n - 1); this.meanDistanceBetweenVertices = term1 + (term2numerator / term2denom); // clusting coefficient this.clusteringCoefficient = 1 - (6 / ((k * k) / 1)); } }