Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Mark E. Madsen, Alex Bentley, and Carl P. Lipo. All Rights Reserved. * * This code is offered for use under the terms of the Creative Commons-GNU General Public License * * * Our intent in licensing this software under the CC-GPL is to provide freedom for researchers, students, * and other interested parties to replicate our research results, pursue their own research, etc. You are, however, * free to use the code contained in this package for whatever purposes you wish, provided you adhere to the * open license terms specified in LICENSE and GPL.txt * * See the files LICENSE and GPL.txt in the top-level directory of this source archive for the license * details and grant. */ package org.mmadsen.sim.transmissionlab.analysis; import cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList; import org.apache.commons.collections.Closure; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.mmadsen.sim.transmissionlab.agent.AgentSingleIntegerVariant; import org.mmadsen.sim.transmissionlab.interfaces.IAgent; import org.mmadsen.sim.transmissionlab.interfaces.IAgentPopulation; import org.mmadsen.sim.transmissionlab.interfaces.IDataCollector; import org.mmadsen.sim.transmissionlab.interfaces.ISimulationModel; import org.mmadsen.sim.transmissionlab.util.TraitCount; import uchicago.src.sim.analysis.OpenHistogram; import uchicago.src.sim.analysis.OpenSequenceGraph; import uchicago.src.sim.analysis.Sequence; import uchicago.src.sim.engine.BasicAction; import uchicago.src.sim.engine.Schedule; import uchicago.src.sim.util.RepastException; import java.util.*; /** * TraitFrequencyAnalyzer is an IDataCollector module for analyzing the "top 40" properties * of a set of RCMAgents which store cultural variants. Currently the assumption is that * each agent only possesses one variant but this will be generalized in future releases. * * The general idea here is that we're going to make a single pass through the list of * agents, either creating a new TraitCount value object if we see a new trait (with count = 1), * or incrementing an existing one. This is facilitated by temporarily storing the TraitCounts * in a TreeMap indexed by trait ID. The TraitCount value object not only stores the count * and trait ID together for easy access to either (an improvement on a raw Map) but allows * us to provide a custom sort order based on frequency, not trait number or object ID. Thus * we implement Comparable and provide a compareTo() implementation that sorts by trait count. * * The counting pass is facilitated by creating a Closure (from Commons Collections) that * does the actual TraitCount manipulation. This closure is then passed to * CollectionUtils.forAlldo() over the agent list. * * Once the counting pass is completed, we initialize a List<TraitCount> from the TreeMap, * and since TraitCount implements Comparable, Collections.sort() provides us the * list sorted by trait count in descending order (what we want if we're reading off "top N" * statistics). * * Finally, "turnover" in "top N" statistics become relatively easy. * If we assume that turnover is defined strictly in terms of the number of * elements which are in either list BUT NOT BOTH, we can figure out "turnover" of * that list by finding the cardinality of the complement of set intersection of an "old" * and "new" top n collection. CollectionUtils.intersection() returns a collection which * is the intersection (e.g., intersectionCollection), and thus turnover can be defined * for a "top N" list as N - intersectionCollection.size(); * * To calculate turnover, we store the sorted results of the previous TraitCount pass * in addition to the current results. We do not store any older (previous previous, etc) * versions of the lists. * * Uses the default implementation of getDataCollectorSchedule() from AbstractDataCollector * * @author mark * */ public class IndividualTraitFrequencyAnalyzer extends AbstractDataCollector implements IDataCollector { public IndividualTraitFrequencyAnalyzer(ISimulationModel m) { super(m); this.model = m; this.log = this.model.getLog(); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public static final String TRAIT_COUNT_LIST_KEY = "TRAIT_COUNT_LIST_KEY"; public static final String TURNOVER_HISTORY_KEY = "TURNOVER_HISTORY_KEY"; public static final String TRAIT_COUNT_HISTORY_KEY = "TRAIT_COUNT_HISTORY_KEY"; public static final String AGENT_TRAIT_TOPN_KEY = "AGENT_TRAIT_TOPN_KEY"; public static final String TRAIT_RESIDENCE_TIME_KEY = "TRAIT_RESIDENCE_TIME_KEY"; public static final String TRAIT_TOPN_RESIDENCE_MAP_KEY = "TRAIT_TOPN_RESIDENCE_MAP_KEY"; private OpenSequenceGraph turnGraph = null; private OpenSequenceGraph totalVariabilityGraph = null; private OpenHistogram residenceTimeHistogram = null; private ISimulationModel model = null; private Log log = null; private Closure freqCounter = null; private Map<Integer, TraitCount> freqMap = null; private Map<Integer, TraitCount> residenceTimeMap = null; private ArrayList<TraitCount> prevSortedTraitCounts = null; private ArrayList<TraitCount> curSortedTraitCounts = null; private ArrayList<TraitCount> cumTraitResidenceTimeCounts = null; private Map<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> cumTraitTopNResidenceTimes = null; private DoubleArrayList turnoverHistory = null; private DoubleArrayList traitCountHistory = null; private DoubleArrayList agentsInTopNHistory = null; private int topNListSize = 0; private double ewensVariationLevel = 0.0; private int ewensThetaMultipler = 0; private double curTurnover = 0.0; private Boolean isBatchRun = false; private double mu = 0.0; private int numAgents = 0; /** * FrequencyCounter implements a Closure from the Jakarta Commons Collections * library, thus allowing it to act like a functor (or "function object"). Its * purpose will be to track the frequency of each variant as the closure is * applied to a list of agents by CollectionUtils.forAlldo(). * @author mark * */ class FrequencyCounter implements Closure { private int agentCount = 0; private int variantCount = 0; private IndividualTraitFrequencyAnalyzer analyzer = null; public FrequencyCounter() { analyzer = IndividualTraitFrequencyAnalyzer.this; } public void execute(Object arg0) { // the following is the only place in this entire set of nested classes that we "know" // the concrete class of the agent objects.... AgentSingleIntegerVariant agent = (AgentSingleIntegerVariant) arg0; Integer agentVariant = (Integer) agent.getAgentVariant(); if (analyzer.freqMap.containsKey(agentVariant) == true) { // we've seen the variant before; increment the count. TraitCount tc = analyzer.freqMap.get(agentVariant); tc.increment(); analyzer.freqMap.put(agentVariant, tc); //log.debug("incrementing count for variant " + agentVariant + " to " + tc.getCount()); } else { // this is first time we've seen this variant, initialize the count //log.debug("first encounter of varant " + agentVariant + ": initializing to 1"); analyzer.freqMap.put(agentVariant, new TraitCount(agentVariant)); variantCount++; } agentCount++; } // next three methods are purely for debugging - DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION CODE public void debugResetAgentCounter() { agentCount = 0; variantCount = 0; } public int debugGetVariantCounter() { return variantCount; } public int debugGetAgentCounter() { return agentCount; } } /** * TurnoverSequence is a data Sequence from the Repast libraries, * designed to provide a stream of double values to an OpenSequenceGraph. * * What this does is actually calculate a turnover value, given the * sorted list of TraitCounts from the previous time step and this time step. * * The sequence method getSValue() will be called by OpenSequenceGraph.step(), * so the precondition contract here is that the graph's step() method must be * called from within IDataCollector.process(), at a time when prevSortedTraitCounts * holds the counts from tickCount - 1, and curSortedTraitCounts holds the counts * from the current model tick. This is kinda hard to guarantee programmatically, * but if you have bugs, beware -- call step() at the right time! * @author mark * */ class TurnoverSequence implements Sequence { /** * precondition contract: prevSortedTraitCounts != null, curSortedTraitCounts != null * if prevSortedTraitCounts == null, it's the first tick on the model and we return 0 * otherwise, calculate "set intersection turnover" * * we define "set intersection turnover" as the number of traits which are NOT part * of the intersection of the prev and cur TraitCount lists. This, in turn, means * that the turnover is: (prev.size + cur.size) - ( 2 * intersection.size ) * */ public double getSValue() { return curTurnover; } } class TotalVariabilitySequence implements Sequence { public double getSValue() { return (double) curSortedTraitCounts.size(); } } class EwensSequence implements Sequence { public double getSValue() { // We return a constant value here since we're aiming at a "reference" line on the // total variation graph return ewensVariationLevel; } } public void build() { this.log.debug("Entering"); this.freqCounter = new FrequencyCounter(); this.freqMap = new TreeMap<Integer, TraitCount>(); this.residenceTimeMap = new TreeMap<Integer, TraitCount>(); this.isBatchRun = this.model.getBatchExecution(); this.cumTraitTopNResidenceTimes = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>>(); } public void completion() { this.log.debug("entering TraitFrequencyAnalyzer.completion"); if (this.turnGraph != null) { this.turnGraph.dispose(); } if (this.totalVariabilityGraph != null) { this.totalVariabilityGraph.dispose(); } if (this.residenceTimeHistogram != null) { this.residenceTimeHistogram.dispose(); } this.curSortedTraitCounts = null; this.prevSortedTraitCounts = null; this.residenceTimeMap = null; this.cumTraitResidenceTimeCounts = null; this.cumTraitTopNResidenceTimes = null; this.model.removeSharedObject(TRAIT_COUNT_LIST_KEY); } public void initialize() { this.log.debug("entering TraitFrequencyAnalyzer.initialize()"); try { this.topNListSize = (Integer) this.model.getSimpleModelPropertyByName("topNListSize"); this.ewensThetaMultipler = (Integer) this.model.getSimpleModelPropertyByName("ewensThetaMultipler"); = (Double) this.model.getSimpleModelPropertyByName("mu"); this.numAgents = (Integer) this.model.getSimpleModelPropertyByName("numAgents"); } catch (RepastException ex) { System.out.println("FATAL EXCEPTION: " + ex.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } this.turnoverHistory = new DoubleArrayList(); this.traitCountHistory = new DoubleArrayList(); this.agentsInTopNHistory = new DoubleArrayList(); // there needs to be an actual List object at initialization of the histogram, even if there's no data yet. this.cumTraitResidenceTimeCounts = new ArrayList<TraitCount>(); this.cumTraitResidenceTimeCounts.add(new TraitCount(0)); // we need to track the number of ticks each trait that ever makes the TopN list spends in each // position of the list. E.G., we care that trait 101 spends 5 ticks in 1st place, 3 ticks in 2nd place, etc. /*for( int i = 0; i < this.topNListSize; i++ ) { this.cumTraitTopNResidenceTimes.add(new HashMap<Integer, TraitCount>()); }*/ this.ewensVariationLevel = this.ewensThetaMultipler * * this.numAgents;"Ewens " + this.ewensThetaMultipler + "Nmu variation level is: " + this.ewensVariationLevel); if (!this.isBatchRun) { this.turnGraph = new OpenSequenceGraph("Trait Turnover per Step", this.model); this.turnGraph.setAxisTitles("time", "turnover"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("Top "); sb.append(this.topNListSize); this.turnGraph.addSequence(sb.toString(), new TurnoverSequence()); this.turnGraph.setXRange(0, 50); this.turnGraph.setYRange(0, 30); this.turnGraph.setSize(400, 250); this.turnGraph.display(); this.totalVariabilityGraph = new OpenSequenceGraph("Total Number of Traits in Population", this.model); this.totalVariabilityGraph.setAxisTitles("time", "# of Traits"); this.totalVariabilityGraph.addSequence("num traits", new TotalVariabilitySequence()); this.totalVariabilityGraph.addSequence("Ewens " + this.ewensThetaMultipler + "Nmu", new EwensSequence()); //this.totalVariabilityGraph.addSequence("Avg. Traits", new AverageTraitCountSequence()); this.totalVariabilityGraph.setXRange(0, 50); this.totalVariabilityGraph.setYRange(0, 100); this.totalVariabilityGraph.setSize(400, 250); this.totalVariabilityGraph.display(); this.residenceTimeHistogram = new OpenHistogram("Trait Residence Time Distribution", 25, 0); // TODO: The sojourn time graph would be better as a log-normal plot. Explore how to do that.... this.residenceTimeHistogram.createHistogramItem("Residence Time", this.cumTraitResidenceTimeCounts, "getCountAsPrimitiveInt", -1, 0); this.residenceTimeHistogram.display(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void process() { this.log.debug("Entering TraitFrequencyAnalyzer.process at time " + this.model.getTickCount()); // cache a fresh copy of the agent list since it may have changed due to other module's actions IAgentPopulation population = this.model.getPopulation(); List<IAgent> agentList = population.getAgentList(); // clear out the frequency map, and current list of sorted TraitCounts and recount // DO NOT clear out residenceTimeMap, however, since it's cumulative over the course of the run this.freqMap.clear(); this.curSortedTraitCounts = null; this.curTurnover = 0.0; // fill up the frequency map CollectionUtils.forAllDo(agentList, this.freqCounter); // At this point, we've got all the counts, so let's prepare a sorted List // of TraitCounts for further processing this.curSortedTraitCounts = new ArrayList<TraitCount>(); this.curSortedTraitCounts.addAll(this.freqMap.values()); // update the residence time map for traits seen in this tick for (TraitCount trait : this.curSortedTraitCounts) { int agentVariant = trait.getTrait(); if (this.residenceTimeMap.containsKey(agentVariant)) { // we've seen the variant before; increment the count. TraitCount tc = this.residenceTimeMap.get(agentVariant); tc.increment(); this.residenceTimeMap.put(agentVariant, tc); } else { // this is first time we've seen this variant, initialize the count this.residenceTimeMap.put(agentVariant, new TraitCount(agentVariant)); } } // now update the list of trait residence times for the OpenHistogram, since it doesn't use Maps this.cumTraitResidenceTimeCounts.clear(); this.cumTraitResidenceTimeCounts.addAll(this.residenceTimeMap.values()); // capture the number of traits present in the population currently into the historical list this.traitCountHistory.add(this.curSortedTraitCounts.size()); Collections.sort(curSortedTraitCounts); Collections.reverse(curSortedTraitCounts); // MEM: refactored out of the Sequence class to allow the simulation to run in batch mode this.curTurnover = this.calculateTurnover(); // this is the right time to call the graph step() -- prevSortedTraitCounts still // represents tickCount - 1, and curSortedTraitCounts represents this tick. if (!this.isBatchRun) { this.turnGraph.step(); this.totalVariabilityGraph.step(); this.residenceTimeHistogram.step(); } // store the current version of the turnoverHistory list in the shared repository in case // another module wants the current snapshot, for moving averages or something similiar this.model.storeSharedObject(TURNOVER_HISTORY_KEY, this.turnoverHistory); this.model.storeSharedObject(TRAIT_COUNT_HISTORY_KEY, this.traitCountHistory); this.model.storeSharedObject(AGENT_TRAIT_TOPN_KEY, this.agentsInTopNHistory); this.model.storeSharedObject(TRAIT_RESIDENCE_TIME_KEY, this.residenceTimeMap); this.model.storeSharedObject(TRAIT_TOPN_RESIDENCE_MAP_KEY, this.cumTraitTopNResidenceTimes); // housekeeping - store cur in prev for comparison next time around // and cache the current trait counts in the model shared repository for // other modules to use - note that inter-step comparisons *within* this class don't use // the shared repository - we're writing the object to the repository for other classes this.model.storeSharedObject(TRAIT_COUNT_LIST_KEY, this.curSortedTraitCounts); this.prevSortedTraitCounts = this.curSortedTraitCounts; this.log.debug("Leaving TraitFrequencyAnalyzer.process at time " + this.model.getTickCount()); } // helper method to reduce duplication - held in the outer class so it // // can be used by all inner classes. private List<Integer> getTopNTraits(List<TraitCount> traitCounts) { ArrayList<Integer> listOfTraits = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (TraitCount trait : traitCounts) { listOfTraits.add(trait.getTrait()); } if (listOfTraits.size() > topNListSize) { return listOfTraits.subList(0, topNListSize); } // otherwise return the whole list if it's smaller than "top N" return listOfTraits; } /** * getNumAgentsInTopN is a helper method which calculates the number of agents which make up that "top N" set * of traits -- in other words, it gives us a measure of evenness of agent * distribution in the sense that 10% of the agents could be in the top 20 traits, * or 90% of the agents could be in the top 20 traits. * * @param traitCounts - List<TraitCount> of all TraitCount objects, which combine the trait and its frequency. * @return counts - List<Integer> of the ID numbers of the top N traits, in reverse sorted order */ private int getNumAgentsInTopN(List<TraitCount> traitCounts) { int listSize = topNListSize; int numAgentsInTopN = 0; if (traitCounts.size() < listSize) { listSize = traitCounts.size(); } for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) { TraitCount tc = traitCounts.get(i); numAgentsInTopN += tc.getCount(); } return numAgentsInTopN; } /** * calculateTurnover() runs through the prev and current sorted lists of TraitCount * objects, and calculates turnover (additions and removals) of traits from "top N" * lists (i.e., truncating prev and cur sorted lists if list.size > topNlistsize). * The topN cur and prev lists are then intersected, and we return turnover as: * (prevsize + cursize) - (2 * intersection.size) * @return turnover - double representing turnover, calculated from current data */ private double calculateTurnover() { double turnover = 0.0; //log.debug("lists should be trimmed to " + topNListSize); if (prevSortedTraitCounts == null) { // this will happen on the first tick, after that we should be fine return 0; } // given the sorted trait frequencies tallied in the IDataCollector process() // method, extract the top N traits and the number of agents that have traits in that top N list List prevList = this.getTopNTraits(prevSortedTraitCounts); List curList = this.getTopNTraits(curSortedTraitCounts); int numAgentsInTopN = this.getNumAgentsInTopN(curSortedTraitCounts); log.debug("TFA: num agents with traits in top N: " + numAgentsInTopN); // update the tracking information for how long traits in the TopN spend in each position this.updateCumTopNResidenceByTrait(curList); // now find the intersection of these two sorted trait ID lists Collection intersection = CollectionUtils.intersection(prevList, curList); log.debug("TFA: previous: " + Arrays.deepToString(prevList.toArray())); log.debug("TFA: current: " + Arrays.deepToString(curList.toArray())); log.debug("TFA: intersection: " + Arrays.deepToString(intersection.toArray())); // now use the list sizes and the cardinality of the intersection set to calculate turnover int prevSize = prevList.size(); int curSize = curList.size(); int intersectionSize = intersection.size(); turnover = (prevSize + curSize) - (2 * intersection.size()); log.debug("prev size: " + prevSize + " cursize: " + curSize + " intersection size: " + intersectionSize + " turnover: " + turnover); // add the calculated to the turnover history this.turnoverHistory.add(turnover); this.agentsInTopNHistory.add((double) numAgentsInTopN); return turnover; } /* * New implementation of tracking how long traits in the TopN spend in each list position * * It turns out that we don't want an ArrayList of Map<Integer, TraitCount>, because we want * to easily create the output data matrix with traits as rows, and columns as top N list positions, * with counts (0...maxTicks) in the cells. So the new implementation makes that easier out * the back end, by using a different data structure up front. Instead, we use: * Map<Integer, ArrayList>. * * TODO: OK, the approach to use ArrayList isn't working, because as I work my way down * the top N list, I'm not hitting the *same* ArrayList each time, so add doesn't do the trick. ahhh.... * need *two* tests, not one, since this is a *sparse* matrix... */ private void updateCumTopNResidenceByTrait(List<Integer> curTraitsTopN) { int listPos = 0; for (Integer trait : curTraitsTopN) { if (this.cumTraitTopNResidenceTimes.containsKey(trait)) { // Because the ArrayList has been initialized to hold zeros for each trait in each // top N list position, if we've seen the trait before in the map we can get on // with the business of incrementing a count, whether that count is zero or not. Integer count = this.cumTraitTopNResidenceTimes.get(trait).get(listPos); count++; this.cumTraitTopNResidenceTimes.get(trait).set(listPos, count); } else { // First create a new ArrayList and initialize 0..topNListSize to 0 counts, // so all array positions are defined for the upper branch of the "if" ArrayList<Integer> traitCountList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.topNListSize; i++) { traitCountList.add(0); } // now increment the counter for the one trait/list position combo we're dealing with traitCountList.set(listPos, 1); this.cumTraitTopNResidenceTimes.put(trait, traitCountList); } listPos++; } } @Override protected Schedule getSpecificSchedule(BasicAction actionToSchedule) { Schedule sched = new Schedule(); sched.scheduleActionBeginning(2, actionToSchedule); return sched; } }