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/* Copyright 2014 MITRE Corporation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.json;

import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.mitre.provenance.Metadata;
import org.mitre.provenance.PLUSException;
import org.mitre.provenance.npe.NonProvenanceEdge;
import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.PLUSActivity;
import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.PLUSActor;
import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.PLUSEdge;
import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.PLUSFile;
import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.PLUSFileImage;
import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.PLUSGeneric;
import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.PLUSInvocation;
import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.PLUSObject;
import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.PLUSRelational;
import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.PLUSString;
import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.PLUSURL;
import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.PLUSWorkflow;
import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.ProvenanceCollection;
import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.marking.Taint;


 * A utility class that plugs into Google GSON that turns a set of JsonElements into a ProvenanceCollection.
 * <p>TODO many design decisions may need to be revisited here.  While you're deserializing a collection, because it's a graph many
 * objects make reference to one another.  Edges have workflows, objects have owners, and so on.  When converting an object, we have to do 
 * it in a special order (e.g. owners first) so that when we go to referring objects (like nodes) we have already converted the requisite owner.
 * This raises a design decision - should it be OK for a json instance to refer to an owner that isn't already in that same JSON instance?
 * If yes, then that requires that the deserializer do database lookups, which couples the deserializer to the DB code.  If no, that means that
 * every instance that wants to talk about a PLUSActor has to drag the actor around with it.  Which isn't ideal.
 * <p>A second design decision here is completeness.  Let's say you specify an owner by reference (ownerid=blahblah) that isn't in the collection. 
 * OK, well we can't set that object to be owned by that user, because at present the deserializer doesn't look things up in the database to
 * prevent that coupling.  Now should that failure to set the owner be a fatal parsing error, or should it be recoverable?
 * <p>Right now, such errors are recoverable. If you give the deserializer bad data, it tries hard to get a coherent collection out of it.  This
 * may be the wrong choice though for developers who are new to logging provenance and don't know what mistakes they're making.
 * @author moxious
public class ProvenanceCollectionDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<ProvenanceCollection> {
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ProvenanceCollectionDeserializer.class.getName());

    public ProvenanceCollection deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context)
            throws JsonParseException {
        if (!json.isJsonObject()) {
  "Cannot deserialize this: " + json);
            throw new JsonParseException("Can only deserialize objects");
        JsonObject obj = json.getAsJsonObject();

        ProvenanceCollection col = new ProvenanceCollection();

        JsonElement nodes = obj.get("nodes");
        JsonElement links = obj.get("links");
        JsonElement actors = obj.get("actors");

        if (!nodes.isJsonArray())
            throw new JsonParseException("Missing top-level nodes array");
        if (!links.isJsonArray())
            throw new JsonParseException("Missing top-level links array");
        if (!actors.isJsonArray())
            throw new JsonParseException("Missing top-level actors array");

        JsonArray n = (JsonArray) nodes;
        JsonArray l = (JsonArray) links;
        JsonArray a = (JsonArray) actors;

        for (JsonElement actor : a) {
            if (!actor.isJsonObject())
                throw new JsonParseException("Actors list contains non-object " + actor.toString());

            PLUSActor convertedActor = convertActor((JsonObject) actor);
            //"Adding converted actor " +convertedActor);

        for (JsonElement e : n) {
            if (!e.isJsonObject())
                throw new JsonParseException("Node list contains non-object " + e.toString());
            JsonObject o = (JsonObject) e;

            // NPID nodes are dummy stand-ins, and not provenance objects to be added.
            if ("npid".equals(o.get("type").getAsString()))

            PLUSObject pobj = convertObject(o, col);

        for (JsonElement linkItem : l) {
            if (!linkItem.isJsonObject())
                throw new JsonParseException("Link list contains non-object " + linkItem.toString());
            JsonObject link = (JsonObject) linkItem;

            if (link == null || link.isJsonNull()) {
                log.warning("Null link; skipping");
            } else if (link.get("label") == null) {
                log.warning("Link " + link + " MISSING type");

            if (link.get("label") == null || link.get("label").isJsonNull())
                throw new JsonParseException("Missing attribute label on link/edge " + link);
            if (link.get("type") == null || link.get("type").isJsonNull())
                throw new JsonParseException("Missing attribute type on link/edge " + link);

            String label = link.get("label").getAsString();
            String type = link.get("type").getAsString();

            if (PLUSEdge.isProvenanceEdgeType(type) && !"npe".equals(label)) {
                PLUSEdge e = convertEdge(link, col);
                if (e != null)
            } else {
                NonProvenanceEdge npe = convertNPE(link);
                if (npe != null)
        } // End for

        return col;

    public static PLUSActor convertActor(JsonObject act) throws JsonParseException {
        String id = act.get(JSONConverter.KEY_ID).getAsString();
        String name = act.get(JSONConverter.KEY_NAME).getAsString();
        long created = act.get(JSONConverter.KEY_CREATED).getAsLong();
        String type = act.get(JSONConverter.KEY_TYPE).getAsString();

        if (id == null || "".equals(id))
            throw new JsonParseException("Invalid empty or missing 'id' on actor " + act);
        if (name == null || "".equals(name))
            throw new JsonParseException("Invalid empty or missing 'name' on actor " + act);
        if (created <= 0)
            throw new JsonParseException("Invalid created " + created + " on actor " + act);
        if (type == null || "".equals(type))
            throw new JsonParseException("Invalid empty or missing 'type' on actor " + act);

        if (!"actor".equals(type)) {
            log.warning("At this time, only type='actor' PLUSActors can be converted, but provided JSON presents "
                    + type + "; "
                    + "this may mean that some information about the object was omitted during conversion.");

        return new PLUSActor(id, name, created, type);

    protected static boolean isBlankOrNull(String s) {
        return (s == null || "".equals(s) || "null".equals(s));

    protected static PLUSObject convertObject(JsonObject obj, ProvenanceCollection contextCollection)
            throws JsonParseException {
        String t = obj.get(JSONConverter.KEY_TYPE).getAsString();
        String st = obj.get(JSONConverter.KEY_SUBTYPE).getAsString();
        String name = obj.get(JSONConverter.KEY_NAME).getAsString();

        if (name == null || "null".equals(name))
            throw new JsonParseException("Missing name on object " + obj);
        if (t == null || "null".equals(t))
            throw new JsonParseException("Missing type on object " + obj);
        if (st == null || "null".equals(st))
            throw new JsonParseException("Missing subtype on object " + obj);

        JsonObjectPropertyWrapper n = new JsonObjectPropertyWrapper(obj);

        try {
            PLUSObject o = null;

            if (PLUSInvocation.PLUS_SUBTYPE_INVOCATION.equals(st)) {
                o = new PLUSInvocation().setProperties(n, contextCollection);
            } else if (PLUSWorkflow.PLUS_TYPE_WORKFLOW.equals(t)) {
                o = new PLUSWorkflow().setProperties(n, contextCollection);
            } else if (st.equals(PLUSString.PLUS_SUBTYPE_STRING)) {
                o = new PLUSString().setProperties(n, contextCollection);
            } else if (PLUSFile.PLUS_SUBTYPE_FILE.equals(st)) {
                o = new PLUSFile().setProperties(n, contextCollection);
            } else if (PLUSFileImage.PLUS_SUBTYPE_FILE_IMAGE.equals(st)) {
                o = new PLUSFileImage().setProperties(n, contextCollection);
            } else if (PLUSURL.PLUS_SUBTYPE_URL.equals(st)) {
                o = new PLUSURL().setProperties(n, contextCollection);
            } else if (PLUSActivity.PLUS_TYPE_ACTIVITY.equals(t)) {
                o = new PLUSActivity().setProperties(n, contextCollection);
            } else if (PLUSRelational.PLUS_SUBTYPE_RELATIONAL.equals(st)) {
                o = new PLUSRelational().setProperties(n, contextCollection);
            } else if (Taint.PLUS_SUBTYPE_TAINT.equals(st)) {
                o = new Taint().setProperties(n, contextCollection);
            } else {
      "Couldn't find more specific type for " + t + "/" + st + " so loading as generic.");
                o = new PLUSGeneric().setProperties(n, contextCollection);

            // Check metadata
            if (obj.has(JSONConverter.KEY_METADATA) && obj.get(JSONConverter.KEY_METADATA).isJsonObject()) {
                JsonObject md = obj.get(JSONConverter.KEY_METADATA).getAsJsonObject();

                Metadata m = new Metadata();

                for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : md.entrySet()) {
                    String key = entry.getKey();
                    String val = null;

                    JsonElement v = entry.getValue();
                    if (!v.isJsonPrimitive()) {
                        log.warning("Skipping metadata key/value " + key + " => " + v
                                + " because value isn't primitive.");
                    } else {
                        val = v.getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsString();

                    m.put(key, val);
                } // End for


            // Check owner status.
            // Property is not guaranteed to be present; if it's present, get it as a string, otherwise use null.
            String aid = (obj.get("ownerid") != null ? obj.get("ownerid").getAsString() : null);

            //"Deserializing " + o + " actorID = " + aid + " and owner=" + obj.get(JSONConverter.KEY_OWNER));
            if (isBlank(aid) && obj.has(JSONConverter.KEY_OWNER)) {
                JsonElement ownerJson = obj.get(JSONConverter.KEY_OWNER);
                if (!ownerJson.isJsonObject())
                    throw new JsonParseException("Property 'owner' must be an object on " + obj);

                PLUSActor owner = convertActor((JsonObject) ownerJson);
                if (owner != null) {
          "Set using converted owner property " + owner);
            } else if (!isBlankOrNull(aid)) {
                if (contextCollection.containsActorID(aid)) {
                    //"Set using provided context collection " + contextCollection.getActor(aid));
                } else {
                    log.severe("Deserializer cannot find actor by dangling reference " + aid
                            + " - provenance context collection is needed to identify this actor without database access.");

            return o;
        } catch (PLUSException exc) {
            throw new JsonParseException(exc.getMessage());
    } // End convertObject

    protected static boolean isBlank(String val) {
        return (val == null) || "".equals(val) || "".equals(val.trim());

    protected static NonProvenanceEdge convertNPE(JsonObject obj) throws JsonParseException {
        String from = obj.get(JSONConverter.KEY_FROM).getAsString();
        String to = obj.get(JSONConverter.KEY_TO).getAsString();
        String oid = obj.get(JSONConverter.KEY_NPEID).getAsString();

        // NPEs have a type field=npe to indicate that they're non-provenance edges.
        // The actual type of edge ("md5sum") is stored in the label.
        String type = obj.get(JSONConverter.KEY_LABEL).getAsString();
        long created = obj.get(JSONConverter.KEY_CREATED).getAsLong();

        if (from == null || "null".equals(from))
            throw new JsonParseException("Missing from on NPE " + obj);
        if (to == null || "null".equals(to))
            throw new JsonParseException("Missing to on NPE " + obj);
        if (type == null || "null".equals(type))
            throw new JsonParseException("Missing label on NPE " + obj);
        if (oid == null) {
            log.warning("NPEID mising on " + obj);
            oid = PLUSUtils.generateID();

        try {
            return new NonProvenanceEdge(oid, from, to, type, created);
        } catch (PLUSException exc) {
            throw new JsonParseException(exc.getMessage());
    } // End convertNPE

     * This method relates to a current design decision; "resurrect" is intended to take a nodeOID and a collection, and return the
     * underlying node.  Right now, this is trivial; if the collection contains that node, it is returned, otherwise null is returned.
     * @param nodeOID
     * @return
    protected static PLUSObject resurrect(String nodeOID, ProvenanceCollection col) throws PLUSException {
        if (col.containsObjectID(nodeOID))
            return col.getNode(nodeOID);
        // else return Neo4JPLUSObjectFactory.newObject(nodeOID);

        log.severe("Cannot recall node by ID " + nodeOID
                + " because it isn't in provenance context collection.   Database lookups during "
                + "deserialization are disabled.  This likely means ");

        return null;

    protected static PLUSEdge convertEdge(JsonObject obj, ProvenanceCollection col) throws JsonParseException {
        try {
            String from = obj.get("from").getAsString();
            String to = obj.get("to").getAsString();
            String wfid = obj.get("workflow").getAsString();
            String type = obj.get("type").getAsString();

            if (from == null || "null".equals(from))
                throw new JsonParseException("Missing from on edge " + obj);
            if (to == null || "null".equals(to))
                throw new JsonParseException("Missing to on edge " + obj);
            if (type == null || "null".equals(type))
                throw new JsonParseException("Missing type/label on edge " + obj);
            if (wfid == null || "null".equals(wfid))
                wfid = PLUSWorkflow.DEFAULT_WORKFLOW.getId();

            if (!PLUSEdge.isProvenanceEdgeType(type))
                throw new JsonParseException("Edge type " + type + " on edge " + obj + " isn't provenance.");

            PLUSObject fromObj = null, toObj = null;

            try {
                fromObj = resurrect(from, col);
            } catch (PLUSException exc) {
                log.warning("Ignoring edge because of non-existant from ID " + from);
                return null;

            try {
                toObj = resurrect(to, col);
            } catch (PLUSException exc2) {
                log.warning("Ignoring edge because of non-existant to ID " + to);
                return null;

            PLUSWorkflow wf = PLUSWorkflow.DEFAULT_WORKFLOW;

            if (wfid != null && !PLUSWorkflow.DEFAULT_WORKFLOW.getId().equals(wfid)) {
                if (col.containsObjectID(wfid))
                    wf = (PLUSWorkflow) col.getNode(wfid);
                else {
                    // TODO -- there's a design argument that this should be a fatal error/exception.
                    log.severe("Cannot re-load workflow " + wfid
                            + " because it isn't in context provenance collection.  "
                            + "Database lookups are disabled on deserialization.");
                    wf = PLUSWorkflow.DEFAULT_WORKFLOW;

            return new PLUSEdge(fromObj, toObj, wf, type);
        } catch (NullPointerException exc) {
            throw new JsonParseException(
                    "Edge missing one or more properties of from, to, workflow, label:  " + obj);
    } // End convertEdge   
