Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2015 MITRE Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.mitre.provenance.asias; import org.mitre.provenance.Metadata; import org.mitre.provenance.PLUSException; import org.mitre.provenance.client.AbstractProvenanceClient; import org.mitre.provenance.client.LocalProvenanceClient; import org.mitre.provenance.client.ProvenanceClientException; import org.mitre.provenance.client.RESTProvenanceClient; import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.*; import org.mitre.provenance.npe.*; import org.mitre.provenance.plusobject.json.JSONConverter; import org.mitre.provenance.user.User; import org.mitre.provenance.contenthash.ContentHasher; import org.mitre.provenance.contenthash.MD5ContentHasher; import org.mitre.provenance.contenthash.SHA256ContentHasher; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; import; /** * @author piekut * This class ingests the JSON that ASIAS processes generate and parses them into a Provenance collection, * which is then reported (saved) to the PLUS repository as specified in the local or remote "client" as specified below. * The ingest attempts to capture the content in as general form as possible. * However, actions for several of the top level keys in the ingested JSON *must* be hardcoded to determine * specific aspects of the provenance graph (e.g., "name" as invocation node name, * "params_json" broken into nodes representing input parameters, etc.) */ public class Ingest_AsiasJson { public static TreeMap<String, PLUSObject> nodeLookup = new TreeMap<String, PLUSObject>(); public static TreeMap<String, List<PLUSObject>> hashedParamNodeLookup = new TreeMap<String, List<PLUSObject>>(); public static List<TreeMap<String, String>> edgeMap = new java.util.ArrayList<TreeMap<String, String>>(); public static RESTProvenanceClient client; public static Gson g = new GsonBuilder().create(); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { FileInputStream fis = null; client = new RESTProvenanceClient("localhost", "8080"); ArrayList<String> jsonContent = new ArrayList(); System.out.println("Opening JSON file."); try { // EDIT VALUE here if the file is to be loaded from another location. String ingestDIR = System.getProperty("user.home").toString() + File.separator.toString() + "Desktop"; // EDIT VALUE here if the ingest file has a different name. String ingestJSON = "/seq/dataManifestDownstream.json"; //String ingestJSON = "/seq/metademo2.json"; //String ingestJSON = "/seq/metadev5.json"; File userDesktopJSON = new File(ingestDIR + File.separator + ingestJSON); fis = new FileInputStream(userDesktopJSON); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis)); String strLine; //Read File Line By Line int idx = 0; while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) { if (strLine.contains("ObjectId")) { strLine = strLine.replaceFirst("ObjectId\\(", ""); strLine = strLine.replaceFirst("\\),", ","); } if (strLine == null || strLine.equals("")) { continue; } jsonContent.add(idx, strLine); idx++; } br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { fis.close(); } // see processASIASJSON function directly below for details. ProvenanceCollection col = processASIASJSON(jsonContent); // REST client reports via localhost:8080/api/plus/graph/new/; System.out.println("Done!"); System.exit(0); } public static ProvenanceCollection processASIASJSON(ArrayList<String> asiasJSON) throws Exception { ProvenanceCollection col = new ProvenanceCollection(); System.out.println("Parsing submitted JSON."); System.out.println("Starting to add nodes..."); for (int i = 0; i < asiasJSON.size(); i++) { // The below call will create invocation node, params (if exists) and output-data node, for each JSON obj. createInvocationAndDataNode(asiasJSON.get(i), col); } System.out.println("Done adding nodes."); // Edges connecting the DAG components were specified in the previous loop, and stored in a Map until all // nodes were processed. This step loops through the edge map and instantiates them in the collection. System.out.println("Starting to add edges..."); Iterator<TreeMap<String, String>> edgeIt = edgeMap.iterator(); while (edgeIt.hasNext()) { TreeMap<String, String> edge =; String from = edge.firstKey(); String to = edge.get(from); if (nodeLookup.get(from) != null) { System.out.println(" adding edge from " + nodeLookup.get(from).getName() + " to " + nodeLookup.get(to).getName()); col.addEdge(new PLUSEdge(nodeLookup.get(from), nodeLookup.get(to), PLUSWorkflow.DEFAULT_WORKFLOW, PLUSEdge.EDGE_TYPE_INPUT_TO)); } else { // This handles nodes previously loaded. System.out.println(" adding edge from '" + from + "' to " + nodeLookup.get(to).getName()); System.out.println( " INFO: input node not in load set. Checking datastore for preexisting match..."); Metadata parameters = new Metadata(); parameters.put("joins", from); Iterator<PLUSObject> joinsNodes =, 500).getNodes().iterator(); PLUSObject previouslyLoadedNode = null; if (joinsNodes.hasNext()) { previouslyLoadedNode =; } if (previouslyLoadedNode != null) { col.addNode(previouslyLoadedNode); col.addEdge(new PLUSEdge(previouslyLoadedNode, nodeLookup.get(to), PLUSWorkflow.DEFAULT_WORKFLOW, PLUSEdge.EDGE_TYPE_INPUT_TO)); } else { System.out.println(" WARNING: node with meta_id '" + from + "' was not found!"); System.out.println(" Skipping over edge joining '" + from + "' to '" + to + "'."); } } } edgeMap.clear(); nodeLookup.clear(); System.out.println("Done adding edges."); System.out.println("ASIAS ingest complete."); return col; } // End main private static void createInvocationAndDataNode(String jsonString, ProvenanceCollection col) throws Exception { // System.out.println(jsonString); JsonElement elem = g.fromJson(jsonString, JsonElement.class); if (!elem.isJsonObject()) throw new Exception("Server response wasn't a JSON object " + elem); JsonObject obj = elem.getAsJsonObject(); // "name" is a required field for ASIAS invocation nodes. String analytic_name = obj.get("name").getAsString(); PLUSInvocation invocation = new PLUSInvocation(analytic_name); System.out.println("Adding Node '" + analytic_name + "'. (" + obj.get("meta_id").getAsString() + ")"); String output_name = analytic_name + "_output"; if (obj.get("output_name") != null) { output_name = obj.get("output_name").getAsString(); } PLUSString data = new PLUSString(output_name); String content = obj.get("output_schemas_json").getAsString(); data.setContent(content); SHA256ContentHasher myHasher = new SHA256ContentHasher(); String hashAsString = ContentHasher.formatAsHexString( myHasher.hash(new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))); data.getMetadata().put(Metadata.CONTENT_HASH_SHA_256, hashAsString); /* Adding properties with as few exceptions as possible, in light of requirements. */ for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : obj.entrySet()) { JsonElement jsonElement = entry.getValue(); String topLevelElement = entry.getKey(); if (topLevelElement.equals("params_json")) { //first, transform out to JSON Object from string JsonObject jParams = (JsonObject) toJsonElement(jsonElement); // second, establish separate data nodes that feed into the invocation node. // Caveat: This assumes json_params depth is 1. There has been no discussion on "nesting" in param nodes. for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> param : jParams.entrySet()) { JsonElement paramElement = param.getValue(); String paramKey = param.getKey(); String paramValue; if (paramElement.isJsonPrimitive()) { paramValue = paramElement.getAsString(); } else { paramValue = paramElement.toString(); } PLUSString paramNode = new PLUSString(paramKey); paramNode.setContent(paramValue); // criteria for hashing/uniqueness of param nodes is key plus its value. (possibly open to revision) String paramValueUnique = paramKey + "_" + paramValue; String hashString = ContentHasher.formatAsHexString(myHasher .hash(new ByteArrayInputStream(paramValueUnique.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))); paramNode.getMetadata().put(Metadata.CONTENT_HASH_SHA_256, hashString); // Now add hash of value plus process it feeds. This is so we can make the distinction for NPE types later. String paramValueProcessUnique = paramValueUnique + analytic_name; String hashStringProcessUnique = ContentHasher.formatAsHexString(myHasher.hash( new ByteArrayInputStream(paramValueProcessUnique.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))); paramNode.getMetadata().put("sha256hashSpecficProcess", hashStringProcessUnique); col.addNode(paramNode); // third, establish link from *parameter* node to *invocation* node. col.addEdge(new PLUSEdge(paramNode, invocation, PLUSWorkflow.DEFAULT_WORKFLOW, PLUSEdge.EDGE_TYPE_INPUT_TO)); // Add non-provenance edges for params, but only if they match a previously-loaded parameter. if (hashString != null) { // First look through already loaded nodes to see if other params match. List<PLUSObject> loadList = new ArrayList<PLUSObject>(); if (hashedParamNodeLookup.get(hashString) != null) { loadList = hashedParamNodeLookup.get(hashString); Iterator<PLUSObject> listIterator = loadList.iterator(); while (listIterator.hasNext()) { PLUSObject otherParam =; String type = "Same Parameter Value, Different Process"; if (otherParam.getMetadata().get("sha256hashSpecficProcess") .equals(paramNode.getMetadata().get("sha256hashSpecficProcess"))) { type = "Same Parameter Value, Same Process"; } NonProvenanceEdge npe = new NonProvenanceEdge(paramNode, otherParam, type); System.out.println("adding '" + type + "' NPE from " + paramNode.getId() + " to " + otherParam.getId()); col.addNonProvenanceEdge(npe); } } loadList.add(paramNode); hashedParamNodeLookup.put(hashString, loadList); // Secondly, do the same thing for previously-loaded nodes in the database. ProvenanceCollection match = new ProvenanceCollection(); PLUSObject otherParam = null; Metadata parameters = new Metadata(); parameters.put(Metadata.CONTENT_HASH_SHA_256, hashString); match =, 500); Iterator<PLUSObject> equivalentValues = match.getNodes().iterator(); while (equivalentValues.hasNext()) { otherParam =; if (!col.contains(otherParam)) { col.addNode(otherParam); // duplicate, only to add NPE. } String type = "Same Parameter Value, Different Process"; if (otherParam.getMetadata().get("sha256hashSpecficProcess") .equals(paramNode.getMetadata().get("sha256hashSpecficProcess"))) { type = "Same Parameter Value, Same Process"; } NonProvenanceEdge npe = new NonProvenanceEdge(paramNode, otherParam, type); System.out.println("adding '" + type + "' NPE from " + paramNode.getId() + " to " + otherParam.getId()); col.addNonProvenanceEdge(npe); } equivalentValues = null; } } } else if (topLevelElement.equals("job_counters")) { // only need special handling for "job_counters" because it comes in as a string. // if it changes to be JSON in its natural state, this block can be removed. addProperty(invocation, topLevelElement, toJsonElement(jsonElement)); } else if (!topLevelElement.equals("name") //&& !topLevelElement.equals("meta_id") && !topLevelElement.equals("output_name") && !topLevelElement.equals("output_schemas_json") && !topLevelElement.equals("path")) { // If not one of our special use elements addProperty(invocation, topLevelElement, jsonElement); } else if (topLevelElement.equals("output_schemas_json") || topLevelElement.equals("path")) { // special handling for the output data node's parameters. addProperty(data, topLevelElement, jsonElement); } if (topLevelElement.equals("input_schemas_json")) { String hashString = ContentHasher.formatAsHexString(myHasher .hash(new ByteArrayInputStream(jsonElement.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))); invocation.getMetadata().put(Metadata.CONTENT_HASH_SHA_256, hashString); } } /* Lookups getting set here so that the backwards/forwards lineage edges can be determined afterward. */ String meta_id = obj.get("meta_id").getAsString(); nodeLookup.put(meta_id, data); // might be non-intuitive, but we're assigning meta_id as key for data node. nodeLookup.put(analytic_name + "_" + meta_id, invocation); // analytic name is lookup key for invocation node. data.getMetadata().put("joins", meta_id); // This is for lookup later, should later runs reference this output. invocation.setCreated(); // timestamp "now". //invocation.getMetadata().put("ingest", "ASIAS-JSON"); // tag for deleting draft nodes later. Uncomment if desired. if (obj.get("input_meta_ids") != null) { JsonArray input_meta_id = obj.getAsJsonArray("input_meta_ids"); for (JsonElement in_meta_id : input_meta_id) { TreeMap<String, String> addEdge = new TreeMap<String, String>(); addEdge.put(in_meta_id.getAsString(), analytic_name + "_" + meta_id); edgeMap.add(addEdge); } } col.addNode(invocation); col.addNode(data); col.addEdge(new PLUSEdge(invocation, data, PLUSWorkflow.DEFAULT_WORKFLOW, PLUSEdge.EDGE_TYPE_GENERATED)); } public static void addProperty(PLUSObject node, String propertyName, JsonElement propertyValue) { if (propertyValue.isJsonPrimitive()) { //System.out.println(" Adding property " + propertyName+"."); node.getMetadata().put(propertyName, propertyValue.getAsString()); } // *************************************** // For arrays and Objects, break out into 1st-level properties, with property label reflecting object hierarchy. // *************************************** else if (propertyValue.isJsonArray()) { JsonArray arrayObj = propertyValue.getAsJsonArray(); if (arrayObj.size() == 1) { addProperty(node, propertyName, arrayObj.get(0)); } else if (arrayObj.size() > 1) { int count = 1; for (JsonElement arrayElement : arrayObj) { addProperty(node, propertyName + "_" + count, arrayElement); count++; } } } else { JsonObject obj = propertyValue.getAsJsonObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : obj.entrySet()) { JsonElement subElement = entry.getValue(); String elementName = entry.getKey(); addProperty(node, propertyName + "__" + elementName, subElement); } } } public static JsonElement toJsonElement(JsonElement jsonElement) { JsonElement returnObj; if (jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive()) { String p_j = jsonElement.getAsString(); p_j = p_j.replaceAll("\\\"", "\""); //clean up escaping so we can parse as JsonObj. return g.fromJson(p_j, JsonElement.class); } else { return jsonElement; } } } // End ASIAS Ingest