Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The MITRE Corporation. See the toplevel * file LICENSE for license terms. */ package org.mitre.mat.engineclient; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.NameValuePair; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpClientParams; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpMethodParams; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonFactory; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.NullNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParser; import; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException; import org.mitre.mat.core.*; /** * The class which implements CGI interaction with the MAT engine. * * @author sam */ public class MATCgiClient implements MATEngineClientInterface { // Folders. public static final String CORE_FOLDER = "core"; public static final String EXPORT_FOLDER = "export"; // Not in the core yet, but I just hate having to specialize Java. public static final String RECONCILIATION_FOLDER = "reconciliation"; // Segment status. public static final String NON_GOLD_SEGMENT_STATUS = "non-gold"; public static final String HUMAN_GOLD_SEGMENT_STATUS = "human gold"; public static final String RECONCILED_SEGMENT_STATUS = "reconciled"; public static final String IGNORE_SEGMENT_STATUS = "ignore"; public static final String IGNORE_DURING_RECONCILIATION_SEGMENT_STATUS = "ignore during reconciliation"; // Special votes. public static final String IGNORE_VOTE = "ignore"; public static final String BAD_BOUNDARIES_VOTE = "bad boundaries"; // Phases. These aren't in the core yet either. public static final String CROSSVALIDATION_CHALLENGE_PHASE = "crossvalidation_challenge"; public static final String HUMAN_VOTE_PHASE = "human_vote"; public static final String HUMAN_DECISION_PHASE = "human_decision"; private String url; public MATCgiClient(String urlHostAndPort) { url = urlHostAndPort + "/MAT/cgi/MATCGI.cgi"; } public MATDocumentInterface doSteps(MATDocumentInterface doc, String task, String workflow, String steps, HashMap<String, String> data) throws MATEngineClientException { return doFileOperation(doc, task, workflow, "steps", "steps", steps, data); } public MATDocumentInterface doUndoThrough(MATDocumentInterface doc, String task, String workflow, String steps, HashMap<String, String> data) throws MATEngineClientException { return doFileOperation(doc, task, workflow, "undo_through", "undo_through", steps, data); } protected MATDocumentInterface doFileOperation(MATDocumentInterface doc, String task, String workflow, String op, String opKey, String opVal, HashMap<String, String> data) throws MATEngineClientException { ArrayList pArray = new ArrayList(); MATJSONEncoding e = new MATJSONEncoding(); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("task", task)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("workflow", workflow)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("operation", op)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair(opKey, opVal)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("file_type", "mat-json")); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("input", e.toEncodedString(doc))); JsonNode jsonValues = this.postHTTP(pArray, data); // Here's the output format. It's a hash of three elements: error (None if // there's no error), errorStep (None if there's no error), and // a list of success hashes, which have a val and steps. // See An error always terminates the processing, // so on the client, you process the successes and then the error. // The steps should be in order of execution, and so should the // successes. It's not EXACTLY enforced. HashMap stepMap = new HashMap(); if (!jsonValues.isObject()) { throw new MATEngineClientException("CGI response isn't Javascript object"); } JsonNode errNode = jsonValues.path("error"); if ((!errNode.isMissingNode()) && (!errNode.isNull())) { // It's an error. String stepName = jsonValues.path("errorStep").getTextValue(); String stepMsg = errNode.getTextValue(); throw new MATEngineClientException("Step " + stepName + " failed: " + stepMsg); } JsonNode successes = jsonValues.path("successes"); if (successes.isMissingNode() || (!successes.isArray()) || (successes.size() == 0)) { // I doubt that this will ever happen. throw new MATEngineClientException("No error, but no successful document either"); } // Get the last one. JsonNode success = successes.get(successes.size() - 1); JsonNode val = success.path("val"); MATDocumentInterface newDoc; try { newDoc = doc.getClass().newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MATCgiClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new MATEngineClientException("Couldn't create a response document"); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MATCgiClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new MATEngineClientException("Couldn't create a response document"); } try { e.fromJsonNode(newDoc, val); } catch (MATDocumentException ex) { throw new MATEngineClientException("Error during JSON decode: " + ex.toString()); } catch (AnnotationException ex) { throw new MATEngineClientException("Error during JSON decode: " + ex.toString()); } return newDoc; } public ArrayList<String> openWorkspace(String workspaceDir, String workspaceKey, String user) throws MATEngineClientException { ArrayList<NameValuePair> pArray = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("workspace_key", workspaceKey)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("workspace_dir", workspaceDir)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("user", user)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("operation", "open_workspace")); JsonNode jsonValues = this.postHTTP(pArray, null); this.checkReturnValueValidity(jsonValues); ArrayList<String> returnPair = new ArrayList<String>(); JsonNode dir = jsonValues.path("workspace_dir"); if (!dir.isMissingNode()) { returnPair.add(dir.getTextValue()); } else { throw new MATEngineClientException( "Incorrectly formatted response to open_workspace (no workspace dir)"); } JsonNode t = jsonValues.path("task"); if (!t.isMissingNode()) { returnPair.add(t.getTextValue()); } else { throw new MATEngineClientException("Incorrectly formatted response to open_workspace (no task)"); } return returnPair; } // For the moment, I'm not about to decode the whole accursed structure // I can't figure out how to use the recursive Jackson decoder, // and there's just too much to do it by hand. So I'll just add // methods as needed. // Originally, this structure mirrored the structure of the tag table. // But it seems that it would be better for it to mirror the structure // of what I do in my UI, namely, the tagName should be the EFFECTIVE // tag name, and there should be a reference to the actual tag // name, rather than a pointer down to more ContentTagInfo structures. public class ContentTagInfo { private String tagName; private String effectiveTagName; // Display info private String backgroundColor; private String foregroundColor; // These are the attrs when you're in a subspecification. private HashMap<String, String> attrs; public ContentTagInfo(String tName, JsonNode n, String effectiveTName, String taskName) throws MATEngineClientException { this.tagName = tName; this.effectiveTagName = effectiveTName; JsonNode display = n.get("display"); if (display != null) { this.decodeDisplay(display.getTextValue(), taskName); } JsonNode attrsNode = n.get("apairs"); if ((attrsNode != null) && (attrsNode.isArray())) { for (int i = 0; i < attrsNode.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { attrs = new HashMap<String, String>(); } attrs.put(attrsNode.get(i).get(0).getTextValue(), attrsNode.get(i).get(1).getTextValue()); } } } private void checkColor(String color, String taskName) throws MATEngineClientException { // So the color possibilities in CSS are: // a name // # + 3 hex chars // # + 6 hex chars // rgb(...) // and in css 3, rgba(, hsl(, hsla(. // I'm going to ignore everything but the names and # + 6 hex. // CSS seems to support color hexes without a leading #, // and I can't do anything about that. // Actually, because we're interpreting this, I think // we're going to insist that the colors have pound-sign hashes. // Otherwise, the client can't tell the difference between color names // and color elements. So if you're using a Java client, you can't // use color names at all. boolean fail = false; if (color.charAt(0) != '#') { fail = true; } else if (color.length() != 7) { fail = true; } if (fail) { if (this.effectiveTagName != null) { throw new MATEngineClientException( "color specification '" + color + "' obtained from the server for effective tag '" + this.effectiveTagName + "' in task '" + taskName + "' is not a # + 6 hex"); } else { throw new MATEngineClientException( "color specification '" + color + "' obtained from the server for tag '" + this.tagName + "' in task '" + taskName + "' is not a # + 6 hex"); } } } private void decodeDisplay(String cssValue, String taskName) throws MATEngineClientException { // First, break on ;, then strip, then break on :. String[] components = cssValue.split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { String component = components[i].trim(); if (component.length() > 0) { String[] lr = component.split(":", 2); String left = lr[0].trim(); if (left.equals("background-color")) { this.backgroundColor = lr[1].trim(); this.checkColor(this.backgroundColor, taskName); } else if (left.equals("color")) { this.foregroundColor = lr[1].trim(); this.checkColor(this.foregroundColor, taskName); } } } } public String getTagName() { return this.tagName; } public String getEffectiveTagName() { return this.effectiveTagName; } public String getBackgroundColor() { return this.backgroundColor; } public String getForegroundColor() { return this.foregroundColor; } public HashMap<String, String> getAttrs() { return this.attrs; } } public WorkspaceFileResult listWorkspaceFolder(String workspaceDir, String workspaceKey, String folder) throws MATEngineClientException { ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(folder)); return this.doToplevelWorkspaceOperation(workspaceDir, workspaceKey, "list", args); } public WorkspaceFileResult openWorkspaceFile(String workspaceDir, String workspaceKey, String folder, String basename) throws MATEngineClientException { return this.openWorkspaceFile(workspaceDir, workspaceKey, folder, basename, null); } public WorkspaceFileResult openWorkspaceFile(String workspaceDir, String workspaceKey, String folder, String basename, HashMap<String, String> data) throws MATEngineClientException { // Can't use the toplevel openWorkspaceFile because it doesn't // do the result properly. ArrayList<String> opArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); opArgs.add(folder); opArgs.add(basename); return this.doToplevelWorkspaceOperation(workspaceDir, workspaceKey, "open_file", opArgs, data); } protected void checkReturnValueValidity(JsonNode jsonValues) throws MATEngineClientException { if (!jsonValues.isObject()) { throw new MATEngineClientException("CGI response isn't Javascript object"); } JsonNode successNode = jsonValues.path("success"); if (!successNode.isBoolean()) { // It's an error. throw new MATEngineClientException("Incorrectly formatted response to workspace operation"); } if (!successNode.getBooleanValue()) { // Find the error. String errString = jsonValues.path("error").getTextValue(); throw new MATEngineClientException("Workspace operation error: " + errString); } } // The file result should contain affected folders, // target folder, and the document. In this case, you // have no control over what kind of document you get; // it's a MATDocument. public class WorkspaceFileResult { private MATDocument doc = null; private ArrayList<String> affectedFolders = null; private String targetFolder = null; private String basename = null; private ArrayList<String> files = null; // A lot of these variables will never be seen // in MAT 2.0 initial, but it's such a pain to do // these overrides in Java, I'm just putting them all in. // I'm not going to use this QUITE yet. private boolean workspaceIsOpen = false; private String lockId = null; private boolean readOnly = false; private String status = null; private String prioritizationClass = null; private String prioritizationMode = null; private String reconciliationPhase = null; private ArrayList<String> userNames = null; private ArrayList<String> segmentIDs = null; private ArrayList<String> availablePhases = null; private ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> basenameInfo = null; public WorkspaceFileResult(JsonNode jsonNode) throws MATEngineClientException { JsonNode docNode = jsonNode.path("doc"); if (!docNode.isMissingNode()) { MATJSONEncoding e = new MATJSONEncoding(); this.doc = new MATDocument(); try { e.fromJsonNode(this.doc, docNode); } catch (MATDocumentException ex) { throw new MATEngineClientException("Error during JSON decode: " + ex.toString()); } catch (AnnotationException ex) { throw new MATEngineClientException("Error during JSON decode: " + ex.toString()); } } JsonNode targetNode = jsonNode.path("target"); if (!targetNode.isMissingNode()) { this.targetFolder = targetNode.getTextValue(); } JsonNode basenameNode = jsonNode.path("basename"); if (!basenameNode.isMissingNode()) { this.basename = basenameNode.getTextValue(); } JsonNode folders = jsonNode.path("affected_folders"); if (!folders.isMissingNode()) { this.affectedFolders = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<JsonNode> nodeIterator = folders.getElements(); while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { this.affectedFolders.add(; } } // Gonna be using this object for double duty - // it will digest the output of doToplevelWorkspaceOperation // as well as the file level. JsonNode fileArray = jsonNode.path("files"); if (!fileArray.isMissingNode()) { this.files = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<JsonNode> nodeIterator = fileArray.getElements(); while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { this.files.add(; } } // If we've gotten this far, this is always true. this.workspaceIsOpen = true; JsonNode node = jsonNode; JsonNode readOnlyNode = node.path("read_only"); if (!readOnlyNode.isMissingNode()) { this.readOnly = readOnlyNode.getBooleanValue(); } JsonNode statusNode = node.path("status"); if (!statusNode.isMissingNode()) { this.status = statusNode.getTextValue(); } JsonNode prioritizationNode = node.path("prioritization_class"); if (!prioritizationNode.isMissingNode()) { this.prioritizationClass = prioritizationNode.getTextValue(); } JsonNode prioritizationModeNode = node.path("prioritization_mode"); if (!prioritizationModeNode.isMissingNode()) { this.prioritizationMode = prioritizationModeNode.getTextValue(); } JsonNode lockIdNode = node.path("lock_id"); if (!lockIdNode.isMissingNode()) { this.lockId = lockIdNode.getTextValue(); } JsonNode recNode = node.path("reconciliation_phase"); if (!recNode.isMissingNode()) { this.reconciliationPhase = recNode.getTextValue(); } JsonNode userArray = node.path("users"); if (!userArray.isMissingNode()) { this.userNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<JsonNode> nodeIterator = userArray.getElements(); while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { this.userNames.add(; } } JsonNode phaseArray = node.path("available_phases"); if (!phaseArray.isMissingNode()) { this.availablePhases = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<JsonNode> nodeIterator = phaseArray.getElements(); while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { this.availablePhases.add(; } } JsonNode idArray = node.path("segment_ids"); if ((!idArray.isMissingNode()) && (!idArray.isNull())) { this.segmentIDs = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<JsonNode> nodeIterator = idArray.getElements(); while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { this.segmentIDs.add(; } } // This is now completely different. The result is no longer // an array of 2-element arrays of strings, but rather // an array of dictionaries. The dictionary is guaranteed to // contain a "basename" entry. JsonNode basenameInfoArray = node.path("basename_info"); if (!basenameInfoArray.isMissingNode()) { this.basenameInfo = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>(); Iterator<JsonNode> nodeIterator = basenameInfoArray.getElements(); while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { JsonNode val =; HashMap<String, String> v = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.basenameInfo.add(v); if (val.isObject()) { // Iterate through the keys, get the string values, // set them. Iterator<String> fields = val.getFieldNames(); while (fields.hasNext()) { String field =; v.put(field, val.get(field).getTextValue()); } } } } } public MATDocument getDocument() { return this.doc; } // I need this because I'm reusing this slot later, // and I'm not adding it from the constructor. public void setDocument(MATDocument doc) { this.doc = doc; } public ArrayList<String> getAffectedFolders() { return this.affectedFolders; } public String getTargetFolder() { return this.targetFolder; } public String getBasename() { return this.basename; } public ArrayList<String> getFiles() { return this.files; } public String getLockId() { return lockId; } public boolean getReadOnly() { return readOnly; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public String getPrioritizationClass() { return prioritizationClass; } public String getPrioritizationMode() { return prioritizationMode; } public String getReconciliationPhase() { return reconciliationPhase; } public ArrayList<String> getUserNames() { return userNames; } public ArrayList<String> getSegmentIDs() { return segmentIDs; } public ArrayList<String> getAvailablePhases() { return availablePhases; } public ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> getBasenameInfo() { return basenameInfo; } public void describe() { if (this.doc != null) { MATJSONEncoding e = new MATJSONEncoding(); System.out.println("Doc:"); System.out.println(e.toEncodedString(this.doc)); } if (this.basename != null) { System.out.println("Basename: " + this.basename); } if (this.status != null) { System.out.println("Status: " + this.status); } if (this.targetFolder != null) { System.out.println("Target folder: " + this.targetFolder); } if (this.affectedFolders != null) { System.out.println("Affected folders:"); for (int i = 0; i < this.affectedFolders.size(); i++) { System.out.println(this.affectedFolders.get(i)); } } if (this.files != null) { System.out.println("Files:"); for (int i = 0; i < this.files.size(); i++) { System.out.println(this.files.get(i)); } } if (this.readOnly) { System.out.println("Read-only: true"); } if (this.reconciliationPhase != null) { System.out.println("Reconciliation phase: " + this.reconciliationPhase); } if (this.lockId != null) { System.out.println("Lock ID: " + this.lockId); } if (this.prioritizationClass != null) { System.out.println("Prioritization class: " + this.prioritizationClass); } if (this.prioritizationMode != null) { System.out.println("Prioritization mode:" + this.prioritizationMode); } if (this.userNames != null) { System.out.println("Users:"); for (int i = 0; i < this.userNames.size(); i++) { System.out.println(this.userNames.get(i)); } } if (this.segmentIDs != null) { System.out.println("Segment IDs:"); for (int i = 0; i < this.segmentIDs.size(); i++) { System.out.println(this.segmentIDs.get(i)); } } if (this.availablePhases != null) { System.out.println("Available phases:"); for (int i = 0; i < this.availablePhases.size(); i++) { System.out.println(this.availablePhases.get(i)); } } if (this.basenameInfo != null) { System.out.println("Basename info:"); Iterator it = this.basenameInfo.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { HashMap<String, String> v = (HashMap<String, String>); boolean first = true; String s = ""; Iterator it2 = v.entrySet().iterator(); String k = null; while (it2.hasNext()) { Map.Entry subE = (Map.Entry); String subK = (String) subE.getKey(); String subV = (String) subE.getValue(); if (subV != null) { if (subK.equals("basename")) { k = subV; continue; } else { if (!first) { s = s.concat(", "); } else { first = false; } s = s.concat(subK + " " + subV); } } } System.out.println(k + " (" + s + ")"); } } } } protected WorkspaceFileResult digestResult(JsonNode jsonValues) throws MATEngineClientException { return new WorkspaceFileResult(jsonValues); } public WorkspaceFileResult doWorkspaceOperation(String workspaceDir, String workspaceKey, String folder, String operation, String basename) throws MATEngineClientException { return this.doWorkspaceOperation(workspaceDir, workspaceKey, folder, operation, basename, null); } public WorkspaceFileResult doWorkspaceOperation(String workspaceDir, String workspaceKey, String folder, String operation, String basename, HashMap<String, String> data) throws MATEngineClientException { ArrayList<NameValuePair> pArray = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("workspace_key", workspaceKey)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("workspace_dir", workspaceDir)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("folder", folder)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("ws_operation", operation)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("operation", "do_workspace_operation")); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("file", basename)); JsonNode jsonValues = this.postHTTP(pArray, data); // The response has a success field. If success is true, // there will be some other data about folders that have been // affected, etc. I'm not quite interested in that at the moment, // since that information is used to update displays, and right // now I'm not focusing on that. We can update that later. this.checkReturnValueValidity(jsonValues); return this.digestResult(jsonValues); } public WorkspaceFileResult doToplevelWorkspaceOperation(String workspaceDir, String workspaceKey, String operation, ArrayList<String> args) throws MATEngineClientException { return this.doToplevelWorkspaceOperation(workspaceDir, workspaceKey, operation, args, null); } public WorkspaceFileResult doToplevelWorkspaceOperation(String workspaceDir, String workspaceKey, String operation, ArrayList<String> args, HashMap<String, String> data) throws MATEngineClientException { ArrayList<NameValuePair> pArray = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("workspace_key", workspaceKey)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("workspace_dir", workspaceDir)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("ws_operation", operation)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("operation", "do_toplevel_workspace_operation")); if (args != null) { for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) { pArray.add(new NameValuePair("arg" + (i + 1), args.get(i))); } } JsonNode jsonValues = this.postHTTP(pArray, data); // The response has a success field. If success is true, // there will be some other data about folders that have been // affected, etc. I'm not quite interested in that at the moment, // since that information is used to update displays, and right // now I'm not focusing on that. We can update that later. this.checkReturnValueValidity(jsonValues); return this.digestResult(jsonValues); } // This is a rare public WorkspaceFileResult importFileIntoWorkspace(String workspaceDir, String workspaceKey, String folder, MATDocumentInterface doc, String basename, HashMap<String, String> data) throws MATEngineClientException { ArrayList<NameValuePair> pArray = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); MATJSONEncoding e = new MATJSONEncoding(); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("workspace_key", workspaceKey)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("workspace_dir", workspaceDir)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("operation", "import_into_workspace")); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("folder", folder)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("file", basename)); pArray.add(new NameValuePair("doc", e.toEncodedString(doc))); JsonNode jsonValues = this.postHTTP(pArray, data); // The response has a success field. If success is true, // there will be some other data about folders that have been // affected, etc. I'm not quite interested in that at the moment, // since that information is used to update displays, and right // now I'm not focusing on that. We can update that later. this.checkReturnValueValidity(jsonValues); return this.digestResult(jsonValues); } protected JsonNode postHTTP(ArrayList<NameValuePair> pArrayList, HashMap<String, String> data) throws MATEngineClientException { // Serialize the document, send it to HTTP, deserialize. if (data != null) { int mapsize = data.size(); Iterator keyValuePairs1 = data.entrySet().iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < mapsize; i++) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); Object key = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); pArrayList.add(new NameValuePair((String) key, (String) value)); } } NameValuePair[] pArray = (NameValuePair[]) pArrayList.toArray(new NameValuePair[1]); HttpClientParams params = new HttpClientParams(); params.setContentCharset("utf-8"); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(params); PostMethod method = new PostMethod(url); method.getParams().setParameter(HttpMethodParams.RETRY_HANDLER, new DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler(0, false)); method.setRequestBody(pArray); String resString = null; try { // Execute the method. int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { throw new MATEngineClientException("HTTP method failed: " + method.getStatusLine()); } BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(method.getResponseBodyAsStream(), "utf-8")); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); int READ_LEN = 2048; char[] cbuf = new char[READ_LEN]; while (true) { int chars =, 0, READ_LEN); if (chars < 0) { break; } // You may not read READ_LEN chars, but // that doesn't mean you're done. buf.append(cbuf, 0, chars); } resString = new String(buf); } catch (HttpException e) { throw new MATEngineClientException("Fatal protocol violation: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MATEngineClientException("Fatal transport error: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { // Release the connection. method.releaseConnection(); } JsonNode responseObj = null; JsonFactory jsonFact = new JsonFactory(); JsonNode jsonValues; JsonParser parser; try { parser = jsonFact.createJsonParser(new StringReader(resString)); return new ObjectMapper().readTree(parser); } catch (org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MATCgiClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new MATEngineClientException("Couldn't digest the following string as JSON: " + resString); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MATCgiClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new MATEngineClientException("Couldn't interpret response document: " + ex.getMessage()); } } }